Name meaning: Lazarus. Resurrection of the righteous Lazarus. Patristic interpretations of difficult passages

1. Skin diseases andin the bible

The Gospel of Luke, according to the author, reflects the very essence of the psychology of the patient with a skin or any other pathology, as well as the path to healing: “And when He was entering a certain village, ten men of lepers met Him, who stopped at a distance and said with a loud voice: Jesus the Master! have mercy on us. Seeing them, He said to them: Go, show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, seeing that he was healed, returned, glorifying God with a loud voice, and fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him; and that was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, Were not ten cleansed? where is nine? how did they not return to give glory to God, except for this foreigner? And he said to him: get up, go; your faith has saved you"(Luke 17:12-19).

It is not for nothing that in the Holy Gospel, most of the examples of healings of hopeless patients are given on terrible skin lesions. leprosy. Because even the word leprosy sounds very scary for any normal person. Until now, some forms of this disease are considered incurable, modern medicine is most often powerless before leprosy, and the patient is hopeless. In this regard, the miraculous Gospel healings of lepers look even more convincing and clear.

Immediately after Jesus' sojourn in the wilderness, where "for forty days he was tempted by the devil" (Luke 4:2) when He is "in the power of the Spirit" (Luke 4:14)"came to Nazareth, where he was brought up" (Luke 4:16) when, among other things, He said in the synagogue: “There were also many lepers in Israel at prophet Elisha, and none of them cleared except Naaman the Syrian. On hearing this, everyone in the synagogue was filled with rage, and rising up, they drove him out of the city and led him to the top of the mountain on which their city was built to overthrow him; but he passed through the midst of them and withdrew.” (Luke 4:27-30) .

Such a violent, furious reaction of those gathered in the synagogue to these words, in my opinion, does not need additional comments, but only confirms the importance of the topic we are discussing. I will only emphasize that chronologically, Jesus did not yet tell the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus (Luke 16:20-31), and He did not create miraculous healings of lepers (Mt 8:2-3), (Mk 1:40-42) , (Luke 5:12-14; 17:12-19).


2. Skin diseases and psoriasis in the Bible

Sharing with Professor Grigoriev G.I.the idea of ​​the need to address the trinity of the flesh, soul and spirit of a person in his treatment for the success of healing, it makes sense to consider the evidence of the Holy Scriptures about the disease being studied here. Identificationleprosy (which is mentioned in the Bible) with the leprosy now known under this name (which is accompanied by paralysis, ulcers, self-amputations of the limbs, and also leads to disfigurement of the face, damage to the eyes, stomach, mouth and larynx) has long been questioned. It is known, however, that the course of the disease can change over the centuries. Researchers also suggest that the biblical concept of leprosy could include other diseases that are currently considered as independent and to which leprosy could belong. On the other hand, in some cases, leprosy in the Bible refers to psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris). Greek word for leprosySeptuagint and in the New Testament it was translated as leprosy. In Greek medicine, the word leprosy meant primarily psoriasis, the symptoms of which largely coincide with those of leprosy. Due to this confusion in terms, unfortunately, it is still not clear which disease, leprosy or psoriasis, caused mankind to acquire first icons of Christ - the Not-Made-by-Hand Image (Savior Not Made by Hands).

At psoriasis reddish nodules, spots and plaques covered with white scales appear on the patient's body. These spots and plaques quickly, like leprosy, cover the whole body (Numbers 12:10; 2 Kings 5:27; 2 Chronicles 26:19), but more often, increasing, slowly grow. An increase in the area of ​​the lesion can also occur as a result of the appearance of new nodules and spots (Lev. 13:8, 22, 27). In the case when the rash affects the whole body of the patient (Lev. 13:12), doctors speak of erythroderma. The disease is clearly chronic (2 Kings 15:5). The first manifestations of the disease are usually sudden and pronounced (Numbers 12:10; 2 Kings 5:27; 2 Chronicles 26:19); sometimes the disease is provoked by an injury to the skin by an abscess or a burn (Lev. 13:18-19, 24). This behavior is typical for psoriasis, its active (progressive) period and fits into the concept of Koebner's symptom or isomorphic irritation reaction. The Bible does not say anything about the causes of the disease, except that there is no threat of infection. However, it is not uncommon for a disease to occur in several family members, indicating its hereditary nature (2 Sam. 3:29; 2 Sam. 5:27); however, it does not always appear. Both men and women are affected. The disease can appear on the skin, as well as mucous membranes, anywhere, including on the head, but the hair does not fall out. But, unfortunately, we can only guess where the Bible talks about leprosy and where about psoriasis.

In the Pentateuch of Moses (in Hebrew called the Torah, that is, the Law), in the 13th chapter of the book of Leviticus, detailed instructions are given by the Lord to Moses and Aaron, which must be followed when establishing a diagnosis of leprosy (Lev. 13:1-46). To to distinguish leprosy from other skin diseases, it is necessary to observe the patient for 7 (Lev. 13:21, 26) - 14 days (Lev. 13:4-6, 31-34). Leprosy is suspected when a tumor, rash, or white patches appear on the skin. Leprosy can develop from boils (Lev 13:18) or burns (Lev 13:24, 25). Sometimes it can affect the whole body of the patient at once (Numbers 12:10; 2 Kings 5:27).

Symptoms leprosy: the spot on the body seems to be "deep in the skin" (Lev. 13:3, 20, 25, 30), the hair on the body becomes white (Lev. 13:3, 10, 20, 25), on the head and beard they become thinner and become golden -yellow tint (Lev 13:30). If large areas of the skin are affected, then this is a sure sign of leprosy: in this case, there is no need to watch the color of the hair (Lev. 13:36). Sometimes "living flesh" emerges from the affected areas (Lev. 13:10, 14-16), but this wound, however, can heal (Lev. 13:16). The color of the leprosy rash may be white or reddish white (Lev. 13:10, 16, 17, 19, 24, 42, 43); when large areas of the body or the entire body were covered with a rash, it was said that the person was covered with leprosy, “like snow” (Ex 4:6; Numbers 12:10; 2 Kings 5:27; Lev 13:13). There are no exact data on the number of people with leprosy in the Bible; it is sometimes reported that there were "many" lepers (Luke 4:27). In (2 Samuel 3:29; 2 Samuel 5:27) it is said that leprosy can be hereditary (a disease by the will of God). Nowhere, however, is it said about a more serious, life-threatening prognosis of this disease. (Lev. 13:46; 14:3) claims that leprosy can be cured (Lev. 13:46; 14:3), but there is no record of medical treatment for such patients. Only the sudden recovery of Miriam at the prayer of Moses (Numbers 12:13) is described in detail, as well as Naaman the Syrian at the word of Elisha (2 Kings 5:14), lepers at the word of Jesus (Mk 1:40-42; Mt 8:2-3 ; Luke 5:12-14; 17:12-19). The commandment given to His disciples is also known: “... heal the sick, lepers cleanse, raise the dead, cast out demons; freely you have received, freely give” (Mt 10:8).

“The Old Testament tells us of only two cases of healing from leprosy. This is God's healing of Moses' sister Miriam (Numbers 12:10-15) and the healing by the prophet Elisha of the Syrian commander Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19).

Miriam had to wait seven days for cleansing, Naaman had to plunge into the Jordan seven times. Jesus heals instantly! Nothing could better prove to His entourage that God Himself was working with and through Him.

In the case of healing, he had to undergo the procedure of rehabilitation, which is described in (Lev. 14). After complex rituals and sacrifices, a person had to wash himself and wash his clothes, shave. Seven days later the priest examined him again. He had to shave off the hair of the head, eyebrows. New sacrifices and even more elaborate rites followed. After that, they did the last examination, and if the person turned out to be clean, he was released with a certificate that he was clean ”(Archimandrite Iannuary (Ivliev) in“ Conversations on the Gospel of Mark ”, read on the radio“ City of Petrov ”. Conversation: 42 5 G).

Nowhere in the Bible is it said that healthy people are afraid of being infected by sick people. The leper general Naaman remains in the service, communicates with his family, has access to the king and travels with a large retinue (2 Kings 5:1, 4-6, 9, 11, 13). A sick person who had a rash all over his body, after being declared clean, was considered healthy (Lev. 13:13). For example, when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, there were many people around him, and no one was afraid of getting infected, and the sick person himself was not isolated (Matthew 26:6-13). It is possible that Simon was previously healed of leprosy by Jesus Himself, or that he had psoriasis that was not contagious and not dangerous to others, which is more likely.

Jesus in the House of Simon the Leper

The variant of the course of either leprosy, or psoriasis, is described in the parable of the rich and poor Lazarus, “... who lay at his gate inscabsand wanted to feed on the crumbs falling from the rich man's table, and the dogs, coming, lickedscabshim” (Luke 16:20, 21). Interestingly, in ancient timesleprosy called the disease of Saint Lazarus. However, no one isolated the beggar Lazarus from others, so it can be assumed that he still suffered from non-contagious psoriasis or banal vulgar impetigo.

It should be noted that the isolation of the leper from society had not a medical, but a religious reason, it was believed that impurity was transmitted through touch (Lev. 15:4-12). The sick were not allowed into the camp (Lev. 13:46; Numbers 5:2; 12:14) and they lived outside the city gates, like four lepers were forced to stay outside the walls of Samaria even during the war (2 Kings 7:3-10). The leper king Uzziah lived in a separate house until the day of his death and was excommunicated from the house of the Lord (2 Kings 15:5).

The Pride and Punishment of King Uzziah.

King Uzziah's Leprosy
Devonshire County Collection, 1635
Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt

The priest, stricken with leprosy, could no longer eat of the holy things (Lev. 22:4). Other illnesses, even if they made the priest "unfit" to serve, were not forbidden (Lev. 21:20-22). The leper had to wear torn clothes, walk with his head uncovered, be covered “to the mouth” and, when people appeared, shout: “Unclean! unclean!" (Lev 13:45).

From the text (Luke 17:12) it can be seen that the lepers dare to speak to Jesus only from a distance. In some cases, leprosy is God's punishment (Num. 12:10; Deut. 24:8, 9; 2 Sam. 5:27; 2 Chr. 26:19-21, 23) or is invoked as such on someone's head (2 Sam. 3 :29). The cure for leprosy was seen as a cleansing (2 Kings 5:10, 14; Mt 10:8; Mk 1:40-42; Lk 4:27; 5:12-14; 7:22; 17:12-19). He who was healed had to appear to the priest and offer a special sacrifice (Lev 14:1-32; Mk 1:44).

Along with leprosy - a disease of people - the "leprosy" that appears on clothes and walls of houses (Lev 13:47-59; 14:33-53) and makes them unclean is also considered in detail. Probably, in these cases, leprosy refers to mold spots caused by dampness.

In addition to leprosy, some kind of deadly abscess is described by King Hezekiah of Judah (Is 38:1, 21), possibly referring to a pestilence (bubonic plague), a deadly disease at the present time.

Here is a list of Bible books with chapters and verses that mention leprosy and possibly psoriasis.


1. Exodus (4:6,7).

2. Leviticus:

- about skin diseases (13:1-46);

- about the sore of leprosy on clothes (13:47-59);

- about rituals performed after healing from a skin disease (14:1-32);

- about the ulcer of leprosy on the walls of the house (14:33-54).

3. Numbers (12:10).

4. Deuteronomy (24:8-9).

5. 2 Kings (3:29).

6. Fourth Book of Kings:

- (5:1, 14, 27);

- (7:3-10).

7. Second Chronicles (26:19-21, 23).

8. Book of Job (2:7-8).


9. Gospel of Matthew (8:2-4; 10:8; 26:6-13).

10. Gospel of Mark (1:40-42).

11. Gospel of Luke (5:12-14; 16:20, 21; 17:12-19).

1 Leprosy (in Greek - leprosy, Hansen's disease, hansenosis, hanseniaz; outdated names - leprosy, elephantiasis graecorum, lepra arabum, satyriasis, lepra orientalis, Phoenician disease, mournful disease, krymka, lazy death, St. Lazarus' disease, etc.) is a chronic infectious disease occurring in the form of chronic granulomatosis caused by mycobacteria (Mycobacterium Lepre), with a primary lesion of the skin, mucous membranes, peripheral NS, sometimes the anterior chamber of the eye, upper respiratory tract above the larynx, testicles, as well as hands and feet. The causative agent of leprosy (Mycobacterium leprae) was discovered in 1871 in Norway by G. A. Hansen. He worked at St. Georges Hospital (founded in the 15th century) in Bergen. It is now a museum, perhaps the best preserved leper colony in northern Europe. The incubation period is usually 3-5 years, but can range from six months to several decades. There are: lepromatous type (the most severe and contagious form of leprosy), tuberculoid type (the most favorable form of leprosy) and borderline (intermediate) groups (combining features of both polar types).

2 Septuagint (lat. Interpretatio Septuaginta Seniorum - "translation of the seventy elders") - a collection of translations of the Old Testament into ancient Greek, made in the III-II centuries. BC e. in Alexandria. Often referred to as LXX (the number "seventy" written in Roman numerals).

3 Legend of Prince Avgar. “According to legend, the first icon of Christ appeared during His lifetime. The prince of Edessa, Avgar, who was ill with leprosy, sent his servant to the Savior with a request to come and heal him. In case Christ could not come, Abgar asked the servant to paint His portrait and bring it to him (the servant was a painter). Having received the prince's letter, Christ took a clean white cloth, washed his face and wiped it with the cloth, on which the image of His face appeared.

The miraculous image of Christ was kept in Edessa for many centuries: it is mentioned by Evagrius in the “Church History” (VI century), St. John of Damascus (VII century) and the fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council. In 944, the miraculous image was solemnly transferred to Constantinople. In honor of this event, Emperor Constantine VII composed an eulogy and established an annual celebration on August 16, which is still being celebrated today. During the sack of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204, the image was probably lost, since there is no mention of its whereabouts after that time. (The famous Shroud of Turin cannot be identified with the Edessa image, since its origin is different: it imprinted the image of the body of Christ lying in the tomb.) ”(Bishop Hilarion (Alfeev), 2003).


By Higiru

The biblical name Lazarus means: God's help. In the Bible, Lazarus is the brother of Mark and Martha from the village of Bethany, whom, according to legend, Jesus raised from the dead.

The character is friendly. Lazari are most often hardworking. Like mother, very calm. Mostly diligent and diligent. They study well, some subjects, such as physics, they fail, but thanks to diligence they finish school well and continue their studies further, although some of them then work outside their specialty.

"Summer" - very vulnerable and more kept in the shadows. They do not like boasting, they are obligatory - this is especially true for the "July" Lazarus. Inner intelligence prevents them from achieving their goal in life: they give in to rudeness and rudeness. They work hard and get along well with the team. They love to play chess.

By profession, Lazari engineers, doctors, tailors, teachers, hairdressers, electricians, lawyers, programmers.

"Winter" - stubborn, persistent, difficult for family life. Talented professionals. Their talent is revealed after thirty years. In the work of Lazari often reach a high professional level. They marry late, but become good husbands and fathers, although they come across wives with a complex and demanding character. Some Lazari marry a woman with a child.

They find a reliable friend of life among those who bear the name Anastasia, Vera, Share, Kira, Maria, Lyudmila, Muse, Natalia, Nelly, Olesya, Ella. Family life with Alla, Barbara, Roxana, Sophia or Tatyana most likely will not work out.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the biblical name Elizar, "God helped"

Energy name and character: In terms of its energy, the name Lazarus is very expressive, it implies a depth of feelings, inner strength and balanced softness. One problem - perhaps it is too serious. Probably, it is for this reason that Lazar has been growing up as a very proud and easily injured person since childhood. He is mild-mannered, even rather, good-natured, knows how to sympathize with others, but this seriousness makes him too sensitive to all sorts of misunderstandings and vicissitudes of life. This is further enhanced by the rarity and visibility of the name. Sometimes Lazarus is so sensitive to insults that, although he does not want revenge or any kind of satisfaction, he still painfully experiences the conflict.

In general, in terms of its qualities, and in terms of the associations it evokes, the name is very consonant with the general spirit of the Christian religion - it is not for nothing that Lazarus is one of the most prominent heroes of the Gospel, not counting, of course, Christ and his closest associates. However, this does not mean at all that religiosity will necessarily be inherent in the modern Lazarus, he may be completely indifferent to religion, however, such a love of Christ will still be reflected in his character one way or another.

Sometimes, however, Lazar's pride develops to such an extent that it even begins to manifest itself in stubbornness and some ardor in disputes. In addition, by taking life in general and himself too seriously, Lazarus can find solace in optimistic dreams. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, these hopes for a bright future often only emphasize the negative aspects of the "dark" present, which is why today in the eyes of Lazarus may seem even more worthless than it really is. In some cases, this is his dissatisfaction with life and the patient expectation of wonderful changes takes on the character of an anguish. Needless to say, with such a character, Lazar will have a hard time, and the point here is not so much in Lazar's supposed intelligence, but in his gloomy view of the real conditions of life.

The most favorable fate of Lazarus can develop if he learns to love life as it is, and at the same time begins to combine his gentleness with a good sense of humor. Otherwise, in dealing with him, people may experience a strange oppressive feeling, which will create a lot of unnecessary difficulties for him.

Communication Secrets: Lazarus does not like frivolity very much, although he may secretly envy frivolous people. Sometimes, tired of his seriousness, he unconsciously begins to reach out to a person who lives under the motto "God will not betray, the pig will not eat!" In general, communication with him does not present any particular difficulties - he is almost always ready to help or at least sympathize.

The trace of a name in history:

Lazar Four-day

According to biblical tradition, Lazarus the Four Days was resurrected by Jesus Christ from the dead four days after his burial. As soon as Jesus learned about the death of Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, who hospitably received him in their house, he hastened to Judea, despite the danger threatening him there, and, having approached the house of Lazarus, he saw Martha come out to meet him.

“I know that you ask God, God will give you,” the woman said, not daring to ask Christ for a miracle directly.

In response, Christ ordered the stone to be rolled away from the cave where the deceased lay, and Martha reminded him that the body was decomposing and stinking. "Lazarus! Get out!" - Jesus ordered him, and he really came out of the crypt, heeding the call, after which he lived for another forty years in strict abstinence and was even appointed the first bishop of the city of Kition in Cyprus.

Lazar the Wretched

Another Lazarus - the hero of many folklore texts - at one time was especially popular among the people, since he was a kind of personification of poverty and all the hopes and aspirations of the poor for a better life.

According to legend, Lazar the Wretched was a beggar who lay in scabs at the rich man's gate, eating the crumbs falling from his table. After death, however, he was carried by angels to paradise, unlike the greedy rich man who fell into the underworld and, tormented, prayed to Abraham to send Lazarus to ease his suffering.

- Child! - Abraham answered him judiciously in response to all his lamentations. “Remember that you have already received good things in your life, and Lazarus bad things. Now he is comforted here, and you suffer.

1. Personality: men who stand firmly on the ground

2. Color: purple

3. Main features: susceptibility - activity - intelligence

4.Totem plant: aspen

5. Spirit animal: seagull

6. Sign: twins

7. Type. Very nervous and melancholic, like a seagull, they allow themselves to be carried away by the wind. Their totem plant, aspen, is also sensitive to the slightest breath of breeze.

8. Psyche. They know where the wind blows from and skillfully use this knowledge. Parents should ensure that such boys actively participate in life, and do not trail passively in the tail of events. Easily influenced. Not objective, not self-confident, although sometimes they take an aggressive position.

9. Will. Rather weak, which manifests itself from time to time in a very peculiar way: they can, for example, suddenly change jobs, even very good ones.

10. Excitability. All their lives they are haunted by excessive nervousness, which adds to them some traits of a female character.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. They try to balance excessive excitability, often saying “No” without reason, which is just a way of self-affirmation.

12. Field of activity. They only do what they love. Their interests change rapidly, so they can move from one institution to another several times. Choose professions related to travel.

13. Intuition. Too vivid imagination and intuition only increases their nervousness and anxiety.

14. Intelligence. Flexible. They adapt well to circumstances. They have a synthetic mindset. They cover the situation with one glance, but they should not neglect the little things, because because of this they can create problems for themselves.

15. Excitability. Too excitable, they want to attract the attention of parents and teachers. These people are characterized by sentimental impulses, but then they withdraw into themselves, like a snail in its house.

16. Morality. When developing clear and precise moral principles, they experience difficulties. They often hesitate when making decisions, they are able to compromise with their conscience.

17. Health. Beautiful - when they are busy with business, when they are bored, they feel oppression and fatigue. They should lead a measured lifestyle, avoid alcohol, spare the nervous system and eyes.

18. Sexuality. Their psyche is unstable, and this instability manifests itself primarily in the sexual sphere.

19. Activity. More is said than done. They are more willing to talk about their plans than to carry them out.

20. Sociability. Capricious - today they are open to communication, and tomorrow they close in on themselves.

21. Conclusion. These are people with great potential, they can achieve great success if they have a clear line of conduct, an awareness of the purpose of their actions.


According to the Gospel, Saint Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha. His life was connected with the Savior, because it was him who was resurrected by Christ on the fourth day after he died. In the Catholic Church, Saint Lazarus' day is considered December 17, and it is he who is considered the very first bishop who served in Marseille.

The Gospel speaks of Lazarus only in the name of John, and all the events that are associated with him are associated with the resurrection. When Christ went to Lazarus, to the tomb where he was buried, he began to cry very hard, and those standing nearby who saw this began to say that Jesus loved Lazarus very much. After Christ was near the cave, the stone was rolled away from it, and the Savior began to pray. A few minutes passed, and a man's hand appeared from the cave, and then the whole man, it turned out to be Lazarus. He was bound with swaddling clothes, Christ asked to be untied.

The exact burial place of Lazarus is unknown.

According to the Catholic tradition, which was reflected in the Legend, Lazar with his sister and Mary Magdalene decided to go to Marseilles, where he began to preach the teachings of Christ. Marseilles were mostly pagans who did not immediately accept the new teacher. After some time, Lazar was able to become the Bishop of Marseille.

The relics of Lazarus were brought to the city of Kitiy, which is now called Larnaca, in a special marble reliquary. There was a small inscription on the cancer, which says that Lazarus was a friend of the Savior.

A few years later, Emperor Leo the Wise ordered the relics of the saint to be transported to Constantinople, where they were placed in a small temple of the same name. In the 10th century, in the city of Larnaca, near the grave of Lazarus, a church was built in his name. The most interesting thing is that in the 20th century, scientists accidentally discovered a small cancer in which there were human remains. According to them, these were the remains of St. Lazarus. Most likely, not all the relics of the saint were taken to Constantinople. Scholars continue to disagree about the burial place of St. Lazarus, as there were rumors at one time that he was buried in Bethany, where his grave is located. This place is now considered Muslim, and to see the grave, you need to pay money. There is a small mosque next to the grave. The city of Bethany during the Byzantine rule was called Lazarion, after it was captured by the Muslims, the city became known as El Azaria, which in Arabic means "the city of Lazarus."

Several facts of the resurrection and the tradition of honoring Lazarus

The name Lazar comes from a shortened form of another name - Elizar. If we talk about the translation of this name, it means "God helped me." A small but very revered order of knights was named in his honor, which is called the Holy Order of Lazarus.

According to statistics, at the moment there are more than six thousand people in this order who live on different continents. The order is considered monastic, but refers to military people who take part in hostilities. It all started from the crusaders who fought in the lands of Palestine in the 11th century. Today, representatives of the order are engaged only in charity.

In Cyprus, in the city of Larnaca, where the Church of St. Lazarus is located, there is a tomb in a small underground crypt, and it has a museum. This museum is assembled from unique exhibits that were not bought or ordered from anyone. Everything that is there was brought and given as a gift by the parishioners of the temple, who have been visiting it for many centuries. A lot of time passed, and the museum became overcrowded, there was not enough space in it, and a new building was built, which was turned into a new and expanded museum.

Art critics spoke differently about Lazar

In the last century, Van Gogh decided to talk about an unusual interpretation of the plot presented in the New Testament. This work was very different from the canonical representation, since the Savior, who performed a miracle by resurrecting Lazarus, was shown as the Sun, and in the main place was the Saint himself with his sisters Mary and Martha. In modern Russia, Lazarus symbolizes a person who suffers from illness and poverty, although after death he was rewarded in his later life in Heaven.

In Cuba, not everyone can beg, it can be done by those who have dedicated themselves to the Saint. Lazarus on this island remains the most important patron for the population, and not only representatives of Christianity, but also supporters of Santeri, who consider Lazarus to be a deity, the lord of diseases, try to celebrate the holiday.

How Catholics Celebrate Saint Dominic's Day

Year after year, August 6 marks the birthday of Saint Dominic. In this regard, representatives of the Catholic Church celebrate this day. Dominic was the one who founded perhaps the most famous order among the monks, ...

31) the name of the poor, so called by the Lord in His highly edifying parable of the rich man and Lazarus, which depicts the afterlife of the righteous and sinners. " In hell, being in torments (rich), he lifted up his eyes, saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried out, Father Abraham! have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said: child! remember that you have already received your good in your life, and Lazarus evil; but now he is comforted here, and you suffer". The name of Lazarus is still heard in the names infirmary(hospital par excellence for the poor), and in the Italian word Lazzaroni, otherwise - beggars.

b) (John 11:1,2,5 and others) the brother of Martha and Mary, who lived with his sisters at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Bethany, whom the Lord raised from the dead already on the fourth day after his death. This, no doubt, was one of the greatest miracles performed by the Lord our Savior, since it confirmed His full authority and power over the tomb and death, a power that in a few days was fully manifested in His own resurrection from the dead. At this miraculous and undeniable manifestation of Divine power and authority, the Jews became so enraged that they decided to kill not only Jesus, but also Lazarus, who had been resurrected by Him, since as a result of the aforementioned miracle, many believed in the Lord. The Gospel account of this great event is deeply touching. Perhaps, in no case have the love, goodness, majesty and omnipotence of the Lord manifested itself in such a bright light and power in the state of His earthly humiliation, as in the miracle of the resurrection of the four-day Lazarus. The situation in which the aforesaid miracle took place is reproduced ev. with such wonderful and majestic simplicity that it involuntarily leads to a state of deep reverence and tenderness of anyone who reads this gospel narrative ( cm. Marfa i). Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, says the evangelist, and this gospel expression alone makes it clear that the Bethany family, as it is usually called, was worthy of the special love of the Lord, and here, as proof of His high love, the Son of God shed tears at the tomb of the deceased, and called him again to life from the dead. Tradition says that Lazarus, after his resurrection, remained alive for another 30 years (Epith. Haer. 66, 34) and was a bishop for about. Cyprus, where he died. His relics were transferred from Cyprus to Constantinople in the 9th century under Leo the Wise. Commemoration is celebrated by the Church on October 17th.

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible Encyclopedia.. arch. Nicephorus. 1891 .


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    - (Greek Λ’αζαρος, from Heb. e1 âzâr, “God helped”) A four-day man, in Christian legends, resurrected by Jesus Christ four days after burial. According to the gospel narrative (the story of the resurrection of L. is given only in ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    The gospel parable of the rich man and Lazar served as a plot for Great Russian and Little Russian spiritual verses. In the spiritual verse, the rich man and Lazarus are brothers. In some variants, both the rich and the poor bear the name of Lazarus. The verse is sung in a mournful ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    God helped; Lazarka, Lazurya, Zurya, Lazuta, Dawn Dictionary of Russian synonyms. lazar n., number of synonyms: 3 name (1104) beggar ... Synonym dictionary

    - (Greek, from Heb. el azar, “God helped”) Four-day, a person resurrected by Jesus Christ four days after burial. According to the gospel narrative (the story of the resurrection of L. is given only in the Gospel of John, 11), L. is a resident ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    - (Lazar Khrebelyanovich) (c. 1329 89) Serbian prince from 1371. In the end. 70s united all northern and central Serbian lands. In 1386 he defeated the Turkish troops at Pločnik. Killed in the Battle of Kosovo Field...

    According to the Gospel of John, the brother of Martha and Mary from Bethany, one of the favorite disciples of Jesus Christ, who was resurrected by him four days after the burial. Commemorated October 17th... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek fma from Heb. Eleazar, God helped): 1) the beggar from the parable told by Jesus (Luke 16:19-31). Sick, covered with ulcers, L. lay in front of the gates of the house, in which the rich man lived, and only wanted to satisfy his hunger with scraps from his table. After the death of L... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    LAZARUS, me, male: 1) Lazarus at random (simple neod.) the same as randomly. At random Lazarus to act; 2) to sing Lazarus (simple neod.) to cry, complain, trying to pity someone. Stop singing Lazarus. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    LAZARUS- see Mid-season, suitable for processing into starch, chips. Plant of medium height, intermediate type, erect. Leaf of medium size, intermediate silhouette, dark green. The leaflet is medium in size, with an average width. Wavy... ... Encyclopedia of seeds. vegetable crops


  • Lazar, or the Journey of the Suicide Man (MP3 audiobook), Andrey Dashkov. The story "Lazarus, or the Journey of the Suicide Man" is that rare case when a tough and dynamic fantasy that meets all the canons of the genre rises to the level of an existential parable about ...

Lazarus Lazarus, Heb. Eliezar (God's help) - the name of two persons mentioned in the Gospel: a) (Luke 16:19,31) the name of the poor, so named by the Lord in His highly edifying parable of the rich man and Lazarus, which depicts the afterlife of the righteous and sinners. "In hell, being in torment (rich), he raised his eyes, saw Abraham in the distance, and Lazarus in his bosom. And crying out he said: Father Abraham! have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue "For I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, child, remember that you have already received your good things in your life, and Lazarus evil; now he is comforted here, and you are suffering." The name of Lazarus is still heard in the names of the infirmary (a hospital primarily for the poor), and in the Italian word Lazzaroni, otherwise - beggars. b) (John 11:1,2,5, etc.) the brother of Martha and Mary, who lived with his sisters at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Bethany, whom the Lord raised from the dead already on the fourth day after his death. This, no doubt, was one of the greatest miracles performed by the Lord our Savior, since it confirmed His full authority and power over the tomb and death, a power that in a few days was fully manifested in His own resurrection from the dead. At this miraculous and undeniable manifestation of Divine power and authority, the Jews became so enraged that they decided to kill not only Jesus, but also Lazarus, who had been resurrected by Him, since as a result of the aforementioned miracle, many believed in the Lord. The Gospel account of this great event is deeply touching. Perhaps, in no case have the love, goodness, majesty and omnipotence of the Lord manifested itself in such a bright light and power in the state of His earthly humiliation, as in the miracle of the resurrection of the four-day Lazarus. The situation in which the aforesaid miracle took place is reproduced in ev. with such wonderful and majestic simplicity that it involuntarily leads to a state of deep reverence and tenderness of anyone who reads this gospel narrative (see Martha and Mary). Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, says the Evangelist, and this Gospel expression alone makes it clear that the Bethany family, as it is usually called, was worthy of the special love of the Lord, and here, in proof of His high love, the Son of God shed tears at the tomb. deceased, and called him back to life from the dead. Tradition says that Lazarus, after his resurrection, remained alive for another 30 years (Epith. Haer. 66, 34) and was a bishop on ·o. Cyprus, where he died. His relics were transferred from Cyprus to Constantinople in the 9th century under Leo the Wise. Commemoration is celebrated by the Church on October 17th.

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