How to keep yourself from sweet. How to give up sweet and starchy foods - psychology for weight loss. Why sweets and pastries are bad

Unfortunately, I myself am strongly addicted to sweets. It's too tasty not to want it. Have you ever wanted buckwheat porridge, chicken meat, carrots or something else useful? Well, maybe once. What about sweet? And sweet, I want ALWAYS! Many say that people seize stress with sweets. To be honest, I didn't have much stress. I just love sweets, so I ate it both in grief and in happiness. When they tell me that: "Oh, I'm indifferent to sweets, I don't like them very much!" My eyes pop out like, no uh AS? You may not like sweets. those who do not like sweets are probably some super people or just witches :) But in the pursuit of a good figure, sweets are the first thing to give up. Say not to do, right? I want to share with you my personal experience of how to wean yourself from sweets.

1. Don't buy sweets! Any sweet thing at home will be eaten by me immediately. And I suspect that I'm not the only one :) Such sweet gluttony is very typical for me. When your favorite sweets are in the house, it is much more difficult to force yourself not to eat them than if they were in the store, and not in our closet. There is nothing the body really needs in sweet confectionery, so I just decided not to buy sweets at all. I don’t have cookies or chocolates in my bins at home, which at night we will call me in an insidious voice. No sweet no breakdowns!

2. Go in for sports! Now many may exclaim - FAQ? What does sports have to do with sweets? In fact, everything is simple, our body has serotonin, it is responsible for skipping alarm signals, danger signals. It is contained in special receptors in the brain. With its reduced content, you become shy, anxious, restless, with a depressed mood. With an increase in serotonin, the signals of danger and anxiety come less and you feel better, your mood improves. So when playing sports, serotonin is produced in larger volumes than when eating sweets. And at the same time you want sweets much less. Appetite appears, but for normal products - you want something real - village eggs, good meat, soup or just an apple pie.

3. Review your eating habits! If you have entered the path of weight loss and the sect of eating right and living a healthy lifestyle, you just need to reconsider your eating habits. You don't have to give up sweets completely. Here they took floundering from the bay and said nothing from tomorrow. No guys, it doesn't work!

My advice is this: you need to give up sweets GRADUALLY!

The first thing I started with was tea. I removed the sugar and at the same time all the sweets that went next to the tea. At first it may seem that it is impossible to drink such disgusting things, but believe me, over time, you will not be able to drink tea or coffee even with a gram of sugar. Now it seems to me that sugar spoils the taste of tea and coffee. Then I replaced sweets with fruits, dried fruits and nuts. It is both tasty and healthy. There are many recipes and ice cream from fruits and dried fruits. Include natural bee honey in your diet. I already wrote that honey is very. Chocolate! For him, many sweet teeth are ready to give everything. Give, but only for dark bitter chocolate. When buying, pay attention to the percentage of COCOA, it must be at least 70%. In no case, do not confuse this type of chocolate with milk or white. The last two contain only empty calories. I used to eat only dairy, but I had to change my eating habits. You can eat up to 30 grams of chocolate per day - this is about a quarter of a standard bar. However, this amount is suitable for those who regularly have physical activity.

4. Eat little and often! Ideally, this means three serious meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two snacks. That's exactly how I eat. Breakfast and dinner at home, lunch at work, and two snacks to carry in your bag. Taking it with you to work is not at all difficult. After some time it will enter the system and the habit will develop by itself. Regular meals keep blood sugar at the proper level, and there is less craving for sweets.

5. The right motivation! Probably, this item should have been in the first place. Since everything begins and ends only in our head. You must understand that in pursuit of a beautiful figure, sweets and chocolates should be forgotten. To wean yourself from sweets, choose a worthy motivation for yourself. It can be not only a slim and attractive figure of some model, but also your photos before and after. In my case, this is exactly what happens. After seeing that my reflection in the mirror is much better, I no longer need sweets. This is what motivates me to wean myself from sweets.

A common advice from nutritionists: don't cut out your favorite foods altogether. Not everyone has strong willpower. Running away from temptation is a bad way to deal with it. Therefore, once a week, and if you are losing weight, then once every two weeks you can afford something sweet. One small piece of cake will not give you 10 kg of excess weight, but if this piece is in your mouth every day, the consequences cannot be avoided.

How to wean yourself from sweets, stop eating them in large quantities is a question that worries many women who strive for a slim figure. This is often difficult, especially if, until recently, sweets were a food habit for you. But there are ways, there are many of them, and today we will analyze them.

Reasons why we crave sweets

  • A sharp desire to eat a chocolate bar or a cake occurs with a sharp drop in blood glucose levels. This can happen for several reasons - you are fasting for a long time, there was a sharp overdose of insulin in diabetes, or you are taking drugs that cause a sharp drop in blood sugar.
  • Also, the desire to eat sweets occurs when the body lacks the hormone of joy - serotonin. This occurs when weather conditions change, for example, in autumn, with depression, with stress. When you eat sweets, there is a sharp release of the hormone of joy into the blood, our brain remembers this feeling, and the next time this hormone is not enough, it sends signals that require “doping”, that is, sweets.
  • There is not enough sweet when there is a lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the body. In particular, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen and healthy fats.
  • It is noted that you really want sweets when the human body is heavily slagged. That is, you give him the necessary nutrients, but because of the slagging, they come slowly, and there is a sharp feeling of hunger, which is easiest to satisfy with sweets.

How to wean yourself from sweets and stop eating them

If you just decided to wean yourself from sweets, stop eating it, the first thing is to find a replacement for it. What do we take when we crave sweets? Usually these are some kind of sweets, cookies, cake, sweet bun. Eating them, we cause a rapid spike in glucose levels, which also falls sharply. Change your sugar preferences - for example, apples, dried fruits, dark chocolate are not only more healthy, but will also help get rid of the desire to eat sweets and hunger for a longer period. Carry a bag of dried fruit with you instead of candy, and this will be your first step to stop eating sweets. Read more about which foods (fruits, ice cream, chocolate, desserts) are good and which are bad, we told in the article if you want to lose weight, eat sweets. Look, very informative.

Use natural sugar substitutes

If the craving for sweets is irresistible, then it is better to give it to the body in order to avoid a breakdown, which will be much worse - says our nutritionist. But instead of sugar, it is better to use natural sweeteners. For example, in every pharmacy you can buy bags of stevia - this is a plant that has a sweet taste and will help you replace regular tea with sugar, plus it perfectly cleanses the body and helps to lose weight. But it’s better to add cinnamon to coffee, just sprinkle it on top - at first it will seem unsweetened to you, but after a few cups you won’t be able to drink coffee without cinnamon at all, and no sugar will be needed. Finally, honey - if you take it a little bit on the tip of a teaspoon and dissolve it in your mouth for a couple of minutes, the desire to eat the cake disappears in 4 cases out of five. Another option is to replace cookies or sweets with fruits, apples or kiwis are best, berries are also beautiful.

Replenish vitamins

As we wrote above, the desire to eat sweet or starchy foods may arise due to a lack of certain components in the body. To make up for their lack, drink multivitamins and mineral complexes. In addition to ready-made vitamins, replenish minerals and vitamins will allow you to supplement foods. Include more often in your diet, nuts (a few pieces a day), seeds (1 teaspoon a day), grapes (a few pieces a day), cheese (up to 100 grams per day), fish, liver and meat (preferably chicken , beef or turkey) up to 200 grams per day, spinach and broccoli, legumes.

Be sure to have a good breakfast

A proper breakfast is not only a guarantee of good health, vivacity and energy for the whole day, it is also your savior to wean yourself from eating sweets. The fact is that a breakfast rich in long-term carbohydrates helps keep blood sugar under control, you feel full longer and you do not want sweets. Make yourself oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge or unsweetened muesli, add fresh berries or nuts - this is the right and healthy breakfast if you want to wean yourself about sweets.

Eat small and regularly

Fractional meals - about 4-5 times a day, will help you forget about sweets. By regularly giving food to the body, you will be able to control the release of glucose into the blood and, thus, wean yourself from sweets. Make it a mandatory rule to include breakfast, lunch and dinner in your diet, between main meals you can snack on fruits, nuts, berries, dairy products, while the amount of snack should not exceed your handful.

Have your own dessert day

Psychologists offer another very interesting way to unlearn eating sweets - a dessert day. I adopted such a thing for myself, people, it really helps! Sweet began to use much less. That is, you limit yourself to eating sweets during the week, but on the day you choose, arrange a dessert holiday for yourself - no, you don’t overeat pies, but you arrange a holiday, beautiful and refined. Selfies are awesome. About how to do everything, I tell in detail in the material dessert figure is not a hindrance, I invite all aesthetes to read.

Aromas will get rid of the sweet

Did you know that there are fragrances that, when inhaled, can stop the desire to eat sweets and allow you to wait until lunch or dinner. To do this, you need an aroma pendant - a thing, by the way, is very original, everyone pays attention - or just a bottle with a tight stopper, where we pour fragrant oil. We walk down the street, for example, we see a delicious cake on the counter, saliva splashes, and we unscrew the aroma pendant and inhale strongly - first one nostril, then the second, and so three times. At first I did not believe that this method worked, and then I calmly began to walk past the confectionery, as it turned away. Oils such as mint, vanilla, green apple, cinnamon, all these essential oils are sold in pharmacies. By the way, if you are hungry at home in the evening, you can use them in an aroma lamp, it also helps a lot. More about essential oils against the desire for sweets and for weight loss.

Ekaterina Beautiful All rights reserved

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This plan will help you gradually replace sugary foods with healthy proteins and fats. The goal is not to give up all sugar once and for all, but to bring it up to the recommended amount by doctors - 6 teaspoons a day. It is possible that after completing the program, your favorite cakes will seem too sweet to you, and ripe strawberries or watermelons are ideal foods for dessert.

Week 1

We begin to gradually reduce the amount of sugar.

1. Plan your meals throughout the day- in this case, you do not have to snack on cookies or drink packaged juice simply because you are very hungry, and there is nothing else at hand.

2. Do you want something sweet? Replace dessert with delicious food. Fats and protein should be part of every meal if you want to get rid of your sweet tooth. Fats will make you feel pleasantly full, and protein will stabilize your blood glucose levels, which means that the desire to eat a cake or candy an hour after dinner will not be so strong. And don't try to limit your diet to chicken breast and vegetable salad. For example, homemade meatballs, a salad with shrimp and a spoonful of mayonnaise, or breaded chicken are much better choices because these dishes contain fat. Also, don't forget green leafy vegetables, legumes, tofu, nuts - all of these foods are rich in magnesium, and when this mineral is lacking, sugar cravings increase. As a result of these changes, you will avoid sudden drops in blood glucose levels and at the same time will not feel hungry and unhappy.

Week 2

Gradually wean yourself from sugary drinks.

Sweet sodas and juices rank first among foods with added sugar. But nevertheless, they are not able to satisfy the needs of a dessert lover, so limiting yourself will not be too difficult.

1. Do you like sweet coffee? Prepare a drink with milk of normal fat content (the ideal combination of proteins and fats). Add cinnamon or vanilla to bring out the flavor. Not sweet enough? Try cutting your regular amount of sugar in half first, then cut it in half again after three days.

2. Can't live without sugary drinks? Prepare soda by mixing equal parts sparkling mineral water and fruit juice. Reduce the amount of juice every day, replacing it with mineral water. Experiment with flavors - for example, try mixing 2-3 types of juice, adding a slice of lemon, ginger, or a little cinnamon.

Week 3

Eat the right snacks.

1. You need to take care so that you always have healthy snacks on hand - then the need for harmful products will come to naught.

2. Follow the protein + fat rule and for snacking, and in addition, it is important to avoid processed products made from high-grade flour (for example, crackers, dryers or crackers). Simple carbohydrates affect the body in the same way as sugar - it quickly absorbs and releases glucose into the blood. When you cut out simple carbohydrates, the areas of the brain that are responsible for sweet cravings calm down.

The right (and sweet) choice

    Nuts with dark chocolate chips

    Natural yogurt with cinnamon, nuts and berries

    Apple chips with cinnamon (wash, cut into thin slices, sprinkle with cinnamon, drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes).

Week 4

Look for added sugar

1. Study the composition of all products that you buy at the store to detect added sugar. This technique will allow you to significantly reduce your usual sugar intake. For example, buy unsweetened cereal and eat it with milk and fruit. Are you used to buying ready-made salad dressing? Replace it with a mixture of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. How much sugar is in the grain bread you usually buy? A good option is less than 2 grams per piece.

2. Don't make sugar control a constant stress.. Some healthy eaters, for example, only eat fructose or low-sugar jams. If you eat a couple of tablespoons of ordinary jam or preserves, there is nothing to worry about. It is impossible to get sick or gain 15 kilograms from one candy or a spoonful of jam.

3. Gradually you will start to notice how sweet pear or melon, nuts, yogurt and chocolate chip cookies can be. You can slowly, with pleasure, eat one and stop there. Congratulations! Now you control sugar, not it you.

This weakness is characteristic of many people, since childhood, most acquire a real passion for sweets. Tea with sugar, and even with sweets or jam. A bottle of soda, where for every milliliter of sugar there is so much that scientists are wondering how such an amount of it could be dissolved there. We offer you some tips that can help reduce the craving for sweets.

  • Cooked turkey, which has already cooled down, causes an unexpected effect when eaten. In the interval from 48 to 72 hours, you will lose the desire to eat sweets.
  • Fruits can replace sugar, they contain glucose and thus, you can deceive your body.
  • Gum. Now many do with sweeteners. Chewing gum has been shown to help reduce food cravings, including sugary ones. But we do not recommend using this method.
  • If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, do not abruptly eliminate it from your diet. Occasionally, you can afford good chocolate or a small amount of cake.
  • If you suddenly want something sweet, eat a piece of cheese, an egg, yogurt, or a carrot first. And also gradually introduce unusual foods into the diet, such as soy or legumes.
  • At first, you can try eating sweets with sugar substitutes. But do not forget that they are no less high in calories, so keep an eye on the amount.
  • There are many recipes for healthy low-calorie sweets that you can make at home. Try, fantasize, experiment.
  • Try to figure out the moment when you crave sweets the most. Perhaps this is just a way for you to escape from boredom and calm down. Try to find another way to relax.
  • Increase your water intake, 1.5-2 liters per day. When you crave sweets again, drink a glass of water. Often when you feel like eating something, especially sweet, in fact, the body does not have enough water.
  • Keep track of spending on sweet foods. Perhaps the amount at the end of the month will make you reconsider your attitude to sweet snacks.
  • Go in for sports, have an active rest. Relive your old hobbies or find new ones. Then you will not have time for sweets and improve your health.

Sweets, chocolates, cakes, cakes and cookies - what a sweet list! And how to refuse such pleasure? Indeed, is it worth making such sacrifices?

Why do people eat sweets in large quantities

Sweetheart can be tormented by guilt that she simply cannot deny herself, as if she has no willpower. But don't blame yourself too much. Few people know that most of them fell into the slavery of chemical addiction, this can be compared with alcohol or drug addiction. How does this happen?
Most people with a sweet tooth are used to eating stress. And if you dig deeper, you can see the psychological dependence. Difficult circumstances in life, lack of love and attention lead to the fact that sweets become a sedative for the nervous system. After another stress, adrenaline is produced, it will quickly use up glucose. A lack of glucose causes a lack of energy and poor health. And so the brain sends a signal to eat a product containing sugar.
A cake or a piece of cake is for our body a source of fast carbohydrates, which are like fuel for the body. And slow carbohydrates include: some vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose with the help of the hormone insulin, which is produced by the human body. With frequent use of sugar, insulin levels jump sharply, and it causes a wave of bad mood. Such changes encourage a person to eat sweets even more.

How to identify your addiction to sweets

1. You feel bad if there is not something sweet in the house or at the workplace, even a piece of chocolate, candy or cookies.
2. You are used to eating in front of the TV screen or in front of the computer. You are surprised to see that you eat even more than you planned without noticing it yourself.
3. Buy a large whole cake or a pack of ice cream. You eat everything alone at one time.
4. Sweet becomes your main food.
5. Your weight indicator exceeds the value allowed for your height.
6. When you hear about a diet, say that you eat little, but do not lose weight at the same time. Although, you know it's not true.
7. At the dentist's office, you hear remarks about caries on your teeth due to eating sugar.
8. Not a single day can do without dessert.
9. You can't sleep a wink until you're full of sweets.
10. When counting the calories eaten, the daily carbohydrate intake consists of 50% of fast carbohydrates.

If you notice more than five of the above points in yourself, then you need to immediately begin to take action in the fight against addiction to sugary foods.

What is the danger of sugar

For example, tooth enamel suffers from it and you can increase your size, and even worse, the second type of diabetes mellitus threatens. It destroys beneficial substances in the body. For example: calcium and protein, vitamin B1 . As a result, caries develops and even a very serious disease called osteoporosis. With the regular intake of fast carbohydrates in large quantities, the level of insulin in the blood fluctuates sharply and often. This leads to mood swings. This hormone in the blood regulates glucose levels and can cause type 2 diabetes. In this case, nutritionists recommend eating slow carbohydrates, they do not provoke such sharp drops in insulin in the blood and are able to maintain health.

How to get rid of addiction

Food. Quitting sugar is very difficult. Therefore, cut the amount of sugary foods you eat in half. After 15:00 do not eat fast carbohydrates. This will help the body cope with the already received portion of glucose. Replace sweets with dried fruit, marshmallows, or occasionally
products for diabetics. Eat vegetables that contain starch and fiber, in the digestive system such a product becomes sugar. Serotonin is not found in any food product, it is produced in the human body thanks to tryptophan. By eating foods with this element, you will speed up the process of producing serotonin. But tryptophan will not enter the brain in large quantities if you do not eat food with slow carbohydrates along with it. Together, this contributes to strong nerves, good sleep and well-being. Tryptophan contains products such as: Dutch and processed cheese, milk and kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, beef and turkey, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Slow carbohydrates contain legumes, hard fruits and cereals.

Psychology. It is also important to understand your psychological problems. Lack of serotonin (hormone of joy) causes a person to seize stress with sweets. It is better to replenish the supply of serotonin from other sources. For example, doing something useful for others, then a person feels satisfaction. In return, you will receive positive emotions from others: love and gratitude, respect. Laugh more often. We receive what we give to others.

Employment and rest. Go in for sports, athletes really do not want to lose their beautiful shape because of food. Or create an interesting job for yourself, this will not give you time to get bored in front of the TV and focus on negative news. It is supposed to sleep about 8 hours a day, then the nervous system will be more successful in coping with anxiety. Take a walk, it will take your mind off food, and serotonin (the hormone of pleasure) is produced due to the sunlight that hits the skin when walking.

Friends. Surround yourself with people who don't have the same problem as you or those who have dealt with it and can support you. After all, when you come to visit a sweet tooth, you can not restrain yourself and again get hooked on sweets. Also, cheerful, purposeful people will help you cope with stress without candy and not give up when you fail.

As can be seen from the above, here one pulls the other. Try to implement at least one piece of advice from each point. Be realistic, sometimes there can be breakdowns, but by thinking about the benefits you can get rid of the habit of eating sweets.

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