Road sign parking of trucks is prohibited. Where stopping and parking is prohibited

In zones where parking is prohibited, the sign looks like a blue circle with a red border, through which passes one red stripe crossing the circle from left to right, also referred to as a sign with a numerical value of 3.28.

This sign is very similar in appearance to the sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited", but is supplemented by a second stripe, painted in red, crossing the circle from right to left. The sign "Parking and stopping is prohibited" does not allow vehicles to be located within a certain territory.

The signs are placed within the limits of the place, which is the limits of its action, and also on the side where parking, stopping is limited or not allowed.

In cities and towns where there is street lighting, road signs may be placed at a height of up to 2.30 m, in order to take into account, in particular, cars masking or concealing them, as well as the need to ensure the passage of pedestrians.

In open areas, the standard height of the sign is fixed up to 1 m (if several plates are placed on the same support, this height corresponds to the height of the lowest plate). Height generally provides better visibility of signs, including the ability to reflect light from headlights or other sources. The height is adjusted to suit local conditions to improve the visibility of the signs or to prevent them from being obscured.

How does a no parking sign work?

As a general rule, if there is only a sign, then it is forbidden to stand under the sign and behind it until the next intersection. At the same time, the sign is valid only on that part of the street from which it is located. We will consider possible features in the paragraph about its zone of action.

Stopping and parking - is there a difference?

Based on the interpretation of the rules, the main difference is mistakenly associated with the duration of parking, that is, it depends on time.

From a practical point of view, the difference objectively does not depend on the duration, but rather on the reason for which you stop.

A halt is a short duration of a vehicle not moving for the time it takes for people to get into the vehicle to carry out loading and unloading of cargo. The vehicle owner or other person operating the vehicle remains behind the wheel or close enough to proceed quickly.

Parking, on the other hand, assumes that the driver is moving away from the car and will not be able to continue driving, and people are not boarding or disembarking, and loading or unloading cargo at this time is not performed. It is understood that the stop is associated with a limited amount of time for which passengers will board / disembark, as well as with the loading / unloading of cargo. Parking is associated with a complete stop of the car - that is, parking.

Based on this, even if you stop less than 5 minutes in front of the bakery to buy your favorite baguette, it will count as a parking lot. Even though the stopping time was limited, this is a parking lot because you do not stay behind the wheel of your car and did not get out of it for any technical reason.

Therefore, if this is a paid parking zone, then in such a situation you must buy a parking ticket or choose another place where you can leave your car so as not to be threatened with an administrative fine.

Sign coverage area

When only the up arrow is present, it tells you that it is forbidden to park behind the sign until the next intersection. When a No Stopping sign with an arrow down is installed, it means that parking is prohibited up to the sign, and previously there was a sign indicating the beginning of the restricted area.

There are arrows pointing to the sides (sides), when the sign is parallel to the roadway, it implies the same prohibitions. Instead of arrows, the distance over which the sign is extended may be indicated.

There may also be occasional prohibition parking signs. Roman numerals or white stripes within the sign indicate even (II) or odd (I) days during which parking is not allowed in the area. Additional signs 8.4.1 - 8.4.8 may be installed next to the parking prohibition sign, which determine that the prohibition sign will only apply to a certain type of transport. When the vehicle is not of this type, parking is allowed.

If the sign was installed on a suburban highway, then its limitation ceases with a sign that indicates the beginning of the settlement, a similar rule applies in the opposite direction, with the end of the city or village, the established parking ban area ends.

Sign 3.31, which marks the end of the zone of all restrictions and looks like a white circle with a gray or black border and five parallel stripes that cross out diagonally from right to left, terminates the operation of the zone of action of the stop prohibition sign.

In the countries of the European Union, you can also find the “No Stopping” sign, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is set for the first or second part of the month by applying the numbers 1.15 or 16.31 to the sign, respectively.

Where is parking prohibited by traffic rules?

It is prohibited in any place where it can obviously pose a danger to other road users, both pedestrians and car owners, or create obstacles for them.

These are the places where:

  • stop prohibited;
  • the carriageway of roads outside settlements, marked with the sign number 2.1. (yellow rhombus in a white border);
  • territory within a radius of fifty meters from railway tracks and crossings.

Also, parking in paid parking spaces for more than 15 minutes is not allowed if payment is not made.

Where is it forbidden to stop?

The following violations of stopping vehicles are called in the rules, which can be divided into a number of groups:

  1. Stopping vehicles here creates a danger to traffic:
  • next to a bend in the road;
  • crossroads;
  • hill;
  • any other place where visibility is poor or limited by a stopped vehicle.
  1. Stopping in these places creates inconvenience and impedes the movement of other road users (car owners, bikers, motor scooters, etc.):
  • on sidewalks;
  • pedestrian crossings;
  • bike paths;
  • bridges;
  • underground crossings or tunnels;
  • emergency stop lanes;
  • in front of traffic lights;
  • in places reserved for other motorists (disabled people, public transport, fire or medical services);
  • in front of the garage
  • before entering or leaving the territory.

Stopping within country roads, due to the need for rest, is allowed only at specialized parking lots or on roadsides outside the road.

Exceptions to the rules

Exceptions include passenger taxi cars with the taximeter turned on, that is, if the taxi is waiting for a passenger, doing its job, which generally has some signs of stopping.

Service vehicles of the Russian Post can also stop in this zone.

Specially equipped 1st and 2nd groups and cars carrying disabled children are also excluded from the sign. Such car owners must mark the car with special stickers and have supporting documents with them.

The car is out of order - is it possible to stop under the sign?

According to paragraph 12.6 of the "Rules of the Road", if the car has technical problems, the driver must take measures to ensure that the car leaves the carriageway. Based on this, if you have technical problems with the car, you not only can, but you must stop as soon as possible in order to prevent an accident. But such a stop must be made in accordance with all the rules with the inclusion of an alarm, the display of warning signs and.

It will be possible to stand in this state for as long as the tow truck is coming to you, the traffic police in such situations does not seek to find a violation, but, on the contrary, tries to help you as quickly as possible in order to restore traffic.

This does not apply to cases where the place under the sign is viewed by video recording cameras, since the system sends fines simply for the fact of stopping without analyzing the reason.

In this case, you need to contact the traffic police and point out the mistake made during video recording, for this you may need receipts from a car service, evacuation services, and testimonies of witnesses. The traffic police officers who assisted you during the evacuation can also confirm this, in such cases they draw up a certificate and issue it to the driver.

Responsibility for non-compliance with traffic signs

Responsibility for parking in a prohibited area is established by law and for Moscow and St. Petersburg - a fine of 3,000 rubles, and most often payment of the cost of evacuation, for other cities 1,500 rubles.

Given the fine line that can distinguish between parking on one side and stopping on the other, on the rare occasions when you have acted correctly, there are situations where the authorities may require you to pay a fine. If you want to dispute this, you should explain to the court that you were making the stop and not leaving the car, although this situation is not always easy to prove on your own, and the services of a lawyer may be required.

The road sign "Stopping is prohibited" refers to prohibition signs. Outwardly, it is a circle with a red stroke, inside of which, on a blue background, are perpendicular red lines in the shape of the letter “x”. The sign is installed in places where transport is prohibited from stopping - the intentional termination of movement, used for actions related to passengers or cargo. The stop lasts up to five minutes, but the rules do not limit the maneuver to this time.

Area of ​​action of the sign "Stopping prohibited"

The beginning of the coverage area is at the installation site. The ban applies to the first intersection, following the sign, but there are exceptions:
1. In the absence of an intersection, the end of the coverage area is the sign of the beginning or end of the settlement.
2. If a stop prohibition sign with a special sign under it is re-installed on the way, then its effect will end after the distance indicated on the sign, or immediately after the duplicate sign (depending on the sign).
3. The sign "End of the zone of all restrictions" also applies to the prohibition of stopping.
4. In the event that a prohibition sign is used together with the appropriate marking (yellow line on the edge of the road or along the upper part of the curb), the effect of the sign ends simultaneously with the marking line.
The concept of an intersection does not apply to intersections with exits from adjacent territories or various non-main roads, unless the necessary sign is previously placed.
Separately, we note route vehicles: the requirements of this sign do not apply to them.

Penalty for stopping under the sign "Stopping prohibited"

If the prohibition imposed by the sign is not observed, the driver must pay a fine of 500 rubles. This is the minimum amount of the fine, but it may increase in some special cases.
So, if the driver, in addition to stopping in the area of ​​the sign, creates serious obstacles to the advancement of other vehicles, then the fine increases to 2000 rubles. Such a violation can also threaten the evacuation of the car.
Arrest of a vehicle or a fine of 2500-3000 rubles will result in a violation of the norms of stopping in cities of federal significance.
In the event of a breakdown of the car, you need to get out of the carriageway as quickly as possible and start the alarm. Then a stop under the sign will be considered forced, but even under such circumstances it is possible to receive a warning.

Sign options

Road sign "No stopping" often found supplemented with special plates that are below it. Such plates are predominantly clarifying or reminiscent of:
1. If the symbol of a vehicle is depicted on an additional sign, then the prohibition applies only to this type of transport. It can be trucks or cars, trailers, agricultural machinery and some others.
2. If there is a crossed out wheelchair on the plate, then the sign applies to any transport, except for disabled cars.

3. No Stopping sign with an arrow pointing up and a number indicating the distance at which the prohibition applies.
4. A vertical line ending at the bottom with an arrow indicates that the zone of validity of the previously installed sign is ending.
5. If the arrows are at both ends of the line, then such a sign reminds you that you are still driving in the area of ​​the sign. This addition, like the previous one, is installed only on a repeated sign.
6. A horizontal line with an arrow and an indication of the distance limits the stop along the facades of houses, squares, and so on. Can be used as one arrow, and two at once.

The effect of the sign "Stop is prohibited": special cases

On one-way roads the sign in question can be placed on only one side of the road or on both sides at once. In any case, the sign plays a role only on the side where it is installed. The driver has the right to stop on the left side if there is no sign or markings. And a truck with a permitted mass exceeding 3.5 tons may stop on the left only with the intention of loading or unloading.
As for the stops on the left when driving on a two-way highway, the rules do not prohibit such a maneuver in a populated area only if there is one lane for both directions, and there should not be tram tracks on the road.
Stopping is allowed on the side of the road, but if there is none, the driver has the right to put the car on the edge of the roadway. In exceptional cases, it is legal to stop on the sidewalk: if it is equipped with a special sign "Parking place" (letter "P" on a blue background) with additional instructions in the form of signs.

The difference between stopping and parking

These two similar concepts differ mainly in purpose. If a the stop is made only for boarding (or disembarking) passengers, loading (or unloading) cargo, then parking covers other situations.
Another distinguishing feature is the maneuver time. So, if the car stops moving for less than five minutes, then this will be considered a stop, and the goal here does not matter. If the car is standing for more than five minutes, and this is not related to the actions described above, then this will be called parking.
There is a separate road sign to prohibit parking. But it is worth remembering that stopping is allowed in its area, while parking under the “No Stopping” sign will certainly be a violation.

You will learn more about the “No Stopping” sign and parking from this story.


The stop prohibition sign is outwardly and in many ways similar to other prohibition signs. It is valid until the intersection (with the exception of some cases in which the area is interrupted earlier), is often accompanied by additional conditions and in some special situations can be understood ambiguously, but such special cases are separately specified in the traffic rules. Stopping in the area of ​​the sign is a serious violation, which often causes dangerous situations on the road, so it is punishable by fines or car detention.

One of the ways to optimize traffic on the road network is the competent organization of parking space on the roadway. All drivers are familiar with sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)”. The sign itself does not raise questions, however, according to GOST, its use is possible only with plates of additional information and the definition of the parking zone defined by this sign raises some questions.

Let us consider in detail how to correctly determine the parking space indicated by sign 6.4 in various situations.

Parking parallel to the edge of the road

The “Parking” sign installed without a plate with a restriction on the coverage area is valid until the nearest intersection. The plate “Parking method” must always be installed with this sign. This combination can be used to designate a paid parking zone. Do not forget about the prohibition of parking closer than 5 meters to the edge of the crossed carriageway.

Paid parking parallel to the edge of the road

  • Parking in your pocket

    To organize parking in the “pocket”, a sign with a restriction on the area of ​​​​the sign is used and, as noted above, the method of setting must be indicated.

    Please note that parking is not prohibited on the edge of the carriageway before and after the “pocket”. Parking is permitted in accordance with the general rules for stopping and parking. At the same time, parking along the sidewalk line is prohibited, since entry and exit from the pocket will become impossible.

    If the sign is up in the direction of travel with a sign 8.17 "Disabled", then parking in a place marked with sign 6.4 only allowed for disabled people. Blocking the exit, as in the previous case, is prohibited.

    If the sign is up perpendicular to the direction of travel- it indicates a parking space for the disabled. According to GOST, the width of the parking space for the disabled is 3.6m, that is, 1.8m from the place where the sign is installed.

    Parking in the area of ​​the signs prohibiting stopping or parking

    When it is necessary to organize parking in the zone of action of signs prohibiting stopping or parking, it is allowed to use the “Parking” sign with the obligatory use of the “Area of ​​action” sign. In this case, the area of ​​prohibition signs will be limited to the distance indicated on the plate.

    For some reason, this moment is not reflected in and at first glance there is a feeling of a contradiction of signs. The possibility of such a limitation of the zone of action of prohibition signs is spelled out in GOST.

    The coverage area of ​​any of the signs 3.27-3.30 can be reduced by installing at the end of their coverage area repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with a plate 8.2.3 (which is preferable) or by using a plate 8.2.2 or by installing another sign from the specified list or installation of the sign 6.4 “Parking place” with the sign 8.2.1 “Area of ​​operation”.

  • This concludes the article. Thank you for your interest. Stay up to date with the latest news, answer original polls, join an open group

    Movement is life. And a moving car is no exception. He also lives on the road (of course, with the help and with the direct participation of the driver).

    But there are times when the movement must be interrupted and go into rest mode. SDA call it a stop and a parking lot.

    Sometimes the problem of stopping and parking is more serious than issues related to traffic. Any modern metropolis is packed to capacity with technology. And it happens that the driver is forced to stop not where it is possible, but where it is possible.

    And he often breaks the rules: he receives an administrative penalty on the spot (in the best case) or follows his car to a fine parking lot (in the worst case).

    According to the traffic rules, there are plenty of sections of the road where stopping and parking are prohibited. All of them are detailed in Section 12 of the Rules. However, there is the most obvious way to prohibit these modes. This is a No Stopping sign.

    Let's make a reservation right away, sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited" prohibits both stopping and parking vehicles. In other words, you cannot:

    1. Scheduled cessation of the movement of the vehicle for up to 5 minutes or more, associated with the boarding and disembarkation of passengers or loading and unloading of the vehicle (or stop);
    2. The planned stoppage of the movement of the vehicle for a period of more than 5 minutes, not related to the above procedures (or parking).

    And the very image of the “Stopping is prohibited” sign (in the form of two intersecting lines) symbolizes, as it were, a complete, absolute ban on stopping and parking vehicles.

    The actual problem of qualification of the sign "Stop is prohibited" is the definition of its area of ​​effect. This seems to be very important also because the driver can stop and park not in those places where they are allowed, but in those where they are not prohibited.

    The sign "Stopping is prohibited" begins its action at the place of its installation and prohibits stopping and parking until:

    1. The nearest intersection in the direction of travel;

    2. The end of the settlement;

    3. Locations of the road sign 3.31 "".

    These sections of roads embody the general principles of limiting the area of ​​operation of a number of prohibition signs, which include the “No Stopping” sign. That is, after passing through the indicated sections of the road, the sign ceases to operate, and stopping and parking are allowed again.

    The zone of action of the sign "Stopping is prohibited" can be indicated (or limited) with the help of signs.

    The coverage area of ​​the sign can also be reduced by installing an information sign 6.4 "" and a sign jointly indicating the permitted parking space for the vehicle.

    The rules also require the joint use of the “No Stopping” sign with a solid yellow marking line (), which is applied to the edge of the carriageway, over the curb or to the edge of the sidewalk bordering the carriageway.

    In this case, marking 1.4, prohibiting stopping and parking, determines by its length the zone of action of the sign "Stopping is prohibited". Thus, the sign ceases to operate after the section of the road with the yellow solid marking line ends.

    It is important to note that the No Stopping sign is valid only on the side of the road on which it is installed.

    This provision is very relevant for drivers looking for a place to park in an urban environment. The fact is that, according to the traffic rules, in settlements sometimes (subject to a number of conditions) stopping and parking are allowed on the left side of the road. A sign prohibiting stopping and parking on the right side of the road does not exclude the possibility of parking on its left side.

    Finally, it must be remembered that sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited" does not apply to block vehicles.

    And the last. Violation of the requirement of the sign "Stopping is prohibited" will be a very expensive phenomenon in terms of the alleged administrative sanctions - a fine of 1,500 rubles (in federal cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles) and the possible detention of the vehicle with its placement in a penalty parking lot.

    If this information was useful to you, please write about it in the comments. If you have any questions, write, we will definitely try to help you.

    • no stop sign with down arrow
    • no stop sign with arrow
    • no stop sign
    • stop prohibited

    Discussion: 553 comments

      Hello, came the fine for stopping under 3.27

      The alarm did not read the mark, the car started to stall and stopped, sorted it out very quickly. But during this time, 2 different parkons passed and a parking lot was fixed with a time difference of 3 minutes 31 seconds. The second photo shows a flashing "emergency gang", no one got out of the car.

      The big question is the correct installation of the sign.

      Turn from st. Palikha on the street. Novoslobodskaya d.36/1 building 1 From the street. Palikha sign is not visible, it is located around the corner at the corner of Novoslobodskaya, when you turn there, you need to have time to notice it. (There can be no talk of 100 meters of visibility!)

      Is it possible to cancel the ruling?

      • Hello, Alexander!

        Based on your logic, you can ignore any signs if they are installed immediately after the turn and you allegedly could not see them when performing the maneuver, since in principle there can be no 100 meters of visibility when turning at intersections. Nevertheless, you and other road users obey the instructions of such signs. Why then the sign 3.27 on the street. Novoslobodskaya suddenly became an exception for you. It's no secret that in the center of Moscow (at least inside the Third Ring Road) there is not a single meter now, where there would be either signs 3.27-3.28 (and in 95% of cases it is exactly 3.27) or signs 6.4 "Parking" with a sign 8.8 “Paid services”, which means just leaving your car in the parking lot and even a forced stop in this place would be very reckless. You either do not know Moscow at all as a driver, or you are an absolutely naive person who hopes that signs 3.27 are not installed everywhere inside the Third Ring Road, or you know everything, but are looking for a trick in traffic rules to avoid responsibility. Another thing is that signs 3.27 are not always established justifiably, but since no one opposes this and that's it, ABSOLUTELY ALL motorists at least disembark and alight passengers under these signs at any time (and sign 3.27 prohibits stopping even for 1 second), that means everyone is happy. The authorities pretend that there are no mass violations and punish only 1% of violators, and drivers pretend that they do not violate anything, and when they are punished, they wonder why they should do this if they "did not interfere with anyone." By the way, according to the traffic rules, in the event of a breakdown or an accident, the driver is obliged to set an emergency stop sign (turning on the emergency gang does not replace the emergency stop sign). Now 5 minutes is not required to fix the violation, since even 2 photos with a difference of several seconds from parkons are suitable for fixing a stop under the sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited”. Therefore, if you have a photo of your car with an emergency stop sign, you can appeal this fine, if not, then you will not be able to appeal the fine.

        • And I agree that the signs should be installed so that they can be seen by all road users. I explain. When turning left, sign 3.27 hung on a pole, which is located along the road intersection line, i.e. I see this sign from my angle from the side and it’s very problematic to understand what kind of sign this is. In my opinion, they should at least duplicate the sign so that everyone can see it!

      Hello. A fine for violation of 3.27 came over the curb on a piece of land that is located above the carriageway (to the height of the curb), there is no sidewalk or lawn on this side of the road. According to the traffic rules, this area cannot be a curb. Is it right in the traffic police or does it make sense appeal?

      • Hello Alexey!

        According to clause 5.4.25 of GOST R 52289-2004, sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited" is used to prohibit stopping and parking vehicles on all elements of the side of the road where sign 3.27 is installed, including the carriageway, sidewalk and footpaths.

        SDA: paragraph 1.2. ... "Road" - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, SIDEWAYS, SHOULDERS and dividing lanes, if any.

        In connection with the above, unfortunately, it will not be possible to appeal the fine in this case.

      Hello, can I appeal against the protocol and the decision of the traffic police officer, if I made a stop 100 meters (approximately) after sign 3.27, the stop is prohibited with a sign of 530 meters, the road markings were not visible due to the snow cover of the road, I stopped near the barrier at the entrance to protected area, after that a car of a traffic police officer who was nearby immediately drove up, an employee in uniform got out of it and began to demand that documents be handed over to him for verification, I was confused and asked what was the matter, he answered, I violated the rules of stopping. I asked for his documents, he showed a certificate. And he said that he recorded everything on a video camera, by the way, he was alone in the car - can he be on duty alone? I tried to get out and said that I wanted to drive into a protected area, he replied that I still did not have a pass and that I needed to be fined and also threatened that the car would be taken to a fine parking lot. I did not argue anymore, I received a resolution for 1500 rubles. Where he wrote that he did not agree, he was angry and he said that I could go to court, I said that I did not have time for this. He wrote out a protocol in which I wrote that I did not agree. There was no violation .. Tell me what to do.

      Today I went to the Savings Bank on the street. Isakovsky ... the queue is about an hour and a half, it came out - a brand new sign is hanging, the stop is prohibited, it didn’t even have time to cover it with snow, and everything that fell into the zone of the sign was evacuated ... how is it? I parked without a sign...

      Good afternoon!

      I received a fine for parking under the sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited."

      The sign is turned in the opposite direction from the course of traffic on my side. That is, I didn’t reach the sign, I can’t see its content, the road is two-way, the sign is located on the right (on my side) .. Photo Is the CODD right?

      They put up a sign at 3.27, I had a car there. I wasn’t in the city for 7 days. I received a 3k fine. How to deal with it.

      Good afternoon! I have this question! I put the car in front of the paid parking sign according to the markings on the other side of the same pillar, not in the direction of travel, the stop sign is prohibited and the evacuation sign! Signs contradicting each other evacuated the car! Where should I put the car in this case??

      Hello. There was a no stop sign at the beginning of the intersection. After 500 meters in the market area, I saw a parking sign 6.4, stopped where there was a free space. Leaving the market, I saw how the inspector fined everyone who stopped before the parking sign. I got it too. The Parking sign misled me, since it does not cancel the effect of the stop is prohibited sign, so it should also be impossible to stand behind the sign. Can I appeal the decision, hoping that it will be canceled?

      In the right place, he turned around and stopped. The inspector presented a traffic violation based on the fact that at the beginning of the carriageway (street) on which I turned around there is a sign 3.27. Is he right? After all, after the place of the turn, the sign was not duplicated and I could not see the sign installed at the beginning of the street.

      Thanks for the answer.

      Good afternoon! Tell me, if the sign is installed to the left of the lane, is this the correct installation of the sign? After all, the driver, driving on the right lane, will not notice the sign that is on the left

      Good day! Help me to understand. A two-way road. On the left side in the direction of travel there is a sign "no stopping". There is no sign on the right. I leave the car on the right, a fine comes. In principle, I can’t leave it on the left without a sign, because it will be an oncoming traffic.

      How to understand such a setting of the sign? Is the fine legal?

      And if the car is faulty, let’s say there is slush on the street, and the wipers’ fuse burned out in the car, leaving the car under the sign stop and parking is prohibited on emergency gangs and went to buy fuses and the gays took a picture and a fine came, is it really possible to challenge it if there are no checks?

      Good afternoon!

      The car was evacuated for the second day in a row. The first time - no questions asked, guilty of ignorance of the rules for the area of ​​​​the sign "Stopping is prohibited." The second time they evacuated, in my opinion, illegally.

      After the Stop No Stop sign after 100 meters, a parking sign with a length of 40 meters is installed. Parked the car AFTER the parking sign. Theoretically, 40 meters could really end when I parked the car.

      Here the first question arises: does the zone of the stop sign, placed BEFORE the parking sign, continue after the end of these 40 meters of parking? There is no yellow marking along the curb, the new stop is prohibited sign stands further, without arrows in the direction of action.

      Second question: There are two pockets in the parking area, there is a pocketless space between them. Parked just in this space. Could there be any rule violations here? The parking icon is along the curb.

      I have no more ideas why they could have been evacuated.

      Can you please tell me if there is any point in appealing against this evacuation?

      Please let me know if this happened

      08/28/2018. I was born on August 30, 1990 I come to work

      at the address 20th anniversary of October, 123 (shopping center Europe) at 9.50 am.

      Having parked the car (Lada Kalina state number ******** from the roadway near the fence.

      According to the rules of the road while respecting all the signs of the road and calmly went to work.

      At about 5:40 pm, I heard a loud sound from the alarm key fob and quickly ran out into the street.

      It turned out that my car was towed for improper parking under the road sign 3.27 "no stopping", which was not previously

      on the same day 08/28/2010 at 9.50 am (and at 13:00 it was already installed).

      Seeing the traffic police officer, I approached him in order to explain these actions on his part.

      In response, I heard a blatant lie "you parked the car under a prohibition sign that was installed 3 days ago."

      Naturally, there were no 3 days, I don’t understand what he was talking about, in response I explained

      to the traffic police officer that I work in this Europe shopping center and I can pick up video recordings for all days and see who is in this

      case is wrong.

      Naturally, I realized that there was no point in continuing the dialogue with this inspector, since it was a lie on his part

      I wasn't interested in listening.

      At the same second, I immediately ran to look at the surveillance cameras.

      After a short search, I quickly found a video recording of where and what time the road sign 3.27 "no stopping" was installed.

      It turns out that I parked the car without a road sign 3.27 "no stopping", and after a couple of hours the road sign 3.27 "no stopping" suddenly appeared, without any

      or warning notices on poles or in the media.

      I think that this action on the part of the traffic police officer and the tow truck company was a gross violation of my rights.

      I do not agree with the decision ************ dated 08/28/2018, I ask you to cancel this fine not only for a violation that I did not commit in the amount of 1500 rubles,

      but also the amount of 2177 rubles. for the services of a tow truck that were forced on me without my consent.

      I enclose all the documents that I received in my hands that day, as well as a photo called:

      1) "set sign 1"

      2) "set sign 2"

      3) "set sign 3"

      4) "surveillance camera"

      Video of how this sign is installed:

      1) "installation of the sign on 28.08.2018"

      A video showing how my car was towed:

      1) "the car is taken away on a tow truck"

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