What temperature is critical for dogs. High temperature in a dog, reasons, how to help

Body temperature is the main indicator of health for people and for our smaller brothers. It determines how the pet feels. That is why it is so important to know temperature indicators (normal, hyperthermia, hypothermia), be able to measure temperature and provide first aid on your own.

Causes of fever in dogs

Body temperature is not a constant value in dogs. It can change during the day or depending on the age and sex of the animal, its physiological state, intensity of physical activity, environmental conditions.

However, there is such an indicator as "normal temperature", which includes an interval, not a single digit. In dogs, the temperature is from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but even in this case, age and size are taken into account:

  • for decorative breeds - 39-39.5;
  • for large dogs - 37.4-38.3;
  • for medium - 37.5-39;
  • for puppies - 38.2-39.3.

Based on these indicators, you can determine the average temperature of the pet and take appropriate measures when raising or lowering.

Causes of hyperthermia:

  • stress;
  • viruses, infections;
  • poisoning;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • overheating, hypothermia of the body;
  • recent childbirth;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • teething (in puppies);
  • joint diseases;
  • the immune response of the body (with allergies);
  • sepsis.

If you see that your pet's temperature has risen by two degrees or more, especially if it has reached 41, take action immediately! It is quite possible that the cause is some dangerous infectious disease (distemper, leptospirosis), and delay is fraught with serious complications, even death.

A tendency to hyperthermia is observed in German Shepherds, Boxers, Pugs and French Bulldogs, Chow Chows, as well as in individuals with a hyperexcitable character and fluffy white dogs. Quite often, the temperature can rise in Cocker Spaniels.

Main symptoms

Many owners believe that the first sign of a fever is a dry nose. It would be wrong to rely on this symptom, since the animal can have a dry and hot nose, for example, immediately after waking up from sleep.

Here are more sure signs of an increase in temperature:

  • weakness, apathy, decreased physical activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea, vomiting (in some cases);
  • convulsions;
  • light tongue and lips;
  • the desire to get comfortable in a cool place, on the floor;
  • redness of the skin (partial).

Another common mistake among inexperienced dog breeders is to consider any increase in temperature, even a slight one, as a signal for action. During the day, it can fluctuate within one degree, and this is also considered the norm. However, if other signs are present in addition to hyperthermia, then a visit to the veterinary clinic should not be postponed.

What to do at home

There is no single treatment regimen for hyperthermia, since this is not a separate disease, but a symptom, and it does not always speak of a pathology developing in the body of a dog.

Of course, you need to show the animal to a specialist in any case, but you can provide first aid at home.

In order for the body to begin to give off excess heat, it is necessary to lower the ambient temperature. It is enough to ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner for a short time. Ideally, the air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. Drafts are not allowed!

The dog should be overlaid with ice cubes (in the groin, neck, armpit), cover with a damp towel or slightly moisten the coat, make an enema with warm water. The pet should not be allowed to move a lot, as a lot of thermal energy is generated during the work of the muscles.

If the animal does not want to eat, you should not force feed, as problems may increase - diarrhea, constipation, bloating, vomiting. But a warm drink is very useful.

If the temperature is very high, an adult dog weighing 30 kilograms or more can be given one of the antipyretic drugs intended for humans. For small dogs, it's best to use baby fever medicine.

However, it is better not to risk it, since drugs such as Aspirin, Analgin, Paracetamol can cause side effects in dogs. For example, Ibuprofen is dangerous because it can provoke gastrointestinal bleeding, intense vomiting, and so on.

Possible Complications

Hyperthermia can have serious consequences for the body: disruption of the central nervous and digestive systems, changes in the water-salt balance, dehydration, excessive stress on the heart, multiple organ failure.

The prognosis depends on the diagnosis and timely treatment of the underlying disease. If the dog survives 48 hours after the start of therapy, then in most cases it is favorable.

Prevention measures

Often the problem of temperature rise lies in the careless attitude of the owner to the pet. It is necessary to control physical activity and time spent in the fresh air in order to prevent hypothermia, monitor the quality of nutrition, conditions and, of course, promptly respond to the slightest changes in the health of a four-legged pet.

The body temperature of dogs, like other pets, depends on various exogenous and endogenous factors, processes occurring in the body. At the same time, there is a physiological threshold that signals that pet owners should immediately take measures aimed at normalizing the condition of their pet.

An increase or decrease in temperature in dogs may indicate:

  • the development of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic, latent ailments;
  • transferred severe stress;
  • the development of allergic reactions in the pet's body;
  • poisoning with strong poisons, toxins, salts of heavy metals;
  • hypothermia, overheating of the body.

A decrease in temperature in a pregnant bitch may occur a day before the onset of labor. A slight increase in temperature indicators is noted after intense physical exertion, especially during the hot season, strong thirst.

Important! In healthy dogs of large, medium breeds, the normal body temperature is 37.5-38-39 degrees Celsius. In puppies, small breeds, this indicator can be overestimated by no more than 0.5-1 degrees.

An increase in this indicator is often noted in puppies due to imperfect thermoregulation, in dogs of small, decorative breeds, such as Yorkies, Miniature Pinschers, Spitz. As you can see, physiological indicators depend on the breed, the size of the dog.

If you notice any uncharacteristic changes in the behavior of your beloved dog, a slight deterioration in the condition of your pet, but the clinical symptoms and manifestations are mild, do not manifest themselves clearly, be sure to measure the body temperature of the animal. If it is very high / low (below 37 degrees), contact your veterinarian immediately for help!

How to measure or determine the temperature?

Measurement of the general body temperature of the dog is carried out rectally, that is, through the rectum. To carry out this procedure, it is worth purchasing a separate mercury or electronic thermometer for your pet, which should always be in a home veterinary first aid kit.

It should be noted right away that the tactile determination of temperature indicators may be unreliable. Often, pet owners determine the degree of the pet's body by the moisture content of the nose, auricles.

If you don't have a thermometer handy, a sure sign of a fever in dogs is reddening of the gums. Also, in dogs with a high temperature, they note:

  • decreased physical activity;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, depression;
  • desire to retire;
  • profuse salivation (salivation);
  • loss of appetite, refusal of favorite treats;
  • increased thirst.

If you carefully observe a four-toed friend, you will notice that after waking up, the nose of dogs is dry and warm. In older, older animals, the work of the secretory glands that produce a secret that moisturizes the nose lobe is deteriorating, so the lobe will be almost dry and constantly warm.

We measure with a thermometer

Before measuring a dog's body temperature, the dog must be calmed down. It is advisable to enlist the support of one of the relatives or friends, since for animals this procedure, although absolutely painless, such manipulations can cause discomfort. The assistant must hold the head of the animal, fix the body well in the desired position.

The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly, any vegetable oil, baby cream, which will reduce discomfort when inserting a thermometer. It is best to lay the dog on its side. If your pet is showing aggression, put a muzzle on the dog or fix the jaws with a bandage.

Raising the tail, gently, with rotational movements, insert the thermometer into the anus by 1.5-2.5 cm. During the procedure, talk in an affectionate tone with the animal, after the end of the manipulation, be sure to reward it with a delicious treat.

When measuring the temperature with a mercury thermometer, hold the thermometer in the rectum for at least three to five minutes. When using electronic (digital), wait for a characteristic sound signal, then remove the thermometer after a minute. After the manipulation, write down the measurements on the tablet, indicating the indicators and the time when the dog's temperature was measured. Such results will greatly help the veterinarian in making a diagnosis.

Remember to disinfect the thermometer after taking the dog's body temperature with antiseptics. You can simply wash the thermometer with warm water and soap.

Re-measure the dog's body temperature after a few hours, but not immediately after the dog wakes up or after your pet has actively participated in outdoor games. Be sure to record all the indicators in a notebook.

If the temperature increase in a dog is caused by outdoor games, prolonged exposure to the sun, you can normalize the condition of your pet on your own.

When the temperature rises to 40-41 degrees, you can give the animal an antipyretic agent: Paracetamol, Aspirin, Nurofen. For small puppies, it is very important to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug. It is best to purchase antipyretics for young children at the pharmacy.

You can bring down the temperature of the dog by applying a cold compress, a damp towel on the forehead, inner thighs, on the back of the animal. You can wet your pet's coat with cold water.

If the house is hot, open the windows, ventilate the room well, turn on the air conditioner. Move the animal to a cool place in the apartment. Drink warm sweet tea, chamomile, St. John's wort to make up for the loss of fluid in the body. If the animal does not drink water on its own, feed the pet every 15-20 minutes, pouring the liquid into the mouth with a syringe without a needle in small portions.

According to the body temperature of a dog, you can assess the state of its health, but you can’t name a specific indicator - it is different for all breeds. depending on the temperament of the animal and its physiological state. It is important to know the temperature norm of your pet in order to understand when deviations begin.

Borders are considered normal temperature norms for dogs. from 37.5°С to 39.0°С. In puppies and dwarf breeds, these figures will be slightly overestimated, up to 39.2 ° C.

Important! If you want to determine the dog's body temperature and find out if he is healthy, your own subjective opinion cannot be an indicator, as well as determining the state of the dog's nose (whether it is wet or dry). Although, indeed, at an elevated temperature in a dog, the nose is usually dry.

Body temperature in different breeds can also be different. Large animals tend to be "colder". The smaller the puppy, the higher its temperature thresholds. This is due to the fact that metabolic processes in small breeds occur faster than in large ones.

So, if you follow the scheme, then approximate norms of body temperature of various dogs will fluctuate within the following limits:

  1. Small breeds of dogs - adult animals have a body temperature of 38.5 to 39.0 ° C, puppies 38.6 to 39.3 ° C.
  2. Average representatives - in adult animals, the temperature norm is 37.5-39.0 ° С. In children 38.3-39.1°C.
  3. Large dogs - adults from 37.4 to 38.3°C, puppies from 38.2 to 39.0°C.

In addition to the age and breed of the dog, body temperature may vary depending on weather, life circumstances, pregnancy, feeding puppies, etc. For example, in summer and hot weather, temperature standards can be overestimated by 0.5-1.5 ºС.

It will be possible to notice by pet behavior, he will look for a cooler place, often breathe and drink. The hot period of time is especially difficult for large breeds and dogs in old age.

AT prenatal period bitches have a drop in body temperature. If she gives birth at home, then you should measure your body temperature more often to predict the moment of childbirth. The beginning of the birth process will be signaled by a degree and a half lower body temperature.

The emotions of the animal can also contribute to changes in temperature. It can be joy, aggression, fear.

Therefore, the temperature of the dog up to 39 ºС are not always pathologically justified. But everything is individual. If, along with these numbers, you notice a general malaise of the pet, then you should show the animal to the veterinarian.

Causes of increased

Attention! With pathological changes in the body of a dog, hyperthermia can be observed. In order not to immediately panic, you should figure out for what reasons the body temperature of the animal may rise.


Most often, this phenomenon occurs in dogs with the following pathological changes in the internal organs:

  1. Swelling of the brain when nerve endings and fibers are damaged.
  2. Increased blood coagulation, problems with cardiac activity.
  3. Dying of the lining of the intestinal section from the inside.
  4. Damage to the renal channels leading to organ failure.
  5. Suppression of the immune system.

The disease state of the dog can be affected many factors. For example, summer heat, dry air, and being in a stuffy room can lead to heat stroke.

Another reason for a dog's body elevation is drug overdose or exposure to toxic substances. For example, strychnine, anesthesia, organophosphorus compounds. Fever can develop with various infections.

Important! To measure the dog's body temperature, it is necessary to use a tonometer, the tip of which is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly and then inserted into the anus of the animal to a depth of 1-2 cm. The duration of holding the tonometer will depend on its type.

Complications after castration or other surgery

This is another reason why a dog's body temperature rises. If you notice that postoperative sutures leak fluid or bleed, while the animal has hyperthermia, you should immediately inform the attending veterinarian about this.

Other reasons

To the most common causes of body temperature in dogs above 39-40ºС relate:

  1. Piroplasmosis.
  2. Distemper in animals.
  3. Endometritis in females.
  4. In puppies, teething body temperature can be affected.
  5. An important role is played by stressful situations.
  6. Animals can also suffer from allergies.
  7. Abscess, most often it develops after various skin injuries.
  8. Joint inflammation.

What to do when high?

Treatment should be carried out if, along with elevated body temperature, there are other symptoms of the disease e.g. loose stools, lethargy, lack of shine in the eyes, refusal to eat, presence of blood in the stool, poor coat condition, etc.

Lactating dogs may be warmer than usual as there is a lot of milk in their thoracic ducts. Limits can reach 39 ºС. But if the dog's body temperature has risen to 40 ºС and persists for a long time, then it is worth sounding the alarm. Possibly an infection.

Can it be knocked down?

To bring down the temperature or not to bring down is a very controversial issue. But what needs to be done is to call the veterinarian.

How and what to reduce at home?

If the condition of the dog leaves much to be desired, then you can bring down her temperature with the most gentle measures. For example, it will be enough to give an analgin tablet.

Attention! It is forbidden to give strong medicines without a doctor's prescription.

If you are sure that teething, stress or abscess was the cause of hyperthermia, then you can bring down the temperature with this composition:

  1. Mix one part of no-shpy and diphenhydramine and two parts of analgin.
  2. Enter the composition by intramuscular injection.

But even this procedure should be carried out by a doctor. Self-medication can harm your pet:

  1. The condition of the animal may worsen.
  2. Reduced body temperature by medicinal means will make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

Why can't I give an ibuprofen or paracetamol tablet?

Sometimes the owner of the animal, in order to help his pet, begins to stuff him with medicines intended for people, such as ibuprofen, ibuklin, etc. All of them belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and have a lot of side effects.

In animals, these drugs can cause unpredictable complications, and they develop much more frequently than in humans. For example, even one tablet of ibuprofen can lead to stomach bleeding at the dog. And this is an extremely dangerous complication that leads to the death of the animal if medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

To other side effects These medications include:

  • vomiting;
  • malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
  • confusion;
  • the occurrence of thrombi.

How to help a pet?

Hyperthermia in animals is not a disease, but a reaction of the body, and the task of the owner is to identify the pathology that caused the fever. A veterinarian can help with this. But for now
the doctor did not come, you should not sit idly by.
You can alleviate the condition of your pet by the following actions.

  1. In order for the temperature in the animal's body to function more easily, it is worth lower the room temperature. To do this, ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner. The ideal temperature for the room is 18-20 ºС. But drafts should be avoided, and the floor should not be cold.
  2. Don't chase your animal, physical activity in a painful condition of the dog should be minimal.
  3. try drink more the animal, even if it does not drink on its own, you do it, for example, with a syringe.
  4. You don't need to feed the dog. If she refuses food.

Useful video

Watch a video from a veterinarian about the causes of fever in dogs and how to treat it:


Remember that you first need to determine the cause of hyperthermia, and only then apply therapeutic actions. But you can't handle it on your own Only a veterinarian can help you in this. When the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment for your pet.

In contact with

How to bring down the temperature in a dog

Diseases of pets are always a great chagrin for the owner.

Animals do not know how to talk, and therefore cannot complain about the deterioration of their own.

An attentive person will always notice the presence of deviations in the behavior of his pet. What should I do if my dog ​​has a fever?

What are its causes and symptoms?

What steps can be taken to reduce fever in dogs?

Temperature symptoms in dogs

The normal temperature for a dog is between 37 and 39°C. In young animals, the rate will be slightly higher than in an adult dog. Larger breeds tend to have lower temperatures than smaller breeds. In addition, this factor is also affected by the season: in the hot months it is higher than with the onset of cold weather.

The method of determining the temperature by the nose of a pet is erroneous. .

The sense of smell plays a huge role in the life of dogs, in order for the scent to work better, the nose must be moist, which is why animals often lick it.

During sleep, dogs rely more on hearing organs, and the nose will become dry, but the pet will not lick it in a dream. You should not conclude about a dog by a dry nose.

What should you pay attention to in case of suspicion in the first place?

The dog begins to look for the coolest place in the apartment. Can lie on a damp cloth, tile floor, climb into the basement. Such actions indicate a desire to get rid of fever using methods available to the animal.

Having intense thirst. A high temperature leads to fluid loss, and to replenish it, the dog begins to drink large amounts of water.

Animal behavior changes. Lethargy, refusal to eat is manifested, the dog tries to find a secluded place for himself.

If these signs are present, an examination of the pet is necessary.

With an indicator of 40 degrees and above, it is necessary to provide all possible assistance to the pet. You need to touch the ears and nose, if the temperature is higher than normal, they will be very hot. The heartbeat becomes rapid, the animal begins to breathe more frequently.

The most reliable way to measure temperature is to use a thermometer. Its tip is lubricated with vaseline oil and placed for a short time in the anus.

Why does the temperature rise

The most common cause of an animal's malaise is heat stroke. This happens during the summer months if the pet plays outside for a long time or overheating occurs.

This phenomenon is common and the dog will not need special ways to return: plenty of water is enough, transferring the pet to a cool place.

Often the temperature rises due to nervous experiences. Moving to a new place, changing the owner, staying in crowded places for a long time - all this can cause the disease.

For treatment, you need to reduce the stressful situation to a minimum, and soon everything will return to normal.

Local inflammatory processes also affect the temperature increase. When a painful injury or open wound is received, the temperature can rise greatly, in which case antiseptic agents are used to treat the damaged areas.

A high fever may be a reaction to a previous vaccination. On the first day after vaccination, the animal must be observed.

The entry of viruses, bacteria, infections into the body causes its natural protective reaction - an increase in temperature. In this case, you should not postpone the visit to the veterinarian, in addition, the owner should pay attention to the presence of other symptoms indicating the disease. The presence of vomiting, bloody discharge in the urine or feces.

If it is not possible to contact a specialist immediately, then you can alleviate the condition of the animal yourself.

How to bring down the temperature in a dog

  • The dog needs to be moved to a cool place. In winter, it is recommended to open a window for ventilation, and in extreme heat to ensure minimal sunlight enters the room.
  • Your pet should always have clean water to drink. If necessary, the dog is drunk by force.
  • contact cooling. A wet towel is placed on the back of the pet, the wetted coat will greatly alleviate the condition.
  • At high temperatures, medicines are used. Any antipyretic drug for humans will do.
  • A very strong temperature can be brought down with antipyretic candles. It is best to use candles for children, if they are not, then the dosage for adults is divided into two parts.
  • Puppies, dogs of small breeds, any means to lower the temperature are given in a dosage for children.

Antipyretics help animals feel better, but this does not mean that the pet is completely healthy. It must be shown to a veterinarian to rule out a more serious one.

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