Pregnancy and the saddle uterus. What does the saddle shape of the uterus mean

Anomalies in the structure of the genital organs in recent years are diagnosed among women more and more often. Most of them become an obstacle to the normal conception and bearing of a child. One of these pathologies is the saddle uterus, during pregnancy it can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus and lead to complications during childbirth.

This diagnosis, unlike other malformations of the reproductive organ, is made to women infrequently, but it cannot be called rare either. The saddle uterus is an intermediate state between the normal and bicornuate form of the organ. Often it is combined with other anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs.

The saddle-shaped uterus is a "soft" version of the bicornuate uterus. This means that a concave depression resembling a saddle is formed at the bottom of the reproductive organ. That is, the uterine cavity visually resembles a heart, although normally it should be pear-shaped. Among other malformations of the uterus, the saddle shape occurs in 23% of cases.

The saddle uterus usually does not affect women's well-being. Its presence cannot be diagnosed independently.

For the first time, the abnormal structure of the reproductive organ is detected during an ultrasound examination. But there are also exceptions.

With severe deformation of the uterus, a woman may notice the following symptoms:

  • pain during sexual intercourse associated with insufficient blood supply and stretching of the walls of the organ;
  • acyclic bleeding;
  • spontaneous miscarriages that occur regardless of the gestational age;
  • premature birth with associated complications;
  • infertility.

This form of the reproductive organ is often diagnosed in combination with other anomalies in the development of the urinary system, the presence of an intrauterine septum and a narrow pelvis. For this reason, the saddle uterus during pregnancy is dangerous with possible complications in the process of bearing a child and subsequent birth injuries. Sometimes it causes female infertility.

Causes of the saddle uterus

The saddle shape of the uterus is a congenital malformation, that is, the girl already has this anomaly at birth. The reasons are different, but the main one is the influence on the expectant mother of adverse factors affecting the intrauterine development of the embryo.

So, the possible causes of intrauterine formation of the saddle uterus are:

  • unfavorable heredity associated with genetic disorders;
  • the use of pregnant drugs that have a toxic effect on embryogenesis;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse and other addictions;
  • stress during pregnancy;
  • heart disease in a future mother;
  • viral infections transferred during pregnancy;
  • toxicosis, gestosis;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • poor ecology in the area where the pregnant woman lives;
  • avitaminosis.

Also important are the diseases that a woman has before pregnancy. Diabetes mellitus, vegetovascular dystonia, endocrine and nervous disorders, and much more can adversely affect the development of the embryo, including causing an abnormality in the structure of the uterus.


For many years, a woman may not be aware of her features. Most often, a saddle-shaped uterus is detected when a woman plans or is already preparing to become a mother. With a pronounced deformation of the genital organ, there are problems with conception and the introduction of the embryo into the mucous layer of the uterus.

The saddle uterus during pregnancy, as well as outside it, is diagnosed using an ultrasound examination using a vaginal probe. If the pathology is detected before the conception of the child, the doctor may additionally prescribe USGSS, hysteroscopy and MRI. A routine examination on a gynecological chair does not reveal this pathology.

Hysterosalpingography with the use of radiography is also successfully used. In this case, the depression in the uterus in the form of a saddle and the location of the mouth of the fallopian tubes are visually determined.

Is pregnancy possible and how does it affect the fetus?

For many women who are faced with this pathology, the question arises: “How are the saddle uterus and pregnancy combined?”. It is possible to conceive and bear a child if the defect of the reproductive organ is moderately expressed. In such a situation, there will be no special obstacles to implantation and subsequent bearing of the fetus. The main thing is to regularly undergo medical examinations and follow the doctor's prescriptions.

Complications due to a saddle uterus during pregnancy are rare, but still possible. These include:

  • placenta previa;
  • the threat of miscarriage and premature birth;
  • malposition;
  • uterine bleeding.

If the saddle shape of the uterus is pronounced, a woman may experience problems conceiving and even infertility. The pathological structure of the organ interferes with the normal implantation of a fertilized egg, which threatens with early spontaneous miscarriage. Anomalies in the attachment of the placenta may also occur, often it overlaps the cervix of the uterus, which leads to premature birth.

By itself, the shape of the mother's reproductive organs does not adversely affect the development of the fetus if the gestation period passes without complications. The saddle-shaped uterus and pregnancy are quite compatible, but a woman needs increased medical supervision and, in the event of possible threats, timely medical care. The child himself during intrauterine life with this pathology does not suffer either mentally or physically.

Poses for conception with a saddle uterus

Many experts insist that there are no good and bad sexual positions for successful conception with a saddle-shaped uterus. In the network and the media, you can come across other information claiming that certain positions of partners during intercourse help to get pregnant faster with this pathology. But in reality it is a myth.

Unprotected sexual intercourse contributes to the fertilization of the egg, no matter what position its mistress is in - nature itself took care of this. The sex cells of a man are normally highly mobile and active, so in each cycle a woman has a good chance of conceiving.

If this does not happen, do not blame the wrong posture in intimate relationships. The problem must be sought deeper: either in a woman or in a man.

A uterus with such a structure does not prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the fallopian tubes for the fertilization process. The main question is whether the egg can then be implanted in the right place? This is the main problem with this pathology, and postures cannot have a tangible effect on the likelihood of conception.

Treatment during pregnancy

Treatment for the saddle shape of the uterus is usually practiced for female infertility or recurrent miscarriage. Surgery is recommended to reconstruct the internal structure of the organ. After the operation, the probability of conception and successful bearing of the child increases many times over.

The saddle uterus during pregnancy can cause miscarriage and intrauterine fetal hypoxia. If the threat of these conditions is diagnosed, conservative treatment is carried out. To this end, a woman is recommended:

  • strict bed rest;
  • hormone therapy (Dufaston, Utrozhestan);
  • tocolytics and antispasmodics (Indomethacin, No-shpa, Papaverine);
  • drugs that normalize uteroplacental circulation, metabolic processes and coagulation (Kurantil, Actovegin, Troxevasin).

If treatment fails and there is a threat to the life of the fetus, a caesarean section is usually performed before the due date.

Features of childbirth

In the case of mild pathology, pregnancy usually passes without complications. In this case, independent natural childbirth is allowed.

If the saddle shape of the uterus is more pronounced and during gestation there were problems with bearing, most likely they will manifest themselves in childbirth. More often, against this background, a partial or complete placenta previa is diagnosed, which poses a danger to the life of the mother and child.

It is fraught with early detachment of the placenta, uterine bleeding, oxygen starvation of the fetus and a high risk of complications in childbirth. Natural delivery in this situation is considered dangerous and, with the development of complications, doctors perform a caesarean section.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman with a saddle uterus should be observed by a doctor without missing the necessary examinations. Such a precaution will help prevent the occurrence of health problems in the unborn baby and minimize the likelihood of complications during childbirth.

As mentioned above, natural childbirth with severe deformation of the reproductive organ is excluded, since they can be fatal for both the mother and the fetus. Some women refuse a caesarean section, wanting to give birth on their own. But challenging the decision of doctors, such patients risk not only their health and life, but also the safety of the unborn child.

Useful video: anomalies in the structure of the uterus and infertility

The organs of the reproductive system in women are formed during fetal development, but this process does not always occur correctly.

If errors in the formation of organs occur, the girl is born with congenital developmental anomalies.

With minor deviations, the reproductive system works to the fullest, an adult woman is able to become pregnant and give birth to a child, and may not even be aware of the pathology.

More severe violations lead to infertility.

Saddle uterus - what is it

One of the congenital anomalies is the saddle uterus - a violation of the shape, in which the bottom of the reproductive organ is depressed in the form of a saddle. The normal uterus is pear-shaped, and its upper part is convex.

To understand how the saddle uterus is formed, you need to trace the formation of the organ. Initially, the uterine cavity is divided into two oblong parts, which branch out in the direction from the vagina to the fallopian tubes. Over time, the branching site is smoothed out, and the body of the uterus becomes rounded.

If the violation occurs at the beginning of formation, the uterus remains (read about this violation in our article on the site), if at later stages, a saddle uterus is formed.

Such errors in the development of the fetus occur due to the action of harmful factors:

1 Maternal bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug use) cause dangerous mutagenic substances to enter the body of the developing fetus;

2 The occurrence of congenital anomalies is often associated with acute and chronic maternal illness or inappropriate medication during pregnancy.

3 Avitaminosis, poor environmental conditions, a woman's age over 35 years, the influence of harmful radiation negatively affect the processes of tissue formation and development.

Despite the fact that the saddle uterus is close in shape to normal, this pathology can affect pregnancy and the birth process.

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Saddle uterus and pregnancy

Having a saddle uterus does not mean that a woman cannot have children. But the success of the course of pregnancy depends on the degree of deformation of the organ.

If the invagination of the uterine fundus is significant, the embryo will not be able to penetrate into its wall. In this case, the woman will be infertile. In the case when the shape of the uterus affects the attachment of the placenta, placenta previa may occur. With an increase in the size of the fetus, there is a chance of developing bleeding due to placental abruption, which can lead to miscarriage.

A slight indentation of the fundus of the uterus does not affect the introduction of the embryo and the attachment of the placenta. A woman can endure and give birth to a child without ever knowing about the presence of a pathology.

Saddle uterus and childbirth

A woman who has been able to carry a child with a saddle uterus can give birth naturally in many cases. But often the attending physician recommends applying, since the deformation of the uterus complicates labor.

Violation of the shape can affect the position of the fetus, which it occupies before birth. Normally, it turns its head downwards, and the saddle uterus prevents this. Therefore, the baby often takes a transverse or gluteal position, in which passage through the birth canal is complicated. It is better to agree to a caesarean section, otherwise it will be difficult, and the child may not withstand such tests.

The second problem that arises when the shape of the uterus is violated is its uneven contraction during labor. If such a deviation occurs during natural childbirth, the obstetrician may make an urgent decision on a caesarean section. But such a choice during childbirth can only be made up to a certain stage of the child's progress through the birth canal, after which the surgical intervention will be ineffective.

Therefore, an early choice in favor of a caesarean section would be reasonable if the woman is aware of her congenital anomaly.

Diagnosis and treatment

Violation of the shape of the uterus can be detected using ultrasound. A woman may find out about an anomaly when visiting a sonologist's office for completely different reasons. A routine gynecological examination will not help diagnose such a violation.

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If a woman suffers from infertility or habitual miscarriage (multiple repetition of miscarriages - read the article on the website about this), she will definitely be sent for an ultrasound scan to check for the presence of such congenital anomalies.

A saddle uterus cannot be corrected with medications or procedures. The only way to correct an organ is through surgery. Often used (read more about this method in our article on the website site).

After correcting the shape of the uterus, women who suffered from infertility and habitual miscarriage finally gain the ability to endure and give birth to a baby. If the degree of concavity of the uterine fundus is small and does not interfere with childbirth, the doctor will not rush to perform the operation.

Saddle uterus: how to get pregnant and carry a baby

Doctors say that the saddle uterus is not an obstacle to the process of conception. This disruption does not prevent sperm from entering the fallopian tube to meet the egg.

In addition, with a saddle uterus it is not fundamental: it affects the likelihood of pregnancy no more than in the absence of pathology.

Pregnancy with a saddle uterus should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor. The doctor monitors the development and attachment of the placenta, the well-being of the baby and its position in the uterus. For any deviations (bleeding, pain, improper presentation of the fetus before childbirth), the pregnant woman should remain in the hospital. If the doctor recommends a caesarean section, it should not be abandoned.

A saddle uterus is not a reason to panic. Pregnancy with this pathology is possible, although additional difficulties may arise.

The saddle uterus is one of the anomalies of the reproductive organ. Doctors consider this form to be a borderline state between the norm and pathology, which is expressed in a change in the shape of the uterus (you can learn about the structure of the uterus in this article). It has the shape of a pear, which is located with a wide part towards the top. The saddle type is characterized by the fact that the bottom of the organ sags a little and resembles a saddle. The degree of pathology is determined using hardware research methods. The problem does not affect the general well-being of a woman, but can lead to difficulties during pregnancy. Some confuse this diagnosis with uterine doubling. With saddle pathology, there is only one neck and one vagina.

Reasons for the formation

In the vast majority of cases, the pathology is congenital. Scientists haven't figured out why
change in an internal organ. This is attributed to the negative impact on the fetus of negative factors:

  • drugs,
  • alcohol,
  • stress,
  • tobacco,
  • irradiation.

The reason is toxoplasmosis, influenza and some other infectious diseases that my mother had during pregnancy.

At first, the uterus is an organ consisting of two cavities. During embryonic development, the septum disappears. There is also a separation of the urological and genital tracts. If the negative impact occurred during this period, then there are prerequisites for the development of other defects: doubling of the kidney or nephroptosis. Already by the birth itself, a little girl has the correct shape of the organ.

Less commonly, the problem is acquired. Prerequisites may be intrauterine soldering, fibroids, endometriosis.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Throughout life, the vice often does not manifest itself. A woman learns about the presence of a saddle uterus only during pregnancy or in preparation for it. If the deformity is severe, it can interfere with the onset of fertilization and attachment of the embryo.

The problem is found on ultrasound. Hardware research methods can be used: magnetic resonance imaging, USGSS, hysteroscopy. With a standard examination, the gynecologist cannot determine the presence of a problem. When examining ultrasound of the small pelvis, the saddle uterus is not detected. Therefore, a vaginal probe is used for diagnosis. You should check the condition of your female internal organ in the second phase of the cycle.

If a woman has a mild problem, but pregnancy does not occur, another cause should be looked for. This is due to the fact that the anomaly is often accompanied by other defects that can lead to illness. How to get pregnant with a bicornuate uterus is described by the link.

The course of pregnancy and childbirth

Since women with a saddle uterus are at risk, they are advised to stay in bed. A common problem is that, due to the irregular shape of the organ, the placenta does not attach to the bottom of the uterus. This causes placental abruption, bleeding.

Due to the saddle uterus, the position of the fetus changes. It is often placed transversely in front of labor, leading to a caesarean section. If the child has taken the correct position, then in the process of obstetrics, the contractile activity of the organ is sometimes disturbed. Because of this, women with this pathology are more often stimulated with the use of medications.

Problems encountered by women during pregnancy and childbirth:

  • weak generic activity;
  • incoordination during childbirth;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • too tight attachment of the placenta;
  • hypotonic bleeding after childbirth.

Because of this, doctors keep women with uterine anomalies under special control. This makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of difficulties. For successful pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodic herbal medicines to help maintain the pregnancy and reduce the risk of its termination.

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This is a pathologically formed uterus, which is a variation of the bicornuate uterus. With this defect, the bottom of the uterus is literally formed in the form of a saddle. There are different degrees of splitting of the body of the uterus into two horns, but in almost all cases the shape of the uterus when cut is visually similar to a saddle. The saddle uterus may not have any external manifestations, but often makes itself felt during pregnancy in the form of complications such as incoordination and weakness of labor, premature birth, the threat of miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage. Often, the saddle uterus is combined with other developmental pathologies. The detection of the saddle uterus often occurs by chance during a routine ultrasound examination, MRI, and hysteroscopy. With the threat of miscarriage, surgical correction of the uterus is recommended.

The saddle uterus is considered not a very complex pathology of the development of the uterus, and pregnancy prognosis is often favorable. In a healthy woman, the uterus develops in the form of a pear, narrowed from below, and expanded from above.

The saddle uterus is a particular manifestation of the bicornuate uterus. Bicornuate and saddle uterus are very rare pathologies of the development of the uterus, which occurs in about 0.1% of women. The formation of the saddle uterus occurs at about 10-14 weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus.

Saddle uterus and conception

The saddle uterus and conception do not always work best together. In case of problems with conception due to the development of the saddle uterus and if the pregnancy is not carried, surgical treatment is indicated. Most often, there is no need to carry out radical interventions and the reconstruction of the uterus occurs without incisions, through natural routes during hysteroscopy. After a successful operation, the chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child increase significantly. Plastic surgery of the uterine cavity is the most optimal solution to the problem, so it is important for a woman with a saddle uterus to be psychologically prepared in advance.

Saddle uterus and pregnancy

Saddle uterus and pregnancy: if a woman managed to safely bear a child and produce offspring normally, then in the future there are no threats to the development of the fetus and the health of the mother, the main thing is to undergo scheduled medical examinations and observations on time.

Pregnant women with a saddle uterus must be under medical supervision, regardless of the gestational age and, at the slightest suspicion, must be hospitalized.

If complications of pregnancy arise, the patient with a saddle uterus should adhere to bed rest. From drug therapy, antispasmodic drugs, sedatives of plant origin, gestagens (duphaston, utrozhestan), essentiale-forte, actovegin are prescribed.

The form of delivery in patients with a saddle uterus should be discussed and determined in advance, it is worthwhile to conduct a psychological preparation of the patient and explain possible difficulties and options for completion.

Causes of the saddle uterus

During embryogenesis, the mesonephric ducts merge, which is the reason for the formation of the saddle uterus. During embryonic development, the uterine cavity is initially divided into two parts by the sagittal septum. This septum will dissolve by the time of the birth of the fetus, so the bicornuate uterus initially acquires a saddle shape, and then a normal, single-lane, pear-shaped shape. If by the time the girl is born, the process of uterus formation has not been completed, a malformation occurs, which is called the “saddle uterus”. Also characteristic of the saddle uterus is its expansion in diameter.

The causes of the development of the saddle uterus can be a variety of disturbing and damaging factors during pregnancy: endocrinopathies (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis), stress, beriberi, heart defects, maternal intoxication (chemical, drug, narcotic, alcohol, nicotine), radiation.

Infectious diseases - rubella, measles, syphilis, influenza, toxoplasmosis and others are considered especially dangerous for the fetus. Also in the risk factor for bearing a fetus with this pathology are pregnant women suffering from prolonged toxicosis, which can cause chronic fetal hypoxia.

Many women, having heard this diagnosis, decide that this is a sentence, but do not panic, you first need to understand the very essence and definition of the diagnosis. The severity depends on the magnitude of the deformation of the body of the uterus.

Symptoms of the saddle uterus

A woman may not be aware of the presence of a saddle uterus until she becomes pregnant. If the deformation of the uterus is not significant, complications during gestation and childbirth may not occur.

With pronounced changes in the uterus, there is a risk of developing placental pathology (premature detachment accompanied by bleeding, low or lateral location of the placenta, placenta previa), pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus, premature birth.

During childbirth, the saddle uterus often causes abnormal labor activity: incoordination and weakness. Often, in the presence of a saddle uterus during childbirth, one has to resort to radical methods of delivery - to a caesarean section.

If a pregnant woman is not adequately monitored, the risk of perinatal mortality may increase. If the uterus is very strongly deformed, primary infertility can be diagnosed in women.

The main methods for diagnosing a saddle uterus are instrumental studies: ultrasound diagnostics, hysteroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, hysterosalpingography, USGSS. The use of a standard gynecological examination with a saddle uterus will not be effective.

It is not always possible to identify the saddle uterus during pelvic echography. If the deformation of the uterus is significant, at the time of the transverse scan, thickening of the muscular layer of the uterine fundus up to 10-14 mm, its protrusion into the uterine cavity, and an increase in the width of the uterine fundus up to 68 mm can be determined. It is better to determine the saddle uterus by ultrasound in the second phase of the pregnancy cycle, using a vaginal probe.

Hysterosalpingography is the most reliable method for diagnosing a saddle uterus: on the pictures in the area of ​​​​the fundus of the uterus, a recess is clearly visible that flows into the uterine cavity, similar to a saddle, and two mouths are visible in the fallopian tubes. The same signs are observed during magnetic resonance imaging.

During pregnancy, women with a saddle uterus undergo Dopplerography of the uteroplacental blood flow, phonocardiography and fetal cardiography.

Even without a medical education, after seeing pictures from various diagnostic methods, you can see a pattern in the shape of a saddle.

It is a type of bicornuate uterus. The cause of such an anomaly is considered to be a malformation of the intrauterine development of the fetus. It appears due to alcohol and drug addiction of the mother, smoking, taking medications during the period, beriberi, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, thyrotoxicosis. Infectious diseases transferred by the mother can provoke the appearance of a saddle uterus: influenza, scarlet fever, rubella, measles, syphilis, toxoplasmosis.

Sometimes the cause of the development of pathology is fetal hypoxia - a chronic lack of oxygen.

The saddle uterus does not show any symptoms. In most cases, it does not affect the possibility in any way, it will not be difficult to conceive. In order for all the sperm to successfully fall on the cervix, the most suitable is the classic position - lying on your back. If the deformation of the organ is mild, the attachment of the egg occurs in the same way as in the usual form. You can talk about when the saddle shape of the uterus interferes with the attachment of the fetal egg to its wall.

If with this pathology it is not a problem to get pregnant, in this case, the preservation of the fetus becomes a difficulty. A deformed organ can provoke premature birth, a low-lying fetus, early detachment of the placenta, placenta, low placentation. In these cases, the risk is high. During childbirth, the saddle uterus can cause discoordination (disturbance of labor), so a caesarean section is recommended. In the postpartum period, there is a high risk of serious bleeding, which can be fatal.

Treatment of the saddle uterus

Correction of the defect in the structure of the uterus is possible only by surgery. The operation is prescribed if the saddle of the uterus causes infertility or miscarriage. The intervention in most cases is carried out by hysteroscopy through natural paths, while no incisions are made on the body. As a result of such an operation, the probability of conception and the normal course of pregnancy increase tenfold.

A slight change in the shape of the uterus does not affect the course of pregnancy.

If it was possible to conceive a child with a saddle uterus, without resorting to surgical correction of the organ, the woman should follow the necessary recommendations, starting from early pregnancy. It is believed that on a small deformed organ does not affect the course of pregnancy. However, at the slightest deterioration in the condition, hospitalization is needed. With complications identified in the saddle uterus, antispasmodics, gestogens, sedative herbal remedies are prescribed, which will maintain the good condition of the woman during pregnancy.

Most women perceive the diagnosis of "saddle uterus" as a terrible sentence and classify themselves as "infertile". In order to understand whether this is true or not, you need to find out what kind of disease it is, what effect it has and whether it is possible to get pregnant with a saddle uterus.


The saddle uterus is a kind of anomaly of the female reproductive system, which consists in changing the structure of the uterus. It has a slightly different shape, the features of which are a flattened bottom and expansion across. If you look at such a uterus in section, then its shape resembles a saddle. The causes of this disease are still not known for certain. With confidence, our medicine can only assert the fact that this pathology begins to appear as early as the 14th week of intrauterine development of the fetus.

It should be noted right away that pregnancy and the saddle uterus are quite compatible concepts, since the presence of this disease does not pose a threat to the health of either the mother or the child. If the uterus has slight changes in shape, then this has practically no effect on the conception of a child and does not cause difficulties either during fertilization or during pregnancy. During the period of gestation, all processes proceed in the same way as in a healthy woman.

You can speak only when the saddle of the uterus is pronounced. In most cases, with this degree of disease, the fetal egg cannot normally be fixed due to the shape of the uterus. With this diagnosis, the placenta does not attach correctly. This is due to the fact that placentation with this form of the uterus may be low or lateral due to the lack of the necessary platform at the bottom of the uterus. Also, when the uterus is saddle, the fetal egg can be attached, but incorrectly, which leads to miscarriage and premature birth. In some cases, there is a partial detachment of the placenta, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding. In addition, this diagnosis is accompanied by pain in the bladder. The formation of the pelvis in women with this anomaly is accompanied by poor development, which leads to improper placement of the fetus in case of pregnancy.

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