Balanoposthitis - classification, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications and prevention. All about the treatment of balanoposthitis in men Balanoposthitis of the tongue

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. The glans is the thickening at the tip of the penis. This is a very vulnerable part of the male body because it is equipped with many sensitive nerves. In uncircumcised men, the head is covered by the foreskin.

Most often, balanoposthitis and balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis) occur in men, boys and boys with uncircumcised foreskin. Women do not have these diseases.

Depending on age, the frequency of various causes of balanoposthitis varies. In total, 11% of men on Earth develop this disease every year.

In one Japanese study, balanoposthitis was found in 9 (1.5%) of 603 uncircumcised Japanese boys aged 1 to 15 years, and a long-term Japanese study found that the incidence of balanoposthitis in Japan is 3 to 7% of cases per year.

However, most studies have only looked at children and sexually active men.

With balanoposthitis, reddening of the skin of the penis is observed, and ulcers and deep erosion have been seen in patients with progressive disease, often in combination with fungal infections (in immunocompromised people).

Balanoposthitis treatment

Usually, balanoposthitis is diagnosed during a physical examination, while the doctor examines the lymph nodes, especially in the groin, and the genitals.

  • If infectious balanoposthitis is suspected, a swab is taken from the head of the penis and the opening of the urethra. Then these smears are examined under a microscope to find the causative agent of the disease.
  • In very rare cases, The patient is sent for a blood test to find pathogens or antibodies against the pathogen.
  • Biopsy is prescribed for severe balanoposthitis of an unclear cause. There are a number of diseases that resemble balanoposthitis, such as penile cancer, Behçet's disease, or Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
  • The doctor will also examine the patient's urethra for signs of inflammation.. He will ask the patient if the foreskin "swells" during urination. If there is evidence of a urinary tract infection, the doctor will do an ultrasound of the bladder to confirm or disprove the presence of an obstruction to urine flow.

Frequently asked questions and answers on balanoposthitis

  • Is balanoposthitis transmitted?
    No, the disease itself cannot be passed on to another man or woman. However, a fungal or bacterial infection that caused the development of the disease can be transmitted.
  • Is it possible to have sex with balanoposthitis?
    You can, only in a condom, so as not to infect your partner with an infection that caused balanoposthitis. However, itching, pain and burning in the penis during sexual intercourse often "kill" the patient's sexual desire.
  • Is balanoposthitis contagious?
  • Is circumcision done with balanoposthitis?
    In the case of chronic balanoposthitis that does not respond to medical treatment, the urologist may recommend circumcision. This is a reliable means of getting rid of the disease.

Types of balanoposthitis

Doctors share the primary balanoposthitis caused by a fungal infection, and the secondary one, which has arisen due to injuries, infections and various skin diseases.

In addition to this classification Balanoposthitis is divided into types, each of which is characterized by its own pathogen and treatment features.

  1. Candida fungal balanoposthitis- is considered the most common form of balanoposthitis. It is also called yeast balanoposthitis because it is caused by a type of candidal yeast (usually Candida albicans). Many women have candida infections that they pass on to their male partners during sex.
  2. Circinary balanoposthitis occurs due to streptococci or fungi Candida Albicans and usually there are no subjective sensations (pain, burning, etc.). Red spots with clear boundaries appear on the head of the penis and foreskin.
  3. Simple balanoposthitis appears due to the fact that the accumulated smegma, which serves as a suitable environment for various microorganisms, has an irritating effect on the head of the penis and the inner leaf of the foreskin.
  4. The presence of anaerobes on the glans penis, especially in uncircumcised men, leads to balanoposthitis. The most serious kind anaerobic balanoposthitis is erosive gangrenous balanoposthitis. Features of anaerobic infection: superficial erosion, fetid discharge, preputial edema, inguinal adenitis. With severe swelling, the penis takes on the characteristic shape of a bell tongue.
  5. Aerobic bacterial balanoposthitis occurs during sexual contact with a woman in the vaginal microflora of which the gardnerella bacterium is present.
  6. Cause acute balanoposthitis is a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. Symptoms begin with mild discomfort around the foreskin and glans penis. Over time, discomfort increases, redness, itching and swelling appear. One form of acute balanoposthitis is erosive balanoposthitis. Initially, white areas appear on the penis (where the epithelium has become dead). Some time later, the color of the areas changes to red, erosion appears with clear outlines.
  7. Follicular balanoposthitis appears when urine or semen accumulates in the preputial sac. On palpation of the penis, small, dense nodules are felt. The foreskin and head are edematous, there is a release of purulent mucous secretion.
  8. Chlamydial balanoposthitis does not affect the epithelium of the penis. The patient may not have subjective sensations. This type of balanoposthitis has clearly defined spots and is transmitted through sexual contact. Requires treatment of both partners.

  9. Acute purulent balanoposthitis caused by either streptococcus, staphylococcus, or yeast, or a combination of causes. It can also be the result of diabetes mellitus, purulent urethritis or severe allergies. It is characterized by the appearance of purulent necrotic lesions on the head of the penis and foreskin, swelling and bright scarlet color of the affected skin.
  10. Ulcerative balanoposthitis- a pathology in which the head of the penis and the foreskin are covered with a large number of sores. This complicates not only the process of urination, but also sex, since these actions cause severe pain. If you do not treat ulcerative balanoposthitis, you can "earn" inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  11. Traumatic balanoposthitis- a consequence of wearing very tight underwear, mechanical damage to the skin of the penis (for example, by zippering trousers or as a result of masturbation). Symptoms - swelling and redness of the skin of the penis.
  12. Adhesive (adhesive) balanoposthitis is a common illness in children. In this condition, it is not possible to remove the head of the penis from the foreskin. The patient is in pain, he has redness and swelling of the penis. Drug treatment does not always give the desired results, therefore, with adhesive balanoposthitis, the doctor may prescribe circumcision.
  13. Chronic balanoposthitis- a long-term disease, accompanied by an alternation of "fading" of symptoms with acute periods. Sometimes it requires surgical intervention (circumcision).
  14. Allergic balanoposthitis is the body's response to contact with an irritant, such as rubber or spermicidal lubricants. There is a wide range of clinical manifestations that range from mild redness to swelling of the entire penis.
  15. Nonspecific balanoposthitis- it is characterized by gradually increasing swelling of the skin, leading to inflammatory phimosis and the release of pus from the preputial sac. Often occurs in patients with diabetes and alcoholics.
  16. Irrital balanoposthitis- occurs due to neglect of personal hygiene, wearing tight swimming trunks, frequent masturbation and excessive sensitivity of the skin of the penis. Characteristic red stripes appear on the penis, the lymph nodes in the groin become inflamed.

Balanoposthitis: characteristic signs, disease code balanoposthitis according to ICD-10

Balanoposthitis ( ICD-10 - code N48.1) refers to "other diseases of the penis". Its main symptom is a more or less painful inflammation and discoloration of the glans penis and foreskin.

Inflammation usually affects only the upper layers of the skin, and not the deep cavernous bodies of the penis. Patients often report rash and itching on the glans and foreskin.

  • Many patients experience fetid discharge from the penis.
  • With a disease of balanoposthitis, the head swells (its swelling occurs), which makes urination painful.
  • Sometimes balanoposthitis is associated with temporary impotence.
  • Balanoposthitis is usually limited to the penis. Systemic signs of inflammation, such as fever with balanoposthitis, malaise, or vomiting, are not typical of this disease. In rare cases, improper treatment of balanoposthitis leads to a gangrenous condition, which is characterized by fever, necrotic purulent ulcers on the genitals and general intoxication of the body.

More about balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis: causes and risk factors

There are many reasons that may be responsible for balanoposthitis. Often there is a combination of several causes, such as mechanical irritation of the penis and infection. In a third of patients, the cause of the disease is not clear.

The causes of balanoposthitis can be divided into non-infectious and infectious.

Balanoposthitis: non-infectious causes

  • A common cause of inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin is insufficient or excessively frequent cleaning. With poor hygiene, smegma accumulates in the cavity of the foreskin (preputial sac), a yellowish-white mass consisting of fat, skin cells and bacteria. This can lead to balanitis in children and adults and balanoposthitis.
  • Chemical and mechanical stress - the use of disinfectants and excessive washing can provoke an inflammatory process in the foreskin.
  • In some cases, balanoposthitis occurs due to an allergic reaction to drugs, perfumes, or latex condoms.

Balanoposthitis: infectious causes

  • The two most common causes of balanoposthitis are fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Yeast-like fungi Candida albicans is the most common cause of candidal balanoposthitis. Uncircumcised men are more likely to become infected with fungal balanoposthitis than circumcised men. In most cases, fungi are transmitted through sexual contact.
  • With bacterial balanoposthitis, the causes in men include impaz reviews of doctors due to staphylococci, enterococci, streptococci, as well as the causative agent of tuberculosis.


Inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin also occurs in the context of sexually transmitted diseases. So, the human papillomavirus causes chronic balanoposthitis, which is not easy to defeat.

The main risk factor for the development of balanoposthitis is poor personal hygiene.

  • The narrowed foreskin (phimosis) that is poorly shifted from the head favors the appearance of balanitis and balanoposthitis. For this reason, circumcision reduces the risk of getting balanoposthitis.
  • People with certain medical conditions are statistically more likely to have inflammation of the foreskin and glans. These diseases include diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, obesity, and ulcerative colitis.

Balanoposthitis: the consequences of refusing treatment and the main complications

Most often, with the conservative treatment of balanoposthitis, the consequences for the patient are favorable.

  • Treatment for infectious balanoposthitis may be topical (eg, clotrimazole ointment or potassium permanganate baths) or oral (eg, fluconazole), but both partners should be tested for infection. Women infected through sexual contact may develop vulvitis and other gynecological diseases.
  • If after four weeks of antifungal treatment has not been successful, the diagnosis should be reassessed.
  • With non-infectious balanoposthitis, an ointment with cortisone is prescribed at the initial stage. Cortisone reduces inflammation and reduces symptoms of the disease. If cortisone does not help, the urologist may recommend an ointment containing pimecrolimus, a powerful immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • For children, there are special treatment recommendations that must be strictly followed. Parents or the child should consistently perform daily intimate hygiene with the foreskin retracted and possibly apply cortisone ointment twice a day.
  • If the foreskin is narrowing, it can be pushed back only after consulting with your doctor. This can be very painful and uncomfortable. For this reason, the use of local anesthesia (ointments or analgesics) should be considered. Recommendations for the care of the foreskin in young children can be found on the website of the famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky.
  • Frequent recurrences of balanoposthitis and phimosis require circumcision - surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis. Circumcised men tend to be less susceptible to genital infections.

Neglecting the treatment of balanoposthitis is a sure step towards a urinary tract infection, bladder or prostate inflammation.

  • In rare cases, the result of an inattentive attitude to the disease is phimosis.- narrowing of the foreskin ring, which makes it impossible to "pull" it from the head of the penis. And phimosis, in turn, sometimes leads to paraphimosis or infringement of the head of the penis. This requires surgical treatment.
  • An unpleasant consequence of balanoposthitis (complication) is a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans penis. The weaker sensations during orgasm.
  • A rare but possible complication is lymphagenitis.(inflammation of the blood vessels of the penis). In severe cases, it leads to gangrene of the penis.
  • Allergic symptoms such as dermatitis, rashes, hives, and skin inflammation can lead to scarring. In turn, scar tissue on the penis can cause narrowing of the foreskin. This leads to the development of discomfort and difficulty with urination.
  • With prolonged inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis the formation of a malignant tumor is not excluded.

As a preventive measure, wash the penis daily with warm water, cleansing it of smegma and avoiding the use of scented or deodorizing products. Dry your penis completely after showering.

There are many reasons why a man may develop balanoposthitis. One of the most widespread is the lack of regular personal hygiene of the penis. It quickly accumulates urine and smegma (a special secret released during sexual arousal).

Gradually, these waste products of a man start to cause inflammation., smoothly developing into balanoposthitis.

Another fairly common cause in men is the presence of any congenital pathology. For example, it negatively affects the health of the head of the penis and its foreskin. The disease in this case develops according to the same principle as during the lack of personal hygiene.

Any infection can also cause this unpleasant disease. It can be caused by various fungi and bacteria.

If a man has ever been ill with any of the sexually transmitted diseases and has not normally treated the microflora, then the risk of balanoposthitis increases significantly. Syphilis and gonorrhea are considered especially dangerous diseases, which quickly cause inflammation in the male body.

Almost always, infection occurs during intercourse without the use of condoms, when microorganisms begin to enter the urinary tract of a man.

When wearing rough, uncomfortable or too small underwear there is also a risk of developing balanoposthitis. The fact is that tight clothing greatly constrains the movements of a man, in which the head of the penis begins to rub more intensively.

And, of course, we must not forget that the cause of inflammation can be ordinary diabetes mellitus and lack of certain vitamins and minerals. Sometimes balanoposthitis manifests itself after a long nervous shock or against the background of serious illnesses.

What types of balanoposthitis are in men?

There are several varieties of balanoposthitis, which are diagnosed in men of different ages. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

Simple balanoposthitis

So in medicine they call the process of inflammation occurring on the surface of the skin of the glans penis. Gradually, it passes to the inside of the foreskin of the penis. Often this type of disease manifests itself after contact of the penis with mechanical and chemical stimuli, as well as during non-compliance with personal hygiene.

Such a disease is detected by soreness of the head, small purulent discharge, redness and swelling. In advanced stages, the patient may complain of phimosis and urinary retention.

Candidal balanoposthitis (balanitis) in men and its treatment

The patient complains of a constant deterioration in the quality of life and unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain.

Acute purulent balanoposthitis

This type of balanitis develops against the background of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. In addition, he may appear during complicated allergies and diabetes.

This differs from all other forms of balanoposthitis by the appearance of purulent-necrotic lesions on the penis, the head of the penis acquires a bright red color and begins to hurt badly.

Ulcerative balanoposthitis

It is characterized by the appearance of numerous ulcers on the surface of the head of the penis. The man begins to experience discomfort while walking and urinating.

In the absence of normal treatment, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin may occur.

Traumatic balanoposthitis.

This form of the disease develops while wearing uncomfortable clothing.

A slight redness appears on the penis, characterized by slight swelling and slight pain.

Allergic balanoposthitis

The disease develops against the background of genital allergies. As for the latter, she occurs due to personal intolerance to latex, underwear fabric and personal care products.

The head of the penis turns pink and red, red spots and watery blisters appear on it, which slowly turn into small erosions.

Gangrenous balanoposthitis

A lot of areas covered with pus and white coating are formed on the penis. At the same time, the patient's body temperature rises significantly, and gangrene of the glans penis begins.

Unfortunately, necrosis develops very quickly, so doctors can rarely save the genital organ from destruction. It is for this reason that it is important not to run this form of the disease.

Balanoposthitis, caused by phimosis, treated exclusively by surgery.

After that, an operation is performed to excise it under local anesthesia.

Prevention of male balanoposthitis

One of the most common causes of balanoposthitis is a disturbed microflora in a sexual partner. That is why you need to visit a gynecologist and a urologist together to get rid of this unpleasant condition. If the partner is fickle, should practice safe sex or regularly checked for infections.

Besides, proper personal hygiene must be maintained: wash the penis at least once a day and always after sex.

In this case, the sequence of hygiene procedures should be as follows:

  1. To wash hands;
  2. Soap them until foam appears;
  3. Soap the penis, pouring it with water at a comfortable temperature;
  4. Wash the penis and the area around it well;
  5. Bare and rinse the head;
  6. Carefully rinse the frenulum where smegma accumulates;
  7. Rinse your penis.

By following all these recommendations, you can completely protect yourself from the occurrence of balanoposthitis. Timely treatment of any disease protects against the occurrence of complications in the future. Visit the urologist regularly, and no illness will bring discomfort to your life.

Balanoposthitis, or inflammation of the glans penis and adjacent foreskin, is a disease that occurs not only in adult men. For example, such a form as adhesive balanoposthitis is most common in childhood, and the most dangerous moment is that the disease manifests itself at an age when the child cannot yet clearly communicate that he feels discomfort in the genital area. This leads to the fact that the parents learn about the presence of adhesive balanoposthitis too late, when the treatment may no longer be limited to lotions and washing.

The fact that the child has inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis, parents should be told the following symptoms: this organ turns red, severe swelling is clearly visible, and the head is not removed from the foreskin due to the fact that the latter does not open (hence the term - adhesive ). The most common mistake parents make is the forced opening of the head, which is fraught with serious consequences. The fact is that the main danger lies not in stickiness at all - this is already only a consequence, which means that the cause must be identified and eliminated.

The impossibility of a full-fledged sanitization of the glans penis, which inevitably follows with adhesive balanoposthitis, often leads to the fact that smegma accumulates under the foreskin, which is an excellent breeding ground for the development of various pathogens. The most common consequence of the adhesive form of inflammation is phimosis - i.e. pathological inability to open the glans penis, the only treatment for which is surgical intervention, during which the foreskin is excised in order to free the glans.

In adults, adhesive balanoposthitis is much less common, while it is the result of untimely treatment of other forms of inflammation or the complete absence of any treatment in principle. If a man has balanoposthitis, the symptoms of which are bloody wounds on the skin of the penis, and at the same time he does not take any measures to eliminate them, it is possible that the disease will soon turn into an adhesive form, provoking phimosis, and, as a result, causing the need for surgical correction of the situation.

Ulcerative balanoposthitis
Most often, any other form of the disease can go into ulcerative balanoposthitis, in the absence of timely prescribed treatment, or with ...

Balanoposthitis in men is a disease in which the glans penis becomes inflamed, as well as the foreskin. The disease occurs at absolutely any age, and etiological factors can have both infectious and non-infectious genesis. Compliance plays an important role in the occurrence of the inflammatory process.

Balanoposthitis is mainly treated on an outpatient basis. You should not hope that the problem will go away by itself, an untreated disease can lead to serious reproductive disorders and even cause cancer of the penis.

Self-medication is unacceptable. In order to completely get rid of the disease, you should contact a specialist who can find out with the help of an examination the true causes of inflammation. According to the international classification of diseases, balanoposthitis has a microbial code 10: N48.1.

Provocative factors of development

Absolutely any disease develops under the influence of certain causes that are physical or infectious in nature, balanoposthitis is no exception. The causes of the disease are varied, first consider the infectious etiology of inflammation of the penis:

  • , syphilis, human papillomavirus, genital herpes;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

Now consider the non-infectious causes of balanoposthitis:

  • mechanical irritation of the skin of the head or foreskin of the penis;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen flat.

Experts identify other factors that affect the occurrence of the pathological process:

  • failure to properly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Accumulations of dirt are a breeding ground for the active reproduction of pathogens;
  • as a result of phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin, normal hygiene is simply difficult;
  • allergic reactions;
  • weakened immunity;
  • promiscuity in sexual relations. This also includes unprotected sex and frequent sexual activity;
  • exposure to chemicals that may be contained in condoms, as well as intimate hygiene products;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular, cystitis, prostatitis.


The disease is characterized by pronounced clinical symptoms, the signs of balanoposthitis are generally difficult to confuse with something else. Usually, all patients complain of a burning sensation and itching in the area of ​​the glans penis and foreskin. In addition, any contact with the penis causes excruciating pain. Sexual intimacy, hygiene procedures - all this causes discomfort.

Also, the genital organ is hyperemic, in some cases even bubbles and erosion appear. Sometimes there is even a discharge of purulent secretion from the vesicles, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Consider the signs of balanoposthitis, depending on the cause of its occurrence:

  • gonorrheal form is accompanied by lesions of the urethra;
  • chlamydial type usually proceeds according to the type of balanitis, in which the head is covered with red spots with clear contours;
  • trichomonas balanoposthitis is mostly a consequence of urethritis. Purulent accumulations have a characteristic yellow-white color of a frothy character with an unpleasant odor;
  • with a candidal type, a white coating of a cheesy character appears in the form of lumps;
  • the herpetic form is characterized by the appearance of vesicles on the penis with transparent watery contents. Often it occurs in a chronic form.

Now consider the features of the course of the disease depending on non-infectious etiological factors:

  • diabetes. Depending on the age of the patient and the duration of the course of the disease, the symptoms may vary slightly. Patients complain of increased pain sensitivity, redness, as well as the appearance of cracks and ulcers;
  • with psoriasis, the skin is affected not only on the penis itself. Red nodules appear, which are covered with scales;
  • lichen flat. Flat nodules of irregular shape appear, which tend to merge with each other.

Stages of the disease

Clinical symptoms depending on the stage of the pathological process may differ:

  1. Simple balanoposthitis. This is the mildest form of the disease. This stage can usually be cured in as little as one week. Simple balanoposthitis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms: redness, swelling, burning, itching, pain, maceration, erosion and purulent discharge from the urethra.
  2. Erosive balanoposthitis is characterized by the formation of erosions on the head of the penis and foreskin. After the erosion heals, there is no trace left in their place. It all starts with the fact that a film forms on the penis, then it disappears, and erosion forms in its place. Usually this stage is also characterized by an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.
  3. Gangrenous balanoposthitis is the most severe form of the disease. At this stage, the general condition of the patient is disturbed: the body temperature rises, weakness and general malaise appear. First, ulcers form, after healing of which scars remain. They, in turn, provoke the development of phimosis. Another complication of ulcers is the appearance of perforation in the foreskin.


Depending on the nature of the course of the pathological process, balanoposthitis is of two types:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Acute balanoposthitis

The acute form is characterized by a sudden onset and a severe course of the disease. These types of balanoposthitis are acute:

  • erosive;
  • purulent;
  • gangrenous.

Separately, I would like to say about the purulent form. It is caused most often by a fungal infection, as well as by staphylococci and streptococci. And sometimes the purulent type can be the result of diabetes, allergies, or purulent urethritis.

It is not difficult to distinguish this form; deep lesions of a purulent-necrotic nature appear on the surface of the foreskin and the head of the penis. The penis itself is enlarged and acquires a bright red hue.

Chronic balanoposthitis

Compared with the acute form, the chronic one has not so pronounced clinical symptoms, and yet, itching and rashes on the penis cause quite a few concerns. Men often report that during treatment, the symptoms begin to subside, but after stopping the use of medications, the disease may return again.

The main causes of chronic balanoposthitis are the following factors:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • chronic candidiasis;
  • STDs;
  • chronic foci of infection, for example, otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis;

The chronic form appears as follows:

  • itching and burning of the head of the penis, aggravated by intercourse;
  • hyperemia and rashes;
  • white bloom;
  • pink papules;
  • increased dryness and cracking.

Depending on the causes of occurrence, balanoposthitis is infectious and non-infectious. Let's talk about the types of infectious forms.

Infectious balanoposthitis

Let's single out the main types of infectious balanoposthitis:

  • candidal balanoposthitis is caused by yeast-like fungi. It manifests itself in the form of swelling, hyperemia, red spots. If left untreated, erosions, ulcers, and profuse discharge may appear. The acute form can be manifested by acute pain and fever;
  • the gardnerella form is characterized by the appearance of itching, burning of the penis, painful urination, as well as grayish discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • anaerobic balanoposthitis. Anaerobic bacteria cause the development of a mild or erosive form. The mild type is characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant fishy odor, light plaque and mild erythema. The erosive type is characterized by the occurrence of purulent erosions and raids that have a specific odor
  • follicular balanoposthitis develops most often due to stagnation of urine or smegma. On palpation, the specialist detects dense small nodes. Usually the process spreads further, affecting the urethra;
  • circinary balanoposthitis. Caused by a chlamydial infection. Characteristic spots appear in the head area, but roughness is not present.
  • herpetic balanoposthitis is one of the most common types of the disease. It is characterized by a characteristic rash and is treated with corticosteroid and antiherpetic drugs;
  • trichomonas form is a secondary process that develops against the background of urethritis;
  • bacterial balanoposthitis is mostly diagnosed in boys under three years of age and is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body.

Other types

Despite the fact that these varieties are not so common, you should also be aware of them:

  • allergic. Occurs due to the presence of an allergic agent or genital allergy. Patients complain of itching, burning, pain, swelling and redness. As the increased reaction progresses, spots, blisters and even erosion may appear. Food, condoms, gel ointments - all this can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Balanoposthitis in diabetes mellitus develops in men in eighty percent of cases. Due to the polymicrobial etiological factor and the persistence of this form, the treatment process is very difficult. Patients note the presence of ulcerative lesions, bleeding of the head of the penis, as well as the presence of cracks and redness;
  • the adhesive type most often occurs in young boys as a result of malformations. The child may be disturbed by bleeding wounds and discharge;
  • xerotic balanoposthitis often occurs in a chronic form. Its appearance can be caused by such reasons: autoimmune processes, hormonal failure, mechanical damage, infectious agents, hereditary factor. Whitish spots appear on the penis, and atrophic changes in the skin are also activated. A whitish sclerotic ring is a clear sign of xerotic balanoposthitis. In dynamics, scars appear, leading to the development of phimosis;
  • irritant. Stagnation in combination with insufficient hygiene form the appearance of an inflammatory process. A characteristic feature of this form is redness and sponginess of the skin on the genitals;
  • a traumatic form may occur due to wearing tight squeezing underwear or pinching the penis with a zipper on the pants. Also, contact of the penis with an aggressive chemical agent, for example, when underwear is not rinsed well, can cause inflammation in the form of swelling and redness.

Possible Complications

The disease can lead to serious complications if the provoking factors of development are not eliminated in a timely manner or self-medication is carried out. Let's highlight the common complications that can occur against the background of balanoposthitis:

  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • necrotic changes in the penis;
  • inflammation of the lymphatic vessels;
  • urethritis;
  • decreased sensitivity of the penis as a result of atrophic changes;
  • impotence;
  • paraphimosis;
  • decrease in orgasm.

Most of these complications are difficult to treat, and some of them are completely incurable. This should be an incentive to consult a doctor without hesitation in time.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis: what's the difference?

Despite the fact that many people confuse with balanoposthitis, these two pathologies have a clear difference! Balanitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects only the head of the penis, while the foreskin also suffers with balanoposthitis.

As for the clinical manifestations and the treatment process. These moments are similar in both diseases. Nevertheless, it is much easier to cure balanitis, therefore, if hyperemia and itching occur, it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

Balanoposthitis in a child

Balanoposthitis is a common problem in pediatric practice. It is this disease that is the most common reason for parents to visit a surgeon. In childhood, the disease is caused by such reasons:

  • excessive release of smegma and its further accumulation;
  • hypertrophic form of phimosis;
  • failure to properly comply with the rules of intimate hygiene. Due to physiological reasons, the foreskin is narrowed in young boys. In general, it is normal to completely expose the head only by three or even five years. Some parents may try too hard, resulting in injury. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through microcracks, which provoke the inflammatory process;
  • overheating of the penis due to wearing a diaper or warm clothes out of season;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • antibiotic therapy can lead to the development of a fungal infection;
  • an allergic reaction to drugs, food, care products, powders, etc.;
  • irregular change of underwear.

Children begin to worry about the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia and swelling of the penis;
  • the foreskin is poorly retracted;
  • the appearance of white-yellow discharge;
  • frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain;
  • itching and burning of the penis.

Balanoposthitis is treated by a urologist. As soon as you notice the appearance of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Inaction can lead to the development of phimosis, which will require surgical intervention.

If at the moment you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, the following actions will help alleviate the condition of the child:

  • put the child in a bath with warm water;
  • gently wash the penis with baby soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • pull the skin of the penis up, while not exposing the head;
  • inject a solution of furacilin into the gap using a syringe without a needle;
  • you can immerse the penis in a herbal decoction, a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate;
  • on the head of the penis, you can drop a few drops of olive oil or vitamin A, E.


To make an accurate diagnosis, the following diagnostic methods will be required:

  • general blood analysis. Despite the fact that this study is carried out to diagnose any disease, it can still show the presence of an inflammatory process. In the blood, leukocytosis and elevated ESR will be noted;
  • general urine analysis. Proteinuria will be present, and on microscopic examination, the laboratory assistant reveals a high content of leukocytes in one field of view;
  • bacteriological examination of urine allows you to identify the causative agent of balanoposthitis and determine the tactics of antibiotic therapy;
  • PCR. This study is carried out at the gene level and allows you to identify the DNA of the pathogen, including its exact appearance;
  • scraping from the urethra is performed to exclude syphilis.

Important! If a sexually transmitted disease is detected, the sexual partner must be examined!

How to treat balanoposthitis

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on the results of studies that indicate the causes of the disease, and also indicate the stage of development of the pathology. In most cases, the treatment of balanoposthitis begins with the use of local remedies in the form of ointments and creams. It all depends on the type of pathogen, for fungal infections, antimycotic agents are prescribed, for bacterial infections, antiseptics, in case of an allergic reaction, glucocorticosteroids, etc.

Let's single out the main tasks in the treatment of balanoposthitis:

  • hygiene of the head and foreskin of the penis;
  • elimination of an infectious agent;
  • antiviral and antibiotic therapy.


Consider three popular and effective methods that will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease:

  • manganese baths. Potassium permanganate can be purchased at the pharmacy network in the form of a powder that is diluted with water. The substance is a powerful antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. For young children, add enough potassium permanganate to the bath so that the water is painted over. In the case of older children, a weak solution is made and the penis is placed for ten minutes in a container of water;
  • furacilin baths. The drug is sold in the form of solutions and tablets. Furacilin has pronounced antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Dissolve two tablets of furacilin in a glass of water, then place the penis in the prepared product;
  • herbal baths. As a basis, you can take such medicinal plants: chamomile, sage, plantain, succession, St. John's wort, oak bark. All these plants have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Two tablespoons of raw materials go to a glass of boiling water. The agent must be infused, cooled, after which it is filtered and used for the procedure.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics for balanoposthitis are prescribed for advanced forms, when the general condition of the patient is disturbed, as well as for sexually transmitted diseases, and in the case of ulcerative and gangrenous forms. Consider broad-spectrum antibiotics prescribed for balanoposthitis:

  • Cefazolin. Used for both oral and parenteral use.
  • Ceftriaxone is available as tablets and powder;
  • Azithromycin belongs to the group of macrolides.


Consider a list of effective ointments:

  • levomekol with balanoposthitis. The wide popularity of the ointment is explained by the combined composition and the negative impact on various types of pathogens. The composition of the drug includes two active ingredients: chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The first substance is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and the second provides nutrition and restoration of the penis. Levomekol is prescribed for all types of balanoposthitis. Before applying it, hygiene procedures should be carried out. Bandages with levomekol can be left on all night. Treatment usually lasts three to five days;
  • with balanoposthitis. It is advisable to use this drug in case of fungal infection. The ointment is applied twice a day, gently rubbing into the skin. Usually treatment lasts from two to four weeks;
  • with balanoposthitis. The ointment has antimicrobial and antifungal activity. The active ingredient is gentamicin. Triderm is used from the age of two for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes;
  • akriderm with balanoposthitis. The ointment has hormonal activity and is used for the allergic form of balanoposthitis. The composition of the drug includes a corticosteroid, which quickly relieves the inflammatory process;
  • xeroform ointment has drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of the ointment includes two active substances: xeroform and vaseline.

Alternative treatment

Of course, there are non-traditional methods of treating balanoposthitis. They are safe, easy to use and effective, but this is subject to their proper use. Folk advice helps relieve symptoms, but they do not eliminate the problem itself and the cause of its occurrence.

Here are some recipes:

  • chamomile. It is necessary to take three tablespoons of chamomile flowers and pour them with the same amount of boiling water. After the agent has cooled down, the resulting slurry is applied to the genitals. You can also use plants for disinfectant baths. To prepare a decoction, twenty grams of chamomile flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water;
  • calendula and olive oil are taken at the rate of 1:10, respectively. For three weeks, the product is aged in the sun, while it is periodically mixed. After the tincture is filtered, it can be used to treat the affected areas;
  • sage. A teaspoon of the product goes to a glass of boiling water. For half an hour, the remedy is infused, and then filtered. Use tincture in the form of compresses, as well as washings;
  • aloe. Washed fresh leaves are applied twice a day to the affected area.


Surgical intervention is an extreme measure, which is used when conservative methods are ineffective in complicated forms. Specialists perform circumcision, or circumcision, in the following cases:

  • chronic form with frequent relapses. The operation is performed during the period of remission;
  • appearance of cicatricial phimosis.

Is it possible to get balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis does not belong to the category of contagious diseases, although it is caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. In order for the mechanism of the pathological process to start, only one pathogen is not enough, the presence of predisposing factors is necessary. Improper nutrition, the presence of somatic diseases - all this can reduce immunity and damage the integrity of the epithelial integument of the penis.

Is it possible to go to the sauna with balanoposthitis

Water procedures for balanoposthitis are extremely important, but a sauna or bath is perhaps not the most suitable option. Consider two main reasons for this:

  1. In the sauna, you can easily become infected with other diseases that will further aggravate the course of balanoposthitis. You can also become a source of infection for others.
  2. Elevated temperatures can provoke the activation of pathogenic microflora.

In addition, do not forget that overheating of the body affects the functioning of the immune system, weakening it, and this also negatively affects the health of a man with balanoposthitis.

Nevertheless, the opinions of experts on this issue are ambiguous. Some argue that high temperature and low humidity negatively affect the vital activity of pathogens. It is worth noting that much depends on the type of balanoposthitis. So, with a viral or bacterial nature, such procedures are possible and will have a therapeutic effect, while with a candidal lesion, the condition will only worsen.


The disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. Simple recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of balanoposthitis:

  • careful observance of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • regular washing of the genitals and change of underwear;
  • exclusion of casual sexual contacts;
  • condom use as protection;
  • the sexual partner should conduct hygiene of the genital organs before sexual contact and regularly consult a gynecologist;
  • when bathing young children, it is better to add a small amount of potassium permanganate to the water;
  • with sexual opening of the glans penis in boys, it is difficult to carry out high-quality hygiene, so you first need to put it in a basin with warm water;
  • the child must undergo a routine examination by a pediatric surgeon.

So, balanoposthitis - we can cure! If you went to the doctor in the early stages of the process, the healing process will be easy and fast. If alarming signs are found, do not despair and panic, modern medicine has learned to deal with the disease. Depending on the type of pathogen, ointments are used that have an antibacterial, antifungal, antihistamine, antiseptic effect.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, only a doctor will be able to determine the type of balanoposthitis, its stage and the course of the disease. Remember, prevention is the best cure. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and intelligibility in sexual relations will help prevent the disease.

What is balanoposthitis in men?
Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the inner layer of the penis, often occurring simultaneously with balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis). There are many reasons for being sick. Specialists distinguish between non-infectious and infectious forms.

First occurs due to the abuse of medicines (especially antibiotics), mechanical damage to the glans penis or surgery on the genitals.

Second category is more diverse. Depending on the pathogen, fasting can be bacterial, fungal or viral. The disease can be classified by stages and symptoms, often one form flows into another.

With the development of the disease, the smell becomes stronger, with notes of rotten fish.

After hygiene procedures, it disappears for a while, but returns very quickly.

The secretions dry up on the skin, forming thin, scaly crusts, causing itching and burning.

Under the foreskin, the amount of smegma increases, the penis turns red, slight swelling is possible. antimycotic drugs and restorative agents.


The cause of allergic balanoposthitis is a reaction to medications, detergents, food, cold and other phenomena. One common cause is improper condom lubrication. Often, allergic balanitis occurs after long-term treatment of diseases of the urogenital area: , .

This form of balanoposthitis can be determined by the characteristic symptoms: swelling of the penis, redness of the skin, a small rash, itching. The discharge is clear and odorless, often absent. It can proceed in an implicit form, after the elimination of the allergen, spontaneous cure or the occurrence of another form of balanoposthitis is possible: candidal or.

To relieve acute symptoms, the chronic form is treated with herbal decoctions and anti-inflammatory tablets. Immunomodulators help, homeopathic remedies give a good effect.

The photo of allergic balanoposthitis can be found below:


A kind of purulent balanoposthitis.
Occurs against the background of bacterial infections, often pathogens are gonococci. In the initial stage, slight swelling and white spots on the skin are possible. With the development of the disease, the inguinal lymph nodes increase, white spots become more distinct, and the edges of the epithelium turn red and flake off.

Ulcers of various sizes are formed, suppuration is possible. The skin itches and hurts, the patient experiences discomfort when urinating. often accompanied by phimosis.

If left untreated, poorly healing painful scars appear on the skin. The advanced form is characterized by tissue necrosis.


often occurs with chlamydial infections. This form is characterized by clear light spots of irregular shape.

Allocations are absent or very insignificant.

With the development of the disease, the spots acquire a grayish-white hue, the penis swells, swells, the stratum corneum increases.

Small, painful sores with a smooth, shiny surface appear on the skin; in advanced form, tissue necrosis and gangrenous ulcers are possible.

Treatment begins with anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs, supplemented with vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, decoctions of medicinal herbs, which are used for baths, washings and compresses..


The cause of chlamydial balanoposthitis is chlamydia, transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Highly contagious, if one of the partners is not treated, the infection will continue permanently. A favorable background for the disease can be phimosis, reduced immunity, abuse of aggressive detergents.

The disease is almost asymptomatic, the epithelium of the penis is not affected. Perhaps fever, weakness, sleep disturbance and appetite. Chlamydial balanoposthitis is more common, the inner leaf of the glans penis is affected much less frequently.
Treatment of chlamydial balanitis is carried out after consultation with a venereologist.


Posthitis is caused by Gram-negative bacteria.(does not give color in the Gram test). Occurs with unprotected sex with a partner infected with gardenella, an allergic reaction, malnutrition, reduced immunity.

It proceeds in a simple or erosive form.

In the first case, a sticky coating appears on the head of the penis with a characteristic fishy smell. There may be mild swelling and itching.

With an erosive form, skin lesions occur with a weeping surface, an unpleasant odor becomes more pronounced.

It is treated with complex antimicrobial drugs, applied orally or in the form of lotions.


Purulent balanoposthitis often occurs in an acute form. The causative agents are streptococci, staphylococci, yeast fungi. Sometimes the disease occurs against the background of severe chronic ailments, such as diabetes mellitus, atopic dermatitis, purulent urethritis.

Purulent postitis is characterized by yellowish discharge, especially abundant in the morning and causing itching. Small red spots appear on the surface of the penis, necrotic skin lesions are possible.

For treatment, antibiotics with the widest possible spectrum of effects are needed, followed by immunomodulatory drugs.


Zuna balanitis, which is uncommon, usually affects middle-aged and older men. The nature of the disease is unclear, the cause may be an autoimmune pathology, chronic inflammatory processes, Reiter's syndrome. Symptoms appear quickly and do not allow confusing this form with another.

Small pinkish-brown plaques appear on the skin of the penis, their number increases with the course of the disease.

The surface of the plaques is smooth, shiny or weeping. Affected areas of the skin quickly atrophy. There are no discharges, with extensive skin lesions, the patient feels burning and pain.

Possible complications: narrowing of the foreskin, deformity of the urethra, malignant tumors of the glans penis.
The treatment is combined, combining corticosteroid ointments with immuno-strengthening and vitamin preparations. With extensive skin lesions, full or partial circumcision of the foreskin is recommended.


The causative agent of the disease is hemolytic staphylococcus aureus. Infection is possible with unprotected sexual contact, reduced immunity, inflammation of other organs of the urogenital area. Characterized by a slight discharge of white or grayish color, an unpleasant sour smell, the appearance of edema, rash, itching.

In the absence of treatment, a simple form becomes erosive. The therapeutic course consists of external antimicrobial agents in combination with oral anti-inflammatory drugs.

Photos of staphylococcal balanoposthitis can be viewed here


One of the most common types. The causative agent is the genital herpes virus, which enters the body through unprotected sexual intercourse. It is characterized by an abundant reddish rash on the skin of the penis, external edema, swelling, soreness.

The acute stage quickly becomes chronic. If untreated, the rash is replaced by small bubbles, the head of the penis becomes especially sensitive. Possible discharge from the urethra, fever, general weakness.

The patient is prescribed corticosteroids and antiherpetic ointments. Treatment can be long, it can not be interrupted, otherwise relapses are possible.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are diseases with very diverse symptoms, depending on the nature of the pathogen. The earlier the problem is identified, the more effective the treatment will be.

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, so you should not delay a visit to the clinic. Delay can turn an acute illness into a chronic form and provoke a variety of complications.

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