Dreams on Monday. Why does the former appear in night dreams? Temporary relationship difficulties

What events to expect if a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday? Each day of the week has its own unique magic. It is also reflected in night dreams. For example, from Mon./Tue. into the night, this indicates that he respects the dreamer. Another interpretation will have the same dream, only on Thursday night.

Dreams on Monday night are popularly considered prophetic. They often reflect the events that take place in reality and existing problems. Dreams during this period should be carefully analyzed in order to obtain as much useful data as possible. If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, then this portends some events that are related to his personal life. A lot for the correct interpretation depends on the details and atmosphere of sleep.

The easiest way to interpret this dream is when it is dreamed of by unmarried ladies. Young girls are very interested in marriage issues, as well as the course of relations with their chosen ones. The subconscious gives such information in a dream. Its reliability can only be verified by the dreamer herself over time.

If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday to a lady who is not yet married or in a relationship, this portends that she will soon meet a young man in reality. When a girl already has a chosen one, and she dreamed of him during this period, in reality he misses her and seeks to see her sooner. If in a dream he invites the dreamer to marry him, then the interpretation is the opposite. Most likely, in reality this will never happen.

In addition to the days of the week, there are other systems of interpretation. For example, if a guy is dreaming, by the days of the month this dream will have its own interpretation for each day. When a dream falls on a period, then the events, things or people who dreamed will soon leave the life of the dreamer or simply lose their meaning. And dreams for a growing month, on the contrary, show what will have an impact on the future, or events that will happen.

There is another interpretation of the dream. If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, but in reality the girl is in a quarrel with him, and they reconcile in a dream, this is not a good sign. The interpretation here is the opposite. It turns out that if a couple reconciled in a dream, then in reality this will not happen.

It is generally accepted that all the dreams that come on Monday night are a reflection of the emotions and moral and psychological state of a person. They have a direct connection with things, everyday life, events and the personal life of the dreamer. The brighter and clearer the dreams that night, the more trouble they promise or the more global the changes will be. On the contrary, when the dream is short and vague, then nothing significant will happen (negative and positive). Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to how long and distinct the dream was in which the guy dreamed.

Some dream interpreters say that night dreams on Monday night are a kind of summing up of what happened to a person over the previous seven days. Careful analysis will help to get information about what will happen next week.

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that completely different solar systems can control every day. And as you know, each planet has its own characteristics and a certain force that has a direct impact on life on Earth.

As for such a day of the week as Monday, this day is very difficult, it is directly controlled by such a solar system as the Moon. The dreams that a person could see on Monday, as a rule, are a reflection of the emotional and mental state of a person. That is why they are most often associated with household chores and everyday life, with family relationships and family ties.

If the dream on Monday is rich and long, and if there is absolutely nothing superfluous in it, then according to various interpretations, the person will have to do a lot of all kinds of homework the next day. In addition, a dream on a Monday afternoon can most often come true either after about 7 hours or never at all.

In the presence of a short dream, sleep, as a rule, means that there will be very little fuss in the following days, it is quite possible that a person in such a situation will be in a restrained and collected state, while he will be able to maintain his own good mood for a long period of time . At the same time, the dreams that a person had, starting at about 4 o'clock in the morning and, of course, until the very morning time, can come true within 10 days, or even somewhere in a month.

In principle, there is another completely different dependence on the reliability of dreams and their more accurate interpretation, depending on the current calendar. In this situation, special attention is paid to the days of the month. If the dream was clear and brief enough, then this phenomenon may indicate that the dreamer himself is considered a very reserved and collected person. That is why he can cope with all sorts of household chores, avoiding all sorts of confusion.

Dreams that occurred on Monday night often come true for those people who themselves were born on this day. For all other categories, the probability of fulfilling such a dream, although it exists, is still less likely. That is why it does not seem real to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether a dream that occurred on Monday night will come true. In addition, a dream on Monday morning, as a rule, portends upcoming chores, especially when it was long and brightly colored.

And the fact that the Moon patronizes such a day of the week, first of all, implies that such a period in terms of its own energy is considered ambiguous. In this regard, dreams from Sunday to Monday can reflect both the psychological and, accordingly, the emotional state of a person. In addition, Monday night sleep is most often directly related to household chores, affecting the dreamer's relationship with relatives and other family members.

If a dream on Monday, especially in the morning, has clear images, while there are very few unnecessary details in it, then this phenomenon implies the presence of subsequent various troubles. Most quickly, such chores will be associated with household chores, and in a huge number and varying degrees of complexity.

Also, do not forget that, first of all, having seen a dream on Monday, experts recommend paying attention to the clarity and clarity of what is happening, since the very prediction of the future will depend on this in the future.

Thus, in connection with some features of dreams that people may have on Monday, one conclusion can be drawn that, as a rule, such dreams are a reflection of the emotional internal state of a person. That is why the occurrence of household chores cannot be avoided.

At the end of the weekend, it is so difficult to tune in to work everyday life. That is why dreams from Sunday to Monday often carry notes of anxiety and anxiety. It is likely that this dream reminds the dreamer of pressing troubles. To understand whether it is worth taking the signs seriously, you need to find out why this is a dream.

Dreams seen during this period can hardly be called a global prediction of the future. These are rather blurry images that symbolize the current state of affairs. A dream can once again remind you of the moments that cause excitement in the dreamer in real life. Such dreams often leave an unpleasant aftertaste. They often show conflicts, fights, quarrels. However, this does not mean that the dream is prophetic. All of this may or may not happen in reality. But you still have to think.

  • If in a dream a person is pessimistic or furious, in reality he will experience prolonged depression and apathy.
  • Nightmares are just a reminder of current problems. Do not succumb to negative influence from the outside.
  • To be sad in a dream means to worry about feelings for people in reality. If a person is annoyed after learning about a loss or betrayal in a dream, he may have health problems.
  • Resting in a dream is the time to take a short break in business. This will in no way hinder your success in the future. The dreamer needs to relax a little.
  • Fatigue from work and the routine of weekdays is a harbinger of emergency work at work.
  • Conflict with the boss - this dream does not bode well. Rather, even vice versa. Changes for the better are coming.

Do dreams come true from Sunday to Monday

Such dreams are rarely prophetic. There is no point in trying to read them between the lines. Most likely, a person will view a dream full of events that haunt him in reality. The more experiences about these events, the brighter colors it will be shown. This is a great opportunity to understand your own internal state at the current moment. Perhaps you are very tired and need an urgent break. Sleep on the night from Sunday to Monday can give a person minor clues. Analyze the emotions lived in a dream, try to remember the place where it all happened.

What do dreams mean from Sunday to Monday

You need to have a good memory to keep all the memories in your head. But even if the dreams turned out to be blurry, one should try to interpret what was remembered by the time of awakening. Do not forget that these dreams deserve your attention. It is they who become the harbingers of serious events in reality.

About love

For single people, a meeting with a lover in a dream can come true in reality. Most likely, you are destined to meet a very pleasant person who will give you unforgettable emotions. Of course, no one can know if this person is destined to stay with you forever. If you dreamed of the Moon (for example, during a romantic walk), your acquaintance will end at the level of flirting. This is not the case when there is reason to talk about a serious relationship.

A quarrel with a loved one can also be prophetic. Therefore, be more attentive to everything that happens in a dream. This dream will help you understand what true feelings are fraught with your other half. Perhaps this person is aggressive or resentful. Remember this sign. It might come in handy in real life.

About the wedding

A lonely person is having fun at someone else's wedding - a dream portends an interesting acquaintance in the near future. Of course, we are talking about amorous affairs. There is a high probability that it is with this person that you will want to create a new unit of society. Do not be afraid, act actively. Do not miss the chance to become a truly happy person. Grab this opportunity with both hands, but don't make hasty decisions.

A married man walks at someone else's wedding - a harbinger of a possible separation on the basis of betrayal or jealousy.

Seeing yourself at your own wedding - the dreamer lacks variety in relationships. Be careful in your desires, do not make a fatal mistake. Don't forget that you love and are loved. This will help keep the peace in relations with the second half.

About work

Verbal troubles in the workplace - slander, gossip or intrigue in reality awaits you. Worrying about your own reputation in a dream - most likely, you have gone astray and misfired somewhere. This mistake can change a lot. Too bad if it turns out to be fatal.

A calm working day in the office - you may be promoted. An unemployed person at work in a dream will finally be able to solve the issue of employment. Most likely, the vacancy promises good prospects in the future.

About entertainment

Resting in a dream and enjoying idleness is a sign that you are very tired of a crazy schedule. You need to reduce the "speed". It will be ideal if a person goes on vacation and gets a boost of new energy. But people born on Monday can see a prophetic dream on the night of Sunday. For everyone else, it's just a call to action.

About dead people

Seeing a dead person in a dream - usually, this dream portends nothing more than changes in the weather. There is no hidden meaning in this, so do not worry. Such a dream on the eve of the memorial day reminds you that you must definitely go to the cemetery and honor the memory of your ancestors.

Other images of dreams from Sunday to Monday

Seeing yourself from the side in a dream (or in a mirror) - most likely, the dreamer can fall into the epicenter of any events. Remember the clothes you wear in your dream. A beautiful and expensive outfit is a harbinger of a comfortable life. Dirty rags are a symbol of endless difficulties and poverty. You will not be able to escape from the troubles that overtook you. Don't even try to do it - you're wasting your time. It is better to take the fight, and fight back the turmoil.

What does sleep mean in the morning from Sunday to Monday

The dreams of this night are ruled by the Moon. She exaggerates emotions, exaggerates nightmarish visions. Such dreams often bring people to a stressful state. They stick in memory for a long time and do not give rest. The fair sex can find answers to many questions in this dream. They can relate to love, family, raising children, relationships with friends, and so on.

To see a pleasant dream from Sunday to Monday - in the coming days, Lady Fortune will smile at you. I had a terrible and nasty dream - unpleasant events await you in various spheres of life.

If a person dreams from Sunday to Monday, what is it for

  • It is not possible to determine the gender of the person you dreamed about - most likely, you will get a new job and will not be able to establish contact with the team.
  • The dreaming person appeared before you on some kind of elevation - the long-awaited change for the better awaits the dreamer. But this will require patience. Nothing gives quickly and easily.
  • An angry person in a dream is unfortunate news for you or your loved ones.
  • Seeing yourself from the outside - changes in life are inevitable. They can be positive or negative - a lot depends on the clothes you were wearing in a dream.

What is the dream of your beloved guy from Sunday to Monday

This dream may reflect the attitude of the girl towards the young man, as well as the emotions that she is experiencing in the current period.

  • Beloved guy dreamed without clothes - most likely, the girl is not sure of the correctness of her choice.
  • If a guy dreamed of sleeping in bed, it means that the girl wants to dominate in this relationship.
  • Seeing a loved one drunk - the dream book says that your feelings are sincere.

I dreamed about the former from Sunday to Monday

  • Being with an ex-boyfriend in a dream and experiencing happiness - the meaning of such a night vision is completely opposite. The dream suggests that you have completely let go of the past and do not want to return to it. Perhaps in the near future you will begin a new relationship with another person.
  • An intimate relationship with an ex-boyfriend in a dream - your desires take the mountain over the mind. Most likely, the girl is dissatisfied.
  • Quarrel with the former in a dream - you have a serious choice. It's time to answer the question with whom to move on in life.

I had a bad dream from Sunday to Monday

Night dreams, causing anxiety and discomfort, do not portend anything catastrophic. However, such a dream can warn of the approach of unkind events. Do not take to heart what you dreamed on the night from Sunday to Monday. Take this as a normal clue. Perhaps this will ease the difficulties ahead. Take care of your mental health, try to be careful in business. Do not ignore the problems of loved ones. Do not start conflicts during this period.

Dream from Sunday to Monday interpretation of visions

The dreams that occurred during this period seem to set the mood for the entire coming week. If the dream is short and uninformative, that's fine. The week promises to be calm and measured. Otherwise, you will always know what to prepare for.

  • See the fire element in a dream - you have to do an unloved job that cannot bring a good income. Within the walls of your home, troubles and problems are likely. The most unpleasant thing is that you will have to “disentangle the porridge” alone.
  • Cry or be sad in a dream - blues, apathy or depression will become an uninvited guest in your home. To be cheerful in a dream - a dream book promises a sufficient supply of patience and strength in order to resist the onslaught of minor troubles.
  • Seeing snow-capped mountains or ice floes in a dream - there is a pause in work and love relationships. Perhaps fate will give you a pleasant surprise. But you run the risk of missing your chance because of your own naivety.
  • Experience fear in a dream Someone is serious about you. There may be intrigues in the team or misunderstanding on the part of the household.
  • Fast river or noisy sea in night dreams - a dream symbolizes opposition to something. Pay attention to the water. A clean stream promises a positive outcome. Dirty or muddy water is a symbol of a possible loss.
  • Receive a gift from a loved one - most likely, your chosen one decided to legitimize the relationship.

The people noticed the likelihood of prophetic dreams on the night from Sunday to Monday. In these dreams, the subconscious gives clues - the result of the background work of the brain. Correctly interpreted images can tell a lot about the present and the future.

What do dreams mean from Sunday to Monday?

Dreams on Monday night reflect the true thoughts of a person. Nightmares and unpleasant dreams should be kept secret from others. This is the only way to avoid their implementation in reality. Left alone, the plot of the dream must be recounted to the included tap water. Liquid is a conductor of energy and takes away bad omens.

On the night from Sunday to Monday, the subconscious mind tries to reach out to the person. Night visions reflect everyday problems, emotional state, anxieties about the future. The duration of the vision matters:

The dream is short and almost not remembered - a good sign. Minor troubles and hardships will bypass the dreamer. Home and work chores will be easy to do.
A long and imaginative dream promises a busy week. There are many difficult tasks to be completed.

The meaning of individual symbols of sleep will help determine dream books. However, each dream should be interpreted separately - depending on past events. The mood largely depends on the state and feelings of a person before going to bed:

Dreaming of hard work - you have to immerse yourself in complex cases and conflicts with colleagues.
Being on vacation - the subconscious signals the need to postpone all classes and devote time to yourself.
A conflict with superiors in a dream promises positive changes, a bonus or vacation in real life.
An angry or sad mood in a waking dream promises a lazy state or depression.

Astrologers consider the changing Moon to be the patroness of Monday. Sunday is under the sign of the Sun - a symbol of renewal and creation. The collision of two luminaries raises a storm of creative emotions, hidden desires and fears to the surface. Whether such visions are prophetic is decided on an individual basis. Much will depend on the dreamer's mood and specific images.

Do dreams come true from Sunday to Monday?

Dreams on this night for dreamers born on Monday are always prophetic. Prophetic visions visit other people, but less likely. The content of the dream may not be prophetic. Overeating and impressive movies at night let the imagination run wild. The visions born in this way do not contain a hidden meaning.

In most cases, a dream on the night from Sunday to Monday contains conclusions from the past week. Sleep is the result of the previous seven days from the point of view of the subconscious. It is worth carefully analyzing the details of the dream.

Regularly repeating images are prophetic elements. Such visions are recommended to be recorded in a special notebook. The near future is always reflected in dreams. A passionately anticipated meeting or event will find an omen in night dreams.

There is a saying, “Monday is a slacker dream.” Its meaning characterizes the attitude of a number of interpreters to most of the dreams that night. Vague and vague images cannot be properly understood. Another thing is dreams with content and vivid visions. An important role in the interpretation is assigned to the associative series. In dream books they collect interpretations that have been tested for centuries, which were used by our ancestors. You should not literally take every meaning - the secret of sleep lies in the person himself. The subconscious mind will indicate the correct path to the knowledge of night symbols - you just need to ask.

How to interpret a dream from Sunday to Monday?

The external surroundings of sleep may not correspond to the interpretation. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, made a great contribution to the methods of interpreting dreams. He suggested the following method of clarifying the meaning of visions. The dreamer was asked questions about the first emerging associations on the topic of sleep. Freud saw night images as a kind of cipher that hides the secret desires of a person. All people have similar visions, combined in different ways. The collective unconscious equally turns hidden thoughts into a dream of every person. Thus, the possibility of interpreting dreams and knowing oneself appeared. Depending on the time of sleep, the solution to dreams may differ:

1. Sleep from Sunday to Monday from 10 pm to 2 am often becomes prophetic. Only individual elements can be prophetic. Usually these are memorable vivid dreams, and the dreamer is in the center of events. Such dreams have a good meaning.

2. Dreams from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. prophesy about events that will happen at the end of the week. At this time, the dreamer is visited by chaotic inconsistent images. Such visions promise anxiety and bad omens.

3. Monday morning dreams only partially come true. Visions at this time will quickly be forgotten if you do not write down the contents in a diary. Come true either on the same day or never. The meaning of such dreams is a joyful event.

Regardless of the time of day, the interpretation of sleep requires a detailed analysis of individual visions. Taken together, the interpretation can be misleading. You should also pay attention to the emotional load of the dream from Sunday to Monday. A hard day at work will provoke sad dreams and vice versa.

Why dream from Sunday to Monday?

Dreams before the start of a new week have different interpretations depending on what they see. Dreams at this time predict both good and bad events. To analyze each night vision, break the plot into separate parts. Of greater importance are those periods that are remembered most vividly. Let us consider in more detail the interpretation of each symbol.

Dreams about love, wedding

For unmarried girls and unmarried guys, love-themed dreams on Monday night portend a meeting with a bright person. A new acquaintance will turn the dreamer's life upside down. But not the fact that he will become a real lover. Lunar dreams portend flirting, not a serious relationship.

Quarrel in a dream with a loved one to conflicts in reality. Remember the emotions shown by the other half in what you see. These are the feelings that the partner is experiencing at the moment.

For a girl to meet a young man in a dream is a symbol of the seriousness of the relationship. The young man is in the mood for wedding preparations. In night dreams, seeing the former is a real meeting. Hugging a guy in a dream that you really like is a sign of separation. A guy sees a girl in a dream - it's time to take relations with a partner to a new level.

To become a participant in a wedding in a dream - unmarried portends the beginning of a serious relationship. But for real spouses, such a vision promises separation or a major quarrel with the other half.

Images of wedding events in which the one who sleeps play the leading role have a different meaning. Caught in a dream from Sunday to Monday as a bride or groom, he subconsciously desires thrills and new adventures. The subconscious mind warns of rash actions that will bring conflict with a loved one.

Dreams about work

Dreaming of a working environment and swearing with colleagues is not a good sign. In real life, a dream portends a collision with intriguers and conflicts with people. The reputation of the dreamer may be in jeopardy. You should be wary of gossip at work and fatal mistakes.

A calm working day, on the contrary, promises a promotion. The merits of a person will be marked with an appropriate award. For the unemployed, such night dreams from Sunday to Monday promise a good position.

Getting a job in a dream from Sunday to Monday is a hidden desire to change the current state of affairs. In the future, fate will provide such a chance.

Dreaming of travel, entertainment

A dream about fun entertainment is a signal from the subconscious. It is necessary to reduce the rapid pace of life. It's time to take time for family and relax. For those born on Monday, a dream portends a trip on vacation on vacation. For the rest, such images are a guide to action.

For a woman, a dream about entertainment predicts an improvement in well-being. For young people, dreams about dancing with music speak of true friends nearby.

Going on a long journey in a dream portends news from relatives. Going on the road means bringing long-conceived ideas to life. Traveling by ship is a good sign. Such a dream promises the onset of a happy time in life.

Set off by train - anxiety and conflicts with casual acquaintances. Riding the subway - the subconscious mind reminds a person of practicality.

Dreaming of emotions

To experience strong emotional arousal in dreams from Sunday to Monday is a manifestation of hidden feelings. Strong sobs in a dream can portend great joy and laughter. Crying from the loss of a loved one - the subconscious mind raises the fear of losing loved ones.

To rejoice at something new in a dream - in reality, a successful finale of the work begun earlier awaits a person. Uncontrolled emotions in a dream can be a reflection of real feelings - in this case, the images are not taken into account.

A nightmare with an escape from a monster and tears of fear is interpreted as a desire to hide from difficult duties. To experience the joy of defeating a monster in a dream - in real life, having a dream will be able to perform the assigned work at the highest level.

A strong fear in a dream indicates a misunderstanding in the family. Some households weave intrigues against a person.

The dead are dreaming

On the night from Sunday to Monday, deceased relatives or acquaintances may dream. Such images are a harbinger of a change in the weather. Listening to the words of familiar dead people, you can hear a prediction about your future.

Seeing a living person dead in a depressive dream is a disease of this person. A person is sick and appeared in a dream as a dead man - to a speedy recovery. The image of the deceased that arose in the vision can be a reflection of the attitude of the person. People often see ill-wishers and an evil boss in this form.

A dead brother is dreaming in a coffin - the need of some people for the help of a dreamer. Kissing a deceased relative on the forehead is a good sign. Sleep marks a victory over fears. The dead rising from the burial predict the impact of a bad influence on a person. Receive a gift from the deceased on the night from Sunday to Monday - to make a profit. Giving something to the dead is a financial loss.

Other frequent dreams

In a dream, to see your own reflection or meet a double - important events are expected. Remember the clothes and external data of the image - they will help interpret the nature of the coming changes. Seeing yourself naked is a manifestation of complexes and social phobia. Rethink your relationship with others. The man was dressed in high-quality and expensive robes - reality promises wealth and prosperity. Worn out clothes with holes promise poverty. Among other interpretations, the following are interesting:

1. The image of fire - predicts low-paid and difficult work. Seeing volcanoes in a dream, burning flames, falling meteorites also promises household chores. A person will have to deal with all this on their own.

2. Face visions of snow, ice and cold - to stagnation in all areas of life. Postponing work today, the dreamer will lose a lot later.

3. To see a stormy sea, ocean or river on the night from Sunday to Monday - to confrontation. Clean water promises victory to the dreamer, while dirty and muddy water is a symbol of problems and unpleasant consequences.

4. To be surprised in a dream from Sunday to Monday - an important event is expected. For an unmarried girl, this portends a wedding. To experience indifference to others is to receive a useful gift in the near future.

5. On Monday night, to see yourself older than your years - the dreamer has accumulated enough experience and knowledge. It's time to use them to achieve success. In a dream, seeing yourself as a child is a dangerous omen. In life, there will be a meeting with a two-faced person. A new acquaintance will want to deceive a person and he will almost succeed.

6. For a young girl to see the image of herself in the mirror of a pregnant woman is a bad sign. Such a dream promises a threat to reputation. Someone in the environment spreads groundless gossip about the dreamer.

7. Dreamed domestic or wild animals are a reflection of the inner qualities of the dreamer or the people around him. A person should unravel who the subconscious mind has hidden under the mask of an animal or a bird. Sheep and cows grazing in the meadow also portend a peaceful life and prosperity. The attacking animal speaks of remorse. Shearing a sheep is a big profit. The wolf symbolizes loneliness, the fox - the deceit of hidden enemies.

8. In dreams on the night from Sunday to Monday, there is an image of the house. It is a reflection of the inner world. The most noticeable details of the structure are the characteristic features of a person. To see the house of your childhood is to feel the need to return to the old ideals and principles. A destroyed home is a symbol of depression and anxiety.

Dreams are the gateway to another world. All sorts of magicians and soothsayers, spiritual teachers and their students talk about this. Esoteric teachings, which are based around such an important process as a dream, believe that this is a way to discover the future, communicate with the spirits of ancestors and the cosmos as a whole. There is a whole theory of lucid dreams - a teaching that helps to model your dreams, through them to receive information about the world and about yourself in the world.

What does sleep from Sunday to Monday mean from the point of view of this practice? Every day of the week, the doctrine of lucid visions gives its heavenly patron. For Sunday it is the Sun. A star symbolizing the creative principle, the cosmos and its wisdom, creativity and renewal. But Monday is patronized by the Moon, and it is insidious and changeable, during the month it changes its appearance more than once. Therefore, Monday is deservedly considered a hard, two-faced day, when it is better not to start a new one, not to start complicated and difficult things. On this day, you should not repay debts and lend, talk about your plans, and also mention In the combination that these heavenly bodies give, the truth is born: what does a dream promise from Sunday to Monday.

If the vision was clear, logical and very colorful, then most likely it means that in the future the events from it will be connected with you and your household chores. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that there are many household chores and work to improve your nest ahead.

When will that which dreams from Sunday to Monday come true? If you look at your favorite magic symbol - a seven-pointed star, then you can connect its tops to each other. Then the Moon, patronizing Monday, will be in conjunction with Jupiter and Venus, whose day is Thursday. That is, you should wait for events from sleep no earlier than Thursday.

And also a dream from Sunday to Monday is an indicator of what really occupies your thoughts, even if you yourself do not know about it. Therefore, the events from this vision should be given increased attention, thought through and understood what exactly they tried to convey to your knowledge with their images that happened in a dream.

Young unmarried girls should especially carefully interpret dreams from Sunday to Monday. According to many beliefs, if such a young lady performs a certain magical ritual the day before, then that night she will be able to face her fate and see her betrothed in a dream.

If a dream from Sunday to Monday broadcasts bad prospects, you need to help it not come true. To do this, unlike dreams on weekends, which, on the contrary, need to be told to everyone in order to dispel, after the night of the beginning of a new week, you need to hide the events from the vision in yourself for as long as possible. Also, running water will act as an assistant in dispelling such a dream. To do this, you need to hold your palms in it and, while it flows, tell her a dream in a whisper, so that it will be carried away along with the stream.

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