Colors that inspire confidence. Sign of trust Restoring trust in the organization is a key condition for restoring trust from the outside

Most often, when developing landing pages, the color is chosen for one's own taste, that is, simply because one or another shade is liked more. You will be interested to know that the color was chosen very differently to create attractive and effective landing pages.

There is a certain theory that helps to choose those colors that influence the behavior of the target audience, help to attract the attention of page visitors, keep it and push it to the expected action. This theory is called Color Theory. You will learn about what it is and how color affects conversion by reading this post to the end.

What is color theory?

Importantly, this theory has been used by successful artists and designers for a long time. The degree of visual impact is largely determined by the color and color combination that influence our behavior with you. The theory of color is a fairly deep topic for research, it has been of interest to artists and scientists since ancient times: the earliest mention of this theory appeared as early as 1435. It was the time of the Italian Renaissance and the scientific activity of the greatest art theorist of the Renaissance, Leon Battista.

“Due to the mixing of colors, an infinite number of new ones are born, but there are only four true colors: red is the color of fire, blue is air, green is water, gray is earth; when combined, most of the other colors appear.

Later, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and some other scientists proved that there are not four primary colors, but three: red, yellow and blue. The beginning of modern color theory was laid back in the late 19th - early 20th century by the American artist Albert Munsell, who introduced such concepts as hue, brightness and color saturation into the science of color. These three categories are fundamental to the psychological association with color. In the last few decades, digital color theories have begun to emerge. Theorists, designers, and web developers have put a lot of effort into figuring out how color is understood and experienced across digital platforms.

How does color theory relate to landing page conversions?

In the digital age, color theory has become of interest to a wider range of people. When users enter a site, they form an opinion about it in the first few seconds. That's why great landing pages are so important to success: if you don't grab a user's attention in the first 8 seconds, you'll most likely lose it forever.

There are two ways to apply color theory when creating sales landing pages:

  • A combination of contrasting colors for easier readability.
  • The use of psychologically justified color associations.

With these two approaches, you can use color combinations to convey a specific message to the user, as well as make color choices for the landing page based on what will actually work, and not on the basis of “looks good”.

Using color theory will help:

  • keep the attention of users;
  • create an effective call to action;
  • significantly reduce the number of failures;
  • increase conversion.

What does the color say to site visitors?

If you do not take this factor into account, then you risk being misunderstood. Here are some of the most popular colors and associations with them.

Blue color symbolizes trust, devotion and sincerity. This cold color is also associated with communication, logic. Different shades of blue carry different meanings, for example, bright blue has a stimulating effect, dark blue is perfect in cases where you need to indicate reliability and responsibility.

Yellow is perceived as the color of the beginning, inspires optimism and attracts attention. It is often used to design websites with children's products, as a neutral between blue and pink. It is also associated with self-respect, creativity and friendliness.

Red is a warm, one might even say hot color, very invigorating, gives energy, courage, strength. Too much red has an overwhelming effect.

Green is often seen as the color of wealth. A relaxing color that is easily perceived by the eye, it promotes relaxation, rest, and is also often associated with the environment.

Orange is a call to action. It is also associated with fun, warmth, safety, or health.

Pink is a very romantic, feminine color associated with serenity, warmth, and sexuality.

Purple is calming and has a spiritual element to it. It is associated with luxury and truth. Obtained by mixing red and blue, it has the characteristics of both of these colors.

Black is a very powerful color that exudes sophistication and efficiency. Depending on the combination with other colors, pages designed using this color can be both conservative and modern.

Now that you know how some of the more commonly used colors are associated, think about how you can use this knowledge to your advantage. But before you start the selection, you should decide (by writing everything down on paper) what you want to say to your target audience. After making a list, take a look at the most important thoughts and decide what color combinations best express them. These will be the colors that you should use in your work.

For example, if you want to build trust as well as push your visitors to take action, then you need to choose blue and orange colors. If you want to present your offer to users in a feminine and sophisticated way, then pink and black are the most suitable.

In order to finally make sure that your choice is correct, listen to a little advice: create a split test of several variants of identical landing pages that differ only in color combination.

How does color theory help improve page readability?

It's important to consider color associations when designing landing pages, but it's also important to understand how easy text content is to read. The effectiveness of a landing page depends not only on the first impression, but also on the speed of perception of information on it. The best way to do this is with color. Page text is easier to read when it lies on a contrasting background (for example, black on white). The easiest way to find the optimal combination of contrasting colors is to use the color wheel, and there are quite a few online tools for this these days.

Examples of landing pages created according to color theory

Below is a small selection of successful examples that use color theory effectively.

Coca Cola

Coca Cola has been using the combination of red and white for over 100 years, and it was a very successful choice. Not only is there a contrast of colors - white and red - to present the text in a more readable way, but also various shades of bright red are used to awaken the excitement and energy in users.


The predominant colors of the PopSurvey landing page are blue and white. As with the Coca-Cola example, this particular color combination is a classic contrasting combination for readability. When site visitors see this page, they involuntarily have associations with authenticity and logic.

The Apple website makes a stunning impression with this simple combination. The contrast of black and white is the most familiar combination for readers, which, as it were, makes it clear that there is nothing complicated here, but, on the contrary, indicates sophistication and impeccability.

Subway's pages are dominated by green, easily perceived by the human eye, so the text content of the site literally attracts attention. Since green is associated with health, the color of the page and the company's slogan "Eat fresh!" are optimally combined here.

When creating landing pages, the possibilities of color are almost endless. Thanks to a well-chosen color (for example, on a CTA element), you can push users to the expected action. A poorly chosen color can be confusing and increase the number of rejections.

In keeping with the language of flowers, which was especially popular during the Victorian era, certain colors can send certain messages. In the time of Queen Victoria, it was not customary to talk about their feelings, so lovers gave each other bouquets of flowers, each with its own meaning.


Freesia is the simplest flower, indicating a trusting relationship. Trust and innocence - it is these two meanings that were assigned to the plant. Freesia exudes a pleasant aroma, so a message of confidence can be sent with fragrant soaps or perfumes that smell like freesia. This is a rather capricious flower that requires great care when growing. Thanks to its trusting image, it has become a particularly popular flower in wedding bouquets.

Lily of the valley

Lilies of the valley are widely distributed in the UK, which has made them an indispensable decoration for small local weddings. However, the popularity of lilies of the valley is not limited to small holidays. For example, Kate Middleton's bouquet at her wedding to Prince William was made mostly of these flowers, with a few field maples added to signify humility.

Other flowers with a similar meaning

Freesia and lily of the valley are two flowers that specifically indicate trust, but there are many more plants with a similar meaning. One example is the white carnation, which is considered a symbol of purity, fidelity, and loyalty. Violets also have many meanings in the language of flowers, but the main ones are modesty and devotion.

opposite meaning

Lavender is the opposite of trust. However, this meaning is not inherent in the flower itself, but in an unusual fact. The distrust of lavender comes from the fact that many cultures believed that snakes nested under this plant.

And here is one of our past publications, where we talked about why men give women flowers. Perhaps this information will also be of interest to you.

In addition to the above, we suggest watching an interesting video about the language of flowers and the meaning of certain types of plants. Do not miss!

A rose tattooed in a conspicuous place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.

3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, a ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare version of the tattoo, symbolizing perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make tattoos of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, addition, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying "umbrellas" is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and Arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - this is the secret meaning of a tattoo in the form of a key. All doors will open before such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Persistence, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is an ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it’s not far to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a kind soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high measure of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in oriental symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, a passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost unnatural four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

25. Elephant

Calmness, friendliness and reliability. And in Eastern symbolism, the elephant means good luck and luck.

Then autumn reigned in the capital. The rain was striding through the city in large drops, brazenly knocking on doors and windows, calling to let the elements inside, hating the human race and those who remained nearby. The weather was raging, insatiable, and it seemed to people that the time of the Second Flood was coming - the rigorous punishment of God, and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse would run across the earth, predicting the imminent death of the human race. Johan waited, huddled under the narrow canopy of the house where the tailor's workshop was located, not even daring to look inside. The quarrelsome old man would have driven away anyway, there was not even money to pay for the room. Beggars are hated everywhere, and now the young magician was one of them. Drops hit on the shoulder, penetrating under the fabric, cold, unpleasant, the guy shivered, trying to keep warm, but the coat was too thin to protect the guy from the riot of bad weather. An unfortunate circumstance, that's for sure. Evening stepped lightly into the city, without asking permission, tearing the clouds and squeezing to the ground, and Johan shuddered when the door opened behind him, and a loud male voice roared ordered to get away from his house. And then the owner of the workshop also shoved the trembling young man with his hand, thereby trying to get rid of the annoying guest. Step. In a couple of moments, Johan was soaked through. It no longer made sense to run somewhere to hide, and where? Do not break into houses to look for shelter during bad weather, people may decide that he is a thief and decided to rob their homes. Although it is unlikely that a thin boy of twenty years old, chilled and disheveled, could even steal a spoon from a sideboard, he looked too pathetic. How long had he stood in the middle of the street alone, not daring to even take a step away? minute? Half an hour? Hour? Johan did not know, time was chaotically and stupidly rushing about, forgetting and resurrecting again, and the young man himself hardly understood what was happening around him. Just waiting. What? He himself did not remember, it was just better than realizing that he was left alone. No roof. Without food. Without money. But in one moment - fleeting, imperceptible - everything seemed to change, redrawn so much that the magician himself at first did not understand what had happened. Only a wave of eyelashes - and now the young man is covered from behind with a cloak, denser than his own. - It's too early to die, - they say from behind, and it seems that this voice - soft, but strong - makes goosebumps run down the back to the back of the head, and the young man shudders, afraid to turn his head. A stranger smelling of needles and ink: Johan can smell like a dog. And he, without uttering another word, takes the guy away from the street, leads him along crooked alleys - quite a bit, almost nearby - and then the door opens leading into the house, up the stairs - into a cozy small room with a huge piano by the window. And everything pales in front of this special detail, and it flows from them, as if from drowned men, and the savior again says: - Undress. It's cold here, it's cold. And then, after about half an hour, Johan, wrapped in a blanket, drinks tea. He doesn't leave after an hour. And even the next morning Herbert - a local musician - keeps him. For the first time in his life, Johan is needed by someone. For the first time, he feels warmth coming from another person. The owner of the room comes quite rarely, but brings with him the aromas of the city, buns with grapes and sugar, fresh newspapers. It seems to Johan that he is completely out of place, but the musician asks him to stay. An absurd monthly residence in someone else's apartment ends with a timid kiss on the cheek. To Johan, what is happening seems unreal, and Herbert is already standing at the piano, playing another symphony. And it doesn’t seem at all that he decided to take such a strange step a couple of moments ago. And in the morning he just gives Johan the key. The young man looks at him, not daring to ask, it seems to him that he will destroy the illusion ... it will fall apart into fragments, and there will be nothing left at all. *** He wakes up from the groan of the piano. The sheet smells of needles and ink, before my eyes - painted in a light blue tone, the ceiling, which seems immense. Johan lies for a long time, listening, listening to the tearful leper keys: Herbert says he has no time and money to buy a worthwhile musical instrument, so he has to be content with little. But under his nimble, gentle fingers, even this mournful song seems like a masterpiece. The music stops abruptly: on the highest note, as if it were cut off, but abruptly, on a grand scale, and in complete silence comes awareness. The key is not the way to open the door to the room. The key is the entrance to the world in which you are expected. The key is a symbol of trust that inadvertently connected two souls. Musician and Illusionist. Two dolls from one suitcase. And Johan laughs, solving such an easy puzzle. Herbert leaves, kissing his temple goodbye. He will return in the evening, tired, ready to continue playing again. Play their lives. Their melody, woven by fate itself.

You are launching a new product on the market, or perhaps you are opening a salon, a restaurant, a cafe... In any case, you will face the question of what should be the label of the new product or what should be the signboard. A complex, full of creativity and disagreement process of development and approval will begin.

First of all, of course, you want your product or your service to immediately grab the attention of a potential client, attract him and create a trusting image. So that the client, looking at the label or sign, or the sticker, immediately believe in it, believe in you and your company. How can this be achieved?

Psychologists have long established that color significantly affects the psycho-emotional perception of various things by a person. After all, colors appeal to feelings, and not to the logic of a person. When creating a design, whether it is a corporate identity for a company or packaging for a new product, you need to take into account a certain relationship between the color scheme and the natural perception of it by a person. Everything should work towards the goal - to attract attention, to interest, to evoke the necessary emotions.

How your future customers will perceive your label or your sign, or maybe your leaflet or catalog consumers depends on many factors. The design and color of the packaging, as you know, determines the first impression of the buyer about the product. Color can attract and repel, inspire a sense of calm and comfort, or vice versa, excite, disturb. Each color has its own psychological meaning..

Today we will talk about colors that inspire confidence.

The palette that includes such colors can be called traditional or conservative: indigo or blue, sky blue, azure green, deep dark red, deep purple.

Indigo or blue.

This color is exciting. It is a strange combination of peace and excitement. It seems to entail, as in nature, when you watch the distant blue mountains or admire the beauty of the evening sky.

Blue is the color of peace and relaxation. It symbolizes heaven and eternity.

Dark blue is associated with wealth.

Intense blue color gives a feeling of strength and leadership. Deep blue speaks of high social status, correlates with stability and dignity. Blue inspires loyalty.

The inscription in blue is best done in orange. This is the perfect combination for trusta real image that wins you over, makes you relax, calm down and in this state immediately believe in the seriousness of the information that is presented in this way.


The blue color reminds us of ice and snow, pacifies, soothes, fascinates.

Information is better absorbed in blue. Blue evokes a sense of security and stability.

The shade of blue can vary - sky blue, steel, silver blue, the main thing is that the color is crystal cold. Intense blue conveys a sense of power and leadership. Light blue calms and pacifies.

An inscription on a blue background is best done in orange or red-orange. Such an inscription will most favorably emphasize the purity of the blue color and create a feeling of stability and attractiveness.

Azure green, aqua, turquoise or blue green

This color reminds us of the alluring waves of the sea, immediately there is a feeling of majesty, peace, freshness, calm, a sense of depth and comfort.

From the green color, the entire plant kingdom comes to life in it, awakening to life with elastic soft green sprouts. The blue color brings a sense of space and a special magnetism. Therefore, the turquoise color, having all these qualities, is the most beloved of all colors.

Blue-green color has an extraordinary cleansing ability: it is able to relieve irritability and fatigue, like soft jets of a warm shower. And the range of tones and shades of blue-green is so wide - from delicate turquoise to deep blue-green, that you can easily choose the right one for you.

Turquoise color carries a charge of health and prosperity. It seems to contain a spring meadow with fresh green grass against a clear blue sky.

If we talk about the ideal color of trust, comfort, then this is, of course, turquoise.

The ideal inscription in azure blue is red-orange.

Dark red color

Red color raises vital energy, inspires inspiration and encourages action. Red means good luck and prosperity, which is also important for creating a trusting image. One of the main and most ancient meanings of red is beauty. In many languages, the same word denotes the color red and, in general, everything beautiful.

However, the perception of red is very controversial, some avoid red, associating it with blood, violence, aggression. Therefore, it is more expedient to use the red color in the inscription, in the logo, but not in the background, especially for a new product. If you still decide to use it as a background, then you should carefully work out the color combinations. Ideal for red would be gold and green. It is these colors that will reduce the aggressive part of the red color, make it soft, but energetic, inviting, but not overwhelming, which means that the client will have less internal resistance.

By the way, of all the shades of red, it is dark red that suits our topic the most, it has the presence of purple, which gives it a softer character and creates an atmosphere of reflection and evaluation, and hence the readiness to perceive information.

Purple color and its shades

Violet color has a special mystery and mystery. It is the color of the unconscious. If you want to captivate your client, feel free to use purple shades in your print art.

Violet color has a special inner power. Color combinations dominated by purple convey a sense of royalty and special power. This feeling is enhanced by the combination of purple with deep indigo.

It is best to dilute purple with pastel tones. An ideal inscription on purple would be an inscription in yellow, which is considered the opposite of purple.

However, pure purple is rarely used, this is due precisely to the fact that it is very difficult to determine the pure purple color. Purple is often dominated by either red or blue tones.

Red-purple or purple

This is the color of luxury, it is associated with wealth and grandeur. By itself, the red-violet color is very active, so it is ideal to balance it with the opposite yellow-green color in the spectrum. This combination evokes a feeling of energy and excitement and curiosity.

Blue-purple color. Unstable and mysterious, precisely because it irresistibly strives to become blue, thanks to this the color is full of energy of movement. It combines two opposite, at first glance, characteristics:

~ on the one hand, it is an effective, anxiety-inducing color with which you want to quickly move into a calm blue ,

~ on the other hand, it is a color that characterizes the stability of spirit and nature...

It is this color that brings a feeling of calmness and joy. Natural blue-violet color helps to perceive life easier and carefree.

Blue-violet color

Blue-violet color has a special attractive power. It is able to hold attention much longer than any other color due to its elusive nature. Best combined with yellow-orange, yellow and gold.

As you probably noticed, combinations for these colors are best chosen in the yellow-orange spectrum. Therefore, a little about orange and yellow.

Orange is a complete harmony of yellow and red. When these two warm colors come together, orange appears, which is able to easily attract and hold attention. Orange color creates a feeling of warmth. He is affable, comfortable and impulsive. Orange is a cheerful color. Light and open, it gives the impression of movement, energy and order, but without authority and suppression. Due to its energy and radiance, orange is recognized by the international community as the color of safety in disaster areas.

Yellow. It is the color of clarity, joy and soft charm. Yellow color is always pleasant as an environment. Yellow makes an exceptionally warm and pleasant impression, and when it turns gold it makes a magnificent and noble impression.


Deep, dark shades of blue, blue, purple and red carry a touch of tradition. Azure green in combination with deep gold, bronze or deep red creates a feeling of wealth, significance and stability. Such color combinations easily inspire confidence.

However, we should not forget that there are also color stereotypes inherent in a particular age group, which should also be taken into account when creating a trustworthy image of your label or other printed products. We will talk about this in the next article.

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