What are the types of lifts for the disabled. Stair lift - an opportunity to expand the boundaries Outdoor stair lift for the disabled

Wheelchair lifts, which one to choose

In the modern world, the population, which has lost the possibility of independent movement, faces a number of problematic situations. Many people know that there are people with disabilities, but their problems are practically of no interest to anyone.

The most common problem for people in is overcoming obstacles in the form of flights of stairs. The solution of these problems are acute in the current world community.

Even at the stage of designing residential or social buildings, designers began to pay close attention to the arrangement of stairs with auxiliary equipment.

Often they install lifts designed specifically for wheelchair users.

Lifts differ in designs, mechanisms and other details, but, in general, their purpose is the same - to make life easier for a person who is chained to a wheelchair.

Types of lifting mechanisms

The lifts were specially designed to help wheelchair users climb or descend stairs.

There are several types of lifting mechanisms:

  • electric;
  • hydraulic.

Each of them has both advantages and privileges, as well as some disadvantages.


The hydraulic drive has a big plus in that it has a fairly smooth ride. Installation of this type of lift is very simple, you can stop it at any convenient level.

Hydraulic lifts are installed in places where the lifting height is small. This is due to the fact that the speed is low, this can be attributed to the disadvantage of this type of lift.


Power lift systems are widely used today. The advantage is ease of use. It can be used to lift the disabled to great heights.

The electric lift for the disabled allows you to cope with large loads without problems, the speed of the task is normal.

This type of device is used not only in stairwells, but also for small mechanisms for use by disabled people in the bathroom (pools), cars and other devices.

Types of wheelchair lifts

Wheelchair lifts are divided into types, it all depends on the conditions in which they are used. There are several following options:

  • Vertical lifts;
  • Mobile;
  • Inclined;
  • Chairlifts;
  • Caterpillar.

In each of the installed lifts, the most important thing is the guarantee of safety and comfort during operation.

After all, it is very necessary for a person who is partially or completely deprived of the ability to move around to have the opportunity, like everyone else, to climb stairs, enter rooms with a high base and other points.

Very often, the installed ramps are made incorrectly, the angle of inclination does not allow wheelchair access, it is in such cases that disabled people acquire the majority of complexes.

Vertical lift

This equipment is the most common in the public, they are used most often. Vertical devices can be compared to an elevator.

The principle of operation is to lift a disabled person along a vertical path, without climbing stairs.

Video: Vertical lift

This option is quite easy to install, and reliable in operation, it is possible to use this type of lifting independently.

mobile lift

This type of platform is installed in places where it is not possible to install a stationary lifting mechanism. Such mechanisms may be:

  • Passive - this is when the intervention of an assistant is required for movement, the disabled person will not be able to use such a system on their own;
  • Active - a disabled person can move independently, perform lifting without assistance.

The advantage of mobile aggregations lies in its versatility, it can work on battery power, without expensive special equipment.

Significant distribution was obtained among the masses, this type is used for climbing flights of stairs. Differences from others is a high load capacity.

There are two modes for movement:

  • Manual;
  • Auto.

Video: Inclined lift for the disabled


A modern means of lifting in the form of a rack and pinion chair.

This device can be placed on any convenient side of the stairs, both internal and external. The chair is equipped with a remote control, there is a footrest. Quite simple and functional to use.


The mobile device, equipped with a platform, fits all models of wheelchairs. A chair is attached to the platform, the movement of which is guaranteed by rubber tracks.

With the help of the device, you can climb stairs of any complexity. Crawler lifts have two control options, it is independent or with an assistant.

Video: Crawler lift


Wheelchair users need care. To feel the fullness of life, they simply need lifts.

These devices make life easier for people with disabilities, they can easily climb stairs without asking anyone to help them, which gives people with disabilities self-confidence.

Each building must be equipped with lifting mechanisms.

10 years of experience in the sale of health products and medical equipment.

Overview of lifts: expert opinion.

Svetlana Druzhinina

We often hear how the state sets its own morals and laws for people with disabilities (places in public transport, parking, discounts in stores, and so on), but is comfort really created for such people? Most people find it very difficult to even climb stairs. For such cases, lifts for the disabled were invented.

Riff LY-9010 Lifting and Moving Device

Lifts for the disabled

Unfortunately, there are insufficient conditions for people with disabilities to move around the city. Store steps and high curbs are not difficult for the average person, but they are serious obstacles that people with limited mobility cannot overcome without assistance. For this, special lifts were invented, which are required in various institutions and when transporting special passengers. Most organizations do not have special equipment, so only buying a mobile device can solve this problem.

Lift selection

First of all, the device must provide comfort and safety, which is why it is so important to consider all its characteristics before buying. Lifts for the disabled are of various types:

  • transport and household;
  • mobile and stationary;
  • wheeled and caterpillar ;
  • special purpose for public places.

There are two main working mechanisms: electric and hydraulic. The electric wheelchair lift is universal and easy to operate. Withstands a heavy load and moves a person at an average speed, does not require outside help.

All devices do not require special care and are quite simple to use. The most important thing is to teach a person with disabilities how to use various types of devices so that he does not have difficulties.

Any of these devices is a manifestation of care for people who especially need it. The price of a lifting mechanism for the disabled is quite high, but it cannot be compared with the inconvenience that they experience. Therefore, the creation of favorable conditions for wheelchair users is so necessary in public places.

In the online store "Heart" you can choose and buy a vertical lift for the disabled and its other modifications, based on all your requirements.

The lift for the disabled on the stairs is an indispensable attribute for public entrance groups. But, if you can save money on the street stairs and make a convenient ramp with your own hands, then indoors, especially at home, its mobile version will be indispensable. This mechanism is quite expensive, so before buying it is best to study the issue in detail so as not to get a "pig in a poke".

Dedicated Device

Don't rush to buy. First you need to find out the type of its mechanism and the principle of operation. Today, there are only two varieties of such a device, based on hydraulics and electric drive. Let's take a closer look at both types.



A similar mechanism for stairs works according to the laws of hydraulics.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • independence of work from the presence of electricity;
  • the possibility of using it instead of a ladder, depending on the model;
  • smooth running;
  • simple installation that can be done at any level.

But, the hydraulic device for the disabled on the stairs is characterized by low speed and low load capacity. Therefore, these types are most used for lifting short distances, for example, to the height of one or more floors.



Products with electric drive are very popular due to their competitive advantages:

  • the ability to lift large weights;
  • fast pace and good traction;
  • availability;
  • ease of management.

But, it is dependent on electrical power. Therefore, when installing it, it is recommended to purchase a portable electrical substation to ensure the normal operation of the mechanism. After all, as you know, the uninterrupted supply of electricity has not yet been invented.

They are used not only in public places. They are also popular for arranging home stairs. There are special models with an electric drive that help people with disabilities move to a bath or pool.

For bathroom

For a comfortable fit in the car, electrical devices in the car were also invented.

for bus

What are the varieties

According to the conditions of use, their main types are distinguished.

Attention! Regardless of which lift is purchased, a guarantee is required for it, and a competent installer is included with it. Not only the life of the mechanism depends on the correct installation, but also the safety of the transported people. If you do not have special skills, then it is better to contact a professional for help in installation, no matter how simple the attached instructions may seem to you.



The vertical type can still be compared with an elevator. It simply lifts a person strictly vertically to the desired height. Such models are installed regardless of the stairs. As a rule, it is mounted next to it so that it is convenient to take the disabled person to the site of the required floor.

Such a staircase is relevant in public buildings. For home use, it is too bulky, and the price for it is not affordable for everyone.



Inclined types are gaining more and more popularity today. They provide smooth movement of a person directly on the steps. Such stairs with lifts are akin to escalators. You just load it up and drive to the desired stop. Such a device can be controlled both manually and automatically.

Of the amenities, a large carrying capacity can be noted. Of the shortcomings - large dimensions. If the width of the stairs is small, then the installation of such a lift is not possible, or the platform of the mechanism will occupy the entire width of the stairs, leaving no free space for the movement of other people.

Chair lifts

The chair lift is a kind of vertical mechanism, only a more “domesticated” type on a rack and pinion.

  • It can be installed on any ladder. A distinctive feature of such a lift is that you need to sit on it directly to a person, without a wheelchair.
  • This can be convenient for the elderly, or people with disabilities who are still able to move independently.
  • For disabled people of the first group, it will be not only problematic, but simply impossible to use such a miracle of technology.
  • Today, this type of lift is the most modernized. It has a control panel with an intuitive interface that anyone can understand. But, the installation of such a mechanism should be carried out only by professionals.

Mobile lifts

In places where it is not possible to install a stationary lift, mobile devices can be used. They will not lift a person to a great height, but they will become an excellent assistant for taking a bath, transferring to a bed or chair, getting into a car and in many other cases. Usually such devices have a hydraulic type of drive.

Crawler lifts

The caterpillar stair lift for the disabled is a type of mobile device.

You can learn more about it from this video.

  • Its design consists of a universal platform that is suitable for any type of wheelchair and a rubber caterpillar part that helps to move up stairs.
  • At the same time, this design is completely safe. It can be controlled both by the wheelchair user and by his immediate assistant.
  • Such models have a unique folding design, which only increases the convenience of their storage and transportation.
  • These lifts are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which retain their charge for a long time. The main thing is to recharge on time - and there will be no problems.
  • Also, the crawler lift does not require installation or any specialized maintenance. The mechanism itself is not complicated, and any man can handle its periodic maintenance. This lift is very convenient for city walks. After all, it will not be difficult to take it with you.

Undoubtedly, the most convenient device for people with disabilities is the caterpillar stair lift for the disabled.

Everyone knows that there are people with disabilities. The fact that they have some kind of problems is also out of the ear. A well-fed person is not a friend to a hungry person, and only those who are chained to it, or who have relatives with disabilities, can really understand how a person in a wheelchair really lives. In 2012, Russia ratified the document on the rights of persons with disabilities of the UN Convention.

According to the principles formulated in the UN document, the states participating in the Convention must implement the required measures to create equal access for persons with disabilities with healthy members of society to all facilities and services provided by the state to the population.

There are problems. What about solutions?

The Declaration of the UN Convention on the Protection and Ensuring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is, of course, not the only document that the state uses in its social activities. At least some of the difficulties that people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system have to live with on a daily basis have quite acceptable solutions. To ensure the freedom of movement of a person in a wheelchair, all public buildings should now be designed with special ramps or devices for lifting a disabled person up stairs - stair lifts.

SNiP 35-01-2001 contains recommendations for designing an environment accessible to persons with disabilities. For public buildings being designed and under construction, these requirements are mandatory. But what about the old, already built and not equipped? Some structures, for example, architectural monuments, cannot be reconstructed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 35-01-2001.

Crawler lift IDEAL X1 has a lower cost compared to analogues Roby T09, LG-2004, Sherpa 902.

It has unique advantages over similar devices:

  • Folding legs for reduced storage/transport dimensions
  • Removable headrest for strollers with its own headrest
  • Smooth adjustment of the speed of movement (analogues do not exist)
  • Smooth acceleration and braking without jerks (analogues do not exist)
  • Emergency button on the panel (does not require an additional connection cable)
  • The presence of a battery indicator on the steering wheel
  • Convenient steering wheel latch (for analogues it is very difficult to snap it off)
  • Less vibration during movement due to toothed pressure roller
  • Optimally designed frame design and requires less metal
  • Type of electric battery - LITHIUM-ION (Li - ion) - (optional, extended operating time of the caterpillar stepper, without recharging) (analogues do not exist)

Alternative to ramps

In such cases, the solution to the problem will be a wheelchair lift - a device designed to lift a disabled person in a wheelchair up the stairs.

  1. Vertical lift. Vertical lifts are available without a shaft fence, designed for lifting no higher than two meters, and with a shaft fence, lifting to a height of up to 12.5 meters.
  2. Inclined stair lift for the disabled. Such lifts can be installed in buildings with wide stairs with the ability to turn around for the mechanism on the landing. The device is a platform that moves parallel to the slope of the stairs along the guides mounted on the stair railing. Depending on the model, the ascent is possible only for one march (inclined lifts INVAPROM A300, Vimec V64) or along a complex trajectory, repeating the spatial trajectory of the stairs - models INVAPROM A310, Vimec V65.

Installation of this type of lifts does not require complex reconstruction of the building, it is enough to fix the guides of the platform movement.

  1. Mobile caterpillar stair lifts for wheelchairs. Mobile lifting devices for wheelchairs further expand the possibilities of the low-mobility category of the population. The devices allow a wheelchair user to climb stairs almost anywhere: on narrow stairs in private homes, in buildings not equipped with ramps and fixed lifts, on city street and landscape stairs.

There is a fairly significant range of devices designed to expand the capabilities of a person in a wheelchair. According to the type of movement, they are divided into caterpillar lifts and step walkers.

Crawler devices are a platform with a caterpillar track that allows the wheelchair to move up and down safely. The device of the caterpillar of the elevator does not damage the coverings of the steps.

  • The T09 Roby has an electronically controlled drive that increases the reliability of the device. Regardless of the loading of the lift, the platform moves at a constant speed, without jerks and shocks. Wheelchair restraints are universal and fit most types of wheelchairs.
  • Omega-Starmax is a caterpillar stair lift equipped with a caterpillar self-braking drive with electromagnetic brakes. It is offered in various modifications: for passive disabled people traveling with accompanying persons and for active disabled people, with the possibility of self-attachment to a wheelchair and movement, including on flat areas. Simple and reliable operation makes it easy to use the device by people with fairly serious illnesses.

You can use Omega-Starmax not only indoors, the model is also great for overcoming uneven terrain, while maintaining stability and mobility on the snow cover.

  • Mobile stair lift SHERPA N 903 made in Italy. Moves on a caterpillar mechanism driven by an electric drive with convenient electronic control located in the handle.
  • Electric stair lift Puma UNI-130 is a stair climber. Allows you to overcome steps up to 200 mm high. The assistance of an attendant is required for use.

  1. Chair lifts. These devices are similar to inclined lifts, only designed to climb stairs for a person without a wheelchair. The most appropriate use in private homes. Different models allow you to use both on straight marches and on stairs of complex configuration, with rounded marches.


You can get an idea of ​​how wheelchair stair climbers work by looking at photos and videos, as well as reading reviews.

The use of lifts, both mobile and stationary, allows people with low mobility not to feel cut off from the rest of society, taking an active part in social life, doing art or work.

An overview of the latest advances in mobile assistive devices available at the time of writing for curb climbing or stair climbing. The ability of devices to overcome steps and curbs is described.

1. Wheelchair Curb Climbing Devices

Rice. 1 curb climber


  • Improves the ability of the wheelchair's front wheels to climb curbs
  • Compatible with a wide range of manual and electric wheelchairs
  • Low price
  • A light weight


  • Large front area required for turning (version with additional wheels)
  • Cannot work in reverse (curb catcher version)
  • Not compatible with all types of wheelchairs


Auxiliary devices for overcoming curbs on manual and electric wheelchairs are commercially available. One such device provides additional wheels that are mounted on the front wheels. The extra wheels are located at the front and slightly higher than the wheels of the wheelchair, so that they first touch the curb, then lift the front of the stroller, making it easier to overcome the curb. This is shown in fig. 1 (a) and 1 (b). On fig. 1(c) shows a device with an articulated curb catcher. The curb catcher touches the curb and rotates as shown by the dotted line, causing the front of the wheelchair to rise to allow the curb to be overcome.

2. Electric wheelchairs and curb-climbing scooters

Rice. 2 Curb climbing aids


  • High Curb Climbing Capacity (150mm Curb Climbing Wheelchair/120mm Curb Climbing Scooter Wheelchair)
  • High level of mobility in most conditions
  • High level of stability (comparable to a manual wheelchair)
  • Easy to operate (only mobility scooter)


  • Large turning circle (wheelchair-scooter only)
  • Joysticks difficult to operate (power wheelchair only)
  • Heavy weight (so very difficult to climb stairs or install in a minibus without special equipment)


People with lower limb disabilities usually use four-wheel drive wheelchairs, however, these wheelchairs are difficult to steer, and research is ongoing to find ways to simplify this task. The electric wheelchair shown in fig. 2 (a), is designed to overcome curbs up to 150 mm high, the front wheels are adjustable in height and rise when it is necessary to overcome the curb. Scooter wheelchairs (Fig. 2(b)) are becoming increasingly popular for both the elderly and the disabled, due in part to easier handling than power wheelchairs. While both power wheelchairs and scooter wheelchairs provide excellent mobility, their weight makes them difficult to move up stairs and fit into a van. There is a wide range of various lifting mechanisms on sale.

Rice. 3 Wheelchair on quad tracks

4WD provides better curb climbing than 2WD (2 wheel drive), however, 4WD is not very suitable for climbing stairs for 3 main reasons. First, the lack of necessary traction, second, changing the angle of the vehicle while climbing stairs reduces its stability to an unacceptably low level, and finally, if the vehicle is designed to carry a person, such as a wheelchair, the seat angle is ideal should remain constant. The prototype of a wheelchair on quadro-caterpillars is shown in fig. 3(a), the DH conservation principle is shown in fig. 3(b), and the wheel (sprung wheel) pressed against the edge of the step is shown in fig. 3(c).

3. Crawler wheelchair lifts

Rice. 4 Modern caterpillar wheelchair lifts


  • The ability to autonomously move up the stairs
  • Suitable for most outdoor stairs and indoor stairs
  • Ease of operation (compared to trackless stair climbers)
  • Provides stair access for standard wheelchairs
  • Provides the ability to move outside the stairs


  • Climbing stairs is carried out backwards
  • Requires special mechanisms for moving outside the stairs and when changing the angle of rise
  • Stair travel requires anti-slip mechanisms (treads/knobs on tracks), mismatch between tread edges and tread/knobs results in curvilinear pressure on tread edges
  • Not suitable for most indoor stairs and some outdoor stairs
  • Big weight


A modern stand-alone caterpillar stair lift Caterwill is shown in fig. 4(a), a crawler lift with a platform used to transport a wheelchair and a person up or down stairs is shown in fig. 4(b). The main advantage of using caterpillars is independence from the type and surface of the stairs. The disadvantage of the crawler lift is the force acting on the edges of the steps, so their use is limited to stairs with strong edges of the steps. Requires anti-slip material for the manufacture of caterpillars when climbing stairs and mechanisms that ensure that the angle of the chair changes in accordance with the angle of the stairs.

With regard to the main problem of using a crawler lift associated with high pressure on the edge of the steps, the use of soft deformable tracks is proposed. The caterpillars consist of deformable blocks, as shown in fig. 5(a). The principle of operation is shown in fig. 5 (c), based on the distribution of the load on the edge of the step over a large area, such tracks also provide anti-slip protection, which does not depend on the presence of a special tread (bulges) and coincidence with the edges of the steps.

Rice. 5 Deformable tracks

4. Lightweight devices for lifting wheelchairs up stairs, stair climbers

rice. 6 Scalamobil stair climber - stair climber


  • Ability to move up stairs
  • Suitable for almost all stairs (maximum step height up to 25 cm for the Scalamobile stair climber / 21 cm for the C-Max stair climber)
  • Compact
  • Using an existing wheelchair - no need to transfer (Scalamobile model)
  • Lightweight (~25kg plus Scalamobile wheelchair / ~32kg C-Max)


  • Special instruction manual required (Scalamobile)
  • Assistant required - passenger transfer required (C-max)
  • Roundabouts can be inconvenient for passengers (Scalamobile)
  • The automatic braking mechanism is not suitable for steps with a rough surface.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Automatic braking

Rice. 7 Scalamobil step walker - principle of operation (a)-(d), automatic braking (e)

Rice. 8 C-max stairlift


The step walker (Scalamobil) can only be attached to the wheelchair when needed and can be easily removed as shown in Fig. 6. Two pairs of wheels run on separate axles, circular motion is shown in fig. 7(a)-(d). The C-Max stair lift works in the same way as the Scalamobile except that one pair of wheels is replaced with lifting lugs as shown in fig. 8(c). Ladder edge automatic brake mechanisms are shown in fig. 7(e) and fig. 8(b).

Crawler lifts, like stair climbers, technically qualify as an accessory for stair climbing. Move easily and smoothly. However, the size and weight of the caterpillar climber is higher than, for example, the Scalamobile or C-Max stair climber.

5. Walker moving with the help of a group of wheels

(b) general view (b) barrier-free mode (c) stair configuration

Rice. 9 Step walker, moving with the help of a group of wheels with articulated balancing guides


  • Ability to move up stairs
  • Suitable for almost all stairs
  • Compact
  • Light weight (cf. tracked wheelchairs)


An assistant is required to move up the stairs (one person)

Moving up stairs with wheels turning can be uncomfortable for passengers


Wheel groups in their simplest form adapt a common vehicle such as a "wheel" to the most common obstacles such as "steps". If one set of wheels is used, any form of stair travel requires a balancing device. The term "Single wheel group" in this article refers to a side configuration of two identical wheel groups. Ladder work is similar to that of the Scalamobile, as shown in fig. 6(c), except that the stair climbing mechanism is an integral part of the wheelchair. The model shown in fig. 9(a), operates in the same way as standard power wheelchairs, complete set with grips is shown - in Fig. 9(b) and 9(c). The model shown in fig. 9(b) and 9(c) is different in that it uses four-wheel grips to travel in barrier-free terrain, that is, it does not have any auxiliary front wheels. The mechanism has articulated front and rear rails to maintain balance while moving up stairs, thus allowing autonomous movement.

6. Step walker, moving with the transfer of the center of gravity and with the help of groups of wheels

(a) barrier-free mode (b) stationary mode (c) stair climbing with handrail

Rice. 10 Step walker moving with a shift in the center of gravity


  • Ability to move on almost any stairs
  • Autonomous stair climbing possible
  • Stationary mode, provided the position is at eye level with a standing person
  • Compact (compared to crawler lifts)
  • Works like a conventional power wheelchair
  • Works in almost all environments including sand, gravel, bumpy roads and slopes up to ~25°
  • Light weight (compared to tracked wheelchairs)


  • Assistance (one person) or handrail required to move up stairs
  • Climbing stairs backwards
  • High price (around $20,000)
  • Requires special training
  • Turning groups of wheels when moving up the stairs can cause inconvenience to passengers
  • Concern about the operation of the balancing mechanism


When using a wheelchair moving with the transfer of the VT, the passenger can use the handrail to maintain balance, or an assistant can help him with this. On fig. 10(a) shows the iBOT™ 3000 wheelchair traveling in barrier-free mode with only the rear wheels in contact with the ground and the front wheels being used to provide free wheel steer. All four rear wheels are used to provide extra traction when driving on sand, gravel or bumpy roads. The stationary mode is shown in fig. 10(b), which is provided when balancing on two wheels with a visual position at eye level with a standing person. On fig. 10(b) shows movement up stairs. If there are handrails set at the correct level, the person in the wheelchair can move without assistance. In the absence of handrails, an assistant is required. It is also possible to autonomously move up the stairs using a single handrail.

To move up the stairs, the configuration changes, as shown in Fig. 11. The movement on the stairs is going down and back up. During the movement on the stairs, the front group of wheels rotates passively.

8. Other stair lifts and minibus boarding devices

Rice. 12 Other stair lifts and van boarding devices


  • Ability to climb any standard stairs (suspended wheelchair lift)
  • Can board any minibus (Portable wheelchair lift and Swivel wheelchair car seat)
  • The van is equipped with a built-in dedicated wheelchair seat/lift (Rotating car seat that converts to a wheelchair)
  • Minibus seat works like a regular wheelchair (Wheelchair Suspension Lift)

Wheelchair Lift Lightweight and Portable (Wheelchair Lift Portable)


  • High price and use in one place (Suspension wheelchair lift)
  • Lifting standard manual wheelchair is not provided (Swivel car seat that converts to a wheelchair)
  • Power wheelchairs not supported (portable wheelchair lift)


Swivel seats have become one of the options offered by most car manufacturers, but the problem is that you need to change to such a seat. One way to solve this problem is to provide a double seat that turns into a wheelchair that can be moved by an assistant, as shown in Fig. 12(c)

9. Recent advances in stair and curb climbing aids, overview and recommendations

Table 1 provides a broad classification of stair and curb climbing aids commercially available at the time of writing.

Stair lifts for wheelchairs considered high-risk devices

Stair lifts for wheelchairs are currently considered to be high-risk Class III devices along with pacemakers. Class III is defined as life support devices that are implanted in the body or pose an unreasonable risk of developing disease or injury. Also, the functionality they provide (climbing steps) is considered a "luxury" rather than a necessity. In light of this approach at the government level (UK, US, etc.) the development of wheelchair stairlifts is very slow.

Changing the angle according to the angle of the stairs

For self-contained stair lifts, the start and end of a flight of stairs require the most attention. This usually requires careful adjustment of the angle of this mechanism to the angle of inclination to avoid sudden and uncontrolled deviation from the angle of the ladder (usually 35°).

Table 1 broad classification of assistive devices for climbing stairs and curbs




Curb climbing device for wheelchair Fig. one.

Overcoming high curbs. Possibility of modernization. Low price, light weight.

Requires more room to turn, not compatible with all wheelchairs.

Curb Climbing Wheelchairs and Electric Scooters, Fig. 2

Excellent overall mobility in most environments, including curbs.

Due to the heavy weight, climbing the stairs is difficult; a special device is required to enter the minibus.

Crawler stair lifts fig. four

Easy autonomous movement up stairs and/or steep slopes. Can be used as a standard wheelchair.

Only suitable for stairs with strong edges. Big weight. To enter the minibus, special devices are required. Climbing the stairs is backwards.

Lightweight devices for lifting wheelchairs up stairs Fig. 6 and Fig. eight

Moving up the stairs is only possible with one assistant. Compact and lightweight.

Special training of the assistant may be required. The swivel motion of the wheels may cause discomfort to the passenger.

Stupenkokhod, moving with the help of a group of wheels. Rice. 9

Moving up the stairs is only possible with one assistant. Relatively compact. Can be used as a standard power wheelchair.

The swivel motion of the wheels may cause discomfort to the passenger. To enter the minibus, special devices are required.

Step walker, moving with the transfer of the center of gravity and with the help of groups of wheels, Fig. ten

Excellent mobility in most environments including sand, gravel and stairs. Help is almost non-existent.

To enter the minibus, special devices are required. Climbing the stairs is backwards.

Step walker with two groups of wheels Fig. eleven

It is possible to autonomously move up the stairs. To some extent, use as a standard wheelchair is possible.

Big weight, wide. To enter the minibus, special devices are required. Climbing the stairs is backwards.

Suspended lifting mechanism for a wheelchair Fig. 12(a)

Suitable for most stairs. Suitable for most wheelchairs.

High price. Can only be used in one place.

Portable wheelchair lift Fig. 12(b)

Minibus boarding for most models of light wheelchairs and a passenger. Portable, lightweight, inexpensive.

Not applicable for lifting a power wheelchair.

Swivel car seat that turns into a wheelchair Fig. 12(c)

Boarding a minibus with a swivel seat/wheelchair etc.

When using a manual wheelchair, you have to change seats.

This tilt adjustment function is provided by an assistant. However, in this case, maintaining a constant seat angle is not possible. The angle of the seat is determined by the center of gravity, that is, in the case of a device that moves with the help of one set of wheels, the assistant must constantly change the angle of the wheelchair to prevent the center of gravity from shifting.

It is necessary to create a mechanism that prevents the shift of the center of gravity, to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. Some of the units equipped with a group of wheels use hard rubber tires, as noted in the previous section, they tend to be less comfortable for the passenger and subject to wear and tear (Scalamobile). The choice of tires made of solid rubber suggests a reduction in the size of the device, as well as an increase in stability.

Continuation of the review of caterpillar-wheeled lifting devices, vertical and inclined lifting platforms, chair lifts and special lifts for the disabled and people with disabilities you can read in the following materials on our portal Follow the news...

The experience of our employees allows us to correctly assess the needs, select the model of lifting equipment, give recommendations, consult, answer your questions. We design and implement complex solutions taking into account reasonable cost and safety, taking into account all your wishes and requirements, in accordance with GOST and SanPiN.

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