The dog has a brown fluid coming out of his nose. Runny nose in dogs: symptoms and treatment of nasal congestion

A runny nose (rhinitis) in a dog is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It appears not only as a result of a cold. Discharge from the nose may indicate that there is an infection in the animal's body that can affect such important organs as the liver, heart, lungs and kidneys. In order to prevent the progression of the disease, it is necessary to seek help from a veterinary clinic, where they will establish the cause of rhinitis and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms and causes of a runny nose in a dog

Runny nose in animals can be acute or chronic. Acute rhinitis with proper treatment goes away within a week. If the causes of its appearance are not eliminated in a timely manner, then it acquires a chronic form, which cannot be completely eliminated. Symptoms of a runny nose in a dogsimilar to human and appear as the disease develops:

  • Liquid discharge from the nose thickens over time, mucus clogs the nasopharynx.
  • The dog has a stuffy nose, causing it to breathe through its mouth and sniffle.
  • The muzzle of the animal swells, and the white of the eye becomes reddish.
  • Polyps can form in the ears and mouth.
  • In some cases, shortness of breath appears, the behavior of the animal becomes lethargic, and appetite disappears.
  • Sometimes there is an increased body temperature.
  • The dog begins to grunt, sneeze frequently and lick its nose.
  • A dry crust appears under the nose.

Causes of rhinitis include:

Treatment of rhinitis at home

At the first signs of the disease, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian who will examine and prescribe the necessary medications. During treatment, the owner must observe the following rules:

  • reduce walking time (especially in winter);
  • protect the dog from drafts and insulate its place with rugs or mattresses;
  • regularly ventilate the room in which the animal is located;
  • maintain a humidity level of at least 60% so that the mucous membrane of the dog does not dry out;
  • introduce into the diet of the animal products that contain vitamins A, B, C, E (meat, cereals, dairy products, boiled vegetables);
  • give the dog means to increase immunity, for example, Immunal or Gamavit.

You can treat a runny nose in a dog with the following drugs:

Name and photo of the drug Description and method of application
Drops Maksidin
The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, as a result of its use, the dog's immunity increases, the body copes with infections faster. Drops are prescribed for parvovirus enteritis and distemper, and helminths are also removed with their help. The medicine is applied into the nasal passages 3 times a day, 2 drops, the treatment is stopped when the symptoms of the common cold disappear completely.
Anandin intranasal drops
The drug is used for a runny nose and conjunctivitis, it can be instilled both in the nose and in the eyes. With rhinitis, the animal is given medicine in the nose, 2 drops 3 times a day. The drug is addictive, so they can be treated for no more than 10 days
Oxolinic ointment
Oxolin has an antiviral effect. With a runny nose provoked by an infection, the nasal passages are lubricated with a thin layer of the drug 3 times a day for 4 days
Furacilin has an antibacterial property, it is not recommended for use in allergic rhinitis. With a runny nose, one tablet is diluted in a glass of warm water and applied to each nasal passage 2 drops 2 times a day for a week

You can clean the pet's nose from dried crusts with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure, it is lubricated with petroleum jelly to prevent the formation of new crusts. Chapped skin around the nose can be treated with streptocide powder. In the chronic form of rhinitis and severe drying of the mucous membranes, the dog is allowed to lubricate the nose several times a day with 1% menthol ointment. To get rid of congestion, you can put warm sand poured into a bag on the bridge of your pet several times a day for 2 minutes.

At home, it is allowed to treat a runny nose in dogs with folk methods. Juice is squeezed out of onion, diluted with warm water in a ratio of one to one, tampons are moistened with the prepared solution and injected into the nostrils for 10 minutes 3 times a day. To wash the nose, use a decoction of beets or freshly squeezed juice, diluted in boiled water one to one.

Prevention measures

In most cases, rhinitis is caused by colds and various infections. To minimize the risk of a runny nose, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Several times a year, undergo an examination at a veterinary clinic and vaccinate in a timely manner.
  2. 2. Feed your dog only quality food and include vitamins for animals in the diet.
  3. 3. Eliminate hypothermia of the pet, the dog should not be in a draft, and he needs to sleep on a dry one. When walking in cold weather, small breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas or Spitz, should be dressed in warm clothes.
  4. 4. Protect the pet from contact with sick animals.
  5. 5. Harden the dog, gradually increasing the time of walking in bad weather.

Runny nose is a symptom that can indicate a variety of diseases in a dog.

Cause of runny nose in dogs

  1. If there are no other symptoms that can tell about a certain disease, then in the off-season, in spring and autumn, the cause of a runny nose as an independent disease can be a sharp transition from a warm place to a cool one and vice versa, as well as hypothermia of the dog.
  2. Another cause of a runny nose can be foreign matter that irritates the inside of the nose: smoke, dust, grass particles, plant pollen, etc.


  • The dog sneezes, often licks its nose, tries to scratch it with its front paws. If at the same time she is quite active, as before, and her appetite has not disappeared, it is possible to track the onset of another, more serious illness by a runny nose.
  • In the future, discharge from the nose appears: clear and liquid or thick. It depends on the duration of the disease. If the dog does not receive timely treatment, these secretions can interfere with his breathing: it becomes heavy, the dog sniffs and breathes through his mouth.
  • Acute rhinitis is treated for only a week. But if the disease is started, then the treatment of its chronic form can take months and even years.

For the successful disposal of a dog from acute rhinitis, there are several ways to treat and timely prevent chronic rhinitis.

  • If the disease is advanced and the dog has already formed crusts as a result of secretions on the nose, then they must be lubricated several times a day with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to soften them, and then cleaned. And to prevent the re-formation of crusts, it is better to lubricate the dog's nose around the nostrils with petroleum jelly or other vegetable oil.
  • The nasal cavity can be lubricated several times a day with 1-2% menthol ointment, or a product made up of a 1% soda solution and a 0.5% tannin solution can be used. In order to treat rhinitis, streptocide powder is also used, which can be blown into the dog's nose. True, this must be done very carefully and carefully.
  • Another way to treat rhinitis involves the use of onions. A small piece of cotton wool is dipped in onion juice, and this tampon is inserted into the dog's nostrils for 10-15 minutes. To get a positive effect, you need to do this 3-4 times a day.
  • If the dog has a strong discharge from the nose, you can try washing with a decoction of beets.

If in a short time (in a week) the pet’s runny nose could not be cured, and it turned into a chronic form, then in parallel with the treatment it will be necessary to dry the skin of the nose, as it becomes irritated with constant discharge. This can be done with the help of streptocide powder, sprinkling it on the dog's nose several times a day.

In autumn and spring, the number of viral diseases among people and animals rises sharply. A runny nose in a dog occurs not only in the autumn-winter period, when it gets colder, but also at any other time. I propose to study the aspects of the appearance of this common cold.

Causes of runny nose in dogs

First, let's decide what reasons I contribute to nasal discharge:

  • allergy; discharge in this case is always watery and transparent;
  • narrow nasal passages, which are characteristic of some breeds. Some of them: pug, griffon, Pekingese, bulldog and others;
  • getting into the nose of foreign bodies; the dog rubs its nose with its paws, the discharge is transparent, may be with blood;
  • smoke, hot air;
  • viruses;
  • hypothermia

Each cause of rhinitis has its own treatment methods. Before starting treatment, make sure that you have correctly identified the cause of the disease. Although the narrow nasal passages can no longer be corrected. But here's a viral rhinitis and runny nose with hypothermia treat necessarily. Because acute rhinitis can become chronic without treatment and the animal can suffer for months.

The first couple of days of a runny nose in a dog, when the discharge is clear and watery, try to cure it yourself. Especially if the pet's appetite has not changed and it remains active and cheerful, as before. But if the discharge is already green or yellow, it means purulent, then this indicates a sign of a serious illness or the transition of acute rhinitis to a chronic form. And then without a trip to the veterinarian can not do.

If the runny nose has just begun, then many dog ​​breeders are advised to drip a solution of vitamin A (retinol acetate) into the nose, Derinat drops to strengthen the immune system, Pinosol with thick secretions. There are several other folk ways (beetroot decoction, onions, and more), but it’s better not to experiment on your pet. The consequences of nasal discharge are crusts, which are soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and removed. So that the crusts do not appear again, then lubricate the places near the nose with petroleum jelly, 1-2% menthol ointment or vegetable oil.

A runny nose in a dog can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Don't let the disease take its course. It is also possible that rhinitis is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, a runny nose is one of the symptoms of plague, inflammation of the throat, adenovirus, and tuberculosis. Of course, we really want these terrible diseases to pass by our pets, but it is better to be aware of their symptoms and take action in time. Plague can be asymptomatic and it is a runny nose in a dog that will help the veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis and start treatment on time. It's so easy to take some discharge from the nose on a cotton swab and send it for analysis.

If your pet suffers from a runny nose, then please take pity on other animals and do not go to the veterinary clinic, where he will easily infect others. Call the best veterinarian at home. It might be more expensive, but you wouldn't want your dog to be infected at the veterinary clinic either. For example, the disease adenovirus (infectious laryngotracheitis) is highly contagious. The care of the health of dogs lies solely with their owners. If your dog suffers from a runny nose, then do not think that everything will pass by itself. Be sure to treat your pet. I wish the owners and their dogs health.

Nasal discharge in dogs is a sign of the development of a certain disease. It cannot be ignored - the work of the body is clearly disrupted.

What are the causes of a runny nose? Possible symptoms and treatment of a runny nose in dogs will be discussed in more detail below.

A runny nose is called the discharge of mucus or liquid from the nose of a dog (depending on the underlying cause) due to inflammation of the mucosa. It is typical for animals with a short muzzle (Pekingese, pugs, etc.) and for pets suffering from allergies. Here main causes of nasal discharge:

  1. Rhinitis. With this ailment, the discharge contains pus and has a greenish tint. Rhinitis is a symptom of fungal, infectious or bacterial diseases (adenovirus, distemper, etc.).
  2. Allergy. With this ailment, the dog actively itches, transparent liquid discharge flows from the nose. There are many reasons for the development of allergies: food, snake or insect bites, pollen, etc.
  3. Foreign body. Small objects entering the nasal cavity lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane, which causes fluid to be released. It is usually clear and may contain a small amount of blood.
  4. Congenital defects of the nasopharynx. Pathologies such as a cleft palate or an elongated soft palate can also cause nasal discharge.
  5. Narrow nasal passages in animals with a short snout.
  6. Neoplasms in the nasal cavity.

Attention! A runny nose may appear after a long stay of the animal in a cold room or walks in the spring and autumn months (it is in the off-season that dogs most often get cold).

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Runny nose in dogs is not difficult to detect, here its main manifestations:

  • nasal discharge (watery, mucous, clear, yellowish or greenish, etc.);
  • sneezing, coughing (in some cases);
  • frequent licking;
  • the dog rubs and scratches its nose with its paws;
  • if there is a lot of secretions, breathing becomes hoarse, the animal sniffs and tries to breathe through the mouth.

If your pet's nose is running mucus or a clear liquid, take it to the veterinarian. The specialist will examine the animal, note the presence or absence of other symptoms, make a swab from the nasal passage, take a blood test, and measure the temperature. Sometimes additional examinations are required: X-ray, biopsy.

Important! Be sure to tell the doctor about the pet's diet (this will rule out or confirm allergies). If your dog has other symptoms (sneezing, loose stools, eye discharge, etc.), be sure to mention them at the appointment.

How to treat?

Standard treatment costs from two stages:

  1. If crusts have formed on the dog's nose, apply a cotton pad soaked in saline or hydrogen peroxide to them and carefully remove them after they soften.
  2. Second step - lavage of the nasal cavity Furacilin solution (1 tablet is dissolved in a glass of warm water) or soda, Aqua Maris.

Helping a pet is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause. Runny nose in a dog: how to treat different types of nasal discharge is shown in the table.

Type of runny nose Treatment
1. Allergic The dog has a runny nose and sneezes, how to treat if the cause is an allergic reaction? First of all, it is necessary to determine the allergen and protect the animal from it (products, household chemicals, pollen, etc.), as well as select the appropriate nasal passages are washed with Furacilin solution. As an additional measure to relieve allergic reactions, it is worth considering switching to
2. Caused by infection (rhinitis) Treatment of rhinitis in a dog begins with rinsing the nose with saline. At the second stage, cold drops for dogs are applied. For each nasal passage, the dosage is 1-2 drops of Derinat, Pinosol (if the discharge is thick) or Galazolin (5-6 drops each). If rhinitis was caused by an infection, it should be treated immediately. To strengthen the immune system, Thymogen nasal drops are used (1-8 drops, depending on the size of the animal)
3. Caused by foreign body If a runny nose is caused by a foreign object, it must be removed from the nasal passage. This procedure is carried out by a veterinarian. After extraction, Maksidin's solution is instilled into the nostril.
4. Caused by pathology (cleft palate, etc.) A runny nose, which is a consequence of such pathologies, cannot be cured. The only way is surgery and elimination of the defect. If the operation is successful, the runny nose will gradually disappear without the use of medications.

What to do if the dog has a runny nose, what drugs to take? The course is prescribed only by a veterinarian after examination and diagnosis, because the cause of the pet's discomfort can be

Attention! A runny nose can be caused by many reasons, so you should not engage in self-treatment.


You can reduce the likelihood of discharge from the nose through preventive measures:

  • do not let your pet get cold(dogs with short hair, for example, or, in the winter, autumn and spring months should be dressed in insulated and waterproof overalls);
  • do not allow the animal to come into contact with allergens, which provoke the appearance of discharge from the nose;
  • keep your dog out of contact with animals suffering from a runny nose (it can be contagious).

Important! A runny nose can be both an independent disease and a consequence of an infectious disease, allergy or pathology.

If your dog has a discharge from his nose, take him to the veterinarian. Self-treatment and taking the wrong drugs do not always lead to recovery.

Additionally, check out the video on the manifestation and treatment of a runny nose in dogs:

A runny nose in a person is quite a common occurrence, many do not even pay attention to it. It is believed that a runny nose - or. But if the dog has a stuffy nose and what to do in this case? The owners of the animal begin to panic and do not know how to help.

Do dogs get a runny nose?

Despite the fact that dogs have a good coat, they are able to supercool. A sharp change in temperature is especially dangerous for a dog's health. For example, a pet lives in an apartment where it is very hot. Having gone for a walk, the dog sharply inhales a fresh portion of cold air, this is enough to cause a runny nose or nasal congestion.

The dog can get cold in the cold.

Runny nose in dogs is more common in the autumn-spring period.

Risk group

Shar Peis are very prone to runny nose due to the structure of the nasal cavity.

Some breeds are more prone to this disease due to the unusual structure of the nasal passages. A runny nose worries short-nosed dogs with a flattened muzzle (for example, pugs, or sharpei).

Pugs often have a runny nose.

Causes of a runny nose

Not always a runny nose is a consequence of changes in weather conditions. The respiratory tract of animals is very sensitive to various odors. When irritating substances (smoke, chemical compounds) get into the nostrils, a runny nose appears.

A runny nose in a dog can be caused by cigarette smoke.

The appearance of mucous secretions from the nostrils may be associated with the ingress of plant pollen or foreign objects into them. Dogs on a walk often sniff the grass, so small blades of grass and spikelets fall into the nostrils, which provokes the appearance of signs of a runny nose.

Decorative breeds of dogs often face a runny nose when the climate changes. This indicates a weakened immunity of the pet. Hunting dogs participating in the hunt can easily catch a runny nose if the area was damp and the air was too humid.

Runny nose can be one of the symptoms of any more serious illness . For example, a runny nose happens, inflammatory processes in the larynx.

The appearance of a runny nose in a pet should be taken seriously. If not, it progresses, causing complications. Very often, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract becomes a continuation of the common cold.


Diseases not directly related to the nasopharynx can also cause a runny nose:

Rhinitis can develop due to the presence of fleas.

Symptoms and signs of a runny nose

A runny nose in a dog resembles human rhinitis. Sneezing appears, the animal often begins to lick its nose, periodically rubbing it with its paws.

With a runny nose, the dog begins to sneeze.

Excessive discharge is visible from the nasal passages. They can be liquid at the beginning of the disease, then their consistency thickens. By the type of discharge, you can predict the underlying disease. If the snot is purulent, then there is an infection in the body.

A runny nose makes it difficult for a pet to breathe . Scabs appear in the nostrils, causing irritation. The dog hardly draws in air, sniffs. Gradually switches to mouth breathing, as the crusts in the nose cause discomfort.

If the rhinitis is not caused by an infection, then the general health of the dog is satisfactory. Other than nasal discharge, there may be no other symptoms. Even the dog's appetite is excellent.

Acute form of rhinitis

The acute form of rhinitis is usually cured in a week. If this did not happen, then the treatment was incorrect or untimely.

Untreated rhinitis becomes chronic. There will be exacerbations from time to time. The chronic form leads to the fact that the dog eats worse, is in a depressed state, and begins to lose weight. The mucous membrane becomes thinner, cracks and erosive damage appear on it.

Untreated rhinitis leads to weight loss.

If the disease is of an infectious nature, then a runny nose can last for a long time, until complete recovery.

The croupous form of rhinitis causes difficulty breathing, high fever. In this case, the symptoms are observed for 2-3 weeks in a row.

If the owner cannot independently determine the cause of rhinitis, a visit to the veterinary clinic should be made. After examining, taking tests and receiving their results, the specialist will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treating a runny nose in a dog at home

In special cases, veterinary drops can be replaced with children's drops.

Animals are treated with veterinary drugs. The use of drops intended for humans is fraught with a mucosal burn in an animal. As a last resort, if it is not possible to purchase drops for a dog, you can use children's nasal products.

Nasal drops

For dogs, it is recommended to use special preparations. For example, drops Maksidin, the active substance of which is a germanium compound. The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. When using it, the animal's immunity increases, the body better resists infections.

Maksidin has an antiviral effect.


Maxidin drops are prescribed as a remedy for viral diseases: , distemper. With its help, they treat, remove worms. He is also bald. It can be used as a prophylactic. The drug helps regenerate the skin, improves hair growth and improves its appearance. Many breeders use drops before shows to improve their pet's well-being and prevent infectious diseases. After all, there are always a huge crowd of animals at exhibitions, so catching a virus is not difficult.

The drug will help cure demodicosis in a dog.

Maksidin is prescribed for the treatment of the common cold, with purulent inflammation of the eyes. Drops are effective for eliminating walleye (if the disease is detected at an early stage). The drug is dripped into each nasal passage with a runny nose, 2 drops (morning, afternoon and evening). Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of the common cold disappear completely.


You can use intranasal drops for dogs and cats - Anandin. Indications for the use of this remedy are a runny nose and conjunctivitis.

Anandine should be instilled into the nose three times a day.

Therefore, it can be instilled both in the nose and in the eyes. With a runny nose, it is recommended to drip your pet's nose 3 times a day. The number of drops depends on the weight of the animal. Usually use 1 to 4 drops in each nasal passage. Treatment longer than 2 weeks is not recommended. The drug is addictive, which means it becomes ineffective. Side effects in the treatment of Anandin usually do not occur. A contraindication to the use of the remedy may be the individual intolerance of the animal to individual components.

In the acute form of rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude repeated hypothermia of the pet. Treatment will consist of cleansing the nasal passages and instilling a weak solution into them. furacillin (0.1%). E lubrication of the nasal passages is considered effective oxolinic ointment .

Oxolinic ointment is considered an effective remedy.

To clean the nose from dried crusts, a cotton swab is moistened with peroxide and applied to problem areas, then a cotton swab should be pulled out of the nostrils along with softened crusts. To prevent the appearance of crusts, you can use petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil.

Naphthyzinum is IMPOSSIBLE!

It is forbidden to use naphthyzinum, sanorin and other drops in the nose of dogs.

If the runny nose has become chronic, the nostrils can be sprayed with a 0.5% solution of tannin. For these purposes, menthol oil is excellent. It is injected into the nostrils with a syringe or syringe without a needle.

In the chronic form of the disease, menthol oil can be used.

Warming up the nose

Warming up the nose helps a lot. You can do it yourself at home, or use UHF in a veterinary clinic.

At home, warming up the nose is allowed.

Wash solution at home

The dog is sick, and the pharmacies are already closed and there are no drops in the house? You can use a soda solution for washing. The soda solution should be 1%.

For washing, you can use a soda solution.

Of the folk methods, there is one more: use onion juice to wet swabs and insert them into the animal's nostrils. Onion juice must be diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Cotton swabs are administered to the dog 3-4 times a day. Treatment continues for several days until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Beetroot decoction

For washing, a decoction of beets is suitable. You can squeeze the juice from a fresh root crop and dilute it with boiled water (1: 1).

Irritated nasal passages can be dried with streptocide powder. It is blown into the nostrils and generously sprinkled on the nose of the animal.


Nose injuries, polyps require a surgeon's consultation. Usually polyps are recommended to be removed, but no one guarantees that they will not grow back. After removal of polyps, the clinic will have to be visited periodically for follow-up examinations.

Nasal polyps in dogs.

Immunity Boost

Be sure to use means to increase immunity: immunofan, immunal, cycloferon, gamavit. A properly formulated diet will help prevent colds. It should contain: meat, cereals, dairy products, fresh and boiled vegetables.

Immunofan is used to increase immunity.

Video about runny nose in dogs

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