Summer frame house for a summer residence. Frame garden house (35 photos): projects. Construction of the frame, walls and roof. Interior decoration. Stationary small summer houses

A frame house is a great solution for a country house. This design is built in a short period of time and does not require special building skills. Today we will talk about how to build a frame house on the site, talk about the main stages of construction and the mistakes made, which are easy to avoid. The design really exists, it was made by hand.

frame house project

Preparing a frame house project is the initial and most important stage of construction. allows you to erect buildings of different heights and purposes on the site. We decided to build a light 6 by 4 frame house on the site, consisting of one single room, with four windows and a hip roof. Insulation of the house was not provided, since it is planned to use it exclusively in the summer.

You can find it online, or you can draw a project yourself. To develop the project, special programs are mainly used, but if the house does not have complex architectural solutions, you can draw it by hand on a regular sheet of paper.

The project of a frame house on a piece of paper.

The drawing must necessarily indicate all the functional parts of the house, such as door and window openings, the structure of the roof, the thickness of the walls, the floor, you can indicate what materials will be used in the work and calculate the approximate cost of construction in order to build a frame house inexpensively.

It is the design drawing that allows you to determine what economic costs will be needed for construction.

The foundation of a frame house

After the decision was made to build a frame house for a summer residence and a rough plan was drawn up for it, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable site for construction. The surface, preferably, should be flat, then there will be no problems with installing the foundation and installing the floor.

The lags were treated with protective impregnation.

We decided to do without a foundation and proceeded to build the floor directly on the ground, which was leveled with gravel. This is the first and main mistake when we started building an inexpensive frame house.

Installation of a floor log on gravel.

We built the floor frame from nine boards 150x50 mm, six meters long, which allowed us to install transverse floor joists without joints along the entire length of the house. In addition, two more boards of four meters were used, which were put on the end of the log. The distance between the floor lags was made by 500 mm, which is quite enough for a given thickness of the board and the thickness of the plywood for the floor.

Before you thoroughly knock together the logs of the floor among themselves, you need to make sure that the diagonals of this base are equal to each other. You also need to check the location of the frame house relative to the neighboring fence and. It is important to check the horizontal level of the floor lags that are on the rubble, and if you need to easily add it.

Despite the fact that a turnkey frame house is considered a fairly lightweight structure and you can build it right on the ground, the foundation of a frame house performs certain functions:

  1. Evenly distributes the load from the entire structure.
  2. Provides durability of a design, protecting it from freezing, ground waters.
  3. Prevents warping and shrinkage during ground movement.

Strip foundation

Before building, it is better to choose a strip foundation for that type of construction. You will spend more time and effort on construction, but you will make the entire structure durable. The strip foundation will be especially in demand if the construction is carried out on stable soils.

Strip foundation on rubble.

When erecting a strip foundation, you can organize additional rooms in the basement. If the basement is not planned, then soil remains inside the foundation contour. Please note that the width of the strip foundation should be greater than the thickness of the walls of your frame house.

After the construction of the foundation is completed, the lower floor trim is installed, it is performed using a beam or board placed on the end. The board is installed along the perimeter of the foundation, or along the perimeter of the future house directly on the ground (as in our case). The joints are connected with nails; the structure can be further strengthened with the help of special metal brackets. To enhance the bearing capacity of the floor structure, transverse logs are installed.

On a note

The floor board must be treated with an antiseptic.

During the construction of our house, we immediately proceeded to install the frame, however, after tying, it is advisable to start arranging the subfloor. If the house is planned to be used not only in the summer, insulation material is laid between the lags, then a vapor barrier film, the last layer is plywood sheets.

frame house

The do-it-yourself frame country house has a lightweight design and a lightweight frame. The frame of the frame house is attached to the floor trim.

Installation of the walls of the frame house.

Initially, corner posts are installed; metal brackets can be used for secure fastening, but we did without their use. The U-shaped frame of the wall is knocked together at the bottom and necessarily fastened with corner braces, and only after that it rises and is fixed on temporary supports.

The power frame of the walls of the summer house.

To ensure greater structural reliability, we attached each corner post with additional braces at the top and bottom, so they protect the frame house in the photo from loosening. We nailed two corner posts of the frame in each corner with 100 mm nails.

After installing the main corner posts, you can begin to fix the remaining one on a four-meter wall and two posts on a six-meter wall. The boards of the upper trim along the long wall are fastened together by two beams.

hip roof

Once the main load-bearing frame of the frame garden house has been erected, you can begin to build the roof truss system.

Hip roof ridge with central rafters.

We decided on the type of roof and its slope at the stage of drafting the project of the future house. A small frame house will have a hip roof, with a minimum slope of 20 degrees for that type of roof. In the hip roof, two slopes are trapezoidal, the other two are triangular.

The frame summer house has a hip roof, which provides additional protection for the entire structure due to the fact that all slopes are inclined.

At the first stage of the construction of the truss system, the Mauerlat is installed - a special wooden beam or board, which is installed around the entire perimeter of the frame walls. In this case, we did without the muerlat, and the load was distributed over the upper harness, which has good rigidity due to the fact that it stands on the end of the board.

The power frame of the hip roof.

At the next stage, a ridge run is mounted, the size of which must be calculated correctly, since it is on this component of the roof that the main load falls. The ridge run, two meters long, and the central rafters were assembled on the ground, and only then they went up and mounted.

After fixing the ridge run, they are engaged in the installation of diagonal rafters, which, like the ridge itself, are made of a board 150 by 50 mm. Diagonal rafters rest with one edge against the ridge, and with the other edge against the corner where the upper harness of the house converges. All fastenings are made using ordinary metal nails, which does not affect the strength of the structure.

When the power frame of the hip roof is ready, you can continue to build the roof further. Intermediate rafters and outdoor rafters are fastened, which we made from two inches hammered together.

Hip roof truss system.

After installing the truss system, it is necessary to mount the hip roof sheathing. We made it from an inch and started nailing it from the cornice overhang upwards to the ridge, with the same distance between the boards of the crate.

Roof truss system.

A one-story frame house can be covered with roofing and a regular metal profile can be used. It is easy to work with such roofing material, it is coated with special substances that protect against corrosion and premature destruction. Other advantages of this roofing material include light weight, affordable cost and a huge range of colors.

Before installing the material, you need to worry about additional protection of the structure. For these purposes, you can use a waterproofing material that is attached directly to the truss system with metal brackets. But we did not use it for the reason that the frame house will not be insulated.

Metal profile roof.

The installation of the metal profile starts from the end of the roof. The main thing is to correctly install the first sheet, the location of all subsequent ones depends on it. The first sheet of the metal profile is attached to the ridge run with self-tapping screws, all subsequent sheets are overlapped with the previous sheets and connected with self-tapping screws.

Outer cladding of the house

After the completion of the construction of the roof, you can proceed to the sheathing of the frame. In our case, the frame of the frame house was sheathed on the outside with OSB sheets. At the same time, only two distant walls were sheathed with OSB, one of them was directed to the fence, and the other to the side. Before the OSB sheets were screwed onto the screws, we installed additional 100 mm inch racks.

Sheathing of external walls with OSB sheets.

For the summer frame house, we decided to make four large square windows of 1500 mm each, because we wanted more light. We also made the frame for the windows from an inch board, it turned out to be light, because the entire load is carried by the load-bearing frame of the garden house, made from a board 150 by 50 mm.

Frame for four windows.

Two front sides of the frame country house were sheathed with a block house to give the design individuality. Due to the fact that they built the house only on weekends, they immediately treated the block house with a special impregnation for mahogany wood.

Sheathing of the front wall with a block house.

In the place where the door is mounted in the house, two racks from the board 150 by 50 were installed to secure the door more securely.

Sheathing and door installation.

If you plan to live in a house not only in hot weather, then after working with a block house, it is important to insulate with mineral wool and waterproof the internal walls. The waterproofing film is attached around the entire perimeter of the interior, it simply closes the opening. After attaching, the film is carefully trimmed and fixed inside the window and door opening using a construction stapler.

Frame house without inserted windows.

After that, you can begin to finish the frame house with your own hands.

The interior lining of the house

The interior lining of the house is done with lining. Since the frame garden house was originally planned to be used only in the summer season, the walls were not insulated, the frame was simply sheathed with OSB sheets and a blockhouse.

Finishing of internal walls with clapboard.

To improve the performance of the structure, insulation is performed. At the last stage, we already wrote about how to properly lay the waterproofing film after installing the insulation. Most often, in such structures, either mineral wool or ordinary foam is used.

Can be built on a summer cottage, they are made of special panels, the design of which already provides for both insulation and waterproofing. A lining is attached on top of the insulation.

Windows and doors

When fixing windows, openings must be left, which will be filled with mounting foam. If there is no protective transport film in the profile, it is better to glue it around the perimeter with mounting tape, this procedure will protect the structure from the expansion of the mounting foam.

Installation of single sash windows.

Our inexpensive frame house used windows that open like a balcony to the sides. If during installation you have difficulties, it is better to involve specialists in the work. It is from the correct installation of window and door profiles that the protection of the room from cold and moisture will depend.

On a note

The mounting foam is carefully trimmed only after complete hardening, at the same stage all protective films are removed.

Laminate on the floor

It is possible to proceed with the installation of the finished floor only after the completion of work with the installation of windows and doors, otherwise the air entering the room from the street can provoke damage to the flooring.

Laminate flooring in the house.

In our frame garden house, we decided to use high-quality laminate. Laying is carried out on a subfloor made of plywood, on top of which a special sealing material is laid.

Roof insulation with foam

After completing the flooring work, we thought about the issues of roof insulation and additionally increase sound insulation during rain. This is another serious mistake - it is advisable to finish all the finishing work, including the roof, and only then proceed with the installation of the flooring, otherwise there is a high risk of simply ruining the floor.

Roof insulation with styrofoam.

We decided to insulate the frame country house with our own hands with foam. The foam panels are attached to the truss system from the inside of the house tightly to each other, if gaps remain, cold air will easily enter the room. Between the roof sheathing and the foam, it is not necessary to fix the waterproofing film.

Roof sheathing with OSB panels.

From above, the foam is sheathed with OSB panels, after which it will be possible to start finishing the roof or leave everything as it is.

Nearly finished finish.

Today we talked about how to build a frame garden house with our own hands, based on personal experience. Some mistakes were made during the construction process, but they practically did not affect the overall functionality of the structure.

The frame house was built for several years, because most of the time was on weekends and only on our own. With such construction with your own hands, you can expect that the prices for frame houses will be low. In our example, you saw that every person can build a frame house, even without deep building skills.

Ideal country houses using lightweight turnkey foundations can be available in as little as 2 weeks. The use of modern technologies and high-quality materials guarantees the construction of reliable buildings.

The most reliable structures are formed that are not endangered due to the redistribution of weight. It is possible to create any architectural forms through the use of frame technologies.

Why our cottages are the best

Such houses are ideal for suburban construction due to fire resistance. Fireproof materials are used to ensure the safety of surfaces in contact with an open flame. The floors used in the construction of objects are characterized by high fire resistance.

The advantage of a country house in absolute environmental safety. Dry pine boards, basalt insulation, with a density of at least 31 kg / m3 in the “Lux” configuration and softwood plywood used by Doma MSK, make it possible to achieve comfort for residents.

Additionally, you can order a frame made of chamber drying boards. The technological films used in the construction of houses protect the insulation from moisture and wind. The use during construction of materials characterized by the release of increased emission of phenol formaldehydes is categorically excluded.

The ideal selection of materials contributes to the creation of objects with optimal energy efficiency. The required level of thermal insulation is guaranteed, which makes frame cottages in demand among summer residents. We will help you choose the layout, we will make an economical installation of the heating system. All this results in energy savings.

What we offer to clients

The projects offered by the company contribute to the creation of an ideal frame housing. You can choose a house in different configurations: economy; standard; lux. There are options for the construction of objects without interior decoration, you decide what the walls will be like in your country house. We carry out construction in accordance with the technology:

  • Laying the strapping on the foundation;
  • Sawing logs laid on the edge;
  • Subfloor laying;
  • Exposing the frame in the form of vertical racks in increments of up to 1 m;
  • Installation of the truss system, which serves as the base of the roof.

Such frame cottages are insulated with mineral or stone wool, and the use of the latter makes it possible to make the dwelling three times warmer. Construction continues with fastening to the insulated frame of the vapor barrier from the inside and outside.

We do not use outdated technologies, and all activities are carried out taking into account innovative solutions. Before you call us, determine what kind of building you want to see in your summer cottage.

For our part, we will help you decide on the technology, ensure construction in the shortest possible time and with the highest quality. Our specialist is on call.

Garden houses from "Stroy Nesab-N" are reliable and durable buildings where you can comfortably relax, and wait out the bad weather, and hide from the heat. Thanks to many standard projects, you can choose both a cozy family nest and a place for a large company to relax. A well-thought-out design, unique architectural solutions will allow even with minimal dimensions (and not everyone has a large house) - to meet the maximum needs. Solutions with a veranda or terrace, one- and two-story projects - in our catalog already. If you have your own, special vision of the interior of the site, then the selected model can be finalized to best suit your wishes. Right now you can buy a turnkey garden house, inexpensively and quickly. Call today - we will find a solution just for you!

Turnkey construction

"Stroy NESAB-N" offers turnkey garden houses - with delivery, installation and assembly on the site. You get a completely ready-to-use house with interior decoration. You sign the act of acceptance, get the keys and you can bring in the furniture.


Basic design

Runners made of pine timber 100x150 mm;

Racks made of pine timber 100x100 or 100x150 mm, depending on the size of the house;

The remaining elements of the frame are made of pine timber 100x100 or 100x50 mm;

Internal finishing - eurolining;

Black floor - board 150x25 mm;

Clean floor - grooved pine board 30 ... 35 mm;

Wall insulation - Knauf mineral wool insulation 50 mm thick, in large houses the same insulation, but with a thickness of 100 or 150 mm;

Ceiling insulation - mineral wool insulation 50 mm thick;

Vapor barrier - glassine;

Entrance door - wooden, paneled, without a lock;

Windows - wooden with double glazing

Sample projects


These are budget houses of a small area, designed for summer living. They are almost always one-story and often one-room. Such buildings are ideal for garden plots with an area of ​​​​several acres: they provide a sufficient level of comfort, take up little space and, if necessary, are easily transferred by a manipulator. Their prices are very moderate: we offer 11 projects of houses worth up to 100 thousand rubles and 47 projects worth from 100,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Basic equipment

Racks (stiffening ribs)
Choice of exterior finish
Interior decoration
Sexual lags
Draft floor
Finished floor
vapor barrier glassine
The roof is multi-gable. Skate height 1.0 m
roofing material soft flexible tile Shinglas "Sonata" / metal tile "Monterrey"
Height from floor to ceiling 2.2m.
1 PC. (no lock)
Surcharge for the second door 5 500 rub.
Wooden window 0.6 x1.2 (double glazing) without layout 2 pcs.
1 PC.
carved pillar paid extra
Interior corners get off with a plinth
Platbands included +
Building nails included +
7500 rubles, over 70 rubles. per 1 km
Assembly on site paid extra


Euro - a typical series of garden houses with an area from 15 to 48 square meters. They have a gable roof with flexible tile roofing and mineral wool insulation (50 or 100 mm at the buyer's option). Although they are positioned as summer residences, they can be quite comfortable in cool autumn and spring weather.

Basic equipment

Racks (stiffening ribs) coniferous timber, edged 100x100mm
frame coniferous timber, edged 50x100mm
house / imitation under a bar
Interior decoration eurolining, softwood, class "B"
Sexual lags edged board 50x150mm, installed every 0.6 m (flat)
Draft floor unedged board 150 x 25mm in acceleration up to 10 cm
Finished floor planed grooved floorboard 30-35mm
insulation mineral wool 50mm "KNAUF" (floor, walls, ceiling)
vapor barrier glassine
The roof is double pitched. Skate height 1.0 m
roofing material soft tile shinglas "Sonata" / metal tile "Monterrey"
Ceiling - hemmed with eurolining, insulated with mineral wool, 50 mm thick
Height from floor to ceiling 2.2m.
Entrance door 21x8 (paneled) deaf 1 PC. (without locks)
Wooden window 0.8x0.8 / 1.0 x1.0 (double glazing) 2 pcs.
Interior corners get off with a plinth
platbands included
Building nails included
Assembly on site paid extra!

For giving

At the moment, our series includes only one typical house project. This is a one-story house 27 square meters with a large porch. The house has insulation, but is still intended for seasonal living. An important feature of the project is its low price: in the basic configuration, a one-story house costs only 350,000 rubles.

Basic equipment

Runners (technological skis) coniferous timber, edged 100x150mm
Racks (stiffening ribs) coniferous timber, edged 100x100mm
frame coniferous timber, edged 50x100mm
Exterior finish to choose from: Siding / Block house / imitation under a bar
Interior decoration eurolining, softwood, class "B"
Sexual lags edged board 50x150mm, installed every 0.6 m (flat)
Draft floor unedged board 150 x 25mm in acceleration up to 10 cm
Finished floor planed grooved floorboard 30-35mm
insulation mineral wool 50mm "KNAUF" (floor, walls, ceiling)
Vapor barrier - glassine
The roof is hip, multi-gable. Skate height 1.0 m
Roof material to choose from: soft tile Shinglas "Sonata" / metal tile "Monterrey"
Ceiling hemmed with eurolining, insulated with mineral wool, 50 mm thick
Height from floor to ceiling 2.2m.
Entrance door 21x8 (paneled) deaf 1 PC. (no lock)
Wooden window 0.6 x1.2 (double glazing) 2 pcs.
Wooden window 0.5x1.0 arch type with folding (attic room) 1 PC.
Interior corners get off with a plinth
platbands included
Building nails included
Delivery from Vystav. sites up to 100 km 9500 rubles, over 70 rubles. per 1 km
Assembly on site paid extra!


A series of Finnish houses includes 18 types of projects with an area from 5 to 24 square meters. The cabins are decorated in a typical Northern European style with contrasting combinations of white, red and black or dark grey. Structurally, these houses do not differ from garden houses: they also have a solid frame, mineral wool insulation and a pitched roof with a soft roof.

Basic equipment

Runners (technological skis)
Roof soft tile Shinglas "Sonata" or metal tile "Monterrey"
Window 0.5X1.0 - 2 PCs
Additional window 0.5x1.0 / 1.0x1.0 - 3,500 rubles / 4,500 rubles
Door paneled -1 piece
Surcharge for the door as in the photo = 10 500 rubles.
Hardware for the door 2 500 rub.
Interior corners get off with a plinth
Window and door openings on both sides they are finished with a carved platband or clapboard
ASSEMBLY on site paid extra.
Arrangement of the frame under the second layer of insulation + additional insulation with mineral wool "Knauf" 25,000 rubles.
Foundation blocks, slabs, painting, steps, galvanized nails, additional windows project cost does not include
Delivery up to 100 km from the Exhibition site 9,500 rubles, over 70 rubles. for 1 km.
Tikkurila painting 25 000 rub.
Pinotex painting 15 000 rub.


A series of typical dream objects is united by an exterior finish made of natural wood, as well as carved and chiseled wooden columns, railings and balusters, which give the houses an unusual and very attractive appearance. At the same time, prices remain quite moderate - the cost per square meter starts from 12 500 rubles.

Basic equipment

Walls frame made of timber, with a laying on the frame of Knauf insulation, 50 mm thick, floor-to-ceiling height 2.2 m
Exterior finish Block house / siding / imitation under a bar, interior decoration - chamber drying lining
Ceiling lined with clapboard, insulated with mineral wool, 50mm thick
Sexual lags edged board 50x150mm, installed after 0.6m (flat)
Draft floor not edged board 20-22 mm in acceleration up to 10cm
Floor insulation glassine, mineral wool 50mm
Finished floor planed grooved board 30-37mm
Runners (technological skis) from planed timber 100x150mm
Roof soft tile or metal tile
Window 800x800 or 1000x1000, double-leaf double glazing - 2 pcs., PVC - for extra. fee
Partition frame (bar + lining on both sides)
Door paneled deaf 1 pc.
Interior corners get off with a plinth
ASSEMBLY on site paid extra
Finishing with euro lining CLASS A for extra charge
When ordering GUARANTEED GIFT!!!
Window and door openings on both sides they are finished with a carved platband or clapboard.
Foundation blocks and steps and painting the price does not include
Delivery up to 100 km -9500, over 70 rubles. per 1km

two-storey houses

We offer 57 standard projects of two-story garden houses with different layout options. House area - from 20 to 120 square meters. In the basic configuration, these houses are designed for summer living, but such a house can be additionally insulated, installed a heating system and get housing that is quite suitable for winter use.

Basic equipment

Runners (technological skis) coniferous timber, edged 100x150mm
Racks (stiffening ribs) coniferous timber, edged 100x100mm
frame coniferous timber, edged 50x100mm
Choice of exterior finish Siding / Block house / timber imitation
Interior decoration eurolining, softwood, class "B"
Sexual lags edged board 50x150mm, installed every 0.6 m (flat)
Draft floor unedged board 150 x 25mm in acceleration up to 10 cm
Finished floor planed grooved floorboard 30-35mm
vapor barrier glassine
Gable roof Ridge height -1.0 m
roofing material
Ceiling hemmed with eurolining, insulated with mineral wool, 50 mm thick
Height from floor to ceiling 2.2 m.
Ground floor height 2.4m
Second floor height 2.7m
1 PC. (no lock)
2 pcs.
Interior corners get off with a plinth
platbands included
Building nails included
Delivery from exhibition. sites up to 100 km
Assembly on site paid extra!

"Euro barrel"

The Euro-barrel series combines several projects of houses of a very characteristic shape. Thanks to the shape of the walls inside, these houses are much more spacious and roomy than they appear from the outside. And they also look very unusual: this is a good solution for a site decorated in a bright, “fabulous” style.

Basic equipment

Runners (technological skis) coniferous timber, edged 100x150mm
Racks (stiffening ribs) coniferous timber, edged 100x100mm
frame coniferous timber, edged 50x100mm
Choice of exterior finish Siding / Block house / timber imitation
Interior decoration eurolining, softwood, class "B"
Sexual lags edged board 50x150mm, installed every 0.6 m (flat)
Draft floor unedged board 150 x 25mm in acceleration up to 10 cm
Finished floor planed grooved floorboard 30-35mm
insulation mineral wool in 3 layers 150mm "KNAUF" (floor, walls, ceiling)
vapor barrier glassine
Gable roof Ridge height -1.0 m
roofing material soft roof or metal tile.
Ceiling hemmed with eurolining, insulated with mineral wool, 50 mm thick
Height from floor to ceiling 2.2 m.
Entrance door 2.10x0.8 (paneled) deaf 1 PC. (no lock)
Wooden window 0.8x0.8 or 1.0x1.0 (double glazing) 2 pcs.
Interior corners get off with a plinth
platbands included
Building nails included
Delivery from exhibition. sites up to 100 km 9500 rubles, over -70 rubles. per 1 km
Assembly on site paid extra!

Garden houses from foam blocks

A 300 mm thick foam block wall has almost enough heat resistance to allow the house to be used for year-round use. If you add warm plaster outside and inside to such a wall, the enclosing structure will “pass” according to the standards for the Moscow region. Therefore, a foam concrete garden house is only formally a summer house: in fact, it is a building quite suitable for permanent residence.

Basic equipment

Walls from a concrete block. Block height - 300 mm. Thickness - 200 mm. Length -600 mm.
Block is laid on a specialized adhesive, with a cement base.
Additionally a solution with concrete grade M-250 is used
Floor cement screed, 5 cm thick
roof type gable, ridge raised by 1.0 m
Roof from wooden rafters, section 50x200 mm.
Counter. crate from a bar 25x50 mm
crate board 25 mm + film "Izospan"
roofing material to choose from: galvanized smooth sheet, corrugated sheet, profiled sheet in ral, ondulin
Surcharge for changing the base roofing for soft tiles Shinglas "Sonata" / metal tiles "Montrrey" - 23,400 rubles.
Ceiling hemmed with drywall
Window PVC 0.8x1.16 - tilt-and-turn, with fittings - 1 pc.
Door Metal, made in Russia, with a lock and a handle, not insulated
Product assembly in price
Foundation not included in project cost
pile foundation price on request
Strip foundation, shallowly buried price on request
reinforced belt paid extra (required)
Waterproofing paid extra
Plaster (external and internal) paid extra
Partitions for additional fee
Any size range and redevelopment!

Payment Options

1. Payment of the entire amount in cash.

2. Payment of the entire amount by transfer to the company's current account - available for legal entities and individuals. Payment for legal entities is possible with and without VAT.

3. Installment plan for a year.

4. Credit.


Delivery of the house is not included in its price and is paid separately. The cost of delivery depends on the size of the house, the necessary transport (just a car, a manipulator, a car and a truck crane, etc.) and the distance from the Stroy NESAB-N exhibition site on Dmitrovskoye Highway.

City dwellers usually try to get away from the dusty city and city worries to their country houses. If your choice is in favor of living in a country house only in the summer, then there is no need to build a house using expensive materials and equipment.

Before starting construction, you need to consider all the options for country houses, so as not to regret later on the time and money spent.

Material selection

On the construction market, there are proposals for the construction of country houses from solid logs, from profiled and glued beams. They require a strip, pile or column foundation.

The choice in favor of one or the other is made on the basis of the load on the base and the characteristics of the soil. Ultimately, houses made of logs and timber turn out to be not at all a cheap and time-consuming option for building a country house.

Most summer residents dream of a cheap summer house with minimal budget losses and in a short time. Such requirements will be met by a house made of wood, since this material is natural and, accordingly, environmentally friendly.

For a small suburban area, the best option would be a frame-panel house, cheaper among frame structures. Even non-professionals in the construction business can build such a building.

The most successful location for the house will be the northeastern part of the site. Thanks to this position, the house will be maximally protected from the cold wind and receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Windows are best placed on the south and southwest sides.

Construction stages

If you are wondering how to make a summer house, we recommend that you pay attention to the following features. Small buildings with dimensions of no more than 36 square meters without a basement are built using a columnar foundation.

A clear advantage of it can be called ease of installation and relatively cheap cost. The disadvantage of the supporting-columnar foundation will be the possibility of its use only on stable soils. Only then will such a foundation be stable and durable and become a reliable support for the structure. Otherwise, the entire building may be skewed.

In addition, the support-column foundation has a low bearing capacity, and therefore, it is recommended only for one-story buildings. Among the significant shortcomings is the impossibility of arranging the basement.

Door and window openings should be provided in advance by constructing a crate of timber, since the panel materials may not support their weight. When fastening prefabricated shields with nails (during the construction of walls), we recommend using connecting plates. Sheets are nailed to the frame with the first layer, then the insulation goes and the second layer is sewn up.

In order for the summer cottage to be resistant to moisture, it is necessary to include waterproofing of floors and roofs in the project, and sheathe the facade of the building. Sheathing with plastic panels and siding, for example, with imitation of wood, brick, natural stone, will greatly decorate the appearance of the house.

The only drawback of such a structure is that it needs to be insulated if you plan to live there in the winter. Advantages in the simplicity and speed of construction, literally within a week, and the variety of architectural solutions.


When planning to equip a place where the family can relax in nature, a veranda is laid in the house project. Those who prefer to make preparations for the winter need an attic and a basement. In advance, it is worth considering a pantry for storing garden tools.

Having decided to build a summer house with a veranda, place it along the facade of the building so that the front door of the house is sheltered from bad weather and the rays of the sun. The size of the veranda is usually selected based on the personal preferences of the owners.

The structure is supported by foundation columns located under the corner posts of the frame. In pre-dug trenches, lay a concrete foundation for the posts.

Finished country houses

Most summer cottages are small summer houses, a photo selection of which you can see above. They are economical and require minimal effort and time to build. They are delivered to the object ready to be assembled in just a few days, and the next day the house is ready for occupancy.

The house does not need a major foundation, since wood is a lighter material than concrete or brick. Wooden houses are recognized as environmentally friendly. In addition, they perfectly retain heat, maintain optimal humidity and create a favorable microclimate in the room.

DIY photo of summer houses

These firms are not entirely honest with their customers, luring them with an attractive price, because. such a house will either be completely unsuitable for living even in September, short-lived, can squint, fall on its side, floors sag, blow through cracks, windows do not open; or you will have to choose a more expensive package - replacing the cheapest materials with more expensive ones. And this is where the dog is buried - such a replacement will cost the buyer a very large amount. It may look like this or this or this - at the bottom of the page with the model on the website of the manufacturer of summer houses there is a long list of what can be replaced and for what money. So, just replacing the lining with upholstery with siding from the outside will immediately make the house more than a third more expensive, more or less normal insulation will cost about the same. We change the roof, floors, foundation in the configuration, strengthen the frame - and as a result we get a house immediately in 2-2.5, sometimes even up to 3 times more expensive than it was. As a result, it actually turns out not to be cheap at all, but even higher than the market, especially considering that the building remains in the same very unsuccessful layout, with low ceilings, and it will be assembled by migrants in "accelerated terms."

If you need a house that provides for all-season permanent residence, or at least in spring, autumn, possibly winter visits, then it’s cheaper and easier to order it right away from a company that specializes in good-quality insulated houses, and not do it on the basis of a purely country option, which, in fact, is not suitable for country use, but is an element of a marketing policy to attract customers, nothing more. You need a summer house and there is absolutely no money - then it’s better to buy a change house or several change houses, choose a warmer one and calmly engage in garden beds - this is many times cheaper, more functional - they are easy to heat even in winter, it turns out several separate rooms; and then, when the money appears, you can always take it away or sell it. You can’t take the house away, it’s not transportable.

And rework summer house lends itself with difficulty - firstly, alterations are always expensive and time-consuming, and secondly, purely country options have such a frail foundation - the foundation and frame, that it simply makes no sense to mess with them - you can’t do much better. We were often approached about the insulation, strengthening of such "houses", roof repairs, and we know in practice that sometimes Cheaper to demolish and rebuild the house is already on a normal basis.

Real frame houses are initially designed for the possibility of all-season living, for maximum durability and high functionality. If the foundations, then in no case are they block, but only tape monolithic, connected together, or piled, with a base below the freezing depth - the house should not warp. If insulation, then at least 150 mm (minimum according to SNIPs for residential premises), and not only walls, but also the floor, roof, otherwise the insulation is pointless - the heat will simply leave vertically. Board for the frame - at least 50 mm thick. It is obligatory to have a ventilated facade, ventilation gaps in the mansard roof, underground ventilation - without this, the frame house will not be durable.

Plastic windows, if you have little money, can be found cheaper, they are not much more expensive than "Soviet" wooden ones, but still much more convenient and functional. Floors, exterior finishes, cornices, ebbs, vapor barrier - everything should be done simply according to technology, that is, exactly as they say in the instructions for the materials. A real frame house will not fall on its side in the spring, the porch will not fall off, the roof will not be demolished, and the doors will not stop opening (all these are real examples from practice). Ultimately, a frame house well-made in accordance with technological requirements will cost even in the medium term cheaper due to a minimum of maintenance than a seemingly cheaper summer house, which gives summer residents only a lot of trouble and the need for constant alterations and completions.

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