From dry eyes folk remedies. How to cope on your own? Dry eye syndrome: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Igor Aznauryan

Ophthalmologist, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Chief Physician of the network of eye clinics "Yasny Vzor".

Modern ophthalmologists have found Computer Vision Syndrome who most often suffers from dry eye syndrome. These are those who spend a lot of time in front of gadget screens.

Perhaps many are not even aware of their diagnosis. We suggest symptoms:

  • feeling of sand and dust in the eyes;
  • cut;
  • burning;
  • causeless lacrimation;
  • I often want to rub my eyes.

Doctors test for dry eyes in another way, the Schirmer test. This is an examination that shows the amount of tears. Under the eyelids, special pieces of paper are inserted that absorb the tear. It is painless, takes a minute and gives an accurate result.

Before discussing directly the causes of dry eyes, let's figure out how it should be normal. Fully moisturized - a tear is responsible for this, which constantly washes the eye. And here there is an important nuance - the quality of the tear.

Yes, and tears are of high quality, but they are not very good. There are two components in a tear: water and fatty (lipid). The balance of these components is a quality tear. If the balance is disturbed, dry eyes occur.

Now let's look at the causes of this condition.

What causes dry eye syndrome

1. Gadget screens

The screen means any - computer, tablet or phone. If you look too long in any, the eye begins to dry. The fact is that bright light makes us focus and peer more carefully. We are too involved, and the eyes simply "forget" to blink. The fact is that blinking is an unconditioned reflex, we don’t think about it. And this reflex slows down when our attention is excessively riveted to something.

2. Dry air

Dry air is everywhere. Batteries work in the office and at home in winter, and in summer -. And on the street: just remember what it's like to walk in the heat - it dries in the throat, not like in the eyes.

Dry air dries up the tear that should wash the eye. And it is even more dangerous than a computer screen.

Few people know that our cornea (this is the transparent outer shell of the eye) does not have blood vessels, that is, it feeds on tears. For example, a tear should deliver oxygen to her. And how will she do it if she dries out under the influence of dry air? The less oxygen and nutrients the cornea receives, the worse its condition.

3. Hormones

This reason is purely feminine. During menopause, which can begin at a fairly early age, the amount of estrogens in a woman's body decreases. These hormones affect the metabolism of fats. Including they reduce the amount of fatty component of tears. This means that the consistency of the tear changes, it becomes more liquid, it cannot stay on the eye. In such cases, women may begin causeless lacrimation.

4. Contact lenses

Even if you do not forget to take off at night, if you change them every day and are sure that your containers are sterile, you still cannot avoid dry eyes.

Long-term lens wear = dry eye syndrome. This is an axiom. Lenses disrupt the layers of tears, degrade its quality and dry out the eye.

Ideally, you should wear lenses not every day, but only when necessary. Of course, for a person with poor eyesight, this is simply impossible. Swap lenses for glasses? Again, this is inconvenient for many.

Therefore, with poor vision, there are two ways out:

  • Ask your doctor to prescribe an artificial tear for you and constantly drip it into your eyes.
  • Make laser vision correction if you have no contraindications, and forget about lenses. However, the preparation for the operation must be done correctly - see the next paragraph.

5. Laser vision correction

Often, dry eye syndrome worsens after laser vision correction. But this happens if the preparation for the correction was carried out incorrectly. Before the operation, the aforementioned Schirmer test, a dry eye test, should be done. And if necessary, treat this syndrome, but not with drops, but with more effective laser stimulation. If this technology is observed, then laser correction will pass without problems.

6. Medicines

Some medications cause dry eyes. These are usually antidepressants and oral. Drugs affect the hormonal background, which, in turn, affects the fatty component of the tear. The tear film loses its stability and the eye dries out. In parallel with taking these drugs, it is better to use artificial tears.

7. Chronic diseases: diabetes, conjunctivitis, blepharitis

Diabetes, in addition to many other unpleasant consequences, it also causes dry eyes. But with proper compensatory therapy, this problem does not arise.

During treatment conjunctivitis use antibiotics that disrupt the quality of tears. Therefore, after the treatment of this disease, it is imperative to be treated for dry eye syndrome.

Blepharitis- chronic inflammation of the eyelids, which also disrupts the quality of tears. Until it is treated, dry eyes will not go away.

How to treat dry eye syndrome

  • Apply drops with artificial tears. However, an independent choice of drops, although it will not bring harm, but also benefits: now there are drops with different compositions, so the doctor should choose the right one for you.
  • Get laser treatment. Modern ophthalmologists treat dry eye syndrome not only with drops. Circulatory laser stimulation of the lacrimal glands is a type of physiotherapy that improves the production and composition of tears. Moreover, unlike drops, one course of treatment is enough for at least six months.
  • Treat comorbidities leading to dry eye syndrome.
  • Buy humidifier.
  • Set an alarm every 10 minutes while working on the computer. This will be a signal that it is time to blink properly.
  • For those who wear contact lenses - do laser vision correction if there are no contraindications.

And finally, let me remind you: anti-glare glasses for working at a computer, glasses with holes for relaxation - this is all a successful marketing ploy. They are completely useless to the eyes.

Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis) - low hydration of the eye, its tear film. This is associated either with low production of tears, or with their strong evaporation. This is a common condition in 15% of humanity.

The reasons

Causes of pathological disorders: lack of vitamin A, climate change, one of the accompanying symptoms of Parkinson's disease, unprofessionally selected contact lenses, endocrine system disorders, long stay at the TV or computer, physiological changes associated with old age.


Signs of the disease can be varied, mostly patients complain of: red eyes, irritation, itching, sharp pain in the eye, feeling “as if a mote has fallen”, image instability, in extreme cases, visual impairment.

If any of these symptoms are detected, the first thing to do is to contact an ophthalmologist. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Basically, the treatment consists in moisturizing the film, and all funds will be directed towards this. Most often, they stimulate the production of tears and at the same time prevent its outflow, as if replenishing the tear fluid, they also try to clean the eyelid and treat the inflammation itself.

For the most part, treatment with traditional medicine does not differ in its focus from the usual one and consists in moisturizing the tear film.

Multiple Recipes

    Eyebright. An herb that can be used both as an eyewash and for oral administration.

    The compositions, however, practically do not differ from each other. Eyebright is poured with water, boiled, after which it must be filtered and drunk ½ cup instead of tea. In the case of drops, a couple of crystals of sea salt should be added to the solution. Rinse eyes alternately, taking a minute for each eye.

    Honey. The solution is prepared in distilled water, where it is "May honey" that is added. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved. Apply as drops, 1 to. / 2 times a day.

    Chamomile, green tea or calendula. Use for washing.

    Tea brew. Ordinary cotton pads are moistened in fresh tea leaves, and applied to closed eyes. After this procedure, which, on average, lasts 10-20 minutes, you need to do gymnastics for the eyes - look up / down, left / right, circle and zigzag.

    Horseradish and onion. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of one to one. After that, dip cotton wool there and apply it to your eyes for 2 minutes. As a result of this procedure, blood flow occurs.

    Mulberry. Broth to use as drops.

    Carrot juice. In combination with parsley, this drink brings a positive effect.

    Potato or dill juice. Put wetted gauze on your face. Then you need to give your eyes a rest.

    Caffeine. Observations show that with a large consumption of coffee, the eyes secrete tears.

    Parsley with rose petals. Boil the ingredients and use as an eye wash.

    Violet, rosemary and pansies. This tincture is recommended for washing.

    Glycerol. 1 qt/day per cornea.

    Mustard oil. Use as an eye ointment. The oil brings tears.

    Camphor oil. Evaporate a little to a powdery state, where to add a few drops of olive oil. Apply as an ointment.

    Sea buckthorn oil. Lubricate the eyelid, you can dig into the eyes.

    Infusion of fresh mint. It is used as a means for washing and rinsing the eyes.

The old "grandfather's" way is to chop fresh onions every evening, so much time that straight tears run from the eyes. By repeating this process for a week, the tear film is restored.

Another way is to use a lit candle. You need to look at the flame of a burning candle for 10 minutes. This method helps to relax the muscles of the face, the eyes in particular, relieves fatigue and tension.

In a situation where the dryness of the cornea of ​​​​the eye has become a consequence of prolonged work at a computer or reading literature, treatment is carried out with special preparations, often called "artificial tears".

Doctors strictly forbid rubbing your eyes, as this can lead to more severe damage to the cornea.

There is also a specially designed system of exercises for the eyes. Example:

  • Blink and squint frequently. The simplest exercise. It is aimed not only at moisturizing, but also at strengthening the eye muscles.
  • Sitting straight, you need to try to look up. Next, try to squint using only the lower eyelid. Sensation as if trembling in the muscles.
  • Rotation of the eyeball clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Choose an object for yourself at a long distance and carefully look at it for about 15 seconds, then change it to a close object. The head remains static.
  • With the head still, look up/down, left/right, circle and zigzag. In the same exercise, you can make a figure eight with one eye, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.


It is recommended to walk a lot, spend time outdoors, especially when the humidity is high. Do not forget to give your eyes a rest, blink often if you feel some puffiness and fatigue. Be sure to include foods rich in omega-3 acids in your diet, such as sea fish, linseed oil, walnuts. Sleep standard 7-8 hours a day, use appliances to humidify the air in the apartment / house.

In order not to provoke the appearance of this syndrome, you need to get rid of some habits and adaptations. For example:

  • Stop taking antidepressants.
  • Use air conditioners or heaters only when there is a real need.
  • Watch TV with breaks for long rest, use the computer in moderation. Or give your eyes time to recover.
  • Avoid too smoky rooms, smog helps reduce tear secretion.
  • Alternate contact lenses with glasses. Lenses have the ability to concentrate protein, which is one of the components of the tear film.
  • Do not save on cosmetics, both on care and on decorative.
  • Properly organize your workplace, try to avoid the accumulation of dust, place your monitor or laptop at a distance of 30 centimeters from your face.

There is a much easier way - to come to the pharmacy and buy drops or ointments to eliminate dry eyes. They are selected empirically, focusing on the feelings of the patient. Be sure to pay attention to the composition, the more natural it is, the better. Focus first on preparations that are artificial tears, they are the most gentle.

"Artificial tear"

It should also be noted that sometimes dry eye syndrome can be a consequence of some more serious disease of the body. Feeling deterioration, immediately consult a doctor to avoid critical consequences. All drugs, their dosage and components described here are selected individually, after consultation with an ophthalmologist and therapist.

Treatment of dry eye syndrome with folk remedies will help eliminate the unpleasant sensation and restore the functioning of the glands. This syndrome occurs in 15% of young people and 35% of those aged 45 or over. The reasons may be diseases of the endocrine organs, lack of nutrients in the body, eye damage, prolonged exposure to the computer, etc.

The disease manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation in the eye area, pain, feelings, etc. If a violation occurs, you should definitely visit a doctor and be examined. In addition to medical recommendations, you can treat dry eye syndrome with folk remedies that will help eliminate discomfort and improve the functioning of the visual organs.

The use of lotions

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs can be used in the form of lotions that will help relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and burning.

  1. To prepare the infusion, you need to take chamomile, the root of the marshmallow, eyebright in a dry form, mix in equal proportions.
  2. Next 4 tbsp. the mixture must be poured with boiling water (500 ml), insist.
  3. When the liquid becomes warm, it must be filtered, moistened with pieces of cotton wool in it and put on the eyelids.
  4. Keep the lotion in front of your eyes for at least 20 minutes, applying them 2 times a day.

Green tea will help reduce. Ordinary tea bags will not help much in this case, since they contain a very small concentration of nutrients.

To prepare the remedy, you need to take 20 g of tea raw materials, pour it with 100 ml of boiling water, insist. In the solution, it is necessary to moisten cotton pads and apply on the eyelids for about 15 minutes. With this liquid, you can wash your eyes every time after the appearance of discomfort.

They will help to eliminate the dryness of the lotion from the brewed string, which will soothe the strained organs, and will have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening.

Application of drops

To moisturize the eyes, you can prepare drops at home, which are suitable for use once a day. It is easy to prepare them, for this you should take a little honey (10 ml), melt it and add hot boiled water (25 ml). After cooling, the drops are ready for use.

To do this, every day you need to instill the solution in the eyes, 2 drops in each. You can enhance the effect by adding a little aloe juice to the finished product. This tool can be used by everyone, except for those who have an individual intolerance to one of the components.

Ordinary purified glycerin can help against dry eye syndrome, which must be slightly warmed up before each dose and used for instillation into the eyes. After instillation, you need to gently massage the skin of the eyelids, closing your eyes.

This will help distribute the glycerin evenly over the surface. The procedure should be carried out every day for 2 weeks. Be sure to remove the remnants of cosmetics from the eyes before instillation.

Therapeutic compresses

  1. To improve blood circulation in the organs of vision and increase the secretion of tears (they will help lubricate the dry cornea), you need to take horseradish (the root part) and grind it. Then the mass is mixed with finely chopped onions, placed on a piece of gauze and applied to the eyelids. After 2 minutes, the compress must be removed.
  2. A little fresh peeled potatoes need to be grated (small cells), squeezed and moistened with gauze cloth in juice. The compress is applied to the eyelids for 6 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Thanks to the remedy, discomfort, burning sensation and inflammation are removed. You can enhance the effect of potato juice with dill juice.

During the procedures, there should be no discomfort in the eyes. If it appears, the components must be removed, and the eyes should be rinsed well.

Medicated oils

Oils that need to be warmed up a little before use to release their active substances will help eliminate dry eyes. To eliminate the syndrome use:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. A small amount of oil should be instilled regularly to eliminate an unpleasant feeling from the organs of vision.
  2. Mustard oil is necessary to lubricate the eyelids to increase tearing.
  3. Camphor oil to eliminate dryness should lubricate the eyes. First, it must be poured into a spoon and heated over a fire until a little powder remains in the container. It is this powder that is used for rubbing the eyes, mixed with olive oil;
  4. Any oil of vegetable origin should be taken orally to prevent dryness in the organs of vision.

Before using oils, you can perform therapeutic exercises. To do this, you need to sit on a chair and make frequent blinking. After that, you need to rotate the eyeballs clockwise and against it.

When severe fatigue is felt and appears, you should look at the farthest object, then sharply focus your vision in front of you.

Other means

There are many other remedies that will help eliminate discomfort and restore visual acuity. You can do this with:

  1. Calendula, it needs to be brewed and washed with the composition of the eye.
  2. A decoction of mulberry leaves, which must be instilled into the conjunctiva.
  3. Carrot juice (it must be drunk every day with the addition of parsley juice).
  4. caffeine. Frequent consumption of coffee drink will help increase tear production.
  5. Violets, rosemary and pansies, which can be made into a tincture to wash the eyes.
  6. Fresh mint. After brewing, it can be applied to the eyes for several minutes. This will help improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.

In order not to damage the cornea, it is forbidden to rub the visual organs if discomfort occurs. It is better to close your eyes for a few minutes or use one of the folk methods.

old recipes

An easy way to increase tearing is to use onions. To do this, you need to take an onion and just start peeling it. Sometimes one juicy onion is enough to make tears flow.

To relax the muscles of the face and eyes, relieve fatigue and tension, you can take a wax or paraffin candle, light it and look at the fire. You should peer into the flame for at least 8 minutes.

Aloe leaves help to eliminate dryness. For medicinal purposes, an old plant that is more than 3 years old is used. To do this, you need to take one small leaf of the plant, divide it in half and apply it with the wet side to the eyelids.

Cold-pressed grape seed oil will help relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation. Before use, it should be slightly warmed up, moistened with cotton pads and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes.

Healthy diet

Nutrition is an important factor affecting the functioning of internal organs and systems. If it is not balanced and correct, there will definitely be malfunctions in the body. To improve vision and prevent discomfort, you can use:

  1. carrots. This root vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that will help improve the situation with myopia, pain, blepharitis, etc.
  2. Blueberries (regular consumption of berries will help improve vision). Berries help improve blood circulation, relieve tension and spasm.
  3. Fresh greens. It has been proven that people who regularly consume fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) are less likely to have vision problems.
  4. Citrus fruits, which will help strengthen vision and improve blood circulation.
  5. Sea fish, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents congestion.
  6. Retinol is an essential vitamin for the eyes. You can find it in foods such as butter, ham, full-fat cottage cheese, milk, egg yolk.

All these products should be mandatory in the diet of those who want to have good eyesight until the very old age. In addition to quality nutrition, you should take care of your lifestyle, eliminating the use of alcoholic beverages, getting rid of nicotine addiction.

It is good for the eyes to get enough sleep, so it is important to distribute the day so that at least 8-9 hours of time are left for rest. Stress and emotional outbursts, which should be avoided if possible, negatively affect vision and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.


Tears are a mixture of enzymes, proteins, peptides, fatty acids, water and electrolytes (mainly salts)

Some of the folk remedies for treating dry eyes include drinking enough water, sufficient lubrication, and applying moisturizers, cucumber slices, castor oil, and lavender oil. Aloe vera gel is also an effective folk remedy for dry eyes. Proper nutrition plays a very important role in the treatment of dry eye syndrome. The best way to avoid dry eye syndrome is to follow these recommendations: spend less time in front of the TV and computer, avoid dry rooms, and reduce the consumption of coffee, alcohol and acidic foods.

How do tears form in our eyes?

To understand the causes of dry eye syndrome, you need to know how tears are formed. Tear fluid protects and cleans the surface of our eyes. These tears are produced in the tear ducts from the meibomian glands and lacrimal glands. These small glands are located in the corner of the eye and produce tears that constantly protect and cleanse our eyes of foreign objects and irritants, as well as bacterial, fungal and yeast infections.

Tears are a mixture of enzymes, proteins, peptides, fatty acids, water and electrolytes (mainly salts). Tears can be divided into three layers, consisting of oil, water and mucus. Oil is produced in the meibomian glands, while water and electrolytes are produced in the lacrimal glands. The presence of mucus helps distribute oils and water evenly on the surface of the eyes. Thus, nature brought together oil, water and mucus to form a thin layer on the human eye, which is known as the tear film.

What is dry eye syndrome?

Any damage or disruption to the delicate tear film in the eyes causes a condition called dry eye syndrome . Tears-deprived eyes suffer from a chronic lack of moisture due to damage to the lacrimal gland. This leads to constant dryness, itching and burning in the eyes. Dry eyes in medicine is called dry keratitis (decrease in the quality / quantity of tear fluid). Health g manhole depends on their sufficient moisture content.

According to the American Optometric Association, the causes of dry eyes can be divided into: 1) water deficiency, when the cause is a lack of water in tears; 2) deficiency of mucin, cord, the cause is the absence of mucus in tears; 3) superficial abnormalities include irregular epithelium on the surface of the eyes.

What causes dry eyes?

Dry eyes can occur due to temporary problems or long-term health problems. Some of the common reasons are listed below. Dry eyes may be due to delayed tear production or rapid evaporation of tears. Some common causes of dry eyes include advanced age, hormonal changes, low production of oil, water, or mucus in the lacrimal glands, damage to the lacrimal glands, various autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Dry eyes can also be caused by not blinking often enough. Every time you blink, tears lubricate our eyes and relieve tension in them. When you watch TV, work on a computer, sew, or do any work that requires a lot of attention and concentration, you often subconsciously stop blinking. It causes dryness, irritation and even damage to the eyes in some cases. If you wear contact lenses, you should be aware that they can also cause dry eye syndrome. Wearing contact lenses can also be a cause of bacterial keratitis. Since contact lenses are on the surface of the eye, they interfere with the free circulation of tears on the surface, leading to excessive tear evaporation and dry eye syndrome.

Certain types of drugs (antihistamines, antidepressants, beta-blockers, and oral contraceptives) also reduce tear production. With a disease such as, it is difficult to close the eyes, which causes the tear fluid to evaporate and leads to dry eyes. In addition, dry eye syndrome can be a symptom of an autoimmune disease such as.

Dry eye syndrome is very common among the elderly. As we age, the tear film begins to disappear. Aging processes such as menopause can also cause dry eyes. Lack of vitamin A also leads to dry eyes. Vitamin A is one of the most important. Carotenoids contribute to the work of the lacrimal glands. In the long term, vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness and clouding in the front of the eye.

Dry eye symptoms

Some symptoms of dry eye include: 1) Pain, irritation, itching, burning sensation in the eyes and sensitivity to light. 2) Blurred vision: due to lack of moisture, the eyes do not function perfectly. Vision may deteriorate. When this happens, one should rest the eyes and not strain them. 3) Foreign body sensation: the patient feels that there is something in the eyes. 4) Sjögren's syndrome: in some cases, along with dry eyes, dry mouth and dry nose are also noted; this is characteristic of the autoimmune disease Sjögren's syndrome. 5) Very rarely, dry eyes can cause excessive tear production. This works as a defense mechanism for dry eyes.

Folk remedies for dry eyes

In folk medicine, there are very effective remedies for the treatment of dry eyes. Many folk remedies are present even in your kitchen. Also, for the treatment of dry eyes, it is important to follow the recommendations of traditional medicine.

Put a cucumber on your eyes

Cucumber can provide cool relief for your eyes. Slice chilled cucumber into thin slices and place on eyelids. This folk remedy not only helps to eliminate dry eyes, but also eliminates wrinkles around the eyes.

Flaxseed oil is a folk remedy for many diseases.

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are effective in treating dry eyes. In addition, this folk remedy eliminates inflammation in the body, therefore it is effective for the treatment of Sjögren's syndrome. Anticancer Dr. Budwig's diet also based on the use of linseed oil.

Castor oil is a folk remedy that retains moisture in dry eyes.

Castor oil is known to act as a water fixative. Therefore, this folk remedy is effective for the treatment of dry eyes. Place 1 drop of castor oil in each eye. Scientists have shown that this folk remedy is effective for the treatment of dry eyes in case of dysfunction of the meibomian glands.

Lavender oil relieves dry eyes

Add a few drops of lavender oil to one cup of water. Soak a towel in this solution and apply to your eyes, relax for 10-15 minutes. This folk remedy perfectly treats dry eye syndrome, makes the eyes shine, eliminates fine wrinkles and even calms the nervous system.

Rose water is gentle for the eyes

Dip a piece of cotton wool in rose water or cold milk, apply on the eyelids, leave for 10-15 minutes. Such compresses help to relax the eyes, and also reduce the load.

Ghee is the best folk remedy for dry eye syndrome

According to Ayurvedic medicine, ghee should be applied to the head, palms and soles of the head, before going to bed in the evening. This procedure normalizes the dosha of vata (or the element of wind) in the body. There is also an Ayurvedic procedure for improving vision, the essence of which is to instill ghee in the eyes (a “fence” is made around the eyes from the test, then the eye area is poured with warm ghee; the duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes). So in Ayurveda, not only dry eyes are treated, but also retinopathy.

Aloe Vera Gel for Dry Eye Treatment

Aloe vera gel is an excellent folk remedy for treating dry eye syndrome. The gel or viscous liquid inside an aloe vera leaf should be applied to the eyelids. With regular use, this folk remedy is believed to reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. However, do not apply aloe vera gel directly to the lining of the eye as this may aggravate symptoms.

Grapes are good for the eyes

American scientists have concluded that a diet rich in grapes supports eye health and can prevent vision-threatening retinal diseases.

Traditional medicine recommendations for the treatment of dry eyes

Hydrate your body. Dehydration can be the main cause of dry eyes. Water is the main medium in which all metabolic reactions in the body take place. Therefore, patients suffering from dry eyes need to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Drinking enough water helps you recover from dry eye syndrome.

The eyes tend to dry out during sleep. To avoid this, traditional medicine recommends applying lubricant before bed. You can moisten your eyes by applying a washcloth soaked in water to your eyelids. Be sure to take breaks from working at the computer, etc.

Blink more often. To reduce stress on dry eyes, provide maximum moisture for them. To do this, you need to blink more often. Blinking helps not only to moisten the eyes, but also to evenly distribute tear fluid on the surface of the eye.

Eye hygiene. People with dry eyes tend to rub their eyelids constantly. This can cause inflammation and also allow dust and bacteria to get into your eyes. Therefore, eye hygiene should be observed.

Humidify indoor air with humidifiers or air purifiers. For a person with dry eye syndrome, it is important that the environment is clean and adequately hydrated.

Proper nutrition. Dry eyes can be the result of a lack of essential fatty acids in the diet. Essential fatty acids consist of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help prevent dry eye syndrome. Oils found in fish oil, dried fruits and cereals, walnuts, sesame seeds, grape seed oil, almonds are important for the treatment of dry eye.

Soak a towel in warm water, remove excess water and apply to face for 15-20 minutes. This folk method allows you to maintain moisture in the eyes.

Traditional medicine recommendations for the prevention of dry eyes

People suffering from dry eyes should avoid dry environments. Dry air acts as a vaporizing agent for tear fluid and also acts as an irritant. The use of a hair dryer and smoke are dangerous for dry eyes. Prolonged exposure to an air-conditioned room can aggravate dry eye syndrome.

Limit your computer time. Often people who work a lot at the computer suffer from dry eyes. Since people often forget to blink when looking at a monitor or TV, the surface of their eyes dries out.

Drink less coffee. Drinking too much coffee can worsen dry eyes. Coffee is a drink with diuretic properties, so it can cause dry eye syndrome due to general dehydration of the body.

Acidic foods (tomatoes, bite, etc.) also exacerbate dry eye syndrome. Therefore, try to limit the use of such products.

Do not smoke! Dry eye syndrome is much more common in smokers. In addition to dry eyes, smoking is the cause of a number of other eye diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

The recommendations and traditional medicine given in the article will help you quickly cure dry eye syndrome. Even if you do not suffer from this disease, you still try to follow the recommendations given in the article. After all, the eyes are a very delicate organ that needs our constant care!

Dry eye syndrome, otherwise known as xerophthalmia, keratoconjunctivitis sicca or keratitis sicca, is an eye disease associated with increased evaporation of tears or reduced production of tears, which causes a feeling of dry eyes. Usually this problem is characteristic of the elderly, although it also occurs in young people.

How does dry eye syndrome manifest itself?

With dry eye syndrome, the secretion of the lacrimal glands is not enough to constantly moisturize the epithelium of the organ of vision. This entails injury to the mucous membranes and inflammation in them, since the tear not only protects the surface physically, but also has bactericidal properties.

In older people, a violation of the formation of a tear film may be due to a lack of vitamin A, a change in fat balance (the secret of the lacrimal glands includes lipids that cause an increased surface tension of the tear, which does not flow down, but “sticks” to the mucous membranes of the eye), as well as some age-related diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

In young people, the symptoms of dry eyes are often due to constant work at the computer, so it is necessary to periodically take a break from a laptop or a stationary PC. Symptoms of xerophthalmia - sensation of a foreign body in the eye, "sand" under the eyelids, redness of the eyes, stinging, burning. Which does not go away when blinking. Perhaps these signs are familiar to many residents of modern cities who daily use electronic devices for work, study, and communication in social networks. Symptoms of keratitis can also develop in drivers who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, especially at night, when special eye strain is required. Keratitis is an occupational disease of electric welders who are forced to look at a blue electric arc.

It is difficult to imagine the world without technological progress, although it often adversely affects human health, including the state of the organs of vision.

Prevention of dry eye syndrome

Of course, the ideal option would be to prevent the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the eyes. Preventing a disease is always better than curing it. For this you need:

  • periodically (every 40 minutes) be distracted from working at the computer (this is especially important for those who like to play computer games longer or for those whose work is impossible without a PC - journalists, financial traders, designers, programmers) and do a warm-up for the eyes - blink, massage the eyelids;
  • adjust monitor settings, avoid too bright and too pale computer monitors because they irritate the eyes,
  • keep a distance of 50-70 cm between the computer and the monitor;
  • correctly select glasses and contact lenses and wear them in accordance with the recommendation of an ophthalmologist;
  • monitor the lighting (it should be comfortable for the eyes);
  • consume a sufficient amount of fluid daily (at least 1.5 liters);
  • use sunglasses on sunny days;
  • try to monitor your diet and avoid hypervitaminosis and beriberi; the body must receive a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins, but too much can be harmful;
  • do not look at welding, because this process can also provoke the development of dry keratitis and severe inflammation of the eyes;
  • use goggles for sports shooting, metal and wood processing, interior decoration and dry cleaning, and other dangerous and simply dusty activities;
  • monitor your general health and treat diseases that can provoke inflammation in the eyes (for example, Sjögren's syndrome);
  • know the individual characteristics of your body (in some people, the eyes are especially sensitive to irritating factors, and this must be taken into account, this also applies to allergy sufferers, because in many cases the allergen also affects the eyes, causing discomfort in them);
  • pay special attention to the eyes during a sharp change in climate (for example, when traveling to a warm sea in winter), as well as when constantly staying in rooms with very dry air (if possible, use a humidifier).

What should a person who is faced with the problem of irritated eyes do?

Unfortunately, not everyone takes preventive measures, and many people develop dry eyes. Further depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of complications (this may be corneal perforation, visual impairment, ulcers on the sclera). Nowadays, dry keratitis can be treated with synthetic drugs, surgical methods, laser and folk remedies.

Synthetic gels and drops

Synthetic preparations for the treatment of dry eye syndrome include, for example, Kornergel and Oftagel. They moisturize the cornea of ​​​​the eye and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, preventing its complications. There are also numerous drops for dry eyes, discussed in detail on the site.

Surgical treatment and laser

Surgical methods for the treatment of xerophthalmia consist in blocking the lacrimal openings, their plastics. Surgical stitching, laser coagulation and diathermocoagulation are also possible. When choosing a method, the individual characteristics of the patient's eyes, the degree of neglect of the syndrome and the presence of related diseases (inflammatory processes, retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy) are taken into account

However, there are folk methods of dealing with dry eye syndrome. We will talk about them below.

Folk recipes for the treatment of dry keratitis

Folk recipes that alleviate dry keratitis in our time, there are many. What is the treatment of dry eyes with folk remedies? Folk methods of dealing with this problem are very diverse.

Of course, our ancestors used these tools without knowing anything about computers and contact lenses. But eye diseases have always existed, only they were caused by other reasons.

Most folk remedies designed to deal with irritation and inflammation of the eyes are lotions or decoctions and herbal extracts for washing.

For lotions, chamomile and aloe are most often used. These plants have a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and their use allows you to solve two urgent tasks at once: moisten the cornea and other surfaces of the eye and prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms there.

Inflamed dry eyes are also washed with decoctions of herbs. For this purpose, it is worth using chamomile, violets, pansies and rosemary. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons of herbs per 200 ml. boiling water and wait 1 hour until the medicine is infused. Then the decoction is filtered and used 3-4 times a day. Herbs can be used singly and in combination - there are no problems with drug interactions here, the main thing is that there are no symptoms of individual intolerance to one of the components of the collection.

Ready-made decoctions for washing and extracts for applications should be kept in the refrigerator to prevent the development of microbes and mold fungi in them. Before use, a small portion of the broth is poured into a cup and heated in a microwave oven or on a stove to room temperature. Too hot or cold decoction for the procedure should not be used.

Green tea is the best eye protector

Green tea has also been very popular since ancient times. It has proven to be an excellent anti-inflammatory and moisturizer. Leaves are taken from well-brewed and cooled tea, wrapped in gauze, squeezed and placed on the eyelids. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Fluid should seep into the eye. The procedure should be taken lying on your back.

Other remedies for dry eyes

Lotions and washings with eyebright or calendula can also help in the fight against dry keratitis. 1 tablespoon of eyebright or 3 tablespoons of calendula (in dry crushed form, of course) should be poured into 200 ml. boiling water and insist until tender.
If a person is not allergic to bee products, then a honey compress may suit him. 2-3 tablespoons of water to 1 teaspoon of honey - and the product is ready for use. In addition, honey solution can be used as eye drops. If desired, aloe juice is added to it.

Perhaps someone will like the effect of treatment with essential mustard oil or lubrication of the eyelids with it, because it promotes tearing.

Just like mustard oil, sea buckthorn oil can also be used. It is also a laxative.

Some people wash their faces every morning with a decoction of mint - this is also a method of dealing with dry eye syndrome.

Another very simple and effective way to get rid of dry eyes is to cut onions. Great remedy for stimulating tears.

Dry keratoconjunctivitis is treated with linseed oil. They can lubricate the eyelids.

It is worth paying attention to castor oil. It is not only a laxative, but also a moisturizing preparation for the eyes.

You can make lotions from rose water or milk. Cosmetic cotton pads are dipped into rose water / milk and applied to the eyelids. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

If there is a horseradish root in the garden, then if the eyes are dry, they rub it on a fine grater, mixing it with grated onions. This is a good compress for the eyes.

Grated potatoes mixed with dill juice is also an excellent remedy for sore eyes. They make a compress out of it.

Is there medical glycerin in the house? It can serve as eye drops. After instillation of 2-3 drops of glycerin, it is necessary to massage the eyelids. Glycerin creates a stable tear film.

Camphor powder is also made by evaporating the liquid from camphor oil. Add two drops of olive oil to it, then smear the area around the eyes with the mixture.

The number of folk remedies for the treatment of dry keratitis is large, but if a person is allergic to any herbs or medications, as well as to honey, he should avoid the methods of treatment associated with the use of these funds. It is also worth visiting an ophthalmologist if you are not sure that folk remedies are helping.

An ophthalmologist's consultation is mandatory for dry eye syndrome in a child and in the elderly, in whom keratitis can be a sign of very serious ailments that threaten vision loss.

Through vision, a person receives most of the information about the world around him. Eye health should be approached as responsibly as possible, because one of the complications of dry eye syndrome can be a decrease in vision, up to its complete loss. That is why, when symptoms of this disease appear, you need to visit an ophthalmologist to choose the best method of treatment with folk remedies or drugs created by the pharmaceutical industry.

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