Cheap analogues of Nasonex - a list with prices, comparison of effectiveness. Polydex or Nasonex: joint and separate use of Polydex or Nasonex which is better for adenoids

Treatment was prescribed, sinupret 14 days, polydex with phenylephrine - 10 days. There was no temperature, antibiotics were not prescribed. Cured. Now on September 15, 2010, again purulent discharge from the nose, loss of smell and taste, polydex dripped again. I wash my nose with furatsilin. I don’t know what to do anymore, just a cry from the heart. I heard about the Nasonex spray, is it possible to use it simultaneously with Polydex? How often can Polydex be used? What can you advise about Nasonex?

Thank you very much in advance.

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Consultations in "private messages" - paid

FGBU NMHTS im. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:, Moscow, st. Lower Pervomayskaya 65,

Polydex or Nasonex: joint and separate use

It happens that a cold or allergic rhinitis is complicated by a bacterial infection, develops into sinusitis or sinusitis, and it is not so easy to cure it. One of the drugs that can help cope with such ENT diseases is Nasonex and Polydex.

How do they work?

In severe forms of respiratory diseases, especially those complicated by an attached bacterial infection, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are indispensable. Therefore, ENT doctors quite often resort to the help of local nasal sprays. The advantages of such medicines are:

  1. A quick effect that develops almost immediately, as the drug enters the nasal mucosa.
  2. The almost complete absence of a general effect on the body, and hence most of the side effects that oral drugs have, especially antibiotics.
  3. Pronounced and rapid local action, which allows the use of such drugs even in the smallest patients, starting from two to three years of age.

Despite the similarity of the effects of treatment and indications for the use of Polydex and Nasonex, they differ in composition and mechanism of action.


It is a combined remedy, which includes several medicinal substances:

  • Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, has a bactericidal effect, that is, it causes cell death, disrupting important synthesis processes in it, in particular protein synthesis.
  • Phenylephrine - a substance that causes vasoconstriction, including small ones, facilitates breathing and relieves swelling.
  • Polymyxin is another antibiotic, only from the group of polypeptides. It differs in that, being fixed on the membranes of bacterial cells, it causes their destruction, that is, it also refers to bactericidal agents.
  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, that is, a substance similar in structure and action to hormones that are normally produced in the human body, in particular by the adrenal cortex. Relieves itching, irritation and inflammation.

Thanks to this composition, Polydex for the nose has the ability to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing and kill bacteria that caused an infectious disease.

Polydex is available in two dosage forms: nasal spray and ear drops. Unlike the first drug, the drops do not contain phenylephrine and are distinguished by a lower concentration of dexamethasone. It is impossible to replace one medicine with another.


The composition of Nasonex includes only one substance - mometasone furate. Like dexamethasone in Polydex, it belongs to synthetic glucocorticosteroids. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects and, when applied topically, has practically no general effect.

The main mechanism for the development of a therapeutic effect is the inhibition of various inflammatory mediators - substances that are produced in the body in response to the penetration of a bacterium, virus or allergen and cause the development of the disease.

In addition, Nasonex helps special cells of the immune system - neutrophils - to accumulate in the focus of infection and thus also blocks its spread.

Despite the fact that Nasonex is considered one of the safest glucocorticoid drugs, it is available by prescription and should only be used as directed by a doctor.

Joint application

Can Polydex and Nasonex be used at the same time? Yes, for some diseases, these drugs are indeed prescribed together. However, they are used only in difficult situations, when other means have not had the desired effect. For example, your doctor may prescribe a combination for you or your child:

  1. With severe seasonal or year-round rhinitis, especially with an associated bacterial infection.
  2. With sinusitis, nasopharyngitis or sinusitis, both acute and chronic, but only if there is a bacterial infection.
  3. In some cases, with adenoids.

You should not use these remedies for a common cold, as it is often caused by viruses that neither Polydex nor Nasonex have an effect on. Usually drugs are prescribed in short courses, do not cause addiction and unpleasant side effects.

Polydex and Nasonex together

BUT the fact is that we have been using it for HALF A YEAR + Erius. The fact is that the child often caught a cold - he had a prolonged runny nose for more than 2 months) - at that time we were 1.8 years old - but the snot did not flow, but did not breathe, snored terribly at night, somewhere inside gurgled . The ENT at the regional hospital (in Murmansk) said that she had to wait until the age of 3 - and at 3 she should be checked for adenoids. Until then, that's her purpose.

A month later he began to breathe normally, he did not get sick for six months. Stopped - all over again.

Now we are 2.7. I caught a cold again (although we went to the garden). I don’t know what to do - I’ll probably go to ENTs again - but we don’t have any good ones (imagine, a former traumatologist-orthopedist is now working as an ENT in our children’s room - there was no traumatologist’s rate for her, so she retrained in three months - and oops on - ENT)

And we have already been checked for adenoids. They said that the adenoids are 1 or 2 degrees - in general, it's okay. And the runny nose is constant, sometimes less, more. He is sick all the time in kindergarten.

Mama_Galya, you were addicted, right?

But I really don’t want to give hormones at 4.5 years old, and we don’t have a “terrible” picture, it’s just that against the background of adenoids, for several months in the morning or at night, he regularly stuffs his nose, so he doesn’t sleep well. During the day everything is fine.

The doctor seems to be intelligent, he is praised.

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Polydex and Nasonex together

Daughter 6. She has adenoids of 1-2 degrees. It's been a runny nose for a week now. Yesterday snot blew his nose in the morning - they are green. Let's go to LOR. Lor said that everything is edematous, she does not see green snot, and because. we have been using a vasoconstrictor (SNUP) for a week now, she canceled it and replaced it with nasonex 2 times a day. Plus Isofra. Plus synopret.

Yesterday I puffed this Nasonex 2 times a day - no effect. As the nose did not breathe, it does not breathe. In the evening, in order for the child to fall asleep normally, I sprinkled SNUP. This morning I had to, too, because my nose did not breathe at all. All day there was practically no snot and the nose was breathing well, and by the evening it was stuffed up again. I do not know what to do. Nasonex does not help, SNUP if you puff, then today is already the 7th day of its use. That's horrible? And is it possible to combine SNUP and Nasonex? Is it possible that it does not act immediately, but only after a few days and you just need to spray it and wait for the effect?

1. replace the snoop with tizine and at a dosage of 2 times a day, you can still drip for a week

2. at night, half a tablet of suprastin.

3. everything else - you need to see the blood, but I would definitely sprinkle the isofra for 3-4 days. But when the snot would begin to subside: I would connect polydex.

Nasonex is not for you.

Instead of suprastin yesterday gave zirtek.

And polydex is instead of isophra?

And today, in general, the child is better, I don’t know if Nasonex helped, isophra, or the runny nose itself is coming to an end.

Removes swelling well. Isofra with green snot is just what you need! Sinupret is also a good drug. 5 days on this scheme and everything is normal.

Polydex for adenoids

Adenoids, Nasonex and how tired of thinking

Daughter 4 years old. Not gardening, but we have an active life and the children's team is always there. I rarely got sick, although snot was quite common, but they were treated easily. About two weeks ago she began to twang, then she began to stuff her nose at night. Suspected adenoids and n.

Snotty days.

It's just snot, no big deal. Dan gurgled at night, oh no wonder he passed out in the car yesterday. God, how sick he is! He just sobbed half the night. I could not give him a breast, he did not ask. I didn't drink anything I gave. He doesn't drink or eat at night. It's a plus, of course.


The situation is this. For a year and a half, my daughter was treated for adenoids. Everything you can, courses, not courses, with different doctors, several ENTs, a pediatrician, etc. etc. Irs-19, sinupret, tonsilgon, lymphomyositis, polydex, nasonex, avamys, nasal lavage - there was nothing like it. She was nasal, snoring and all that. As a result, in October last year, they removed it (the doctor said that there were huge ones, not even the third degree, from which they removed). The swelling after the operation subsided in a week, she breathed normally for a week (maybe more, but I remember a week). Then it started.

adenoids and nasal lavage

Good afternoon, girls! I want to ask for advice. My son 2.10, as they went to the garden, of course, he began to get sick and adenoids crawled out. From them, both a runny nose, otitis media and protracted rhinitis. last month we washed rhinostop aqua and as a result there was otitis media and fluid in the ear, which ended up with otipax and nasonex. This month we got infected from a friend, now polydex and thuja oil (edas) and ENT says not to rinse, but only blow your nose (suck snot ) and polydex, and then thuja oil. The other, on the contrary, told me to rinse my nose harder.

ENT in the first nursery

Girls who were treated? Reviews? In December, there was another one, she treated her son. After I looked on the Internet, and she moved from an adult polyclinic (what experience does she have in checking adenoids, I think? adults practically don’t have them). I decided not to go to her with a small one. And then otitis media again ((We came to our polyclinic, and there was a new ENT. And here she is the first who did not prescribe Otipax to us (before that, they were treated either in the regional, or at Ponomarev). They treated it like this: AB, Polydex in the nose, Polydex in .

Need feedback on Polydex

Please unsubscribe to whom these nasal drops were prescribed. I read the instructions, from side effects and contraindications in shock)) The small one has transparent snot, not plentiful, but more than a week. Adenoids are slightly enlarged. The instructions for the drug say "for the treatment of rhinitis." Not sure if my son has rhinitis. And with viral diseases, polydex is contraindicated, as they say.

Help to understand the purpose of the ENT (white thick discharge from the nose)

We have been treating adenoids for the second year (the diagnosis was made by the ENT clinic), in 2015 we got sick 7 times a year. On December 30, 2016, the nose began to stuff up, the discharge is very viscous white. By hook or by crook, I can’t get them out of there (aqualor. saline solution. soda solution. boiled egg. massage). So 12/30/16. - the next appointment with Laura at the clinic in a month and I start my own treatment, no logic, I just drip what I have: "Washing + Nazivin + Polydex". 4.01.17 I’m going to an appointment at the regional hospital to the ENT (Pts praise her), she tells me that we don’t have adenoids, maybe. dream daughter.

Adenoiditis 2nd degree

Went to LOR yesterday. I was diagnosed with adenoiditis of the second degree. Of the appointments: washing, inhalation with Miramistin, antihistamine and Polydex suppositories (they confused me). After Miramistin inhalation with Polydex. Whose children have such a diagnosis, girls, calm down! How scary is that? Is it being treated or will it now "stick" for life? The mother-in-law "calmed down", grows up you will be operated on.

ESR 22 sound the alarm or listen to the doctor?

Girls, good afternoon. Daughter is almost 4 years old. Since the beginning of October, he has been sick, it looks like everything was a banal SARS, after a week he got better, there is no temperature. A week later, SARS again, but here a week has not been done. They seem to be on the mend, but the nose continued to flow, the cough resumed. Yesterday the pediatrician looked - the lungs are clean, the ears are good, the throat is not red, the adenoids are inflamed. I insisted on taking blood. Total ESR 22.

Adenoiditis. Is a topical antibiotic always needed?

Who suffers from adenoiditis, tell me, with each adenoiditis, do you drip an antibiotic into your nose (polydex, dioxidine + complex drops) or is there any alternative? How do you generally treat? Maybe I don't know what? The doctor told us at the first sign of a runny nose to drip gripferon and polydex into the nose (we have adenoids of 2-3 degrees) 4r a day, like the runny nose will end anyway, and to be honest, I already agree with this. How many times did I start physical therapy, Kalanchoe, Miramistin.

Exudate, adenoids

Moms, maybe someone had a similar situation, help with experience under the cut questions Good afternoon. The child is 4.5 years old. at the age of 2 they went to the garden, got sick 10 times a year with a high temperature (viral). At 3 years old, they began to get sick less, at 4 even less, 2 times there was otitis media not purulent. At 3.5 years, the adenoids were 2 degrees. Each runny nose we have is accompanied by snot, which do not blow off, but flow down the nasopharynx. Accordingly, each runny nose is accompanied by an antibiotic in the nose (Polydex / Isofra). In September the runny nose started again.

Rhinitis + adenoiditis + otitis media

For the second time in a month, Polina has otitis media as a complication of a runny nose (and adenoids). Went to another paid ENT. Diagnosis: acute rhinitis, bilateral acute otitis media, grade 2-3 adenoids, adenoiditis. You can’t drink antibiotics (because you already drank them last time). Treatment: 1) Drops in the nose (instead of "Polydex", which has already become addictive): 1 bottle of glazolin 10 ml - 0.1% 1 bottle of hydrocortisone suspension 5.0 ml 10 ml - 1% dioxidine solution. Mix everything and drip 4 drops 3 times a day.

Snot. Share your treatment experience

We had a consultation with Lora about adenoids, he prescribed us the treatment of adenoids and treatment in case of acute respiratory infections. We got sick, transparent snot appeared, the lor recommended us gripferon in the nose and treated polydex for 5 days, but in one nostril the snot still remained sometimes (not constantly blocked), the nostril lays with transparent viscous snot. What to heal? Should I continue polydex or not for more than 5 days? Or protargol?

Stuffs up nose before going to sleep. Adenoids?

Our adenoids are constantly inflamed and constantly being treated .. the last time they had laryngitis 2 weeks ago they treated laryngitis and immediately, on the advice of Laura, they dripped polydex, apparently so that there were no complications on the nose, as they had been treated for a week at night, the nose lays one nostril or the other, today both have laid drip vasoconstrictor .. We have been dripping Nasonex for 3 months and now we are dripping 1 r a day. What could it be? You have to go to the lore, but now it’s the season of colds, as if you’re standing there for an hour at the door, what’s new hasn’t stuck here.

About viral diseases

About viral diseases Background: Laura had a question about adenoids and put 2-3 degrees and chronic adenoiditis, although now there are no manifestations of it (no snot from the nose, not from the back wall) and prescribed a treatment regimen. The first week we drip rinofluimucil and polydex. And on the 5th day of treatment, the rate rose to 38.6, I think it was viral. Usually we have a viral infection without a pace and immediately snot and adenoiditis. There are no symptoms of the virus, except for the rate, for the second day of the illness, now the rate is 37.5. Question.

Endless colds and snot

Girls Good afternoon! The story is like this. At the age of 1.5, they caught a prolonged runny nose, before that they had never been sick. They were treated by washing it did not help, then somehow it returned to normal, breathing returned to normal, the snot disappeared. But the daughter categorically stopped breathing through her nose, only through her mouth. Snot began to suffice much more often, the usual washing already naturally did not help and away we go .. Isofra, protargol, polydex and others. In January 2016, at 2.5 years old, we find ourselves in a sane lore. Diagnoses grade 3 adenoids - removal. Okay, removed. BUT!! Breath still.

Girls, we need your opinion! We were at LOR..

I had suspicions of adenoids. They looked at us and confirmed my fears that there was pus in the nose. He does not descend and it is very difficult for the child to breathe. And this is what he prescribed for us: - Washing the nose with saline - Polydex 5 DROPS each (not a lot.) - Protorgol 5 DROPS each (not a lot.) - Antibiotic Flemoxin - Suprastin The course is being treated , then: - Nasonex 1 month And again to see him for an appointment, where he will tell us whether or not we can do without surgery .. Let me remind you that the child is 1.10.

lingering runny nose

Girls, my son started to get sick 2 weeks ago, a sore throat, a strong cough, and a runny nose for the second time in my life is not typical, my nose is very stuffy and snot does not come out (usually it used to flow out, became green later and passed. The pace lasted 5 days, they prescribed sumamed syrup, cough lazolvan (gedelix, stoptussin did not help with dry cough) On that Friday, they finished drinking sumamed, there was a slight runny nose and a wet cough, my son drank lazolvan with screams and I stopped giving medicine, I thought everything would pass.

I ask for advice for today, the following situation, my son has a red throat, but he does not complain and the cough from the throat, so the pideatrist said, AND THE NOSE BEGINS TO Swell, there is no snot, but he began to breathe through his mouth, I'm afraid that he will inhale: (((What to do ?? The pideatrist prescribed miramestin and a lysobact for the throat and that's it!Green snot and cough began.I went to the pediatrician and listened and said that cough from snot prescribed isofra, erspal, pret back, miramestin and rinse.Isofra is prescribed to us for the first time and tried to cope with rhinofruimecil, but the effect.

Otitis. hard of hearing

Last week, my daughter got sick, runny nose and cough (we also have adenoids 2 tbsp.) On Sunday night, my ear hurt. On Monday, the ENT diagnosed tubootitis, said so far without antibiotics inside. Has appointed or nominated such treatment: in nos-rinofluimucil, then polydex. In the ears - otof. Drink Sinupret and Erespal. Today I noticed that she doesn’t hear well ((((At a distance she asks everything in a whisper (and sometimes not even in a whisper). I’m horrified fluid in the ear. passage.

vasomotor rhinitis

girls, a child of 4.5 years. adenoiditis 1-2 degree. For some time now, for no reason, nasal congestion has appeared. the course of Avamys used to help, but now it’s all to no avail. ENT says vasomotor rhinitis. what it is? can someone come across and have the means? and then we are already busy. they just treated sinusitis, they dropped polydex and the next day, congestion again, again swallowing at night. I'm already scared of everything! help if anyone came across.

Help with analysis

My son got sick 2 weeks ago. As a standard, after kindergarten, snot and rare coughing, apparently flowing down the back wall (we have this weak link, because adenoids), the temperature rose several times to 38, but I didn’t knock it down, after a while it decreased on its own. After transparent snot, thick green ones began. Intensively washed and dripped Polydex for 5 days, everything returned to normal. They were going to stay at home for a week and go out into the garden, but on Tuesday they went to a birthday party, they could grab something new there. Since Thursday again transparent snot and temperature.

Went to Laura

My trip to the doctors with the child was like some kind of whirlwind, we were booked to the pediatrician at 12:30, in the end we come, the people are dark, there is no doctor! Although I was supposed to start receiving at 12. Ok, by one o'clock they taxied together with ZAV and quickly scattered the cork. I told her about our nose that I want to go to the lore, she waved her hand like that, like you can go to the lore, but now you can drink sinupret and ergoferon and that's it. And like to our loru, who is sitting here.

Well, complications :-(.

The adenoids are not right, without them they would probably have a temperature and forget .. And now the cough syrup ambrobene .. Do not believe it is not available, I found bromhexine pharmaceutical standard and it is transparent :-)! Plus polydex protargol rinse. If it’s at least 37.5 km in the evening .. Flemoxin: - (They said in our district for ramenki, mmm, there hasn’t been a single difficult case yet. I would like to believe that it is. at least the infirmary :-(

Tell me a good ENT doctor in Kazan

The child is 3.5 years old, from the age of 2 they went to kindergarten, of course, we practically did not go because of frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, half a year ago we discovered Adenoiditis of 2-3 degrees. Constantly open mouth, strong snoring, and holding the breath in a dream. We turned to Aibolit, to the doctor Anisa Askhatovna. Treated: 1 course - Nasal lavage with Aquamaris + Polydex for 10 days, then UFO nose, pharynx No. 5 - 7 days, zodak 7 days. 2 course-avamys in the nose for 2 weeks, then thuja oil for 1 month. Having done all this, it became a little easier. Then they got sick again and all over again, like.

sinusitis and adenoids.2 years

Good afternoon. We were diagnosed. Sinusitis and Adenoids. started treatment. Nasonext (hormonal drug) and Polydex with phenylephrine. Breathe with a nebulizer solution of Lazolvan and saline. Girls, tell me who had it, what was prescribed for you. how long was the treatment. did you go to kindergarten.

Removal of adenoids

All I decided to remove the adenoids to my 6 year old son. I can’t take it anymore, I feel so sorry for him today it was again a sleepless night, he was choking. He gets sick every month, every runny nose ends with otitis media, speech became incomprehensible, he snores like a man at night, he sleeps restlessly, bruises under his eyes. He was treated with everything from herbs, lasers, thuja oil, isophra, polydex, how much medicine was poured into his poor nose. From nasonex, avamys, tafen nasal, we immediately had laryngitis. For 3 years I was pulling with the removal, I was hoping that it would pass, but it only gets worse. Girls.

Our adenoids.

Our adenoids make themselves felt. Today we went to a paid ENT. There is no strength to drink the same thing and no improvement. We went to the garden for two days and everything was new. Sasha was told at work that he should have appeared, they can’t sit at home for so long. I had to take a sick leave))) This is after a month of work on a trial period. What will happen next. The doctor told us that we have acute rhinosinusitis, we already have grade 3 adenoids (there were 2). And what they need.

Nose problems!!

Girls help. The child had been ill for three weeks. In general, with regard to the nose, we had purulent sinusitis. They drank antibiotics, dripped polydex, rinufluimucil and cinnabsin tablets. After the last examination at the lore, we were told to leave cinnabsin and aquamaris for two weeks. For a week after this, the child snores half the night in his sleep or sniffs loudly. And in the morning he wakes up with one nostril blocked. The snot doesn't flow. In the morning I clean when the spout, a little transparent mucus and that's it. Sleeps well during the day. And when I ask you to sniff your nose, I hear.

Sinusitis without fever?

Help assess the situation. A child (3 years old) was ill for a long time: ARVI-intestinal infection-again ARVI, all this within a month. More than 2 weeks have passed since recovery, but during daytime and nighttime sleep, the child snores, it is clearly hard for him to breathe. In the daytime, he rarely speaks a little "on the nose". The temperature does not rise. There is no cough. No runny nose. Turned to Laura - diagnosis: acute bilateral sinusitis, adenoiditis. Appointments - flemoklav solutab, sinupret, vibrocil, polydex. ENT, during the examination, did an ultrasound himself, indicated the presence of fluid in the maxillary sinuses. How do you.

How so !!HELP! Adenoids!

We are treating adenoids, for two weeks we have been dripping dexamethasone and polydex, and more tavegil. We went to Laura on Wednesday, she told polydex to remove, drip dexamethasone and give tavegil for another week, that the inflammation had passed, I took Diana to her grandmother to finish treatment in the garden, we will not go all December, today my mother calls and says that Diana does not breathe through her nose, all night through her mouth breathed and says sore throat, how to treat? haven't you healed?


Here lor wrote to us, adenoid. We treat with Rinofluimucil and Polydex. She asked if it was possible to go to the kindergarten, she answered ambiguously, they say, well, you have to spray three times a day, of course it’s your business, and in general go to the pediatrician. And the pediatrician said, well, did the ENT look at you? Appointed? So that's great. She didn’t look or listen, she didn’t say anything about the garden either. Today is the day of babies, and we sick impudent people signed up for them. Well, I didn’t sit and wait for my turn myself, I went in with a baby.

The history of what we are doing. Tell!

We've been cheering since October 13th. There was no pace, snot, a strong cough. - candles kipferon, lazolvan, quicksand something else for the nose. so a week or even a little more. - flemoxin, erespal, tantum-verde. there was no snot, there was a strong cough. drinking for a week. it got better, but it didn't go away. - goose fat was smeared at night, milk is warm. softened, but did not help - ENT has now prescribed zirtek, sinupret. polydex. didn't say anything special. I wrote adenoids in the card and something else. physical cabinet for the nose. Girls! I just.

Went to the doctor

Were today at the ENT and the pediatrician. It happened to us that they didn’t drink the antibiotic: ((I don’t understand if you need to take a blood test to drink ab, and with a normal analysis you still drink it, then what’s the point of taking it then. Okay, let’s go. It’s my own fault. We have otitis. At the same time, the ears do not hurt, but fluid has accumulated, the child began to hear worse. You will have to drink an antibiotic. We have already begun. Additionally, we change Polydex to Isofra (Polydex did not help us at all, as if I was dripping water, Isofra into mine.

Where to remove adenoids? (Moscow)

Everything, I no longer have the strength, they treated snot for 2 weeks (polydex, rhinofluimucil, euphorbium, and what we just didn’t drip and as a result, purulent otitis media with perforation ((now we drink antibiotics, in the ears of otofu in the nose nazivin. I decided not to wait anymore for a miracle and to remove the adenoids, we live in Reutov, they will most likely be sent to Balashikha, but I don’t want to go there, they don’t even do an endoscopic examination of the nose (((So we want to go to the Moscow hospital, even if the main thing is for a fee to have a doctor.

Stuffed nasopharynx and temperature 37

Girls, hello! My daughter has a stuffy nasopharynx, she has already gone for 6 days, she sleeps with her mouth closed, but her nose is whistling, buzzing, wheezing. And every day the heat is 37. The doctor gave an appointment on the day of the disease. Anaferon, tantum, nazivin for the night, lysobacter. Her treatment did not help, because the snot turned green and poured. I added washing with Aqualore soft, zirtek, cinnabsin, nazivin dripped for 3 days and changed it to albucid and immediately the nozzles became transparent, only after the night they thickened and turned yellow. I thought the snot would turn white and the pace would go down, but no, it keeps on. And in the nasopharynx you can hear the snot "walk". Hands itch to drip polydex, but.

Runny nose

We have been sick since September 18th. First the snot started, then the cough. Started giving isofra. The ENT looked, said not large adenoids, the ears are clean. Continue to give isofra and prescribed physical therapy for us. Pediatrician - plentiful drink, breast collection, Sinupret. After a week of treatment, the runny nose decreased, but the cough did not. Very strong and dry, mostly at night, the child cannot sleep at all, beats to vomiting. The ENT said to give polydex, you no longer need to come to her, go to the pediatrician. The pediatrician said to drink herbs, sinupret and also gedelix neo.


Hello girls. How tired of these garden sores, 2 days in the garden for a month at home. Now a sore throat, then bronchitis plus adenoids ((((then antibiotics are antiviral. This time we went through a whole week. And on Thursday we had purulent snot, a dry cough. And tonight the temperature rose to 38.6, brought down the cefecon with a candle. Surprise went astray quickly (in half an hour) completely until it rises.

Elder daughter has a sore throat

We have some nonsense. My daughter spent a month resting in the village with her grandmother, there were no obvious problems with her throat and nose.

Medical history and AB

They fell ill in early April with all the charms, fever, cough, snot, after 5 days of struggle they gave up and drank suprax. Less than a week after recovery, we fall ill again, with terrible green snot, we spray isofra, among other things, on April 30 we finish isofra, and on May 2 again snot, this time no AB. Finally got to LOR today. Acute adenoiditis (which is understandable) and exudative otitis media (there is no pain in the ear, hearing is preserved). The doctor prescribes: Zirtek, Sinupret, Rinofluimucil and. POLYDEX! Again! I explained that.

Adenoids at 2.4 years

Good afternoon. up to 2.4 there were often prolonged colds for 2 weeks. From September we went to the garden, naturally became more frequent and put adenoids 2-3 tbsp. We stayed at home for a month to calm them down. The nose breathed very well. There was an almost complete block (We drip thuja for almost a month. If I understand correctly, then we need to prevent a runny nose, otherwise the adenoids will immediately become inflamed and grow even more? I don't see the evidence, maybe I'm wrong How to proceed.

I will give a package of polydexes

After the treatment of adenoids in the eldest, a package of polydex with phenylephrine was left behind. The expiration date was March 2014. When bought, the medicine was rare, now I don’t know.

Snot than to treat.

Moms tell me we have adenoiditis. fell ill 2 weeks ago with high fever, cough, snot. everything went except for the snot. I treated with polydex, protorgol with coralgor, I wash it with aqualor, but they do not go away. at night the nose breathes, otsmarkivaetsya well, but very often. snot just like water. We still go to the laser. but the snot won’t go away in any way .. how do you treat? thanks

Well, what else to drip from the snot.

Well, nothing helps! Nazivin and xylene make breathing easier, but not for long. Protorgol, Derinat, Vibrocil, Polydex have no effect. And I wash. it feels like more and more snot. and it's been over a week now. The effect is enhanced by enlarged adenoids. What else is there to help. Isofra sprayed recently from adenoids, so she has not yet begun to use it anymore. And than to replace the vasoconstrictor? It can't be more than 3 days. and we've been dripping for a week now

Polydex or Nasonex?

my son has a severe swelling in his nose, both drugs were prescribed by a doctor ... which is better to drip in the first place so that the nose breathes at least a little?

Nasonex does not relieve swelling, I know for myself

what is this procedure?

ENT told me about polydex like this ... I didn’t come up with it myself) Yes, and it didn’t really help me (

I don’t know about children, but I only treat myself and my husband with polydex. super remedy

Polydex. We were prescribed it, the effect is a miracle)

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Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an unusually important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

Reviews of patients and doctors about the drug Polydex for adenoids in children

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will talk about the drug Polydex for adenoids in children. Are you familiar with this drug? Judging by the reviews, it helps.

I think we should figure this out: how good it is and whether it is really effective. And to this we will connect not only the opinions of parents, but also specialists.

I ask you to read this information carefully and take it seriously, since adenoids in children are one of the most common pathologies. And not all drugs have an effective effect in its treatment.

Description of the drug

Before proceeding to the essence, i.e., reviews, I would like to provide you with some information about the Polydex preparation, its properties and composition.

This drug is prescribed for chronic rhinitis with profuse purulent discharge from the nasal passages.

The composition of the drug includes:

Polydex spray has a vasoconstrictive, bactericidal and antimicrobial effect.

Thanks to this unique composition, this drug eliminates inflammation, destroys pathogenic microflora and facilitates nasal breathing.

Consumer reviews

And now, let's find out what reviews about Polydex in the treatment of adenoids in children leave parents:

We often got sick, and because of this, our adenoids became inflamed. The doctor has diagnosed - an acute adenoiditis of 2 degrees. I started to panic, and suddenly I have to delete it. I heard a lot that with such a diagnosis, only surgery is needed.

But the doctor reassured me and said that we would be able to cope with this pathology in a loyal way. He prescribed the following treatment regimen for us: Polydex spray - two puffs in each nostril, then half an hour later - irrigation of the nasal passages with Miramistin and finally with Nasonex drops.

All this should be done twice a day. They were treated for 6 days, strictly followed the doctor's instructions. Do not believe it, and I myself could not believe my ears when the doctor said that the adenoid tissue after such therapy began to decrease in size.

After such positive dynamics, swelling and inflammation disappeared. As a fixative therapy, the doctor prescribed us another drip of aminocaproic acid into the spout. Now we are healthy and the adenoids do not bother us anymore.

I want to say that Polydex helped my child with adenoids, however, as part of a comprehensive treatment. Highly recommend!

Did you know that Polydex contains hormones and antibiotics. The doctor also prescribed this remedy for stage 2 adenoids to us. I do not welcome hormonal drugs, even if they are local, so I decided not to take risks and took the baby to another doctor.

I asked him how Polydex affects the children's body. Lor replied that this remedy is absolutely safe and really effective, but only in combination with other drugs. The doctor prescribed us a complex treatment, which included this nasal spray.

After a week of treatment, my doubts were dispelled. My child began to breathe through his nose, a runny nose and purulent discharge passed. The kid became vigorous, cheerful and active.

After the treatment, we visited our doctor again and he said that we are on the mend. The adenoids have become smaller, the inflammation has gone. So the drug is good, I advise!

We have acute adenoiditis of the 3rd degree, and as the doctor explained, the pathology is very dangerous. We have already set ourselves up for the operation, but the doctor asked us not to rush, and try to solve this problem in a conservative way.

The doctor prescribed us Polydex, a solution based on sea salt, Nasonex, and a complex of vitamins and minerals. Wrote a detailed treatment plan. Here we have already completed a ten-day course of therapy, there is a result!

And it is positive: the child began to breathe through his nose, sleep peacefully at night, no snoring and sniffing. We are still undergoing treatment and periodically visit our otolaryngologist. Everything is going as it should, the adenoids are decreasing in size and this is the most important thing that we can do without surgery.

Therefore, girls, the drug is good, I highly recommend it! And special thanks to our doctor for competent treatment!

She was treated with Polydex, Sinupret and adenoid saline according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Helped us! Cured in two weeks. We hope that the adenoids will no longer "make themselves felt"!

No wonder our children's ENT said that Polydex with adenoids will definitely help you. I am convinced of this and I advise you to try it!

As the practice of application shows, Polydex spray really helped many children cope with adenoids. But before drawing conclusions, I propose to find out the opinion of doctors about this remedy.

Opinion of otolaryngologists

The debate about the safety and effectiveness of the use of Polydex in adenoids has not subsided so far. Is this drug really that effective? Used by many specialists in practice, Polydex spray shows effective and satisfied quick results of therapy.

Clinical studies have shown the presence of positive dynamics in the use of the drug already on the third day. This effect is due to the unique composition of the drug. Reviews of experts about the drug Polydex for adenoids are positive.

But almost all physicians of otolaryngology are inclined to one opinion - it is simply impossible to cure adenoids with this remedy alone, especially if the pathology has reached an advanced form.

In this case, only complex treatment is required, which includes several medications that eliminate swelling, inflammation, pathogenic microflora, as well as pain during adenoiditis.

Doctor Komarovsky about Polydex

A Ukrainian pediatrician is skeptical about the use of local antibiotics due to the lack of evidence of their effectiveness.

Despite the numerous positive reviews about the Polydex drug for adenoids in children, the doctor is convinced that such therapy is not always effective, and in some cases can aggravate the situation.

Komarovsky explains this by the fact that a low concentration of the drug in the focus of inflammation can provoke the development of a new pathogenic microflora that is resistant to this antibiotic. Thus, the process of adaptation of harmful bacteria takes place and such treatment becomes simply useless.

Along with this, Oleg Evgenievich does not consider his opinion unambiguous and a reason for discussing the appointment of the above-mentioned drug. After all, there are no violations in the field of pharmacology and the principles of modern medicine for such a purpose.


Considering consumer reviews and opinions of doctors, we can say that Polydex is really effective and successfully used in the complex therapy of adenoiditis.

Thanks to the action of two antibiotics, a corticosteroid hormone and a vasoconstrictor, this remedy eliminates runny nose, inflammation, swelling and restores nasal breathing, which allows you to achieve quick results in the treatment of adenoids in children.

I hope this article was very interesting and useful for you. See you!

One of the drugs that can help cope with such ENT diseases is Nasonex and Polydex.

How do they work?

In severe forms of respiratory diseases, especially those complicated by an attached bacterial infection, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are indispensable. Therefore, ENT doctors quite often resort to the help of local nasal sprays. The advantages of such medicines are:

  1. A quick effect that develops almost immediately, as the drug enters the nasal mucosa.
  2. The almost complete absence of a general effect on the body, and hence most of the side effects that oral drugs have, especially antibiotics.
  3. Pronounced and rapid local action, which allows the use of such drugs even in the smallest patients, starting from two to three years of age.

Despite the similarity of the effects of treatment and indications for the use of Polydex and Nasonex, they differ in composition and mechanism of action.


It is a combined remedy, which includes several medicinal substances:

  • Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, has a bactericidal effect, that is, it causes cell death, disrupting important synthesis processes in it, in particular protein synthesis.
  • Phenylephrine - a substance that causes vasoconstriction, including small ones, facilitates breathing and relieves swelling.
  • Polymyxin is another antibiotic, only from the group of polypeptides. It differs in that, being fixed on the membranes of bacterial cells, it causes their destruction, that is, it also refers to bactericidal agents.
  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, that is, a substance similar in structure and action to hormones that are normally produced in the human body, in particular by the adrenal cortex. Relieves itching, irritation and inflammation.

Thanks to this composition, Polydex for the nose has the ability to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing and kill bacteria that caused an infectious disease.

Polydex is available in two dosage forms: nasal spray and ear drops. Unlike the first drug, the drops do not contain phenylephrine and are distinguished by a lower concentration of dexamethasone. It is impossible to replace one medicine with another.


The composition of Nasonex includes only one substance - mometasone furate. Like dexamethasone in Polydex, it belongs to synthetic glucocorticosteroids. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects and, when applied topically, has practically no general effect.

The main mechanism for the development of a therapeutic effect is the inhibition of various inflammatory mediators - substances that are produced in the body in response to the penetration of a bacterium, virus or allergen and cause the development of the disease.

In addition, Nasonex helps special cells of the immune system - neutrophils - to accumulate in the focus of infection and thus also blocks its spread.

Despite the fact that Nasonex is considered one of the safest glucocorticoid drugs, it is available by prescription and should only be used as directed by a doctor.

Joint application

Can Polydex and Nasonex be used at the same time? Yes, for some diseases, these drugs are indeed prescribed together. However, they are used only in difficult situations, when other means have not had the desired effect. For example, your doctor may prescribe a combination for you or your child:

  1. With severe seasonal or year-round rhinitis, especially with an associated bacterial infection.
  2. With sinusitis, nasopharyngitis or sinusitis, both acute and chronic, but only if there is a bacterial infection.
  3. In some cases, with adenoids.

You should not use these remedies for a common cold, as it is often caused by viruses that neither Polydex nor Nasonex have an effect on. Usually drugs are prescribed in short courses, do not cause addiction and unpleasant side effects.


Russia Veliky Novgorod

I constantly drink synupret, took Cycloferon for immunity, nothing helps. I get sick almost every month. August 02, 2010 was on sick leave with an exacerbation of sinusitis, according to the picture they said that parietal sinusitis. Treatment was prescribed, sinupret 14 days, polydex with phenylephrine - 10 days. There was no temperature, antibiotics were not prescribed. Cured. Now on September 15, 2010, again purulent discharge from the nose, loss of smell and taste, polydex dripped again. I wash my nose with furatsilin. I don’t know what to do anymore, just a cry from the heart. I heard about the Nasonex spray, is it possible to use it simultaneously with Polydex? How often can Polydex be used? What can you advise about Nasonex?

Thank you very much in advance.

Mark the answer and click on the "Thank you" button next to the photo.

Consultations in "private messages" - paid

FGBU NMHTS im. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:, Moscow, st. Lower Pervomayskaya 65,

Polydex or Nasonex?

my son has a severe swelling in his nose, both drugs were prescribed by a doctor ... which is better to drip in the first place so that the nose breathes at least a little?

Mobile application "Happy Mama" 4.7 Communicating in the application is much more convenient!

Nasonex does not relieve swelling, I know for myself

what is this procedure?

ENT told me about polydex like this ... I didn’t come up with it myself) Yes, and it didn’t really help me (

I don’t know about children, but I only treat myself and my husband with polydex. super remedy

Polydex. We were prescribed it, the effect is a miracle)

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Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an unusually important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

Will Polydex help with adenoids in children?

Polydex for adenoids in children is used quite often. Many otolaryngologists believe that this remedy can replace surgery. And yet the question of treatment is decided individually with each patient. Conservative treatment with the use of glucocorticoid hormones is suitable for one, and only surgery will help the other.

What are adenoids?

This is a tumor-like growth of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil, located in the nasopharynx. Pharyngeal, lingual, 2 palatine and 2 tubal tonsils form a pharyngeal ring that protects the body from infection. The pharyngeal tonsils are developed only in children. They begin to grow after a year and stop their growth at 10 - 12 years. Occasionally, this pathology occurs in adults. Lymphoid tissue is a connective tissue infused with immune cells. The more often the child is sick, the more growth. There are three types of growths:

  1. the first - lymphoid tissue slightly cover the vomer - the bone part of the nasal septum;
  2. the second - the pharyngeal tonsil covers 2/3 of the vomer;
  3. the third - the pharyngeal tonsil covers the vomer completely.

What is the danger:

  • if the baby is often sick, pathogenic bacteria and viruses accumulate in the pharyngeal tonsil, the tissue becomes inflamed, adenoiditis develops;
  • large growths disrupt nasal breathing, which further increases the risk of developing colds;
  • constant nasal congestion prevents sufficient oxygen supply to the brain, so the baby may lag behind in neuropsychic development;
  • the pharyngeal tonsil is in close proximity to the auditory tube and is often the cause of otitis media and hearing loss.

Large growths are removed surgically. In some cases, the problem can be corrected with the help of conservative therapy.

Polydex for adenoids in children

An alternative to surgery is Polydex with phenylephrine. Spray contains:

  • antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B; they suppress the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation in the nasopharynx;
  • glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone - eliminates inflammation, swelling and allergic reactions; prevents the growth of the connective tissue of the pharyngeal tonsils;
  • phenylephrine, a mild vasoconstrictor, helps to quickly eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore breathing.

The agent has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect and suppresses tumor-like growths. Therefore, otolaryngologists often prescribe it not only for the treatment of exacerbations of the inflammatory process, but also to prevent the growth of formations. Under the influence of this medicine, they can even decrease in size.

Features of the use of children

The spray is approved for use by children from 2.5 years.

How to drip Polydex in children's nose:

  • before use, the nose must be freed from mucus: drip drops based on sea water or a 2% soda solution and blow your nose thoroughly;
  • in accordance with the instructions for up to 15 years, the spray is used one injection 3 times a day;
  • course of treatment - up to 10 days.

How often can the spray be applied? It is prescribed only by a doctor - an otolaryngologist or a pediatrician in courses and strictly according to indications. For the throat, the spray is not used.


The drug is well tolerated. Of the side effects, only allergic reactions are known, which are rare. The drug acts locally and almost does not enter the bloodstream, so there are no overdoses. Contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • severe kidney disease with impaired function;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 2.5 years (medication in the form of a spray at this age is not prescribed);
  • you can not combine the use of the spray with some drugs for depression and Parkinson's disease (MAO inhibitors).

Polydex or Nasonex for adenoiditis

Nasonex is also a topical spray for ENT practice. Its active ingredient is the glucocorticoid hormone mometasone with anti-inflammatory properties. It well eliminates swelling and allergies, inhibits the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil.

During an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, Nasonex can only play an auxiliary role, since it does not have an antibacterial effect. It can be prescribed to a child in combination, for example, with Isofra, an antibacterial agent for topical use, if the inflammation is accompanied by severe edema and impaired nasal breathing. Isofra and Nasonex simultaneously effectively suppress infection, inflammation and proliferation of lymphoid tissue.

Independently, Nasonex is prescribed for adenoids during remission in order to reduce their growth, as well as for nasal congestion. The drug is able to compete with surgical treatment, as it inhibits the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil, while not having a general effect on the body.

Polydex or Isofra for adenoids

Both drugs are prescribed for exacerbations of the infectious-inflammatory process. Polydex is prescribed for severe inflammation, accompanied by tissue edema and nasal congestion. But if the purulent process prevails, preference should be given to Isofra, since the dexamethasone contained in Polydex helps to reduce local immunity.

The opinion of otolaryngologists about the drug

Most otolaryngologists speak positively about this remedy. Its use in adenoiditis can reduce the time of treatment and prevent the growth of lymphoid tissue.

Doctor Komarovsky about Polydex

Dr. Komarovsky believes that topical sprays do not have a significant therapeutic effect in infectious and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. He speaks negatively about doctors prescribing such drugs, which goes against the objective data that are the result of the studies.

Thus, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Russian State Medical University conducted clinical trials of Polidex sprays with phenylephrine and Isofra in the treatment of children aged 3 to 14 years with adenoiditis and sinusitis. Conducted studies have proven the high efficiency of drugs.

Consumer reviews

Polydex for adenoids in children reviews of parents:

  • Lena, 25 years old: “My son is 4 years old, his nose is constantly stuffy. ENT revealed adenoids of the 2nd degree. At first they wanted to remove it, and then they treated it twice with polydex and they became smaller. Nice spray."
  • Yuri, 36 years old: “My son is 13 years old, he was tortured with adenoids, they used to say that he would outgrow, but they only increased. Polydex spray helped - one course and the adenoids stopped growing. Now the ENT has appointed us Nasonex, he believes that we can do without surgery.

Polydex in adenoids is increasingly the drug of choice, as it not only eliminates the infectious and inflammatory process, but also inhibits the growth of tumor-like tissue. The use of this tool is compared by many with surgical treatment. At the same time, the medicine is not a panacea and sometimes it is better to remove the adenoids.

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Polydex - analogues cheaper, list with prices, comparison of effectiveness

Polydex is a modern nasal antibacterial drug that appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but has already established itself as a reliable remedy for bacteria.

The advantage of Polydex lies not only in the fight against pathogenic bacterial microflora, but also in the ability to exert a vasoconstrictive, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

Such a therapeutic complex is carried out due to the complex composition of the drug. It includes two antibiotics (neomycin and polymexin B sulfates), as well as agents that eliminate swelling and inflammation (phenylephrine hydrochloride and dexamethasone).

The drug is used after 2.5 years. It is widely used in infectious processes of the nasopharynx, especially in cases where there are signs of serious inflammation: pus, "green" in the snot, prolonged runny nose, pain in the projection of the maxillary sinuses, etc.

Polydex is usually used up to three times a day, and the course of treatment lasts an average of 5-7 days. More precise rules for the use of the drug are established by a pediatrician, ENT or therapist. For the smallest patients, Polydex is indicated only 1 time per day.

The price of polydex (a 15 ml bottle made in France) is about 320 rubles. Not all patients may be satisfied with such a cost, although polydex cannot be called super expensive. In such cases, analogues are selected cheaper, and polydex is canceled. It is also possible that the patient is allergic to any component of the composition, and one has to think about which alternative is better to choose.

What is more often replaced with polydex?

Most often, considering analogues, doctors suggest replacing polydex with isofra spray. It has a different composition (only one substance - framycetin), but the price is practically the same. Therefore, isophra will not work as a cheap remedy, but if the problem is polydex intolerance, then isophra will be in place.

Diseases of the nasopharynx are often accompanied by such a symptom as "shooting ear". It seems that there is no otitis media yet, but there are all the harbingers of its possible appearance. Polydex wins in this case, because. it can also be used for instillation of the ears.

Isofra is a targeted antibacterial nasal drug, it is even called “an analogue of polydex for the nose”. Isofra acts only on bacteria, does not eliminate the accompanying symptoms.

How to choose the right analogue?

Let's say that the patient is over 2.5 years old and has been prescribed Polydex. After several doses of the drug, the patient complained of burning and severe swelling, which did not go away after 2-3 minutes. Subsequent injections also brought negative symptoms to the patient.

Here the doctor has to follow the following tactics.

  1. Firstly, the analogue must be selected according to the acceptable age of the patient, and also, so that the composition of the product must include an antibiotic, or, in extreme cases, an antiseptic.
  2. It all depends on the clinical picture of the disease. If we are dealing with high body temperature, aggravated symptoms, purulent discharge, then in this case only an antibiotic is needed, both locally and systemically.
  3. With a bacterial runny nose just beginning, when yellow or green snot appears, and at the same time the patient's body temperature is normal, or does not exceed 37.2 degrees (in children under three years old), you can try to treat a runny nose with antiseptic solutions, i.e. . drops in the nose (analogues of polydexes) are suitable.
  4. In any case, before starting treatment, the patient should be examined by an otolaryngologist to exclude the development of sinusitis, other sinusitis and otitis media. We are not even talking about self-treatment with antibacterial agents.

It is advisable that before starting treatment, the doctor takes a bakposev on the microflora from the nasopharynx, then there will be no problems getting into the top ten, and the right remedy against a certain bacterium will be found for sure.

The disadvantage of such a diagnosis is the duration of the bakposev, usually at least 5 days, and treatment cannot be delayed. Then drugs for bacterial rhinitis are prescribed at random. In most cases, this therapy brings results.

For the treatment and prevention of the common cold, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Due to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in the treatment of sore throats, colds and strengthening immunity.

Cheap analogues of Polydex - a list with prices

To date, the following medicines can be offered as cheap analogues:

  • isophra (spray, 15 ml) - 300 rubles (slightly cheaper);
  • okomistin (eye drops, 10 ml) - 150 rubles;
  • sialor (drops, 10 ml) - 260–290 rubles;
  • miramistin (solution, 50 ml) - 240–260 rubles;
  • collargol (drops) - 150 rubles;
  • chlorophyllipt (oil solution, 20 ml) - 150 rubles.

Comparative characteristics of Polydex with other nasal agents

Making a choice in the direction of one of the medicines, it is necessary to compare the drugs, according to official instructions. The main thing is the composition and pharmacological action, i.e. we need to find either a structural analogue or a substitute drug with a similar therapeutic effect.

Plus, taking into account the wishes of the workers, you will have to find an analogue at a more affordable price, because. not all of our citizens can buy drugs at medium and high prices. Let's compare several drugs with polydex, and determine if they can act as its analogues.

Rinofluimucil or Polydex?

The drugs are produced in different countries. Polydex is produced in France, and rhinofluimucil in Italy. In their composition, they are completely different, therefore, their pharmacological action is different. The active components of rhinofluimucil are tuaminoheptane sulfate and acetylcysteine.

The main task of polydex is to destroy bacteria (antibacterial effect), and rinofluimucil is to eliminate puffiness and thin thickened mucus.

  • Therefore, rinofluimucil cannot be called an analogue. Despite this, both drugs have similar indications for use. These are mainly various sinusitis and rhinitis. Contraindications also largely coincide. Rinofluimucil is not yet recommended for thyrotoxicosis (endocrine pathology).
  • Unlike polydex, rhinofluimucil is allowed to be used in pediatrics from the age of one. This makes it possible to alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis from early childhood, when many drugs are still contraindicated.

Due to the fact that rinofluimucil does not contain antibacterial components, it is less toxic. Polydex contains two antibacterial substances. For this very reason, many patients do not want to use this medicine, despite the fact that it is used topically and does not carry a large toxic load.

In terms of price, the drugs do not have any special differences. Rinofluimucil 10 ml (nasal spray) costs an average of 280 rubles, which is 40 rubles cheaper than polydexes.

Nasonex or Polydex?

First of all, let's start with the composition of these drugs. They are completely different, which means that we are no longer talking about structural identity. Polydex is a complex drug that destroys bacteria in the nasopharynx or middle ear. Those. its main task is to neutralize bacteria. The drug contains four active ingredients, two of which are antibiotics.

Nasonex is a mono drug, the active substance is mometasone fuorate. This substance is a glucocorticosteroid. Polydex also contains a substance of this group - dexamethasone. This is the only similarity between these drugs in composition.

  • Nasonex exhibits an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, but it cannot destroy the bacterial flora, because. there are no antibacterial components in the composition. Nasonex is recommended for use only from the age of two.
  • Another advantage of Nasonex is its ability to activate neutrophils, which begin to block bacteria in the focus area. Due to this, the titers of pathogenic flora do not grow, but they are not destroyed either.

Therefore, the choice in the direction of one of the means is made only by the doctor, and it is up to him to decide what will be best for a particular patient.

Nasonex (50 mcg / dose, 1 piece) is more expensive than Polydex, its price is about 440 rubles.

Important! Nasonex and Polydex are used in short courses, sometimes they are even combined. Patients should be aware that the remedies under consideration are not used for common and uncomplicated rhinitis.

Protargol or polydex - which is better?

The drugs are not structural analogues. The active substance of protargol is silver proteinate (in fact, it is a protein complex). This substance has a short shelf life. In the post-Soviet space, it has always been prepared in special prescription departments according to a doctor's prescription. To date, protargol has an analogue - sialor, produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company "Update".

It should be noted that silver proteinate exhibits antiseptic and antibacterial properties, although this drug is not classified as an antibiotic. The drug also has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect, constricts blood vessels and relieves swelling of the nasopharynx.

It follows that theoretically, and as practice proves, with the help of protargol it is possible to cope with bacteria and eliminate other symptoms of rhinitis. Usually, with uncomplicated bacterial rhinitis, even when there is "green" in the snot, doctors recommend treatment without antibacterial agents. If after a few days the effect does not occur, then a local antibiotic is prescribed.

Therefore, according to the therapeutic effect, protargol and polydex coincide, therefore, they are conditional analogues.

Sialor (protargol) Renewal kit for preparing a solution of 2% 10 ml with a sprayer costs about 290 rubles. If you order protargol in a pharmacy, it will be cheaper, by about 100-150 rubles. It follows that protargol in any of its representations is cheaper than polydexes.

Polydex or vibrocil?

The drugs have different pharmacological effects. Vibrocil contains the following substances in its composition: dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine. The first substance removes the chain of allergic reactions, the second - fights swelling and inflammation, i.e. in total, we get anti-allergic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects.

Vibrocil can be purchased as a spray, drops and gel. The drug is used for various types of rhinitis that do not have a bacterial microflora. These can be allergic and viral rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, otitis media (in this case, vibrocil eliminates the symptoms).

  • Vibrocil is allowed to be used in children under one year old. Clinical trials have shown the safety of using this drug in this age group.
  • Unlike polydex, vibrocil cannot treat bacterial rhinitis, so it cannot be called an analogue. To replace polydex, ideally, only preparations containing antibacterial components are selected.

Vibrocil is cheaper than Polydex. The price of nasal drops (15 ml) is approximately 290 rubles. Despite the fact that the drug is cheaper, it cannot be used as an analogue, therefore, in principle, it is not necessary to compare these drugs, they are different.

Polydex or Sofradex?

Sofradex refers to analogues of polydexes, although their composition is different, but the principle of action is largely similar. Both drugs have antibacterial substances and glucocorticosteroids.

In sofradex, gramicidin and framycetin sulfate act as an antibacterial agent, glucocorticosteroid - dexamethasone. As you can see, Polydex and Sofradex are quite strong drugs that have two antibacterial agents in their composition.

Unlike polydex, sofradex is also used in ophthalmic practice. The main purpose of Sofradex is the treatment of bacterial and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and ears.

The instructions for the drug do not indicate the use of sofradex for rhinitis. Despite this, this drug is widely used to treat bacterial rhinitis in adults and children.

When making a choice in the direction of one of the means - polydex or sofradex, first of all, one must proceed from the sensitivity of bacteria to the antibiotics that are part of these drugs. The choice of the drug is carried out by the doctor, and the experience of the doctor will always tell you which remedy for this clinical picture will be more effective.

The price of sofradex (eye and ear drops, 5 ml) is 330 rubles. Conclusion: the price of polydex and sofradex is at the same level.

Dioxidin or polydex - what to choose?

1 ml of dioxidine contains 5 or 10 mg of hydroxymethylquinoxylindioxide. The drug does not belong to the structural analogues of Polydex, but is a potent antibacterial agent. Therefore, it can be considered as an analogue in terms of therapeutic action. Polydex is a complex remedy, dioxidine is a mono drug.

According to the antibacterial action, the dioxidine solution is stronger, therefore it is used not only in otolaryngology, but also in other medical fields. It is effective for treating septic wounds when other antibiotics cannot help. The conclusion suggests itself: this remedy is used only for complicated forms of the disease.

Dioxidin is very aggressive, so if the doctor prescribed it for treatment, try to clarify how far the inflammatory process has gone. Unfortunately, in order to show a quick effect, some doctors with dubious professionalism let dioxidine into the "fight" where it is not necessary. Patients should understand that strong drugs are a reserve for the most severe infections.

Dioxidin (solution 5 mg/ml 5 ml ampoule No. 10) costs about 390 rubles.

Conclusion: if polydex and other antibiotics do not work, dioxidin is indicated.

After reading the article, it is not difficult to conclude that all antibacterial drugs are serious drugs. Only a doctor can orientate in the correctness of prescribing a particular remedy. For example, they prescribed a local antibiotic in the nose, but it did not fit, you need to change it. How to define analogue? On your own, without medical knowledge, this is difficult to do.

Do not forget that antibiotics not only eliminate the bacterial flora, but also act toxically on beneficial bacteria. Therefore, therapy with Polydex and its analogues should be under strict medical supervision, especially if the treatment concerns children. Be healthy!

And some secrets.

If you or your child get sick frequently and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you just “drain” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Enough to feed someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it is to get sick!

who was treated with Nasonex?


as far as I know, such a drug is dripped when there is no snot

I wouldn't be offended if you contacted me personally. And it so happened that someone writes there, but he is wrong. This is objectively, purely from the outside. And I was uncomfortable. Already missed adenoids SHOULD be treated, and I did not write that they should not be treated. But I saw SARS and adenoiditis in the author's message, and you are just adenoiditis. That's why we didn't match. Topical steroids are dangerous in SARS. ARVI will end, you can continue to deal with adenoiditis.

So, I met the first 2 acute respiratory viral infections with viferon and s / s drops. I thought this was the only correct way. And then at 10 months of SARS, the doctor came and said that she would suffocate, call an ambulance. This is where I got scared. Directly to the Internet. How lucky I am to have stumbled across this site. The child did not know what it is to suffocate and call an ambulance. I did everything as written and said and it turned out. It’s scary to do nothing, I’m really all on my nerves when a child starts to get sick, but these are my problems. And the algorithm of actions, do not feed, ventilate, give to drink, do not bring down the temperature while the child is jumping, do not drip with / from drops, if breathing is not difficult, walk, it all works.

And since I broke up, ADENOIDITIS and read the ITs - the location of the inflammation, not the diagnosis. And who is to blame for this inflammation - a bacterium, a virus, a bacillus, an allergy, and the like must be found. Only then can a diagnosis be made. And knowing the diagnosis, you can find the right treatment! The main problem of all adenoids is dry warm air. Try experimenting with this, half the problem with inflamed adenoids will be solved. Anything can be instilled, but the effectiveness of these drugs will be achieved by the correct air parameters.

Nasonex is a topical steroid with the drug mometasone. Very effective for allergic inflammation, but dangerous for infectious inflammation. Because the mechanism of action is aimed at suppressing the reaction of the immune system. If you currently have SARS, the use is fraught with consequences. This is food for thought. Have you identified the cause of inflammation of the adenoids in your child? Topical steroids are prescribed for allergic course of the disease.

Now with SARS, try the following, at least for the night. Close the batteries, if there is a valve, turn them off altogether, ventilate the room, wash the floors, hang wet towels in the absence of a humidifier. If you have a humidifier, put it next to your bed. Rinse your nose every half hour with salt water, saline, aquamaris, or something like that. And do not drip, but rinse well, use a syringe. If the child has nothing to breathe in a horizontal position, use s / s drops. Put Nasonex aside for now.

Drip drops from a cold in half an hour Nasonex, we were prescribed that.

When the ENT gave us grade 2 adenoids, she prescribed both protargol and nasonex. So it's possible.

Treatment was prescribed, sinupret 14 days, polydex with phenylephrine - 10 days. There was no temperature, antibiotics were not prescribed. Cured. Now on September 15, 2010, again purulent discharge from the nose, loss of smell and taste, polydex dripped again. I wash my nose with furatsilin. I don’t know what to do anymore, just a cry from the heart. I heard about the Nasonex spray, is it possible to use it simultaneously with Polydex? How often can Polydex be used? What can you advise about Nasonex?

Thank you very much in advance.

Mark the answer and click on the "Thank you" button next to the photo.

Consultations in "private messages" - paid

FGBU NMHTS im. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:, Moscow, st. Lower Pervomayskaya 65,

Polydex or Nasonex: joint and separate use

It happens that a cold or allergic rhinitis is complicated by a bacterial infection, develops into sinusitis or sinusitis, and it is not so easy to cure it. One of the drugs that can help cope with such ENT diseases is Nasonex and Polydex.

How do they work?

In severe forms of respiratory diseases, especially those complicated by an attached bacterial infection, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are indispensable. Therefore, ENT doctors quite often resort to the help of local nasal sprays. The advantages of such medicines are:

  1. A quick effect that develops almost immediately, as the drug enters the nasal mucosa.
  2. The almost complete absence of a general effect on the body, and hence most of the side effects that oral drugs have, especially antibiotics.
  3. Pronounced and rapid local action, which allows the use of such drugs even in the smallest patients, starting from two to three years of age.

Despite the similarity of the effects of treatment and indications for the use of Polydex and Nasonex, they differ in composition and mechanism of action.


It is a combined remedy, which includes several medicinal substances:

  • Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, has a bactericidal effect, that is, it causes cell death, disrupting important synthesis processes in it, in particular protein synthesis.
  • Phenylephrine - a substance that causes vasoconstriction, including small ones, facilitates breathing and relieves swelling.
  • Polymyxin is another antibiotic, only from the group of polypeptides. It differs in that, being fixed on the membranes of bacterial cells, it causes their destruction, that is, it also refers to bactericidal agents.
  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, that is, a substance similar in structure and action to hormones that are normally produced in the human body, in particular by the adrenal cortex. Relieves itching, irritation and inflammation.

Thanks to this composition, Polydex for the nose has the ability to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing and kill bacteria that caused an infectious disease.

Polydex is available in two dosage forms: nasal spray and ear drops. Unlike the first drug, the drops do not contain phenylephrine and are distinguished by a lower concentration of dexamethasone. It is impossible to replace one medicine with another.


The composition of Nasonex includes only one substance - mometasone furate. Like dexamethasone in Polydex, it belongs to synthetic glucocorticosteroids. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects and, when applied topically, has practically no general effect.

The main mechanism for the development of a therapeutic effect is the inhibition of various inflammatory mediators - substances that are produced in the body in response to the penetration of a bacterium, virus or allergen and cause the development of the disease.

In addition, Nasonex helps special cells of the immune system - neutrophils - to accumulate in the focus of infection and thus also blocks its spread.

Despite the fact that Nasonex is considered one of the safest glucocorticoid drugs, it is available by prescription and should only be used as directed by a doctor.

Joint application

Can Polydex and Nasonex be used at the same time? Yes, for some diseases, these drugs are indeed prescribed together. However, they are used only in difficult situations, when other means have not had the desired effect. For example, your doctor may prescribe a combination for you or your child:

  1. With severe seasonal or year-round rhinitis, especially with an associated bacterial infection.
  2. With sinusitis, nasopharyngitis or sinusitis, both acute and chronic, but only if there is a bacterial infection.
  3. In some cases, with adenoids.

You should not use these remedies for a common cold, as it is often caused by viruses that neither Polydex nor Nasonex have an effect on. Usually drugs are prescribed in short courses, do not cause addiction and unpleasant side effects.

Polydex or Nasonex?

my son has a severe swelling in his nose, both drugs were prescribed by a doctor ... which is better to drip in the first place so that the nose breathes at least a little?

Nasonex does not relieve swelling, I know for myself

what is this procedure?

ENT told me about polydex like this ... I didn’t come up with it myself) Yes, and it didn’t really help me (

I don’t know about children, but I only treat myself and my husband with polydex. super remedy

Polydex. We were prescribed it, the effect is a miracle)

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Nasonex and Polydex together

Daughter 6. She has adenoids of 1-2 degrees. It's been a runny nose for a week now. Yesterday snot blew his nose in the morning - they are green. Let's go to LOR. Lor said that everything is edematous, she does not see green snot, and because. we have been using a vasoconstrictor (SNUP) for a week now, she canceled it and replaced it with nasonex 2 times a day. Plus Isofra. Plus synopret.

Yesterday I puffed this Nasonex 2 times a day - no effect. As the nose did not breathe, it does not breathe. In the evening, in order for the child to fall asleep normally, I sprinkled SNUP. This morning I had to, too, because my nose did not breathe at all. All day there was practically no snot and the nose was breathing well, and by the evening it was stuffed up again. I do not know what to do. Nasonex does not help, SNUP if you puff, then today is already the 7th day of its use. That's horrible? And is it possible to combine SNUP and Nasonex? Is it possible that it does not act immediately, but only after a few days and you just need to spray it and wait for the effect?

1. replace the snoop with tizine and at a dosage of 2 times a day, you can still drip for a week

2. at night, half a tablet of suprastin.

3. everything else - you need to see the blood, but I would definitely sprinkle the isofra for 3-4 days. But when the snot would begin to subside: I would connect polydex.

Nasonex is not for you.

Instead of suprastin yesterday gave zirtek.

And polydex is instead of isophra?

And today, in general, the child is better, I don’t know if Nasonex helped, isophra, or the runny nose itself is coming to an end.

Removes swelling well. Isofra with green snot is just what you need! Sinupret is also a good drug. 5 days on this scheme and everything is normal.

Which is better: Nasonex or Polydex?

Confrontation between Nasonex and Polydex! Online voting will help identify the best drug from this product segment. You can also express your point of view by taking a survey. The outcome may depend on your vote. Difficult to answer? Then rather read the reviews of other people who managed to test the functions of the drugs on themselves.

When starting to vote, be sure to compare your personal experience with Polydex and Nasonex. The overall assessment should consist of the quality of the product, the presence or absence of side effects, the general impression after application. We advise you not to take into account the price of medicines, pay attention only to effectiveness.

Will Polydex help with adenoids in children?

Polydex for adenoids in children is used quite often. Many otolaryngologists believe that this remedy can replace surgery. And yet the question of treatment is decided individually with each patient. Conservative treatment with the use of glucocorticoid hormones is suitable for one, and only surgery will help the other.

What are adenoids?

This is a tumor-like growth of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil, located in the nasopharynx. Pharyngeal, lingual, 2 palatine and 2 tubal tonsils form a pharyngeal ring that protects the body from infection. The pharyngeal tonsils are developed only in children. They begin to grow after a year and stop their growth at 10 - 12 years. Occasionally, this pathology occurs in adults. Lymphoid tissue is a connective tissue infused with immune cells. The more often the child is sick, the more growth. There are three types of growths:

  1. the first - lymphoid tissue slightly cover the vomer - the bone part of the nasal septum;
  2. the second - the pharyngeal tonsil covers 2/3 of the vomer;
  3. the third - the pharyngeal tonsil covers the vomer completely.

What is the danger:

  • if the baby is often sick, pathogenic bacteria and viruses accumulate in the pharyngeal tonsil, the tissue becomes inflamed, adenoiditis develops;
  • large growths disrupt nasal breathing, which further increases the risk of developing colds;
  • constant nasal congestion prevents sufficient oxygen supply to the brain, so the baby may lag behind in neuropsychic development;
  • the pharyngeal tonsil is in close proximity to the auditory tube and is often the cause of otitis media and hearing loss.

Large growths are removed surgically. In some cases, the problem can be corrected with the help of conservative therapy.

Polydex for adenoids in children

An alternative to surgery is Polydex with phenylephrine. Spray contains:

  • antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B; they suppress the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation in the nasopharynx;
  • glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone - eliminates inflammation, swelling and allergic reactions; prevents the growth of the connective tissue of the pharyngeal tonsils;
  • phenylephrine, a mild vasoconstrictor, helps to quickly eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore breathing.

The agent has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect and suppresses tumor-like growths. Therefore, otolaryngologists often prescribe it not only for the treatment of exacerbations of the inflammatory process, but also to prevent the growth of formations. Under the influence of this medicine, they can even decrease in size.

Features of the use of children

The spray is approved for use by children from 2.5 years.

How to drip Polydex in children's nose:

  • before use, the nose must be freed from mucus: drip drops based on sea water or a 2% soda solution and blow your nose thoroughly;
  • in accordance with the instructions for up to 15 years, the spray is used one injection 3 times a day;
  • course of treatment - up to 10 days.

How often can the spray be applied? It is prescribed only by a doctor - an otolaryngologist or a pediatrician in courses and strictly according to indications. For the throat, the spray is not used.


The drug is well tolerated. Of the side effects, only allergic reactions are known, which are rare. The drug acts locally and almost does not enter the bloodstream, so there are no overdoses. Contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • severe kidney disease with impaired function;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 2.5 years (medication in the form of a spray at this age is not prescribed);
  • you can not combine the use of the spray with some drugs for depression and Parkinson's disease (MAO inhibitors).

Polydex or Nasonex for adenoiditis

Nasonex is also a topical spray for ENT practice. Its active ingredient is the glucocorticoid hormone mometasone with anti-inflammatory properties. It well eliminates swelling and allergies, inhibits the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil.

During an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, Nasonex can only play an auxiliary role, since it does not have an antibacterial effect. It can be prescribed to a child in combination, for example, with Isofra, an antibacterial agent for topical use, if the inflammation is accompanied by severe edema and impaired nasal breathing. Isofra and Nasonex simultaneously effectively suppress infection, inflammation and proliferation of lymphoid tissue.

Independently, Nasonex is prescribed for adenoids during remission in order to reduce their growth, as well as for nasal congestion. The drug is able to compete with surgical treatment, as it inhibits the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil, while not having a general effect on the body.

Polydex or Isofra for adenoids

Both drugs are prescribed for exacerbations of the infectious-inflammatory process. Polydex is prescribed for severe inflammation, accompanied by tissue edema and nasal congestion. But if the purulent process prevails, preference should be given to Isofra, since the dexamethasone contained in Polydex helps to reduce local immunity.

The opinion of otolaryngologists about the drug

Most otolaryngologists speak positively about this remedy. Its use in adenoiditis can reduce the time of treatment and prevent the growth of lymphoid tissue.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that topical sprays do not have a significant therapeutic effect in infectious and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. He speaks negatively about doctors prescribing such drugs, which goes against the objective data that are the result of the studies.

Thus, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Russian State Medical University conducted clinical trials of Polidex sprays with phenylephrine and Isofra in the treatment of children aged 3 to 14 years with adenoiditis and sinusitis. Conducted studies have proven the high efficiency of drugs.

Consumer reviews

Polydex for adenoids in children reviews of parents:

  • Lena, 25 years old: “My son is 4 years old, his nose is constantly stuffy. ENT revealed adenoids of the 2nd degree. At first they wanted to remove it, and then they treated it twice with polydex and they became smaller. Nice spray."
  • Yuri, 36 years old: “My son is 13 years old, he was tortured with adenoids, they used to say that he would outgrow, but they only increased. Polydex spray helped - one course and the adenoids stopped growing. Now the ENT has appointed us Nasonex, he believes that we can do without surgery.

Polydex in adenoids is increasingly the drug of choice, as it not only eliminates the infectious and inflammatory process, but also inhibits the growth of tumor-like tissue. The use of this tool is compared by many with surgical treatment. At the same time, the medicine is not a panacea and sometimes it is better to remove the adenoids.

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Reviews of patients and doctors about the drug Polydex for adenoids in children

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will talk about the drug Polydex for adenoids in children. Are you familiar with this drug? Judging by the reviews, it helps.

I think we should figure this out: how good it is and whether it is really effective. And to this we will connect not only the opinions of parents, but also specialists.

I ask you to read this information carefully and take it seriously, since adenoids in children are one of the most common pathologies. And not all drugs have an effective effect in its treatment.

Description of the drug

Before proceeding to the essence, i.e., reviews, I would like to provide you with some information about the Polydex preparation, its properties and composition.

This drug is prescribed for chronic rhinitis with profuse purulent discharge from the nasal passages.

The composition of the drug includes:

Polydex spray has a vasoconstrictive, bactericidal and antimicrobial effect.

Thanks to this unique composition, this drug eliminates inflammation, destroys pathogenic microflora and facilitates nasal breathing.

Consumer reviews

And now, let's find out what reviews about Polydex in the treatment of adenoids in children leave parents:

We often got sick, and because of this, our adenoids became inflamed. The doctor has diagnosed - an acute adenoiditis of 2 degrees. I started to panic, and suddenly I have to delete it. I heard a lot that with such a diagnosis, only surgery is needed.

But the doctor reassured me and said that we would be able to cope with this pathology in a loyal way. He prescribed the following treatment regimen for us: Polydex spray - two puffs in each nostril, then half an hour later - irrigation of the nasal passages with Miramistin and finally with Nasonex drops.

All this should be done twice a day. They were treated for 6 days, strictly followed the doctor's instructions. Do not believe it, and I myself could not believe my ears when the doctor said that the adenoid tissue after such therapy began to decrease in size.

After such positive dynamics, swelling and inflammation disappeared. As a fixative therapy, the doctor prescribed us another drip of aminocaproic acid into the spout. Now we are healthy and the adenoids do not bother us anymore.

I want to say that Polydex helped my child with adenoids, however, as part of a comprehensive treatment. Highly recommend!

Did you know that Polydex contains hormones and antibiotics. The doctor also prescribed this remedy for stage 2 adenoids to us. I do not welcome hormonal drugs, even if they are local, so I decided not to take risks and took the baby to another doctor.

I asked him how Polydex affects the children's body. Lor replied that this remedy is absolutely safe and really effective, but only in combination with other drugs. The doctor prescribed us a complex treatment, which included this nasal spray.

After a week of treatment, my doubts were dispelled. My child began to breathe through his nose, a runny nose and purulent discharge passed. The kid became vigorous, cheerful and active.

After the treatment, we visited our doctor again and he said that we are on the mend. The adenoids have become smaller, the inflammation has gone. So the drug is good, I advise!

We have acute adenoiditis of the 3rd degree, and as the doctor explained, the pathology is very dangerous. We have already set ourselves up for the operation, but the doctor asked us not to rush, and try to solve this problem in a conservative way.

The doctor prescribed us Polydex, a solution based on sea salt, Nasonex, and a complex of vitamins and minerals. Wrote a detailed treatment plan. Here we have already completed a ten-day course of therapy, there is a result!

And it is positive: the child began to breathe through his nose, sleep peacefully at night, no snoring and sniffing. We are still undergoing treatment and periodically visit our otolaryngologist. Everything is going as it should, the adenoids are decreasing in size and this is the most important thing that we can do without surgery.

Therefore, girls, the drug is good, I highly recommend it! And special thanks to our doctor for competent treatment!

She was treated with Polydex, Sinupret and adenoid saline according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Helped us! Cured in two weeks. We hope that the adenoids will no longer "make themselves felt"!

No wonder our children's ENT said that Polydex with adenoids will definitely help you. I am convinced of this and I advise you to try it!

As the practice of application shows, Polydex spray really helped many children cope with adenoids. But before drawing conclusions, I propose to find out the opinion of doctors about this remedy.

Opinion of otolaryngologists

The debate about the safety and effectiveness of the use of Polydex in adenoids has not subsided so far. Is this drug really that effective? Used by many specialists in practice, Polydex spray shows effective and satisfied quick results of therapy.

Clinical studies have shown the presence of positive dynamics in the use of the drug already on the third day. This effect is due to the unique composition of the drug. Reviews of experts about the drug Polydex for adenoids are positive.

But almost all physicians of otolaryngology are inclined to one opinion - it is simply impossible to cure adenoids with this remedy alone, especially if the pathology has reached an advanced form.

In this case, only complex treatment is required, which includes several medications that eliminate swelling, inflammation, pathogenic microflora, as well as pain during adenoiditis.

Doctor Komarovsky about Polydex

A Ukrainian pediatrician is skeptical about the use of local antibiotics due to the lack of evidence of their effectiveness.

Despite the numerous positive reviews about the Polydex drug for adenoids in children, the doctor is convinced that such therapy is not always effective, and in some cases can aggravate the situation.

Komarovsky explains this by the fact that a low concentration of the drug in the focus of inflammation can provoke the development of a new pathogenic microflora that is resistant to this antibiotic. Thus, the process of adaptation of harmful bacteria takes place and such treatment becomes simply useless.

Along with this, Oleg Evgenievich does not consider his opinion unambiguous and a reason for discussing the appointment of the above-mentioned drug. After all, there are no violations in the field of pharmacology and the principles of modern medicine for such a purpose.


Considering consumer reviews and opinions of doctors, we can say that Polydex is really effective and successfully used in the complex therapy of adenoiditis.

Thanks to the action of two antibiotics, a corticosteroid hormone and a vasoconstrictor, this remedy eliminates runny nose, inflammation, swelling and restores nasal breathing, which allows you to achieve quick results in the treatment of adenoids in children.

I hope this article was very interesting and useful for you. See you!

Polydex - instructions for use + reviews and analogues

There are a lot of sprays for the treatment of the common cold, but the French drug Polydex with phenylephrine is in greatest demand. The popularity of the drug is due to its safety and high degree of effectiveness: the symptoms subside already on the second day of use, and after a few days there is a complete recovery. It is often prescribed by pediatricians, but only when the child has already reached the age of 2 and a half years, since there are certain contraindications.

Polydex - instructions for use

Most of the cold remedies work due to vasoconstrictor components, relieving congestion and making breathing easier. There is also an option with simple washing (saline solutions), which removes excess mucus and pathogens. There are also antimicrobial drugs applied topically.

Polydex - an antibiotic or not?

Yes, this is a combined antibiotic that not only relieves the symptoms, but also eliminates the cause of the disease. The combination of polymyxin B polypeptide antibiotic and neomycin aminoglycoside has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. However, a positive result is guaranteed only if rhinitis or sinusitis is caused by bacteria, and viral infections are treated with other drugs. Therefore, it is impossible to prescribe Polydex nasal drops on your own - only a specialist can make a reliable diagnosis.

Pharmacological group

The drug contains four active ingredients, therefore it belongs to several groups. Alpha-agonist, glucocorticosteroid (external), antibiotics polypeptide and aminoglycoside.

Composition of Polydex

The nasal spray has a bactericidal, vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect due to a combination of several active ingredients:

  • Neomycin is a first-generation aminoglycoside antibiotic produced by Streptomyces fradiae (soil actinomycete). The spectrum of its antimicrobial activity includes gram-positive pneumococci, staphylococci, as well as many gram-negative microorganisms that cause respiratory infections.
  • Polymyxin B is one of the polypeptide cyclic antibiotics, a waste product of Bacillus polymyxa. It acts bactericidal mainly on gram-negative microflora, destroying the cell wall of the pathogen. Like neomycin, it practically does not cause the development of resistance.
  • Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid, a hormonal agent. Like other drugs in this group, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.
  • Phenylephrine is an alpha-agonist that is often used in otolaryngology as a vasoconstrictor.

This combination of components makes it possible to treat sinusitis and rhinitis in a complex way, providing not only symptomatic, but also antibacterial therapy.

Release form

The owner of the certificate and the manufacturer of the drug is the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati. The drug is produced in the form of a nasal spray in 15-ml plastic bottles packed in a cardboard box and provided with instructions. The introduction into the nasal passages is carried out by spraying through a special dispenser. The content of active ingredients is as follows: neomycin and polymyxin - and ED, respectively, dexamethasone 0.025 g, phenylephrine - 0.25 grams.

Photo of the packaging of Polydex in the form of a nasal spray

The same company also produces Polydex ear drops, which are almost identical in composition. They differ only in the absence of the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine, since this component is not required for the treatment of otitis media. Antibiotics are contained in the same quantities as in the remedy for the common cold, dexamethasone - 0.1 g. It is bottled in glass bottles with a volume of 10.5 grams, equipped with a dosing pipette.

Photo of the packaging of Polydex ear drops

Recipe in Latin

New rules for the sale of antibiotics, approved at the beginning of this year, significantly limited the list of over-the-counter drugs and toughened penalties for violations. Therefore, the answer to the frequent question of how Polydex is dispensed - by prescription or not - is unequivocal: without a medical prescription issued on a special form, a pharmacist does not have the right to sell this drug.

The prescription itself must contain brief information about the person to whom the medicine was prescribed (name, age), as well as an entry in Latin of the following form:

Rp.: Spray "Polydexa with phenylephrine" 15 ml

The document must be certified by the signature of the doctor who prescribed the spray and his personal seal. Without them, the prescription is invalid.

Indications for the use of Polydex

Ear drops are intended for antibiotic therapy of external otitis, while damage to the eardrum is a contraindication. Also, the drug is prescribed in case of diagnosing infected eczema that affects the ear canal.

Polydex nasal spray with phenylephrine is used to treat rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis (combined inflammation of the pharynx and nasal passages) in both acute and chronic forms in children and adults, as well as inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses.

Polydex - contraindications

Given the multicomponent composition, where each active substance has restrictions on use, the cold spray has quite a few contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • intolerance to one or more ingredients;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • early childhood (the first 2 and a half years of life);
  • existing or suspected angle-closure glaucoma;
  • viral infections;
  • the use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • renal failure, albuminuria.

Ear drops are similarly contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons with hypersensitivity. In addition, the drug should not be instilled into the ear if there are mechanical damage, infections of a viral or fungal nature.

Dosage, method of application of Polydex

The duration of the course of treatment for otitis or infected eczema with drops for the ears should not exceed 10 days (on average, it takes no more than a week to recover). Adults are usually advised to drip the drug twice a day, in an amount of 1 to 5 drops in each ear canal. Children need to administer the medicine according to the same schedule, but no more than two drops for each ear per appointment.

From the common cold and sinusitis, Polydex with phenylephrine is used - a spray that is used for 5-10 days. An adult needs to do 3, 4 or 5 injections per day (one for each nasal passage per reception). It is enough for a child three times a day, also one spray per nostril. If the remedy did not help for the maximum possible duration of the course, it must be changed.

How to use Polydex nasal drops and spray correctly

The manufacturer rather succinctly described the method of using their products, so patients (especially parents of babies) may have clarifying questions. Using both dosage forms is very simple, as it is easy to inject ear drops. A dosing pipette nozzle will help to drip the medicine into the ear, and the spray bottle is equipped with a sprayer. Before using the drug for a cold, it is advisable to first clean the nasal passages - blow your nose and rinse them with saline, sold in a pharmacy. This improves the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

Sometimes people ask if Polydex for the nose can be dripped into the ear. It is undesirable to do this, for the treatment of otitis there is a special dosage form without phenylephrine and more convenient to use. However, if there is no alternative, you should discuss the problem with your doctor, who will tell you the correct answer.

The instructions for use state that an overdose of Polydex is unlikely and such cases have not been reported. When following the recommended regimen, it is impossible to exceed the therapeutic concentrations of active substances. In addition, the components of the drug act locally, practically not being absorbed into the bloodstream, which prevents its toxic effect even if the dose is exceeded.

Side effects of Polydex

As a rule, if the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor is followed, there are no negative effects of therapy. Antibiotics act locally, without getting into the bloodstream, so the phenomena characteristic of systemic treatment with antimicrobial medications do not occur. Only in the presence of hypersensitivity can local allergic reactions occur. If there is an uncharacteristic deterioration in the condition, it is necessary to inform the specialist who prescribed the medicine.

Polydex during pregnancy

However, such a ban is not associated with the actual toxicity of the drug, but with the lack of study of its effect on the body of the expectant mother and the fetus itself. So can Polydex be used during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, definitely not. The laying of organs and their systems is underway, the placenta is being formed, so at this stage you need to protect your health as much as possible so that you do not have to take any medications. The next three months is a less dangerous period, and many expectant mothers report that during this period, on the advice of a doctor, they used this spray, more often in the form of inhalations through a nebulizer.

The last trimester is considered the safest in terms of treatment, however, even here it is necessary to take any, even permitted, antibiotics very carefully. If there is no alternative, and the disease is not treatable with other drugs, the otolaryngologist may recommend a French medication. In no case should they be treated by pregnant women on their own, since in addition to the risk to the fetus, there is a possibility of developing allergies.

Polydex and alcohol - compatibility

Medicines that are applied topically can, in principle, be combined with alcohol, if they do not enter the bloodstream. The main danger of the combination of ethanol with antimicrobials is for the liver, whose cells may not be able to withstand the increased load to neutralize harmful compounds.

However, Polydex is incompatible with alcohol, since the latter dilates blood vessels, negating the effectiveness of phenylephrine. In addition, bacterial infections weaken the body's defenses, so alcohol can cause various side effects that are not typical for antibiotic therapy with this spray.

Polydex nose drops - the best analogues

Sometimes it becomes necessary (if the drug is poorly tolerated or cannot be bought) to replace the prescribed medication. An alternative should be selected by a doctor, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient and his diagnosis. The French medication does not have complete structural analogues, however, the same company produces Isofra spray, which also contains an antibiotic. In this case, it is framycetin close to neomycin, therefore, with sinusitis, Polydex or Isofra have almost the same effect.

In addition, you can use drugs from other groups that help with the common cold and sinusitis:

The listed nasal drops and sprays have a therapeutic effect due to the content of antiseptics, antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids, and the price may differ both up and down. The most popular should be considered in more detail.

Which is better, Rinofluimucil or Polydex

The French drug (costs an average of 320 rubles) contains antimicrobial, vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory components, and Rinofluimucil (about 270 rubles) consists of the mucolytic acetylcysteine ​​and the vasoconstrictor tuaminoheptane. This combination ensures the discharge of the mucopurulent contents of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses due to its liquefaction and reduction of edema, therefore, the indications for use for both medications are identical.

Despite the fact that there are no antibiotics in the medicine, the list of contraindications is quite large, and children under three years of age should be prescribed with caution. However, the remedy is effective and may well replace Polydex, if the doctor allows.

Which is better - Polydex or Nasonex

This popular analogue “works” due to the presence of mometasone in the composition of the glucocorticosteroid, which is indicated for allergic rhinitis.

It can also be used for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, but only in combination with suitable antibiotics. That is, the indications for these drugs are different, and the question of which is better should be decided by the doctor, focusing on the cause and course of the disease. You can prescribe a spray with mometasone from the age of 2, the minimum selling price is 440 rubles per 10-gram bottle.

Review of the doctor about the spray Polydex

Pharmacists, otolaryngologists and therapists characterize this drug as very effective. The spectrum of its antimicrobial action is much wider than that of analogues, due to the content of two types of antibiotics. A vasoconstrictor and a glucocorticosteroid significantly accelerate the healing process by relieving edema. When used properly (on the advice of a specialist in compliance with his recommendations), it does not cause any side effects and is completely safe.

Shor O.L., a pediatrician with 28 years of experience from Volgodonsk, about Polydex: “I can’t say anything bad about this drug, it is really very effective. I prescribe for such diagnoses as rhinosinusitis, adenoiditis and rhinitis of a protracted nature, when other remedies do not help. The medicine is well tolerated by children, so far I have not received a single message about “side effects”, and for a complete recovery, as a rule, a minimum five-day course is enough. I think the only conditional drawback is the age limit.

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Polydex or Nasonex - drugs used for rhinitis of various origins (vasomotor, allergic). They reduce swelling caused by inflammation and increased vascular permeability, eliminate symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, mucus.

Polydex or Nasonex - drugs used for rhinitis of various origins (vasomotor, allergic).

The effect of the drug Polydex

Polydex is a complex drug for rhinitis containing dexamethasone, antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin. There is also a remedy with the addition of phenylephrine.

Dexamethasone is a hormonal anti-inflammatory agent of the glucocorticoid group. Reduces induced by proteolytic enzymes and hyaluronidase increased vascular permeability. It has a decongestant effect, reduces the intensity of exudation. Blocks the release of lysosomal enzymes responsible for the alterative phase of inflammation. Stabilizes membranes of labrocytes.

Polymyxin B is a natural antibiotic produced by spore-forming rods. The active substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream, having only a local effect on gram-negative bacteria - Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Neomycin is a 1st generation aminoglycoside. A natural antibiotic produced by actinomycetes - fungal microorganisms. Shows bacteriostatic effect against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. In increased doses, it has a bactericidal effect, destroying microbial cells.

Active against staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus, Escherichia coli.

When applied topically, it is practically not resorbed.

The effect of Nasonex

It is a glucocorticoid hormone - mometasone. It has the same effect as dexamethasone - anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative.

The combined effect of Polydex and Nasonex

Anti-inflammatory. It is not advisable to use both means at the same time, because. they both contain a glucocorticoid, but Polydex has a complex effect, tk. It contains antibiotics in addition to the hormone.

Indications for simultaneous use

Allergic rhinitis with the addition of a secondary infection, adenoiditis.


Viral or fungal infection of the nasal mucosa (ARVI, candidiasis), intolerance to components, angle-closure glaucoma, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 2.5 years, the use of MAOIs.

How to use

Spray use 1 press in each nostril. Multiplicity of application - 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 5-10 days.

Spray use 1 press in each nostril. Multiplicity of application - 3 times a day.

Side effects of Polydex and Nasonex drugs

Irritation of the mucous membrane, sneezing, increased intraocular pressure, allergies.

Doctors' opinion

Goryaeva E.S., allergist

I prescribe a nasal spray for children with allergic rhinitis - hay fever. Often this reaction provokes the development of an infection, so an antibiotic spray is the best choice.

Stasova A.N., ENT

I prescribe the spray to people with adenoiditis, rhinitis caused by seasonal allergies. Helps quickly.

When sinusitis appears, the question arises which is better - Polydex or Nasonex, since both drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect. The drugs are used for sinusitis and protracted rhinitis.

When sinusitis appears, the question arises which is better - Polydex or Nasonex, since both drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The effect of the drug Polydex

The drug helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose, constricts blood vessels, making breathing easier. The antibiotics included in the composition affect the pathogenic microflora, prevent its reproduction.

The effect of Nasonex

The drug relieves the symptoms of an allergic reaction: nasal congestion, itching, swelling, etc. The drug also eliminates the inflammatory process. The drug relieves pain and burning in the nose.

The combined effect of Polydex and Nasonex

Medicines enhance the action of each other, due to which inflammation, nasal congestion, pain, swelling and purulent exudate are quickly eliminated.

The combined effect of drugs on the mucous membrane helps to accelerate recovery from sinusitis and sinusitis.

Against the background of drug treatment, the feeling of pressure in the sinuses of the nose, which occurs due to the accumulation of purulent secretions, is eliminated.

Indications for simultaneous use

Drugs are prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • runny nose in acute and chronic form;
  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and larynx;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • polyposis.

Medications may be used to prevent exacerbations.


Medicines should not be used to treat glaucoma or suspected glaucoma. Medicines should not be used while taking MAO inhibitors. Contraindications to therapy are kidney pathologies. During pregnancy and lactation, such drugs are contraindicated.

Treatment should be refrained from in the postoperative period, as well as in the presence of nasal injuries. Drugs should be included with caution in the therapeutic regimen for viral, bacterial and fungal infections. This is especially true for the stage of exacerbation.

The use of funds for tuberculosis infection is not recommended.

With severe immunosuppression, drug treatment should be approached with caution. The same remark applies to people with hypersensitivity to glucocorticosteroids. If the nasal mucosa is damaged and bleeding, then such drugs should be used for therapy only after consulting a doctor.

How to use

Polydex is used 3 to 5 times a day. The spray must be sprayed with a single press on the dispenser. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Nasonex is not recommended to be used more than once a day. Shake the bottle before each use. The therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. It is important not to forget to clean the nozzle after each use. To do this, it is recommended to rinse it under running water.

Side effects of Polydex and Nasonex drugs

Medicines can provoke an increase in allergic reactions with hypersensitivity to the components. During therapy, respiratory tract infections may worsen. Rarely, anaphylactic shock and bronchospasm occur. Headache may occur during drug therapy. With prolonged treatment, glaucoma is possible.

Against the background of the use of sprays, intraocular pressure often increases.

The use of drugs may be accompanied by nosebleeds, a burning sensation in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa. In rare cases, irritation of the larynx and a violation of taste perception are possible. Children often experience sneezing during therapy.

Before starting therapy with these agents, it is important to examine the nasal cavity for possible damage. Long-term treatment is fraught with perforation of the septum.

Doctors' opinion

Oleg, 54 years old, therapist, Izhevsk

Both drugs are effective in the fight against inflammatory pathologies of the sinuses. Polydex is considered a safer medication, because it is better tolerated. I also use Nasonex in my practice, but less often. I try not to prescribe such a drug to children because of the increased risk of negative reactions. I do not recommend combining these drugs.

Victoria, 38 years old, therapist, Perm

These remedies do an excellent job with various types of rhinitis. Polydex is best used for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, bacterial complications, since the medicine contains antibiotics. Nasonex is more effective in combating allergic reactions. Due to the fact that both drugs contain glucocorticosteroids, they should be used simultaneously only in cases of advanced pathological processes.

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