What are the deadly diseases? What are the most dangerous heart diseases Then why do people get sick

When people think of the most deadly diseases in the world, their mind is probably shifting to the fast-acting, incurable ones that grab the media headlines from time to time. But in fact, many of these types of diseases are not in the top 10. An estimated 56.4 million people died globally in 2015, and 68 percent of these were due to diseases that progressed slowly.

There are certain deadly diseases that to this day, despite advances in technology and medicine, still cannot be cured and have no chance of survival.

To the extent possible, the treatment of the most deadly diseases is only the treatment of the symptoms of the patient in order to reduce suffering. Many of these diseases are part of national and international disease lists because they are highly contagious. Below we describe 25 of them:

Below is a list of the top 10 deadly diseases that cause the most deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The most deadly disease in the world is coronary artery disease. Also called coronary artery disease, CAD occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart narrow. Can lead to chest pain, heart failure, and arrhythmias.

Although coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death, mortality has declined in many European countries and in the United States. This may be due to improved health education, access to healthcare, and forms of prevention. However, in many developing countries, the death rate from coronary artery disease is rising. In this rise, life expectancy, socioeconomic changes, and lifestyle risk factors increase. Included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention of coronary heart disease

Risk factors for CAD include:

  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • smoking
  • family history of CAD
  • diabetes
  • overweight

Talk to your doctor if you have one or more of these risk factors.

You can prevent CAD with medication and maintain good heart health. Some steps you can take to reduce your risk:

  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • eat a balanced diet low in sodium and high in fruits and vegetables
  • avoid smoking
  • moderate drinking

A stroke occurs when an artery in your brain becomes blocked or leaks. This causes oxygen-deprived cells to begin to die within minutes. During a stroke, you feel suddenly numb and confused, or have difficulty walking and seeing. If left untreated, a stroke can lead to long-term disability.

In fact, stroke is one of the most deadly diseases. People who receive treatment within 3 hours of a stroke are less likely to have a disability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 93 percent of people knew that sudden numbness on one side was a symptom of a stroke. But only 38% knew all the symptoms that would prompt them to seek emergency help. Included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention of stroke

Risk factors for stroke include:

  • high blood pressure
  • family history of stroke
  • especially when combined with oral contraceptives
  • being a woman

Some risk factors for stroke can be reduced with preventive care, medications, and lifestyle changes. In general, good health habits can reduce your risk.

Ways to prevent stroke may include controlling high blood pressure with medication or surgery. You should also maintain a healthy lifestyle, in addition to regular exercise and a healthy, low-sodium diet. Avoid smoking and drinking only in moderation, as these activities increase the risk of stroke.

A lower respiratory tract infection is an infection in the airways and lungs. This may be due to:

  • influenza
  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • tuberculosis

Viruses usually cause lower respiratory tract infections. They can also be caused by bacteria. Cough is the main symptom of a lower respiratory tract infection. You may also feel shortness of breath, wheezing, and tightness in your chest. Untreated lower respiratory tract infections can lead to respiratory failure and death. Included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world. They are among the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for a lower respiratory tract infection include:

  • flu
  • poor air quality or frequent exposure to lung irritants
  • smoking
  • weak immune system
  • overcrowded child care facilities that mainly affect babies
  • asthma

One of the best preventative measures you can take against a decline in respiratory infections is to get a flu shot every year. People at high risk of pneumonia may also receive the vaccine. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water to avoid bacteria, especially before touching your face and before eating. Stay home and rest until you feel better if you have a respiratory infection and the rest improves healing.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term, progressive lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema types of COPD. In 2004, about 64 million people in the world were living with COPD.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for COPD include:

  • smoking or passive smoking
  • lung irritants, such as chemical fumes
  • family history, with AATD gene associated with COPD
  • history of respiratory infections in childhood

There is no cure for COPD, but its progression can be slowed down with medication. The best ways to prevent COPD are to quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke and other lung irritants. If you are experiencing any COPD symptoms, treatment will broaden your horizons as soon as possible.

Cancers of the respiratory tract are cancers of the trachea, larynx, bronchi and lungs. The main causes are smoking, secondhand smoke, and environmental toxins. But household contaminants such as fuel and mold also contribute. One of the deadliest diseases in the world.

The impact of respiratory cancer around the world

A 2015 study reports that respiratory cancer accounts for about 4 million deaths each year. In developing countries 81 - 100% increase in respiratory cancers due to pollution and smoking. Many Asian countries, especially India, still use charcoal for cooking. Accounting for solid fuel emissions for 17 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and 22 percent in women.

Risk factors and prevention

Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer can affect anyone, but they are more likely to affect those with a history of smoking or tobacco use. Other risk factors for such cancers include family history and exposure to environmental factors such as diesel fumes.

Apart from avoiding fumes and tobacco products, it is unknown if there is anything else that can be done to prevent lung cancer. However, early diagnosis can improve one's appearance and reduce the symptoms of respiratory cancer.

Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. The reason is not known. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the insulin cannot be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, physical inactivity, and being overweight.

People in low- and middle-income countries are more likely to die from complications from diabetes. Included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for diabetes include:

  • overweight
  • high blood pressure
  • elderly age
  • not regular meals
  • junk food

In diabetes, symptoms can be controlled by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. Adding fiber to your diet will help control your blood sugar levels.

When you think of Alzheimer's or dementia, you may think of memory loss, but you may not think of a terminal illness. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and interrupts normal mental functions. These include thinking, reasoning, and typical behavior.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia—60 to 80 percent of dementia cases are, in fact, Alzheimer's disease. The disease begins by causing soft memory problems, making it difficult to remember information. Over time, however, the disease progresses and you may not have memory for long periods of time. A 2014 study found that the number of deaths due to Alzheimer's may be higher than reported.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for Alzheimer's disease include:

  • being older than 65
  • family medical history
  • inheritance of disease genes from parents
  • existing moderate cognitive impairment
  • Down syndrome
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • women
  • previous head injury
  • being disconnected from the community or having poor interaction with other people for long periods of time

There are currently no ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Research is not clear why some people develop it and others do not. As they work to understand this, they also work to find preventive methods.

One thing that can be helpful in reducing the risk of disease is a heart-healthy diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, low in saturated fats from meat and dairy, and high in healthy fat sources such as nuts, olive oil, and fish meat can help you reduce your risk of more than just heart disease. - they can protect your brain from Alzheimer's, too.

Dehydration due to gastrointestinal diseases

Diarrhea is when you have three or more loose stools in a day. If diarrhea lasts for more than a few days, your body is losing too much water and salt. This causes dehydration which can lead to death. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal virus or bacteria transmitted through contaminated water or food. This is especially common in developing countries with poor sanitation.

Diarrhea is the second most deadly disease in children under 5 years of age. Approximately 760,000 children die from gastrointestinal diseases every year.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for gastrointestinal disease include:

  • live in an area with poor sanitation
  • no access to clean water
  • age, children are most likely to experience severe gastrointestinal symptoms
  • malnutrition
  • weakened immune system

According to UNICEF, the best way to prevent is practicing good hygiene. Good hand washing practices can reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases by 40 percent. Improving water purification and quality, as well as early medical intervention, can also help prevent gastrointestinal illness.

Tuberculosis is a lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It can be treated, although some strains are resistant to conventional treatments. Tuberculosis is one of the world's leading killer diseases in people with HIV. About 35 percent of HIV deaths are from tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis cases have decreased by 1.5% annually since 2000. The goal is to end the disease by 2030.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for developing tuberculosis include:

  • diabetes
  • HIV infections
  • lower body weight
  • being close to other people with TB
  • regular use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids or drugs that suppress the immune system

The best prevention against tuberculosis is to receive the Calmette-Guérin bacillus vaccine (BCG). It is usually given to children. If you think you have been exposed to TB, you can start taking medicine to reduce your chance of developing the disease.

Cirrhosis is the result of chronic or long-term scarring and damage to the liver. The damage may be the result of kidney disease, or it may be caused by diseases such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. A healthy liver filters harmful substances from your blood and sends healthy blood back to your body. As the substances damage the liver, a scar is formed.

As more scar tissue forms, the liver must work harder to function properly. Ultimately, the liver may stop working. Included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for cirrhosis include:

  • chronic alcohol use
  • accumulation of fat around the liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • chronic viral hepatitis

Stay away from behaviors that can damage your liver to prevent cirrhosis. Long-term drinking and alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes of cirrhosis, so avoiding alcohol can help you prevent damage.

Likewise, you can avoid non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as sugar and fat. Finally, you can reduce your chances of contracting viral hepatitis by using protection during sex and avoiding sharing anything that might be bloody. This includes needles, razors, toothbrushes and more.

Deadly diseases

While fatal diseases have increased, their more serious conditions have also decreased. Some factors, such as increased life expectancy, naturally increase the incidence of diseases such as coronary artery disease, stroke, and heart disease. But many of the diseases on this list are preventable and treatable. As medicine continues to advance and preventive education grows, we may see a decline in mortality from these diseases.

A good approach to reducing the risk of any of these conditions is a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and exercise. Stopping smoking and drinking in moderation may also help. For bacterial or viral infections, proper handwashing can help prevent or reduce the risk.

Throughout the history of its existence, from the moment of creation to the present, a living cell has accumulated so much fear in itself ( by virtue of the instinct of self-preservation at the moments of historical cataclysms, being in the body of a mineral, plant, animal, primitive man) and bad habits of cellular consciousness, or rather, non-consciousness, including "illness".

And all why? Man "sickness" attaches importance. And where our attention is, there is an outflow of energy. Something went wrong in the body - and immediately the person runs to the doctor, because the System tells it to. And the System loves diseases - it can be said that it rests on this general ill health; after all, any illness is a weakness of the spirit - in any case, it entails this weakness with it. At this time, the cells state: "Oh, we get such attention! It means that we are doing everything right - we will continue to do so!" That is, to hurt. The doctor immediately finds "common properties" and sticks a label-diagnosis on what is often just a temporary disorder in the work of the body. And that's all - from a temporary disorder, a stable formation arises with its own name / face / form. And this formation (formation of the disease) begins to be actively fed from the collective egregor of the disease. Doctors are very helpful in this. Notice how doctors call people "Sick". Now think: do you accept this definition as a constant in relation to yourself?

I once came up with this formula: if a doctor is needed, it is only to tell a person - YOU ARE HEALTHY. The body will do the rest: it can self-renew and self-regulate. The body knows how to heal itself. Only we must be at one with the body and be able to speak the same language with it.

If you think deeply: isn't it evidence of helplessness to think that someone (for example, a doctor) can know your body better than you yourself?

  • A person with the consciousness of the Creator is already a completely different way of thinking. This is the "I CAN DO ANYTHING" mindset.

Didn't write about it if it was just a mental theory. I live like this. This does not mean that I am unaware of pain or some kind of disorder in the functioning of the body. However, there are always three thoughts:

why did it come / why did it arise / manifested itself?

What should I learn now?

What should I do?

And go to work))) And no names (diagnoses, labels) for the "disease" - a lot of honor. And the thought is constantly in the background: "I am healthy, self-sufficient and whole".

The collective consciousness is still very tight on this issue. What is called it must be pushed through. Walk through the forest. (People in the mass of their illness love, cherish, rush about with them, talk about them, savoring the details. After all, illness is so good for the ego, which gladly draws attention to itself.)

In fact, diseases are a phenomenon created and supported by the System. (For who is easier to manage: the healthy or the sick?) Sickness is a lie of our life, just like death is not true matter. The one who in the Bible said: "You will be in pain, etc. ...". - of course, he was neither God nor the Creator, it was a generic egregore of the Jews. And the "good prophecy" was extrapolated to all adherents of the scripture - according to their uncomplaining acceptance. Suffering from submission to the Ignorance.

Why such long writing? It is likely that at every step we revise, shake up our consciousness and mercilessly get rid of the old programs of the matrix.

An exercise

If you already have such an award, not even one, like a diagnosis, just now, at this very moment - deprive her of her face. No face - no phenomenon. Try to imagine a phenomenon that has no name. Do you understand what's going on?) So, any name of the disease, any name of it. For example: glomerulonephritis. Take this word mentally in your hands and throw it up, scatter it letter by letter in the air. And now from these letters create as many short - different - words as possible with a neutral or positive meaning. For example, from this word you get: roll, body, mouth, Negro, dwarf, repair etc. Is the principle clear? If not, ask, I will answer. So, in this simple way, you have deprived the disease of the face, which means that you have erased it as a formation in your field. This is the first step. And then ... Clear your field of all false formations. Look for your own paths. Experiment. Create - you are the Creator! Therefore, take responsibility for your life and your health!

Incredible Facts

Much has been done in modern medicine to eradicate and cure diseases, but unfortunately there are still many horrific diseases for which there is no cure.

1. Ebola hemorrhagic fever

© Kateryna Kon / Shutterstock

Ebola is a virus in the filovirus family that causes severe and often fatal viral hemorrhagic fever. Outbreaks of this disease have been observed in primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees, and in humans. The disease is characterized by high fever, rash, and profuse bleeding. In humans, the mortality rate is 50 to 90 percent.

The name of the virus comes from the Ebola River, located in the northern Congo Basin in central Africa, where it first appeared in 1976. That year, outbreaks in Zaire and Sudan resulted in hundreds of deaths. Ebola virus closely associated with marburg virus, which was discovered in 1967, and both of these viruses are the only filoviruses that cause an epidemic in humans.

The hemorrhagic virus spreads through bodily fluids, and as patients often vomit blood, caregivers often catch the disease.

2. Polio

© Stasique/Shutterstock

Poliomyelitis or spinal palsy is an acute viral infectious disease of the nervous system that begins with general symptoms such as high fever, headache, nausea, fatigue, pain, and muscle cramps, sometimes followed by more severe and permanent muscle paralysis one or more limbs, throat or chest. More than half of all cases of polio occur in children under 5 years of age. The paralysis so often associated with the disease actually affects less than one percent of people infected with the polio virus.

Only 5-10 percent of infected people show the aforementioned general symptoms, and more than 90 percent of people show no signs of illness. For those who are infected poliovirus there is no cure. Since the middle of the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of children have suffered from this disease every year. Since the 1960s, thanks to the widespread use of the polio vaccine, polio has been eliminated in most countries of the world and is now endemic in only a few countries in Africa and South Asia. Every year about 1000-2000 children are paralyzed by polio.

3. Lupus erythematosus

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Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that leads to chronic inflammation in different parts of the body. There are three main forms of lupus: discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus, and drug-induced lupus.

Discoid lupus only affects the skin and usually does not involve internal organs. It is characterized by a rash or patches of redness covered with greyish-brown scales that can appear on the face, neck, and head. In about 10 percent of cases in people with discoid lupus, the disease will develop into a more severe systemic form of lupus.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most common form of this disease. She can affect almost any organ or structure of the body, especially the skin, kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract, brain, and serous membranes.

And while systemic lupus can affect any area of ​​the body, most people only experience symptoms in a few organs. The skin rash may resemble that present in discoid lupus. It is also known that few people have the same symptoms. This disease is quite variable in nature and is marked by periods when the disease becomes active and periods when the symptoms are not so obvious.

4. Flu

© Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock

Influenza is an acute viral infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which is characterized by high fever, chills, a general feeling of weakness, muscle pain, and various soreness in the head and abdomen.

Influenza is caused by several strains of viruses of the family Ortomyxoviridae, which are subdivided into types A, B, and C. The three main types tend to cause similar symptoms, although they are not antigenically related in any way. So, if you are infected with one type, it does not give you immunity against other types. Type A viruses lead to large epidemics of influenza, and type B causes small localized outbreaks, while type C viruses usually do not cause illness in humans. Between periods of pandemic viruses undergo constant rapid evolution(a process called antigenic variation) in response to an onslaught of immunity in humans.

Periodically, influenza viruses undergo major evolutionary changes by acquiring new segments of the genome from another influenza virus, in fact becoming a new subtype from which there is no immunity.

5. Creutfeldt-Jakob disease

© Sebastian Kaulitzki / Shutterstock

Creutfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare fatal degenerative disease of the central nervous system. It is found all over the world and manifests itself with chance of one in a million, while certain population groups, such as Libyan Jews, have slightly higher incidence rates.

The disease is most common among adults aged 40 to 70 years, although there have been cases among young people. Both men and women suffer from it equally.

The onset of the disease is usually characterized by vague psychiatric and behavioral changes, followed by progressive dementia with visual impairment and involuntary movements. There is no cure for the disease, and it usually is fatal within a year of onset of symptoms.

The disease was first described in 1920 by a German neurologist. Ganz Gerhard Kreutfeld and Alphonse Jacob. KJD is similar to other neurodegenerative diseases such as kuru, which occurs in humans, and scabies, which occurs in sheep. All three diseases are types of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy due to the characteristic spongiform pattern of neural destruction, in which the brain tissue appears to be filled with holes.

6. Diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by an impairment of the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin and thereby maintain the desired level of sugar in the blood.

There are two main forms of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes and juvenile diabetes, and usually occurs during childhood. This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of a person with diabetes produces antibodies that destroy insulin-producing beta cells. Since the body can no longer produce insulin, daily injections of the hormone are required.

Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes usually begins after age 40, and becomes more common as age increases. It occurs due to sluggish secretion of insulin by the pancreas or decreased response in target cells that secrete insulin. He associated with heredity and obesity, especially the obese upper body. People with type 2 diabetes can control their blood sugar through diet and exercise, as well as injections of insulin and other medications.


© SewCream/Shutterstock

AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a transmissible disease of the immune system that is caused by HIV (immunodeficiency virus). HIV attacks slowly destroying the immune system, the body's defense system against infections, which makes a person susceptible to various infections and certain malignant neoplasms, which, in the end, leads to death. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection, during which fatal infections and tumors occur.

HIV/AIDS spread in the 1980s, especially in Africa where it is believed to have originated. Several factors contributed to its spread, including increased urbanization and long-distance travel to Africa, international travel, changing sexual morality, and intravenous drug use.

According to the 2006 UN report on HIV/AIDS, about 39.5 million people are living with HIV, about 5 million people become infected each year, and about 3 million die from AIDS each year.

8. Asthma

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Bronchial asthma is a chronic airway disease in which the inflamed airways tend to constrict, causing episodes of choking, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness that range in severity from mild to life-threatening. The inflamed airways become hypersensitive to a variety of stimuli, including dust mites, animal hair, pollen, air pollution, cigarette smoke, medications, the weather, and exercise. Wherein stress can make symptoms worse.

Asthmatic episodes may start suddenly or may take several days to develop. Although the first episode can occur at any age, half of the cases occur in children under 10 years of age and occurs more frequently in boys than in girls. Among adults, the incidence rate in women and men is approximately the same. When asthma develops in childhood, it is more often associated with inherited susceptibility to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, animal dander that cause an allergic reaction. In adults, asthma can also develop in response to allergens, but viral infections, aspirin, and exercise can also trigger the illness. Adults with asthma also often have polyps and sinusitis.

9. Cancer

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Cancer refers to a group of over 100 different diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer affects one in three people born in developed countries and is one of the leading causes of disease and death worldwide. Although cancer has been known since ancient times, significant improvements in cancer treatment were made in the mid-20th century, mainly through timely and accurate diagnosis, surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy drugs.

Such advances have led to a reduction in cancer mortality, as well as grounds for optimism in laboratory research in elucidating the causes and mechanisms of the disease.

Thanks to continuous advances in cell biology, genetics, and biotechnology, researchers now have fundamental knowledge of what happens in cancer cells and in cancer patients, which is driving further progress in preventing, diagnosing, and treating the disease.

10. Cold

© Estrada Anton / Shutterstock

The common cold is an acute viral illness that starts in the upper respiratory tract, sometimes spreads to the lower respiratory tract, and can cause secondary infections in the eyes or middle ear. cold can cause more than 100 viruses, including parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, reoviruses and others. However, rhinoviruses are considered the most common cause.

The term cold is associated with feeling cold or being exposed to a cold environment. Colds were originally thought to be caused by hypothermia, but studies have shown that this is not the case. They catch a cold by contact with infected people, not from cold, chilled wet feet or drafts.

People can be carriers of the virus and not experience symptoms. The incubation period is usually short, ranging from one to four days. Viruses begin to spread from an infected person before symptoms appear and spread peaks during the symptomatic phase.

There is such a variety of viruses that cause colds that It is almost impossible for a person to develop immunity to the common cold.. To date, there are no drugs that would significantly reduce the duration of the disease, and most of the treatment is aimed at alleviating the symptoms.

Infectious diseases, inflammation

I BELIEVE that people themselves create not only diseases, but also all pathogens. They create them from nothing: from vacuum, from pure energy, using the power of their thoughts. But these thoughts are pernicious and disease-causing. That is, tension, turmoil, and confusion in the collective unconscious mind creates a virus or microbe that helps cause disease.

Inflammation in the body means that our consciousness and imagination are “inflamed”. Strong anger, rage, resentment, desire for revenge, fear can lead to this. "Inflamed" thoughts are manifested in the form of an abscess, abscess, abscess and fever.

"But what about the infection?" - you ask.

Bacteria and viruses themselves are not at all dangerous. They are part of the environment, part of nature and perform some important functions. For example, there are some bacteria that live in our intestines and help the process of digestion. Microbes and viruses in themselves are not aggressive, but when they get into an aggressive environment, they become pathogenic and toxic. "Weeds grow on weeds." Or, as the famous microbiologist Louis Pasteur said: "Microbes are nothing, soil is everything." And we prepare the soil with our thoughts. Good - we fertilize, aggressive - we clog.

And here there are two ways. The first is to destroy the infection with antibiotics. But, as practice shows, this path is a dead end, as resistant strains of microorganisms are formed that are no longer amenable to the action of drugs. Medicine is forced to create stronger chemical drugs, but this leads to poisoning of the body as a whole.

And there is a second way - to get rid of aggressive thoughts and emotions that create a breeding ground for microbes, and thereby increase your immunity. The choice is yours.

A common infectious disease like the flu, and indeed any cold, suggests that too many things are happening in your life at the same time, and this causes tension, confusion and confusion, irritation and confusion. Large and small conflicts have accumulated - emotional upheavals, resentment. In this case, the disease performs a positive function: to get attention, avoid any duties, get rest, lie in bed for a day or two and put your thoughts in order.

Remember: someone nearby sneezed or coughed, and you were already afraid that you might get sick. Or they announced on TV that the flu virus is raging somewhere, and you are already worried and run to the pharmacy in advance. In such cases, I always ask myself: “Do I need the disease? What can illness give me useful? Do I need to lie down in bed with a temperature, a sore throat and a runny nose, thus escaping from unresolved problems, running away from reality.

No, I answer myself, I don't need it. After all, I can solve any problems in my life, because I myself create my life. So, I always find the best way out of any situation. And if there is some unresolved problem in my life now, then I throw all my personal power to solve it. I ask my subconscious mind to create new thoughts and behaviors for the best solution to this problematic situation. I completely and completely trust myself and the Universe. Therefore, I am calm. And the disease passes by. My immune system is working great."

I just choose to be healthy, enjoy and enjoy life! It is my choice.

Injuries and accidents

There are no accidents, and in general, there are no accidents of any kind. This is my deep conviction. Accidents are nothing but a subconscious pattern. We ourselves create traumatic situations for ourselves.

Being engaged in hypnosis, I examined several people who had been in traumatic situations at different times (industrial injury, accident, etc.). In all cases, the reasons were similar - this is a feeling of guilt and strong anger, hatred and an extreme degree of irritation and resentment. All these emotions trigger the mechanism of self-destruction.

Anger at someone, the desire to take revenge, hit and a sense of hopelessness instantly attract an accident or a traumatic situation. The world around us belongs to us, and therefore, when we are angry with others, we thereby express aggression and launch a program of self-destruction in relation to ourselves. After all, no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy. When we get angry at ourselves, feel guilty, when we literally look for punishment for ourselves, it comes in the form of an accident. Traumatism is an external reflection of guilt, self-punishment. It is anger directed at oneself.

If this situation has happened to you, then do not consider yourself as an unfortunate victim. Go inward and find the thoughts and behaviors that created the traumatic situation.

Traumatic situations have certain positive intentions.

And often this is an opportunity to get the attention and sympathy of others. We moan in pain, sometimes lie in bed for a long time. They wash our wounds, take care of us, show care. And the tendency to violence that led us to the traumatic situation is gradually disappearing.

Pain in general, any pain is the first sign of guilt. Pain can be physical or mental. Guilt always seeks punishment, and punishment creates pain and suffering. If there is chronic pain, then this is a sign of constant guilt. Turn inside yourself, find this feeling of guilt. Get rid of it and the pain will go away.

Remember that every person in any situation does the best. This is how the subconscious mind works - it chooses the most effective way of behavior. Then, in the past, in that situation, you made the best choice. So is it worth punishing yourself for the best that you were then capable of?

Tumors, cancer

PEOPLE have such a stereotype of thinking that cancer is incurable. And when doctors inform a patient or relatives of a similar diagnosis, for many it sounds like a sentence. But do not despair. As the wisdom says: "There are no incurable diseases, there are incurable patients."

Two thousand years ago, the famous Chinese doctor Sma Thien named five types of people who are not amenable to treatment:

1) stubborn people who are pointless to convince;

2) greedy greedy people who, in pursuit of money, have neglected their health;

3) dissolute people who do not want to give up harmful excesses and habits;

4) patients who are so weak that they cannot take medicine;

5) those who trust charlatans more than doctors.

I know for sure that any disease can be cured if the patient takes responsibility for his illness and for his health.

The first thing to do in order to be cured is to discard the belief that the disease is incurable. It is incurable by external means, the means of orthodox medicine, because these means do not eliminate the cause, but fight the effect. You have to go inside yourself to get healed. And then, appearing out of nowhere, this disease will go nowhere.

One Jewish king fell ill with a serious illness. He was advised to turn to God. But he went to the doctors and died two years later.

To turn within oneself means to turn to God. After all, God is in the soul of everyone. It is necessary to discover the eternal source of strength and health in oneself. He is in everyone. You have all the resources you need within you. Get access to them.

Cancer is an old, hidden resentment, anger and anger, hatred and a desire for revenge, which literally "devour" the body. This is a deep subconscious, spiritual, non-healing wound. This is a strong and far-reaching internal conflict with oneself and with the outside world.

Pride and the arrogance that it generates, feelings of guilt and punishment, condemnation and contempt, a deep dislike for people lead to this disease. If a person in his worldview is likened to a cancer cell, then he creates cancer in his body.

How does a healthy cell work? First of all, it takes care of the whole organism and performs its specific functions for it. And the body in return pays it the same: it gives this cell everything it needs. A healthy, normal cell “understands” that its well-being depends on the well-being of the whole organism, and therefore gives all its strength to it.

How does a cancer cell behave? She does not care about the interests of the whole organism. She only cares about herself. She does not know where she gets all her nutrients from. A cancer cell does not even suspect that by its behavior it destroys the entire organism, which means that after the death of the organism, it will die itself. That is, by its actions, by its vital activity, the cancer cell destroys the whole organism, including itself.

But the Universe, this single organism in which we live, cannot allow one person with a cancerous worldview to destroy the entire Universe. Therefore, such a person, according to universal laws, must be destroyed. It turns out that a person destroys himself with his worldview.

Many people are now infected with a cancerous worldview. That is why the mortality rate from malignant tumors according to statistics is in second place. Such people are ready to destroy the world in which they live, for its seeming imperfection. They despise, take offense, hate and take revenge, while mentally destroying the surrounding world, the Universe. People with a cancerous worldview simply do not understand that the world around them is their world. And by generating destructive thoughts, they destroy themselves. I deeply believe that the Universe is very harmonious, fair and perfect. Because a universal law operates in it: "Everyone is rewarded according to his faith, according to his thoughts." People must understand that it is not the Universe that is imperfect, but their worldview, that is, not the world itself, but their model of this world.

Cancer is a curable disease. And here the impact of traditional means is not enough: chemistry, radiation, surgery. All this suppresses the disease and gives only a delay, since the causes of the disease are not eliminated. After all, cancer is a disease of the whole body. Cure from a cancerous tumor is, first of all, getting rid of a cancerous worldview.

One of my patients, who was cured of cancer, described his condition as follows:

Doctor, I have become a completely different person. There has been a reassessment of values. If we compare me before the illness and the state that I have now, then this is earth and sky. Before, I could get irritated over any trifle. For example, if I was standing at a bus stop and there was no trolley bus for a long time, then I literally lost my temper. Now calm as an elephant. A completely different attitude towards oneself, towards life, towards people.

What should be done to heal?

First. You need to take responsibility for your life, for your illness and for your health.

Second. You need to have a strong will to live. And most importantly - to determine why? Think about the purpose and meaning of life.

Third. It is necessary to get rid of everything alien in your mind. From those negative thoughts, emotions and character traits that lead you to death. Start working on yourself.

Valery Sinelnikov

Infectious diseases, inflammation

I BELIEVE that people themselves create not only diseases, but also all pathogens. They create them from nothing: from vacuum, from pure energy, using the power of their thoughts. But these thoughts are pernicious and disease-causing. That is, tension, turmoil, and confusion in the collective unconscious mind creates a virus or microbe that helps cause disease.

Inflammation in the body means that our consciousness and imagination are "inflamed". Strong anger, rage, resentment, desire for revenge, fear can lead to this. "Inflamed" thoughts manifest as boils, abscesses, abscesses, and fevers.

"But what about the infection?" - you ask.

Bacteria and viruses themselves are not at all dangerous. They are part of the environment, part of nature and perform some important functions. For example, there are some bacteria that live in our intestines and help the process of digestion. Microbes and viruses in themselves are not aggressive, but when they get into an aggressive environment, they become pathogenic and toxic. "Weeds grow on weeds." Or, as the famous microbiologist Louis Pasteur said: "Microbes are nothing, soil is everything." And we prepare the soil with our thoughts. Good - we fertilize, aggressive - we clog.

And here there are two ways. The first is to destroy the infection with antibiotics. But, as practice shows, this path is a dead end, as resistant strains of microorganisms are formed that are no longer amenable to the action of drugs. Medicine is forced to create stronger chemical drugs, but this leads to poisoning of the body as a whole.

And there is a second way - to get rid of aggressive thoughts and emotions that create a breeding ground for microbes, and thereby increase your immunity. The choice is yours.

A common infectious disease like the flu, and indeed any cold, suggests that too many things are happening in your life at the same time, and this causes tension, confusion and confusion, irritation and confusion. Large and small conflicts have accumulated - emotional upheavals, resentment. In this case, the disease performs a positive function: to get attention, avoid any duties, get rest, lie in bed for a day or two and put your thoughts in order.

Remember: someone nearby sneezed or coughed, and you were already afraid that you might get sick. Or they announced on TV that the flu virus is raging somewhere, and you are already worried and run to the pharmacy in advance. In such cases, I always ask myself: “Do I need an illness? What can an illness give me useful? Do I need to lie down in bed with a temperature, a sore throat and a runny nose, thus escaping from unresolved problems, running away from reality.

No, I answer myself, I don't need it. After all, I can solve any problems in my life, because I myself create my life. So, I always find the best way out of any situation. And if there is some unresolved problem in my life now, then I throw all my personal power to solve it. I ask my subconscious mind to create new thoughts and behaviors for the best solution to this problematic situation. I completely and completely trust myself and the Universe. Therefore, I am calm. And the disease passes by. My immune system is working great."

I just choose to be healthy, enjoy and enjoy life! It is my choice.

Injuries and accidents

There are no accidents, and in general, there are no accidents of any kind. This is my deep conviction. Accidents are nothing but a subconscious pattern. We ourselves create traumatic situations for ourselves.

Being engaged in hypnosis, I examined several people who had been in traumatic situations at different times (industrial injury, accident, etc.). In all cases, the reasons were similar - this is a feeling of guilt and strong anger, hatred and an extreme degree of irritation and resentment. All these emotions trigger the mechanism of self-destruction.

Anger at someone, the desire to take revenge, hit and a sense of hopelessness instantly attract an accident or a traumatic situation. The world around us belongs to us, and therefore, when we are angry with others, we thereby express aggression and launch a program of self-destruction in relation to ourselves. After all, no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy. When we get angry at ourselves, feel guilty, when we literally look for punishment for ourselves, it comes in the form of an accident. Traumatism is an external reflection of guilt, self-punishment. It is anger directed at oneself.

If this situation has happened to you, then do not consider yourself as an unfortunate victim. Go inward and find the thoughts and behaviors that created the traumatic situation.

Traumatic situations have certain positive intentions.

And often this is an opportunity to get the attention and sympathy of others. We moan in pain, sometimes lie in bed for a long time. They wash our wounds, take care of us, show care. And the tendency to violence that led us to the traumatic situation is gradually disappearing.

Pain in general, any pain is the first sign of guilt. Pain can be physical or mental. Guilt always seeks punishment, and punishment creates pain and suffering. If there is chronic pain, then this is a sign of constant guilt. Turn inside yourself, find this feeling of guilt. Get rid of it and the pain will go away.

Remember that every person in any situation does the best. This is how the subconscious mind works - it chooses the most effective way of behavior. Then, in the past, in that situation, you made the best choice. So is it worth punishing yourself for the best that you were then capable of?

Tumors, cancer

PEOPLE have such a stereotype of thinking that cancer is incurable. And when doctors inform a patient or relatives of a similar diagnosis, for many it sounds like a sentence. But do not despair. As the wisdom says: "There are no incurable diseases, there are incurable patients."

Two thousand years ago, the famous Chinese doctor Sma Thien named five types of people who are not amenable to treatment:

1) stubborn people who are pointless to convince;

2) greedy greedy people who, in pursuit of money, have neglected their health;

3) dissolute people who do not want to give up harmful excesses and habits;

4) patients who are so weak that they cannot take medicine;

5) those who trust charlatans more than doctors.

I know for sure that any disease can be cured if the patient takes responsibility for his illness and for his health.

The first thing to do in order to be cured is to discard the belief that the disease is incurable. It is incurable by external means, the means of orthodox medicine, because these means do not eliminate the cause, but fight the effect. You have to go inside yourself to get healed. And then, appearing out of nowhere, this disease will go nowhere.

One Jewish king fell ill with a serious illness. He was advised to turn to God. But he went to the doctors and died two years later.

To turn within oneself means to turn to God. After all, God is in the soul of everyone. It is necessary to discover the eternal source of strength and health in oneself. He is in everyone. You have all the resources you need within you. Get access to them.

Cancer is an old, hidden resentment, anger and anger, hatred and a desire for revenge, which literally "devour" the body. This is a deep subconscious, spiritual, non-healing wound. This is a strong and far-reaching internal conflict with oneself and with the outside world.

Pride and the arrogance that it generates, feelings of guilt and punishment, condemnation and contempt, a deep dislike for people lead to this disease. If a person in his worldview is likened to a cancer cell, then he creates cancer in his body.

How does a healthy cell work? First of all, it takes care of the whole organism and performs its specific functions for it. And the body in return pays it the same: it gives this cell everything it needs. A healthy, normal cell "understands" that its well-being depends on the well-being of the whole organism, and therefore gives all its strength to it.

How does a cancer cell behave? She does not care about the interests of the whole organism. She only cares about herself. She does not know where she gets all her nutrients from. A cancer cell does not even suspect that by its behavior it destroys the entire organism, which means that after the death of the organism, it will die itself. That is, by its actions, by its vital activity, the cancer cell destroys the whole organism, including itself.

But the Universe, this single organism in which we live, cannot allow one person with a cancerous worldview to destroy the entire Universe. Therefore, such a person, according to universal laws, must be destroyed. It turns out that a person destroys himself with his worldview.

Many people are now infected with a cancerous worldview. That is why the mortality rate from malignant tumors according to statistics is in second place. Such people are ready to destroy the world in which they live, for its seeming imperfection. They despise, take offense, hate and take revenge, while mentally destroying the surrounding world, the Universe. People with a cancerous worldview simply do not understand that the world around them is their world. And by generating destructive thoughts, they destroy themselves. I deeply believe that the Universe is very harmonious, fair and perfect. Because the universal law operates in it: "Everyone is rewarded according to his faith, according to his thoughts." People must understand that it is not the Universe that is imperfect, but their worldview, that is, not the world itself, but their model of this world.

Cancer is a curable disease. And here the impact of traditional means is not enough: chemistry, radiation, surgery. All this suppresses the disease and gives only a delay, since the causes of the disease are not eliminated. After all, cancer is a disease of the whole body. Cure from a cancerous tumor is, first of all, getting rid of a cancerous worldview.

One of my patients, who was cured of cancer, described his condition as follows:

Doctor, I have become a completely different person. There has been a reassessment of values. If we compare me before the illness and the state that I have now, then this is earth and sky. Before, I could get irritated over any trifle. For example, if I was standing at a bus stop and there was no trolley bus for a long time, then I literally lost my temper. Now calm as an elephant. A completely different attitude towards oneself, towards life, towards people.

What should be done to heal?

First. You need to take responsibility for your life, for your illness and for your health.

Second. You need to have a strong will to live. And most importantly - to determine why? Think about the purpose and meaning of life.

Third. It is necessary to get rid of everything alien in your mind. From those negative thoughts, emotions and character traits that lead you to death. Start working on yourself.

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