What fresh vegetables can I breastfeed. What vegetables are allowed during the entire feeding. What vegetables can a nursing mother eat

What can a breastfeeding mother eat? Both her health and the health and development of the newborn depend on the nutrition of the mother during lactation. A nursing mother can and should eat a varied and complete diet: the body after gestation and childbirth requires resources for recovery, and the process of lactation, the production of breast milk, directly depends on an adequate diet and drinking volume. Most mothers who think about nutrition during breastfeeding evaluate their menu based on the reaction of the baby. But such assessments are often quite subjective: the behavior of the baby does not always correlate with the mother's menu. What can and should be included in your diet during lactation, and what foods should be treated with caution?

The scientific basis for formulating a diet for a nursing mother

Breast milk is the optimal nutrition for all babies. It contains perfectly balanced microelements, nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the child, as well as maternal antibodies that provide protection against various diseases.
The composition of breast milk directly depends on the mother's diet, which is confirmed by studies. Fluctuations in the concentration of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements in the chemical composition of this biological fluid are associated with their presence in the mother's diet, as well as the penetration of alcohol, active ingredients of certain medications, and nicotine resin compounds into milk.

The diet of a nursing mother is primarily made up of those products that must be included in the diet. These are basic meals and liquids that provide a healthy and nutritious diet. What you can eat and what you should not eat depends largely on the individual characteristics and reactions of the mother and child, as well as the pace of maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune and nervous systems of the newborn.

There are three basic categories of foods that should be avoided during breastfeeding. Depending on the composition of the product, they can negatively affect both the mother's body and the well-being and health of the baby.

Common Allergen-Containing Products

It is optimal during the period of bearing and feeding a child to refrain from vegetables and fruits that do not grow within a radius of 300 km from the main place of residence of the family. This is due to the adaptive abilities of living organisms: habitual food does not cause rejection, allergic reactions, the gastrointestinal tract functions normally when it is received.

When exotic or off-season fruits, vegetables and berries appear in the diet, allergic reactions are possible both in the mother due to the weakening of the body in the postpartum period, and in the child. Despite the fact that during fetal development, children do not eat food and nutrients are supplied through the umbilical cord with the blood stream in a split form, the body of the fetus adapts to the basic microelements. When new products appear in the mother's diet, the infant's body may begin to react with the production of histamines, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, the cause of allergic reactions when fruits, vegetables and berries are included in the mother’s diet is their “exoticism”. For the same reason, allergies are possible when eating seafood if the family lives far from the sea. When using out-of-season fruits and berries, an allergy is possible due to the treatment of their surface with chemicals for transportation from remote regions or other countries.

Individual allergens

It is categorically impossible to include allergen products in your diet, even with a mild reaction of the mother or in her absence at the moment, but a history of allergies has been identified.
With a diagnosed allergy, it is necessary to remember about cross-allergens, while, for example, in case of an allergic reaction to alder and birch pollen, allergen products will include fruits of the nightshade family (tomatoes), mushrooms, as well as penicillin antibiotics.

The tendency to allergic reactions can be inherited, and the use of allergens can provoke an early manifestation of allergy episodes in a child.

Avoid allergens while breastfeeding. It is also worth remembering that there are a number of histamine liberator products that, not being allergens, sensitize the body, increase its sensitivity. Foods that should be avoided for nutritional allergies include chocolate, cocoa, eggs, fish, certain types of berries, nuts, seafood, and industrial canned food. A high sensitizing potential is also noted in cheeses, fatty meats, liver, and kidneys.

Prohibited products for nursing mothers

The vast majority of products, subject to the health of the mother and child, can be included in the diet: in many ways, the reaction of the body depends on the amount of food of this type eaten. In the first days after childbirth, the mother's body is restored, there is a repeated displacement of the internal organs in the peritoneum due to a decrease in the volume of the uterus. Against the background of a change in localization, temporary changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible, in connection with which dietary nutrition is indicated in the postpartum period: soups, cereals, soft, easily digestible food that does not cause gas formation, constipation or dyspepsia.

After the restoration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract in the diet, it is necessary to avoid or significantly limit foods that contribute to hyperstimulation of the nervous system (coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea, energy drinks, cola), do not eat food with preservatives, chemical additives, fatty, spicy, salty foods, smoked meats, carbonated drinks.

Despite the widespread “recipes for lactation”, in which an abundance of tea with condensed milk, milk and butter rolls is recommended to nursing mothers, such a diet does not improve the quality of breast milk and does not increase its quantity, but can lead to impaired liver function, endocrine system, diseases of the pancreas, difficulty with defecation, the formation of excess body weight in the mother and allergic reactions in the child.

Another harmful myth is the beneficial effect of beer on lactation. Thanks to repeated studies, it has been established that any types of beer and other alcoholic beverages do not have a positive effect on milk secretion, and if consumed in excess, they help reduce lactation. A possible primary outcome is relaxation of the body in some mothers under the influence of a small dose of alcohol. However, a similar effect, which improves lactation in all women, is easier to achieve with a warm bath, self-massage of the breast. The composition of beer and beer drinks, including non-alcoholic ones, does not meet the requirements of a healthy diet and is replete with preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors, etc.

What can you eat after giving birth to a nursing mother?

Regarding the various gifts of nature and their benefits for a nursing mother, there are several opinions and factors that influence their occurrence:

Product typeCommon opinion about influence
Cabbage, zucchini, grapes, raisins, legumesIncreased gas formation and intestinal colic in a child as a result of the mother's consumption of certain types of vegetables and berries
Strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, tomatoes, red applesAllergic reaction
Imported, off-season fruits, berries, vegetablesAllergic reaction, gastrointestinal dysfunction due to the treatment of fruits with chemicals
Onions, including feathers, garlic, wild garlic, asparagus, white cabbage, broccoliRefusal of the breast due to a change in the taste of breast milk due to phytoncides
Apples, bananas, cucumbers, zucchini, melonLoose stool in a child

Not all claims about the effect on the child of fruits and vegetables consumed by the mother are true. Most often, an individual reaction of the child's body or a combination of several factors is recorded.

So, increased gas formation, a process that occurs in almost all people when eating legumes, cabbage, foods rich in coarse fiber, can also affect the condition of the child during breastfeeding, so in the first months it is recommended to avoid including them in the diet. In the future, with the careful introduction of such products into the menu, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the child; if necessary, dill, cumin, anise should be added to the dish, which contribute to the easy removal of gases from the intestines.

An allergy in a child when a mother consumes red fruits and berries can be cumulative, so it is worth limiting their use if the mother has allergic reactions to this type of fruit or the child develops rashes, redness after including cherries, strawberries, etc. in the diet. However, in the absence of negative reactions, do not completely abandon the sources of vitamins. Red apples can be peeled before eating.
Local seasonal fruits are preferable to imported ones due to less processing for storage during transportation, as well as a decrease in the possibility of using chemicals that accelerate the ripening of fruits and berries.

Many children do not respond to changes in the taste of milk under the influence of phytoncides. Changes in the child's appetite can also be associated with well-being, teething, an abundance of psycho-emotional stress (new experiences), a new stage of development, and not with the taste of breast milk that has changed under the influence of products.

The influence of cucumbers, bananas, apples on the state of the child's stool is considered an unconfirmed factor. Liquefaction, a greenish tint of stools are more often associated with a lack of "hind" milk in the baby's diet, rich in protein and fats, which occurs when feeding time is limited, frequent breast changes during feeding, and additional decantation after applying the baby. With such feeding tactics, the child receives more primary milk, saturated with carbohydrates, which leads to liquefaction of the stool and nutritional deficiencies. The same symptoms of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract may indicate an allergy to milk chalk contained in cow's milk and dairy products, or gluten intolerance. To determine the cause of the reaction, the potential allergen is excluded from the mother's diet for seven days. With positive dynamics of the child's condition, the diagnosis is confirmed by tests.

What vegetables and fruits can a nursing mother of a newborn eat? In the absence of negative reactions of the organisms of the mother and child, bananas, pears, apples are recommended (in some cases, with increased sensitivity, blocks and pears can be baked or boiled in compote). From vegetables, you can immediately include in the diet potatoes (boiled, stewed, baked), carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, sweet potato, processed (stewed, boiled) cabbage, beets in small quantities. In the first two or three months, it is recommended to eat green vegetables raw, and eat yellow, orange, red ones after heat treatment (boiling, steaming, stewing).

Carbohydrates in the diet of a nursing mother

An excess of carbohydrates also provokes gas formation and intestinal colic in infants. The presence in the mother's diet of foods rich in simple, quickly processed carbohydrates harms both herself and the baby.

To reduce the likelihood of colic, it is necessary to limit foods rich in glucose and other sugars in the diet: grapes, melons, homemade and factory-made sweets, confectionery, chocolate, sweets, pastries, sweet curd pastes, glazed curds, cereals and drinks with an abundance of sugar, especially carbonated ones. Fermented milk products that are useful for nursing mothers also need to be evaluated from the standpoint of the amount of sugar in the composition: yogurt-like products, sweet drinks based on kefir (“Snowball”, etc.), various “curd” contain much more sugars than useful protein and vitamins.

What can you eat "for dessert" instead of sweets and pastries? Sweets are recommended to be replaced with dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots in small quantities), dry biscuits, natural marshmallow, marmalade, jam, jams.

What vegetables and fruits can a nursing mother eat in the first month?

In the first month after the birth of a child, the mother should stick to the diet, even if there is no family history of allergic reactions and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are functioning normally. In the first time after delivery, the body recovers, therefore, even in the absence of lactation, it is necessary to follow the principles of a general diet: limit or completely exclude fatty, spicy, salty foods, an abundance of carbohydrates, spices, preservatives.
What and how much can a nursing mother drink after the baby is born? In the first few days after childbirth, lactation is established, the process of milk production. Despite the loss of fluid by the body during delivery, you should not immediately switch to the drinking regimen recommended for nursing. During the period of excretion of colostrum, a clear yellowish liquid, the total amount of drinking, including first courses and juicy fruits and vegetables, should not exceed 1-1.5 liters per day, otherwise lactostasis is likely to develop at the onset of lactation due to excessive production of breast milk .

After the establishment of lactation, the amount of fluid should exceed the daily norm by 1 liter: it is the volume of the drink that primarily affects the volume of breast milk produced.

What can you drink while breastfeeding? It is recommended to include weak broths and soups on them, teas with a low content of caffeine, fruit and berry drinks, fruit drinks, compotes, sour-milk drinking products (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, natural yoghurts, mixtures of whey and juices) in the total volume of daily liquid.

Is it possible to milk a nursing mother? Cow's milk protein is one of the most common allergens. In the first months of a child's life, a lactating mother is not recommended to consume whole cow's milk because of a possible allergic reaction in the child. What can replace milk? For cereals, milk soups, it is preferable to use a mixture of milk and water in a 1: 1 ratio, or to replace cow's milk with goat's. In the diet of a grown-up baby, it is also not recommended to introduce whole cow's milk until the age of 1-1.5 years.
In the first weeks after childbirth, the menu of a nursing mother includes products such as:

Category of products/dishesPeculiarities
Soupsvegetarian or in a weak meat broth
Meatboiled or steamed lean meats and poultry: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit meat
Bread, bakery productspreferably wheat-rye, with bran; dry biscuits, dryers, biscuits
Vegetablesboiled, stewed, steamed (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots)
cerealscereals in diluted milk or water: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal
dairy drinks and productsnatural cottage cheese (non-curd products), cheese, yogurt, kefir, whey, etc.
Fruitapples, bananas, pears (in the absence of a tendency to constipation)

Is it possible for a nursing mother to follow such a diet throughout the entire lactation period? Such dietary nutrition is possible subject to the norms of caloric content of the diet and the variety of dishes and their components. Do not limit yourself to one or two products - most often this leads to the depletion of the mother's body and a decrease in the volume of breast milk, as well as a lack of nutrients for the child. Gradually, white fish, various vegetables, fruits, other types of meat, cereals should be included in the diet - this helps the mother replenish the body's reserves, and the child adapts to new types of foods and prepares for the start of complementary feeding and independent nutrition.
In the period following the newborn, it is necessary to expand the diet, gradually adding the usual foods (no more than 1 per day) in a small amount and observing the reaction of the child. When following the principles of healthy eating, most children quickly adapt to the mother's diet and do not experience problems with the intestines or allergization of the body when the mother uses new foods.

What can you eat during lactation?

Is it possible for a nursing mother to increase the volume of milk if it is not produced enough by adjusting her menu? First of all, if there is a shortage of milk, it should be determined how this condition is objectively assessed: if the child gradually gains weight, urinates 7-10 times a day, but often requires breasts, then, most often, the problem is not in insufficient production of breast milk.

In the process of growth and development of infants, there may be periods when the child does not gain weight, but this is not related to the quantity or quality of nutrition. The main indicators of milk sufficiency are the frequency of urination per day and the general health and well-being of the child.

What can be done if a nursing mother has really little milk? With a confirmed lack of milk, first of all, you need to pay attention to your drinking regime and the composition of the products: during the day you need to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid (weak tea, herbal teas, compotes, juices, fruit drinks, fermented milk drinks). The diet should be balanced fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Do special juices for moms help lactation? Commercially made juices with added vitamins and calcium are not the best choice when alternatives are available. Homemade compotes from fresh or dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices and fermented milk products contain more vitamins and fewer additives than store-bought ones. The process of lactation is not affected by the use of juices "for mothers" if the mother receives enough nutrition and fluids.

Is it possible to use teas for lactation? Such teas contain medicinal plants that are natural stimulators of milk production by the mammary glands (anise, fennel, cumin seeds, nettle leaves, lemon balm). Their consumption in accordance with the recommended daily allowance, subject to proper nutrition, can really increase the amount of breast milk. Anise, fennel and cumin are also carminative plants that relieve the condition of both mother and child with increased gas formation.

The quality of breast milk and the rate of recovery of a woman's depleted body after a long period of bearing a baby largely depends on how well an accomplished mother eats.

Poor nutrition deprives her and the rapidly growing baby of vital “building” substances, for this reason, the daily diet should be safe and as balanced as possible, fortified and rich in useful micro and macro elements, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Vegetables are the main assistants in the process of enriching the body, and therefore breast milk, with essential minerals.

Actually, today we invite you to figure out which vegetables you can eat while breastfeeding and what they are good for, as well as which ones it is advisable to refuse in order to avoid trouble, first of all, in a child.

From this article you will learn:

What vegetables, and in what form can a nursing mother eat

It's no secret that when breastfeeding, women's menu consists of a limited food set. Fortunately, it lasts only 2-3 months from the moment the baby is born. As he grows up, the taboo on most types of products is removed, and the mother gradually returns to her usual diet, adjusted towards a healthy diet.

In this case, vegetables become its basis, while the baby learns to digest plant foods, getting from it all that is useful that it has accumulated during the period of active maturation.

So, the allowed vegetables during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • Potato- it is rich in thiamine - an invaluable amino acid for a child;
  • Carrot- it contains a lot of carotene and vitamin B6, a substance involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats and their full assimilation by the body;
  • Beet- it contains a huge amount of "health vitamin" (vitamin C);
  • cucumbers- they contain iodine, necessary for the health of the thyroid gland;
  • Zucchini and zucchini- from them, the baby and mother receive potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron;
  • Bell pepper- a source of rutin and potassium - substances that strengthen capillaries;
  • Tomatoes- good for the manifestation of anemia, since they contain iron and zinc in sufficient quantities;
  • eggplant- they are famous for the presence of a huge amount of pectins - substances that stabilize the metabolism;
  • green onion- rich in flavonoids, which is especially important against the backdrop of a deteriorating environmental situation;
  • Celery- a natural remedy for bloating, enriched with B and C vitamins and carotene;
  • Broccoli- a storehouse of beta-carotene and substances that increase metabolism in the body;
  • Cauliflower- it improves the intestinal microflora and contains folic acid, which is necessary for the mental development of the child.

As you can see, the product variety is quite extensive, and given that these products can be served cooked using several technologies, then you don’t have to worry about satisfying your taste needs.

Ideally, breastfeeding vegetables should be consumed after heat treatment. They can be:

  • boil;
  • put out;
  • cook for a couple;
  • bake.

Favorite fried potatoes are contraindicated for a nursing mother. But, it can be replaced with an equally tasty dish - baked potatoes or delicate milk puree with herbs.

Carrots, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes and the same potatoes can become components of a vegetable stew, which is also recommended for breastfeeding. By the way, zucchini can help mom cope with puffiness, so avoiding them at the height of the vegetable season means harming yourself.

"Local" cucumbers and onions, naturally in season, are available to mom raw and in almost unlimited quantities. As a rule, these vegetables during breastfeeding do not have a gas-forming effect, and do not cause digestive problems in the child.

Cauliflower and broccoli are gourmet foods when steamed or added to soup. In this form, they retain all their vitamins and allow you to successfully experiment with the usual types of dishes.

For example, broccoli is a popular restaurant ingredient that can be used to make a delicious creamy soup with croutons.

As for beets and sweet peppers, they should be introduced into your diet carefully, slowly. It is also worth mentioning raw carrots. Sometimes, these vegetables cause allergic reactions in children: redness on the skin, rashes, etc.

Despite the fact that all the gifts of fields and gardens have certain valuable properties, there are still those that a nursing mother should avoid. First of all, these include products, the use of which in a child manifests a congenital allergy.

They can be radishes, horseradish, tomatoes, eggplants, radishes, onions, and more. other. This also includes garlic, which, when released into milk, gives it a bitter taste and a characteristic repellent smell.

However, proper heat treatment does not give the allergen/smell a chance to live.

Further, the list is replenished with off-season vegetables imported from warm countries or grown in greenhouses. As a rule, there is little benefit from them, but there is more than enough harm, since farmers keep the processing methods, including ways to stimulate their growth, under seven seals.

And finally, when breastfeeding, you should not eat vegetables from cans. This refers to pickles, fragrant and tasty, but absolutely contraindicated for a nursing mother. They may contain dangerous compounds - vinegar, salt, hot spices and seasonings. The baby should be the last to get acquainted with them, allowing his digestive organs to gain strength and develop the necessary set of enzymes.

The composition of mother's milk depends on the mother's diet, so it must be balanced and include only products allowed during this period.

A large number of vitamins are brought to the body by stewed vegetables during breastfeeding, because it is this version of their preparation that is most safe for a newborn baby. What kind of varieties you can eat during lactation, how to cook them correctly, when and in what quantity to use - we'll talk in this article.

Vegetables must be present in the diet of a nursing mother. They help a woman recover from childbirth, and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

In addition, in most cases, they are low in calories, which will help the woman return to her prenatal form sooner. Many people know that fresh vegetables can unnecessarily burden the stomach and intestines, as well as cause allergies, so stewing is considered the safest way to cook them.

Vegetables should be added to such a dish one by one, with an interval of 3-4 days, starting with a small amount.

During this period, it is necessary to monitor the well-being of the child. In the event of any negative reactions, you need to wait with such a vegetable for at least a month. Although the risk of side effects is minimal, since in this form vegetables are usually well tolerated by infants.

In the process of preparing stewed vegetables, do not get carried away with salt or spices.

The most useful stewed vegetables for a nursing mother

Each vegetable is useful in its own way and has a different effect on the body. That is why, you should eat a variety of root vegetables and leafy vegetables.

It is important to choose local fruits (since imported ones are often treated with various chemicals), and according to the season.

When choosing, you need to ensure that each specific fruit is not spoiled. Frozen vegetables can also be used for stewing, but there will be less vitamins in such a dish.

The most useful and safe for the period of breastfeeding are:

  • Zucchini. They contain trace elements such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc.
  • Cauliflower. Beneficial effect on brain function. It also improves the condition of the intestinal microflora.
  • Broccoli. High in protein and fibre.
  • Potato. It is a source of thiamine, folic acid and other vitamins necessary for the full development of the baby.
  • Onion. Helps in the prevention and treatment of colds. However, it is better not to eat it fresh, as this may affect the taste of breast milk.
  • Pumpkin. Rich in vitamins B, C, K and T. Helps in the fight against edema and overweight.
  • Carrot. It contains many vitamins, especially vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision. In addition, it helps to improve lactation.
  • bell pepper. The safest fruits are green and yellow. Such a vegetable helps to strengthen blood vessels.
  • White cabbage. Good for immunity and also for blood circulation.

What vegetables should be eaten with care

Not all vegetables are completely safe for babies. Some of them can cause allergic reactions, as well as lead to a deterioration in the well-being of the child. You can eat them, but it is necessary to carefully assess the health of the baby.

Potentially dangerous ones include:

  • Beet. It is useful for reduced immunity, as well as for constipation and anemia.
  • eggplant. Improve metabolism.
  • Cucumbers. Contribute to the normalization of the thyroid gland. In addition, they have a low calorie content, so they are used in dietary nutrition.
  • Tomatoes. Rich in iron and zinc. Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the nervous and genitourinary systems.
  • Celery. Helps fight increased gas formation, is useful for the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should also know that any exotic vegetables should be completely excluded from the diet of a nursing mother.

Recipe for stewed vegetables for a nursing woman

Stewed vegetables can be prepared according to your personal preferences. Consider one of the options for how to cook stewed vegetables while breastfeeding, the recipe of which is given below.

Required Ingredients

  • Zucchini - 300 - 400 g;
  • Potatoes - 4 - 5 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Pumpkin - 100 - 200 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar -1/2 tsp

Cooking process

  • Wash and peel all vegetables.
  • Cut into small pieces of zucchini, potatoes, onions, pumpkin.
  • Pepper cut into strips.
  • Grate carrots.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and add vegetables. Put the pumpkin first, then potatoes, carrots, onions and peppers. Lastly add the zucchini.
  • Bring to a boil and cover with a lid.
  • Simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat.
  • To mix everything. Add salt and sugar.
  • Simmer for about 5 more minutes.

It is impossible to refuse vegetables during lactation. This can deprive a nursing mother and her baby of a large amount of essential vitamins. It is important to choose allowed vegetables and follow all recommendations regarding their introduction into the diet. Stewed vegetables during breastfeeding rarely cause allergies and in most cases are well tolerated by babies. The main thing is to choose only high-quality fruits that grow in this region.

For lactating mothers, vegetables are the most doubtful. On the one hand, this is the best source of vitamins and fiber, on the other hand, some of them, especially when raw, can lead to bloating and colic in a baby or provoke an allergy in him. Let's try together to make the best list of safe vegetables.

Vegetables are an integral part of a well-planned diet. They contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins, and legumes also contain a complete vegetable protein. It is a storehouse of fiber that regulates bowel function and prevents constipation, obesity and colon cancer.

The search for sources of vitamins and microelements to improve the quality of mother's milk and prevent beriberi is especially relevant in winter, when local vegetables become almost the only choice. After all, fruits from the supermarket are not distinguished by safety and high quality. To protect the fruits from spoilage and extend the shelf life, they are treated with chemical agents that can adversely affect the health of mother and baby.

Minerals in the composition of vegetables (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc.) are not only involved in the formation of tissues, such as bone, but also regulate the water balance in the body, preventing swelling and dehydration.

Effect on lactation

Some vegetables while breastfeeding can increase lactation:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini.

Various decoctions are prepared from them, stimulating the production of milk.

A carrot infusion that promotes lactation has proven itself well. To prepare it, 1 medium carrot is rubbed on a fine grater. The result should be about 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable porridge. Pour in one glass of boiled milk. Insist 30 minutes. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a drop of honey.

Most Helpful

What vegetables can be breastfeeding? Doctors advise choosing only seasonal, grown in your area, which you are used to eating before giving birth. A woman can try them already in the first days after the birth of the baby.

The most useful and safe:

  1. Potatoes are rich in thiamine, especially boiled or baked. But fried potatoes during the GW period should be abandoned. Every day, a nursing mother can eat up to 4 medium potatoes.
  2. Carrots, due to the high content of vitamin A, have a beneficial effect on vision. In the first months after childbirth, it is better to eat this vegetable in small quantities and in boiled form.
  3. Zucchini: Vitamin A and copper in its composition can reduce puffiness. On the day, 1 medium-sized vegetable will be enough for mom.
  4. Broccoli and cauliflower, as a rule, do not cause increased gas formation, so mothers can eat them from the first days of a newborn's life. It is recommended to eat cabbage boiled, stewed or steamed. Folic acid, which is part of these representatives of the Cruciferous family, stimulates the development of the child's brain. In some cases, they can still cause bloating in the baby, so they should be present in the mother's diet in small quantities.
  5. Pumpkin is a source of B, C, T and K vitamins. Eating regularly will help the mother cope with swelling and even lose weight gained during pregnancy.

Allowed vegetables while breastfeeding also include: Chinese cabbage, corn (with caution), young green beans, lettuce, fresh parsley and dill.

Requiring caution

In the first (1-3) months of a child's life, it is better to refuse some vegetables. Then they are introduced into the menu of a nursing mother with caution, observing the condition of the crumbs. It may also happen that a woman will start eating something from the list below almost immediately after giving birth and there will be no problems.

  1. Cucumbers have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. But they can be consumed no more than three pieces per day, and only if the baby does not suffer from increased gas formation.
  2. Beets contain significant amounts of calcium and iodine. Helps to cope with digestive disorders in mom and baby. But you can eat it, provided that the child does not suffer from allergies.
  3. Tomatoes are rich in iron, potassium and zinc, so they are considered an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and anemia. But it is better to introduce them into the diet when the child is one month old. If the baby is prone to food allergies, choose not red, but yellow varieties. Tomatoes can cause sensitization symptoms in a child. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers should not eat more than half of one fruit per day.
  4. Sweet pepper strengthens capillaries due to the content of calcium and rutin. You can try it for the first time when the baby is one or two months old. Give preference to green or yellow fruits.
  5. Eggplants are rich in pectin and help to normalize the metabolism in the body of a nursing mother. But due to the presence of corned beef in their composition, it is better to postpone acquaintance for a while. Before preparing delicious vegetable dishes, it is recommended to soak eggplants in salted water.
  6. Celery will solve the problem of increased gas formation in infants, saturate the body of mother and baby with vitamins A, B and E. But it can cause allergies, especially if there is a family history of allergic diseases. In this case, it is advisable to postpone the introduction of celery into the diet until the baby is three months old.

What is better to give up?

Vegetables that it is better for a woman to refuse altogether for the period of breastfeeding:

  1. White cabbage and other representatives of the Cruciferous family (with the exception of those previously voiced) enhance fermentation processes in the intestines, can cause bloating and intestinal colic in infants. Especially not recommended raw and pickled in the first 3-4 months of the life of the crumbs. After that, a breastfeeding mother can eat stewed and boiled cabbage.
  2. Fresh onions and garlic are contraindicated during lactation, as their pungent taste and pungent odor can affect the taste of milk, which can cause the baby to refuse to feed. They can also cause colic in a newborn. It is allowed to use in very small quantities.
  3. Beans and other legumes can cause tummy pains in a child. Their use should be abandoned for at least 3 months from the moment of birth.
  4. Radishes and radishes contain a lot of essential oils, so it is not recommended for nursing mothers to eat them.
  5. Unusual vegetables for the average Russian, such as avocado and Jerusalem artichoke, can not only provoke allergies, but also cause indigestion in a nursing woman, which can also negatively affect the condition of the crumbs.
  6. Any salted and pickled vegetables contribute to fluid retention in the body. It is especially dangerous to eat products in the preparation of which vinegar was used, and it is prohibited for nursing mothers.

When and how to introduce into the diet?

Vegetables that are allowed during breastfeeding, you can start eating a few days after giving birth. Raw vegetables are definitely the most beneficial, but they can be eaten when the baby is 3 months old. In the meantime, it is preferable to steam or bake in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances during heat treatment.

Vegetables are introduced into the diet gradually. After trying something new, you need to wait at least 3 days. During this period, you will understand if the baby has allergies or other negative reactions to this product.

Most vegetables can be eaten raw after being thoroughly washed and peeled. Cucumbers, red peppers, green onions, parsley are a great addition to sandwiches. And when served with meat dishes, these products promote the absorption of iron in the intestines, thereby preventing anemia.

In the dessert menu, vegetables can be presented in the form of a healthy vitamin cocktail: mix natural or Greek yogurt with parsley, celery, red pepper, turnips.

Vegetables consumed after heat treatment include: parsley root, celery, potatoes, broccoli. Usually they are served with second courses or as part of salads.

Carrots and beets can be used to make natural juices - excellent sources of antioxidants and beta-carotene, which strengthen the immune system and are an important basis for good vision.

Cucumbers, sorrel, broccoli and other vegetable crops are good ingredients for a variety of soups.

Separately, it should be said about the seasonality factor. Early vegetables tend to be high in nitrates and other harmful substances. No less dangerous are imported plants that undergo chemical treatment before transportation. Therefore, experts advise nursing mothers to buy only native seasonal vegetables grown in the open field from reliable sellers or directly from manufacturers.

In shops, markets, pay attention only to fruits with elastic, intact skin.

What to cook?

Vegetable puree soup

For cooking, take in an arbitrary amount any vegetables that you have already tried and they did not cause a negative reaction in the baby. It can be: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin.

  1. Clean and chop vegetables.
  2. After that, place in a saucepan and fill with water or chicken broth.
  3. Cook over low heat until done. Don't forget to salt.
  4. When they are soft, puree the soup with a blender.

You can serve this soup with greens, a drop of olive oil or low-fat sour cream.

Braised zucchini

Both fresh and frozen are suitable for cooking.

  1. Cut the zucchini into small pieces.
  2. Sweat a little in vegetable oil in a saucepan.
  3. Add a finely grated carrot and a few slices of tomato.
  4. Season with a little salt and sugar.
  5. Continue to simmer over low heat until cooked through.

Stewed zucchini can be served at the table with finely chopped greens.

Cauliflower salad

  1. Separate a small head of cauliflower into florets.
  2. Boil them in salted water until tender. Readiness is checked with a fork - the inflorescences should be easily pierced.
  3. Drain the water, cool the product.
  4. When the inflorescences have cooled, salt them to taste, sprinkle with a little lemon juice and season with plain natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream.
  5. Serve to the table, garnished with your favorite herbs.

In the diet of a nursing mother, vegetables should occupy one of the leading places along with meat and dairy products, as well as sources of complex carbohydrates. A properly composed menu gives a woman the opportunity to establish lactation and provide herself and her baby with all the necessary substances.

What vegetables can a nursing mother? Accuracy and caution in this matter is vital. At the stage of breastfeeding, the baby receives all the nutrients and vitamins from the mother.

Therefore, if you want your child to remain healthy and strong, carefully monitor your diet. We have prepared for you some tips, as well as a list of foods that you can while breastfeeding.

The importance of vegetables for a nursing mother

Proper nutrition during lactation and breastfeeding is the key to your baby's well-being. It is in the first months that the foundations are laid for the health and development of the baby for the rest of his life.

Everything that a woman eats dissolves in her intestines and enters the blood, and from there they pass into. The body of the child does not react to anything as sharply as to changes in the composition of mother's milk. Vegetables contain many useful vitamins and minerals.

Refusal of plant foods can lead to such unpleasant side effects as:

  1. Avitaminosis
  2. Weakening of the immunity of the baby
  3. The development of allergies in the future

All this can happen simply because the body does not get acquainted with a number of products in time. But what vegetables can a nursing mother of a newborn eat? Let's figure it out.

When breastfeeding, you should especially carefully plan your diet.

What vegetables can I breastfeed

If you really want fried, choose dry grilled vegetables

How to cook vegetables for nursing mothers

For vegetables, the best option would be steaming, which “seals” all trace elements in fruits, preventing them from disappearing during heat treatment.

Baked and raw foods will be tasty and healthy. Also, a nursing mother can have stewed and boiled vegetables.

It is better to exclude fried foods or preserves and pickles: no matter how tasty they are, vegetables prepared in this way lose almost all useful substances and cause stomach cramps.

Choose seasonal products. Pay close attention to your child's reactions to new flavors in his diet so that you can easily understand what is best for your baby's health and pleasure. And do not forget about goodies, in the form of nuts with honey, various fruits.

Treat yourself to okra dishes from time to time

A balanced diet with plenty of fluids will benefit both you and your baby. But some vegetables that can be eaten while breastfeeding cause a sharp reaction in children in the form of bloating and increased gas formation.

Because of this, the baby experiences discomfort, may disturb you by crying or even refusing to eat. How to prevent this, and what vegetables can you eat while breastfeeding to avoid such situations?

We have prepared for you some tips and recipes that will help your baby always feel good, and you - to create a healthy and nutritious menu for every day.

The safest products with minimal gassing effect are:

  1. Salad
  2. Pepper
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Okra
  5. Asparagus

They are low in calories and rich in water. To supplement them with healthy fats, which also help with the absorption of vitamins, eat olives.

Remember also that for good digestion of food, diet and proper daily routine are important.

Broccoli is best eaten in the form of mashed potatoes or mashed soups.

Broccoli and cabbage

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are best eaten pureed.

So the fiber contained in them is easier to digest, and the formation of gases is significantly reduced.Also, these pureed products can be used as a sauce or even added to baked goods.

Potato and eggplant

The average amount of gases in the intestines is formed during the processing of potatoes and eggplants. Depending on your reaction with your child, adjust the number of these foods eaten.

And, of course, you should not get carried away with overly fatty dishes, like eggplant with parmesan or french fries.

Tip: Potato skins produce the most gas, so avoid potatoes with their skins on.

Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils cause an extremely active work of the intestines. However, they contain many vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, so experts recommend including 25-30 grams of legumes in the daily menu.

To reduce their effect on the digestive system, soak the grains for several hours before cooking.

For some more useful tips on what vegetables to eat while feeding your baby, you will learn from the video below:

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