Is it better to choose prosthetics with crowns or implantation? What is better to put: bridge, crown or implant

The absence of one or more teeth causes not only psychological discomfort, but also entails a number of unpleasant consequences. It is difficult to chew food, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, the aesthetic component plays an equally important role in tooth loss. A person cannot openly express his emotions, he is embarrassed to smile, the absence of front teeth causes complications in communication, the articulation of some sounds is often disturbed. A person becomes closed and clamped, which leads to psychological problems, often leading people to depressive states.

That is why, in the absence of teeth, it is necessary to restore their loss with artificial prostheses, the choice of which is quite large today.

Prosthetic methods

Modern dentistry has a wide range of prosthetics. These can be implants, as well as crowns and bridges. The option of prosthetics is selected based on medical indications, as well as the wishes of the patient.

Benefits of implantation

An implant is an artificial tooth root that is implanted into the jawbone. An artificial crown is built up on it, after which the tooth practically does not differ from the natural one either externally or functionally.

- the most advanced method of prosthetics, which allows you to restore both one or more teeth, and the entire dentition. At the same time, the implants are felt by the patient like their own teeth.

An important advantage of implantation is that implanted artificial roots prevent the death of bone tissue, providing a natural chewing load.

In addition, implants have a long service life. Usually, in 96% of patients, implants serve for the rest of their lives.

Implantation allows you to fully restore the functionality of the teeth.

During implantation, it is not necessary to grind adjacent teeth.

Disadvantages of implantation

In some cases, implants can cause rejection - in such a situation, this method of prosthetics has to be abandoned.

For the implantation of implants, one has to resort to a surgical operation, accompanied by pain and a long rehabilitation period.

The high cost of implants can also be attributed to their disadvantages.

Advantages of crowns

A crown is the outer shell of a tooth that is placed over a damaged or abutment tooth.

Restoring a tooth with a crown has its advantages - it is a quick production and fixation, as well as an affordable cost.

For the manufacture of crowns in modern dentistry, durable and reliable materials are used - it can be ceramics, metal-ceramics, metal.

Ceramic crowns practically do not differ in color and shape from natural teeth. They are made on the basis of zirconium or porcelain, which provides a pleasant aesthetic appearance.

Metal-ceramic is a base made of metal, which is covered with a thin layer of ceramic. Such crowns are more durable and have a longer service life.

Metal crowns are most often made of gold, but they do not have high aesthetics.


This type of prosthetics requires obligatory turning of the tooth, preparation and removal of the pulp, which sooner or later leads to its loss.

In addition, food debris accumulates between the gum and the crown, which leads to the development of bacteria, the appearance of bad breath, and can cause inflammation and caries.

Having studied all the positive and negative aspects of all types of prosthetics, you yourself can conclude that it is better - a crown or an implant.

Teeth have two main functions: aesthetic and chewing. Everyone strives to look good, so in case of unpleasant problems with them, he is looking for effective ways to eliminate them quickly and permanently. One such problem is tooth loss. In the event of an unpleasant loss of a tooth, each of us thinks about the possibility of replacing it. But it is not entirely clear how this happens. When the question of prosthetics arises, the orthodontist offers to choose one of two possible options in the current situation: a crown or an implant. But not everyone is aware of the difference between these two elements that can replace a lost tooth.

What is a crown?

This is a strong outer shell, which is fixed on dilapidated, as well as abutment teeth. It is made from a variety of materials: plastic, metal, gold, ceramics, as well as cermets.

It is installed in several cases:

  1. Complete destruction of the integrity and loss of the functional and aesthetic purpose of the tooth.
  2. Visible defects on the surface that arose as a result of complex dental diseases.
  3. High level of tooth wear.

It is attached to a dead tooth, in which the nerve was previously removed. It disappears over time, so it is advisable to install it in order to hide this flaw in the oral cavity.

Among the advantages of the installation:

  • Low cost.
  • Fast production times.
  • Small amount of time to install.
  • Uncomfortable eating.
  • fragility.
  • To install, you need to grind the tooth and carry out the removal of the nerve.
  • There is a possibility of damage to adjacent teeth.
  • After fixing, it is forbidden to chew solid foods in the future.
  • Unpleasant odor due to food residue getting under the product.
  • The presence of an outline along the edge of the gum.

What is an implant?

This is a “root” of a tooth created mechanically from titanium, which serves as a support and is implanted into the jaw in the place of a lost tooth. Once there, the implant securely bonds to that spot. After engraftment of the titanium root, a prosthesis is fixed on it, which can be created from any material.

The main features of the installation of implants:

  1. For a competent and, most importantly, uniform distribution of the entire load in the mouth, a separate crown is put on each implant.
  2. Rarely put a bridge based on implants.

The main advantages of the installation:

  • Completely replaces the natural tooth in all respects.
  • The vital chewing function is not disturbed.
  • Reliability of the built-in implant.
  • No restrictions after installation.
  • No tooth grinding required.
  • Can serve a lifetime.

Disadvantages of the prosthetic method:

  • Large list of contraindications.
  • Regular visits to the dentist are required.
  • The high price of implants and their installation.
  • Uncomfortable postoperative period.
  • Long implant procedure.
  • There is a chance that the implant will not take root and will be rejected by the body.

In what cases is installation required:

  • If you can not build a bridge.
  • If the patient is against the installation of the bridge.
  • The patient does not agree to the grinding of adjacent teeth.

What do crowns and implants have in common?

The crown is attached to the implant, which, in turn, implies the subsequent installation of the crown on the tooth. The only thing that these two elements of tooth replacement have in common is that the crown for both methods can be made from the same material.

Differences between crowns and implants

A crown, of course, will cost less than an implant. But here the implant will last much longer and will be a reliable replacement for a lost tooth. Moreover, there are no restrictions after its installation, in contrast to the crown, which cannot be chewed on solid food. In addition, the implant is very difficult to distinguish from a real tooth, because they look identical.

However, the implant has a lot of contraindications for installation, which, for example, do not have a crown. Also, it simply may not take root and will be rejected by the bone tissue. But in the event of a favorable outcome of the situation, there will be no bad breath, as it can be after installing a crown, under which food often gets, which rots and bacteria form - this causes a lot of discomfort. You can remove unpleasant food residues from under it only with the help of an irrigator. Also, during the implant installation process, there is no risk of damage to adjacent teeth, as it can be in the case of grinding a tooth to attach a crown.

As a result, it follows from all this that these two methods of replacing a tooth are completely different from each other. The crown replaces the upper part of the tooth, and the implant, in turn, completely replaces the root of the lost tooth, which will become a reliable support for many years.

Going to the dentist and getting your teeth treated is an integral part of a person's life. Many are faced with such a problem as.

This is an extremely uncomfortable situation, since the load from chewing food is not properly distributed to the remaining teeth, resulting in unbearable pain.

Also, due to an incomplete dentition, there may be. And of course, the absence of teeth is a completely unaesthetic picture.

The dentition can be restored in several ways:

Implant installation: features, cons and pros

The most commonly used procedure is . The essence of the procedure is that an implant is introduced into the jaw bone tissue, which becomes a replacement for the missing tooth.

The implant is made of titanium, which is fully compatible with the human body. It is characterized by high strength and resistance to heavy loads.

The advantage of the implant is that during its installation there is no need to grind or modify adjacent teeth. Titanium tooth can be installed anywhere in the dentition. Even the function of an edentulous jaw can be restored thanks to the implantation procedure.

Using this method will allow not only not to touch the bone tissue, but also to remove the excessive load from the adjacent teeth that occurs during the meal. is considered not painful and absolutely safe for the client.

The disadvantages include the fact that part of the implant - the crown is not durable. And even with careful care, it will have to be replaced.

Also, patients with diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system and connective tissue, with liver failure and thyroid pathologies responsible for calcium metabolism in the body, oncological processes, mental disorders, allergic reactions to painkillers, antibiotics and antiseptics, this procedure is prohibited.

Maintain healthy teeth and gums. Use not only toothpaste, but also floss. Cleanse 2 times a day. Try to visit your dentist regularly for checkups and dental cleanings.

To protect yourself from damage to already installed crowns, implants or dental bridges, try not to get carried away with solid foods.

The question remains open - what to choose for you?

It is difficult to answer the question of what is better crown, bridge or implant, it all depends on the specific situation. Some factors should be taken into account when choosing the right procedure for dental implantation:

The conclusion is simple in theory, difficult in practice ...

Depending on the complexity and problems, material possibilities and aesthetic preferences, the patient can decide on the method of prosthetics, choosing between a bridge and a crown.

An alternative solution to the problem may be the introduction of two extreme implants, with the installation of a bridge prosthesis supported by implants after. This solution will save money, but will be no less reliable.

With the help of implants, it is recommended to restore teeth if the teeth that are extreme from the defect are alive. Due to the fact that turning and supporting teeth will reduce their life span.

If they succumbed to severe destruction and have defects, or, then in such a situation, a bridge prosthesis is best suited.

The most popular way is to install a dental implant or crown. What is better, everyone decides for himself, based on individual preferences and expert advice. In this article we will tell you how they differ, what is better to put and by what criteria to make a choice.

How are dental implants different from crowns?

dental implant is an artificially created tooth root that is implanted into the patient's gum. It is made only of natural material that is compatible with the human body, mainly titanium.

After the successful implantation of the implant, the upper part imitating the tooth is attached to it. It also consists of materials that do not cause allergies, adverse reactions, allowing the tooth to perform a chewing function and not stand out in appearance from the rest of the teeth in the row. Preference is given to ceramics, cermets, porcelain.

Crown- this is the outer artificial shell of the tooth, which is put on it, or on the adjacent tooth. The crown does not have a root part and is attached if there is a support in the form of a part of a damaged tooth.

The materials from which crowns are made are also completely safe for health, it can be plastics, metals, including gold and silver, ceramics, cermets.

The main difference between crowns and implants is the method of installation. The difference is that in order to insert an artificial root into the gum, it is necessary to remove the damaged native teeth.

As for the crown, unlike the implant, it needs support and is not a complete replacement of the tooth, but only its updated shell.

What does the choice depend on?

First of all, the dentist evaluates the condition of the teeth. He examines all the teeth and makes a decision about what type of prosthetics is allowed to apply to this patient. This is affected by the presence of contraindications, the condition of the teeth and gums, the individual characteristics of the structure of the jaw and the state of health.

If the doctor approved both the implantation of implants and the installation of the crown, then the choice follows the patient.

The following points may influence the patient's decision:

What are the benefits?

Each of the methods of prosthetics has its own advantages, which help to choose it.

Advantages of installing implants:

Benefits of installing crowns:

  1. The crown is a new, durable shell of the tooth, which protects it from external influences and complete destruction.
  2. The cost is affordable for people with different income levels.
  3. The installation process is quite fast, and there is no rehabilitation period.


In addition to the advantages, unfortunately, each treatment method always has some disadvantages.

Not very long wearing period, the crown needs to be changed about every five years

Cons of installing implants:

  1. This procedure is a surgical operation that not everyone will like.
  2. Long period of all procedures and long postoperative period.
  3. A large number of contraindications. Some of them can be eliminated, but it will also take a long time.
  4. The price of installing such prostheses may seem high.
  1. To install a crown, in any case, even a healthy tooth is ground down and a nerve is removed. If the crown is double, then adjacent teeth are also involved.
  2. Not a very long wearing period, the crown needs to be changed about once every five years.
  3. The crown may fall off if it is loose or not used carefully.
  4. There are restrictions on eating.


Depending on the structure and method of installation, dental implants can be of several types:

  1. Root- occurs most often, the root part has an elongated shape, on which the thread is located.
  2. Plastic- are used if the bone tissue is very narrow, the root part is flat, but wide.
  3. plastic-root- combines the features of two types at once.
  4. subperiosteal- used for thinning of bone tissue, has a large size.
  5. Mini implant- similar to the root-type prosthesis, but has a smaller size.

Crowns are divided into types, based on what material served as the basis for their creation:

  1. plastic- temporary, are set for the period of waiting for the manufacture of permanent crowns.
  2. Ceramic– as close as possible to real teeth.
  3. Metal-ceramic- the best choice. Part of the crown consists of metal, and is covered with ceramics on top, they combine strength and natural appearance, they are often used.
  4. metal Also the crown is made of metal. The most durable, even materials such as silver or gold can be used.

Types of dental crowns

Crowns, which are installed on the implant, are made of the same materials as conventional ones. Their choice depends solely on the desire of the client. Most often, it falls on metal-ceramic crowns, as they serve for quite a long time, like the implant itself.

Contraindications for installation

As with any medical procedure, the installation of implants or crowns has contraindications.

Contraindications for implant placement:

The installation of crowns also has a number of contraindications:

  • not reaching the age of 16;
  • gum disease;
  • malocclusion;
  • neglect of the rules of oral hygiene;
  • exhaustion of the body, disease of the immune and cardiovascular systems.


There are cases when after the procedure, some complications arise.

There are cases when after the procedure, some complications arise.

Complications after implantation:

  • the prosthesis may not take root, rejection will occur, which is expressed in suppuration and constant bleeding;
  • if the patient behaves incorrectly, the seam may disperse;
  • an infection can get into the wound;
  • with the wrong actions of the doctor, the mandibular nerve may be affected.

Complications after crown placement:

  • if the crown does not fit snugly to the tooth, then pieces of food fall under it, which will begin to destroy the tooth;
  • Improper placement of the crown can rub the gums and expose the root of the tooth.

Price comparison

Prices for such procedures are different, depending on the region and the individual conditions of each clinic.

Implant placement reaches 20 000 rub. - 30,000 rubles., including the implantation of the root part and the installation of the upper. And the cost of the crown can stop within 10 000 rub. - 15,000 rubles., depending on the chosen material.

But with the development of civilizations, dental problems are becoming more and more significant. And all because a person’s teeth perform not only a chewing function, but also an aesthetic one. A person strives to be beautiful, strives not to differ for the worse from other “normal” people. In society, psychologically, he will feel better with one kidney than with one tooth. That is why we see the development and high profitability of various dental clinics, which can now be found on almost every corner. A modern person is ready to spend money on his appearance no less, and sometimes more, than on his health. And, as a consequence of this, dentists can and are ready to provide anyone with a wide variety of dental services.

Implant or crown?

One of the most common dental problems is associated with the absence of a tooth, due to various reasons. A missing tooth, like any other organ, can be prosthetized, that is, to some extent, restore its lost function. To do this, dentists can offer you several options for solving this problem, in particular, installing an implant or a crown. The clinic will help you choose one or another option, explaining the pros and cons in your particular clinical situation. In the meantime, in order to navigate what is better - an implant or a crown, this article will help you.

What is an implant?

Implant (implant) - is an artificially created "tooth root" from a variety of high-quality materials, which is installed directly in place of the lost tooth in the jawbone. This achieves a strong fixation of the implant. In the future, a crown is put on this “root”, which can also be made from various materials, according to the wishes and capabilities of the patient. A metal-ceramic, ceramic, gold crown can be installed on the implant.

The installation of the crown on the implant is performed using cement, which firmly fixes them to each other. Before installing a permanent crown, a temporary crown can be placed on the implant.

Over time, the crown may begin to wobble or simply wear out. In this case, it would be more appropriate to resort to removing the crown from the implant than to restoring it.

The price of an implant

The price of installing an implant in Moscow is 10 - 20 thousand rubles. These are indicative figures, since these figures can vary greatly from region to region and from clinic to clinic.

The price of a crown on an implant

How much will an implant crown cost will depend on the material from which it is made:

  • temporary crown on the implant - from 3 to 6 thousand rubles;
  • zirconium crown for implant - 25 thousand rubles;
  • metal-ceramic crown on the implant - 10-15 thousand rubles.

Advantages of the implant:

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • does not harm surrounding teeth.

Cons of the implant:

  • high cost;
  • the duration of the procedure;
  • the possibility of rejection of the implant;
  • the need for observation by a dentist for the first few years.

What is a crown?

A crown is an artificial outer shell of a tooth that is attached to a damaged tooth from above or to adjacent teeth. It can also be made from various materials, which is reflected in its cost. Before a permanent crown is made, a temporary crown is placed on the patient.

Dental crowns can be:

  • temporary plastic crowns (from 1 thousand rubles);
  • ceramic - porcelain or zirconium (from 13 to 16 thousand rubles);
  • ceramic-metal (from 4 thousand rubles);
  • metal (from 3 thousand rubles);
  • gold (the price depends on the exchange rate of gold and the amount of work).

Advantages of crowns:

  • lower cost;
  • faster manufacturing and installation time;

Cons of crowns:

  • the need to grind teeth under the crown;
  • the possibility of damage to adjacent teeth;
  • less durable than implants.

And what is better?

As you can see from the article, if you have enough money, time and no problems with rejection of foreign bodies, then it is better to use implants. In this case, you pay a lot of money for a really reliable denture that will last you a long time and with high quality. In the absence of such an opportunity, high-quality crowns may well come up, which, with careful care and care, can also last a long time. But in a specific clinical situation, all the same, these issues should be resolved by you together with a professional dentist.

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