How to remove the pain in the heart. Other cardiological diseases. Presses in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart: what to take

We all understand perfectly well what an important role in our body is assigned to such an organ as the heart, which is why even with the slightest discomfort in the left chest area, we feel a sense of anxiety and anxiety. However, in fact, you should not worry and panic for those who are visited by these unpleasant sensations for the first time or are extremely rarely disturbed. But those who regularly experience any pain in the region of the heart should be wary, because the repeatedly repeated pain syndrome is evidence of the presence of some kind of cardiovascular disease, which poses a great danger and threatens your life. In this article, we will tell you about what cardiovascular diseases exist, as well as what needs to be done if your heart hurts.

Causes of pain in the heart

    Vegetovascular dystonia. This disease is the most common cause of pain in the heart. The essence of vegetovascular dystonia is a violation of the vascular tone of the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms of the disease are as follows: palpitations, regular sweating of the palms and feet, tingling in the heart area, apathy and general weakness. Occurs spontaneously.

    Attack of angina pectoris. This disease occurs as a result of atherosclerosis, the essence of which is as follows: cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which ultimately leads to vasoconstriction. Thus, our heart does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs, which causes pain in the heart. Symptoms of angina pectoris: constricting and pressing pain, which can also radiate to the left arm, shoulder and left side of the neck. There may also be numbness in the left arm. On average, an attack lasts 5-15 seconds.

    Myocardial infarction. This disease is very dangerous and its essence is as follows: an acute circulatory disorder occurs, which is facilitated by the complete closure of the lumen of the vessel, which ultimately leads to necrosis or simply death of a certain area of ​​the heart muscle (myocardium). Symptoms of myocardial infarction are as follows: burning pain in the chest, lasting more than 15 minutes, shortness of breath, severe weakness, excessive sweating. Untimely provision of emergency medical care can lead to death.

    Various inflammations near the lying organs can also provoke pain in the heart area. Neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, pleurisy, myositis and pneumonia - all these diseases can simulate pain in the left region of the chest, since with all these ailments there is compression of nearby nerve endings.

    Excessive alcohol consumption. We all certainly know about the dangers of alcohol, and it affects the heart in the first place. And the thing is that when alcohol enters the bloodstream, after a few minutes it causes the heart rate to increase significantly. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the load on the heart increases many times: it has to “pump” huge volumes of liquid, which also contains toxic substances and alcohol. Of course, this procedure is a backbreaking work for our heart; in the end, it fails, which causes us pain in the heart and arrhythmia.

    Stress. We are all familiar with such an expression as "all diseases are from the nerves." And this is true: the heart, like any other organ, is very sensitive to our nervous experiences. And the thing is that during stress, adrenaline is released into the blood, which, in turn, provokes constriction and spasm of blood vessels. All this leads to circulatory disorders and heart palpitations.

    Hormonal disorders in women. During the onset of menopause, or during the menstrual cycle, hormonal changes occur in the female body, and therefore pains in the heart area may appear, which are of a different nature: they can be stabbing, pressing, tingling and squeezing.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Of course, we all understand that with regularly occurring pains in the heart area, it is necessary to contact the appropriate specialist, and the sooner this is done, the better, because this is the only way to avoid complicated forms of diseases and, more importantly, save your life. For pain in the heart, you should contact a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon.

For any complaint of pain in the region of the heart, you will be required to undergo an ECG (electrocardiogram). Also, recently, in order to establish a more accurate diagnosis, patients are prescribed a stress ECG (a procedure on velometry, during which cardiac parameters are recorded during physical activity).

Phonocardiography (registration of heart sounds and murmurs) and echocardiography (examination of muscles and heart valves using ultrasonic waves) are also prescribed. There are other types of procedures, however, their passage is assigned on an individual basis, if necessary.

In order to exclude the possibility of the influence of any other organs on pain in the heart, patients are prescribed a spine examination by computed tomography and x-rays, and it is also recommended to visit specialists such as a neurologist, orthopedist and gastroenterologist.

What to do at home if your heart hurts

    First of all, do not panic: as you already know, additional stress negatively affects the heart, which will only worsen your condition: with your experiences, you give your heart an additional load in the form of a rapid heartbeat;

    Try to change the position of the body: if the pain goes away when you change the position, know that you are definitely not in any danger; if, when changing the position of the body, the pain does not subside, and in some situations worsens, then these are signs of a disease such as angina pectoris;

    Provide open access to fresh air: open a window or balcony;

    Free your neck from constricting clothing: unbutton the top buttons or remove clothing that is squeezing your throat. Also loosen the belt;

    Use medications: put a nitroglycerin or validol tablet under your tongue, and also take 30-50 drops of valocordin or corvalol;

    Take a sedative: motherwort infusion or valerian infusion can act as it;

    If after ten minutes your pain has not gone away, put another nitroglycerin or validol tablet under your tongue, take one aspirin tablet and call an ambulance;

    In a situation where your pain still subsided on its own, in the near future you are still strongly recommended to visit a specialist to undergo an electrocardiogram and pass all the necessary tests.

How to prevent heart pain

In order for pain in the heart area not to bother you, you need to constantly monitor your health and maintain your immunity. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

    Give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking affect your heart in the most negative way;

    Be outdoors more often; walks before going to bed are especially important and useful;

    Actively go in for sports: remember that your body should not be at rest;

    Proper nutrition is the key to health; daily eat foods rich in potassium and calcium: bananas, potatoes, zucchini, beans, tomatoes, cottage cheese, dairy products;

    Avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods. It is best to give preference to boiled, stewed and steamed food. It is also worth giving up sweets and flour products, which also “clog” our body in every possible way, interfering with the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Providing first aid for pain in the heart:

    First of all, the patient must be placed on a hard surface: on the floor or the ground; on a soft surface, pressure on the chest is completely ineffective;

    Next, you need to do an indirect heart massage. To do this, mark the desired point on the sternum: measure 2 fingers from the end of the sternum - this way you will find the location of the heart: just in the middle of the sternum;

    Next, you need to do the following: take four breaths, and then alternate - 15 pressures on the sternum and 2 breaths - this is about 60-80 pressures per minute. Inhalation during indirect heart massage is done either from mouth to mouth, or from mouth to nose through gauze, which must be folded in two layers. The massage is done until the patient has a pulse and begins to breathe on his own.

Everyone knows well that the heart is an important organ. Therefore, when pain occurs in his area, people begin to panic and be afraid. Pain syndrome does not always indicate the development of a serious pathology.

What should be in a first aid kit?

With aching pain in the heart, you must consult a doctor. If the results of the examination show that there are no disorders in the body, and heart pain occurs from time to time, then you can remove them with the help of medications.

If it often hurts, pricks, The following medications must be in the home medicine cabinet to alleviate symptoms: Validol, Nitroglycerin, Corvalol, Valocardin. It may contain other remedies that are prescribed by the doctor when the heart ached.

Medicines must be stored in a place that is inaccessible to children. If the heart hurts regularly, then family members will need to learn how to relieve an attack, providing first aid and resuscitation.

"Nitroglycerin" - first aid for heart pain

Emergency help

If your heart hurts a lot, then you can do the following:

  • Apply reflexology, which allows you to quickly eliminate the pain syndrome. It is necessary to do the following: with force, press on the left little finger at the location of the nail until pain occurs. After that, slowly release your finger for 5 seconds. Continue this action until the stabbing pains in the heart stop.
  • Open a window if the person is in the room. This is required for the intake of a large amount of air. You will need to unbutton clothes that prevent you from breathing normally.
  • As a first aid, put a Validol or Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. Instead, you can take such "Corvalol" and "Valocordin".

If such methods and medicines do not help, and the heart continues to prick, then urgently call a doctor.

Sudden onset of pain

Resuscitation measures

It is important to know resuscitation measures to eliminate the attack and relieve heart pain. They consist of the following actions:

  • Put the person on a surface that must be firm. If it is soft, then pressure on the chest will not be effective enough.
  • After that, perform an indirect cardiac massage. To do this, you need to find the necessary point in the chest area. This is done in this way: two fingers are measured from the end of the sternum, in this place the heart is located.
  • Having found a point, press on the sternum. There should be about 60 pressures per minute. First, take 4 breaths, then alternately press 15 times, inhale air 2 times. Inhalation can be done through the mouth or through the nose, but with the help of gauze folded in half.

Such activities should be carried out until the pulse is restored, and he begins to breathe on his own.

Hand positions for massage

Pain prevention

In order not to experience pain in the heart, you need to monitor your health. It is necessary to constantly take measures to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you need to follow the rules:

  • Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  • Walk more often in the fresh air, especially before going to bed.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, play sports.
  • Eat right, eating more food rich in vitamins and minerals, refusing fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods, sweets. It is better to eat boiled, stewed and steamed food.

The most important thing is to treat pathologies that cause pain in the heart area in a timely manner. Therefore, if your heart hurts, you should immediately go to the doctor.

A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention

Folk remedies

In addition to medicines, you can carry out treatment with folk remedies. They have been used for a long time and widely. Usually they are used to prevent the occurrence of pain in the heart, but some can relieve unpleasant symptoms. But it is important to remember that if the pain syndrome is a consequence of pathology, then it is impossible to rely on traditional medicine methods.

Elimination of heart pain can be done using the following folk remedies:

  1. Garlic. Eat two cloves every day. This will prevent the development of a heart symptom. Eat regularly, then you can protect the body from various diseases.
  2. Hawthorn. Prepare a decoction from it. To do this, you need 20 grams of berries, which pour 200 milliliters of boiled water. Put the bowl in a water bath and hold for 20 minutes. Then cool the product, strain and drink 20 milliliters a day before meals.
  3. Veres infusion. To prepare it, you need to brew 10 grams of a crushed plant with 200 milliliters of boiled water, leave for 5 minutes in a water bath. After that, take a drink of 50 milliliters 5-6 times a day.

You can get rid of pain in the heart at home. But it is still necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that the cause of the symptom is not in a dangerous pathology. Otherwise, you need to be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.


What to do with pain in the heart and how to support the body during pregnancy? What to do with pain in the heart after alcohol, characteristic symptoms

What can be done at home if the heart hurts? This question was asked by everyone who has ever experienced attacks of heart pain in themselves or loved ones. The procedure depends on the nature of the pain, the diagnosis, as well as the accompanying symptoms. Read more about first aid in this article.

If the heart hurts for the first time

The procedure for the sudden onset of pain in the heart area depends on their nature and causes.

Consider the most common types of pain and the procedure for their elimination:

  • relax - take a comfortable position and make sure that nothing bothers you;
  • breathe correctly - take slow, but deep breaths, trying not to cause discomfort.

The pain should pass within 5-10 minutes, you can take a heart remedy or a sedative drug when the pain was preceded by stress.

  • take a comfortable position, it is best to lie down;
  • take care of comfort - unfasten the belt and buttons, clothes should not press;
  • if the room is hot, turn on the air conditioner or open the windows;
  • calm down, take a sedative, heart drug, nitroglycerin;
  • breathe deeply.

The effect of the activities should be felt in half an hour.

  • take a heart drug;
  • try to move less;
  • Call a doctor.
  • get rid of clothes that hinder movement;
  • Open the window;
  • breathe deeply;
  • you can drink nitroglycerin.

The condition should improve in 15 minutes.

Pain in diseases

If a person already has a confirmed disease, then, depending on the diagnosis, there are different approaches to relieving pain in the heart:

  • give up the load - in case of manifestation of pain, you should urgently stop doing any work;
  • ventilate the room - open windows and doors;
  • relax - take a supine position, remove clothes that bother you;
  • take nitroglycerin;
  • if after 5 minutes it does not get better, take 1 more tablet.

To expand the vessels and improve blood circulation in angina pectoris, you can attach a mustard plaster or pepper patch to your chest.

2. . With increased pressure, heart pain is most often manifested in a hypertensive crisis. In this case:

  • call an ambulance - you can’t hesitate in a hypertensive crisis;
  • take a comfortable posture;
  • provide access to fresh air;
  • take a pill that gradually lowers the pressure;
  • you can take a sedative or diuretic.

3.Neurosis. In this case, pain can occur due to stress, so you should:

  • calm down, distract from experiences;
  • drink a drug with a sedative effect.

4. Depression. If heart pains appear against the background of an oppressed emotional state, it is necessary to take sedatives.

Even if it was possible to stop the pain syndrome, it is still necessary to make an appointment with a doctor to find out the cause of its occurrence. Very often, the pain soon returns and can become a threat to health and life.

In some diseases, pain can be mistaken for heart pain:

  • Lung diseases. Pain may be accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, and sometimes fever. You should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a serious respiratory disease.
  • Diseases of the stomach. Occurs in a state of hunger or after eating food. You need to see a gastroenterologist.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. Pain occurs during physical exertion or in an uncomfortable position of the body. You need to consult with a neurologist.
  • Myositis. Muscle disease in which pain occurs with overexertion. Requires a referral to a specialist.

You can distinguish heart pain from erroneous pain if you change your position and take a deep breath. If the pain does not go away, it is associated with heart disease, if it begins to subside, the cause is in other organs.

When should you call a doctor?

Most often, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist when the pain does not subside for 20 minutes to 1 hour after attempts have been made to calm it down (heart and sedative drugs do not help).

The most dangerous are the following accompanying symptoms:

  • pressing sensations in the chest;
  • excessive increase in pressure;
  • the appearance of cold sticky sweat;
  • chills or fever;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorder of consciousness;
  • anxiety and panic attacks;
  • speech distortion;
  • shortness of breath.

If several of the above symptoms appear at once, you should immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid to the patient.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

Immediately after the decision was made to call an ambulance for a person suffering from heart pain, first aid must be provided.

The following actions should be taken:

  • Reassure the patient. It is better to use proper breathing techniques or provide the most calming atmosphere. Take medications only in critical cases.
  • Take a comfortable posture. It is best to lie down, but do not create pressure on the heart - the most optimal position is to lie on your back.
  • Provide air access. Open all windows.
  • Get rid of clothing that restricts movement and interferes with breathing. You need to unbutton the buttons and get rid of tight things.
  • Give aspirin. This remedy helps improve blood circulation.
  • Give nitroglycerin. This drug should only be used when it is certain that the pain is caused by a heart problem.

Before you purchase these drugs for your home first aid kit, consult your doctor about their safety for you personally.

Among the drugs that can be taken at home with the appearance of heart pain, there are:

  • Validol. Has a calming effect. When taken concomitantly with nitroglycerin, it may reduce blood pressure. It should be taken by putting it under the tongue and slowly dissolving.
  • Aspirin. Helps to cope with heart pain. When taking it, you need to chew it thoroughly.
  • Corvalol. It also has a calming effect, but is ineffective for intercostal neuralgia. Can be taken as drops or tablets.

    The drug has a negative effect on the liver and is contraindicated in people with hepatic pathologies.

  • Cardiomagnyl. An excellent pain reliever. Does not adversely affect the digestive system. Produced in the form of tablets.
  • Nitroglycerine. Designed to provide emergency care to patients with cardiac pathologies. It helps to relax the smooth muscles of the venous bed, thus expanding the vessels. Tablets and capsules are taken sublingually.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in people with low blood pressure.


You can also get rid of pain in the heart with the help of folk methods. Below are a few simple remedies that you can make at home:

1. Herbal infusion. Effective Pain Remedy:

  • take 3 tbsp. l. chopped valerian root, 3 tbsp. l. dried motherwort leaves, 2 tbsp. l. yarrow and 2 tbsp. l. anise fruit;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pour the resulting mixture with 1 cup of hot water;
  • let it brew for 3 hours;
  • strain.

Take 1/3 cup 2 times a day.

2. Calming collection. It helps well with neuroses, which are often the cause of pain in the heart:

  • take 3 tbsp. l. valerian root, 2 tbsp. l. yarrow, 2 tbsp. l. hop cones and 3 tbsp. l. lemon balm;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • 1 st. l. pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water;
  • let it brew for about 30 minutes;
  • strain.

Drink 1 glass of the finished product for 4 times.

3. Collection of hawthorn. Excellent remedy for heart pain:

  • take 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn, 1 tbsp. l. rosehip and 1 tbsp. l. motherwort;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • boil for about 5 minutes;
  • wait until the product cools down;
  • strain.

Drink the collection instead of tea several times a day.

4. Wild Carrot Remedy. You can drink both for prevention and for severe pain:

  • take 6 tbsp. l. seeds of wild carrots;
  • pour 250 ml of vodka;
  • for 20 days, put the product in a cool, dark place.

As a prophylactic, take 6 drops 3 times a day. If severe pain occurs, you need to drink 3 drops every half hour.

5. Veres infusion. It is an effective means to strengthen the heart:

  • take 2 tsp. dry heather;
  • pour 1 cup boiling water;
  • put in a water bath and wait 5 minutes.

Drink 1/4 cup every 4 hours.

6. Lily of the valley infusion. This recipe has been known since ancient times, its effectiveness has been tested by time:

  • take a 1 liter jar and fill it with plant flowers by about 3/4;
  • fill with vodka to the brim;
  • clean in a cool place and leave for about 20 days.

Dissolve 20 ml of tincture in 1 glass of water. Drink no more than 3 times a day.

7. A mixture of honey, lemon and dried apricots. Helps strengthen the heart muscle:

  • take 1 glass of honey, nuts and dried apricots, grind thoroughly;
  • add the zest and juice of 1 lemon;
  • mix ingredients thoroughly.

Take 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day. It is better to store the product in the refrigerator.

Also, if you experience heart pain, the following exercises can help:

  • Little finger biting. Bite about 20 times the little finger on the left hand, then on the right. Repeat. Over time, the pain will begin to subside.
  • Proper breathing. Take a deep breath and then exhale slowly.

These exercises are more effective if done consistently, in combination.

You can find out about methods and acupuncture wheelbarrows that can help get rid of pain in the heart, if you don’t have the necessary funds at hand, by watching this video:


To avoid pain in the heart, or at least limit the number of possible attacks, you should adhere to preventive measures.

Basic Rules:

  • To improve the functioning of the heart, it must be regularly strengthened. Moderate exercise or endurance training can help with this. An excellent solution would be a morning run or daily walking long distances.
  • Stay calm. Stress and traumatic events have a negative effect on the entire body and are common causes of heart pain. To avoid this, try to remain calm even in the most critical situations. Breathing exercises, meditation techniques, or contacting a professional psychologist can help with this.
  • Eat the right foods. The work of the heart is helped by foods rich in potassium. These are, first of all, nuts and seafood. But fatty and salty foods, on the contrary, create an additional load, so it is better to refuse it.
  • Give up bad habits. The use of alcohol and nicotine creates serious obstacles to the normal functioning of the heart, so if you want to prolong your life and not suffer from regular pain, then it is better to give it up.

Also, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a doctor to make sure that the heart is functioning normally and receive the necessary recommendations.

Very often, pain in the heart can be a symptom of serious diseases. Timely first aid can save you from complications, and sometimes save your life. But you should not be limited only to home methods. For any pain in the heart area, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Many patients come to the doctor with an "accurate" self-diagnosis. Without examination, they are sure that their heart hurts, and they are very surprised and even upset that the doctor does not detect signs of heart disease. On the one hand, this is even good, because people are aware of the danger and are trying to find out what to do if their heart hurts seriously.

On the other hand, such fear can lead to cardioneurosis, a disease of the brain, in which pain in the heart is also felt.

Where is the heart

Not every person can show where his heart is located. Doctors use the phrase "pain in the region of the heart", knowing in advance where this place is.

Typical heart pains occur behind the sternum, in the upper part. Rarely to the left of the sternum. In this zone there is a projection of the "main motor".

But here the costal arches with intercostal nerves are located, roots from the thoracic region come up behind the spine.

Pain may be associated with the pleura, enveloping the film of the left lung.

A stomach ulcer, gastritis, and inflammation of the pancreas are capable of constantly getting sick in this place. They provoke pain in the epigastrium and lower part of the sternum.

You can massage the painful area yourself

Experienced unrest and stress leave behind a painful reaction. Therefore, do not rush to make a diagnosis. Tell your doctor in detail about your feelings, about the accompanying causes and connection with external influences. This will help to take the necessary measures and timely recognize the true pathology of the heart.

How do "non-heart" pains feel to the left of the sternum

Consider the main causes that mimic heart pain.

Intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis

With intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the appearance of pain syndrome is more often associated with hypothermia, a sharp rise in gravity, prolonged uncomfortable body position, bruising of the chest (rib fracture). They can be very intense (to the point of tears). Increased on a deep breath, with the slightest movement of the torso. During palpation, the most painful place is found along the rib or near the spine.

Pleura involvement

The pleura is damaged during a chest injury, is involved in the inflammatory process against the background of lobar pneumonia, and reacts with effusion in case of allergic manifestations.

Compare the left and right sides: on the left, pleural plaque covers the lower ribs

The most severe lesion is the seeding of the pleura with malignant metastases from the tumor. The pains are constant, quite strong, associated with coughing, breathing.


Cardioneurosis is characterized by other signs of unrest: excessive sweating, agitation, hand tremor, insomnia. The pains to the left of the sternum are dull, constant or stabbing in nature, and are not relieved by cardiac drugs.

They are more often observed in emotional women or in strong natures, seeking to maintain apparent calmness.

Diseases of the stomach and pancreas

Diseases of the digestive system, as a rule, have, in addition to pain, other manifestations: heartburn, nausea, bloating, vomiting, and disturbed stools. Pancreatitis is characterized by girdle direction of pain.

There is always a connection with the time of eating and non-compliance with the diet.

Causes of true heart pain

True heart pain occurs due to malnutrition of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart muscle. This is possible with:

  • spasm of the coronary vessels, their disturbed tone, abnormal reaction (hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia);
  • inflammation of the myocardium (myocarditis);
  • the occurrence of ischemia from a pronounced atherosclerotic process or thrombosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy and cardiosclerosis;
  • heart defects;
  • chronic heart failure.

Ischemic pain is most pronounced in acute myocardial infarction. They are intense retrosternal, last up to a day or more, are accompanied by pallor, a drop in blood pressure.

Angina often depends on physical or emotional stress. Retrosternal pressing pains radiate to the left, to the shoulder, shoulder blade, jaw.

Other heart diseases cause prolonged, intermittent, dull or stabbing pains with various irradiation. Accompanied by arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, body temperature, dizziness, general weakness.

Often treated with complaints of women during menopausal restructuring of the body. Here the pain is caused by a lack of sex hormones. They are provoked by unrest, disturbed nutrition. Accompanied by many vivid emotions: fear of death, suffocation (without rapid breathing), darkening of the eyes, rhythm interruptions, sweating. In men, menopause also matters, but it usually comes later and coincides with the development of atherosclerosis and true ischemia.

What to do if there is pain

How to help themselves with pain in the heart with a known disease, the patients themselves know, they are taught by doctors. You should not take unfamiliar medicines for pain. Perhaps they are contraindicated for a particular person.

  1. If the pain is accompanied by high blood pressure in a hypertensive patient, you should take quick-acting remedies (dissolve under the tongue).
  2. With angina pectoris, Isoket-type sprays are prescribed. Patients should carry them in their pocket with them. Nitroglycerin acts on the affected vessels, but is not well tolerated by everyone. Severe headaches are possible.
  3. At home, a mustard plaster placed on the heart area, massage at pain points has a distracting effect.

Massage along the spine helps with osteochondrosis with pain

Pain for the first time

If the pains arose for the first time, the reasons are unclear, but it is somehow necessary to remove them, the right choice would be remedies such as valocordin, corvalol (20 - 30 drops). Be sure to unfasten the tight collar, belt, belt so that you can breathe freely.

Do not hurt taking an aspirin tablet (chew and drink water), rest.

First aid for pain in the heart should be provided for when compiling a home first aid kit, duplicated in the stock of a motorist and in a summer cottage.

Help with neurotic pain

If the pain in the region of the heart is not acute, but aching, dull, clearly associated with excitement, then you need to drink sedatives. For this, motherwort, valerian in alcohol tinctures, validol tablets under the tongue are suitable. Try to distract yourself with interesting work, a topic of conversation.

By the way, 50 g of cognac also helps to calm down, but in the future you should not get carried away with this method. You will need the help of a neurologist and a course of treatment.

When to call an ambulance?

When there is no confidence in the correctness of the measures taken, you should not overestimate your knowledge, it is better to call an ambulance.

A special attitude was formed towards people in a drunken state. They are not trusted even with complaints of severe heart pain. Do not leave such a person alone, although he may be very unpleasant. Call an ambulance, make sure the car has arrived.

If, despite the help, it hurts a lot for 15-20 minutes, there is a rhythm disturbance, dizziness, you need to call an ambulance. Can't stand long term pain. The ambulance has ECG machines. It is possible to conduct a primary diagnosis to exclude acute myocardial infarction. The equipment includes painkillers.

The correct course of action: after the assistance provided, the patient felt an improvement, but it is still necessary to undergo a full examination in the clinic, without waiting for repeated attacks. You don't have to joke with your heart.

People suffering from heart disease are often forced, and sometimes constantly, to take various medications. Pills for pain in the heart become their eternal companions and should always be in the first aid kit. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common in the world, so there are many ways to relieve pain. Only a cardiologist can choose the right medicines and determine their dosage, but the person taking them must understand them for effective treatment. Not understanding the action of certain drugs, people sometimes cancel them on their own, reducing the effectiveness of treatment, or even completely nullifying it.

Types of drugs

There are many medicines for various pains in the heart, but among them there are several main groups:

  1. Reflex drugs.
  2. Nitrates.
  3. Antiplatelet agents.
  4. calcium antagonists.
  5. Beta blockers.
  6. cardiac glycosides.
  7. Drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels.
  8. thrombolytic drugs.

Let us consider in more detail each group of drugs for pain in the heart.

  • Reflex action drugs

These are the well-known validol and corvalol. Many people who are faced with heart disease mistakenly believe that validol and corvalol will help them in their treatment. In fact, doctors have long proven the ineffectiveness of these drugs. Validol has a calming effect on the body and dilates blood vessels, but it will not help with angina pectoris. However, do not immediately abandon its use. The fact is that during an attack of angina pectoris, a person not only hurts behind the sternum, but he experiences the fear of death, because sometimes the pain is very strong. Validol will help reduce fear. Also, when taking nitroglycerin, which really helps to stop an attack, a person may experience headache and nausea, which are relieved by validol. So, it can be used in conjunction with nitroglycerin.

Corvalol helps well with irritability, stress and neurosis, which can provoke an attack of angina pectoris. It dilates blood vessels, which means it improves the nutrition of the heart muscle and is able to relieve pain. The downside is that a person relieves only pain, but its true cause remains unknown, which means that sooner or later it will appear again. Validol and Corvalol are ineffective on their own, but can be used as part of complex therapy. With caution, they should be taken by people whose profession is associated with the speed of reaction, since they cause drowsiness and slight dizziness. Do not drive after taking these medications.

  • Nitrates

The drugs of this group are most often used for pain in the heart. Nitroglycerin proved to be an excellent remedy for relieving an attack of angina pectoris back in the 19th century. Drugs in this group dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and relieving pain. They begin to act quickly, and the effect lasts a long time.

Nitroglycerin is used sublingually, that is, under the tongue. Its action begins almost immediately, however, if necessary, taking the pill can be repeated, but no more than three pieces with an interval of five minutes. If after this the pain is not relieved, it is necessary to call an ambulance, as this may indicate a beginning. In no case should you use 2-3 tablets at the same time. It should be borne in mind that nitroglycerin lowers blood pressure, and after taking it, you may experience headache, nausea, therefore, together with nitroglycerin, it is sometimes recommended to use validol. People who are prone to allergies sometimes develop a skin rash. Nitroglycerin should be used with caution in people with liver and kidney disease, pregnant women, and with increased intracranial pressure.

As cardiovascular diseases are becoming more common, doctors recommend that all people over forty years of age have nitroglycerin in their first aid kit.

  • Antiplatelet agents

The most famous representatives of this group of drugs are aspirin and cardiomagnyl. They improve the rheological properties of blood, that is, they thin it, make it more fluid. Cardiomagnyl, in addition, relieves inflammation, and also has antipyretic and analgesic effects. It contains magnesium hydroxide, which protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of aspirin and prevents ulcers.

To improve blood flow, drugs of this group change its coagulability, and therefore they should not be used by people prone to bleeding, with strokes, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Cardiomagnyl is well tolerated by most patients, but some people may experience individual intolerance to aspirin, so only a cardiologist should prescribe drugs after the examination.

  • calcium antagonists

This is an extensive group of cardiac drugs that not only relieve pain, but also lower blood pressure. They relieve vasospasm and increase blood flow to the heart. The group of these medicines is divided into two generations.

The first generation includes older, long-used drugs like isoptin and nifedipine. Their effect on the body is short, and therefore you have to drink 3-4 times a day, which is not always convenient.

The second generation of drugs has a longer effect, they need to be taken less often, but they cost an order of magnitude more expensive. These are drugs such as amlodipine, lacidipine. Calcium antagonists are used for angina pectoris, high blood pressure, arrhythmias and their combination with the heart. Second-generation drugs not only have a longer duration of action, but are also safer and better tolerated by the body.

  • Beta blockers

Representatives of this group of drugs include anaprilin, atenolol and others. Beta-blockers reduce the number of heartbeats, thereby reducing the heart muscle's need for oxygen. They are used not only for pain in the heart with angina pectoris, but also for various arrhythmias and hypertension, thereby solving the question of how to relieve pain in the heart and pressure. Another area of ​​their application is the treatment of myocardial infarction, as well as the prevention of its subsequent occurrences. These drugs should be used with caution in people with bronchial asthma and some other diseases.

  • cardiac glycosides

This is an extensive group of drugs containing digoxin, extracted from the foxglove plant. It should be noted that digoxin is a poison, therefore, only a doctor can prescribe cardiac glycosides. Why prescribe drugs containing poison to patients with pain in the heart? The fact is that the drugs of this group increase the strength and frequency of heart contractions without increasing myocardial oxygen demand. That is, they make the heart do the same work, but with less energy.

  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs

The cause of many heart diseases is an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, the formation of cholesterol plaques and blockage of blood vessels. The drugs themselves in this group will not help if your heart hurts, but they should be included in the complex therapy of heart disease, as they improve the processing of cholesterol, reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaque and prevent blockage of blood vessels.

  • Thrombolytic drugs

They are used to treat heart pain associated with an angina attack. They not only relieve pain, but also eliminate the very cause - they dissolve blood clots that interfere with normal blood flow.

First aid

To alleviate the condition before the arrival of doctors in an emergency, you can use the funds from the home first aid kit:

  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Validol.
  • Korvaltap.

Also, in case of a heart attack, doctors recommend taking a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid, after chewing it. This normalizes blood clotting properties and accelerates the absorption of other drugs. Many patients take aspirin at bedtime to prevent myocardial infarction.

Admission rules

If the heart hurts, then in order to start treatment correctly, it is necessary to consult a specialist. After the first attack, you should undergo a complete medical examination and find out the cause of the pathological condition. To prolong the maximum effect of treatment, doctors determine the complex intake of medicines. The dosage of drugs is determined by the results of the cardiogram.

An overdose can lead to palpitations, weakness, loss of vision, psychosis, and even collapse. Cardiac drugs should not be taken with sleeping pills, B vitamins, nitroglycerin, alcohol-containing medicines and diuretics.

Trying to relieve heart pain, many resort to the help of validol and corvalol. These medicines really calm the nervous system, improve blood circulation and block mild pain. However, with serious attacks, they will not bring relief.


All medicines for pain in the heart have a number of contraindications that every patient needs to know about:

  • nitroglycerin and its derivatives are prohibited in shock, low blood pressure, glaucoma, high intracranial pressure;
  • glycosides should not be taken in violation of the sinus node, mitral valve stenosis, hypertrophy of the heart muscle;
  • with complications after a heart attack and severe hypertension.

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