How to get rid of depression tips. Find the source and cause of the existence of the problem, engage in self-examination. Eliminate factors that cause depression

This article is about how to get rid of depression on your own without the help of pills or doctors. If you have already read my blog, then you know that all my articles are based on personal experience. I write about how I got rid of a lack of discipline, bad habits, learned to deal with stress and control emotions. I take all these tips from personal practice, and not from books and textbooks. And this article is no exception.

This article reflects only my personal experience, I do not pretend that these truths can be applied to any experience without exception.

And the methods of this article in no way claim to replace qualified psychotherapy in combination with drug treatments. If you find yourself depressed, I highly recommend contacting a qualified, good specialist.

And the information in this article will help you get acquainted with the view of the problem, understand what methods should be resorted to, and you will also find effective self-help techniques in it.

Let me briefly tell my story.

History of my illness

A few years ago I suffered from the so-called and even went to the doctor with this problem. Against the background of panic attacks, some kind of despondency, chronic pessimism, despair, dissatisfaction with life, high mental sensitivity and even tearfulness began to develop. Nobody diagnosed me with such a diagnosis as depression, probably because there was no one to put it on - I did not communicate with doctors on this issue (although I tried to “treat” them for panic attacks).

But I have observed many symptoms of this disease in myself. I did not feel bad all the time: this state of psychological discomfort came in attacks. At the same time, there were problems with sleep: and, sometimes, I was thrown up on the bed, as soon as I fell into sleep, as if a sudden discharge of current passed through my body. To eliminate all these symptoms, I began to drink alcohol, which later developed into a chronic habit.

Symptoms of depression provoked difficulties at work and at home. Apathy and lack of purpose gave rise to laziness, and sudden outbursts of irritation or despondency reflected badly on those around me.

How does depression appear?

It happens that depression is caused by some unpleasant event, such as the death of a relative. And it happens that this ailment manifests itself as if for no reason. In fact, there is always a reason, it's just that it is either hidden, or there are many of these reasons. For example, a person may experience depression due to constant stress, fatigue, alcohol use, family problems, lack of goals and aspirations, etc. All these things together can form a favorable psychological background for the development of depression.

Many may think that depression caused by some single, non-repeating event (death of a loved one) is less hopeless than the same disease, but provoked by recurring circumstances (stress, constant nervous fatigue, character traits, etc.) .

After all, sooner or later, the memory of misfortune will begin to fade, and life will begin to be filled with new meaning, new pleasures, and along with this, grief and the depression associated with it should disappear. But it doesn't always happen this way. An unfortunate event can only become a "trigger" of depression for a person who, due to various factors, was predisposed to it.

This is similar to how a draft causes a cold in a person with a weak immune system. It cannot be said that a draft alone caused a cough and a sore throat. The air from the open window only provoked the disease, and the prerequisites for its occurrence already existed due to weak immunity.

Even if a cold passes after a week, then after that a person still runs the risk of getting sick if he gets caught in the rain or in a draft.

Some kind of misfortune in the life of a certain person can become such a “draught” for the appearance of depression. Like a chronic illness, depression can weaken your “immunity” and increase your risk of developing the disease in the future.

So it was with me. I used to be a very sensitive and receptive person to stress. At one point, severe stress provoked panic attacks and depression associated with them. If my psyche were more stable and stable, then I would have reacted to this situation more calmly and it would not have caused such severe consequences for me. But I was what I was...

After a few years, I already forgot about this stress, the memories of those events ceased to cause pain, I began to take it easier. But depression and panic attacks have not disappeared. Because these ailments even more "shattered" the already painful psyche. When I forgot about that stressful situation, I still continued to suffer from sudden attacks of panic, bad mood and pessimism.

I gave this example to draw a very important conclusion about the nature of depression. I believe that most often, the causes of this disease are in the person himself, and not in external circumstances. I don't take extremes. Naturally, there are things that can break and make even the strongest people suffer. But, in most situations, depression is a consequence of your mental state, physical health, nervous sensitivity and worldview.

And some situations in the outside world can only start something for which the prerequisites already existed.

My method is to strengthen the immune system

Despite the fact that antidepressants and tranquilizers can positively affect the symptoms of depression, they cannot be dispensed with alone!

Even if your depression is caused by an imbalance in the chemical balance in the brain, then there are other ways besides pills to restore this balance. It has been proven that even psychotherapy, various practices of working on oneself change the chemical balance in the head. That's it!

Moreover, although I cannot deny the need for medication, it has been proven that psychotherapy and work on oneself have a much more lasting and lasting effect. That is, the pills will relieve the symptoms. But if you want to strengthen your “psychological immunity”, reduce the likelihood of recurrence of depressive episodes in the future, then you definitely need to practice and work on yourself!

In order not to get sick with a cold, you need to temper yourself, keep your body in good shape, and not just drink all sorts of drugs. The same applies to depression. It is necessary to stabilize the emotional background, strengthen the nervous system and learn to look at things differently. This is what my method is.

It helped me not only to get rid of depression and panic attacks, but to be sure that this would not happen again. And even if it happens again, I can handle it on my own. I will not depend on the arbitrariness of these attacks, unknown to me, and tremble at the mere thought that they will return, as they were before. Let them come back - I know what to do.

However, in some cases drugs are needed. They are needed simply to literally “put a person on his feet”, to help him start working on himself, undergo therapy. This is just some pharmacological support, but not the treatment itself. This must be understood. But if your case is severe, the medical method cannot be neglected!

But you just don’t need to see this as a panacea and limit yourself to drugs: pills are just your temporary assistant in the service of therapy. Be sure, in addition to pills, you need to carry out activities to work with the psyche on your own or better under the supervision of a psychotherapist.

Get rid of depression - start working on yourself

I turn to the practical part of the article and a description of those tips that will help you get rid of depression and strengthen your mental immunity.

Eliminate negative ideas

There are some ideas that make it very difficult to recover from bouts of mental blues. I must say right away that these ideas are false and need to get rid of them. I will elaborate on each of these ideas below.

Idea 1 - I am depressed because I am such a person (nervous, sensitive, ), this is how I am arranged and there is nothing I can do about it.

There is no more destructive delusion for the development of personality! You are depressed, not because you are who you are, but because you have not done anything to change! Every person is capable, every personality has a huge potential for positive metamorphoses.

In order to stop experiencing depression, many people will have to work on themselves and even change their outlook on things. Get ready for it. It's not easy, but it's certainly possible. This is confirmed by my experience and the very fact of the existence of this site.

Idea 2 - I'm depressed because some circumstances of my life are to blame (I live in a bad country, I don't have money to buy myself, everything I want, I'm surrounded by idiots, I don't have a girlfriend / boyfriend , my parents did not like me, etc.).

This is also a rather dangerous misconception. When you feel bad, you are overcome by despondency, your brain tries by all means to find the cause of the situation. The search for a cause precedes the determination of a solution, which is why many people cling to these imaginary causes as lifelines. This helps them to realize that they know why they are suffering and know how to stop this suffering.

This gives them a sense of control over the situation. They think: “as soon as I change my job or place of residence, my depression will stop, I know what to do, now I am suffering, but later, when I move to a new country, divorce my wife, buy myself a yacht, everything will be fine.” This is how hope appears. Therefore, depressed people are extremely reluctant to part with such ideas.

The brain begins with great zeal to sort out those circumstances that cause discomfort and bring them under the causes of depression. It can be difficult for us to abstract from our perception and understand that the whole point is in this perception itself.

A negative view of things, negative emotions, constant resentment and despondency make an extremely strong distortion in our view of things. You can look at the world through rose-colored glasses, or you can observe it, on the contrary, looking through glasses with cloudy, gray glasses.

Depression makes things look different from what they are to ordinary, pure perception. We begin to pay attention to the bad sides of life, our shortcomings seem huge to us, the problems are insurmountable, and the whole life is a series of senseless suffering.

If you suffer from depression, your perception is illusory, erroneous and does not reflect the real state of affairs. It's like you're under the influence of a drug! Don't believe this perception! Need to change it!

If you cannot be happy with what you have, then you cannot be happy under any circumstances! Wherever you go, no matter what woman you find, no matter how much wealth you have, your negative perception will remain with you.

And you can’t run away from it just by moving to another place! But if you change your perception, you may realize that the conditions in which you live are not so bad, your friends are not so terrible, and in life, there seems to be something worth living for! Nothing in the world around you will change, just your views will change!

In my life, for example, there are still things that do not suit me and that I want to change (for example, working conditions, not having my own living space). But these things no longer make me unhappy, because I myself have become different, although before it seemed to me that it was because of these things that I felt bad.

When I try to convince people that the whole problem is in themselves, in their perception of life, I run into an insurmountable barrier. They begin to show a violent reluctance to part with the idea that the causes of their depression are rooted in some external circumstances. After all, their hope is based on this idea, a false, groundless, illusory hope!

Of course, it is necessary to change in life, what does not suit you in it. But, first of all, you need to start with yourself!

Idea 3 - Depression is purely a psychological illness.

This is not true. Depression is also related to the state of your body. Bad habits, fatigue, stress can lead to the appearance of this disease. And quite the opposite: playing sports, keeping your body in good shape, regular rest can help prevent depression.

Stop looking for the causes of your unhappiness only in some lofty matters: in a feeling of existential emptiness, loss of Faith, etc. Pay attention also to how your body feels, whether it is healthy enough and whether it receives all the vitamins it needs to work.

Practice meditation for inner balance

Meditation helped me get out of the pool of despondency and pessimism, to find joy and faith in myself. I forgot about depression and panic attacks. Meditation calms and stabilizes the psyche, gives a good mood and relieves stress. Laboratory studies of meditation have shown that the practice of meditation affects the brain, increasing the activity of electrical alpha waves, at the frequency of which the brain begins to work. Such activity contributes to a calm, relaxed state.

Regular meditation practice can help with depression, although it cannot be said that it will help everyone. Even if with the help of them it will not be possible to completely get rid of this ailment, then practice will help you to endure these attacks more easily and somehow control them.

In my opinion, meditation is one of the most effective and safe means to get rid of blues, nervousness, anger and anxiety. Many people greatly underestimate the effect of this practice and believe that it will not help them.

When I advise people who are suffering and cannot understand themselves to start practicing meditation, they respond to these tips with a slight bewilderment. They don’t say this directly, but most likely they think this way: maybe meditation will help me feel calmer, better control my emotions, but will it save me from what makes me unhappy? Can practice attract money, which I so lack for happiness? Can I find the woman of my dreams with the help of her, without whom I feel bad?

Many people think this way, and in the end, they remain convinced that meditation is not for them, and it will not solve their problems. Thinking like that is a mistake. For these people, it is more important to keep faith in their own prejudices, which they used to believe in, than to try something else and try to help themselves in another way. This train of thought, a consequence of the presence in the head of a false idea number 2, which I wrote about above.

You are most likely not unhappy because you live in a bad country and you do not have enough money for an expensive car that your neighbor has. Happiness and unhappiness depend more on your internal state than on external circumstances, I wrote about this in my article.

Meditation is a great way to put your psychological and emotional state in order, to look at the world with a sober and clear look, and not through gray lenses.

When you remove your illusion points, your values ​​may change. These will no longer be the ideals on which you base your belief in deliverance from suffering. Now you can believe that without a huge bank account you will not be happy, but if you understand your desires well, gain a sense of inner comfort and a sense of independence, you will understand that the value of life is completely different!

Through practice and self-knowledge, you can realize that the deepest treasure of life is contained in itself, in the very fact that you live and breathe, and not in the possession of some things.

A bank account is also good, but this is not the main thing. You will achieve this someday if you try, but first you need to find happiness within yourself.

Meditation can change your outlook on things, teach you to notice its good sides in this life, see joy in small things, and with the help of introspection and reflection, come to the realization of your true goals.

Practice has taught me all this, and I hope it will teach you too. A sense of inner comfort, contentment, optimism, and peace of mind is what regular practice leads to.

I am sure that depression will be very difficult to manifest in such a state of mind and feelings.

I started meditating in the hope that the practice would help me eliminate depression and panic attacks. But she gave me immeasurably more than just getting rid of despondency and anxiety! I realized my weaknesses and shortcomings, began to work on myself, strengthened my willpower, became more sociable and cheerful, and gained control over my desires and emotions.

Attention! Meditation does not have an instant effect! Depression won't go away! Only regular, long-term practice (preferably under the supervision of a psychotherapist) can help you!

Depression may worsen in the first weeks of the practice. This is fine. Some antidepressants have a similar effect when a person first starts taking them. If the unpleasant effect does not go away for a long time with continued practice, meditate less or stop meditating altogether.

In order to get rid of depression with the help of meditation, it is not enough just to sit, meditate and wait for depression to pass by itself. Meditation is not an end in itself, it is just a tool. About how to use this tool correctly to cope with depression and not harm yourself, I describe in the article. If you want to start meditating, This article is a must read for you!

Strengthen your body

The cause of depression may not only be in the psychological aspects of your personality. Your mental state is highly dependent on your physical health. You are unlikely to get rid of despondency if you often drink alcohol, smoke, chronically lack sleep and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Alcohol and other drugs (including antidepressants) provide only temporary relief, but in the long run, they only aggravate the situation and increase the chance of further development of depression. and .

Physical activity, sports exercises not only strengthen your body and increase physical tone, but also improve your mood, relieve fatigue and stress. Sport is a natural antidepressant. Sport allows you to raise the level of endorphins (“hormones of happiness”) in your brain, causing joy and euphoria.

This way to cheer up does not have side effects in the form of depression, insomnia and decreased sexual function, like many antidepressants. A side effect of sports as a means of raising the mood is a healthy body.

If you are not into sports yet, then start doing at least exercises in the morning and light jogging. If running is still hard for you, take long walks in the fresh air. Notice how short exercise and walks boost your mood and improve your overall well-being. Track this effect, feel it, and remember it so that your brain associates the feeling of pleasure with useful activities, like sports.

I am sure that yoga classes are great help to cope with mental blues, besides, they are very useful for your body. Try it!

Lack of vitamins, junk food can also greatly affect your psychological state, so try to eat right: visit fast food less often, eat less garbage, like sausages or chips.

Develop willpower

The key to successful recovery from depression is the development of willpower. Without willpower, you cannot. Instead of jogging, you will be left to grieve at home. Instead of practicing meditation regularly, you will choose an easier way: go to the doctor and ask him to write you another pill.

Without willpower, you won’t be able to pull yourself together and say to yourself: “let me feel bad and don’t want to do anything, but I’ll still get out of bed, wipe this suffering mine from my face and do what will help me get rid of depression forever !"

Depression is fueled by your lack of will, weakness and laziness. On these qualities, it grows and grows stronger by leaps and bounds! If you can't say no to your weaknesses, if you can't control yourself when you feel like complaining about life, if you can't force yourself to forget your gloom when you have to work, then it will be difficult for you to eradicate depression.

When I began to actively fight depression (for a long time I did not make any active attempts to fight), I discovered one remarkable property of willpower.

Sometimes I lay and suffered from another bout of blues: I didn’t want to do anything, I only wanted to whine and complain. At one point, I realized what to do. I realized that you can’t go on about these desires, but you need to do the opposite! If, because of despondency, you want to lie down and complain, you need to get up and do something, for example, clean the house, do other things. If you want to complain about the life of a friend or just infect him with your despondency, then instead you need to stretch a smile on your face and say something good, pleasant!

It's not easy at first. There is a very strong resistance, as if you are going against the wind of incredible strength, which blows your body in the opposite direction to the movement. But as soon as this resistance is overcome, a wonderful relief appears, even some kind of triumph! A triumph of willpower! Fear and despondency recede! You feel power and control over the situation!

Willpower is one of the most effective tools that allows you to achieve great success in the fight against depression and panic attacks and other types of blues.

That is why the effect often disappears with the end of taking antidepressants - the disease returns again. And why shouldn't he come back if you haven't learned anything, if you haven't increased your mental immunity, if you haven't eliminated the very prerequisites for the onset of depression, but only struggled with the symptoms?

If you are weak, prone to anxiety and worries, do not know how to control your feelings, then pills will not cure you of this! You will remain the same, and with it there will be a risk of another blues.

Strengthen the nervous system, learn to relax

This can be attributed to physical health, but it’s better to write about it in a separate paragraph. Anxiety, nervousness, irritability are all prerequisites for depression. In addition to physical healing procedures that strengthen the nervous system, learn to contain and control nervousness.

Learn stress management and relaxation techniques.

Learn to control your emotions

Negative emotions can also serve as a source of discouragement. Anger, envy, irritation, hatred, pathology - all this poisons your personality, making it more prone to despondency. Learn to control yourself and get rid of negative experiences.

Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself

Stop complaining about life! Stop telling your friends how unhappy you are - they have enough problems of their own. It only poisons your mood and sets you on a tone of self-pity. Try to focus on the positive aspects of life. There are people whose life is much harder than yours. There are those who live in conditions of constant danger to life, deprivation and hunger.

I assure you that if you have enough food, water, housing and some health, then this is almost all you need to be happy! Learn to be happy with what is, and not be sad about what is not!

Train yourself to endure the blues and heartache, do not identify yourself with this state. Act and behave as if it is not there, forget about it, do not pay attention to it, do not let it take possession of you. This state is simply a chain of chemical reactions that take place in your brain. And it is in your power to control this state.

If you cry and complain, constantly thinking about how unhappy you are because of depression, then you will only increase your ailment. After all, depression is not only a state of your body, it is also all your experiences associated with it. The disease itself is not so scary when you begin to suffer because of it and wrap your anxieties, unhappy thoughts and fears on top of it!

Even a common cold with a temperature is easier if you do not lose heart, do not whine and wait for recovery. Treat depression like a cold. Be patient, this is just a temporary state of mind. Things around are not so terrible, the situation is not so hopeless. The fact that everything is bad makes you think of an ailment - do not succumb to this!

Get rid of depression - improve external living conditions

I have already written about how important it is to work on yourself and change your outlook on things in order to stop feeling blues. But, our external conditions of existence can also affect your psychological state. True, these conditions are not as important as many of you used to think. What matters is what's inside. And so that you do not forget about it, I will remind you of this in each of the points that I will list below.

Create comfortable living conditions

If many people live in one small room, then this can cause feelings of psychological discomfort. And it's not even about the people themselves, but about their number. No matter how good relations in a team or family are, tightness, lack of solitude can greatly spoil the mood and interfere with a good rest.

If you have the opportunity, move to a larger room, move from your parents to a separate apartment (or cottage). Let this apartment be small and far away, but housing will be more comfortable if you live, say, with one wife than with your wife and parents.

Probably, those of you who have housing problems will now think to themselves: “Oh, that's it! That's why I'm unhappy!" No, that's not the only reason.

Even in the absence of comfortable housing, you can find your happiness! It's also up to you. If you do not yet have the opportunity to change your living circumstances, then work on yourself, develop your qualities, this will help you endure adverse life circumstances more steadfastly.

Even if you have your own living space, create coziness and comfort conditions there. Tidy up the house, get a pet if you don't have one. Better cat. Better yet, two cats. Or a cat and a dog.

An animal won’t make you happy right away, but a four-legged friend helps relieve stress, brightens up loneliness and improves your mood.

Find the right job

Don't like your job? Change her! Don't like working at all? Create your business and organize it in such a way that it does not take much time and effort! Think about what you want from life. Maybe it's time to start moving towards something, and not sit and passively contemplate how nothing changes year after year, and all your dreams melt like ice in the sun?

If you find your life purpose and start moving towards it, it will fill your life with meaning and give you the joy of existence. After all, some way will open for you, you will stop living without any purpose! The lack of meaning in life and the collapse of hopes can provoke despondency.

What is stopping you from moving towards your dreams? Most likely, only your internal limitations: laziness, fear and doubt. Start slowly realizing your wildest desires. Learn, read, communicate with people, learn about all the possibilities that exist in this world.

Working 5/2 in a job you don't like, as allegedly "everyone" does, is not the only viable alternative. There are many other opportunities, you just need to learn about them, and not sit back and wait for these opportunities to find you. Move and learn new things, explore different options, make plans.

But it's not just about work.

Even doing activities that do not bring pleasure, you can find your happiness!

But still, you need to strive for the best! So start looking for new opportunities!

Update: Let me explain the above statement a bit. Lack of purpose is not always one of the causes of depression. It's more of a consequence. Therefore, finding and finding a purpose is not always a panacea for depression. It is difficult when nothing pleases you, nothing inspires you. A chronically depressed person is not inspired by opportunities to improve his life in some way. Everything is equally bad for him.

To find your goal, you need to work on yourself, meditate, achieve at least some kind of internal balance. You don't have to start by trying to find a stimulus when you're feeling down and not attracted to anything. Start with yourself. Purpose and incentive are secondary.

Find the right life partner

Look for a way out of your loneliness. Find the right pair for you. I cannot teach you how to look for a suitable partner, how to decide on an acquaintance - all this is the topic of separate articles. The only thing I can advise is to choose such a person who will be strong, balanced, balanced and without unnecessary cockroaches in the head.

If you are a subtle, sensitive nature, prone to feelings, then you do not need to meet a person of the same character! Maybe he will be close to you in spirit, but you will not learn anything from him, just like he from you. His and your shortcomings will develop within your union.

It's kind of like incestuous marriages. When people who are in kinship ties give birth to offspring, then it turns out to be weak and defective, as it inherits the weaknesses and defects of the father and mother. But people who are not relatives are much more likely to have healthy children.

Therefore, you do not need to choose a person with the same shortcomings as you. Your union will inherit your weaknesses and will be fragile and short-lived and will become a source of new suffering.

But don't forget that even in loneliness you can find your happiness!

Get out into nature more often

I recommend to those who suffer from depression a calm, measured rest. It is better to relax in quiet places than to wallow in the revelry of a noisy resort. If you just try to distract yourself from depression through unbridled fun, parties and alcohol, it will not do any good, but only harm.

Learn to enjoy nature and peace, walk in parks and forests, go to the country. Stay alone with yourself more often, try to understand yourself, listen to yourself! Fresh air, peace and quiet work wonders!

But, do not forget that even in a noisy city you can be happy!

Final remarks

As you can see, there is a lot of work to be done. You can't get away with pills alone. If you decide to take antidepressants, then combine them with other therapies that I described above. Meditate every day, develop willpower, learn a positive outlook on things, go in for sports. I can't imagine how you can get rid of depression without changing yourself!

Approximately 30% of the 70% of those who read this article to the end will heed the advice and begin to follow my recommendations. The rest will become lazy, they will think that my advice does not suit them, because I do not know their grief, their deep existential troubles and, therefore, I cannot help them in any way, and meditation and yoga are generally some kind of shamanism.

Some of these people may even agree with me, think “yes, it’s all right that Nikolai writes.” But things will not go beyond this tacit consent, because what I advise requires patience and diligence. Agreeing with my statements will not prevent someone from running to the doctor for pills, simply because it is the easiest and most effortless.

5-10% out of 30% will methodically follow my advice, actively fight depression, go in for sports, yoga and meditation. The remaining 20% ​​go to a couple of workouts, try to meditate and immediately quit it, seeing that these remedies did not bring instant relief and are difficult to come by. Maybe they will start resorting to pills and alcohol or just continue to suffer.

These 5-10% of persistent and patient people, after some time, will feel that their condition has become better. Not only will depression go away, but they will see improvement in other areas of their lives. Volitional qualities will increase, communication with other people will become easier, the body will gain strength and health, and the mind will become calmer.

For some of these people, depression will go away forever, the other part will learn to control and tolerate it, the symptoms will become less intense, the disorder will begin to appear less often, and the fear of new attacks will pass.

I have given this approximate forecast not to steal your hope. I did this to show that everything is in your hands, and not in the hands of the doctor who treats you, not in the hands of the person who writes hopeful articles, not in the hands of the pharmacists who develop your drugs.

It depends on you whether you will suffer or defeat your sworn enemy - depression. Will you resist or just passively resign yourself to fate. Nobody can help you unless you want to.

Neither I nor anyone else can force you to do something, I can only guide and give advice, everything else is in your hands! Forward! Take action!

Attention! This article does not call for refusing the help of a qualified specialist! Some people can get rid of it on their own, but not all. If you have severe symptoms of depression, then I recommend that you do not delay and go to a good psychotherapist as soon as possible, a doctor who will not only prescribe drugs (if necessary), but will also conduct therapy sessions with you!

WHO calls depression the most common mental disorder in the world. According to statistics, more than 350 million people of all ages suffer from it, and two-thirds of them are women.

Depression must be distinguished from ordinary mood swings or negative emotional reactions because this disturbance of affect significantly reduces the patient's quality of life by interfering with work, study, relationships with others, and self-care. In severe cases, depression leads to suicide, which kills about 800,000 people every year.

Causes of depression

The causes of depression are divided into two groups:

  1. External factors - severe stress, the death of loved ones, a painful break in relationships, the inability to achieve a goal, social failure, problems at work, a serious illness (one's own or one's relatives).
  2. Internal causes - a violation of neurochemical processes in the cerebral cortex (problems in the exchange of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin). Often the main internal cause is a genetic predisposition that some people suffer from.

Depression can be provoked by one strong shock that happened absolutely unexpectedly for a person, or a series of negative events. In the second case, the principle of "last drop" applies. Nobody is immune from this. Scientists, however, have found that women are more prone to experiencing this disorder.


Depression is of different types:

Psychogenic develops against the background of an unexpected loss of a close or inner experience. The person is confused, does not understand what is happening around him. It seems that the only way out of this difficult situation for him is suicide.
neurotic This disease occurs as a result of the appearance of a bad mood. Tearfulness may occur. Man thinks that the world is collapsing around him. There is a constant feeling that no one understands him, and that there is an overestimated demand on him from others. This can be manifested by poor falling asleep, frequent constant headaches, and sexual disturbances.
masked this is a type of depression in which mood does not decrease, but unpleasant sensations arise: various pains in the heart, in the bones, in the back. All these symptoms push a person to a deliberate, but not planned trip to the doctor. In this case, a person feels a general malaise, weakness. Doctors begin to examine such a patient, looking for their pathology. But in the end, there is no effect from the therapy. Some begin to think about pathology, which is quite rare, or even about oncological pathology.
Postpartum occurs in women after childbirth, especially in young mothers after the first birth.

Support for loved ones in depression

Having a baby is an important step. During pregnancy, a woman begins to worry about how the birth will go, who will be born, how to educate, and against this background, depression drags on for a long postpartum period.

Many people, despite noticing severe symptoms of depression, do not want to go to the doctor and take treatment. They are afraid of the reaction of the family and the environment. They believe that they themselves can deal with this problem. Medical treatment is treated with distrust and suspicion.

However, depression, if left untreated or treated with home remedies, can be a big risk for the sufferer. During the worsening of symptoms, the patient feels the meaninglessness of his existence and cannot see anything positive in his life. His mind is set to negative thinking, nothing pleases him, and he feels like a burden to the entire environment. Thoughts of suicide are born in him, which can lead to tragedy. Therefore, it is so important to accept the appropriate treatment recommended by a specialist doctor, as well as constant monitoring of the patient's health.

A factor that strongly influences the behavior and condition of a depressed person is support from family and friends. The closest people provide a person with a sense of security, which is very important in the fight against the disease. When there is support from loved ones, it is easier to overcome adversity. Patients with depression may not appreciate or even notice the efforts of loved ones, but this does not mean that they do not need this support. Depression is a disease, and, as with any disease, the sufferer needs care and help from others. The fight against the disease and recovery will be easier and more effective when there is someone to rely on and who to count on in difficult times.

Symptoms of depression

Many people think that depression is just a bad mood. However, such an opinion is overly simplified, and therefore erroneous. When it comes to the clinical syndrome, it negatively affects all areas of life at once.

Symptoms of depression in women and men appear on four levels at the same time:

  1. Thoughts - negative thinking prevails, pessimistic thoughts haunt, the past, present, and the future seem unpromising, a person begins to think very slowly.
  2. Emotions - covers a bad mood, exclusively negative experiences, melancholy, sadness, inability to enjoy anything, irritability.
  3. Physical condition - headaches, memory problems, constant feeling of fatigue, chronic diseases are exacerbated.
  4. Behavior - apathy, motor retardation, refusal of food or its excessive consumption, sleep disturbances.

For those who have never experienced such a state, it may seem that it is far-fetched. But the depressive syndrome leads to an imbalance in the cerebral cortex, which entails the listed symptoms. A person affected by this syndrome really cannot work and rest. He has no desire and strength to even get out of bed. This is a serious disease that requires professional treatment. The sooner competent treatment begins, the sooner it will be possible to return to normal life.

Depression is recognized by experts as the most common mental disorder. Statistics say that every tenth inhabitant of the planet is exposed to it, and this trend is only increasing. The forecasts of the World Health Organization are shocking: by 2020, this disorder will lead the ranking of diseases, ahead of even infectious diseases.

Proven advice from psychologists will help and tell you how to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything.

  1. Take responsibility.
  2. Watch interesting and inspiring series and movies.
  3. Avoid solitude and loneliness. Communicate more often with people around you. Go to interesting events. Find a fun activity or hobby.
  4. Allow yourself to accept help from other people.
  5. Reach out to the spirit world.
  6. Avoid alcohol and other drugs completely. They negatively affect the state of the psyche of people and worsen it with each use.
  7. Adjust sleep. Only a long and healthy rest can restore the human nervous system.
  8. Get some exercise.
  9. Do something useful for the people around you selflessly - show love to them, and they will reciprocate.
  10. Use affirmations.

Treatment for depression

Treatment of mild to moderate depression most often begins with psychotherapy. For severe depression, doctors usually combine it with pharmacotherapy.

The main group of drugs prescribed for the treatment of depression are antidepressants - drugs that increase the emotional background and return the patient the joy of life.

This group of medicines was discovered in the middle of the last century quite by accident. Doctors used the new drug isoniazid and its analogue, iproniazid, to treat tuberculosis and found that patients' mood improved significantly even before the symptoms of the underlying disease began to subside.

Subsequently, clinical trials have shown a positive effect of the use of iproniazid for the treatment of patients with depression and nervous exhaustion. Scientists have found that the mechanism of action of the drug is to inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), which inactivates serotonin and norepinephrine. With regular use of the drug, the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine in the central nervous system increases, which leads to an increase in mood and an improvement in the overall tone of the nervous system.

Today, antidepressants are a popular group of medicines, which is constantly updated with more and more new drugs. A common feature of all these drugs is the specificity of the mechanism of action: one way or another, antidepressants potentiate the action of serotonin and, to a lesser extent, norepinephrine in the central nervous system.

Serotonin is called the “joy” neurotransmitter, it regulates impulsive cravings, facilitates falling asleep and normalizes the change of sleep cycles, reduces aggressiveness, increases pain tolerance, eliminates obsessions and fears. Norepinephrine potentiates cognitive abilities and is involved in maintaining the state of wakefulness.

Several classes of antidepressants are used to treat depression:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline.
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) - selegiline, tranylcypromine (parnate), tranylcypromine.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants - amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline, protriptyline (vivactyl), trimipramine.
  • Atypical antidepressants are bupropion, maprotiline, mirtazapine, nefazodone, trazodone.
  • Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) - duloxetine, venlafaxine.

Each class of antidepressants acts on different neurotransmitters: SSRIs, for example, increase the production of serotonin in the brain, and MAOIs block an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters. Before the effect of antidepressants manifests itself, it should take some time: as a rule, drugs begin to work 2-3 weeks after the start of administration, and their effect lasts for 6-12 months.

In cases where the patient has already successfully taken an antidepressant, doctors usually prescribe the same drug. Otherwise, drug treatment for depression begins with first-line antidepressants.

When choosing a drug, the doctor focuses on the severity and prevalence of certain symptoms. So, in depressions that occur mainly with negative and asthenic symptoms (loss of taste for life, lethargy, apathy, etc.), drugs with a slight stimulating effect are prescribed (fluoxetine (Prozac), moclobemide (Aurorix)).

In cases where positive symptoms predominate - anxiety, melancholy, suicidal impulses, antidepressants with a sedative and anti-anxiety effect are prescribed (maprotiline (ludiomil), tianeptine (coaxil), pirlindol (pyrazidol)).

In addition, there are first-line drugs that have a universal effect (sertraline (Zoloft), fluvoxamine (Fevarin), citalopram (Cipramil), paroxetine (Paxil)). They are prescribed to patients in whom the positive and negative symptoms of depression are equally pronounced.

Sometimes doctors resort to the combined prescription of antidepressant drugs, when the patient takes an antidepressant in the morning with a stimulating effect, and in the evening - with a sedative.

Psychotherapy for depression

Among a large number of psychotherapeutic areas, experts identify a group that is most effective against depression. And the number includes:

  1. Behavioral (behavioral) therapy - relieves negative mental disorders by modeling behavior. The psychotherapist helps the patient get rid of unproductive behavior patterns, replace them with useful ones. Under the influence of changes at the physical level, the mental sphere also changes.
  2. Cognitive therapy - helps to identify the features of depressive thinking, which is individual for each person, and reorient it to rational models of thinking, a positive perception of the world.
  3. Art therapy - harmonization of the patient's psycho-emotional state occurs with the help of a creative act. For this, drawing, playing music, modeling, carving and other areas of art can be used.
  4. Deep psychotherapy - helps to realize the mental traumas hidden from a person, which negatively affect his behavior, emotional state.

Psychotherapy can be group or individual. A person must choose the direction and form of classes that will be most comfortable for him.

How to get rid of depression yourself?

In some forms of depression, you can get rid of it yourself, without resorting to the use of drugs.

Actions to combat depression are:

  • determining the cause of depression;
  • analysis of identified causes;
  • elimination of factors that cause depression;
  • dealing with destructive beliefs;
  • auto-trainings.

Determining the Causes of Depression

In order to get rid of depression on your own, you need to determine the cause of this disorder. It can be either a specific event (divorce, dismissal, death of a loved one), or a combination of several factors. To establish the cause of depression, it is necessary to analyze all significant aspects of life (work, personal relationships, friends). To make the analysis more effective, it is recommended to keep a special diary in which you need to record your own thoughts and reflections. In the future, the diary can be used to record ongoing measures to eliminate depression.

Keeping a diary is an easy but patient method. Notes should be made daily, describing in detail the situations that worsened the patient's condition. It is necessary to record both emotional (increased apathy, irritability) and physical changes (joint pain, muscle tension). Analysis of records will help to understand what circumstances, and in what place (at work or at home) are the primary causes of depression.

Analysis of the causes of depression

When identifying the underlying causes of a depressive disorder, it is necessary to analyze their nature and take measures to eliminate them. Conventionally, all trigger (provoking) factors of depression are divided into two groups.

The first category includes causes that a person cannot eliminate on his own (the death of a loved one, the unfavorable situation in the country, a despotic boss). In such cases, in order to get out of depression on your own, it is recommended to change your attitude towards these circumstances. Auto-training and work on certain character traits are effective.

Eliminate factors that cause depression

When identifying the causes of a depressive disorder that can be eliminated on their own, it is necessary to work to eliminate them. In most cases, factors of this kind are often interrelated and have a complex effect that contributes to the development of depression. So, worries about appearance lead to self-doubt and problems with the opposite sex. Difficulties in relationships can also be influenced by selfishness, the desire for dominance, and other traits of the patient's character.

The routine at the workplace causes a loss of interest in work, which entails professional unfulfillment and financial insolvency. On the other hand, material problems can be the result of extravagance or inability to plan a budget. Therefore, the correction of the factors that cause depression requires an objective and integrated approach from the patient.

Dealing with destructive beliefs

According to experts, many patients with depression have common character traits. Therefore, when fighting this disorder on your own, you also need to work with the mental aspects of the personality. When identifying attitudes contributing to depression, measures should be taken to correct them.


Autotraining is an effective tool in cases where the patient cannot influence the causes of depression. Auto-training is an exercise during which the patient independently enters a state close to a trance. This state is achieved at the moment of maximum muscular and mental (mental) relaxation.

Then, against the background of such an altered consciousness, certain attitudes are introduced, which subsequently change the personality of a patient with depression. In other words, auto-training is an independent coding of the psyche in order to get rid of negative emotions and thoughts.

What to do for prevention?

In order to prevent all kinds of psychological disorders in yourself, it is recommended to monitor the occurrence of initial signs of depression, as well as try to get rid of them in a timely and effective manner.

If you think that you have become irritable and quick-tempered, you notice mood swings, you lose your emotional attraction to daily activities, you have problems sleeping, then you need to urgently think about a good rest, or a job change and other changes in your life. Healthy and prolonged sleep is one of the most important conditions for getting rid of stress and improving your psychological and emotional well-being.

Correctly composed daily routine also plays an important role in getting rid of the initial signs of depression.

Stop racking your brains thinking how to get rid of depression on your own! We have collected the best methods that will help get rid of such a nuisance once and for all. .

Depression is a disease familiar to many.

Like any other disease, it needs timely treatment.

However, unlike serious problems, getting rid of depression on your own is not a fantasy, but a reality.

How? We will tell.

Depression: how to recognize?

Depressive disorder is extremely difficult to diagnose. The same symptoms can indicate both depression and a number of other psychological illnesses. If you begin to notice any changes in the physical and moral state of the body, seek help from a qualified specialist.

Treatment can be started only after an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, independent manipulations can result in a number of unpleasant consequences.

Depression comes in three forms: mild, moderate, and severe. Each of them is characterized by a number of specific symptoms.

Mild depression is the easiest to get rid of on your own. Experts from all over the world strongly recommend not to start the situation at the initial stage, otherwise the appearance of new, more unpleasant symptoms will not keep you waiting.

With mild depression, you may experience:

violations of self-control;

feeling of emptiness;

Increased aggression and constant anxiety;

unexplained fatigue;

Sleep disturbances (insomnia, early awakening and late falling asleep);

Pessimistic mood;

Self pity.

Moderate depression is a condition in which a person feels not just depressed, but deprived of any desire to act, create, work. This form has much in common with mild, but all of the above symptoms appear much more clearly and more often.

In addition, other disorders are added:

Partial loss of appetite;

Desire to be alone;

Constant mood swings;

Lack of interest in other people, friends, and even family;

Obsessive, causeless guilt.

Before you get rid of depression on your own, we strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist. Similar symptoms are characteristic of a number of other mental disorders, the treatment of which without the help of a doctor is impossible, and even dangerous.

Finally, severe depression is a disorder in which it is extremely difficult for a person to cope with ordinary activities. Absent-mindedness, constant stress, unwillingness to do anything is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition, there is a serious suicidal risk.

A severe form of depression is characterized by all of the above symptoms that do not leave the patient for a minute. Others are added:

Decreased mental activity (dispersal, forgetting, indecision);

obsessive fears;

Physical disorders (pain in the heart, head, stomach), not amenable to treatment;

Complete loss of libido

Constant thoughts about death and suicide;

Hallucinations (in some cases).

It is impossible to cope with such a disorder on your own. Here you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist and inpatient treatment.

How to get rid of depression on your own: a few simple steps

If you have been diagnosed with a mild degree of depression, it does not matter. It is easy to cope with it without the use of special tools and drugs. A few steps will get rid of the obsessive pessimistic mood.

Step 1. Sports and exercise. During exercise, the level of endorphin in the body increases. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state. Experts also recommend starting your day with exercise and a contrast shower.

Step 2. Healthy sleep. Sleep disorders are the most common cause of sudden depression. Try to normalize your routine. Fall asleep earlier by putting all your gadgets away. In a dream, thoughts are cleared of negativity.

Step 3. Change of scenery. Maybe you don't like the place of work? Don't be afraid to change it! Unloved work is another common cause of stress, and with it, a protracted, difficult-to-treat depression. Find what you like. Spend more time outdoors, discover new places, fill your life with pleasant memories and impressions.

Step 4. Reading. Good literature is not only the development of intellectual abilities, but also a great way to get rid of depression on your own! The book distracts from obsessive thoughts, helps to gain new energy and vitality.

Step 5: Get creative. Scientists have long proved that during creativity, a person throws all negativity aside, and his thoughts are completely cleared. Drawing, music, writing, sports... Find a hobby that you enjoy.

Step 6. Walking with friends. Close people are able to work real miracles with just one presence. Even if depression progresses, and you don’t want to see anyone at all, overpower yourself: this will be a huge step towards healing.

How to get rid of depression on your own with the help of medications?

Modern medicine offers a huge number of drugs, one way or another, helping to eliminate the symptoms of depression. Their action is aimed at improving mood and memory, eliminating sleep and appetite disorders.

All drugs are usually classified according to the effect they have (psychostimulating or sedative).

Stimulants. The drugs of this group do not just fight all the symptoms of a depressive disorder, but also activate the patient's vitality: cheer up, return the desire to work and create. You can select "Imipramine".

Sedatives (soothing). This group effectively fights depression, easily eliminating sleep problems, excessive anxiety, fears and worries. One of the most popular drugs is Azafen.

Balanced. Such drugs are extremely effective in eliminating almost any depressive symptom. They have both a calming and antidepressant effect on the body. Many experts recommend Pirlindol (Parasidol) to their patients.

Remember that sometimes the desire to get rid of depression on your own can be fatal. It is strictly forbidden to use any antidepressants without prior consultation with a qualified specialist. Before you go to the pharmacy, be sure to go to the doctor. Do not risk your own health and the health of loved ones.

How to get rid of depression on your own: folk methods

Depression can be dealt with by hand. Few people know, but many of the products available have a stimulating effect, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect. We present to your attention a few simple ways that will help in a matter of days to get rid of the obvious symptoms of a depressive disorder.

Nuts + dried apricots + honey. All ingredients will need an equal amount - 100 grams each. Pass nuts and dried apricots through a meat grinder, then add honey. This mixture should be taken within a month, one teaspoon 2 times a day before eating.

herbal drink. Collect one tablespoon of lemon balm, peppermint and currant leaves, one teaspoon of thyme. Add two tablespoons of ordinary long leaf tea here. Mix. Pour a teaspoon of this "tea" with a glass of boiling water, and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Taking a glass of drink 3 times a day, you can get rid of depression, lethargy and apathy on your own.

Healthy breakfast. Take a banana, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of pine nuts (you can walnuts), as well as sprouted wheat grains. Grind everything in a blender, adding a glass of milk. Drink such a cocktail every day as breakfast, and after a month you will notice how your emotional state has begun to stabilize.

Depression is not a death sentence. Correct diagnosis, and the right method of treatment can correct the situation in a matter of days. You can get rid of it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists. After all, no matter how trifling the symptoms of mild depression are, they can always progress, developing into a severe form.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Depression is considered a fairly serious psychological disorder that occurs for various reasons. However, many people who are faced with this are trying to find a way to get out of depression on their own. Often the resulting apathy, indifference to everything that happens takes place with little investment and the efforts of the person himself.

Before looking for options on how to defeat depression, despondency and melancholy, you should remember an important rule - if independent attempts do not lead to results, the condition worsens or despair appears about wasted energy, you should seek help from an experienced psychologist. At a professional level, a specialist will tell you how to behave, supplement treatment with medications and teach you how to get rid of depression at home.


How to relieve depression? This state is similar to prolonged indifference - the patient seems to be in a dream, in the process of recovery, both mood ups and downs can be observed. Perhaps the chosen method will not help the first time - but there is no need to fall into despair. A person is able to help himself with depression, you just need to understand that depression will try to absorb again, so you have to make some effort.

There are various methods of struggle, but whichever one is chosen, one should start with small steps, gradually approaching the goal. Get out by any means - every saving method helps to remain yourself and overcome difficulties, but this takes time.

Getting out of depression by looking for causes is the most correct and important step towards healing. Before looking for a way to quickly get rid of repressed emotions, ask yourself why such disorders happened to you, which led to the state when you don’t even want to lift your head from the pillow. Unfortunately, apathy and despondency arising from external factors are often confused with banal laziness. If depression has developed because of it, you should not be cured, but look for strength in yourself, coping with chores and responsibilities.

Many people attach too much importance to their own labor investments, they believe that they work more than a colleague, they put more effort into the house and family than the rest of the family. Gradually, resentment, laziness develops, a person ceases to want evening walks or simple conversations at the end of the day, and he thinks to himself that he has depression. In this case, psychologists recommend to look at things easier. No matter how simple and easy this advice sounds, but often we oppress ourselves, envying a neighbor, paying attention to other people's successes or making a whole scandal over a mere trifle. And then we suffer in search of a means of how to get out of depression.

What to do in depression? When conducting introspection, it is important to honestly answer yourself the question - what bad happened in your life? Why don't you want anything? After all, if you look back, there are people who have much more problems, while they do not despair and try to change their lives. Think it's useless? So says every depressed patient, exaggerating their own difficulties. If among the acquaintances there are no people who are faced with real troubles, they are easy to find on forums on the Internet. Just get acquainted with their fates, and the feeling that everything is bad will quickly leave you.

The second part of the self-analysis should be devoted to the reasons found - here one must ask the question, who is to blame for this? There are circumstances that do not depend on the patient, but there are situations in which he is the main character. For example, if an error occurred at work through your fault, then you need to undergo additional training, improve your skills, and no longer make mistakes. Coping with depression means taking a step forward by increasing the level of knowledge, both professional and psychological. Sitting idle and suffering will not lead to good results.

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without the intervention of specialists? After analyzing the causes and their perpetrators, the person himself will come to an answer. But in most cases, patients do without the help of psychologists.

Looking for a new look

How to get rid of depression forever? Having acquired a new image, almost all famous people, media people or just ordinary citizens of our and other countries have encountered a depressive mood. Go to the library, read stories on the Internet and recharge the mood of those who managed to set new, achievable goals, began to go towards them, forgetting about the frustration. Getting rid of depression is like losing weight - finding like-minded people who have faced the same problems, but successfully defeated them, it is easy to repeat the path to success.

At this stage, it is wrong to copy other people's goals - the new meaning should correspond to your desires. Overcome yourself, try to suppress despondency in yourself, replacing it with activity. At the same time, always remember that another equally simple person did it himself, you can do the same! Repeat to yourself like a prayer: "You are not defeated, new successes begin." Having clearly drawn a new image for yourself, of your future self, you need to work daily to quickly begin to correspond to it.

love yourself

How to get out of depression on your own? Just learn to love yourself - you need to understand that we are not perfect. There is not a single person on Earth who has never known failure, has not been disgraced, has not made mistakes. It is important to stop self-flagellation, scolding yourself for the inability to achieve some sky-high success. This does not mean that you have to be lazy - everyone achieves certain goals, you need to rejoice and praise yourself at all the stages you have overcome. Having learned to love yourself, it is easier to move forward and, perhaps one day, achieve the desired goal, which drove you into depression.

A diary

What to do if you have depression? It helps a lot to keep a personal diary, in which it is necessary to record all negative as well as positive thoughts. These entries will correspond to attempts to get yourself out of depression. Every time you get in a bad mood, go back to reading what you have achieved, remember how good it was at the moment when you filled out the pages of the diary. Analyzing your own thoughts, it is easy to understand which path has already been completed, and how much remains to be done.

Physical and emotional changes

It is difficult to notice when depression begins, but it always operates on three interconnected levels - body, mind, spirit. Therefore, a combination of practices aimed at everything at once will be more effective. Self-analysis, journaling, self-discovery, and the other methods of dealing with depression described above act on the mind. It remains to involve the body and spirit - yoga, dancing, fitness and other sports areas help a lot in this.

Moving in a dance, riding a bicycle, standing in asanas or repeating a simple bunch on the step in the aerobic hall, a person receives positive emotions. The very interaction of the body and the spirit takes place, all the negativity spills out, suffering disappears, and a smile of itself appears on the face. After regular classes, the question “how to overcome depression and return to life” will disappear by itself. The main thing is to observe regularity. You should not break into an active life, otherwise the forces will quickly run out. It is enough to visit fitness or dance halls 2-3 times a week, where a positive atmosphere always reigns.


It is impossible to cope with depression on your own without changing the quality of life. Pay attention to how much you sleep - if the duration of sleep is less than the recommended norm, then no matter how hard you try, you still won’t get enough sleep, and accordingly you will perceive what is happening badly. It is necessary to reduce the load, alternate work and rest, use the weekend to relax. Perhaps you have long wanted to make a trip - put away all your business for later and go on a trip, even for a few days, but you will feel how your soul rejoices.

Herbal tea is recommended to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Also, one should not forget about appearance - a good-looking person who has made an effort to come in clean, ironed clothes, with makeup and styling (if we are talking about a woman), simply will not allow himself to become limp for every occasion.

Between us girls

It is no secret that it is the female half of the population who suffers from despondency. How to quickly get rid of depression for a girl? To begin with, it is recommended to cry, only not in the presence of the audience, but by yourself - to get out of depression, pulling yourself out of despondency after that will be much easier. Having thrown out emotions, one should proceed to active actions:

  • Assess the situation, reasons and set new goals.
  • Go to the store to update your wardrobe - shopping is the best antidepressant, and shopping removes all negativity.
  • Visit a beauty salon and change your hairstyle or manicure.
  • Talk to a loved one - who, if not a friend or mother, will be able to listen, regret and, if necessary, give advice? There is no need to postpone the conversation until later, believing that loved ones will not have time to listen to whining. Having poured out your soul in time, it will be easier to fight depression, because it will not have time to absorb you. A friend will be able to distract by inviting to a cafe or cinema - such outings cure no worse than medicines.

Is it possible for women to overcome depression at home, with depression at home? Of course, yes, using all of the above methods. Remember Bridget Jones - you wouldn’t wish the worst fate on your enemy, but she said to herself “you can” and received a bonus in return.


How to get out of depression on your own? Paying attention to any kind of creative activity, it is easy to become a fan of one of the directions. Drawing, knitting, sewing are good distractions - now hand-made in any manifestation is in fashion, so it will not be difficult to find yourself. Everyone can pull themselves out and help themselves. To make a unique thing, to be proud of yourself - won't it help to save yourself and change a dull mood to a positive one?

Group lessons

Getting out of depression with the participation of a support group and seminars held within their framework will happen faster and more efficiently, because at meetings it’s easy to get to know people whose stories you think: “you’re not so bad.” If you can’t get rid of depression on your own, but you don’t want to go to a psychologist, like-minded people will help you get out of a depressive state - they can handle it, you can do it.

What should not be done?

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without hurting yourself? There are several steps that you definitely should not use when depression takes away all the positive and core of life:

  • Trying to drink or eat experiences - having fallen into the clutches of another addiction, it is easy to become a hostage, and then self-help for depression will definitely not help.
  • Trying to take out anger by being rude or injuring someone - there are different ways to get out of depression, among them there is screaming and strength, but we are talking about screaming somewhere in nature, but by beating a punching bag or pillow.
  • Thoughtlessly absorbing antidepressants - we must remember that they help to remove symptoms, but they do not fight the causes and essence of the problem.


What is depression and how to deal with it? How to cure depression on your own? How to help? Such questions will not bother you until you diversify your life yourself, solve the problems that have arisen and rid yourself of thoughts on the topic “No one loves me”, “No one needs you” and others - this is an illusion created by you. No one will correct mistakes for you either, just as they will not set priorities, they will not reconsider goals. By changing yourself, you don’t have to wonder “how to deal with depression on your own.”

Depression (from Latin depressio - suppression, depression) is an oppressed, depressed mental state, mental gloom associated with inhibition of reactions.

Signs and symptoms of depression:

Make a choice:

  1. Or you stop fighting and let depression develop in you.
  2. Or you can understand its essence and realize why depression exists in your life.

Realize that depression is this is your friend andthis is not your enemy, and its task is to show us those parts of life that are not in order. Take depression as your teacher, and then you already begin to close your question of how to get rid of depression on your own and start living.

It is not pain that brings us suffering, but our thoughts that it exists

Realize that the pain of depression is not because it is, but because it is. we perceive it as pain.

Understand that on your own pain doesn't hurt. But our thoughts that this depression exists for us and that something is wrong brings us suffering.

The pain itself brings only some discomfort, and it is a signal that something is wrong.

1. Do not try to flood the inner pain with alcohol and other things - this is not the way to cure yourself

If we try to close depression with alcohol or various external pleasures in order to stop feeling it, the problem will still not be solved.

Getting rid of depression on your own has nothing to do with making love, cigarettes, alcohol and other temporary pleasures. They won't fix your problem.

Alcohol can dull your senses for a while, that is, rid you of yourself. And tomorrow you will also have a hangover and depression again.

Moreover, if you make love to a person who has bad energy, it will make your condition even worse than before. You can really feel even worse and worsen the condition if your partner has bad energy. Therefore, the option of making love will not help you in any way.

2. Stop running somewhere, stop, put things off

Your depression tells you directly:

  1. Stop striving for something and do things, stop.
  2. Stop running somewhere and solve this internal question right now.

Once we solve the problem, that's when we can move on.

You have to figure out the problem yourself! Friendly and buddy advice on how to get rid of depression quickly may not be entirely effective. No one but you can look inside you and read your thoughts.

It really needs to stop running and think that you will deal with depression later. Put aside all your affairs and solve the problem now.

There will never be a right moment if you always procrastinate. It's very easy to get caught up in this and forget about yourself.

It is important to understand how strong and free you will be when you stop and understand yourself, look and understand your problem.

Thank Depression for Now. It will allow you to solve more complex problems in advance later.

Take your time and just take care of yourself as a person. This cannot be overestimated.

Why do we all perceive and experience unpleasant emotions so hard?

Because we pay attention only to pain and experiences, which is why they exist and are felt in this form.

After all, if we received this information in a different form, we would not pay attention to it.

If information came through pleasures and pleasures, we would remain indifferent to it. Then your problem of how to treat depression at home would remain unresolved.

We only pay attention to, which is unpleasant for us to feel and what creates discomfort.

3. Have the perception “Inner pain is your best helper and friend”

There is nothing wrong with depression and pain. This is your best assistant and friend who has been working for you all your life. He talks about your weaknesses and offers to close them.

And the best we can do is to listen to our chief assistant and do so. Because later it will bring you the greatest fruits and new insights on how to cure depression at home without outside help.

Therefore, whatever things you have, forget about them and sort yourself out.

The most important thing in this world is you. Many people forget about themselves and do not take care of themselves.

4. Find the source and reason for the existence of the problem, engage in self-examination

Ask yourself questions and answer them in writing, such as for example:

  • Is what is tormenting me now real, or did I come up with it myself?
  • What started my depression?
  • Did I wind up this state myself?
  • Who made me feel bad?

Ask questions and you will be pleasantly surprised by your own realizations about how to cure depression on your own.

5. Ask yourself: “What do I need to get rid of so that I can enjoy life again?”

Once you've found the answers to the questions, do it right now!

Look at your life and think, what should you remove:

By getting rid of everything superfluous, you will have steadfastness and close your questions about how to treat prolonged depression.

6. Ask yourself: “What do I need to add to make me enjoy life again?”

Think about what you need to implement in your life. For example:

  • You need to get a normal, quiet job.
  • You need to spend more time outdoors.
  • Change your schedule and go to bed earlier.

You can add a lot of things, everyone has their own preferences. Write all these things down on paper and don't worry about how to get rid of depression forever.

On the perception of pain for men and women

To the topic of how to treat depression in women and men, using the perception "Pain is your best helper."

This means that you change your perception of pain, failure and depression.

You change your attitude to the problem, as a result of which you will have a completely different experience.

Perception generates state.

Also, the following options will be useful in solving your problem.

7. Let go of past grievances and memories, do not drag everything with you

Some people have a habit of dragging with them all past negative situations, bad moments, run-ins with people.

Let them go, don't feed their seriousness, .

Successful and self-focused people face difficulties and uncomfortable situations almost every day. It is thanks to the fact that they know how to forget about the negative, do not attach much importance to them, and continue to go their own way to success, they are successful.

It is those people who cling to their proud personality very much, cannot take it easy on themselves, and consider themselves a big shot, who are the most vulnerable people.

It is these selfish people that are very easy to hook., they can easily inflict a spiritual wound. An arrogant person will often ask questions about how to get rid of depression and anxiety, and it will be difficult for him to find answers.

Treat yourself and your life easier, shove your EGO away. Read more about us EGO, high self esteem and sense of self-importance- terms by reference.

8. Start Meditating to Get More Peace of Mind

People just go crazy sometimes because of the internal dialogue.

I have met people who talk to themselves and are also angry at an invisible person, voicing their indignation aloud. They know nothing about how to treat depression and what symptoms to work on first.

In order to have clear thoughts and a light head in the morning, start meditate in the morning for 15-20 minutes. The same in the evening before going to bed.

These two meditations a day are enough so that in a week or a month there is already a result. You will notice the changes yourself.

Useful and profound revelation of Jacques Fresco

Very wise old man Jacque Fresco talks about how to treat stress and depression and reveals the deep causes of their occurrence. More details in the video.

13. Give yourself new emotions, feel the adrenaline in your body

Sometimes people just get hooked on one emotional state and cannot change it in any way. It lasts for weeks, it causes routine and disgust for the gray life.

You can do something scary or create a situation that will give you adrenaline and a good emotional charge.

  • Parachute jump.
  • Various rides, roller coasters, go-karts.
  • Go to paintball with your friends, feel this atmosphere of shooting and combat.
  • You can go down a very steep hill on a sled. This will help you get rid of winter depression and get a lot of drive and adrenaline.
  • If you are a guy, then go and meet beautiful girls. We have articles where everything is written.

14. Eat healthy food

There is an expression: We are what we eat».

No need to eat everything, give up fatty.

Meat in large quantities is harmful to humans. It also takes a lot of energy to digest it.

If I overeat a lot of meat, sometimes I have nightmares for at least two days. After waking up after that, I have a lack of energy because I had restless dreams.

Will be useful in your condition indulge in your favorite delicious dish. For example, I love pancakes and often cook them for myself.

Take care of yourself.

15. Get out into nature and be alone with yourself

Pack a bag, arrange a trip to a beautiful place outside the city, take a tent with you. You can go to the lake.

The most important thing in all this is nature, fresh air and silence.

You hear the sounds of nature. Nature seems to speak to you. You hear her and yourself.

You can look into the distance at a beautiful landscape and feel this state, as if you are flying.

Man must always have a connection with nature. After all, nature is its essence.

Stay alone with yourself and find connection and harmony. Nature and fresh air will calm your nerves, your thoughts will be clearer, you will start to sleep better.

That's all. If a person is attentive and patient, ready to engage in self-examination and will not be lazy, reads the article consciously, then he will close his questions about how to get rid of depression at home.

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