Sweet clover honey and its use in folk medicine. What are the healing properties of sweet clover honey

In beekeeping, modern medicine and cosmetology, sweet clover honey is of great value. This product is very beneficial for the body. Consider what this bee product looks like, how to distinguish it from other varieties of honey, and what its usefulness is.


Sweet clover honey is collected from a plant called sweet clover. Sweet clover is a honey plant, so its nectar has invaluable healing properties for humans.

Medicinal sweet clover honey is light in color, like acacia or linden. It is characterized by white or light yellow color. If sweet clover nectar contains impurities of other honey plants, its color can change significantly - become darker.

The color of such a product can also be affected by its consistency. In liquid form sweet clover honey is transparent, slightly yellow, after crystallization it becomes white. The taste of such a product combines an excellent aftertaste and aroma of vanilla, the sweetness inherent in traditional varieties of honey. The sweetness of honey is moderate, and this is its main difference from other varieties of honey.

Sweet clover crystallizes very quickly. After 2-3 months after collection, it becomes light and turns into a white crystalline mass. But from this, the taste and beneficial properties of sweet clover honey do not deteriorate. In Russia, the Bashkir and Altai sweet clover honey is of the greatest value and usefulness.


In summer, bees collect pollen from plants with both white and yellow flowers. Therefore sweet clover honey is yellow or white. There are more useful components in the pollen of the yellow-colored sweet clover.

Yellow nectar consists of:

  • proteins, amides, amines;
  • B vitamins, ascorbic acid;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oils;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • glycosides (antispasmodics that dilate blood vessels).

Due to the high content of glucose, sucrose and fructose, this product is very well absorbed by the body and fills it with strength and energy for the whole day.

Such a unique and rich content has made this product truly healing and beneficial for both adults and children.

The main characteristics of sweet clover honey include its low calorie content. 100 g of the product contains 309 kcal. The product does not contain vegetable fats.

Benefits of honey

As medical practice shows, medicinal sweet clover honey helps to heal many diseases.

Medicinal properties of bee nectar:

  • eliminates insomnia;
  • indicated for colds;
  • improves the general condition in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • used for severe headaches.

In addition, sweet clover honey is an excellent remedy for pain and inflammation. It is used as a diuretic, expectorant and sedative.

Natural sweet clover honey has a tonic effect. This is an excellent antiseptic. This product can be included in the diet.

Sweet clover nectar stimulates milk flow in nursing mothers.

This product is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and rheumatism.

It is very good to use sweet clover honey for bloating, kidney failure and cystitis.

Compliance with the daily dose of the bee product. For adults, it is - no more than 60-70 g, for children - no more than 30-40 per day.


Despite the excellent taste and healing properties, the harm of this product is especially great for allergy sufferers. Abuse of sweet clover honey is contraindicated for those who are allergic not only to bee products, but also to beans.

There are other contraindications for sweet clover honey:

  1. It is not recommended to mix this nectar with milk. Such a mix can cause pain in the lower abdomen and bloating.
  2. Since this product has a diuretic effect, do not forget about maintaining water balance.
  3. There are contraindications to the use of this product for people suffering from diabetes, hypertension and bleeding disorders.

Application at home

Consider recipes based on sweet clover components. Their benefits have been proven over many years of experience.

Improving lactation

To stimulate the secretion of breast milk, nutritionists recommend daily consumption of a dessert spoon of the product for nursing mothers. Also sweet clover honey can be combined with herbal decoctions that stimulate lactation.

The following herbs are best suited as lactation stimulants:

  • fenugreek;
  • thistle;
  • Dill seeds;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • fennel;
  • nettle.

These herbs are absolutely safe for both a nursing mother and an infant.

Immunity Boost

The healing properties of sweet clover honey are especially relevant during colds. Such a product improves immunity and helps to cope with viral and bacterial infections faster. The product of beekeeping is used both for treatment and as a preventive measure daily. The recommended dose for adults is 25 g, for children - 15 g.

Cough treatment

The effect of treating cough and bronchitis will be much higher if radish juice is mixed with sweet clover honey.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases

  • adults - 50 g;
  • children - 30 years old

The benefits in the treatment of such diseases have been repeatedly noted in medical practice.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

To prepare the medicine, you will need 20 g of sweet clover honey and 100 ml of boiled warm water. Dissolve honey in water. Make an enema with the resulting solution.

Also, it will not be superfluous to take a warm bath with the addition of this nectar.

Treatment of varicose veins

To prepare a cure for varicose veins, you will need two components:

  • sweet clover honey - 250 g;
  • peeled and chopped garlic - 250 g.

Mix both ingredients, transfer to a jar and insist for seven days under a nylon lid. Take the finished product three times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon.

Instead of garlic, you can use onion gruel. Mix honey and onion gruel in equal parts, leave for three days, then place in the refrigerator for another ten days. Take in the same frequency and dose as the previous medicine.


The healing properties of this product are so unique that it helps to quickly cure a disease such as pneumonia. To do this, you need to prepare a medicine from the following components:

  • sweet clover nectar - 100 g;
  • aloe leaf juice - 50 g;
  • vodka or alcohol - 150 g.

The resulting mixture must be laid out in a thin layer on gauze or other natural fabric. Such a useful compress should be applied to the chest area. You need to do this procedure before going to bed at night.

constipation treatment

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • half an apple;
  • sweet clover nectar - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 20 g;
  • crushed oatmeal flakes - 1 teaspoon.

Squeeze out lemon juice. Grate an apple without the skin on a fine grater. Mix both components, add water, liquid nectar and oatmeal. Mix everything well and take a tablespoon before dinner every day.


Sweet clover nectar helps restore thyroid function. Enough daily use of the product in the amount of 30 g to normalize the work of this body. In addition, the medicinal properties of the sweet clover product help to quickly rehabilitate after any illness.

We define a natural product

Selling sweet clover honey at retail is a rarity. Often such a product is sold by beekeepers in large volumes, it can be purchased during the fair or ordered on a special website of a beekeeping company. Not everyone can distinguish a fake product from a natural one. Unscrupulous sellers often sell a fake product - rapeseed nectar or fake vanilla flavored sugar.

You can recognize the natural product by its fragrant aroma with unobtrusive hints of vanilla. You can also distinguish the naturalness of sweet clover honey from a fake by its color. This product of bee production candied much faster than other types of honey. Therefore, rarely anyone manages to find it in retail. After crystallization, the color of sweet clover nectar resembles the color of melted butter.

The color of fresh white honey, the beneficial properties of which are very high, resembles lard. Its consistency is homogeneous, without grains and impurities.

Rapeseed honey is very easy to confuse with sweet clover. You can only tell them apart by taste. Unlike sweet clover nectar, rapeseed nectar has a sweet sugary taste without the slightest hint of vanilla.

There are several ways to check the quality of sweet clover nectar.

Presence of flour and starch

To determine the presence of these components, it is necessary to carry out one very simple manipulation: dissolve a dessert spoon of the bee product in distilled water and drop a couple of drops of iodine into the solution.

If the honey turns blue, then it contains impurities of white powders.

For the presence of chalk

Mix a teaspoon each of fresh honey and water. Shake the resulting mixture well and add a couple of drops of 9% concentration vinegar to it.

If after that you did not notice any reaction, then you have a natural product. If the honey began to sizzle, it contains a high content of chalk.


Mix three ingredients:

  • water - 150 g;
  • alcohol (vodka) - 200 g;
  • sweet clover nectar - 50 g.

The resulting mixture must be shaken well, then look at the bottom of the container. If a precipitate appears in the white nectar, this is a fake in which molasses is present.


Take 1 tablespoon of honey, add the same amount of water and heat in a water bath. Add a pinch of silver nitrate to the resulting solution. If the nectar around the substance has become cloudy, then you have a fake product that contains a large amount of sugar.

Donnikovy honey. Beneficial features


Sweet clover honey (Honeycomb honey)


Sweet clover is indeed a very useful plant, and the nectar obtained from it helps to cure many diseases and increase immunity. The main thing is to stick to the recommended dose, so as not to harm your own body.

On the edges of the forests of the temperate natural zone, there is a plant that gives us (with the help of bees) fragrant and tasty honey - sweet clover. Useful properties and harm of this flower will be discussed in our article. It should immediately be noted that the sweet clover plant is of two types: with white and yellow flowers. The latter is considered medicinal. All beekeepers know that the most valuable and beneficial for the body honey is obtained from flowers. But it is very difficult to find it on sale. Instead, you can often find a fake - burdock honey. It is also tasty, but more sweet, to cloying. And there are not enough useful properties in comparison with sweet clover honey in burdock honey. How to distinguish one product from another? We will explain this in our article. We will also touch on the question of who should avoid eating sweet clover flowers. Honey, of course, is very good for health, but it also has contraindications.

Sweet clover honey: useful properties

The photo in the article shows us a jar of this product. First of all, a strange color is striking, not at all “honey”. The product has a milky, even greenish tint. enriches honey with the smell of vanilla. But this taste is light. Honey should not smell like vanilla ice cream. White sweet clover crystallizes very slowly. And if this happens, then a creamy mass of white, like milk, color is obtained. (the one that gives honey with a slight bitterness. It is this product that is most useful. But since it contains a lot (up to forty percent) of fructose, it quickly crystallizes. Any sweet clover is a storehouse of vitamins. But yellow honey, although it is bitter ", more useful. In Canada and the USA, it is he who is the leader in sales of beekeeping products. Sweet clover honey has a high enzymatic activity. Let us analyze its useful properties in more detail.


Varieties of honey, or rather, flowers, the nectar of which served as the starting material for the product, have different indications and are used to treat various diseases. For example, linden is good for colds. Acacia honey is used to treat ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Chestnut color restores the work of the heart. And what is the value of sweet clover honey? The beneficial properties of this beekeeping product can hardly be overestimated. But his main "specialization" is women's health. Sweet clover honey contains minerals and microelements that cause a rush of breast milk in nursing mothers. This product should also be consumed during pregnancy, so that the body has time to get these substances and rebuild for childbirth and subsequent lactation. It is enough to eat one spoonful of sweet clover honey at the end of the meal. But this product is also good for other women, not just those who are preparing to become a mother or breastfeeding. Doctors advise using sweet clover honey for menopausal neurosis.

Indications for internal use

A plant with yellow flowers is recognized as medicinal. Therefore, it is not surprising that sweet clover honey is also such. The beneficial properties of this product are not limited to the effect on women's reproductive health. Yellow sweet clover honey is an excellent sedative. It helps with insomnia, neurosis, high blood pressure, frequent headaches. Like linden honey, sweet clover is used to treat the respiratory tract. It not only relieves inflammation, but is even effective (in combination with other medications, of course) in the treatment of tuberculosis. It is also an excellent laxative and diuretic. And, of course, like any honey, sweet clover has an expectorant property, so it is prescribed for colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis. It improves immunity, it is recommended to use it during epidemics.

Indications for external use

How to use sweet clover honey externally? The beneficial properties of this food product make up a long list. Among them are antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Even in ancient times, yellow sweet clover honey was applied in the form of compresses to burns and festering wounds. It is also effective in the treatment of furunculosis. Honey can be dissolved in warm water and thus prepared for healing baths for children. Such fonts are also good for adults in case of rheumatism, myositis, varicose veins, joint diseases. Honey has a mild laxative effect, so it is recommended for those who suffer from constipation. And as a drug for external use, it is used for gout.

Sweet clover honey in folk medicine

Our ancestors called this honey plant sweet clover, bottom grass, burkun. And botanists call it Melilotus. This Latin term consists of two words: "chalk" (meaning "honey") and "lotus" ("fodder grass"). It is very easy now to determine the essence of this two-year-old leguminous plant. "Honey lotus" blooms very beautifully, especially yellow. Bees, smelling his scent, rush to him in swarms. The benefits of sweet clover honey have been known for a long time, and not only in Russia. Traditional medicine used it as an expectorant for coughs, pneumonia, bronchitis. In Russia, they cut out the middle of a black radish and put sweet clover honey inside. For a day and a half, it was mixed with vegetable juice. consumed twenty minutes before meals, one dessert spoon. Sweet clover is a very fragrant plant. It is used not only as a product of beekeeping. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks ground dry and added to tobacco. And Ukrainian housewives wiped the barrels in which they were going to pickle vegetables with a decoction of the plant.

In cosmetology

The fair sex quickly realized, from sweet clover. Youth acne will pass, and oily skin will be gently dried, if you add a spoonful of this delicious drug to warm water for washing. For more serious problems (pimples, boils, acne), cosmetic masks are made. To do this, grind two cucumbers on a coarse grater and mix with a spoonful of sweet clover honey. Apply this mask on a cleansed dry face, wash off after fifteen minutes. This remedy is useful for any type of skin. The only thing to consider: if you do not want the mask to dry out your face, add a little heavy cream or sour cream to it. And for oily skin, such a simple folk recipe is suitable: add a spoonful of sweet clover honey to a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly. Wipe your face with this solution instead of tonic. The essential oil of this plant is used in soap making to fix the smell.

In dietetics

Those who follow the figure have also noticed honey from sweet clover for a long time. The properties of this product in nutrition are twofold. On the one hand, it perfectly cleanses the intestines without harming its microflora. Sweet clover honey has a mild thermogenic and diuretic effect. This should be taken into account by those who use dietary supplements for weight loss. In this case, you need to increase fluid intake, as well as drink less coffee, tea, energy drinks. On the other hand, the calorie content of such honey is quite high - three hundred and nine kilocalories (per 100 g). But there are no fats in the product, and this is with a significant content of carbohydrates (81.5 g). Proteins in honey from sweet clover 0.8 grams. The glucose content is also quite high: 36.7 percent with 40% fructose. This should be kept in mind for diabetic patients. You should also be aware that this product immediately loses all its valuable properties when heated above fifty degrees. But in its natural form, it is useful both in liquid and in candied form.

Sweet clover honey: medicinal properties and contraindications

There are no unconditionally useful products in our world. So sweet clover honey also has its own, albeit few, contraindications. Let's not forget that this plant belongs to the legume family. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid its use by those who are allergic to peas, beans and similar products. Honey can provoke increased intestinal flatulence, especially when combined with milk. It can cause allergy sufferers. There are resinous and tannins in sweet clover grass. Therefore, in Central Asia and the Caucasus, it is used as a seasoning. Moreover, both leaves and stems and even roots are eaten. But the chemical composition of the plant also contains dicoumarol, which prevents blood clotting. Sweet clover flowers contain vitamins E and C, choline, flavonium glycoside and other biologically active substances.

How to distinguish a valuable product from a fake

This plant in our country develops wastelands and roadsides, while in the USA and Canada it is specially sown for the sake of honey in the first place, as well as for the sake of hay for livestock. Getting a sweet clover product in America is as easy as shelling pears. But in our part of the world, honey from this plant is very rare. You can buy it, and even in liquid form, only from beekeepers. In stores, a fake is often sold - also honey, but from rapeseed. It gives out too sugary taste and lack of vanilla smell. The color of honey from sweet clover should be very light - "hay". And when it crystallizes, it completely acquires the shade and texture of pork lard. Honey from yellow sweet clover is slightly bitter at first, and then a sweet-spicy aftertaste is felt for a long time on the palate. After trying this product, you will not confuse it with any other.

Honey for hypertensive patients

In this matter, the opinions of scientists and traditional healers differ. The former claim that the coumarin contained in the nectar of the plant increases blood pressure. Traditional medicine assures that for patients suffering from hypertension, it is just useful to eat honey from sweet clover. The beneficial properties of this product also lie in the fact that it improves peripheral circulation.

» Honey

Sweet clover honey deserves special attention because it has unique properties due to the chemical composition, vitamins, other substances included in its composition. It is very common in the USA. Plus, it's very tasty.

Refers to the so-called, because it has a light color after pumping. Considered high quality honey which ensures its popularity among all age categories. It is consumed with tea, water, milk and in its pure form.

On my own medicinal plant. Therefore, honey from the nectar of its flowers only enhances the positive effect on the human body.

After pumping honey acquires a light amber color, almost white. After crystallization, it looks like whipped cream or ice cream with a pinkish tint. The aroma is pleasant, exudes a distant smell of vanilla. The taste of honey taken from white sweet clover is more pronounced than from yellow. He's sweet, but not cloying. The aftertaste lasts a long time.

It crystallizes quickly, a couple of months after pumping. This indicator varies depending on storage conditions. After sugaring its structure is coarse-grained, the color becomes almost white.

Sweet clover honey is easy to confuse with rapeseed. They are similar in color but differ in taste. Rapeseed is sugary sweet, has no vanilla flavor.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Fructose is contained in sufficient quantity to recommend it to patients suffering from diabetes. This honey is easily absorbed by the body. About 90% of it enters the bloodstream immediately after ingestion. The composition is as follows:

100 g of sweet clover honey contains 80 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of proteins.

From trace elements: manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine, chromium and others.

This honey contains about three hundred minerals and trace elements. The presence of essential amino acids gives this variety more value. In its composition contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), B vitamins, vitamin K and E, others.

Honey is high-calorie. 100 g of the product contains 312 kilocalories.

Useful properties of sweet clover honey

especially useful to take during periods when the human body is weakened due to illness, surgery, lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods. For prevention it is taken two tablespoons a day - on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

This type of honey good to use after heavy loads, because its calorie content helps to restore strength in the shortest possible time. With pleasure and benefit they eat this sweetness with tea.

It cannot be diluted in boiling water, since the physico-chemical structure of the product is violated. Because of this, useful properties are lost.

It helps against fatigue. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of sweet clover honey help to cope with many diseases and heal wounds. His recommend to use to enhance lactation. It is used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Contraindications and harm

Need refrain from giving sweet clover honey to children under two years of age. Its excessive use is also contraindicated. Daily allowance for an adult- 90-120 g. For prevention it is enough to eat up to 70-80 g. Honey itself cannot be called a medicine in its pure form. But since it contains a large number of trace elements, vitamins, and other useful substances, it must be used wisely.

Contraindication: due to the presence of coumarin in sweet clover, this variety is not recommended for those who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

Sweet clover is a perennial herb

The honey plant for this variety of honey is white and yellow sweet clover. This is a herbaceous perennial plant. Distributed in many countries of the world. Blooms from July to September. Due to the long flowering period, bees can take nectar in large quantities. In the wild state, it is found along roads, on the outskirts of fields, at the edge of the forest.

From 1 ha you get up to 300 kg of healthy honey. At the same time, wild-growing sweet clover gives less nectar, cultivated - more. Ideal conditions for a bribe are sunny weather with occasional rainfall. In dry periods, the return of nectar decreases. After mowing, re-flowering is possible. Therefore, in September, there are also bees that work near this honey plant. The medicinal properties of this herb are described in the video.

Storage conditions

No matter how you store sweet clover honey, it candied quickly. There is nothing wrong here. This is his specificity. Useful properties do not disappear. But if you want to enjoy it in a liquid, stretchy consistency, hurry up. To do this, there is a month or two after pumping.

To preserve the beneficial properties of honey longer, it is stored at a positive temperature from 4 to 18 degrees. Above 40 heat and below 35 with a minus sign, they are lost. The storage location doesn't matter. It can be a balcony, a basement, another room.

Air humidity it is preferable to keep around 60%. It is advisable not to take out honey in the sun, since direct sunlight adversely affects its structure. It is better to keep sweet clover honey in glass jars and bottles.

What are the main diseases treats, medicinal properties?

helps with all pulmonary, acute respiratory diseases. It is important to use it in its pure, not diluted form.

This strain has diuretic properties., which means it is useful for those who suffer from kidney diseases. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, restoring the microflora.

After taking it, a calming effect is observed, so for people suffering from neurosis, it is useful to take it in the morning and at night.

For nursing mothers who experience problems with the delivery of milk to the child, it will help strengthen lactation processes.

It can also be used in the form of lotions and compresses for cuts, rheumatism. He perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin. Therefore, in cosmetology it is used as part of some ointments and creams. Honey does not dry the skin and clears acne, boils.

Sweet clover honey is very useful and tasty. In the USA, its sales reach 30% of the total volume of honey. It's not that common with us. Beekeepers value it for its unique taste and healing properties.

Glycemic index (GI) – 32.

Calorie content - 314 kcal.

Donnikovy honey belongs to the first-class white varieties. It has a wide range of taste and medicinal properties, thanks to which it serves as a benchmark for honey products. In terms of sales, it occupies 50-70% of the market turnover.

It is produced by bees on the basis of pollen collected from sweet clover. Sweet clover is a melliferous herbaceous plant, belongs to the category of medicinal herbs. It is used to treat various diseases, including diseases of the heart, joints and gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial features

Sweet clover honey has a high energy value. It contains 37% glucose and 40% fructose, as well as proteins - 0.8 g, organic acids - 0.2 g (mainly malic and gluconic), enzymes, vitamins (PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E ). There are a large number of sweet clover phytohormones: in 1 g of honey there are 3 thousand grains of pollen. The mineral composition of sweet clover honey is represented by such important elements for the body as calcium, cobalt, iron, potassium, zinc, fluorine, manganese, chlorine, sodium, etc.

In apitherapy (treatment with bee products), sweet clover honey is far from the last place. It is not just a fragrant and very nutritious sweet, but also a medicinal product that is beneficial to health. Valuable microelements, the most important vitamins, as well as glucose, fructose, minerals and organic acids, lipids and hormones, phytoncides and amino acids - all this is contained in the product that the bees actively collect from the honey plant. Once in the body, honey has a quick tonic effect and activates the brain due to the large amount of monosaccharides. Let's talk about this again and consider what distinguishes sweet clover honey from other varieties, what are its useful properties and contraindications, as well as how honey looks and distinguishes it from a fake. On the pages "Popular about health" useful information for lovers of honey.

What sweet clover honey looks like and how not to confuse it with other varieties?

On sale you can find two types of sweet clover honey. If industrious bees have collected nectar from a plant with white flowers, then the finished product will have a light, slightly amber hue. If the flowers were yellow, then the color of honey will be appropriate. And according to the children, the appearance of this delicacy resembles condensed milk.

White honey has a light vanilla aroma, it has a delicate, soft and pleasant taste. Yellow honey has a slight bitterness, as well as a very specific aftertaste. But just yellow sweet clover honey is one of the most beneficial for health.

To distinguish real sweet clover honey on the market from a fake, you must definitely taste it, and not just evaluate its appearance. The sweet made from rapeseed, which is often passed off as real honey, has a very sugary taste, without any honey or vanilla flavor. It is better to purchase beekeeping products from beekeepers or familiar sellers so as not to pay for something that has nothing to do with bees.

Useful properties of sweet clover honey

This beekeeping product has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the body. This is due to the rich composition and valuable contained components. Sweet clover honey acts as a remedy with the following properties:

- soothing;
- tonic;
- immunostimulating;
- anticoagulant;
- diuretic;
- expectorant;
- anesthetic;
- disinfectant;
- absorbable;
- bactericidal;
- enzymatic.

The use of the product is indicated for disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, it has a calming effect during stress, fatigue, after intense physical exertion, neurasthenia. It is recommended to eat honey in its pure form or add it to tea for migraines and insomnia.

Having a vasodilating effect, sweet clover honey helps with hypertension.
From bronchitis, tracheitis, cough of other origin, it is useful to use honey. It promotes the removal of phlegm and mucus, quickly eliminates the inflammatory process.

In case of digestive disorders, sweet clover honey is a way to improve the process and activate the work of the stomach, as well as relieve spasms, eliminate flatulence, and gently solve problems with stools (constipation).

Due to its composition, the bee product from sweet clover relieves cardiac edema, as well as the inflammatory process in the urogenital organs.

Acting as an anticoagulant, nectar improves blood composition, preventing increased clotting and the development of dangerous thrombosis. That is why this variety is recommended for the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

As for external use, it is recommended for boils, purulent abscesses and inflammations on the skin, wounds, cuts. Lotions from sweet clover honey are an effective bactericidal agent recommended for rheumatism, arthrosis, gout, inflammation in the muscles.

Healers advise using this sweetness in the formation of a benign tumor, as it has absorbable and anti-inflammatory properties. The properties of sweet clover honey allow men to take it with adenoma and for its prevention, and women will benefit from metabolic disorders and inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

Does sweet clover honey have contraindications for use?

Despite such a list of useful properties, the product may be contraindicated for some people. For example, with a predisposition to bleeding (external and in internal organs), with diseases of the kidneys and liver, it is not recommended to include sweet clover honey in the diet.

The product should be used with caution in diabetes mellitus and people at risk. In addition, do not abuse sweetness with allergies or abandon it altogether. Children can be offered not earlier than from the age of 5 in small doses, gradually increasing the portion of the useful product in the absence of allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

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