Frontal speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic "Sound and the letter Sh". Abstract. Open lesson in speech therapy "Automation of sound Sh. Adventure in the autumn forest

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson. Subject: "Sh" sound

Program content:

Automate sound (sh) in syllables, words, text.
Learn to agree nouns with numerals.
To fix the names of wild animals and their cubs.
Develop fine motor skills (learn to accompany speech with hand movements).


Flannelgraph: wild animals on magnets; two sheets of paper; two markers; two frogs (toys).

Lesson progress:

Speech therapist:

Hello. Today we will continue to learn beautifully, to pronounce the sound (Ш). First you need to prepare the tongue for the lesson and perform articulation exercises: A fence, a tube, a wide tongue, blow on a wide tongue, a horse, a fungus, an accordion, a cup, a cup on the upper teeth, hiss like a snake.

Finger game "Playing the piano"

When pronouncing the syllables sha - sho - shu - shi - she, the child imitates playing the piano, pressing each finger in turn to the surface of the table, starting with the thumb and vice versa.

Finger game "Hello finger"

(Left hand - ashka - oshka - ear - yshka -, right hand - oshta - ushto - ishty - ashty), each finger touches the thumb.

Speech therapist:

Repeat the words after me: closet, school, box, corkscrew, pants, bayonet, headquarters, darn, curtain, bumblebee. Finish the word the same way: Babu - shka; grandfather -; mi -; pu-; katu—; under -; to -; mo - ; py -; oops - ... .

Speech therapist:

Mom darns the teddy bear's pants.
Game: "I - you - he - we - you - they"
Darn panties
Teddy bear.

Speech therapist:

Guess a riddle.
Jumping animal -
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
And a mosquito and a fly.
Who is it?

Speech therapist:

That's right, frog.
Count how many of them sit in the swamp?
Now tell me about two frogs.

They live in the swamp
We saw -
The children came
They admired
The heron crept up to -
She wanted to eat
The children talked about
Teacher speech therapist.
And let's play with our frogs.

A dialogue is played out between the child and the teacher - a speech therapist.

Where are you coming from
Frog frog?
- From the market home,
Dear friend!
- What did you buy?
- A little bit of everything:
I bought kvapusta, kvasol and kvartoshka.

Speech therapist:

Imagine that this is a swamp in the forest. Look, the animals are in trouble in the forest. They lost their babies. Help the cubs find their parents.

Didactic game "Animals and their cubs"

There is a didactic game. Well done. Now we will make a gift to each other. Take a marker and a sheet of paper. Repeat everything I say and draw exactly like me (with your right hand).

Speech therapist:

Lived, there were two brothers. One was named Mishka, the other Timoshka. They dug a well. Covered with straw to keep warm. They surrounded him with a fence. Two pipes protruded from behind the fence. There is a stove, nothing to heat. Mishka goes to the forest for firewood. Rides, rides, thump in the hole, rides, rides, thump in the hole. Lost. Climbed up the tree. Looks: two pipes are visible. Get off the tree and go home. Hello Timoshka. Here's a cat for you.

Summary of the lesson:

Tell me what did you do in class? Thank you so much today, you're great!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

Speech therapy topic: Differentiation w - w.

Grammar topic: Spelling zhi - shi.

Target: Learn to differentiate w and w.


speech therapy:

Learn to differentiate the sounds of Sh and Zh by sonority - deafness.

To form the skill of correct spelling of Zhi and Shi combinations.

Enrich and activate active and passive subject vocabulary.

Develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

To consolidate the skill of writing the letters Zh and Sh in syllables, words.


Develop logical thinking.

Develop auditory attention.

Develop auditory and visual perception.

Develop dialogic speech.


1. To form the skills of cooperation, a friendly relationship between children.

2. Cultivate an attentive attitude to the tasks given by the speech therapist.

Equipment: board; individual mirrors; a set of symbols to indicate the characteristics of a sound; subject pictures to highlight the first sound in words (giraffe, beetle, hat, cone); table with letters; cards; Lined workbooks.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizing time:

1. Psychological attitude.

Speech therapist: Hello guys! We're getting ready for the job. Sit down please. Check if you are sitting correctly at your desk.

Desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

Speech therapist: Well done! I see that you are ready to work.

II. Repetition:

Speech therapist: Please look at the table with the letters:

A, a; U, u; Oh, oh; s; And, and;

K, k; P, p; T, t; Z, s; In, in.

Speech therapist: Let's repeat the letters, read in unison.

(children in unison read the letter that the teacher points to).

Speech therapist: Name the vowels.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk a lot. And to make it easier for us to speak, we need to prepare the muscles of the face, tongue, lips.

Articulation gymnastics.


(exercise "Fatties")


(exercise "Thin")


(exercise "Smile")


(exercise "Tube")


(exercise "Smile")


(exercise "Sail")


(corresponding to "Sail" movements)


(repetition of these movements with the tongue in the position of the “Bridge” exercise)


(alternate puffing of cheeks - lips do not let air through)

III. Main part:

Introduction to the topic:

Speech therapist: To find out what inhabitants of the camps of sounds and letters we will get acquainted with, we need to find a common consonant sound in the words: fur coat, reed, car.

(speech therapist puts the letter Sh on the board)

Speech therapist: Well done! Find a common consonant in the words: toad, beetle, hedgehogs.

(speech therapist puts the letter F on the board)

Speech therapist: Well done! What sounds and letters do you think we will work with today?

(suggested responses of children: W - F)

Linguistic material: fur coat, reed, car; toad, beetle, hedgehog.

Sound characteristics:

Speech therapist: Let's compare the sounds Ш and Ж. How they are similar and how they differ (according to the table):

(Children use individual mirrors to determine the articulatory pattern of sounds. Together with the children, the characteristics of sounds are given. Their similarities and differences are determined. Symbols of sounds are displayed).


consonant consonant

lips with a straw lips with a straw

teeth close together teeth close together

warm air jet warm air jet

[W]- a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, rounded lips, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The sound is consonant, hard, deaf.

[AND]- a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, rounded lips, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, the vocal cords work. The sound is consonant, solid, sonorous.

Development of phonemic hearing.

Speech therapist: Clap if you hear a syllable with the sound Sh, stomp if you hear a syllable with the sound Zh.

Linguistic material: Zha, sha, zhu, zhi, ush, ash, already, osh, already.

Exercise: Reverse.

Speech therapist: Now we will play the game "On the contrary." If I come up with a word with the sound Sh, then you are with the sound Zh. (if the children do not cope, the task changes - If I name a syllable with the sound Zh, then you are with the sound Sh).


Finger gymnastics "Days of the week"

Speech therapist: Let's prepare our pens for writing.

On Monday I washed

On Tuesday I swept the dust

On Wednesday I baked kalach,

Played ball all Thursday.

On Friday I washed cups of soap

I bought a cake on Saturday.

All girlfriends on Sunday

Invited for a birthday!

Determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Speech therapist: Our hands and fingers are warm and ready to work. Write down two words in your notebook: BEETLE, GIRAFFE.

Linguistic material: BEETLE, GIRAFFE.

Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word ZUK?

(suggested responses of children: one).

Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word GIRAFFE?

(suggested responses of children: two).

(suggested answers of children: from the sound [Ж]).

Speech therapist: Right. There are charts in front of you. You need to determine the position of the sound Zh in words (put the button in the right place: beginning, middle, end).

Speech therapist: Where is the sound [Ж] in these words?

(suggested responses of children: the sound [Ж] is at the beginning of the word).

Speech therapist: What vowel is in the word BEETLE after the letter Zh?

(suggested responses of children: Y).

Speech therapist: And in the word GIRAFFE?

Speech therapist: We get 2 syllables: ZHU and ZHI. Say these syllables and listen, does the sound Zh sound the same in these syllables?

(suggested responses of children: no:

in the syllable ZhU it is hard, and in the syllable ZhI it is soft).

Speech therapist: We pronounce with me and follow the sound: ZHU-ZHI, ZHU-ZHI, ZHU-ZHI

(children repeat in chorus after a speech therapist).

Speech therapist: So how do we hear the sound [Ж]?

Speech therapist: Remember: the sound [Ж] is always solid!

Speech therapist: Now write down the words HAT, Bump.

Speech therapist: Take a red pencil and put dots under the vowels.

Speech therapist: What sound do these words begin with?

(from the sound [Ш]).

Speech therapist: On the diagram cards, determine where the sound [Ш] is in these words?

(suggested responses of children: the sound [Ш] is at the beginning of the word).

Speech therapist: In the word HAT, after the letter Ш, what is the vowel?

(suggested responses of children: A).

Speech therapist: And in the word Bump?

(suggested responses of children: I).

Speech therapist: We have 2 syllables: SHA and SHI, do they sound [Sh] the same way, or in different ways?

(suggested responses of children:

differently: in the SHA syllable it is hard, and in the SHI syllable it is soft).

Speech therapist: Listen carefully and repeat after me: SHA-SHI, SHA-SHI, SHA-SHI. So, how does the sound [Ш] sound?

(suggested responses of children: the same).

Speech therapist: Remember: the sound [Ш], like the sound [Ж], is always solid! You see, it turns out that not all consonants represent two sounds - hard and soft. There are such letters - Zh and Sh, which, no matter what vowel comes after them, are always pronounced firmly.

One more thing must be said about these letters: they once quarreled with the letter Y and do not allow it to stand nearby. The letter Y never comes after Zh and Sh. Therefore, combinations of ZhI and SHI are always written with the letter I.

(On the desk: ZhI - SHI - write with I)

Speech therapist: Write down the words on the boards: AWL, UZHI, SKI. Take a red pencil and underline the combinations of Zhi, SHI.

Fizminutka: Multimedia ("The sun is radiant").

Voice charging.(speech therapist sets the rhythm with clapping)

Speech therapist: Repeat after me:

zha - zha - zha - zha - we saw a snake

sha - sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby

zhu - zhu - zhu - zhu - hurry to the hedgehog

shu - shu - shu - shu - I'm writing a letter to my wife

Sha-sha-sha - Dasha has porridge.

Shu-shu-shu - Dasha eats porridge.

Ash-ash-ash - Pasha has a hut.

Osh-osh-osh - Misha has a ladle.

(Children in chorus repeat tongue-twisters after a speech therapist).

Work in a notebook.

Speech therapist: You have cards on your table, you need to insert combinations of ZhI or SHI. What letter do you write them with?

(suggested responses of children: with I).

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What did we do today at the lesson?

(suggested answers of children: they learned to distinguish between the sounds Ш and Ж, to write the combinations ZhI - SHI correctly.

Children can list the types of work they did).

Speech therapist: To fix the correct spelling ZhI - SHI, we will solve a crossword puzzle.

1. What do humans and animals need to hear. (ears)

2. Who walks in needles? (Hedgehog)

3. Small, gray, live in a mink. (mice)

4. She jumps up on her forehead when you hit hard, and grows on a Christmas tree. (cone)

5. Spotted animal with a long neck, lives in Africa. (giraffe)

Speech therapist: Our lesson has come to an end. At home, come up with 5 words - with the letter F and 5 words - with the letter S.

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Tarasova Elena Gennadievna

Job title:

teacher speech therapist


GOKU SKSH No. 3, Tulun, Irkutsk Region

Speech therapy lesson

Annotation: The paper proposes a speech therapy lesson on automating the sound [Ш] in words and sentences based on games and exercises that contribute to the correction and development of mental processes in students with disabilities.

Class: 1

Speech conclusion: Systemic underdevelopment of speech of mild severity with impaired sound pronunciation of the type of dyslalia (hissing sigmatism) with mental retardation.

Topic: Sound and letter [Ш]


Automation of sound [Ш] on the material of games and exercises for the development of mental processes.


Fix a clear pronunciation of the sound [Ш] in words and sentences.

Correct and develop voluntary attention through exercises in finding common and distinctive features of objects.

To cultivate positive motivation for classes through game forms of its conduct.

Equipment: Cinderella doll, soft toys (cockerel, cat, mouse, frog, bear), "Wonder Tree" poster, carriage, subject pictures, diagrams "place of sound [Ш] in a word", computer, Walt Disney cartoon "Cinderella", cards for development of visual perception, the ball.

Lesson progress:

I. Org. moment

Guys, today the heroine of a fairy tale came to visit us (a doll appears in a torn dress, without shoes, beads, crowns), read her name


What is the fifth letter in her name?

II. Analysis of articulation

(lips with a tube, teeth together, the tongue rises up, but does not press against the teeth, the air jet is warm)

III. Sound characteristic

Describe the sound (consonant, hissing, hard, deaf)

VI. Articulation gymnastics

1. "Smile-proboscis"

"Smile" - Keeping the lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible.
"Proboscis" - Pulling closed lips forward.

Smile people
Then lips - forward!
And we do this six times.
Everything! Praise! There is a start!

2. Spatula

The mouth is open, a wide relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip.

Show wide tongue
And hold the spatula.

3. "Cup"

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue is out. The lateral edges and the tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, bending towards the bottom. In this position, keep the tongue from 1 to 5-10.

Our tongue has grown wiser.
He managed to make a cup.
You can pour tea there.
And drink with sweets.

4. "Delicious jam"

Slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue (the tongue is wide, its lateral edges touch the corners of the mouth), making tongue movements from top to bottom, and not from side to side. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “plant” the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

Top sponge in jam
Ah, I ate sloppily.
Here you have to lick
It's like there's nothing else to do.

5. "Warm - freeze your palm"

We pronounce the sound [C] for a long time (while the air stream is directed to the palm) - the palm is frozen, and now let's warm it - we pronounce the sound [Ш] for a long time.

V. Main part

Listen to the story of Cinderella (a fragment of the cartoon is included, where the stepmother and sisters leave for the ball, and Cinderella runs away crying).

In her room, Cinderella cried for a long time, and then decided to ask for help.

Let's go with her and help Cinderella get ready for the ball. You will need to remember everyone she visited.

1. "Edible - not edible" (ball game)

Would you like to help her?

To do this, we need to correctly pronounce the sound [Ш], speak beautifully and quickly complete all tasks.

Guess the riddle and find out who Cinderella came to first

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink.

gray baby,

Who is this? (mouse)

I will throw you a ball and name different objects, you catch it, repeat its name. If the named object can be eaten, you say "edible", if not - "inedible"

Words: bump, ball, chocolate bar, scarf, screw, porridge, box, fur coat, barbecue, cheesecake, potato, jug, pear, bun (After completion, Cinderella has a new dress).

2. Classification exercise

Guess the riddle and find out who Cinderella came to second

Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat

Eats milk. What is the name of? ... a cat (a toy appears).

The cat offers you groups of pictures. Name the pictures (given to each child:

1. Tumbler, doll, balls, car, robot, plane, matryoshka.

2. Fur coat, shirt, skirt, dress, shorts, pants.

3. Horse, mouse, tiger, cat, giraffe, dog.)

How can these objects be called in one word? (Toys, clothes, animals)

Choose only those objects in the name of which the sound [Ш] occurs.

Determine the place of the sound [Ш] in words, select the desired scheme.

(after completing the task, Cinderella has shoes).

3. Exercise "Miracle tree"

Guess the riddle and find out who the third Cinderella came to.

He is kind, big, shaggy.

Guys know him.

He sleeps in a den in winter under a tall pine tree.

He is not an elephant or a monkey.

This is a clubfoot ... bear (a toy appears)

The bear is happy to help Cinderella, but for this you need to complete the task: pictures have grown on a magic tree.

Name them in one word.

Look carefully, find the same ones and remove them.

In gratitude for the fact that you completed the task, Bear gives Cinderella a crown.

4. Dynamic pause

Before setting off on our further journey, let's do the exercise "The peas grow" (with musical accompaniment).

Now I will turn you into peas. We planted peas in the ground (sit down). The sun shines and warms you, you start to grow (raise your hands up and start to rise). We are growing! We are growing! We are growing! Have grown! (we rise on toes and pull our arms up). Turn into children and return to your seats.

5. Exercise for the development of attention "Look carefully"

Guess the riddle and find out who the fourth Cinderella came to and for whom we grew peas.

Rises at dawn

Singing in the yard

Scallop on the head

Who is this? ... cockerel (a toy appears)

The cockerel prepared a task for Cinderella:

Look carefully,

Think slowly,

And you will definitely find

Six things with sound [Ш].

Now compare the boys: two pictures are presented that differ in several features.

Look at the card and count: how many scarves, hats and fur coats are there.

How many children can we dress for a winter walk, so that each child has a hat, a fur coat and a scarf?

The cockerel thanks you for the correctly completed tasks and gives the beads to Cinderella.

Phys. minute

While the Cockerel was carrying a gift, all the beads were mixed up, let's help sort them out by color (students sort out the beads to the music).

6. Didactic game "Pick up the shape"

Look at our Cinderella, is she ready for the ball.

We helped Cinderella get ready for the ball, but the palace is very far away. How can she get to him? Guess the riddle and find out who will help her:

On the meadow and the edge

You can always find us everywhere

We are green frogs

Pop-eyed ... frogs (a toy appears)

You will find out what the Frog gave to Cinderella if you collect the word by putting the numbers in the sequence that they go when counting.

Read the word CARRIAGE

The carriage is not simple, but magical. What geometric shapes do you see in its windows. You should find pictures similar to triangle, square and rectangle. Among the pictures you have chosen, find those in the name of which the sound [Ш] occurs, and mark them in the boxes. Only after that the carriage will be able to go.

6. Exercise for the development of long-term memory

While Cinderella is on her way to the ball, let's remember everyone who helped her get ready. Who was first, second, third, fourth, fifth? (as they are named, the toys are put on the table).

VI. Outcome

A fragment of the cartoon is turned on, where Cinderella is dancing at the ball.

Guys, did you help Cinderella?

What did you do for this?

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy: “The sound [Ш] and the letter “Ш”

Explanatory note

All children with speech disorders studying in correctional schools of the VIII type have a logopedic psychological and pedagogical diagnosis - systemic underdevelopment of speech. Learning to read and write for these children is a very difficult process. Therefore, for a more solid assimilation of the program by the pupils, a method is used in practice when a speech therapist teacher conducts frontal classes on introducing students to a new letter and classes on differentiating letters, and further work is carried out by a primary school teacher.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy.

Systemic underdevelopment of speech,IIIlevel. 1 class. 35 minutes

Topics: educational: “The sound [Sh] and the letter “Sh””;

lexical: "Pets".

Goals: I. Correctional and educational:

1. Formation of ideas about the articulum of sound [sh].

2. Formation of ideas about the letter "Sh".

3. Formation of a connection between the acoustic-articulatory image of the sound [w] and the visual, graphomotor images of the letter “Sh”.

4. Formation of the skill of sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, words with the sound [w].

5. Enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Pets".

II. Correction-developing:

1. The development of phonemic hearing on the material of syllables, words with the sound [w].

2. Development of articulatory, manual and general motor skills.

4. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of words - antonyms).

5. Development of visual attention and perception.

III. Correctional and educational:

1. Education of a humane attitude towards animals.

2. Raising a caring attitude to equipment.

3. Development of the speech skill of attention to one's own speech and the speech of the interlocutor.

Equipment: 1) scheme "Vowel sound"; 2) scheme "Consonant sound"; 3) phoneme articulation profile [w]; 4) the scheme of articulation of the phoneme [w]; 5) the scheme of the characteristics of the phoneme [w]; 6) card "Letter" Ш ""; 7) the game "Let's go to the landmarks"; 8) demonstration letters of the split alphabet "Sh", "A", "X", "O", "U", "U", "M"; 9) pictures "Bukvograd" No. 1, No. 2; 10) illustration to the verse “Tili-bom, tili-bom…”; 11) a card with the image of contours of domestic animals superimposed on each other (according to the number of children); 12) strips of paper (according to the number of children); 13) counting sticks; 14) red chips, 2 for each child; 15) blue chips, 2 for each child; 16) envelopes (according to the number of children); 17) ball; 18) picture “Find the letter “Sha” (according to the number of children); 19) card "Ladder of vowel sounds"; 20) the letters of the split alphabet "M", "a", "w", "a" in a set for each child; 21) picture for reflection "Tree and birds"; 22) individual mirrors according to the number of children; 23) pictures depicting pets or toys for performing articulatory gymnastics (goat, kitten, puppy).

preliminary work : learn with the children the verse “The long-awaited call is given ...”, place in individual envelopes for students one strip of paper, 2 red chips, 2 blue chips, split alphabet letters: uppercase M, lowercase a, a, w. Lay out the cards (equipment 11) face down and prepared envelopes on the desks.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time

Children greet the speech therapist teacher while standing, reciting the verse:

The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

Let's sit straight, don't bend over

We'll get to work.

Teacher speech therapist: Hello. Sit down. Today we will continue our journey through the country of knowledge and the city of Bukvograd.

2. Activation of knowledge

Teacher speech therapist: Let's remember which letters we have already settled in our houses (a speech therapist shows a picture, or a slide: equipment 9, No. 1).

Children: A, O, U, ES, Ha, uh.

Teacher speech therapist: What sounds do these letters represent?

Children: A, O, U, C, X, X, X, M, M.

Teacher speech therapist: We settled them in different houses: why?

Children: Because the sounds A, O, Y are vowels and are indicated in red, the sounds M, C, X are hard consonants and are indicated in blue, and the sounds M, S, X are soft consonants and are indicated in green.

Teacher speech therapist: And how did we determine that these are vowel sounds, and these are consonants?

(The speech therapist shows a picture, or a slide: equipment 1, 2).

"Vowel" scheme "Consonant" scheme

Children: When we pronounce vowel sounds, the air stream passes through the oral cavity (mouth) freely and does not encounter obstacles (barriers), and when we pronounce a consonant sound, the air stream encounters an obstacle.

Teacher speech therapist: Well done. That's right.

Teacher speech therapist: Hear a song coming from the red house. Let's sing a song of vowel sounds AOUUA.

(Rev. 19, while singing (softly-louder-loudly-quietly-quietly) we draw a ladder in the air with our hand, going first up, then down, emphasizing the change in voice).


4. Special articulation gymnastics

Teacher speech therapist: In Bukvograd, as in any other city, animals live: cats, dogs and others. Here is a kid pulling sponges.

(Equipment 22, 23. First, the speech therapist shows a picture or a toy, then demonstrates the exercise, after which the children perform the exercises in front of a mirror. Exercises for lips : "Proboscis", "Tubule", "Speaker" counting up to 7 each).

Exercises for the lower jaw :

Teacher speech therapist: Let's show the kid how we can open and close our mouths. First, we open our mouth a little and hold it in this position - one, two, three, four, five. Now open your mouth wide and hold - one, two, three, four, five. Now let's cover our mouth a little - one, two, three, four, five. Now let's close. And all over again. (The exercise is performed 3 times).

Exercises for language :

Teacher speech therapist: Here is a tired dog, look at her tongue. Let's show the dog how the tongue can rest (Spatula exercise counting up to 7 three times). But the kitten bent the edges of the tongue up, and it turned out to be a cup (exercise "Cup" counting up to 7 three times). This kitten is drinking milk. Repeat after him (exercise is performed 3-5 times).

Exercise for the formation of a long air jet :

Teacher speech therapist: But a fly flew in and sat on the puppy's nose. You need to blow it off. Remove a strip of paper from your envelopes. Take it by one end, and attach the other to your nose, like me. From the tongue we will make a “cup” and blow. The air will rise up through the tongue and blow the fly off the nose, and the paper will show us whether we are doing the exercise correctly or not.

(The exercise is performed three times. The speech therapist monitors the correctness of the children's performance of all exercises).

5. Theme announcement

Teacher speech therapist: Blow off the fly. A fly flew over Bukvograd. Flies, flies and hears such words. And you listen, and then tell me, what sound do you hear more often than others? U on shhh she lo shhh adki shhh color brushing shhh okraki.

Children: Sound [w].

Teacher speech therapist: That's right, now think and say (formulate) the topic of our lesson, what sound will we talk about today?

Children: Today we will talk about the sound [w].

Teacher speech therapist: Yes. Today we will analyze the sound [w] and get acquainted with the letter that stands for the sound [w].

6. Isolated sound pronunciation

Teacher speech therapist: Let's all hiss together like a goose. Sh-sh-sh.

(The speech therapist teacher with his right hand depicts a goose opening and closing its beak). Teacher speech therapist: Sh-sh-sh.

(The speech therapist teacher with his left hand depicts a goose opening and closing its beak. Children do everything together with the speech therapist teacher).

7. Analysis of sound articulation

Teacher speech therapist: And how do we get the sound [w], how do we pronounce it? Say the sound [w] in front of the mirror, pay attention to your lips, teeth. Let's analyze the articulation of the sound [w].

(The speech therapist shows a picture, or a slide: equipment 3, and in the course of the explanation correlates the information with the image).

Phoneme articulation profile[w]

Teacher speech therapist: When we pronounce the sound [w], our lips Teeth close, but not closed. Language wide, in the form of a cup raised up.

(For an additional demonstration, we use a manual model, that is, we depict a cup with a hand).

Teacher speech therapist: The tip of the tongue is behind the upper teeth and slightly pulled back. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. vocal folds open, no vibration.

(We use tactile control: we press the back of the hand to the throat). Teacher speech therapist:air jet wide, long. Sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. (Equipment 4)

Phoneme articulation scheme [w]

8. Sound characteristic

Teacher speech therapist: And tell me, please, when we pronounce the sound [w], do we create a barrier to the air stream?

Children: Yes, we bring our teeth together, raise our tongue.

Teacher speech therapist: And if there is an obstacle, then the sound according to the characteristic ...... ..

Children: consonant.

Teacher speech therapist: And it is marked……..

Children: in blue.

Teacher speech therapist: Correctly. The sound [w] is consonant in characterization, always solid, the sound [w] is deaf, since the vocal folds are open, so we did not feel the vibration in the throat. Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

(Speech teacher shows picture: equipment 5)

Phoneme characteristics scheme [w]

Children: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

9. The relationship of sound to letters

Teacher speech therapist: We have analyzed the sound [w]. But what does the letter that stands for the sound [w] look like? Look.

(Equipment 6).

Teacher speech therapist: It is called the letter [sha]. Together…

Children: Letter [sha].

Teacher speech therapist: What elements does the letter [sha] consist of?

Children: From sticks.

Teacher speech therapist: And how many sticks and how are these sticks arranged? Look: one, two, three - three sticks are located from top to bottom, vertically, and one is located horizontally, from left to right. Let's write the letter "Sh" in the air.

Teacher speech therapist: Now take out the counting sticks and build the letter [sha] on the desk. (Children lay out the letter "Sh". The speech therapist monitors the correctness of the assignment by the children).

Teacher speech therapist: What letter did you post?

Children: The letter [sha].

Teacher speech therapist: And what is the characterization of the letter [sha]?

Children: The letter [sha] is a consonant, solid and is indicated in blue.

Teacher speech therapist: Everything is correct. Well done.

10. Development of visual-spatial orientation (fine motor skills). Dictionary Refinement

Teacher speech therapist: Various animals live in the open spaces of the city of Bukvograd, and each animal gives a voice in its own way. (A speech therapist teacher in the text depicts each animal with a hand, and the children repeat).

Teacher speech therapist: The cat meows: "Meow, meow." What is the cat doing?

Children: The cat meows.

Teacher speech therapist: The dog barks: “Wow, woof.” What is the dog doing?

Children: The dog is barking.

Teacher speech therapist: The cow lows: "Moo-oo-oo." What is the cow doing?

Children: The cow is mooing.

Teacher speech therapist: The goose cackles: "Ha-ha-ha." What is the goose doing?

Children: The goose cackles.

Teacher speech therapist: The horse neighs: "Y-hoo." What is the horse doing?

Children: The horse neighs.

Teacher speech therapist: The goat bleats: "Me-uh-uh." What is the goat doing?

Children: The goat is bleating.

Teacher speech therapist: The chicken cackles: "Ko-ko-ko." What is the chicken doing?

Children: The chicken cackles.

Teacher speech therapist: And what do we call all these animals together?

Children: Pets.

Teacher speech therapist: Correctly.

11. Development of phonemic hearing

Teacher speech therapist: Each of you take out a blue chip from your envelope. I will name sounds, syllables, words, and if you hear the sound [w], then raise the blue chip.

A, O, W, M, H, W, T, R, W




(Students do the task).

12. Work on the syllabic structure. Sound analysis of a syllable

Teacher speech therapist: Imagine: air has accumulated in the hose, and now it comes out and makes a noise Shhhh. In the word shshshshlang the first sound ... ..

Children: Sh-sh-sh.

Teacher speech therapist: Let's build the letter [sha] from the fingers, which means the sound [sh].

(The speech therapist, turning his back to the pupils, demonstrates a manual model of the letter “Sh”. From the clenched fist of the left hand, turned with the back to the face, straighten three fingers up: index, middle and ring fingers. From the clenched fist of the right hand, straighten the index finger to the left We put the index finger of the right hand on the base of the fingers of the left hand. Pupils repeat all the actions after the speech therapist teacher).

Teacher speech therapist: Look at your letter. Let's call her.

Children: The letter "Sh".

Teacher speech therapist: Now take out the red and blue chips from your envelopes (Equipment 14, 15).

Teacher speech therapist: We denote the syllable ША by chips. What is the first sound in this syllable? Sh-Sh-Sh-A.

Children: The first sound is [w].

Teacher speech therapist: What chip will we designate it?

Children: Blue chip.

Teacher speech therapist: Why?

Children: Because he agrees.

Teacher speech therapist: Correctly. Listen, what is the second sound? W-A-A-A.

Children: The second sound [a].

Teacher speech therapist: What chip will we designate it and why?

Children: A red chip because it's a vowel.

Teacher speech therapist: Are there other sounds in this syllable?

Children: No. The syllable Sha has two sounds.

13. Dynamic pause

(Equipment 10). The speech therapist asks the students to rise from their seats.

Teacher speech therapist:

Tili-tili-tili-bom! ( We depict with our hands raised up, as we beat the bells).

The cat's house caught fire. ( Straightened palms are reduced above the head, connecting the fingertips and depicting the roof of the house).

The cat jumped out Jump in place).

Her eyes popped out. ( We bring clenched fists with the back of the hand to the eyes. Then, from the eyes, we throw our fists forward, straightening our arms in front of us and opening our fist, that is, straightening our fingers).

A chicken runs with a bucket

Fill the cat's house, ( We take our hands to the sides, depicting a rocker, and jump from foot to foot in place).

And a horse with a lantern, ( We walk in place, arms extended forward, as if holding an imaginary lantern in our hands.).

And a dog with a broom, ( Tilt forward. Hands down, swing your arms left and right).

Gray hare with a leaf. ( Straightened up. Hands in front of you at chest level. We put the palms of our hands together - sheet).

Once! Once! Once! Once! ( Hands are lowered along the body. Mahi with straight arms in front of you: down, up, down, up).

And the fire went out. ( We slowly squat, depicting a fading fire).

(The teacher-speech therapist asks the students to take their places).

14. Classification of objects

Teacher speech therapist: Consider the picture.

(Equipment 10).

Teacher speech therapist: Does the picture show a cat, a chicken, a dog, a horse and a hare? Who do you think is superfluous and why?

Children: An extra hare, because it belongs to wild animals, and the rest of the animals are domesticated.

Teacher speech therapist: Correctly.

15. Sound-syllabic analysis of a word with a graphic notation

Teacher speech therapist: One girl lives in Bukvograd, and her name is Masha. Let's analyze the word MASHA.

(A speech therapist teacher on the board performs a graphical recording of the word I_____).

Teacher speech therapist: Masha is the name of a girl, it is always written with a capital letter. Let's count how many syllables are in the word "Masha". Ma-sha.

(Children slap the syllables).

Children: Two syllables.

Teacher speech therapist: Name the first syllable.

Children: The first syllable is MA.

Teacher speech therapist: Name the second syllable.

Children: Second syllable Sha.

(The speech therapist on the board indicates the number of syllables. Graphic recording is carried out with pronunciation).

(Children lay out the word scheme on the desk with the help of counting sticks).

Teacher speech therapist: The word "Masha" has two syllables. The first is MA, the second is SHA.

Let's take the first syllable. M-M-M-A. First sound...

Children: The first sound [m], consonant, is indicated by a blue chip.

(A speech therapist teacher draws a blue circle on the board under the line indicating the first syllable (instead of drawing a circle, you can use a blue magnet). Students, respectively, place a blue chip on the desk).

Teacher speech therapist: M-A-A-A. Second sound...

Children: The second sound [a], a vowel, is indicated by a red chip.

(The speech therapist on the board under the line indicating the first syllable draws red next to the blue circle. Students on the desk next to the blue chip put a red one).

Teacher speech therapist: How many sounds are in the first syllable?

Children: Two sounds: first [m], second [a].

Teacher speech therapist: Name the second syllable in the word "Ma-sha".

Children: In the word "Masha" the second syllable is ША.

Teacher speech therapist: Let's take a look at the second syllable. (The second syllable is parsed similarly).

Teacher speech therapist: You and I already know the letters that stand for all these sounds, and we can print the word "Masha". Take out the letters of the split alphabet from the envelopes and make the word "Masha" (op. 20). Remember that names are capitalized.

(Children lay out a word from the letters of the split alphabet. The speech therapist controls the correctness of the task).

Teacher speech therapist: Let's read in unison: Masha.

(The speech therapist teacher asks the students to remove the chips, the letters of the split alphabet in an envelope, fold and remove the counting sticks).

16. Graphical analysis of a sentence with a record

Teacher speech therapist: Our Masha loves animals very much. She takes care of them, takes care of them. What does it mean? What she does?

Children:(Answers of children. For example, feeds, walks, grazes, bathes, washes, combs, heals, plays, etc.)

Teacher speech therapist: Masha is feeding the cat. This is an OFFER! Let's make a diagram of this proposal in a notebook.

(The speech therapist teacher asks students to open notebooks for printing, take a pencil, count the required number of cells and put a point from which students will start writing in notebooks).

Teacher speech therapist: Let's count how many words are in the sentence: "Masha feeds the cat."

Children: There are three words in this sentence.

Teacher speech therapist: First word….

Children: The first word is Masha.

Teacher speech therapist: Written with...

Children: It is written with a capital (capital, capital) letter.

(The speech therapist teacher makes a graphical entry on the board, and the students in the notebook I____)

Teacher speech therapist: Second word....

Children: The second word is "feed".

Teacher speech therapist: Remember that words are written separately from each other.

I____ _____)

Teacher speech therapist: Third word....

Children: The third word is "cat".

(The speech therapist teacher on the board supplements the graphic record, and the students in the notebook I____ _____ _____)

Teacher speech therapist: End of our offer?

Children: Yes. You need to make a point.

(The speech therapist teacher on the board supplements the graphic record, and the students in the notebook I____ _____ _____.)

Teacher speech therapist: We have drawn a SCHEME OF THE OFFER.

Teacher speech therapist: Which words of the sentence "Masha feeds the cat" have the sound [w]?

Children: Masha, cat.

Teacher speech therapist: Where does the word "Masha" stand in the count?

Children: At the first place.

Teacher speech therapist: Let's mark it with a flag.

(The speech therapist teacher on the board supplements the graphic record, and the students in the notebook I__ F_ _ ____ ____.)

Teacher speech therapist: And where is the sound [w] in the word "Masha"? In what syllable?

Children: In the second syllable.

Teacher speech therapist: Where in this syllable?

Children: On the first.

(The speech therapist teacher on the board completes the graphic record, and the children in the notebook

I___ F____ _______ ______.)

Teacher speech therapist:“Masha feeds the cat.” Where does the word “cat” stand in a row?

Children: On the third place.

Teacher speech therapist: Let's mark it with a flag.

(The speech therapist teacher on the board supplements the graphic record, and the students in the notebook

I___ F____ _______ __F_ ___.)

(The speech therapist asks the students to put away their notebooks and pencils).

17. Development of higher mental functions (attention, thinking)

(Equipment 7).

Teacher speech therapist: Look. Our Masha walked, walked and came to a crossroads. What is a "crossroads"? This is when at first there was one road, and then it split into several (we show in the picture), for example, as in the picture into three, and maybe two and four. Let's say together: CROSSROADS. Let's go with Masha along the paths and read the words. Find the way according to these landmarks (cards are displayed at the top - landmarks of the route, children choose the road according to the landmarks and read the word).

(Route: bush, tree, house. The speech therapist calls the student to the picture, offers to take a pointer, leading the pointer along the road to read the word and explain his choice. Then the speech therapist asks the student to go to his place and explains the meaning of the word, for example, show is a bright variety performance or entertainment program, this performance is very colorful and interesting, for example, a performance in a circus. A speech therapist changes the cards indicating the route: a bush, a mushroom, a house. A road with the word "NOISE". Similar work is being carried out. The speech therapist changes route: bush, house, tree. Road with the word "SHAH". Similar work is being carried out).

(An example of explaining the meaning of words: SHAH - a rich, revered nobleman in eastern countries, a ruler. An action in the game "Chess", when an attack by some opponent's piece creates a threat to the king; NOISE - sounds that have merged into a discordant, usually loud sound: from movement e.g. train noise ; from voices - screams, quarrels of discussion).

18. Development of visual attention and perception

Teacher speech therapist: Well done all the tracks passed. Now take the cards that are on your desk, turn them over and carefully examine the image (r. 11). Masha got to her house. Decided to feed the animals. She shows concern for them. And all people should take care of the animals, be responsible for those who were taken to live in the house. If you have an animal, you take care of it all its life. Now find the mother of the puppy in the picture. It….

Children: dog.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her. (Children trace the outline of the image of the animal with a small pointer or finger). Now find the mother of the lamb. It….

Children: sheep.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her. Now find the mother of the calf. It….

Children: cow.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her.

Children: Horse.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her. What is the name of the baby horse?

Children: Foal.

Teacher speech therapist: What other animals do you see in the picture?

Children: Goat.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her. What is the name of the baby goat?

Children: Kid.

Teacher speech therapist: What other animals do you see in the picture?

Children: The cat.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her. What is the name of the baby cat?

Children: Kitty.

Teacher speech therapist: There is one more animal left in our picture.

Children: This is a pig.

Teacher speech therapist: Circle her. What is the name of the baby pig?

Children: Piglet.

Teacher speech therapist: All these animals belong to the same group. Name this group.

Children: This is a group of pets.

19. Improving the grammatical structure of speech

Teacher speech therapist: Correctly. Well done. Now let's play the reverse game.

(Equipment 17. The speech therapist takes turns approaching the students, asks a question and throws the ball. The student answers the question and throws the ball back to the speech therapist. The speech therapist throws the ball to the next one, etc.)

Teacher speech therapist: The cat has long hair, and the cow ... (we throw the ball to the student).

The child who was thrown the ball: short (throws the ball to the speech therapist).

Teacher speech therapist: The horse is big, and the cat .... (small). The bull is strong, but the calf .... (weak). The horse is tall, and the dog .... (low). In a goat, the hairs of the wool are straight, and in a sheep .... (curly). The lamb is thin, and the pig .... (fat). A cow has a short coat, and a cat ... (long). A lamb has soft wool, and a pig has a bristle ... (hard). The cat's claws are sharp, and the dog's ... (blunt). The kitten's paw pads are soft, and the foal's hooves ... (hard).

20. Homework

Teacher speech therapist: Listen to the homework. Think of words that start with the sound [sh], or that have the sound [sh] in the middle or at the end of the word. Find all the letters "sh" that are hidden in the picture among the objects. (Equipment 18).

21. Summary of the lesson

Teacher speech therapist: Today we met with the letter "Sh". Let's put it together with our fingers. (Students together with a speech therapist perform the task)

Teacher speech therapist: Let's write the letter "Sh" in the air.

(Writing in the air with pronunciation).

Teacher speech therapist: What is the sound of the letter "sha"?

Children: sound [w].

Teacher speech therapist: Let's remember the articulation of the sound [w]. (Analysis of articulation together with children based on the articulation scheme). When we pronounce the sound [w], our lips rounded and slightly pushed forward. Teeth close, but not closed. The tongue is wide and raised. The tip of the tongue is behind the upper teeth and is slightly pulled back. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. vocal folds open, no vibration (tactile control). air jet wide, long. Sh-sh-sh.

Teacher speech therapist: Describe the sound [w].

Children: The sound [w] is consonant, hard and deaf.

Teacher speech therapist: and is marked……..

Children: in blue. (Rev. 5)

Teacher speech therapist: Correctly. The sound [w] is consonant, deaf, the vocal folds are open, there is no vibration, and it is always solid. And the letter "Sh" is a consonant, solid. Let's populate the letter "Ш" in our house (op. 9 No. 2).

22. Reflection

Teacher speech therapist: One tree grows in Bukvograd, to which birds flock. (Equipment 21).

Teacher speech therapist: Listen carefully: to whom everything was NOT UNDERSTOOD in the lesson, he will plant a bullfinch with a red breast on a tree. Whoever understood something in the lesson, did not understand something, will plant a titmouse with a yellow breast on a tree. And to whom everything was UNDERSTOOD in the lesson, he will plant a sparrow with a green twig on a tree.

(Children come up, choose birds and plant birds on a tree).

Teacher speech therapist: That's how many birds flew to our tree (The number of bullfinches, tits, sparrows is counted).

23. Evaluation of the work of children in the classroom

Teacher speech therapist evaluates the work of children in the classroom. For example: - I really liked how they worked at the lesson today (names the children). And ……… could work better. I think that by the next lesson you will catch up, and everyone will work for five. Our work with you is over. Now you and ... (the teacher's name is called) will practice reading the letter "Sh".

The speech therapist leaves, and the class teacher spends a dynamic pause with the students and consolidates the skill of reading words with the letter “Sh” in the primer.

Group lesson on automating the sound "Sh" in words and sentences, suitable for preparatory and senior groups of preschool educational institutions. The lesson uses various methods and techniques of work (sand therapy, mnemotables).

Open lesson in speech therapy on automation of sound Sh.

Theme: "Adventure in the autumn forest."

Purpose of the lesson:

  • Improving the skills and abilities of practical communication by means of creating a stimulating development environment.


1. Educational:

  1. To teach children to consistently and accurately convey what they saw, taking into account the development of the plot.
  2. To teach the ability to answer questions of a problem-search nature.
  3. Teach special movements and their implementation by children.
  4. Learn to build compositions in the sand according to the model.
  5. Fix ideas about the world around.

2. Corrective:

  1. To consolidate the skills of the correct pronunciation of the sound (Ш) in syllables, words.
  2. Develop articulation and fine motor skills.
  3. Develop phonemic awareness.
  4. Develop speech breathing
  5. Learn how to change the power of your voice.
  6. Develop clarity of diction, intonation expressiveness.

3. Developing:

  1. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.
  2. Develop the ability to combine sounds into words.
  3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.
  4. Practice matching nouns with numbers.

4. Educational:

  1. Build positive motivation in class.
  2. Develop communication skills and listening skills.

Equipment :

  • invitation letter; wooden spoons; bear Misha; trays with sand; tubules; subject pictures Elephant, Shoulder, Calyx, Horse, Mushroom; autumn leaves; mimic tables; subject pictures with sound Ш; toys (mouse, frog, horse, cat, monkey, bear);

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

(Behind the door).

Speech therapist: - Hello guys, today our lesson will be unusual.

I invite you to visit the forest,
I suggest you play there.

So, are you ready to go to the forest?

Children: Yes!

(Clarify if you need to greet guests)

Speech therapist: Guys, look at what forest we are in.

Hello forest!
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about?
On a dark, stormy night,
What are you whispering to us at dawn
All covered in dew, like in September?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
All open do not hide:
You see, we are ours.

(A spider descends with a leaf, a letter on the leaf)

Speech therapist: - Oh, guys, look, a spider came down to us, on a maple leaf, and here something says “Hello guys, I’m Mishka Toptyshka, I invite you to visit, meet and play different games, I will be very glad to meet you!”

Well guys, shall we accept the invitation?

Speech therapist: then let's hit the road, and here's the bear's house, now I'll knock!

Main part.

Speech therapist: - So we found the bear's house, let's knock? (Knocks but no one opens). What happens, maybe the bear forgot that he invited us to visit and fell asleep?

Look here are various musical instruments, now we will play with them, and wake up the bear, take the guys any instruments you like, you are familiar with these instruments, and they are the first to play ...

(Children take turns playing different instruments)

Bear: - Who sat down, who will manage? Who woke me up?

Speech therapist: - The bear is the guys! You yourself invited us to visit, come out soon!

M: - Oh, it's you guys, I'm very glad, but first try to guess my riddles

(The bear plays the instrument, and the children guess it)

M: - Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you! Well done, all my musical riddles have been guessed!

Speech therapist: can you guess riddles? (yes) well then... make a riddle!

D: Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs. (cat)

M: Koska.

There is one funny bird in the forest
All day long he sings “coo-coo”:
No way can he learn to sing like a rooster - "crow". (cuckoo)

M: Cuckoo.

Speech therapist: - Guys, how to speak correctly?

D: - Cat, cuckoo!

Speech therapist: I realized what a problem the bear has, he cannot pronounce the sound Sh correctly.

M: can you help me, tell me how to pronounce this sound correctly?

Speech therapist: help the bear?

Speech therapist: - But in order for us to teach the bear to speak beautifully, I suggest that we first wake up our tongues. Let's sit on the stumps.

(Speak) (Children take turns blowing through the tube on the tubercles, under which there are pictures, take them out and perform the appropriate exercises).

Each of you has a tray with sand, pictures are hidden under it, in order to get them, you need to blow sand off it with a cocktail tube, do not forget that we inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the tube.

  • "Elephant"
  • "Shovel"
  • "Cup"
  • "Delicious jam"
  • "Horse"
  • "Mushroom"

L: Well, did you guys stretch your tongues?

M: Oh, I'm tired! Let's get some rest!

Fizminutka (if you have fun).

Pronunciation of an isolated sound (SH). (wind noise sounds)

L: - A breeze blows in the forest, shakes the branches of trees, the leaves rustle (W - w - w ...).

Children depict with their hands how the wind shakes the branches of trees, and pronounce the sound (Ш) for a long time.

Analysis of sound articulation (SH).

What do sponges, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound (Ш)? (Lips "Ring", teeth "Fence" with a small slit, tongue at the top and similar to "Cup".)

Automation of sound (Sh) in syllables.

Auditory differentiation of syllables. Work on the power of the voice. Reliance on mnemonic tables "Leaves". Coordination of speech with movement.

Leaves fall and rustle their syllable songs. Listen carefully to which syllable-song is different (based on mnemonic table No. 1).

sha - sho - sha - sha (sho)
ash - ush - ush - ush (ash)

Name the first and last syllable:

sha - sho - shu - shi (sha, shi)
shta - shtu - shty - shto (shta, shto)

Leaves rustle differently. Let's repeat their songs (syllabic sequences with a change in rhythmic pattern, reliance on mnemonic tables No. 2,

3) ish-ish-ish - ish-ish
shosh-shosh-shosh - shosh-shosh

Let's collect an autumn bouquet of leaves. Repeat after me syllabic songs, try not to make mistakes and collect leaves.
Children reproduce a series of syllables. An autumn leaf is taken for each syllable, making a bouquet out of them.

ash - osh - ush - ish

M: - what beautiful autumn bouquets, and if we all throw leaves, what will happen. But in my clearing, there are still many interesting leaves! Let's go see?

D: Let's go!

(They come to the clearing, where pictures are drawn on the leaves)

M: - Guys, I have populated a cape and I will put it in this lukosko.

L: - The guys are not just leaves, they have various pictures drawn on them! I suggest that you collect all the leaves with pictures in the name of which there is a sound Sh, and put them in a basket, and then give them to the bear so that he does not forget how to pronounce them! Only you guys speak beautifully, and you, bear, listen and remember.

(Children collect leaves in a basket)

M: - can you tell me more, I started something else, it seems to me that someone is hiding here!

(shows a box of sand)

L: We'll find out now.

I found a bear.
- I found a cat.
- I found a horse.
- I found a frog.
- I found a pig.
- I found a lamb.

L: Who was hiding?

D: Animals.

L: - the favorite game of these animals is hide and seek, turn away, now one of them will hide in a bag, and you will have to guess, turn around, oh, someone is making noise in the bag, who is it? (the speech therapist puts the toys in the bag).

Vanya, hide all the animals in the bag, oh, how they make noise, Vanya, try to guess who is making noise in the bag, etc.

Naughty in the bag ...

Summary of the lesson.

M: - Guys, I found some letters in the box.

L: - you know, bear, that they can be folded into syllables, and syllables into words. Let's read what word got the word.

D: Balls!

M: - Oh guys, for the fact that you helped me so well, I will give you these balls! Thank you very much for teaching me how to pronounce the Sh sound correctly, and it's time for me to return home!

L: - Guys, did you like to play with the bear? What sound did the bear learn to speak? What did you like? It's time for us to go back to kindergarten!

Articleeva A.G.,
teacher speech therapist

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