Doctor's opinion: how useful is tea with echinacea for children. The herb Echinacea is a natural super remedy for boosting immunity.

Many parents face the problem of reduced immunity in a child and frequent colds. Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of different medicines that can heal a wide variety of ailments. The vast majority of pediatricians believe that in order for diseases not to attack a growing body, it is necessary to strengthen immunity from childhood. Currently, the safest immunostimulating agent is the drug "Echinacea Extract". Instructions for use, properties, indications for admission will be described in today's article.

General information about the plant

Echinacea is a perennial plant with a short rhizome that has a large number of thin roots. The plant has simple, leafy, strongly branching stems, on which there are leaves arranged in the next order and decreasing towards the top of the stem. On the latter there is a flower basket, the receptacle of which has the shape of a ball. The flower basket is made up of reed flowers, the shade of which varies from pink to purple.

Echinacea blooms in summer. During this period, bright flowers appear on the stems. In the very center of the basket are tubular flowers, which bear fruit.

What are the benefits of echinacea?

Echinacea extract is used for a wide variety of diseases. Reviews of patients and doctors confirm the high effectiveness of the remedy to increase immunity. The plant prevents the reproduction of coccal infections, harmful bacteria and viruses.

What is an extract?

The drug "Echinacea Extract" (instructions for use will be described below) is an effective tool that has a powerful tonic effect on the entire nervous system. It energizes and perfectly restores performance. Due to its adaptogenic properties, the plant protects the body from adverse environmental factors. Regular use of a medicine such as echinacea extract relieves stress, in addition, the plant is an effective means of preventing acute respiratory infections. Immunostimulatory action is aimed at preventing the development of colds.

To eliminate pain and speed up the healing of various wounds, you can also use a drug such as echinacea (extract) externally. The instruction attached to the medication contains the following information on its use: for children, depending on age, the daily dose is 3-5 drops, for adults - no more than 8. For small children, the remedy can be dissolved in a small amount of water or other drink.

Currently, a large number of medicines are being produced, which contain echinacea extract, such preparations can also be used for children. Echinacea products contain:

    flavonoids, polysaccharides, resins - have a stimulating effect on the immune system;

    polyenes and phenolic acid - resist various bacteria and fungi;

    microelements and vitamins are extremely important for the normal functioning of the body;

    mineral salts - favorably affect the development of the enzyme and endocrine systems.

Echinacea extract: application of the remedy

Echinacea preparations are prescribed in such cases as:

And, as noted above, echinacea extract is an excellent tool for strengthening the body's defenses.

Other release forms

Today, drugs that contain this plant are produced in various forms. This is a tincture, herb, syrup, plates, tablets, echinacea extract (this form of medication was discussed above).

Alcohol tincture

This is the most common form of the drug, but it is precisely the same that raises many doubts among parents: is it safe to use it for children? The composition of this product contains alcohol, which, of course, can be dangerous for the child's body. However, if you use the tincture strictly following the instructions, the risk of side effects is minimal. For children, such a remedy is used according to the following scheme: 5-10 drops of tincture are diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 3, taken 30 minutes before meals twice a day. The last dose of the medicine should be no later than 16 hours.

Tincture can be used as an external agent - for the preparation of lotions or compresses. To do this, 20-60 drops of the product are diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride solution (100 ml).

Tablets and lozenges

This form of the drug is more acceptable for children in comparison with alcohol tincture. According to the instructions, you should take one tablet 3-4 times a day. The therapeutic course should last no more than two months.


Healing echinacea syrup activates the protective mechanisms of the human immune system. Such a drug enhances the resistance of healthy cells to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, echinacea syrup normalizes metabolism and improves thyroid function.

Herbal decoctions and teas

For a child, you can make your own decoction or tea from this plant. To do this, in the pharmacy you need to purchase a dry composition of echinacea (chopped stems and rhizomes), pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials into a thermos and pour boiling water (0.5 l), leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. After the remedy, strain and give the child 100 g of the resulting broth 2-3 times a day, it can also be added to tea or other drinks.

Tea made from dried leaves of echinacea, currant, raspberry, mint and others will be useful. The leaves are mixed to your liking, 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. This fortified tea is drunk between meals. For the prevention of colds, the drink should be taken in courses of 10 days, it is recommended to do 3 courses with a break of 5 days.

Contraindications for use

It should be remembered that not always preparations based on echinacea will benefit the body. This applies to all forms of release of this product (tincture, tablets, syrup, herb, echinacea extract). Reviews of friends or acquaintances, even the most positive ones, should not be a reason for the use of such medicines. Consultation of an experienced specialist is required.

Doctors do not recommend the use of echinacea preparations for children under 12 years of age. However, in some cases, strictly under the supervision of a specialist, it is allowed to take echinacea tablets for children from 4-6 years old. With angina in an acute form, the use of tincture is contraindicated. Echinacea extract for children cannot be used for autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, leukemia.

Security measures

This tool can be used 2 days after the abolition of cephalosporins.

The use of a drug such as echinacea extract is recommended to be combined with the intake of vitamins A, C, E.

With caution, you should prescribe products containing this plant in its composition in diabetes mellitus.


Exceeding the recommended doses of the drug can provoke the development of such phenomena as allergic reactions (itching, skin rashes, urticaria), nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, insomnia, overexcitation. If such phenomena occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted regarding further treatment.

Interaction with other medicines

Due to the immunostimulatory effect of echinacea, it may reduce the effectiveness of drugs that have an immunosuppressive effect.

It should not be used simultaneously with cephalosporins.

Terms and conditions of storage


Echinacea extract is a drug that has been successfully used to strengthen the immune system. And numerous positive reviews confirm its high efficiency not only as a preventive, but also a therapeutic agent. However, it should be borne in mind that this drug is of plant origin, so you should not expect quick results. The therapeutic course can last up to six months.


This is an amazing plant, each part of which, from root to bud, is healing. It comes from North America.

Even the ancient Indians used echinacea to treat wounds and diseases that overtook them. Today, it grows on a large scale in Russia, Ukraine and the North Caucasus.

The herb Echinacea will be incredibly useful for children, providing invaluable support for their immunity. With proper use, it can completely protect against all kinds of ailments. Echinacea contains a lot of valuable substances that are absolutely non-toxic and will only bring benefits.

How old should a child be to be given this healthy tea? What are the benefits for the body from eating this flower? What are the contraindications? How to cook properly so that all the useful substances do not evaporate?

Let's answer all the questions in order, create, so to speak, instructions for use.

What age should a baby be to introduce echinacea tea into his diet?

It is not recommended to give this drink to children under two years old, because of the highly active substances, essential oils contained in the plant. From the age of three, the body is more resistant to active natural supplements. But, introducing echinacea (and much more) into the child's diet, you should monitor the baby - if there is an allergy, as he may have an individual intolerance to this herb.

Benefits of echinacea tea

  • Prevents inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Also known as
  • , SARS, also helps in the speedy recovery from these diseases.
  • drinking a drink from the flower for one and a half weeks.
  • Since ancient times, people have used roots, leaves, petals for decoction to prevent allergies in a child later.
  • Ointments from this plant also have an antibacterial effect.

Who should beware of taking this tea?

  • It is advisable to use separately from other drugs.
  • Should not be used in autoimmune diseases.
  • It is also possible that intolerance to individual components will occur.
  • In no case should you drink this drink for a long time, because this can lead to the opposite effect, and immunity may decrease.

How to Brew Echinacea Tea the Right Way

  • When sick

Pour half a glass of boiling water over two flowers and three leaves. Cover with a lid and let it brew until it cools completely. If desired, you can add honey or sugar to the tea. Drink twice a day.

  • To prevent and strengthen the defenses of the baby's body

You can use a mixture of plants in the amount of two teaspoons, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and wait until the tea is at room temperature. Drink once a day.

Nature has worked hard and collected the most necessary things in one place. All the elements that this beautiful treasure of nature combines complement each other, enhancing their effect on the human body, allowing it to work more productively, and resist microbes and viruses.

Using the example of echinacea, you can be sure that flowers can be not only beautiful, but also useful for humans, do not forget about this. Take care of yourself and be healthy.

Learn more about the healing properties of this purple beauty in this 5-minute video.

Echinacea purpurea is a widely used medicinal plant, the preparations of which are used to increase. Means based on it are used to combat allergies, as well as viral and fungal infections.

Biological characteristic

Echinacea purpurea is a perennial plant native to the eastern part of the North American continent. It belongs to the Compositae (Asteraceae) family.

The height of straight leafy and strongly branching rough stems reaches 1 m. Bright pink or purple reed and tubular Echinacea flowers are collected in large (up to 15 cm) inflorescences-baskets.

Flowering time in our country is from mid-summer to early autumn. Echinacea blooms for the first time in the second year of life.

This plant is cultivated as an ornamental and medicinal; it does not grow well in shady areas and prefers drained fertile soils, although it is quite drought tolerant. Echinacea tolerates low temperatures well, which leads to a wide area of ​​​​its distribution.

Rhizomes are harvested as medicinal raw materials, as well as aerial parts - stems, leaves and flowers. Drying is recommended in attics with good air circulation.

Active substances

A number of biologically active substances were found in Echinacea purpurea, including organic acids with antifungal activity, polyenes, phytosterols, glycosides, resins, essential oils, tannins, saponins and alkaloids. Due to the high content of phenolic acids, the plant is a powerful natural antiseptic.

The herb contains many bioflavonoids, polyamines, resins and polysaccharides. Rhizomes contain immune-stimulating phenolcarboxylic acids, glucose, inulin, and betaine, which can significantly reduce the risk of strokes and.

Both in the roots and in the aerial parts of Echinacea purpurea, micro and macro elements (iron, molybdenum, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, cobalt, beryllium and aluminum) are present in large quantities.

Useful properties of Echinacea purpurea

Preparations based on Echinacea purpurea are characterized by pronounced anti-allergic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also used to fight fungal, bacterial and viral infections.

Echinacea accelerates the healing of tissues in ulcerative lesions and wounds. The plant is an effective remedy for skin diseases such as eczema.

Due to the ability to stimulate general immunity, it helps to prevent or alleviate the course of colds and SARS.

The herb extract is a very effective adaptogenic agent.

Important:it has been established that Echinacea contributes to the production of a factor in the body that prevents and slows down growth.


Preparations from various parts of the medicinal plant are indicated for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • intestinal infections;
  • (outwardly locally);
  • long non-healing wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • polyarthritis;
  • liver pathology;
  • diseases of the urinary system (in particular -);
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • neurological disorders;
  • bites of snakes and insects (externally in the form of lotions).

Important:decoctions of Echinacea have a tonic effect and normalize blood pressure.

Recipes for the use of Echinacea preparations for various diseases

Reception of tincture helps to increase the number of leukocytes and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. During the period of seasonal colds, the drug activates the immune system. Alcohol tincture of Echinacea can also be applied topically, topically to treat skin and wounds to reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Note:for external use (lotions, compresses and rinses), it is advisable to prepare the drug at the rate of 40 drops of alcohol tincture (in 70% ethanol) per 100 ml of saline.

Contraindications to the use of Echinacea preparations

Most people tolerate treatment with Echinacea purpurea well. Allergic reactions are extremely rare in patients.

Contraindications to the use of this plant are:

  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • acute angina;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • systemic red;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • leukemia.

Important:Do not take drugs for more than a month in a row! Large doses can provoke dyspeptic disorders and sleep disturbances.

Echinacea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women who are carrying a baby, as well as nursing mothers, are advised to refrain from taking Echinacea. Data on the safety of the plant is not enough, although it is well established that it does not lead to fetal malformations. The issue of increasing the likelihood of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) remains controversial.

Some experts are of the opinion that Echinacea during pregnancy is a good alternative to antibiotics and synthetic immunomodulators. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a herbal preparation for external use for purulent inflammation of the skin.

Pediatricians recommend giving children who have reached the age of 12 a tincture previously diluted with water 1: 3. A single dose for children and adolescents is 3-10 drops (depending on age), and the frequency of administration is 2 times a day. Tincture is an excellent tool to strengthen the immunity of the child. For babies (over 2 years old), it is better to take syrup or tablet forms.

A perennial plant native to North America was used by the ancient Indians to treat wounds. There are several types of echinacea, but only purple (Echinacea purpurea) has medicinal properties. Now the plant is cultivated in Europe, Russia, the North Caucasus.

What is echinacea

This plant is distinguished by rough straight stems, basal leaves and large baskets that reach a diameter of 15 cm. Echinacea purple grows up to one meter in height, has a specific smell and a purple-red color. It is often confused with rudbeckia, but they are two different herbs. Among medicinal plants, echinacea purpurea occupies a well-deserved place of honor, since its medicinal properties make it possible to heal not from the consequences of diseases, but from the root causes.

Echinacea - composition

The medicinal plant is rich in various mineral and biologically active substances. Echinacea contains a lot of iron, selenium, potassium, calcium, silver, cobalt, manganese, magnesium, zinc and other components useful for the human body. Its rhizomes are saturated with fatty and essential oils, tannins, resins, organic acids, inulin, glucose, alkaloids, polysaccharides.

The special value of echinacea is the presence of betaine in the composition, which prevents the development of stroke and heart attack. Such a rich therapeutic composition provides an excellent opportunity for preparations with echinacea to participate in hematopoiesis, the formation of the strength of bones, nail plates, and teeth. Use drugs based on echinacea purpurea should be strictly according to the instructions (description), so that there is no overdose.

Echinacea - benefits and harms

The diverse chemical composition of the plant exhibits antiseptic and antiviral properties. The benefits of echinacea are shown in the treatment of influenza and other viral infections, since phenolcarboxylic acids have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Echinacea purpurea has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, accelerates the healing of wounds, eczema, and ulcers. The benefits and harms of echinacea are close, because the plant's ability to simulate immunity sometimes turns against a person if he has an autoimmune disease.

Echinacea - application

The unique properties that echinacea contains are used not only for the prevention of various diseases, but also in complex treatment. For medicinal purposes, stems, roots, leaves, flowers of a young plant that has not reached two years are suitable. The internal use of echinacea is relevant for ear infections, colds, diabetes, women's diseases, diseases of the liver, bladder. The plant affects streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli. Echinacea and when used externally gives excellent results. The medicinal plant relieves skin problems such as:

  • insect bites;
  • burns;
  • furunculosis;
  • abscesses;
  • eczema;
  • hives.

Echinacea for immunity

Alcohol tincture containing echinacea roots has a powerful immunostimulating effect on the human body. Its reception is especially relevant as a prophylactic during acute respiratory diseases. The systematic use of echinacea tincture for immunity inhibits the reproduction of microbes, awakens a phagocytic response, and increases the level of leukocytes in the blood.

Echinacea, infused with alcohol, is also effectively used to treat diseases of the skin, the genitourinary system, to restore tissues and heal wounds. You can buy a tincture at any pharmacy or make it yourself according to a prescription:

  • peel the dug up echinacea root, wash, chop;
  • pour alcohol 70 or 95% so that it completely covers the roots;
  • insist the mixture in a warm place for two weeks;
  • then press, filter;
  • take a tincture of echinacea root to increase immunity, 15-30 drops three times a day.

Echinacea for children

When a child's immune resistance decreases, this is accompanied by prolonged and frequent colds. You can restore a weakened immune system with the help of various preparations created on the basis of an immunostimulating plant with medicinal properties. Now echinacea for children from 2 years old is available in the form of herbal teas, lozenges, chewable tablets, syrups. For babies up to a year, the intake of any medicinal herbs should be coordinated with the attending pediatrician.

Echinacea during pregnancy

In a woman during the bearing of a child, immunity is greatly reduced, but the use of various medicines is highly undesirable. In the early stages of pregnancy, the formation of the baby's organs occurs, so you can not put him in danger. The beneficial properties of echinacea determine its intake in strictly prescribed doses by a doctor for pregnant women and mothers during lactation. A study was conducted that looked at the positive effects of the herb on the fetus and women's health. Echinacea during pregnancy helps to avoid sore throats, flu and other infectious diseases.

Echinacea for colds

In the cold season, colds often become guests in the house. Traditional medicine knows many recipes that will relieve fever and cough at home. The traditional way to get rid of the symptoms of hypothermia is to prepare a decoction of the dried herb Echinacea. How to brew echinacea for a cold:

  1. Take 30 g of dried flowers of the plant. Place in a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Fill raw materials with boiling water (2 cups). Boil on low heat for 10 minutes covered.
  3. Let the broth brew in a thermos for 5 hours. Strain, take echinacea with jam or honey three times / day, 125 ml each until complete recovery.

Echinacea for HIV

Some immunologists advise HIV-positive patients to use decoctions and infusions of echinacea as an adjunct to the main treatment. It is a natural immunostimulant that protects tissue cells from pathogenic invasions. However, there is another group of specialists who believe that taking echinacea for HIV is unacceptable, since an increase in immunity activity is accompanied by a depletion of healthy cells in the body. Before using any medicine that activates the immune system, you should consult your doctor.

Echinacea for cancer

Oncologists say that drugs based on echinacea are contraindicated if a person has advanced cancer. However, it is allowed to use an immunostimulating herb after radiation or chemotherapy. Echinacea in oncology can provoke the growth of unwanted cells, but after irradiation it will help to normalize the blood formula and quickly restore lost body functions.

Echinacea side effects

Most people do not experience any side effects from taking medications containing echinacea. However, there is a small percentage of patients who are not very well affected by the plant. Judging by their reviews, long-term use of echinacea causes indigestion, nausea and dizziness. Some people develop allergies in the form of swelling and rash. Other side effects of echinacea, after which you should stop the medicine and consult a doctor:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • difficulty swallowing or breathing;
  • pressure reduction;
  • rapid overwork;
  • depression.

Echinacea - contraindications

The spectrum of diseases in which the indication for use is a perennial plant of the Aster family is incredibly large. However, useful echinacea - the medicinal properties of which are known to both folk and traditional medicine, has its own contraindications. Doctors do not recommend taking extracts, tinctures and decoctions with it for people suffering from insomnia, mental illness and increased excitability, since the plant affects the human nervous system. The main contraindications to the use of echinacea:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;

Today we present to the attention of readers - instructions for the use of echinacea tincture, medicinal properties, indications and contraindications of a biogenic stimulant, price, benefits and harms of tea with echinacea for human immunity, reviews on the use of tincture by site users.

What kind of plant is echinacea, photo

Echinacea purple- This is one of the representatives of the perennial flora, which belongs to the Compositae family. This plant is native to North America. In ancient times, the Indians used it as a wound healing agent. Healing were discovered not so long ago - in the XX century.

Since then, it began to be attributed to medicinal plants and grown on specially designated plantations. Echinacea can reach a height of 1 m. Rough stems can hurt the skin, so you need to touch it and collect it with care.

Today, echinacea is useful not only for its medicinal properties, but it also adorns many suburban areas with its beautiful color from mid-summer to late autumn. Harvesting of each part of the plant occurs at a certain time.

For example, the stems are collected as soon as the plant begins to bloom. Inflorescences from mid-summer to the end. Roots that have reached the age of 4 years are dug out in the fall. Drying should only be done in a dark, dry area that is well ventilated.

Composition of Echinacea

The upper part of the plant is enriched with polysaccharides, which have strengthening properties. They also increase the intensity of interferon production (which is quite useful for colds) and restore tissues well. The root system of echinacea is rich in flavonoids and essential oils. As well as organic compounds, resins and tannins.

The composition of the plant is also saturated with minerals, thanks to which the plant has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis. It also strengthens nails, hair and teeth. Research scientists are constantly discovering more and more useful properties of echinacea. To date, they are in search of the healing properties of the plant from cancer.

Medicinal properties of echinacea tincture, indications

This miracle plant in the truest sense of the word has a miraculous effect on the formation of leukocytes, thereby increasing the strength of the human immune system. It also contributes to the quality of absorption of microbes by leukocytes.

In folk medicine, such a plant as echinacea is used to treat colds, with various diseases of the urinary tract. Medicines based on this plant, echinacea tincture, are also taken to reduce the growth of strepto- and staphylococcus aureus. In the fight against inflammatory processes in the body and skin diseases. It pretty well reduces the risk of cancer.

Echinacea also rapidly improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, removing toxins from the body. Echinacea-based tincture is often used to treat diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. Echinacea has the effect of rejuvenating the skin, purifying the blood.

Indications for the use of echinacea tincture:

  • treatment of diseases of ENT organs;
  • respiratory diseases (tracheitis, tonsillitis);
  • coli;
  • various inflammatory processes in the body, including inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • fungal infections.

Echinacea tincture helps very well to get rid of diseases of the male genital organs, including from.

The use of echinacea tincture in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has found application to absolutely all parts of Echinacea purpurea, from the root to the flower. Of these, connoisseurs of folk methods of treatment prepare various decoctions, teas, tinctures.

Echinacea herb decoctions are recommended to be taken with a weak appetite, if, to normalize blood pressure. Also, with their help, toxins and waste products are well removed from the body. Thanks to decoctions with echinacea, a surge of strength is noticeably felt and the withering of the skin slows down.

Echinacea tincture should be drunk with flu or colds, if there are skin diseases and inflammatory processes. She fights well with the problem of nephritis, cystitis, and stomach ulcers.

Traditional medicine also has its own recipes for the preparation of products based on echinacea, for example:

- to prepare it, you need to take all parts of echinacea (leaves, roots, flowers and stems) 50 grams and grind them thoroughly (it will be most convenient to do this in a mortar), then pour 150 grams of liquid acacia honey (it should be pale yellow in color and no cloudy sediment). Mix all ingredients well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour into a storage container and refrigerate. Take 1 teaspoon three times daily with your favorite tea.

Echinacea tincture contraindications

  • It is strictly forbidden to take tincture for pregnant women, as well as during lactation and children under the age of 7 years.
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug are: any form of tuberculosis, arthritis, arthrosis, AIDS and HIV infection, diabetes mellitus and an allergic reaction to perennial composite plants (, arnica, daisy, marigolds, etc.).
  • Prohibited reception and autoimmune diseases.

Reception of echinacea tincture must be observed strictly following the instructions, otherwise it has a completely opposite effect, for example, inhibition of the body's immune system. Also, if the required dose is exceeded, there may be a violation of the central nervous system, nausea and insomnia.

How to make echinacea tincture at home

In order to prepare an echinacea tincture with alcohol or vodka at home, you need to take the echinacea root and grind it thoroughly. Pour raw materials with alcohol (70%) 1:4, mix everything well, pour into a convenient glass bowl and hide in a dark place for one month.

You can also use echinacea flowers, for this they need to be carefully separated from the stem, cut with scissors. It is good to put them in a glass jar and pour strong vodka almost to the top. Then tightly cork with a lid and send to the pantry for 45 days.

After this time, strain the tincture well, and it will be ready for use.

How to take echinacea tincture for adults and children

Drinking alcohol tincture of echinacea is inside adults three times a day, 10-15 drops before meals. The course of taking the drug should not be more than two weeks. You can increase or decrease the dose of the tincture depending on the condition.

For children from 7 to 12 years old, echinacea tincture should be given in a diluted form, in the ratio of 1 part of the tincture and 3 parts of boiled chilled water, in a volume of 5-10 drops twice a day before meals.

Echinacea tincture - price

At the beginning of 2018, the cost of echinacea tincture in pharmacies is quite acceptable, ranging from 150-180 rubles per 50 ml. It may depend on the specific manufacturer and city of sale.

Echinacea tea - benefits and harms to the body

Not only does tea from this plant have a pleasant taste and delicate aroma, increases a person’s mental activity and helps well with overwork, but it also has a lot of healing properties. The flowers, stems, and leaves can be used to make echinacea teas.

To prepare tea as a prophylactic, you need to take all three parts of the plant and pour a cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Then strain the liquid from plant particles and drink before meals.

If the skin has boils, ulcers or eczema, you can make a tea from echinacea flowers. To do this, take 12 baskets (echinacea inflorescences) and pour two liters of boiled water. Let it brew for 50 minutes. Drink one glass of this tea daily.

If the body has just gone through a seasonal cold, you can also make tea that will help it recover faster and gain strength. To prepare it, you need to take two teaspoons of chopped echinacea, pour it with a cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. After the tea has cooled, add a teaspoon of liquid honey to it and stir well. Drink three times a day for half a glass.

Echinacea Immune Boosting Tea, which will become indispensable during the period of colds, it is also not difficult to cook. To do this, take dry echinacea (a mixture of stems, flowers and leaves), pour 200 ml of boiled water and insist under a tight lid for 30 minutes. Then strain the solution, if necessary several times. Add boiling water so that the total volume is 200 ml and drink half a glass (100 ml) twice a day before meals.

It is important not to forget that echinacea tincture, echinacea tea and any other remedy based on this plant should be taken no more than 14 days. After that, you need to take a break, and consult with a specialist about a longer use of drugs with echinacea.

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