The girl closes her eyes with her hand while kissing. Why do they close their eyes when kissing? Too little distance

Kisses can be different, but they are always a means to get positive emotions. Many people close their eyes during a kiss, but what is the reason for this? Perhaps it gives more pleasure? Let's try to figure out what the difference is.

First you need to understand what a kiss with open eyes is. Its first feature is that a person is forced to look exclusively at the partner's face. This is not always pleasant, because during the kiss it looks a little smeared. Plus, before the eyes appear all the minor imperfections of the skin of the kisser. Therefore, some people consciously try to close their eyes during a kiss. This reason may seem cynical, but it often happens.

And if the partner is the spitting image of Brad Pitt, then why do they close their eyes when they kiss? The fact is that many lower their eyelids reflexively, without thinking. But why is this happening? Just in this way, the body is closed to the outside world in order to get the maximum pleasure from a kiss. After all, it is known that with open eyes, the sensitivity from the kiss itself decreases, and this is not good. But, nevertheless, 1/3 of the population kisses with open eyes. There are suggestions that such people like to watch a partner, but more often there is another explanation. When a person does not close his eyes during a kiss, it means that he cannot relax.

There may be several reasons. Perhaps he is afraid of the unexpected appearance of strangers or some other unpleasant moments in the external environment. Another reason is the constant internal tension - a person always strives to keep the situation under control, to control his feelings. But you should not necessarily wean your partner from such a habit, because this is just a trait of his character. Another thing is if a person is under stress, then you need to take some measures to get rid of this condition, which prevents you from enjoying a kiss. For example, you can contact a psychologist or arrange an unscheduled weekend to reboot the body.

Whether a person closes his eyes when kissing can speak of his character. Psychologists say that romantic natures always kiss with their eyes closed. And if a person has his eyes open at this time, then he is inclined to trust the mind, and not the heart.

There are other answers to the question of why they close their eyes when they kiss. Firstly, even suspicious people do not always do this with their eyes open. Sometimes they also want to relax, then they lower their eyelids. This happens, either when it comes to passionate kisses, or when a person gets real pleasure from the process and forgets about everything. There are other theories. For example, partners close their eyes when kissing if they consider it an intimate process. That is, modesty can serve as a reason, according to a professor who has conducted research in this area.

By the way, there is even a science that studies the characteristics of a kiss, it is called philematology. If we are talking about the first kiss, then excitement can play an important role. It manifests itself differently for everyone, but it can affect whether an inexperienced partner closes their eyes. In the future, a certain line of behavior during a kiss can become a habit and be repeated unconsciously.

Another suggestion is that instinct may serve to close the eyes. But, one wonders, what kind of instinct, if kisses generally occur only in humans? The thing is that the human body perceives the touch of the lips of partners as a sign of imminent copulation. And the instinct of procreation is the driving force for all living beings, so it is not surprising that a person subconsciously wants to concentrate on it. Sometimes the kisser deliberately does not close his eyes in order to observe his couple.

This behavior can be caused by both idle curiosity and the desire to get to know the person with whom to build a relationship. This can be a truly effective way if the partner does not suspect that he is being watched. Spying on a partner is sometimes even recommended by psychologists.

When kissing, hormones such as adrenaline, endorphin and others are released in the body, helping a person to be in good shape and receive positive emotions. Scientists have proven that a kiss can relieve stress, it is especially effective for men.

So, there are different explanations for such a phenomenon as closing the eyes during a kiss. Different situations require appropriate behavior. But it is not so important what condition the eyes are in, it is more important that the kiss is pleasant for both partners.

Kiss... Merge of lips... Merge of hearts... A sincere expression of feelings between people in love, sympathetic to each other.

There are few people in the world who would not like the sensations experienced during a passionate kiss. And hardly anyone can explain why this state delights two completely opposite people, called a woman and a man.

But here's what's interesting: kissers, merging their lips together, usually close their eyes. Have you ever wondered why this happens and how to explain this phenomenon? Let's try to do it together.

1. Sharpening of the senses

Have you heard about musicians, composers, ordinary people who have lost their sight? Then you should be aware that other senses are sharpened in blind people: touch, charm. Here is a similar situation: by closing their eyes, the kissers sharpen all their feelings and get untold pleasure.

2. Double enjoyment

The guy and the girl close their eyes involuntarily, succumbing to passion and instinctively surrendering to pleasure. Closing our eyes, we relax, thereby increasing the enjoyment of amazing emotions. There is an opinion that in addition to this, the guy imagines that he is kissing the ideal lady, and the girl - with the exemplary gentleman or knight that she read about in novels.

3. Pleasure

When people kiss, the eyelids involuntarily close, as both participants experience incredible pleasure. It is said that it is in this case that the kiss becomes sweet and passionate, allowing partners to soar in the clouds, experiencing the feeling of flying. Those who have tried kissing with open and closed eyes claim that the difference between the sensations is incredibly large. Only by closing your eyes, you can fly away into the unknown distances on the wings of happiness.

4. Trust

Many attribute this phenomenon to the relationship between the parties. If partners close their eyes, it means that they trust each other completely. If only one of them covers his eyelids, then the second is unlikely to experience the same feelings and does not trust his partner. In general, many believe that trust is the first sign of love for another person. Based on this, we can also talk about whether there is love between kissing people. Also, most of us believe that real feelings cannot be controlled. This means that people who are truly in love with each other will not be able to control themselves and will definitely close their eyelids.

5. Modesty

Some people think that lovers close their eyes because of excessive modesty. You should not look at your partner, so as not to put him and yourself in an awkward position. Judging by how many immodest people there are in the world who care little about the feelings of others, such a theory is unlikely, although it may be suitable for someone.

6. Theory of vision

According to this theory, when kissing, partners, being at a very close distance, see each other's features in a three-dimensional image. The effect of what he saw is strange: the partner resembles pictures from horror films. To avoid such an unpleasant sight, our subconscious dictates to us that it is better to close our eyes.

7. Opinions of psychologists

Psychologists note that during a kiss, the brain is able to give commands that force partners not to be distracted by external stimuli and other distractions that can interfere with real pleasure and pleasure. In addition, the brain also affects the hearing during the kiss, forcing the couple to hear nothing around.

Another part of psychologists classifies people who close their eyes during a kiss as romantic natures. It is the romantics who live for today, therefore they are able to completely surrender to feelings and get maximum pleasure.

Psychologists have observed people claiming that they are in control even when kissing, so they do not close their eyes. There were few such people: and all of them either lie or have never kissed.

8. Opinion of the researcher

The professor of the Singapore Institute, Yau Che Ming, took up this issue closely, and came to some conclusions:

  • People cover their eyelids during a kiss to get away from reality and focus on the fullness of sensations.
  • The second explanation: to relieve yourself of emotional stress.
  • The third assumption is similar to the theory of vision: in order not to see the condition and facial expressions of the partner so closely.

In general, is it necessary to think about why this happens? Why not let your body behave naturally and just indulge in pleasure, enjoyment, sweet sensations? After all, it has been proven that kissing has a positive effect on our health, improving blood circulation and giving people the hormone of happiness. So kiss goodbye!

"Hello! I recently found out that my young man kissing with open eyes sometimes closes them. He says he loves me. But I think that when you love and kiss your loved one, you want to feel everything and naturally close your eyes. I don't know if this is love.

Still he talking about marriage(although we decided that it would be in 2 years, since the university still needs to be finished), but at the same time it was said that he would not devote his wife to his relationship with his parents. Although I think that if there are problems (especially in family life), then they are solved together.

He's not very talkative. never tells when they met with friends, where they were, what happens in the family. I find out that he goes somewhere to study (foreign language, sports, etc.) in a week, a few weeks, when he suddenly informs. But at the same time, everything is (seemingly) serious - as he says, but I just love ... For a long time I tried to understand myself, to give an explanation, to do something.

Maybe you can help with something?

Hello stranger!

In vain you worry about your young man - you really are serious!
This is evidenced by the following facts:

  • He says he loves you. When a man talks about it HIMSELF, without your question “dear, do you love me?”, It means that it is so!
  • He wants to marry you, and as soon as possible, so as not to lose!
  • He is trying to protect you from what (in his opinion) you do not need and are not interested. For example, from family fights and stories about gatherings with friends.

Men are extremely taciturn, and nothing can be done about it! Your man only tells you what you need to know. Appreciate it!

If he does not want to initiate you into a relationship with your parents, it means that not everything is going smoothly there, and he does not want to make rubbish from the hut - and he is doing the right thing! I'm sure your family secrets with him will also remain in the family circle.

As for his activities and communication with friends - are you yourself sure that you are interested in this? If yes, then show your interest, for example, ask what he likes more - strength exercises or aerobic exercises))) Be interested in his successes, be proud of him! If you tell a friend on the phone that your young man pulls himself up as much as 50 times, and he hears it, as if by chance, I assure you, he will be very pleased, and perhaps after that he will devote more to you in his affairs.

Now about kisses

Kissing with eyes open or closed it's a matter of habit, and this habit has nothing to do with love. Perhaps your young man:

  • wants to be in control
  • wants to see that you are good with him
  • can't relax completely
  • read in a smart men's magazine that kissing with open eyes is cool
  • or all at once!

Nothing needs to be done. Just remember that he LOVES you!

So when he kisses you relax and think about how beautiful you are at this moment and how he likes it!

MOSCOW, March 21 - RIA Novosti. Men and women often close their eyes during a kiss because the eyes prevent our brains from fully processing the tactile sensations that occur when touching the lips, and thereby dull them, according to an article published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.

“We have known for a long time that focusing our efforts on observing something or someone can make other objects of the world around us almost imperceptible and inaudible to us. We have shown that the same thing happens with the sense of touch. This is extremely important discovery, as many warning systems use this "channel" of information to transmit data," said Sandra Murphy from the University of London (UK), whose words are reported by the Daily Telegraph.

Murphy and her colleague Polly Dalton (Polly Dalton) uncovered the secret of closed eyes during a kiss and found the reason why many people often do not feel the vibrations of the mobile phone at the moment when they are passionately looking at something, watching how 16 student volunteers simultaneously solved visual and tactile tasks.

The setting of the experiment was very simple - a large number of letters were displayed on the computer screen, among which the participants in the experiments had to choose only certain characters. At the same time, vibrators were attached to the hands of the volunteers, which could be turned on while searching for symbols on the screen.

Kissing is needed to assess the health of a partner, scientists believeA survey conducted by British researchers showed that women in general, as well as men who consider themselves attractive, rated the importance of kissing for relationships higher.

Observations of students revealed an unusual thing - the more difficult the visual task became, the faster the symbols flashed, and the more choices the participants had, the worse they perceived tactile sensations. According to the volunteers, their hands seemed to go numb during the experiment, and they were less sensitive to vibrations and other tactile stimuli.

On average, participants made about twice as many errors in determining which hand was vibrating if they were very busy looking for characters on the screen, and missed about 10-15% of the vibrations. All of this suggests that the active use of sight does cause our sense of touch to take a backseat.

Such results, according to Murphy and Dalton, suggest that the tactic of using haptic signals in devices that ensure the safety of passengers in cars and other vehicles is erroneous - if the driver concentrates on the road, he simply will not feel the vibration of the steering wheel or pedals. For this reason, British researchers advise car companies to return to the tactics of using sound signals, for which such "muting" hardly works.

What is the companion of love? What is the beginning of a love relationship? What can no couple in love do without? Of course, no kissing!

At the first kiss, the question creeps in, is everything going right? Teenage girls try to find information in magazines and books on how to kiss properly. Boys look at this question easier. They rely on nature and intuition. However, it is worth knowing: a kiss is a kiss of strife. A passionate kiss in a long-term relationship differs from the first timid and timid one. To make it clear how to kiss, it is necessary to consider the features of kisses.

Young boys and girls are afraid of the first kiss, although they are waiting impatiently. With such a kiss, there are only movements of the lips, the time has not yet come for tongue games. The lips of the partner (partner) should gently touch the lips of the beloved or beloved, the movements should be soft, gentle, light, as if retracting. The ability to kiss well implies the ability to properly hug and use hands. Sometimes men already at the first kiss try to give free rein to their hands, this is unacceptable. The first kiss is for that and the first to be virginal and tender. Stroking the partner's face is allowed, although you should not get carried away, however, it is also impossible to stand with your hands down. The guy can lightly hug his partner around the waist, and in response, she can put her arm around her beloved by the shoulders. The first kiss should not last long, the main thing is that it be gentle.

Many girls often say that they absolutely do not know how and do not know how to kiss a guy. But it is difficult to agree with this, because everyone can kiss, only not everyone tried to do it. A kiss is not some unusual gift, but a natural ability of a person. It is only necessary to develop this skill.

  1. Still, before kissing for the first time, it is better to practice. The kissing technique should be at least slightly rehearsed with the movements of the lips in the air. However, it is unlikely to succeed in guessing what a kiss with a guy will actually be. Therefore, it is better to completely forget at the time when you kiss for the first time for real about all the learned movements, how to do it correctly, and rely only on your feelings and sensations. Your emotions will allow you to choose the right path.
  2. It is necessary during the kiss to touch the guy as much as possible, try to touch many parts of the body. But remember that the first kiss simply has to be romantic, and not at all right, and in a hurry, so you shouldn't. Also, do not strive to set records for the duration of the kiss. Let this kiss be the most tender.
  3. Kissing is an incredibly enjoyable process, but not everyone can learn to enjoy it the first time. This is due to the fact that too much attention is paid to their actions, assessment of the situation. But as soon as you get rid of all these thoughts, you immediately begin to understand how pleasant it is to kiss. Therefore, it is better to immediately drive away unnecessary thoughts from yourself, relax and completely surrender to the process.
  4. While we are kissing, substances that elevate mood, give energy and cheerfulness enter our brain with blood. However, the psychology of a kiss suggests that all this will be pleasant only if you kiss with your loved one. Only then will it be pleasant and easy for you, and his lips will seem the most delicious.
  5. Don't be upset if you don't know how to kiss. For training, gently move your tongue over your own lips, fold it into a tube, turn the lollipops over in your mouth, breathe through your nose - and everything will definitely work out. On the advice of psychologists, you need to imagine everything in detail in your imagination in advance. This will make you feel confident.

You can watch the video on how to kiss properly, movie stars are certainly good at it.

Still, kissing is better without:

    • Onions, tobacco and alcohol;
    • Witnesses - friends, parents, passers-by;
    • Bruises, hickeys and scratches;
    • Tickling, runny nose and herpes.
      1. You need to start a kiss with your mouth closed, and when you feel the answer, kiss again. After that, you can decide on a long kiss, while acting slowly. After all, sometimes the guys do not correctly interpret the intentions of the girl and begin to act independently and too boldly. You need to decide for yourself how far you are willing to go this time. Sometimes a short kiss with closed lips is already a great start.
      2. After that, you can proceed to the next step - kiss, slightly opening your mouth, paying attention to whether he did the same. There is no need to use the tongue right away, since this is an element of the next stage of the kiss.
      3. After you kiss with your mouth open, you can continue to kiss with your tongue. You need to touch the guy's lips with his tip, which will become a kind of signal. If he reciprocates, then he is also ready for such a kiss. Gently and slowly move the tip of your tongue over the guy's lips. It is important that the tongues contact softly and gently. Increase them little by little.

A few rules on how to properly kiss a guy for the first time.

Before you start kissing, light biting is allowed, as a kind of preliminary stage before the kiss. You can go for some trick and offer the guy something tasty before the kiss. But here caution is required.

At the first kiss, you can limit yourself to just touching your lips, that is, without a tongue (a kiss in French). According to polls, it turns out that men like such kisses just like tongue kisses.

Of course, the first kiss requires careful preparation. Pay attention to the freshness of your breath. When brushing your teeth, don't forget your tongue. Refuse before a date from products that have strong odors. Before the kiss, be sure to let the guy know that he is pleasant to you, smile, laugh, hold his hands, put your head on his shoulder.

The most important thing is not to rush into this matter. The best thing you can do is give the guy a signal that is understandable without any words. Let him know what you want and expect. Take his hand and gently pull him towards you. If the guy responds to your signals, then he is ready for what is happening. If he retreats and turns away, then the time for this has not yet come.

The sequence of actions at the first kiss.

During the kiss, you need to pay attention to what effect the hands have. The longer the kiss lasts, the more active the movements of your hands: touch the partner’s shoulders, stroke his back, head. Gentle touches to the face are perfect. The main thing is not to be afraid, kissing a guy for the first time is not at all scary, but very pleasant!

All these rules are quite appropriate for guys.

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