Boiled lamb dishes. Boiled lamb. How to cook lamb according to the classic recipe

Boiled lamb goes well with various side dishes and sauces. And on the broth they cook kharcho, shurpa and other fragrant soups of Caucasian cuisine. If you know how to cook lamb properly, the broth is clear, and the meat is juicy and fragrant.

If you know how to cook lamb correctly, the meat will turn out tender and fragrant.


Salt 1 tsp Spices 2 tsp Turnip 1 piece(s) Onion 2 heads Carrot 2 pieces) Water 2 liters Mutton 500 grams

  • Servings: 4
  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 2 minutes

How to cook lamb according to the classic recipe

The most suitable parts of the carcass for boiling are the neck, shoulder blade and back area.

To cook meat correctly, you should use the following algorithm:

  1. Well-washed lamb, put in a saucepan and pour boiling water so that the piece is completely covered with water.
  2. Close the lid and put on fire, which after boiling must be greatly reduced.
  3. Put finely chopped vegetables.
  4. Periodically remove the foam, because if it settles, the broth will become cloudy. That is why you should not cut the meat into small pieces. The more chips and cuts, the more foam.

Get the finished meat and use it for cooking second courses, and the broth for fragrant soups. If desired, it can be filtered through a sieve.

Sometimes lamb produces a specific smell, which many find unpleasant. To avoid this, you need to choose sheep meat, not ram. In males, it is lighter and smells even when raw. If only lamb meat is available, it must be soaked for 8 hours, after cutting off excess fat. The water must be changed 3 times.

But how much to cook lamb depends on the age of the lamb.

How long to cook lamb

It is enough to simmer the meat of a young animal in boiling water for 1.5 hours. But more often on sale you can find the meat of adult, one-year-old sheep. It is boiled for at least 2 hours. The broth from such lamb turns out to be more fragrant and rich. Please note that frozen meat takes an additional hour to cook.

It is very convenient to cook boiled lamb in a slow cooker. For this you will need:

  • boneless lamb meat - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • salt, seasonings and pepper - to taste.

The recipe is good for its simplicity:

  1. Cut well-washed meat into small slices, onions into rings, carrots into circles.
  2. Place in a multicooker bowl and fill with water so that its edge is 2 cm higher than the lamb.
  3. Set the desired program depending on the purpose of the future dish. You can cook in the "Soup" or "Stew" mode. The duration of cooking on average will be 2.5 hours.

You can put pieces of lamb in a slow cooker without defrosting. Then the cooking time will increase by an hour.

Boiled lamb is served with vegetable slices, herbs, pickles. The broth can be used not only for soups, but also for delicious sauces.

In the Caucasus, quite often people use the boiled lamb recipe, since this meat goes well with many side dishes and sauces. In addition, by boiling it, you can cook several dishes at once. For example, numerous soups like kharcho and shurpa are prepared from fragrant and clear broth. This article will talk about a recipe for boiled lamb with a photo, with which you can get a lot of juicy tasty meat.

Features of boiled lamb

If you cook boiled lamb according to the correct recipe, then the resulting meat will differ in several noticeable features. First of all, such a product is absorbed by the body much easier compared to other types of cooking. In addition, in this case, you do not have to use exceptionally high quality ingredients to obtain the optimal result - this will significantly affect the price, since low-grade meat can be purchased much cheaper in stores.

In fact, for the preparation of boiled lamb with vegetables, it is recommended to use only meat, which contains a large amount of connective tissue, since when heated, collagen melts in it. So the best option would be to choose the lower part of the sternum, neck and shoulder blade.

Meat selection

Recipes with boiled lamb are not very popular due to the specific smell that many do not like. In order to avoid this problem, you need to carefully consider the choice of product in the store. First of all, you should not buy male meat. In sheep, it is much softer and practically does not smell, although it has a darker color. However, if it is impossible to purchase it, then the lamb before use must be pre-soaked for 8 hours, changing the water at least three times, and cut off all excess fat.

Classic recipe

If you want to cook boiled lamb according to the classic recipe, then you will first need to purchase all the necessary ingredients. As a result, you will get not only tasty and juicy meat, but also a fragrant broth, from which you can later make a sauce or cook soup. So, for 4 servings of meat you will need to prepare:

  • half a kilogram of lamb;
  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • 150 grams of carrots;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • 1 turnip;
  • about 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of spices and spices of Caucasian cuisine.

Step by step cooking

By itself, boiled lamb is a healthy and tasty dish. However, for its preparation, the following sequence of actions must be fully observed:

  1. First of all, you need to pre-prepare the lamb itself for subsequent cooking. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse it and put it in a saucepan.
  2. Water must be poured exactly so that the meat is completely hidden by water, and then everything is covered with a lid and put on a strong fire. You need to wait until it boils, and then greatly reduce the temperature.
  3. While you are waiting for the boil, you can start preparing the vegetables. They are washed and peeled, and then cut into small cubes. After boiling water, vegetables are added to the meat. In the future, in no case should the water be allowed to boil, since the lamb must be boiled exclusively on a small fire.
  4. After that, as you cook, you need to constantly remove the foam, because if this is not done, it will settle, and the broth will subsequently turn out to be very cloudy. That is why it is not the best option to pre-cut the meat into small pieces, because even though it will cook noticeably faster, there will be much more foam.
  5. As soon as the meat is ready, it can be taken out and used to add to hot main courses, and strain the broth through a sieve. Lamb can be served with fresh herbs, sliced ​​​​vegetables or pickles - they perfectly emphasize the taste of meat.

Cooking time

As you can see, the above recipe for boiled lamb does not indicate exactly how long it takes to cook the dish. It all depends on the age of the lamb used. If the meat of a very young animal was bought, then in order to get a soft and juicy dish, it will take only an hour and a half of cooking. However, it is very difficult to buy it, since the meat of older individuals that have already reached the age of one is found in stores. In this case, the cooking time will need to be increased to 2 hours. However, such meat has its plus - the broth from it turns out to be very rich and fragrant, so the soup will be much tastier.

It is also worth paying special attention to the fact that if a frozen product is used during cooking, the cooking time must be increased by another hour.

Boiled lamb dishes

It is worth noting that lamb is not particularly common in Russia, where chicken, pork or beef are more often bought in stores. However, there are several recipes for various dishes that use this product as the main one.

Therefore, if you are wondering what to cook from boiled lamb, then you should pay attention to such dishes as airishtu, that is, meat with vegetables cooked in clay pots, as well as manti stuffed with lamb and fat tail fat. Also, boiled lamb is often used for cooking Kazakh meat, which is better known as beshparmak.


Basically, boiled lamb is now cooked solely for the sake of fragrant broth, with which you can cook delicious Caucasian soups. However, even the meat itself in this form is very useful, because it is well absorbed by the body and gives it many useful substances and vitamins. So it’s worth trying at least once hot boiled meat sprinkled with fresh herbs and onions with a side dish of mashed potatoes or rice with spices.

Well, if you add classic adjika or horseradish to the dish, then you won’t be able to forget its taste for a very long time. In addition, lamb is considered an excellent dietary product, since it has a rather small amount of fat, and its calorie content is only 250 kcal. Such a dish in reasonable quantities will not harm harmony.

Boiled lamb dishes have advantages over other dishes, for example, they are easily digestible (boiled meat with sauce), in addition, lower-grade meat can be used for cooking. The meat is boiled in an appropriate amount of water, usually 1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of meat. To improve the taste and smell of boiled meat, vegetables and spices are added to the dish. Meat should not be cooked in large chunks. After placing the meat in boiling water (slightly salted), the heating temperature should be reduced to approximately 85°C. If the meat is cooked at this temperature, then it will be more juicy compared to what was cooked in boiling water. When boiling, it is recommended to boil meat with a large amount of connective tissue (for example, the lower sternum), since collagen dissolves at high temperature. It is difficult to accurately determine the time for boiling meat, it can be from 1 to 2.5 hours and depends on the quality of the meat (part of the carcass), the method of boiling and the size of the pieces. Meat boiled with seasonings and spices requires less water, and all the meat broth is subsequently intended for the preparation of sauces.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

500 g lamb, medium onion, 6-8 potatoes, parsley, medium-sized leek, 3 small onions, 1-2 bay leaves, a bunch of parsley, salt, peppercorns.
1. Wash the meat thoroughly, cut into 4 servings; put in a saucepan, pour boiling water (1-1.5 l), salt, cook over low heat.
2. Wash potatoes, peel, cut 2 potatoes into slices.
3. Wash the parsley, leek and onion; Cut the parsley and leek into slices, leave the onion whole.
4. Add one onion, chopped potatoes, leeks, parsley, as well as bay leaves and peppers to the pot with meat, cook until the vegetables are soft.
5. Remove the meat from the pan, rub the vegetables through a sieve and put in the broth.
6. Put the meat back into the broth, the rest of the potatoes, the remaining onions and a little water; boil.
7. When the meat and potatoes are soft, put the contents of the pan on a dish and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Z. Onion peel, wash, cut into small cubes.
4. In a separate bowl, stir the coriander, paprika, cinnamon, chopped garlic, half the chopped onion and ginger.
5. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the remaining onion and brown it until golden brown; add spices and fry all this for a while, stirring constantly.
6. Then put the cooked pieces of meat, stir with hpn-rights and fry until the meat is browned.
7. Before serving, sprinkle the meat with lemon juice; serve with fluffy rice.

Have you ever tried boiled lamb? Not stewed, not stewed, not in pieces in soup, but as an independent dish? I don't know much about these recipes. And why it happened so - I also have no idea. Wonderful meat is obtained, by the way! It is only important to choose the right sauce. The wife of our village shepherd shared with me this very simple recipe that requires the very minimum of effort from the hostess.

We take the back leg of a lamb or ram. The lower part is very well suited for boiling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint that is bent back, not forward, i.e. not the knee, but below. There, anyway, the meat is rather stupid - a lot of muscles converge in this place, each of them sits in its own shell. Expensive high-grade pulp is higher. Here - also a low-fat piece, just worse quality. If you also have a front leg (without a shoulder blade) - you can also take it into action. But pieces of pulp should also be, not just bones!

In addition to meat, you will need black peppercorns, salt and water. For half a liter of water - 1 pea of ​​black pepper, for 1 liter of water - a teaspoon of finely crystalline salt. But the sauce for boiled lamb is especially good cold, made from low-fat sour cream or even yogurt - if only it was something liquid and sour. Seasonings - fresh herbs, salt, garlic or a small amount of pepper is possible, but it is better to try without them first to appreciate the taste of meat. Nothing too strong and armor-piercingly sharp - lamb boiled in this way has a very delicate, delicate taste, it is easy to hammer it.

Put the lamb in a saucepan and fill with water to cover the meat completely. We measure the water, how much was poured in, this is necessary to calculate the pepper and salt. If the bones do not fit in the pan - cut them out and "place", turn over during cooking. Add pepper, based on the amount of water (a pea - half a liter). Bring the water to a boil, remove the foam and cook the meat over low heat for an hour and a half. Add salt and cook for 10-20 minutes. Just? Easier nowhere.

To prepare the sauce, scroll sour cream with fresh herbs and salt in a blender. Just? Generally elementary!

We catch the finished meat from the pan and cut into portions. It can be consumed both hot and cold. Hot cut thick, cold (half an hour after removing from the pan) really cut and very thin.

Let's not forget the sauce. Possible side dishes are boiled potatoes, boiled cauliflower, black bread. Simple peasant cuisine, in short. As you can see, the recipe is utilitarian and everyday, not festive. No, well, what kind of meat is the cheapest for a shepherd's family?

Before any process of cooking lamb, including cooking, it is necessary to remove excess fat from the meat. Otherwise, after the heat exposure, a rather pungent and specific smell will be released, which can spoil the impression of the dish. If the lamb is frozen, then it must be thawed first in the refrigerator, and then for several hours at room temperature. A gradual change in temperature conditions will improve the taste of this type of meat.

If the lamb is cooked in an ordinary saucepan, then after washing the meat, it must be placed in boiling water so that the liquid completely covers it. It is better to fill in water with a traditional margin of 2-3 cm. It is recommended to add salt and spices at the initial stage of cooking lamb. During the cooking process, a large amount of fat will be released from lamb. Excess should be periodically removed with a spoon or slotted spoon. It is recommended to cook lamb under a closed lid over medium and then over low heat.

Nuances of cooking lamb:

  • before cooking, not only excess fat must be removed from lamb, but also tendons (sometimes lamb has a characteristic film that must also be removed);
  • it is recommended that before cooking lamb, pour it with water at room temperature and leave it to soak for one and a half or two hours (during this time, the meat will get rid of all possible contaminants and unnecessary components);
  • to improve the aroma of lamb, it is recommended to add chopped or whole onions to the water at the initial stage of cooking;
  • bay leaf should be added to lamb during the cooking process with great care (the smell of bay leaf is rich, which can lead to a change in the aroma and taste of lamb);
  • in order to exclude the digestion of lamb, the meat should be regularly checked for readiness with a sharp knife or fork;
  • to speed up the process of cooking lamb, the meat can be cut into small pieces (the smaller the pieces, the faster the lamb will cook).

You can cook lamb not only in a regular pan, but also using:

  • pressure cookers (young lamb in a pressure cooker can reach readiness within 40-50 minutes);
  • multicookers (mutton can be cooked in the "Cooking" or "Stew" mode, according to the cooking speed in the first case, the meat will be cooked in 2.5 hours, in the second - in 2 hours);
  • double boilers (young lamb is cooked for 1-1.5 hours);
  • microwave (this method is best used only in case of emergency).

Lamb can be cooked using any kitchen appliance, but it is better not to cook this type of meat in the microwave. Large pieces of meat in this case will not boil, and small ones will cook in 20-30 minutes. Microwave-cooked lamb will not have a characteristic aroma and rich taste. This option is only suitable for making quick soup.

How long to cook lamb

Depending on the age of the lamb, it is cooked for different times. The meat of young sheep can reach readiness in an hour and a half, and older lamb in 2-3 hours. The main nuance of cooking lamb is not to digest the meat. Otherwise, it will become too hard.

Cooking time also depends on the body part of the animal. For this method of cooking lamb, it is better to take meat on the bones (if you need a rich broth), neck or shoulder part or brisket. On average, lamb of this variety will be cooked for 1.5-2 hours.

If lamb is cooked for soup, then it can be cut into small pieces. Thanks to this nuance, the cooking time will be reduced to 30 minutes. Pre-meat is prepared in the traditional way by washing and removing fat, as well as tendons.

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