Lotus in cosmetology. Lotus oil and its beneficial properties. Rules for the use of lotus extract

The beautiful lotus flower has been known in the East since ancient times as a magnificent healing plant. Since ancient times, this plant has been used in oriental medicine and cosmetology, and all parts of the plant were valued, from delicate flowers and seeds to lotus roots. In ancient China, white lotus was considered the most valuable cosmetic ingredient, noble oriental beauties were ready to part with a fortune for the opportunity to use lotus-based drugs.

The composition and properties of the lotus

Lotus extract is rich in biologically active substances, including several types of flavonoids, such as nelumboside, quartzetin, isoquarcetin and others, as well as leucoanthocyanides, alkaloids, organic acids, fats, peptides and carbohydrates.

Lotus has a pronounced softening and moisturizing effect, its extract effectively soothes and refreshes the skin, improves blood microcirculation, stimulates cell activity, perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin.

Lotus oil deeply moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, slows down the aging process, tones the skin, makes it more elastic and supple. Lotus oil stimulates skin regeneration, soothes sensitive skin, relieves irritation and inflammation, helps narrow pores, and treats acne. This miracle cure also effectively relieves itching and heals the skin.

Lotus in cosmetology

In modern cosmetology, lotus oil and extract are used to create cosmetic products designed to care for different skin types. In the composition of cosmetics lotus:

  • Purifies and whitens the skin;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • Soothes and relieves irritation;
  • Tones and strengthens the skin;
  • Smoothes wrinkles and slows down the aging process;
  • Softens the skin and makes it more elastic;
  • Eliminates acne and heals damaged skin;
  • Relieves inflammation and soothes itching;
  • Gives the skin a healthy color;
  • Gives hair shine and strength.

Lotus-based preparations are suitable for daily care of problematic and oily skin, have a calming effect on sensitive skin, restore the tone of tired skin and fight the signs of aging of fading skin.

I will tell you about the little-known blue lotus essential oil.

The blue lotus is native to the Egyptian Nile River. A beautiful plant looks like a flower with pointed rounded petals and leaves covered with specks.

Being a symbol of many ancient cultures, the lotus has always personified purity, peace, rebirth, beauty and fertility.

An interesting fact is that the lotus has the unique ability to change its color depending on the season.

Lotus essential oil is obtained from the petals of the plant. For the production of just one milliliter of natural oil in the best laboratories in the world, experts process more than one hundred kilograms of this plant.

The miraculous abilities of lotus oil have been known since ancient times.

The ancient Italians and Chinese used lotus oil, the properties of which allowed them to solve such health problems as:

The ancient Chinese used the blue lotus as a hemostatic agent.

Very well, he made up for the lack of vitamin B1.

In addition, the healing lotus oil showed its properties in the prevention of bile spills.

Its benefit lies in the fact that the tonic aroma of blue lotus essential oil quickly relieves the feeling of fatigue, filling the body with vigor. Therefore, it can be used in

What else is good about lotus essential oil is that it is an effective universal remedy with which you can take care of any skin, regardless of its type.

The unique properties of the plant activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, preventing aging and fading of the skin.

Lotus oil - use in cosmetic, perfumery and magical purposes

In a drug such as lotus oil, the use is not limited to medical purposes alone. Today, as one of the main components, it is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery.

Beauticians give their preferences to him due to the cleansing, moisturizing, refreshing, stimulating and smoothing effect on the skin.

Increasing elasticity and tone, restoring the elasticity of aging skin, regenerating skin cells and soothing sensitive and irritated skin - the list of all the benefits that lotus essential oil has can be continued indefinitely.

Almost all cosmetic preparations containing this component in their composition relieve inflammation on the skin and reduce itching, have a strong astringent effect and solve the problems of oily and combination skin.

Lotus oil is able to narrow pores, eliminate acne and slow down the aging process of the skin.

Lotus oil has also found its use as a means necessary for conducting magical rituals.

Meditation, anointing, blessing, rituals of healing and initiation to deities - here you can’t do without lotus oil.

To protect against dark forces, attract good luck and enhance attractiveness, blue lotus oil is simply applied drop by drop to three points - the center of the forehead and behind both ears, forming a so-called triangle, the top of which is directed upwards.

If you add a drop of lotus oil to the aroma pendant and constantly carry it with you, you can not only protect yourself from the negative effects of someone else's energy, but even remove the evil eye and damage.

As a strong female aphrodisiac, lotus essential oil effectively enhances a woman's attractiveness in the eyes of a man by attracting opposites to each other and inducing sexual attraction.

How to use lotus oil at home? What cosmetics can be prepared from it with your own hands?

  • Lotus scrub can be prepared according to the following recipe. 2 tablespoons of rice powder are ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with 1 teaspoon of cream. 2 drops of lotus oil are also added there. The resulting scrub cleanses the face and neck.
  • A rejuvenating mask is prepared by mixing the following ingredients: lotus and lemon oil (2 drops each), 3 drops of orchid oil and 1 teaspoon. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and slightly heated in a water bath. The resulting oil mixture is applied to the skin of the face with massage movements. After keeping the product for 15 minutes, its residues are removed with a napkin.
  • The lotus mask, the recipe of which has come down to the present day from the time of Cleopatra, is prepared by mixing ingredients such as: 1 teaspoon of lotus oil, 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting product is applied to the skin of the face in a thick layer, while avoiding the areas around the eyes and mouth. The mask is kept for 20 minutes, and washed off with warm water. Such a simple but effective procedure will be enough to solve the problems of fading and wrinkle-prone skin.

And how to use lotus oil for perfume? In industrial perfumery, a huge number of perfumes are produced using lotus oil.

Perfumes prepared at home will also exude pleasant aromas and have a positive effect on the psyche and human health.

They are prepared simply by mixing 10-20 drops of lotus oil with 10 drops of jojoba oil. Do this in a glass or ceramic dish, because it does not oxidize. If oils are mixed in containers made of other materials, the aroma will be distorted as a result of the oxidation process.

Apply the product to the back of your hand and smell it. Like? Incorporate heart and top notes represented by essential oils from other plants.

All components must be mixed very carefully. If it suddenly turns out that any of the smells is heard stronger than the others, the resulting perfume must be diluted either with one of the oils that you like more, or

Lotus oil has also been used for massage. The product is prepared in a ratio of 2% lotus oil to 98% sunflower or. To prepare a relaxing bath, add 5 drops of oil to the water. Spending 20 minutes in such a bath will be enough to feel a surge of strength and energy.

Contraindications to the use of essential lotus oil

Are there any contraindications to the use of lotus oil? This phenomenon has not yet been fully studied by official medicine, however

  • one thing is certain - it should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • It is also possible the occurrence of an allergic reaction on the skin in case of individual intolerance to individual components of the plant. What else is undesirable to do is to use lotus essential oil undiluted.
  • Children should not use it either.
  • If it became necessary to use this drug, it should not be allowed to enter the mucous membranes.

In any case, the use of lotus oil for medicinal purposes should be preceded by a medical consultation.

One of the most popular beauty products for Oriental beauties is lotus essential oil. This magical remedy has incredible anti-aging properties. In many religions, this flower has become a symbol of purity and chastity, light and love. The plant itself is very delicate and fragile, its cultivation requires a lot of work. This large flower with a pleasant mild scent is rich in active substances such as flavonoids and alkaloids. The former are natural antioxidants, and also have an antimicrobial effect, the latter contribute to the regulation of metabolic processes.

The healing and cosmetic properties of the lotus have been known for a very long time, and the whole flower is beneficial: stems, roots, petals. It is impossible not to take advantage of this gift of nature, so we invite you to get acquainted with some of the properties and methods of using the extract of this plant.

Various uses of the healing lotus

The oil of this beautiful flower is the oldest substance extracted from the petals of an Egyptian plant. It is used as a relaxant, as a massage oil to relieve tension. The liquid has a pleasant floral aroma and a light yellowish color.

  1. In aromatherapy, lotus oil is used to awaken consciousness, increase vitality, relieve stress and anxiety. The magical aroma cleanses thoughts of negativity and uplifts the spirit, gives joy and freshness, stimulates intuition. In esotericism, ether is used as an aphrodisiac, to harmonize sexuality, and also to remove the evil eye.
  2. Lotus oil is widely used in cosmetology due to its magical effect on combination and oily skin. It perfectly cleanses, moisturizes and refreshes, improves elasticity, smoothes and has a matting effect. Tones up and slows down the aging process of fading tissue, smoothes fine wrinkles, making the skin smooth and fresh.
  3. The properties of the oil depend on the type of plant. Blue lotus clears the mind of negative thoughts. Snow has a very volatile aroma, which has a special emotional impact - it creates a feeling of joy.

Lotus oil has found application in medicine, it soothes irritations, eliminates itching and inflammation. But remember that when applying, you need to dilute the ether in a small amount of base oil.

The effect of lotus oil on the skin and hair

Lotus oil has great benefits for hair. It prevents hair loss, strengthens follicles, eliminates dandruff and irritation of the scalp. The structure of the hair is smoothed, the curls acquire density and shine, combing and styling is facilitated.

  1. The oil is well absorbed, does not leave greasy shine and does not clog pores. Due to its light texture, it is suitable for all skin types, but especially for sensitive ones.
  2. The ether can also be used for thin and delicate skin around the eyes, just add a drop to the eyelid compress or make-up remover milk. With the help of lotus, owners of oily and combination skin normalize metabolic processes in all layers of the epidermis. This will make the skin smooth, the pores narrow, and the color even and matte.
  3. To enhance the aroma and cosmetic result, the oil must be mixed with a base, for example, sandalwood extract. For massage - with olive or linseed oil. Pure ether can be added to the bath, 5-6 drops are enough.

Lotus oil is a great way to enrich store-bought skin care products and can even be used on delicate eyelids. To do this, you just need to add 2-3 drops to a serving of cream, milk or lotion. In the same way, you can improve any other cosmetic products: hair balms and shampoos, body lotions, shower gels. For aromatherapy, you need to add a few drops of oil to the lamp, it will fill the room with an unobtrusive attractive smell.

Rules for the use of lotus extract

Even the most harmless at first glance, a plant or fruit can cause not the most pleasant reactions. Of course, do not forget that lotus oil must be tested on the crook of the elbow or wrist. If after a couple of hours redness and irritation do not appear at the site of application, you can safely use the product.

  1. However, even if you are not allergic, do not apply pure oil to your skin. Be sure to dilute it with a base, cream or water, otherwise, at best, you will dry out the skin, at worst, you will earn a chemical burn. Remember: the benefit is hidden in moderation and caution.!
  2. Also, lotus oil is not recommended for pregnant women: because of the smell, although not sharp, it can make you dizzy.
  3. Of course, it is worth mentioning the most significant rule - regularity. The remedy you have chosen will give the best effect if you use it regularly: if not every day, then 2-3 times a week for a month.

Luxurious oil gently treats the skin, making it soft, beautiful and healthy. The aroma of this extract will not leave you indifferent: on the contrary, it will cause only the brightest and most positive emotions. Why not experience it for yourself? In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video, the author of which will talk about his facial care and share his impressions of using lotus extract.

The essential oil from this plant is widely used today for cosmetic purposes. Massage is done with it and aromatizes the premises.

We will learn in more detail how the lotus grows, what are its useful properties, are there any contraindications for use, and also how to use it.


The plant has large leaves, beautiful flowers with yellow stamens and a very pleasant smell. Growing it artificially is an extremely difficult task. All labor must be manual. After all, a tender lotus needs care and warmth.


Fascinating flowers have a different, but always attractive color. Their diameter sometimes reaches thirty centimeters. In addition to their beautiful shape, they have a surprisingly delicate aroma, thanks to which the petals are often added to teas.

To obtain a healing effect, the collection must be made before dawn. It is at this time that they smell the most. If you pick a flower and damage the plant, its healing effect may be lost. Lotus oil is obtained from the petals of these incredibly vibrant plants.


These parts of plants contain very valuable substances for humans, such as flavonoids, alkaloids and others. Together with other medicinal herbs, they are used as a tonic, diuretic, antiseptic and hemostatic agent.

The main property of the leaves is to lower the level of lipids in the blood, rejuvenate the body, soothe and relieve spasms, swelling, and also put the heart rhythm in order.


The seeds are one of the most beneficial parts of the whole plant. In Chinese folk medicine, they find a wide variety of applications: they treat problems of the cardiovascular, central nervous system, fight insomnia and help recover from severe psychological stress.

Using seeds in cooking, it is possible to strengthen the immune system, intestines, kidneys, heart and reproductive organs.


In addition to a pleasant taste, a decoction of the roots is effective as a sedative, antipyretic and antiseptic. Gonorrhea, diseases of the liver and kidneys, spleen, dysentery and beriberi - these are just a small part of the list of diseases that the lotus can treat (the photo below illustrates all parts of the plant).

In the Far East, they were treated with pneumonia and bronchial asthma, and the Japanese used the root to save them from the bites of poisonous insects.

He was recognized even in official medicine and included in the composition of many drugs.

White, red, blue lotus

The white flower can be found in Mexico, Brazil and Guatemala. This is a water lily with a strong root and stems up to thirty centimeters long.

The red lotus, the photo of which you see below, is the emblem of modern India. It contains a huge variety of vitamins and nutrients. It has a rejuvenating effect and helps metabolic processes, as well as the work of the liver and pancreas.

The blue lotus grows in India, Thailand and East Africa. Perfumes have been made on its basis since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, it was often used in various rituals.

It is interesting that in Russia this kind of flower is classified as a prohibited drug, classified as a narcotic. The psychotropic effect on human consciousness has been proven. But in Eastern medicine, blue lotus is traditionally added to dry red wine and medicinal teas are made from it.

There are other types of this flower, for example, nut-bearing, American yellow or five-petalled.

lotus oil

Oil is obtained from all three petals of a beautiful plant. They differ not only in color, but also in smell. Lotus essential oil may seem the same at first. But each of the flowers is produced in a different place on Earth and has different flavor notes.

Lotus oil for Hindus is sacred. They are sure that thanks to him the mind clears up, the heart opens to unconditional love, and a person begins to flourish. It softens, soothes and moisturizes the skin, giving it elasticity and rejuvenation.

Since ancient times, lotus oil has been used in folk medicine. For treatment, couples with the scent of a flower were often used. They relieved pain and cramps, treated hemorrhoids and diarrhea, restored cardiac activity, relieved stress and depression.

Useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties are manifested depending on the substances that make up the plant. White, red and blue lotus have different properties. The nut-bearing species can be eaten, but in Russia it is listed in the Red Book and it is not so easy to get it. But residents in many Asian countries, Australia and New Guinea cannot imagine a daily diet without a lotus.

When choosing a remedy for treatment, it is necessary to be interested in the place where the flower is grown. Egyptian oil is considered one of the highest quality of all. There is a floral and slightly exotic aroma. The oil is clear, with a light yellow tint.

Official science has not studied what contraindications the plant may have. As a general rule, it is forbidden to take it to pregnant women and mothers during lactation. It is also undesirable for children. Lotus can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the oil should only be used diluted. Try to avoid contact with mucous membranes. Before you start using, you should consult with a specialist.


The lotus is often referred to as a sacred plant. It represents natural purity. Despite the fact that the roots are in the mud, the flowers are located above the water, delicate and clean. Inhaling healing aromas, a person seems to protect himself from dirty fuss and gain inner independence. In addition to the floral smell, notes of spicy herbs and even a honey hue, lotus oil has.

The application, of course, should not be carried out in a concentrated form. It is diluted in water or used in combination with other oils such as sandalwood, neroli, cinnamon.

The aroma of this wonderful flower does not show itself immediately. At first, a slightly watery and earthy smell will be felt, changing to an unusually subtle aroma. So you can easily distinguish the original from fakes.

To achieve serenity, add to the aroma lamp. Inhaling the aroma, however, is possible not only for meditation, but also in the treatment of the respiratory tract, asthma, etc. The lungs open, and the body completely relaxes. Breathing should be slow and deep. Concentration of attention occurs in an enhanced mode, and the mind is synchronized with the body.

In addition to its wide use in aromatherapy, it is often added to massages. The concentration should not exceed 2%. To take a bath, a few drops are added to the emulsifier and mixed in water. This procedure will give a great relaxing effect.

Lotus oil for the face will also soothe the skin, relieve irritation and itching. Most often it is used to care for oily and mixed skin types. It not only perfectly cleanses, but also moisturizes the skin, refreshes and restores tone.

Usually lotus is mixed with lotions, creams and other skin care products. Thus, the effect of the action of cosmetics is enhanced. But the addition should be carried out immediately before application.

The stimulating action starts the process at the cellular level, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes the skin.

If you have nervous tension, stress, or even more depression, lotus oil will show its properties beneficially and help you cope with difficult conditions.

In addition to using oil, tea made from the petals and stamens of the plant is often drunk. It must be done in compliance with all the rules so that the beneficial properties are preserved.

Nut-bearing lotus is the most revered flower in the countries of Asia and the East. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans considered it sacred. According to the myth, the plant appeared from the unrequited love of a water nymph for Hercules. Existing species are American yellow, Nile white, oriental red, nut-bearing (pink lotus).

Nut-bearing lotus - description

To recognize this beautiful plant, you will need a description of the nut-bearing or nut-shaped lotus:

  • the Latin name is Nelumbonucifera. The flower of the gods, a symbol of purity and wisdom.
  • Lotus family.
  • A perennial herbaceous amphibian plant - a native of Asian countries with a tropical climate: India, Japan, China. In Russia, it can grow in the Far East.
  • It has dense dark green large leaves, reaching a diameter of up to 1/2 meter. The plant has a long spiny stalk. A pink flower appears on the pedicel in July-August. The root is large, branched, overgrown. The fruit ripens in a box.
  • The Far Eastern walnut variety of the flower is an endangered species that had to be listed in the Red Book of Russia.

What does a lotus look like

The plant is very similar in shape to a water lily, but only very large. It has beautiful large, floating leaves and a huge stem. Pink flowers can be up to 30 cm in diameter. A dense, flat and fleshy petal has a rough surface. Thanks to this, the plant always manages to look clean in numerous photos - the water simply rolls off the leaf, taking away all the dust and dirt. A flower grown on muddy soil represents purity.

The nut-bearing lotus plant has a powerful rhizome. The foliage rises above the water with dense blades or lies on the surface. The plant is covered with a wax coating, this is the secret of purity. Especially interesting are the seeds that can be stored for a very long time. In appearance, they resemble dark olives the size of a hazelnut in a strong peel. The strength of the seed is important for long-term storage. There are cases when scientists found a fruit-box more than 1000 years old, and nuts sprouted.

When the lotus blooms

The lotus blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The peak falls on the end of July - the beginning of August. You can see this spectacle in the photo or by going to the Astrakhan colonies, where the flower (Astrakhan) breeds. The largest plantations of these plants are located in the Caspian Sea, in the delta of the Volga River. Entire excursions come to look at the colorful flowering - tourists really like the colonies of flowers on the water. An interesting fact: one bud from birth to wilting lives only three days.

Nut lotus species

On the territory of Russia there is not the only variety of this plant. There are such types of lotuses:

  1. Caspian. The flower grows near the Volga delta. It differs from the Asian species in that it is smaller in size and resistant to cold.
  2. Far Eastern. The flower grows in the Far East. Hardy to cold, but dies with strong freezing of the soil.
  3. American. The plant is native to South America. Flowers are yellow. Thanks to cultivation, it has spread widely throughout Russia.

Where the lotus grows

The lotus plant grows in sedentary muddy waters, which warm up well, is the property of temperate tropical climate zones. Partially propagated by a knotty rhizome. A positive temperature is necessary for the population, and so that the reservoir is not subjected to freezing. Heat is one of the conditions for the preservation of a relic species. The genus could cease to exist if it were not for the efforts of people to preserve this flower. For Russia, the plant is an ornament of the Far East. Residents of other regions of the country can see the flower only in the photo.

How to grow a lotus at home

It is quite a feasible task to grow a lotus at home. For this, certain conditions must be created. The algorithm for growing a flower from a seed is as follows:

  • To open the shell, you can use sandpaper and a file. The top should be filed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the seed.
  • After a seed is visible in a small sawn hole, the nut is placed in a small transparent vessel with water. It needs to be changed every day.
  • After two or three weeks, the first shoots will appear, which after a while will turn into long stems with leaves.
  • As soon as the roots grow, it's time to transplant the plant. Seedlings need a special soil (a mixture of sand, peat and black soil), which is placed at the bottom of the pot with holes.
  • Plant the sprouts loosely on the surface, straighten the leaves.
  • Prepare a large aquarium. Place a pot of seedlings on the bottom and fill with water so that the leaves can be on the surface. This is necessary so that the plant begins to grow and bloom, to prevent decay.
  • Do not forget about lighting - the flower loves a lot of light.

lotus breeding

In place of the flower, a fruit appears - a kind of cone basket. Up to twenty seeds "sit" in the cells, similar to hard, brown nuts in a dense shell. When ripe, the fruits fall out of the basket into the pond. Propagation of lotus seeds takes time. The relict population is restored mainly by replanting the rhizome. The shell of nuts is so strong that even in favorable conditions, the seed can lie dormant for a long time.

lotus properties

Nut-bearing lotus has a number of useful properties. The plant contains flavonoids, which can improve the functioning of many human organs, it is used to treat a number of diseases. The beneficial properties of the lotus can be briefly listed, it has:

  • diuretic action;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • antispasmodic;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • wound healing.

Lotus flower

Lotus flowers rise on tall, fleshy cuttings above the pond more than a meter. Bright petals quickly change their color during the day (from raspberry to pale pink). The plant is very fond of sunlight and blooms with sunrise. The flower is extremely beautiful, exudes a pleasant aroma. In the fruit box (similar to the bell of a watering can), seeds ripen. Nuts fall to the bottom of the reservoir, where they are stored under a layer of silt.

Lotus leaf - properties

A beautiful plant has green leaves up to 40-50 cm in diameter, which effectively lie on the surface of the water. The medicinal properties of lotus leaves have been known since antiquity and are widely used by healers. The beneficial substances contained in the lotus have an antiseptic effect, increase blood clotting, relieve convulsions, and the decoction heals wounds. The leaves are harvested during the summer, cut into small pieces and dried. Prepare decoctions, teas and tinctures, make powders and add to food.

Lotus fruits - useful properties

Lotus seeds are the most useful part of the plant (they treat heart disease, decoctions can remove the feeling of fear, relieve insomnia). Traditional medicine is full of descriptions of recipes on how to prepare infusions from liver ailments, intestinal disorders, stomach infections with the help of fruits. Information from Eastern treatises will tell you how to cure pneumonia, asthma, ulcers. There are no diseases that would not be covered by a wide spectrum of action of seeds.

Lotus application

Indian healers believed that with the help of this flower you can get a person out of depression. At all times, the plant was used as a cosmetic product. A mixture of finely chopped petals and plant oil smoothed the skin of the face and returned youth. Seeds, nuts and lotus root were eaten by many peoples. Where is the lotus used in the modern world:

  1. The medicine. The flower has many useful components. Tannic, antiseptic, astringent, wound healing, diuretic properties have made this plant indispensable in pharmaceuticals.
  2. Cooking. Leaf powder is used as a fragrant seasoning.
  3. Religion. It is believed in many cultures to be a powerful soul cleanser. The energy of a flower is able to defeat witchcraft.
  4. Cosmetology. Many skin and hair care products contain various extracts from the plant.

Application of lotus oil

Lotus oil is widely used in cosmetology. Get a magic elixir from the flowers collected before dawn. When harvesting, it is important not to damage the plant, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. The oil has a rejuvenating, smoothing and regenerating effect, is included in many creams and face masks. Massages and body wraps are popular.

Lotus in cooking

Oriental people have come up with many options for eating the plant. All parts are suitable for culinary processing - starch, sugar, butter are extracted from it, flour is made. The preparation of the lotus root is a real art, this delicacy is served as a side dish, and lovers of sweets make marmalade from the roots. Nuts are especially considered tasty - they are eaten fresh or caramelized.

Lotus in medicine

The properties of the lotus medicinal nut-bearing medicine have been known since ancient times. The Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans greatly revered this flower. Lotus in folk medicine has found wide application. Medicinal properties allow it to be used in such cases:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver;
  • indispensable plant for heart ailments;
  • skin diseases, snake bites and long healing wounds;
  • decoctions of seeds relieve anxiety;
  • tea is saved from insomnia;
  • decoctions of the stems are used by gynecology;
  • a drink is made from the rhizome, useful for neurosis, convulsions;
  • some species are able to fight cancerous tumors;
  • the aroma of a flower gently removes from deep depression, raises the tone of mental strength;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Video: signs of a walnut lotus

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