Faringosept: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies. Lozenges "Pharingosept": instructions for use for the treatment of tonsillitis and other diseases in children What is better than pharyngosept

During the bearing of a child, the woman's body is very weakened, so there is a high risk of various colds. Pharyngosept during pregnancy is considered quite good and safe, which has proven itself well, as it quickly copes with throat diseases.

Many are wondering if Faringosept can be used during pregnancy and what are the indications and contraindications for this remedy. Faringosept copes well with a wide variety of diseases, in particular such as:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

It can also be used as a drug for preventive measures and cleansing the oral cavity. This is a good medication that can very quickly reduce, and then completely eliminate the factors that bring significant irritation to the throat. Pharyngosept reduces dryness of the throat and eliminates perspiration.

The active active ingredient of the drug penetrates into the damaged area of ​​the larynx, and also stimulates the activity of the glands, irrigates the oral cavity. Pharyngosept during pregnancy should be taken immediately after the appearance of discomfort in the throat, as this guarantees a faster recovery.

Important! Before using this medication, you should initially study the instructions and consult a doctor.

Use in early pregnancy

The body of a woman during the bearing of a child changes very much and tries to adapt to normal work. It is during this difficult period that immunity decreases sharply, so the body becomes more susceptible to various pathogens.

Due to its excellent characteristics, Pharyngosept acts exclusively on the focus of inflammation, without affecting the activity of the whole organism, in general. That is why it is quite possible to take Faringosept from the very beginning of pregnancy without fear.

Application in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of childbearing is considered the most important. It is during this period that absolutely all the organs and systems of the child are laid down, so diseases can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

If a cold or an infectious disease occurs in the first trimester, then you should immediately begin therapy, however, many drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, as they can cause serious, in some cases irreparable harm to the fetus. During this period, only topical drugs are widely used. That is why Pharyngosept is simply an indispensable tool for treating nasopharyngeal lesions with pathogens.

The use of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered one of the most exciting in the life of a pregnant woman, as the baby is already starting to move. Many pregnant women are afraid of harming the fetus and prefer not to use medications to treat colds. But, it is worth remembering that the use of alternative and traditional medicine can bring even more harm and aggravate the course of the disease.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, for the treatment of a cold, you can use light, topical preparations, so it is quite possible to take Pharyngosept without fear. In order for the remedy to give the desired effect, you need to take it at the very beginning of the onset of a cold.

This effective medicine is widely used in the 3rd trimester and even after childbirth while breastfeeding, as it does not harm the baby.

Method of application and dosage

Pharyngosept, according to the available instructions for use, must be absorbed at least 3-4 times a day, and the course of therapy must be continued for 5 days, otherwise the throat may not be completely cured and the disease may return again.

The tablet can be taken no earlier than 15 minutes after each meal. After absolutely complete dissolution of the drug, it is forbidden to eat food for 2 hours.

Contraindications during pregnancy

Contraindications for the use of Pharyngosept are minimal. It is not recommended to take this medicine if you have individual intolerance to individual components.

There have been no side effects of this medication during pregnancy. If more drug was taken than expected, then you need to consume a lot of fluid and take absolutely any sorbent.

One of the medicines that enjoy well-deserved popularity in patients with various diseases of the ENT organs is Pharyngosept. Reviews about the medicine of patients and doctors are only positive, since, unlike many other antibacterial agents, almost no addictive pathogens develop to it. In addition, Faringosept has practically no contraindications for use.

Pharyngosept as an antiseptic. Abstract, composition

Pharyngosept is an antiseptic for topical use, which is produced in special lozenges by the Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited. The composition of the drug is as follows: the active ingredient is ambazone, the components of additional substances are simple sugars (sucrose and lactose).

Faringosept tablets are round, slightly oblique to the outer edge, lilac-brown in color with engraving on the surface.

In accordance with the instructions, Faringosept has a bacteriostatic effect (suppresses vital activity) on most bacteria that cause diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. The drug is effective only with prolonged resorption, since in addition to the antibacterial action it also stimulates the secretion of the salivary glands, which leads to additional hydration of the mucous membrane and a decrease in such manifestations of the disease as dryness, perspiration and sore throat. A feature of Faringosept is that, with regular long-term resorption of tablets, it gradually accumulates in the tissues of the oral cavity and pharynx and also gradually increases its antibacterial effect. The maximum antibacterial effect is achieved not earlier than the third day of admission.

Pharyngosept has one more feature - it, actively suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora that causes various diseases of the oropharynx, has practically no effect on the natural microflora that lives in the region of the ENT organs. This is very important, since it is the natural microflora that controls the reproduction of yeast-like fungi that cause such a common disease as candidiasis (thrush).

Faringosept also differs from other medicines in price - it is an inexpensive drug, but with high efficiency.

>>Recommended: if you are interested in effective methods of getting rid of chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this website page after reading this article. The information is based on the personal experience of the author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now back to the article.<<

The use of Faringosept. Indications for appointment

Pharyngosept can be used alone or as part of a complex treatment. The drug is suitable for the treatment of not only adult patients. It is used for children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In most cases, a bacterial infection of the oral cavity and pharynx is a complication of a viral infection, as a result of which immunity is reduced. In addition, it is easier for opportunistic microorganisms living on the surface of the oropharynx to penetrate into the inflamed mucous membrane. Therefore, the use of Faringosept is justified in acute respiratory diseases of both viral and initially bacterial origin. In the case of a viral infection, the tablets will moisturize the mucous membrane, relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and prevent bacterial complications. The drug can be started on its own, but if the condition worsens, it is better to call a doctor to avoid serious complications.

In acute bacterial infections, such as purulent tonsillitis, Pharyngosept tablets alone cannot be dispensed with, but they can be used in combination with antibiotics. But in the treatment of acute non-purulent bacterial inflammatory processes of the periodontal tissues (periodontitis), including the gums (gingivitis) and the oral mucosa (stomatitis), Pharyngosept may well help.

As part of complex treatment, the medicine is also taken in chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the oropharynx, for example, in chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the palatine tonsils), chronic pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), chronic laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx). But the treatment of such diseases requires a preliminary laboratory study - the identification of the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Therefore, in this case, before using Faringosept, you should consult a doctor.

Often Pharyngosept is also used for prophylactic purposes, for example, to suppress the vital activity of bacterial microflora before operations on ENT organs. So, before removing the palatine tonsils, tablets can prevent postoperative complications.

Rules for taking Faringosept

Take Faringosept tablets after eating (usually after 30 minutes) and thoroughly rinsing the mouth. The tablet is kept in the mouth (on the tongue or behind the cheek) until it is completely dissolved. After taking it, it is not recommended to take anything by mouth for at least two hours (no drink or food).

Adults and children after seven years of age usually take one tablet of Faringosept 5 times a day for 5 days, sometimes a longer course of treatment is possible. For a full course of treatment, 2 - 3 packs are required (10 tablets in it). The drug is perfectly combined with any other drugs, including antibiotics, sulfonamides and immunomodulators (means for restoring immunity).

As soon as you feel discomfort in your throat, treatment should begin immediately. Firstly, any ailment is fraught with threats to the woman and the fetus. Secondly, at the initial stage of the disease, it is easier to cope with the development of the disease and stop it. Thirdly, there are not so many drugs approved for use during this period that can help only if treatment is started in a timely manner. It is worth dragging out time, as you will have to turn to heavier medical artillery.

Therefore, it may not be out of place to have Faringospet lollipops in your home medicine cabinet during pregnancy. Even if it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, these pills can be started without consultation. But it is more prudent, of course, if they are prescribed by a doctor. And therapists and gynecologists often prescribe Pharyngosept to pregnant women.

Faringosept cough tablets during pregnancy

The main active ingredient of the drug is ambazone, which has a pronounced bacteriostatic property. Ambazon is active against streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, that is, it is effective in treating diseases caused by these microorganisms. These are primarily infectious diseases of the throat and larynx (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis), as well as the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis).

Pharyngosept is most often used for coughs and sore throats during pregnancy. Such treatment will effectively get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations in the larynx: pain, irritation, dryness, perspiration, itching, coughing.

Is it possible to take Faringosept during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester: contraindications

The only contraindication that appears in the instructions for the drug is the individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The tablets contain lactose (which must be taken into account in case of lactose intolerance), sugar (which diabetics should definitely pay attention to), cocoa, and also, depending on the type of lollipops, vanilla or lemon (flavor) and others, and any of these substances can cause an allergic reaction in the expectant mother.

But if the body normally tolerates all the components of this drug, then there are no more concerns about taking it, regardless of the gestation period: Pharyngosept is not contraindicated in the first, second, and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

Moreover, it often becomes a priority choice in the treatment of expectant mothers. After all, the medicinal substances that make up the tablets are not absorbed into the systemic circulation (that is, they do not enter the fetus) and do not affect the stomach and its mucous membranes in any way (that is, they do not violate the microflora and are not capable of causing the development of dysbacteriosis). Moreover, if the treatment was started on time, that is, at the first signs of a cold or viral disease, then it is often possible to do without the use of other medicines. If this could not be avoided, then the doctor can safely add others to this appointment: Faringosept is combined with any groups of drugs.

Instructions for use Faringosept during pregnancy: dosage

Tablets should be slowly dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved 3-5 times a day, depending on the doctor's recommendations. This should be done 15-20 minutes or more after eating, and then do not drink and eat for 2-3 hours. It should be understood that an increase in dosages is not able to enhance the effect of the drug, that is, lead to an improvement in the condition, but it can easily worsen.

The entire course of treatment with Pharyngosept usually lasts no more than 5 days, because it is on the 3-5th day of taking the drug that its maximum therapeutic effect is achieved. If there is no improvement, then you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

In general, despite the fact that Pharyngosept is not prohibited during pregnancy and is considered a safe drug, it is always necessary to coordinate its intake with a doctor due to the fact that, depending on the manifestations of the disease and the health of the expectant mother, additional funds may be required for effective treatment, and we already said that during the period of bearing a child, it is important to be cured at the earliest stage, when the first symptoms appear, preventing deterioration.

Who took Faringosept during pregnancy: reviews

What do pregnant women themselves say about this drug?

They find the greatest plus for themselves in the fact that there are no contraindications to taking pills, and this is a significant advantage in this period. But collects Foringosept and other positive reviews. In particular, women consider it pleasant in taste and effective in action: pain and sore throat pass quickly, the condition improves - and recovery occurs.

Of course, not all assessments are so flattering. Some women rate Faringosept as useless, and even completely tasteless, and even disgusting. You can often find reviews that these pills do not help with severe sore throat.

Well, it's quite possible. But do not forget that not every disease can be cured with Pharyngosept alone. In particular, with angina (which is just accompanied by a very severe sore throat), antibacterial drugs are also usually prescribed. Therefore, once again we want to note that the treatment of a pregnant woman should always be prescribed by a doctor.

Do not be ill!

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother affect the decrease in immunity. Weakened immunity causes the appearance of colds during the period of bearing a baby. Infections are dangerous for the baby, even the most harmless pathogens can cause the development of intrauterine pathologies. The path to recovery, in turn, is complicated by restrictions in the choice of medicines. Even with a sore throat, the expectant mother may not use all the drugs. Pharyngosept during pregnancy is one of the approved drugs that has an antiseptic effect.

General characteristics of the drug

Pharyngosept is an antiseptic designed for topical use. The drug is produced in the form of lozenges. It consists of: Ambazon (active element), sucrose and lactose (excipients). Pharyngosept exerts its effect on almost all bacteria that initiate inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx. Tablets function effectively only with prolonged resorption, since in addition to the antibacterial effect, they also have a stimulating effect on the secretion of the salivary glands and, in accordance with this, reduce dryness, perspiration and pain in the throat.

A feature of the pharmaceutical product is that with systematic and prolonged resorption, it accumulates in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx, and relieves the inflammatory process. Effective response reaches its maximum around the third day of use. The remedy is also good because, destroying the pathogenic microflora, it does not negatively affect the ENT organs.

Indications for use

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system is weaker than before conception. For this reason, a girl in position is most susceptible to pathogenic bacteria. This medicine is very effective in curing diseases of the throat, with a cold.

It is quite acceptable to use Pharyngosept during pregnancy. In the list of approved medicines, it occupies one of the main places in terms of safety.

Faringosept should be used in the treatment of:

  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • angina of various genesis;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis.

With non-purulent diseases that occur in the oral cavity, the medication will do just fine on its own. But with bacterial infections in the mouth, it will be necessary to apply complex treatment. In these cases, the drug is used in combination with antibiotics.

To cure inflammatory processes in the larynx during the day, it is necessary to dissolve 4 tablets. after 15 min. after meal. To improve the therapeutic result, after the resorption of the substance, you should not drink and eat for three hours. The course of treatment can be up to 5 days.

Is Pharyngosept safe during pregnancy?

Is it worth taking Faringosept during pregnancy, is it really not dangerous? These questions concern many expectant mothers. The instructions for use note that Pharyngosept during pregnancy is not considered a contraindication to use, for this reason it is often prescribed for the treatment of ENT diseases of women in position.

Against the background of hormonal changes, a decrease in the activity of immunity, which is so necessary for a favorable course of pregnancy, occurs. This leads to the fact that the body is not able to fight viruses with the same strength. Pharyngosept during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is safe, since the active component of the product almost does not enter the bloodstream and acts locally.

Since Ambazon acts on a significant number of infectious agents, for this reason it can be used both to cure diseases and to prevent them. But still, you should not start treatment with a medication at your own discretion, and even more so rely solely on its effect. Sometimes a single approach is needed, consisting of taking several therapeutic agents, and in addition, physiotherapy procedures.

It is sometimes difficult to assess your own well-being on your own, and in order not to get complications, the therapy must be agreed with the doctor. Doctors often prescribe Pharyngosept during pregnancy, and the instructions for use do not include any advice on adjusting the dose during this period.

Side effects from the use of Faringosept

Side effects are not typical for Faringosept. They are possible only if there is a persistent individual intolerance to any element. In most cases, if you use this drug, adhering to the instructions and taking into account contraindications, then there should be no unpleasant surprises. In certain patients, vomiting may occur or an allergy will manifest itself in the form of redness, rash, itching, and swelling. These unpleasant manifestations quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Restrictions for use and contraindications

The main restrictions on taking Faringosept during pregnancy are justified by personal intolerance to its components.

Patients should not be treated with this medicine if:

  1. lactose intolerance;
  2. diabetes mellitus;
  3. allergies.

Pharyngosept during pregnancy is often recommended for a sore throat and initial symptoms of a cold. But you should not use it on your own, you need to consult a doctor. Despite its relative harmlessness, there have been no experiments on pregnant women using Faringosept, for this reason it is impossible to declare its 100% safety for the fetus.

Pharyngosept during pregnancy - 1 trimester

During this period, all organs and systems of the future person are laid - the fetus is very sensitive and fragile. Even a slight impact of negative environmental conditions can upset this process and cause irreversible results (the formation of congenital malformations or the death of a child).

That is why a common illness can become a real blow for a future mother, so therapy must be started faster, but at the same time, the intake of pharmaceutical substances by pregnant women will certainly have to be limited. Numerous traditional therapeutic programs will be associated with significant risk to the condition of the baby.

Including our pharmacological market, there are literally a few drugs, the intake of which will be harmless for the expectant mother. Pharyngosept during pregnancy, as a non-systemic bacteriostatic drug, is included in their list. Since the tablets do not have side effects, for this reason the painful condition of the larynx can be treated with them without the slightest hesitation.

Pharyngosept during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

With the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the newest time is set for mother and child - they will begin to realize each other. Having caught the disease directly at this time, some women do not dare to use pharmaceutical synthetic medicines, making a choice in favor of traditional medicine.

But often home remedies become ineffective, and after such treatment, the pathogenic microflora has time to gain a foothold in the body. And if at the beginning of the disease, with the right approach, it is possible to recover quickly, then after the disease has become more complicated, it is possible to overcome it only with systemic drugs. Timely started taking the drug Faringosept during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester will undoubtedly help eliminate the disease, as well as eliminate dangerous manifestations.

Pharyngosept during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

The formed child, as before, is considered an organic component of the female body, for this reason, the mother's illness can also affect the child's health. If the infection and inflammation are not suppressed in a timely manner, they will pass through the placenta to the baby. Pharyngosept functions only within the boundaries of the affected tissues, for this reason, the expectant mother may not worry about the safety of her digestive system and the health of the baby. This means that the question of whether Faringosept is possible during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should definitely be answered in the affirmative.

Faringosept during pregnancy - drug reviews

Most of the reviews of expectant mothers who took Faringosept during pregnancy are positive. Even if the doctor has prescribed Pharyngosept for you, you should first read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the side effects. After all, no one knows how the body can react to the components of the drug. The risks of allergic reactions increase quite strongly when a woman is expecting a baby, therefore, at the first symptoms, you should stop taking Pharyngosept, and promptly inform your doctor about unpleasant manifestations. He will tell you how to proceed and select an alternative option.

  • Elena: For the treatment of angina during pregnancy, I took Faringosept, which was prescribed to me by a doctor. The doctor said the medicine was safe. Faringosept had a pleasant taste, an affordable price, and I did not feel any consequences from taking it. I got relief in my throat after a couple of days.
  • Anna: For gingivitis, I used Faringosept. I picked up the disease during pregnancy, in addition to this, I had to go and extract a tooth. Although such manipulations are not recommended during pregnancy, my situation was quite critical. I sucked on the pills to avoid getting an infection in my mouth. The remedy turned out to be unusually pleasant in taste, moreover, after three days the effect of the drug appeared - the gum stopped whining and the wound healed in a short time. I'm glad everything went without complications.

A sore throat can occur at any time. Most often, this symptom is observed in viral infections. Local preparations will help eliminate discomfort. One of the effective means is Faringosept. Reviews suggest that this is a fairly effective antiseptic used in various fields of medicine. Let us consider in more detail its composition, action and indications for use.

Description of the drug

With respiratory diseases, sore throat often occurs. This phenomenon often leads to complications in the absence of proper treatment. To alleviate the condition and destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease, drugs with local effects.

Many are familiar with such a tool as Faringosept. What helps this medication? According to the instructions, it has powerful antiseptic properties and can be used for colds.

The pharmaceutical company Therapia (Romania) is engaged in the production of the drug. The cost of the drug ranges from 135-160 rubles per pack.

Release form, composition

Faringosept is available in the form of lozenges. One package may contain 10 or 20 light brown tablets.

Ambazone monohydrate (10 mg per tablet) is used as the active ingredient in the composition. This substance is able to act on various types of pathogens: staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. It is these microorganisms that most often provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Ambazon has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it prevents the reproduction of pathogenic agents.

Auxiliary components enhance the effectiveness of a local antiseptic: sucrose, lactose monohydrate, gum arabic, polyvidone, magnesium stearate, lemon flavor. Due to the fact that cocoa is present in the composition, the tablets have a characteristic pleasant taste.

Indications for appointment

Unpleasant sensations when swallowing, a hoarse voice, pain even in a calm state are symptoms of the development of an inflammatory process. It is important to start therapy as soon as possible, because the infection can quickly move to other organs. Will Faringosept help in such a situation? The indications for the appointment are described by the official instruction, according to which the medication will be effective for respiratory ailments accompanied by pain in the throat.

  • with angina caused by streptococci;
  • with pharyngitis (in acute and chronic period);
  • with stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • with non-purulent tonsillitis;
  • with acute tracheitis.

Is Faringosept suitable for children?

Instructions for use allows you to prescribe a drug for the treatment of babies from three years old. However, you first need to make sure that the child responds normally to the active ingredient.

Usually, a sore throat in babies occurs against the background of an acute respiratory or bacterial infection. In this case, symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough can also be observed. To avoid complications, which, by the way, develop very quickly in children, treatment should be started as early as possible.

The first aid drug for children is Faringosept. Instructions for use recommends giving a local antiseptic to babies with a variety of infections that affect the mouth and throat. Ambazon effectively disinfects and envelops the mucous surface, resists the development of pathogens. With a bacterial infection, tablets must be given to the child in combination with antibiotics.

Is medication prescribed during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers are exposed to viruses and bacteria due to a decrease in the body's defenses. Therefore, even a common cold will be much more difficult to bear. Considering that not all drugs can be taken for treatment during the period of bearing a child, one should carefully approach the choice of the method of therapy.

Can pregnant women take Faringosept for sore throat? Reviews of experts indicate that the active component of the drug does not penetrate into the systemic circulation and has a therapeutic effect exclusively at the local level. This means that lozenges can be taken in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

With timely treatment with a local antiseptic, the use of stronger medications can be avoided. The optimal duration of the course of treatment is 5 days.

Mode of application

Lozenges "Faringosept" take one piece no more than 5 times a day. The doctor may adjust the dosage depending on the patient's condition. Children aged 3 to 7 years should be given no more than 3 tablets per day. The duration of therapy averages 5 days.

In order for the drug to really help to cope with the pain syndrome, it is taken 20-30 minutes after eating. The tablet must be slowly dissolved in the mouth, not chewed or swallowed. After that, you should refrain from eating for 2 hours.


What Faringosept helps with and how to take it correctly has already been figured out, and now you should pay attention to the cases in which it is better to refuse this medication. According to the instructions, the drug is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to ambazon.

Considering that the tablets contain glucose (760 mg), patients suffering from diabetes should take the medication only after consulting with their doctor. In case of lactose intolerance, the use of Faringosept should be abandoned. Reviews indicate that otherwise there is a risk of side effects.

Children under three years of age are forbidden to give a local antiseptic. However, in practice, lozenges are often prescribed to babies under 3 years of age with the condition of reducing the dosage. With pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, doctors recommend giving the baby a fourth or third part of the pill.

Side effects

Does the local antiseptic Faringosept cause negative reactions of the body? Reviews suggest that the medication is well tolerated by both adult patients and children. Rare cases of side effects are observed only with hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets. A similar phenomenon usually manifests itself in the form of a skin allergic reaction - rash, redness, itching.

How to replace Faringosept?

Analogues of the drug, which would have the same active ingredient in the composition, are not available on the pharmaceutical market. You can replace Faringosept tablets with other drugs with a similar therapeutic effect.

The following drugs have pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and analgesic properties:

  1. "Lizobakt".
  2. Strepsils.
  3. "Lizak".
  4. "Septolete".
  5. "Theraflu LAR" (tablets and spray).
  6. "Gexaliz".
  7. "Hexaspray".
  8. Falimint.
  9. "Oracept".
  10. "Ingalipt".

A large number of analogues of "Faringosept" allows you to choose the most optimal remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity and throat. However, do not forget that each remedy has its own contraindications, which must be familiarized with even before the start of therapy. Any medication should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Spray or tablets?

In diseases of the ENT organs, not only Faringosept tablets can be used to relieve sore throat. A spray containing antiseptic and analgesic components is also able to quickly stop pain and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Medicines intended for irrigation of the throat and oral cavity are in great demand. Oracept spray is considered one of the most effective. It contains phenol and glycerin. These substances have a fungicidal, antifungal, softening and enveloping effect. Spray is allowed to be used in pediatric practice from 2 years.

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