How to perform percussion massage for children? Percussion massage Percussion chest massage for children

Massage is an effective way to help a child get rid of a wet cough. In the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia tapping and stroking complement drug therapy. Because of the weak respiratory muscles, it is difficult for children to cough up stagnant mucus themselves. The effect on the muscles increases blood circulation in the lungs and makes it easier to expel sputum.

Massage warms the bronchi and promotes the release of sputum.

When is it appropriate?

Massage when coughing in a child is not always indicated.

If the baby is tormented by a dry cough, and it is difficult for him to breathe, tapping will not help. But if the cough is wet, accompanied by gurgling and squelching in the airways, manipulations will cause the desired effect.

It is better to start massage from the 4-5th day of illness, when the acute stage has subsided.

General contraindications:

  • age up to a month;
  • acute stage of the disease;
  • increased body temperature;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • skin rash;
  • malaise, weakness, drowsiness.

Both the baby and the student are useful!

Such treatment as massage is useful for a person from a very early age. But the younger the child, the more gentle and easy the movements should be. A monthly baby can only tap on the back with fingertips and gently stroke. Drainage techniques are acceptable for children older than three months.

Small patients are massaged gently: the respiratory system is formed in children up to 12 years of age. Before you start practicing this or that technique, get the approval of your pediatrician.

There are several cough suppressants.

They knocked, they knocked!

Vibration or percussion- the simplest method, which is tapping. Dr. Komarovsky advises every mother to learn these simple movements.

Tapping and vibrations improve sputum discharge, and they are also pleasant for the child.

The child is placed on the stomach. Fingertips or the edge of the palm are rhythmically tapped on the back from the bottom up, without affecting the spine. Then they make strokes, from the lower back to the shoulder blades, as if squeezing out stagnant mucus.

Such movements can be used with infants, but to soften the blow, an adult should place a hand on the baby's back, and tap through the palm.

Due to vibration, sticky sputum will move away from the walls of the bronchi. You need to do the procedure for about a minute 5-6 times a day.

Dr. Komarovsky shows the correct massage movements:

effective drainage

Drainage massage considered the most effective and available at home. Its essence lies in the indirect heating of the child's bronchi with the help of active stroking, rubbing and tapping. Such manipulations contribute to the discharge and expectoration of sputum.

  1. Lay the child on his stomach, placing the roller in such a way that the pelvis is above the level of the head. Stretch your hands forward.
  2. Warm up the patient's muscles. To do this, make stroking movements from the bottom up, first on one side of the spine, then on the other.
  3. After stroking, start active rubbing with your fingertips. Make circular, spiraling movements from the lower back to the shoulders. After that, perform rubbing, working with the knuckles, like a rake.
  4. When the back turns pink and becomes warm, start tapping. Fold your palm in a boat and pat it on one side and the other of the spine. The area of ​​the kidneys and spine should not be affected.
  5. Finish the massage with deep strokes.
  6. Seat the child. Squeeze the diaphragm sharply and briefly with your palms on both sides in the region of the intercostal muscles. Ask for a vigorous cough.

Children like classes on a fitball, so it can be used during the procedure.

Children from three months to one year can do drainage massage on a fitball. This makes it easier to keep the baby in the right position and turn the treatment into a game. Another position is on the knees of an adult or on a changing table. After the session, hold the baby in an upright position. To provoke a cough in an unconscious infant, apply light pressure with a spoon on the base of the tongue. This should be done very gently so as not to provoke vomiting.

Vibration and drainage massages are done on the naked body with dry, clean hands or lubricated with baby oil / cream. After the session, the patient must be dressed and protected from drafts.

Drainage massage technique for wet cough - in this video:

Let's massage the breast

Chest massage is used in combination with back drainage twice a day.

  1. Lay the patient on his back on a flat surface or on a fitball.
  2. Stroking from shoulder to hand, relax his arms.
  3. Rub the chest area above the nipples from the center to the armpit, then under the nipples.
  4. Use the pad of your thumb to rub your sternum from bottom to top. Then with the pads of four fingers - the upper chest. Thus, you "draw" the letter T.
  5. Do the exercise for bending-extension of the arms, raising and lowering the arms in turn.
  6. Finish the treatment with stroking.

From bottom to top, stroke and rub the baby’s chest, and while exhaling, gently press on it with your palm.

Don't be afraid, baby!

Manipulations should not be long. A morning and evening session of 5 minutes is enough. It is very important that the procedure does not cause a negative reaction. Make sure your little patient is in a good mood and does not want to sleep or eat. During the session, talk to him, sing songs, nursery rhymes, praise, call affectionate names.

Treatment should not be carried out earlier than half an hour after eating. If the baby complains, weaken the strength of the movements. When crying, stop and calm him down.

honey touch

With prolonged forms of the disease, honey massage is useful for children older than a year.(unless you are allergic to this product). It is better to do it in the evening, before going to bed. This technique improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and promotes a speedy recovery.

  1. Warm up the honey in a water bath.
  2. Undress the patient and lay on the stomach. You will work with the upper back.
  3. Lubricate your hands with honey.
  4. Lightly move your hand from the bottom up, sharply tearing your palm off at the end of the movement.
  5. When the back turns pink, wipe the skin with a warm, damp towel, and put the little patient to bed, covered with a blanket.

Honey massage is effective for protracted, chronic diseases.

famous banks

Cupping massage differs from ordinary cupping in that the process is not static, but in motion. It is better to entrust this procedure to a professional. Doing it yourself is risky: you can harm the children's vascular system.

With the canning method, the sick person is laid on his stomach, his back is lubricated with petroleum jelly and, in constant motion, they put and tear off the cans in the direction from the lower back to the shoulders. After the procedure, the child is covered and put to bed.

Due to the formation of a vacuum between the jar and the skin, such manipulations improve blood circulation and increase immunity. Cans can be placed by children over three years old. With prolonged bronchitis or a cold, the procedure is repeated every other day from three to five times.

Cupping massage well strengthens the immune system and heals.

magic dots

moms share

“After Leva went to kindergarten, colds and bronchitis haunt us all the time. Massage really helps to clear your throat. And with getting rid of any muck, recovery comes faster. ”

Dr. Komarovsky talks about the role of massage therapy in the treatment of bronchitis:

“My son (1.5 years old) has colds against the background of dentition. Snot drops down the throat, and the baby coughs, especially in a dream. Medicines are not prescribed for us in this case. We are treated with a plentiful warm drink, chamomile and tapping.

“Percussion massage should be able to do any mother. After all, this is the most harmless and easiest way to help your baby cough up the bad."

"Rails, rails ..."

According to parents and pediatricians, simple massaging, applied according to age and indications, helps to defeat cough better than syrups. And the gentle touches of the mother will cheer up the sick baby and drive away the disease.

Olga Akkerman

The problem of childhood inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system is that the infectious process, with inadequate treatment, flows from acute to chronic. Cough massage in children will help clear the airways of mucus that is difficult to separate, which helps prevent the recurrence of inflammation.


Cough massage is called drainage. Physical impact on the chest improves the discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract. This method is good not only for middle-aged children, but also for infants and adult patients. If the child cannot cope with coughing up sputum, and it stagnates in the lungs, a massage session is shown to him.

Drainage massage for children with cough effective only in the stage of resolution of the disease when the symptoms of intoxication and dehydration are eliminated. Usually it is 2-3 days for acute bronchitis, 3-4 days for pneumonia.

Airway drainage should not be performed in the following cases:

    An elevated body temperature of more than 38 ° C persists. Massage for a baby in a state of fever will be painful and will not bring benefits.

All children face such a symptom of diseases of the respiratory system as a cough. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, parents are ready to use different methods. One of them is a special massage that harmlessly helps to get rid of cough.


  • Cold.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Pneumosclerosis.

Why massage promotes sputum discharge?

During the massage, the bronchial tree warms up, and the mucus accumulated in it becomes more liquid. As a result, sputum is better coughed up and excreted from the small bronchi into the larger ones, and then into the trachea, which helps the body get rid of both excess mucus and microbes or viruses.


Cough massage is a good alternative to the use of medications. Such a procedure can be carried out from birth, while parents can learn how to carry it out without involving specialists.

In addition to stimulating sputum discharge, such a massage:

  • Stimulates blood flow and lymph flow.
  • Strengthens the muscle fibers involved in breathing.
  • Increases the mobility of the ribs.
  • Stabilizes the respiratory function.
  • Enhances the effect of the use of drugs.


  • The child has a fever.
  • The kid just ate.
  • A cold or other respiratory disease has just begun (massage is indicated only from the 4-5th day of the disease, when the acute stage has passed).
  • The baby feels discomfort in the position on the stomach.
  • There were complications of the underlying disease.
  • The baby has skin diseases.
  • The baby's body weight is too low.

Types of massages

Cough massage can be carried out in different ways, so it happens:

  • Drainage. The main feature of such a massage, which contributes to a better removal of sputum, is the location of the body - the head of the child should be lower than the body.
  • Dotted. This is a very effective massage, but it should only be carried out by a specialist who knows well which zones need to be affected.
  • Canned. Such a massage has a good effect and a positive effect on the immune system, but its implementation is not always available due to the need to use improvised means.
  • Vibrating. For such a massage, gentle tapping on the back of the child is performed. It is also called percussion.
  • Medov. This type of massage is highly effective for coughs caused by chronic or protracted illness. A limitation to its use is the high risk of allergies.

See the next video for more on this.

For more information about vibration massage when coughing, see the next program.

Massage technique

Since the most accessible and frequently used cough massage option is drainage, we will consider in more detail the technique for its implementation. First, the child is massaged on the back, and then on the chest, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples and kidneys. The room should be ventilated before the procedure.

Back massage

Start by rubbing the back with the entire surface of the palms from the shoulders to the lower back and back. Next you need to do:

  • Rapid pinching movements with fingers. Perform the first pinching near the spine, and then repeat, stepping back a few centimeters to the sides, until you reach the sides of the chest.
  • Patting with fingertips, collected in a handful.
  • Tapping with the ribs of the palms. They are best performed diagonally, moving from the area above the waist to the shoulders.
  • Tapping with the ribs of the fists. They are also held diagonally.

All movements should not be rough, but quite active in order to cause a slight reddening of the skin.

chest massage

Having laid the child on his back, rub the chest with your palms (the entire surface), moving from the center of the chest to the collarbones. The force of pressure should be small, but sufficient for the appearance of small redness. In conclusion, seat the child and rub the jugular cavity, which is located between the collarbones. Press it gently so as not to squeeze the larynx. Next, ask your baby to cough.

After the procedure, the child is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie down for a while in a calm environment. The duration of the massage is approximately 10 minutes, it is recommended to carry it out twice a day for 5 days. To facilitate the sliding of the hands, you can use oil or cream.

See the following video for the drainage massage technique after suffering pneumonia or bronchitis.

Percussion massage - Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician considers this type of massage effective for coughing and explains its name with a connection with the word percussion (as tapping is called in Latin). During such a massage, the child's bronchi begin to vibrate, and sputum is separated from their surface. And if it was difficult for the baby to cough up "adhered" sputum, then after the mucus enters the bronchial lumen, the cough becomes more productive.

Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that percussion massage, despite its effectiveness, cannot be called an independent method of therapy. The well-known doctor emphasizes that such a procedure must be combined with medication and, more importantly, with a sufficient amount of drinking and air humidification. Komarovsky also notes that such a massage cannot be performed at elevated body temperature.

According to a popular pediatrician, a percussion massage that parents can do at home should look like this:

  1. Lay the child on his stomach, and put a pillow under the pelvis so that he is above his head.
  2. Sit next to the baby and use your fingertips to make intense and frequent taps that should not hurt the baby. It is desirable that the fingers come into contact with the skin at an angle directed towards the head. During tapping, change the position of the baby's head every 30 seconds.
  3. After 1 minute, the child should be raised, and then offered to cough.
  4. Repeat this series of tapping and coughing 4-5 times.

This procedure can be carried out up to 6 times a day.

For more information on how to do massage for bronchitis, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky shows how to massage when coughing.

Massage for bronchitis

Massage is achieved with bronchitis to improve blood circulation in the chest, sputum discharge, and alleviate cough in children and adults.

This physiotherapeutic procedure allows you to do without the use of drugs, relax the respiratory muscles, cleanse the lungs.


Any warming procedures have a strong effect on the body. If you do not take into account contraindications, you can worsen the condition with bronchitis.

You can not conduct a massage session in case of:

  • temperature;
  • dry cough;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • heart defects;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rickets;
  • acute diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • skin diseases.

Features of massage for bronchitis

Inhalation is provided by the work of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, as well as skeletal muscles associated with the movement of the scapula. Exhalation occurs spontaneously when the respiratory muscles relax.

The respiratory muscles in a patient with bronchitis are constantly in overstrain due to painful bouts of coughing, rapid breathing during shortness of breath.

This leads to the fact that a full exhalation does not occur.

Massaging, rubbing allows you to relax the muscles, thereby improving ventilation of the lungs. Before performing the procedure, the muscles of the chest are warmed up, the costovertebral joints, joints of the clavicle, and sternum are worked out.

Massage for children

For children, the procedure is extremely useful, but there are some limitations:

Before the procedure, the child needs to cough up sputum, for this he is given an expectorant medicine, a warm drink. The procedure is carried out 30 minutes after taking an expectorant.

The duration of the session for a child is 20 minutes, it is better to do this before going to bed.

During massaging, it is impossible to touch the spine, apply an effort that causes discomfort to the child. The child is useful vibration, drainage massage, and if there is no allergy to honey - honey.

Massage for adults

For adults with bronchitis, vibration, drainage massage helps to cope with sputum. The procedure is supposed to be carried out in a specialized office.

In the absence of the opportunity, you can master the implementation of the basic techniques and do it yourself. To properly perform massage for bronchitis at home in adults, you need to study the video well.

Adults are prescribed sessions in courses. In chronic bronchitis, they are carried out during periods of subsiding symptoms to prevent exacerbations. The procedure improves the flow of lymph and blood, opens the bronchi, which contributes to the removal of sputum with pus.

In acute bronchitis that occurs without high temperature, vibration massage helps. The procedure is performed several times a day, the duration of each time should not exceed 5 minutes.

The acute period of bronchitis is characterized by abundant sputum discharge.

The vibration created by the movements of the massage therapist prevents the accumulation of mucus, prevents it from sticking to the walls of the bronchi.

To improve the excretion of sputum, in the acute form of inflammation, drainage massage is used. In chronic bronchitis, cupping and honey massage sessions are also carried out.

Drainage massage

A drainage massage session removes phlegm, it is allowed for adults and children. The patient is positioned so that the head is slightly lower than the pelvis. To do this, you can put a pillow under your stomach.

After the muscles of the back, intercostal muscles are kneaded, warmed up, they begin the procedure.

With bronchitis, all movements are directed to the periphery, from the lower back to the shoulders, which helps to remove mucus from the bronchi. At the end of the procedure, the massage therapist, while exhaling, gently helps to push out the air, squeezing the chest.

Especially effective is the use of drainage massage for obstructive bronchitis in children, in this case it is necessary to additionally massage the legs, as shown in the video.

Vibration massage

Vibration massage is performed with vibrating movements that the massage therapist creates with his hand. Such a massage is allowed for bronchitis in young children, even infants after 6 months.

This procedure improves the condition in adults with bronchitis, asthma, after pneumonia.

How to perform

The patient lies on his stomach, head below the pelvis. Massage, starting from the lower back, gradually moving to the shoulders. Do not process the area of ​​the spine and the area around it three fingers wide.

The massage therapist places his palms crosswise on the back of the patient, then, when the patient exhales, with vibrating movements of small amplitude, they press the upper palm on the lower one.

To enhance the vibration, the lower palm is folded like a boat. With each movement along the back, they linger, vibrate at a frequency of 60 movements per minute.

The duration of massaging in one place is 1 minute, after that they take a break, repeat 3 to 5 times. The duration of vibration massage for bronchitis is from 15 to 25 minutes.


With acupressure, relaxation of the respiratory muscles is achieved by acting on reflexogenic points by stroking, pressing.

With bronchitis, points are treated:

  • in the deepening of the jugular fossa;
  • over the 7th cervical vertebra;
  • under the shoulder blades (in the middle) on both sides of the spine;
  • under the collarbones.

Such a massage requires knowledge of anatomy, it is advisable to conduct it with specialists.


Percussion massage is performed by tapping (Latin percussion). First, the respiratory muscles are warmed up, only after that they proceed to the procedure.

To perform it, one palm is placed on the patient's back in the area above the waist, with the other hand, light tapping is performed on the palm.

The working hand should be relaxed, you can not make an effort.

For adults, such tapping can be done through the fingers of the palm lying on the back. Children make tapping through the palm. The smallest are tapped on the back with fingertips through the palm.

These movements should not be strong, they are only necessary in order to help the mucus stuck to the walls of the bronchi to separate and exit into the lumen of the respiratory tract.

To make mucus easier to remove from the bronchi, the patient should be positioned so that the head is slightly lower than the body. Such a chest massage removes sputum during bronchitis, if it is done to a child, the baby can be positioned as shown in the video.

Cupping massage

Massage with the help of plastic medical jars is done for adults and children. The back and chest are alternately richly lubricated with special oil. This is necessary to improve the glide of the can on the skin.

First, the back is treated, then the front part of the body in men, the subclavian region in women. There is no need to use glass jars for cupping massage, it is much safer to massage with plastic ones.

On the back, the cans stick to the skin, without affecting the lumbar region, kidneys.

In order for a plastic jar to stick to the skin, it needs:

Then the jar is led along the back to the shoulders, without touching;

  • spine;
  • intercostal muscles on the sides;
  • shoulder blades.

On the front of the torso in women, only the subclavian region is processed, in men, the area of ​​​​the pectoral muscles is added, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, liver, and lateral muscles is not affected.

Honey massage

The best ways to warm up, relax the respiratory muscles include honey massage.

When performing this procedure, various types of massage techniques are combined, in it you can find elements of vibration, percussion, drainage massage.

This type of physiotherapy has common contraindications for all types of massage, to which are added:

  • allergy to honey;
  • increased hair growth on the back;
  • high sensitivity of the skin due to severe swelling.

Honey should be taken in a thick consistency, applied only to the places that will be processed. Honey massage should not cause pain.

To reduce soreness, you can reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the massage therapist's palm and the patient's skin. You can do rolling not with the whole palm, but only with your fingers, even with their tips.

If the body is susceptible to bronchitis, preventive measures should not be neglected. Details in the article Prevention of bronchitis with colds, allergies, smoking.

Massage for coughs and bronchitis in children for sputum discharge: drainage and vibration

Children are prone to respiratory diseases - this is due to the peculiarities of their respiratory system, which continues to form until about 12 years old. The cough that accompanies many acute respiratory infections is necessary to clear the bronchi of accumulated sputum, but due to the weakness of the muscular apparatus, it is difficult for a child to cough up mucus. Expectorants and special massage help to solve the problem.

Benefits and types of massage

A chest massage for a small child can be prescribed by a doctor for:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma during an exacerbation;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • cystic fibrosis.

Useful properties of massage for respiratory pathologies:

  1. normalization of breathing;
  2. increased blood flow in the lungs;
  3. improvement of lymph drainage;
  4. facilitating the release of sputum;
  5. prevention of complications.

Types of massage used for diseases of the lower respiratory tract:

  • Chest massage. Helps normalize the breathing process.
  • Honey. It is carried out using natural warm honey. It is applied to the back of the child, after which it is "driven" into the skin with patting movements.

Honey massage perfectly warms the tissues and promotes recovery. This is due not only to the chemical composition of the product, but also to its viscosity, which provides an intense effect on the affected area.

  • Drainage. A feature of the technique is the position of the patient's body - his head is located below the level of the chest. The back is massaged.
  • Vibrating. The technique is based on tapping on the back, performed in a certain rhythm.
  • Spot. The impact on individual areas of the back and chest is carried out. This enhances the effectiveness of other types of massage.
  • Canned. It is performed using medical cups. They are placed on certain areas of the back, after which they move along the massage lines. Banks are indicated not only for pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, they help with sciatica and osteochondrosis.

General rules and preparation

In one session, you can combine several types of massage - for example, drainage and vibration or acupressure. All exposures must be carried out with low pressure. To give a certain body position to the child, a roller or pillow should be placed under it. The chest is treated first, then the back.

The general massage scheme is shown in the photo:

Massage for bronchitis in children can be done only during the period of improvement in well-being, approximately 4-5 days of illness. If the child is less than 12 months old, the procedure must be agreed with the doctor. In addition, it is important to take into account all contraindications. Neglecting them can lead to a worsening of the situation. Massage should not be done when:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • any complications of the disease;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the trachea and larynx, accompanied by spasm - mucus will not be able to freely exit through the narrowed upper respiratory tract.

Preparation involves bathing the child in hot water, warming up his muscles and skin with rubbing for several minutes. Then the breathing process should be activated. Starting from the lower parts of the chest and moving up, you need to tap the intercostal spaces with your fingertips.

Drainage massage technique

Drainage massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relieve cough from bronchitis in childhood. Before the start of the session, the child must be laid in a special way so that his head is lower than the body. Due to this, pathological mucus moves from the bronchi to the larynx, from where it easily exits.

In addition to patting, drainage massage includes rubbing the back, which helps to dilate blood vessels in the lower respiratory tract and activate blood flow. There is a natural heating of the bronchi. Abundant liquid sputum begins to stand out, which is easily coughed up. With proper conduct, 1-2 sessions are enough for the child to recover from cough and bronchitis.

  1. Lay a small patient on his stomach, placing a pillow (roller, folded blanket) under him.
  2. Rub your back vigorously to redden it.
  3. In a circular motion, massage the sides and trapezius muscles.
  4. Stroke the middle of the back from the bottom up. Work on the neck.

Massage techniques for bronchitis

The massage technique for coughing in children includes many techniques. Some of them:

  1. Rub the back of a child lying on his stomach. Turn it over and massage the chest with your palms. It is necessary to move from the side surfaces to the center while inhaling, in the opposite direction - while exhaling. Thanks to this massage, breathing is facilitated and expectoration of sputum is enhanced.
  2. Lay the baby on your stomach. Place your hands on your lower back. Gradually move up and make circular rubbing movements. Then, with palpable pressure, press your hands to the skin and massage your back from the line of the spine to the shoulders.
  3. Give the child the following position: lay on his back, place a pillow or roller under the pelvis so that the head is lower than the body. Tap between the ribs. Turn the baby on his stomach, rub and stroke his back. If you carry out such a massage for 25 minutes, the baby's bronchi will be cleared of mucus, and his breathing will return to normal.
  4. Grab the skin fold in the lower back of the child lying on the stomach with two fingers. Making quick movements, let go and grab the covers, as if sorting them out. Move from the waist to the neck. This massage technique is called "wave" - ​​it helps to improve blood flow and remove phlegm in case of bronchitis and pneumonia. It is important to grasp the skin carefully, without injuring it or causing pain to the child.
  5. Place the baby on your lap with the back up. Tilt his body so that the head is slightly below the line of the body. Make stroking and patting movements, moving to the top of the back. Using this method, it is convenient to massage small children when coughing.

Obstructive bronchitis and massage

The inflammatory process, covering the bronchi and characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of sputum in their lumen, is called obstructive bronchitis. It is dangerous because the mucus that does not come out prevents normal ventilation of the lungs. Signs of obstruction are wheezing during breathing and its difficulty.

To alleviate the condition of the child will help massage, which improves the discharge of sputum. You can use any of the described techniques, including drainage. In addition, a positive effect has an effect on the baby's feet - they need to be rubbed until the skin turns red, and then put on warm socks. With obstructive bronchitis, it is important to ensure high humidity in the children's room.

Massage for bronchitis in children is one of the most common methods of physiotherapy treatment.

Treatment with massage should be carried out in the subacute stage of the disease, when the child is practically not bothered by the symptoms of intoxication (body temperature, fever, sweating, headache, lack of appetite) and an unproductive or wet cough has appeared.

In children, especially of younger and middle age, the presence of a small lumen in the trachea and bronchi of large and medium caliber is anatomically determined, in contrast to the diameter of the lumen in an adult. In connection with this feature, bronchitis occurs with an obstructive component - complete or incomplete closure of the lumen of the bronchial tree due to spasm, edema, or excessive mucus in the bronchi. Such a complication leads to the formation of shortness of breath, impaired consciousness or fainting due to oxygen starvation of the child's brain.

Massage for bronchitis in children should be carried out, observing some criteria, the most important of which are microclimatic conditions and daily routine.

  1. The massage is carried out after airing the room, in which the air temperature should not go beyond 20 - 250C, and the humidity should not be lower than 65%.
  2. The best time for a massage is in the morning before breakfast or in the evening, an hour before bedtime. Such a time is calculated based on the fact that after the procedure, sputum begins to flow profusely and, in order not to interfere with the child's sleep or eating, such time frames are recommended.
  3. Massage is performed on an empty stomach, one hour before a meal or 1.5 - 2 hours after, in order not to cause nausea, vomiting or bloating.

The main types and methods of performing the procedure

To stimulate a better discharge of sputum, followed by expectoration of mucus from the bronchi, a drainage massage is performed.

Drainage massage is carried out lying on the stomach with the child's pelvis raised (it is enough to put a couple of pillows). The head should be below waist level. First, simply stroking movements are performed, in the direction from the lower back to the shoulders, then small taps, and only then rubbing with the help of the ribs of the palms and pinching with the capture of subcutaneous fat. After such an increasing exposure, the child is given a sitting position and allowed to cough well.

Further, after the complete discharge of sputum, the drainage massage is repeated one more time. Then the child is well wrapped in a blanket and given a semi-sitting position of the body, for another 30-40 minutes a wet cough may be observed.

Drainage massage is performed daily for 5-7 days.

To improve the process of expectoration of sputum, as well as to stimulate blood circulation in the bronchopulmonary system, vibration massage is used, which consists in tapping the edge of the palm on the back in the direction from the bottom up after intense stroking.

Cupping massage can also be used to improve blood circulation and stimulate the protective properties of the body.

Massage oil is applied to the skin of the back for better glide and medical cups are installed, which then begin to move along the back in an upward and sideways direction.

Any type of massage can be supplemented for a better warming effect with pine aroma oils or animal fat. Goose or badger fat is good for such purposes.

Massage for bronchitis in children should be performed strictly adhering to a number of indications and contraindications, since if these standards are not observed, you can only harm the health of the child and increase the intensity of the inflammatory process in the body.

Indications for carrying out

  • the presence of an unproductive or already productive cough;
  • no symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • confirmation of the diagnosis of bronchitis by the local pediatrician, since cough is not only a symptom of bronchitis, but also other serious diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

For example, with tuberculosis, lung abscess or pneumonia, which can occur without fever, massage is strictly prohibited, because it leads to the spread of the process to healthy lung tissue and only aggravates the course of the disease.

Massage for a cough in a child is often recommended in addition to the main treatment. When coughing, massage helps to remove sputum, improves blood and lymph flow, increases the mobility of the ribs, strengthens the respiratory muscles, and enhances the effect of medicines.

There are many methods of massage for diseases accompanied by a cough - drainage, percussion, cupping, acupressure, honey, etc. Some types of massage for coughing in children at home can be done independently. You can get acquainted with the technique of therapeutic massage by looking at the corresponding photos and videos, however, it is preferable that a specialist conducts the briefing.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor about whether it is possible to perform massage in a particular case and which massage technique should be chosen.

Contraindications for massage in children:

  • increased body temperature;
  • skin diseases;
  • low body weight.

Also, the procedure is not performed immediately after eating and if the child experiences discomfort in the position on the stomach.

Stone massage is used for dry cough, it promotes deep warming and speedy resolution of inflammation.

How to do drainage massage for children when coughing

Drainage massage is one of the most popular and affordable massage techniques, it is performed to strengthen the respiratory muscles in addition to drug therapy. According to doctors, drainage massage for a child to cough up sputum demonstrates good effectiveness. In some cases, it may be a good alternative to expectorants (especially in patients aged 1-3 years). As a rule, it is prescribed for patients with severe and / or prolonged cough. This type of massage is indicated for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma. In the acute period of the disease, drainage massage is not performed.

To carry out a drainage massage, the child is placed in such a way that the chest is higher than the head; for him, a roller or pillow is placed under the patient's stomach. After that, stroking and rubbing in the direction from the bottom up to a slight reddening of the skin are performed. For this type of massage (unlike percussion), the main movements are precisely rubbing and stroking, vibrational movements occupy about 1/4 of the entire massage time.

The procedure ends with light pats on the back with the palms of the hands, after which the child needs to clear his throat. Patients under the age of one year should clear the mouth of mucus and press on the root of the tongue to induce a gag reflex.

Usually 8 sessions of drainage massage for 8 minutes are prescribed.

Massage for a cough in a child is often recommended in addition to the main treatment.

How to do percussion massage for children when coughing

Percussion massage, which is also called vibration massage, is also often prescribed for respiratory diseases. To increase the effectiveness, percussion massage is usually used in conjunction with the use of expectorant drugs. The procedure should be painless, if pain occurs, the massage should be stopped.

The child is laid on his stomach, placing a roller or pillow under the pelvis so that the lower part of the body is above the head. After that, light strokes are performed in the area of ​​​​the lungs, then a vibration technique is applied - light and quick tapping with the fingertips or the edge of the palm. When performing percussion massage, exposure to the kidneys should be avoided, as this can lead to the development of disorders in the urinary system.

After the massage is completed, the patient should cough.

Percussion massage takes 10 minutes for infants and up to 15 minutes for older patients.

Dr. Komarovsky focuses on the fact that during treatment with this method, the child should be provided with an abundant drinking regimen, and it is also necessary to humidify the air in the room where the patient is located.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor about whether it is possible to perform massage in a particular case and which massage technique should be chosen.

Cupping massage

Cupping massage for cough treatment is carried out with medical cups, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. This type of massage is indicated for tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy after the acute phase of the disease has subsided. Cupping massage helps to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract and get rid of a lingering cough. Only a specialist should carry it out.

For cupping massage, the back should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or oil to improve the sliding of medical cups. Banks are smeared with alcohol from the inside, brought to the skin, set on fire inside, making sure that the edges of the cans do not heat up, and with a sharp movement they are placed on their backs. Do not allow alcohol from the can to drip onto the skin. Two banks are set at the level of the 2nd thoracic vertebra, after which the banks move along the spine down and up 6-8 times on each side. After that, a spiral movement along the spine is performed, also 6-8 times. At the end, the intercostal lines are massaged, 2 times up and down along each of the lines. After that, a light stroking is carried out in the area of ​​​​the procedure, the child after the massage should be covered with a blanket for 20-30 minutes.

Cupping massage is not carried out for young children.

Massage is not done immediately after eating and if the child experiences discomfort in the position on the stomach.

Other types of cough massage


Acupressure when coughing is performed in accordance with the location of acupuncture points on the human body. To combat cough, the impact is carried out on the points of the paired meridian of the lungs, which contains 11 points. Massage begins with the chest, rises to the collarbone, shoulder, reaches the thumb of the upper limb.

Acupressure for disposal is performed by kneading, acupuncture, cauterization of biologically active points. It is not recommended to do it on your own.

This type of massage is used for suffocation, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and a number of other conditions accompanied by cough and / or sore throat.

Honey massage

The technique of honey massage is quite simple. The procedure begins with stroking and rubbing the chest, after which honey is applied to the skin (it is recommended to use lime), which is smeared over the skin with massaging movements. After that, peeling and sticking movements are carried out with the palms. They can be painful, this should not be allowed - if the child is in pain, such movements are stopped.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure after its implementation, it is recommended to put a honey compress on the child for 10-15 minutes. After that, the honey is wiped off with a damp towel or washed off in the shower. Honey massage is not performed if the patient is allergic to bee products.

Drainage massage is one of the most popular and affordable massage techniques, it is performed to strengthen the respiratory muscles in addition to drug therapy.

Stone massage

When coughing in children, stone therapy can be used, which consists in massage with stones heated to a temperature of 40-45 ° C, active areas of the back. The method is used for dry cough, it contributes to deep heating and the speedy resolution of inflammation. For the procedure, absolutely smooth stones from the river or sea coast are used, thoroughly washed and boiled beforehand.

The procedure begins with the preparation of the skin (rubbing, stroking) with the use of essential oil. The stones are heated and placed on the chest in the area of ​​the lungs, covered with a towel and held for 10-15 minutes. After that, the stones are shifted and left for the same time, which contributes to uniform heating of the chest. After the stones are removed, the chest is covered with a towel or blanket.

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We are accustomed to treating our own colds with the magical “it will go away” method. We continue to go to work, absorb packs of cough lozenges and drink tea with lemon. If the child is sick, the jokes are put aside, and the treatment takes a serious turn. Children of the first years of life have a hard time with respiratory infections. Even in the absence of fever, a painful cough and shortness of breath disturb the sleep and appetite of babies. Percussion massage, a technique that every mother should master, will help to quickly cope with a child’s illness.

Why children need percussion massage

In young children, coughing occurs reflexively. More often it is superficial, not effective, and the child cannot yet specifically strengthen it. The mucous membranes of the bronchi are covered with viscous sputum, which makes breathing difficult and causes coughing.

The essence of percussion massage is the rhythmic tapping of the chest. The vibration created in this case leads to the separation of sputum from the walls of the bronchi.

In addition to the mechanical separation of sputum and easier breathing, percussion chest massage has other significant advantages:

  1. Distracting action and general relaxation. Rhythmically tapping and stroking the chest, coupled with a friendly tone and a smile, will calm the child. Breathing will become deeper.
  2. Blood flow to internal organs. The heart is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, works more efficiently.
  3. Blood supply to the chest, intercostal muscles and diaphragm. These muscles are involved in the act of breathing. Therefore, increased blood circulation to the muscles leads to an increase in respiratory volume. Ultimately, the child becomes more resilient, better tolerate physical activity.

Benefits of percussion massage

Percussion massage is useful for children and adults. Frequent colds, chronic respiratory diseases, stress - these are the most common indications for percussion massage. Tapping improves blood circulation, makes breathing more efficient, relaxes the body, and helps saturate tissues and organs with oxygen.

For all its advantages, percussion massage is not an independent remedy for cough. It is used as prescribed by a doctor against the background of drug therapy. The effectiveness of chest tapping also depends on the patient's drinking regimen and living conditions. If the child has a cough and shortness of breath, carry out wet cleaning daily, use a humidifier, and ventilate the room. It is better to refuse percussion massage if the baby's body temperature is above 37 ° C

How massage affects the child's body

Percussion massage is a painless and even pleasant procedure. You can turn the massage into a game by inviting the child to chant any vowel sounds. So the course will be fun, the child will be waiting for a new session. Tapping takes less than 5 minutes. From 3 to 6 such procedures can be carried out per day. To save your baby from coughing, tap regularly for 10-15 days.

In addition to the treatment of respiratory diseases, percussion chest massage is used in orthopedics to correct posture disorders, with vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents, and also as rehabilitation after injuries.

Tapping technique

Percussion massage is carried out on a hard surface at an air temperature of 22-25°C. It is better to do tapping before meals, but after daytime or nighttime sleep, when a large amount of sputum has accumulated in the bronchi. Reassure the child in advance and make sure that his body temperature is not elevated.

Lay the baby on his stomach and, if possible, stretch the arms forward. Place a pillow under your abdomen and pelvis to keep your body at an angle. This position will facilitate the release of viscous sputum. To prepare your baby for a percussion massage, rub your baby's back for two minutes. After that, slightly bend the fingers of your hand and tap the tips intensely and often on the back, avoiding the kidney area. Position your fingers so that they are pointing towards the head. Keep tapping for about a minute, then put the child in an upright position or sit down and let him cough. Put the baby back down and continue tapping. One session consists of 4-5 such cycles. At the end of the procedure, rub the skin again.

Percussion massage can be performed on the back and lateral surfaces of the chest. Chest tapping is also acceptable, but not required. During the procedure, monitor the child's breathing, ask them not to hold their breath.

The percussion massage technique is simple to perform and does not require special knowledge or skills of a massage therapist. Every parent can master tapping. The procedure will not take much time, but will increase the effectiveness of cough treatment. Use percussion massage sessions to get even closer to your baby.

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