How to quickly reduce a bruise under the eye after a blow. Methods for quickly getting rid of a bruise under the eye

No one is immune from an accidental bruise under the eye. This is most unpleasant if you go to work in a couple of days or you are scheduled to attend an event. Well, if you are a girl and you have bruises under your eyes, then you don’t even need a reason. However, you can get rid of a bruise within one day at home, thanks to several proven recipes. How to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow quickly, we will tell in this article.

First aid, how to get rid of bruises

First of all, to remove a bruise, put something cold on the bruised eye. An ice cube wrapped in a cloth is ideal. This method will save you from possible subsequent swelling and hematoma formation.

Important! Do not apply pure ice to the skin, especially around the eye, as it can cause frostbite.


If you have cabbage, take one leaf and chop it up. Applied immediately after a bruise, it can also help prevent the formation of a hematoma. Another pretty effective way:

  • take vodka with water in equal proportions;
  • freeze in the refrigerator and rub the cubes on the affected eye as often as possible.

Important! Use ice only on the first day after the injury, then only anti-inflammatory and decongestants are shown. It is strictly forbidden to heat a hematoma under the eye!

We remove a bruise in one day

There are situations when it is urgent to take action to remove the bruise under the eye in one day. How to do it? There are effective methods to help with this.

The first thing you need to reduce a bruise in 1 day is to purchase a badyaga at the nearest pharmacy. The powder is very effective, so be as careful as possible. Dilute the product in one tablespoon of water to make a not too liquid slurry, put it on gauze or a bandage (folded several times) and apply a compress to the bruise.

To remove the bruise under the eye as quickly as possible, alternate badyagi compresses with onion gruel compresses. To do this, finely chop a small onion head, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. When the juice drains from the onion, put the gruel in gauze and apply to the bruise for 10-15 minutes. The procedure, of course, is not very pleasant, but very effective in combination with badyagi.

How to remove a bruise at home

You can remove a hematoma in one day by various means. If you do not have any medications on hand or do not want to take them, your products will completely replace the first-aid kit.

How to lighten a bruise under the eye with starch

  • take ordinary starch and dilute with water in equal proportions;
  • apply on the bruise and leave to dry naturally;
  • when applied every 2-3 hours, the hematoma will turn pale significantly.


Salt has a truly mass of magical properties, for this case it is also useful. So, the recipe for removing bruises from blows:

  • take 10 grams of salt and 100 milliliters of water;
  • mix thoroughly until the salt dissolves;
  • Apply the resulting solution to a piece of tissue and apply to the bruise.


Iodine has a well-known warming effect, which will help get rid of a bruise much faster:

  • apply an iodine mesh to the darkened area;
  • leave to dry.

Important! Before applying iodine, make sure you have enough time to wait for complete absorption. In addition, doctors do not recommend the use of this remedy, since iodine easily causes burns, especially when applied to delicate skin.

Badyaga pharmacy

A fairly well-known way to deal with an unwanted bruise near the eye is a pharmacy badyaga:

  • dilute the powder with water in proportions of two to one;
  • Apply a thin layer of the resulting mixture to the desired area.

Important! Be extremely careful when applying badyagi to the eye area: in large quantities, it can cause skin burns.

In the absence of a pharmacy ointment, you can easily prepare its own home version:

  • take a medium-sized onion and peel it;
  • pour sunflower oil so that it completely covers it, and put on a small fire;
  • wait until the onion turns black, and remove the container from the stove;
  • cool and squeeze the onion into the oil, add a spoonful of pre-grated laundry soap and melted wax;
  • mix thoroughly and refrigerate;
  • Apply to the bruise three to four times a day.


With the help of a pepper patch, it is quite possible to get rid of trouble in one day:

  • apply a patch over the site of injury, then replace with a compress with badyagi;
  • After another hour, apply a warm compress again.


Mother and stepmother has long been known for its healing properties:

  • chop one tablespoon of herbs coltsfoot and wild rosemary;
  • bring to a boil in an enamel bowl;
  • after five minutes after boiling, cover tightly and leave for two hours;
  • make lotions and apply every hour for ten minutes.


If the bruise has formed very extensive and occupies a considerable area on the face, a honey compress will help:

  • mix a full spoonful of natural, liquid honey with any vegetable oil, adding a handful of flour and egg yolk to the mixture;
  • mix, apply to the affected area and leave as a compress for three hours.


Did the above methods help? Try the aloe solution, which has a resolving effect:

  • prepare a gruel from a fresh leaf and add a spoonful of celandine to it;
  • mix the ingredients by adding a spoonful of boiled water;
  • leave in a warm, dry place for half an hour, then apply on the bruise and leave for an hour.


Fresh herb wormwood has a unique soothing property, due to which it is actively used for bruises and wounds:

  • take about a hundred grams of grass and grind in a glass container until juice is formed;
  • soak gauze in the resulting liquid and apply, leaving for an hour.

How to reduce a bruise under the eye by heating

Quite effectively eliminate the bruise under the eye will help ordinary heating, which is performed as follows:

  • heat salt or sand in the oven and, wrapped in cotton cloth, apply for a quarter of an hour three times a day.

In addition to pure cabbage, there is a recipe for cabbage with plantain, thanks to which the healing properties of the compress increase significantly:

  • beat off leaves of the same size with a kitchen hammer until juice is formed;
  • Onion

    The onion recipe with the addition of salt promotes the speedy healing of the skin:

    • ruin a small onion on a grater, adding a pinch of salt;
    • wrap the gruel in gauze and apply for half an hour.

    Important! Be careful not to spill the product and get into your eye, in case of contact, rinse immediately with water.

    Perhaps the easiest way to hide a sudden bruise is to use a foundation or corrector. If you prefer a concealer, choose a peach color to neutralize blue or purple undertones without being too thick.

It is difficult to find a person who at least once in his life has not encountered a problem - how to remove a bruise under the eye quickly at home, without seeking help from a beautician. Of course, the easiest thing to do is to wear large sunglasses. But such a disguise is not suitable in all cases. After all, it is impossible to work on the trading floor or advise clients in dark glasses. Therefore, we have to look for other ways to solve this problem.

The second thing that comes to mind is the use of cosmetics - foundation or powder. However, this option is also quite controversial, since rarely anyone has professional makeup at home. Ordinary decorative cosmetics will never completely hide a bruise on the face; rather, on the contrary, it will draw attention to the problem.

Yes, and the accompanying swelling or severe purple edema on the face of the victim cannot be hidden with the help of cosmetics. Therefore, it does not hurt to know how to get rid of bruise marks as quickly as possible, using improvised means that can be found in any home.

You need to start fighting a bruise right away, this is just the case when every second is not just expensive, but actually priceless. Timely steps taken will relieve the development of edema, reduce the volume of hemorrhage and relieve pain.

Consider the actions that need to be taken immediately, immediately after the bruise. First of all, you need to attach something very cold to the injured place, ideal:

  • ice, always wrapped in cloth or paper, as pure ice will burn the skin;
  • a bag with any frost that is in the freezer, it must also be wrapped in a cloth or towel before applying to the face;
  • a piece of frozen meat, a chicken or an ice cream bar - anything you can find in the freezer will also help cool the bruised area.

When making a cold compress, one should not forget that there should be a layer between the “cold” and the skin of the face, so as not to aggravate the already not very pleasant and comfortable condition with a burn. Applying cold is only effective for the first hour, plus or minus ten minutes, after the injury.

At a later date, it is meaningless and will not lead to anything, but it may well cause a cold of the optic nerve or sinusitis. In addition, it must be taken into account that the presence of alcohol in the blood significantly reduces the effectiveness of cold compresses, on average by a quarter. That is, if a bruise is obtained while intoxicated, a cold compress should be applied no later than 30-40 minutes after the injury.

Over the next two to three hours, the following remedies help well:

  • a compress of raw meat - that is, you need to attach to the affected area a piece of meat that is not frozen, preferably even fresh, with blood - this recipe was used back in Kievan Rus, it is described in detail in the writings of many historians who studied the annals, including at Karamzin;
  • cabbage compress - for the procedure you need juicy fresh cabbage, it should be chopped, wrapped in gauze and applied to the bruise.

These funds will help if they are kept at the site of the injury for at least 50-70 minutes, and they should be used no later than a couple of hours after the injury, that is, immediately after the ice is applied.

The application of these simple actions immediately after injury will help reduce the time of getting rid of the hematoma to one day. Of course, if we are not talking about injuries received in the boxing ring, or as a result of a beating. In such cases, one day does not get off, even if you immediately take all possible measures.

How to remove a bruise in one day?

Hearing the question of how to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow in 1 day, many will smile skeptically and say - no way. However, this is quite possible if the treatment of the bruise began immediately after it was received, and, of course, if we are not talking about severe injuries.

It is really impossible to make the marks of a beating during the day disappear, but a small “lantern” under the eye, obtained by accident, is quite treatable. To eliminate it in a short time, you can use pharmaceutical preparations or proven folk methods.

Pharmacy funds

In order to eliminate traces of a bruise in a day, you will have to visit a pharmacy. A pharmacist can suggest several remedies to help get rid of a bruise:

  • badyaga pharmacy;
  • Dolobene gel;
  • gel or ointment Troxevasin.

Badyaga pharmacy is a grayish powder that is diluted independently with water in the proportions that are necessary for a particular case. To quickly destroy the bruise, the ointment must be prepared in proportion - two parts of the powder to one part of warm water.

The bodyaga prepared in this way is applied to the bruise in a thick layer, similar to any cosmetic mask. Leave it on your face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with water. Next, the skin should rest for 30 to 40 minutes, after which the procedure should be repeated.

Badyaga can cause peeling and overdrying of the skin. To prevent this effect, it is recommended to add a little Vaseline or cream to the bodyaga. But in cases where it is necessary to quickly get rid of a bruise, no softening components should be added to the mixture - there should be only water and powder.

However, it is quite possible to reduce the risk of skin damage by applying a layer of ointment to a gauze pad applied to the injured area.

Gel Dolobene

Gel Dolobene, as well as, have the same effect - they dissolve the internal bruise. However, the active ingredients in these gels are different. Which of them will be more effective depends only on which of the components your body will be more sensitive and receptive to.

If before getting a bruise, the victim did not use these drugs, you need to apply both gels to different parts of the bruise. For the purity of the experiment, you can photograph the bruise before applying the medication, wash yourself after half an hour, and then photograph the problem area again under the same lighting and angle.

Which of the gels acts more effectively will be immediately noticeable. Pictures are needed in order to exclude the option of subjective perception and to be able, by enlarging the frame, to consider the degree of damage to the capillaries at the “border” of the bruise.

If it is clearly expressed, you need to circle the bruise with iodine. It does not make sense to lubricate the “damage zone” with iodine, especially if it is necessary to eliminate traces of a bruise in a day. Also, you should not alternate drugs endlessly, you need to use one thing, having determined the drug to which the body is more susceptible.

Folk remedies

To remove the consequences of a bruise in a day without the help of medicines is more of a fantasy. However, many succeed, of course, if all priority measures have been taken using cold compresses.

Such actions help to avoid extensive hemorrhages under the skin as a result of rupture of small capillaries. Then you can use proven folk remedies that will help you quickly get rid of the bruise. The following recipes are most effective:

  • Liver and honey

It is necessary to grind a small piece of raw liver in a blender and mix the resulting mass with honey. Then put it on a thin cloth or thick gauze, wrap and apply to the bruise for 30-40 minutes, then wash and apply the compress again.

The Italians have a similar recipe for dealing with bruises. For example, the Florentines used a mixture of raw pork liver, leek and chocolate prepared in equal proportions for bruises.

  • Potato

Raw potatoes need to be crushed into gruel on a grater or in a blender, wrapped in gauze, applied to the bruise until the potato mass dries. Wash off and reapply a fresh compress. A similar recipe was used by the French in the past, only they added egg yolk to raw potatoes.

  • Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese (necessarily fresh), you need to apply in the form of a compress to the site of injury. This is a rather controversial recipe, it is difficult to say how effective it will be, since you are unlikely to find home-made real fatty cottage cheese in the store, although you can cook it yourself by buying village milk on the market.

There are a lot of different ways to deal with bruises among the people, for example, in the Cossack villages, on the Don, live frogs were applied to the bruise, keeping them in a closed vat of water. When the frog was heated, it was returned to the vat and the next one was taken. And the Eskimos used deer blood for this purpose.

Today, among the most popular remedies for bruises used in traditional medicine, the following are most effective:

  • coltsfoot and wild rosemary

Mix dry herbs in equal proportions, pour a small amount of warm, but not hot water. Wait until the mixture swells, becomes soft, and, wrapping this mass in gauze, put it on the bruise. Hold until the herbs dry. Apply 6-8 times a day.

  • Agave (aloe)

Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise, remove the thorns and apply the inner pulp to the bruise. Keep this compress for at least 20 minutes. Apply 10 to 12 times per day. There is an option in which you should lubricate the bruise with aloe juice. However, the juice applied to the skin quickly dries up, and its action stops. Therefore, it is better to use the first option.

  • Beets and honey

Peel raw beets, grind in a blender, mix with honey, wrap in gauze and apply to the bruise. Keep at least 30 minutes, repeat 10 to 12 times a day.

  • Tripe

Grind any tripe, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the bruise for at least an hour. Repeat 4-6 times a day.

  • Bear fat or badger fat

Now it is rather problematic to find these funds, common for any economy a century ago. However, hunters or those who like to visit small shops that sell related products from fur farms will find such products.

Fat should be applied to the bruise in thin layers, kept until it starts to melt, and badger fat - just lubricate the damaged area, like a regular cream. You need to repeat at least 4 times a day.

As for the use of iodine, it is not as effective as many believe. The same can be said about all alcohol compresses.

The warming effect of alcohol, of course, contributes to the faster resorption of the bruise, but this is the longest and most dangerous of all possible ways to eliminate traces of a bruise under the eye. The main danger of such compresses is that alcohol can get into the eyes, and iodine, accumulating in the skin cells, can provoke pain and pain in the eye itself.

Does an egg help?

As for the common belief that applying a hard-boiled egg helps with a bruise, this is a myth. A boiled egg in folk medicine massages the damaged area near the eye to further stimulate the resorption of the bruise.

Applying copper coins is a rather controversial method, firstly, pure copper is needed to achieve the desired effect, and secondly, such an action does not at all affect the internal state of the cells and capillaries at the site of injury. However, the application of copper helps to reduce swelling significantly.

How to cure a bruise?

In the absence of help in the first minutes after receiving a bruise, the treatment of bruise marks will take quite a long time, usually from 3 to 9 days, depending on the severity of the injuries.

When using pharmaceutical products, the average treatment time for the “lantern” is 4-6 days, and it is difficult to determine the time in how to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow with folk remedies, because it all depends on the individual susceptibility of the victim to the measures taken.

However, the most effective method of dealing with hematomas is not to get a bruise. If, nevertheless, a bruise could not be avoided, then the only guarantee of a quick relief from its consequences is the measures taken in the first minutes after the injury. Without them, treatment will take some time, regardless of what means will be carried out.

A bruise under the eye is a fairly common occurrence, moreover, this temporary inconvenience can be observed in people of any age and gender, because no one is immune from injury.

The appearance of a hematoma on the face may be the result of a quarrel with an opponent, clumsiness, or a simple accident. That is why almost every person sooner or later has to treat bruises, for which various methods are used.

What are the consequences of a bruise under the eye?

Any injury received in the eye area can lead to serious and sometimes irreparable consequences. If the bruise appeared as a result of a strong blow, then the victim must immediately contact a medical institution for qualified assistance.

The most deplorable consequences of mechanical impact on the eye area include:

    Massive hemorrhage, entailing retinal detachment;

    Hyphema, that is, the accumulation of blood in the anterior chamber of the eyes, which usually disappears within a few days;

    Hemophthalmos, in which hemorrhage occurs in the vitreous body, against which the risk of developing blindness increases;

    Orbital contusion is an injury that often causes loss of visual acuity.

What to do if a bruise appears under the eye?

If, after an injury, a person has a bruise under his eye, he must immediately apply cold to the injury site, which must be kept for 30-60 minutes. A towel with ice, a heating pad filled with cold water, a bag of food from the freezer, etc. can act as a cooling compress. Having formed a compress from the resulting mixture and tissue, it is necessary to apply it to the injury site and hold for 7-10 minutes. In the absence of a grater, you can use a potato cut in half, one part of which is applied to the bruise with a fresh cut. After the procedure, the eye area should be washed with running water and lubricated with any nourishing cream (it is best to use a baby cream).

In the event that a person has doubts about further vision problems, he should visit an ophthalmologist, undergo an examination and receive professional advice.

Sometimes, after an injury in the bridge of the nose or in the frontal zone, people may begin nosebleeds. To stop the bleeding, ice must be applied to the injury site. To prevent bruising under the eye and swelling, the victim should not blow his nose (after the bleeding stops, he can take a horizontal position).

Medical treatment for bruises

If a bruise appears under the eye, it can be treated with both medical and folk methods. Drug therapy involves the use of drugs, creams, ointments and gels. Best of all, bruises are treated with those medications that contain the following components: heparic acid, leech enzymes, chestnut extract. To achieve a good result, the victim needs to start using the medicine immediately after the injury (no later than 1 hour). In this case, there is a chance that bruising and swelling will not occur under the eye.

Many experts advise starting to warm up after the bruise appears. This recommendation is due to the fact that when damaged cells come into contact with a high temperature, an increased blood flow to them will begin. As a result of a complex of procedures, the hematoma will resolve several times faster. As a heating element, you can use any improvised means, best of all - canvas bags with salt heated in a pan.

Ointments and gels are very popular among people involved in contact sports, the main component of which is badyaga - a needle-like sea sponge. Currently, such means of dealing with bruises can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are sold in tubes, which greatly simplifies their use. To eliminate a bruise under the eye with ointments containing badyagi, it is necessary to use them in strict accordance with the instructions. Some people may experience discomfort when the skin comes into contact with the irritating components of such ointments. In this case, they need to halve the time allowed for the absorption of the ointment, that is, remove its residues 5-10 minutes after application. Regular use of badyaga ointment will allow you to get rid of the bruise under the eye several times faster and restore blood circulation in the damaged area.

Alternative methods of treating bruises

Traditional medicine knows various methods for the treatment of bruises, bruises and edema resulting from mechanical impact on the eye area.

Each person individually can choose for himself the most suitable method of treating bruises:

    Hot salt compress. To implement this method of traditional medicine, it is necessary to use rock salt, a frying pan and a rag bag (you can use a sock). You need to put the pan on the fire, pour a pack of salt into it and heat it well. Then pour hot salt into a bag and apply it to the bruise. It is important to ensure that the heat exposure is moderate and that no burns form on the skin. Such a compress should be done twice a day, the duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes;

    You can also use warming compresses of grated onions, horseradish, black radish, apple cider vinegar and vodka;

    Aloe leaves accelerate the process of resorption of bruises, and also help to reduce swelling in the area of ​​damage;

    A paste made from boiled beans with walnuts is often used in folk medicine in the treatment of bruises, bruises and swelling. Such a paste should be applied to the site of the bruise several times a day, evenly distributed over the skin, and the procedure should be repeated until the effects of the impact are visually reduced.

But even if the eye itself, fortunately, was not injured, it is not always possible to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, and you don’t want to walk with such “compromising evidence” at all! How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye, and is it possible?

As soon as the bruise is applied: the bruise under the eye will be less if acted immediately!

A bruise under the eye will quickly be removed when the right measures were taken immediately. The general recommendation is to apply cold as soon as possible! It happens that confusion sets in and it is difficult to immediately figure out where to get some cold object? We suggest:

  • Ice and snow(from the refrigerator, or real, winter). But!! If it happened in the cold, then you can’t apply ice or snow for a long time, there is a risk of frostbite! Also, do not rub with snow - this will additionally damage the skin !!!
  • Cold water from the tap (you can moisten any cloth with it, or fill the bottle, if there is no bottle - a plastic bag). You can also look into the refrigerator - any bottle with something chilled is good (milk, drink, wine - it doesn't matter!).
  • Frozen food from the freezer (some vegetables or dumplings in a bag, for example).
  • Any copper object. Copper is a metal that holds cold for a long time. The copper coin itself is cool, and if you hold it for literally three minutes in the refrigerator, it’s generally great! The problem is that there are no modern copper coins, and in general copper is now exotic in everyday life.

Why cold is needed: the blood vessels constrict from the cold, and the bruising will not be so extensive! And also applying cold to the affected area has a slight anesthetic effect, that is, it will not hurt so much.

But do not get carried away, it does not make sense to keep a cold object for longer than half an hour after the injury. What you have, you have, then you need to deal with treatment.

How to treat a bruise under the eye?

There are medications (mainly ointments) that will quickly reduce the bruise under the eye.

lifesaver - ointment "Troxevasin". Doctors use it in cases where it is necessary to get rid of a hematoma as soon as possible (for example, if there are bruises on the hands from regular droppers). A small bruise with this ointment disappears in two to three days.

Also help heparin ointment- it can be used in parallel with Troxevasin, alternately lubricating the hematoma with this and this drug.

Buy an ointment from a sea plant - this is a natural remedy for bruising. You can use not a ready-made ointment, but purchase bodyagi powder, mix it yourself with water to the consistency of gruel, and apply this mass to the bruise.

How to remove a bruise from the eye with folk remedies?

“Lanterns” and black eyes are probably the most popular “folk” injury. And far from everyone and not always go to the emergency room with this case ... Therefore, it is not surprising that all sorts of simple household recipes were invented and repeatedly tested in various variations that help reduce a bruise under the eye after a blow. Basically, these are lotions and compresses ..

  • Compress of grated onion with salt. Simply grate the raw onion, salt it hard, put it in cheesecloth and apply it to the “lantern” three times a day. Oh, and cry...
  • frozen vodka(harsh man's recipe). If you find yourself with a black eye, look for the underdrinking "bubble" of the "little white". You don't have to drink it!!! It must be diluted with water 1: 1, poured into ice molds and frozen in the freezer. Then wipe the area under the eye with vodka ice cubes, preferably as often as possible.
  • Cabbage. Cabbage juice really has the ability to promote the resorption of bruises, and this is scientifically confirmed. You only need one fresh leaf - it should be passed through a meat grinder, or very finely chopped and mashed: the ideal consistency is slurry so that the juice stands out as much as possible. Apply this on the bruise three times a day, for 20 minutes until it completely disappears.
  • Wormwood lotion. In summer, it is not a problem to find fresh wormwood in the village - you need to grind it to such a state that the wormwood juice stands out. Soak gauze in wormwood juice or wormwood gruel and apply to the hematoma.

Be sure to watch this video! The girl shares her real experience of reducing a bruise after a blow around the eye.

Everyone faced the question of how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye. It is impossible to remove the problem in one day, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition and reduce bruising.

The causes of bruising under the eyes are different:

  • Severe physical injury;
  • Minor household injuries against the background of increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • Insect bites;
  • allergies;
  • dental diseases;
  • Operations.

According to obaglazaru, a bruise under the eye most often appears in people who are actively involved in sports - martial arts, football, ice skating. This can be attributed to physical trauma. When force is applied to skin tissues, they are damaged simultaneously with the smallest blood vessels that feed them; blood spills into the subcutaneous layers. The site of the bruise swells, and after a while a bruise appears. If the bridge of the nose is injured, both eyes will be affected.

The note
When bleeding from the nose after a bruise, you can not blow your nose - the bruise will only increase.

If no measures are taken, then the bruise will pass within 7-10 days - the period depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The color of the hematoma will gradually change from deep purple to painful yellow.

Correct actions immediately after injury will help, according to obaglaz, to limit the area of ​​the lesion, to accelerate the resorption of the bruise. If a cold compress is quickly applied to the site of the bruise, the affected vessels will narrow, the pressure in them will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the release of blood into the tissue. Such a procedure can minimize the consequences, but subject to the application of ice immediately after the impact.

To help, ice is applied for at least 15-20 minutes - placed in a heating pad or plastic bag, wrapped in a towel so as not to frostbite the skin. It is necessary to apply cold to the hematoma under the eye several times for 5-6 hours. The interval between applying compresses should be at least an hour, so as not to cause harm. It is worth noting that the cold is effective immediately in the first minutes after injury.

If the bruise is obtained at home, then instead of ice it is convenient to use improvised means:

  • Frozen fruits or vegetables;
  • Frozen meat or semi-finished products;
  • Metal objects such as a spoon.

If you use chilled products, then the plastic bag in which they were in the refrigerator must be wrapped in a towel so as not to infect the infection and frostbite the skin area.

To help remove a bruise and reduce its size, according to the site, even a bottle with a chilled drink from the refrigerator, instantly applied to the site of the bruise, can help.

After removing the cold compress, Troxevasin or Heparin ointment should be applied to the affected area. This is necessary to stop the edema so that it does not progress, and to relieve pain. Lubricate carefully, avoiding contact with the medicine in the eyes.

Medicines to remove a hematoma

A day after the impact, in order to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, they change the treatment strategy, using not cold, but heat. Warming up accelerates the restoration of blood vessels, activates blood circulation, as a result of which the bruise resolves faster. The effect of warming up, notes obglazapy, is possessed by some pharmaceutical products specially created for the treatment of such injuries (bruises). Some of them:

  • Troxevasin ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Ointment "Bruise-Off";
  • Balm "Rescuer";
  • Balm "SOS";
  • Ointment "Ratovnik";
  • Ointment "Badyaga";
  • Products containing Arnica mountain extract "Arnica gel" or homeopathic preparations in capsules.

These drugs are applied to the bruised area and help remove the hematoma under the eye.

To quickly remove a bruise, it must be carefully lubricated with ointment every 3-4 hours.

We have also compiled a list of various ointments in a separate article that help remove a bruise.

Folk remedies for bruising

Although the 21st century is in the yard, traditional medicine can easily tell you how to quickly remove a bruise under your eye using only improvised means. These methods are no worse than pharmaceutical drugs in action.

We make compresses from a decoction of herbs

A good effect, according to the site, is given by lotions from a decoction of dry herbs of plantain, chamomile, sage and marigold. The infusion is prepared as follows: a mixture of an equal amount of herbs is poured with boiling water at the rate of 2 tsp. herbs in 1 cup boiling water. Insist 2 hours in a sealed container.

A folded piece of gauze or a dense soft cloth is moistened in a decoction, applied to the site of the bruise. Hold until the compress cools down. The procedure is repeated every 3-4 hours. In this way, traces of injury can be removed quickly enough.

Apply cabbage leaf

It helps a lot with the rapid resorption of a hematoma under the eye, applying immediately after an injury, pounded into a gruel of a cabbage leaf. You can use a whole piece, for this, after softening it with a kitchen hammer. The sheet is attached to the site of injury with a plaster, changed every 3-4 hours.

We use salt compresses

Ordinary kitchen salt dissolved in water at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt in 100 gr. warm water, helps relieve swelling, while reducing pain. For a compress, folded gauze or a dense soft cloth is moistened with a solution, squeezed out and applied like a plaster.

Vinegar with salt and iodine

A mixture of two tablespoons of vinegar, 9%, a tablespoon of salt and five drops of iodine works well. For treatment, according to, you should lubricate the bruise with this mixture before going to bed.

Draw a grid of iodine

Helps to quickly remove bruises mesh applied at night to the site of injury. In addition to the warming effect, such a mesh has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to remove swelling.

We use badyaga pharmacy

To quickly remove a bruise with a badyagi sponge, you should take a pharmacy powder from a ground sponge, dilute it with warm water to a slurry state, and apply it on a bruise. After drying, the product should be washed off with cold water. More than three times a day, according to ObaGlazaRu, such a recipe is not recommended.

We make lotions from the decoction of coltsfoot

Lotions from the infusion of dry herbal collection of wild rosemary and coltsfoot, mixed equally, effectively remove the bruise. To prepare the infusion 2 tsp. Pour the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat for about five minutes. We insist 2 hours in a sealed container.

Moisten folded gauze or a soft dense cloth in a decoction and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Repeat every three hours.

Making honey ointment

A good way to quickly remove bruises, the site notes, is honey. It is used along with other means: grated raw onion and powdered plantain leaf. The components, taken in equal parts, are mixed, applied to the tissue and strengthened with a plaster at the site of the hematoma. Keep at least two hours, changing the compress three times a day.

We use aloe

Bruising can be quickly removed using the healing properties of aloe. The leaf cut from the plant is washed, cut in half lengthwise, fixed with a plaster at the site of injury. The compress is changed as the sheet dries up until the traces of the hematoma disappear.

We apply wormwood

In order to quickly remove the bruise, the crushed herb of bitter wormwood is applied to the affected areas. If the bruise is large, then the layer of wormwood should be thick. Change the grass, do not let it dry out. If there is no fresh one, then steamed dried grass can be used, but, according to obaglaza, it is less effective.

We treat a bruise with onion juice

If you need to quickly remove a bruise, then a fresh small onion is ground on a grater, and a teaspoon of salt is added to the resulting slurry and applied to the hematoma as a compress. Make sure that the mixture does not get into the eyes.

Beet Balm

If you need to remove the bruise very quickly, then you can make a balm from beets, aloe and celandine. To prepare it you need:

  1. chop a small beet;
  2. pour a spoonful of celandine juice;
  3. add a tablespoon of gruel from the aloe leaf.

The mixture is kept for two hours, squeezed out, the juice is poured into a glass jar with a lid.

Moisten cotton wool with balm, apply to the hematoma area for 20 minutes, once for two to three hours. The bruise may go away in three days. This recipe is popular because removing a bruise with it is very simple and relatively fast.

We use heating

To quickly remove a bruise, notes, you should warm up the site of the bruise only if the edema itself (swelling) has passed. As a heat source you can use:

  • boiled hard-boiled egg;
  • a cloth bag with heated salt or sand;
  • fabric folded in several layers, ironed with a hot iron.

The compress should be warm enough, but not hot.

We remove a bruise in one day at home

It should be understood that the body needs time to restore damaged vessels, resolve the hematoma, and that such miracles do not happen. But if you still need to quickly remove a bruise in one day, then, according to obaglazaru, the easiest way to do this is to mask or lighten it.


You can apply a masking pencil depending on the stage of the hematoma. If the color of the skin at the site of impact:

  • green - you need a red concealer pencil;
  • brownish - take a pink pencil;


    All means are good when they are used correctly and at the right time. And you need to be aware, as ObaGlazaRu notes, that a bruise cannot be removed in one day.

    A lot depends on first aid, how correct and efficient it was. Also what actions were taken after it. After all, if everything is done clearly, you can significantly reduce the recovery time and minimize problems. In any other case, only makeup will help.

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