Treatment of linear pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies. Pneumofibrosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis

Abnormal growth of lung tissues as a result of an inflammatory process or adverse conditions causes pulmonary fibrosis. This disease is divided into:

  • local (focal), affecting a specific area of ​​the lung;
  • diffuse pneumofibrosis, in which one or both lungs are completely affected.

Principles of treatment of pneumofibrosis

It should be noted that this disease cannot be completely cured, since in any case, active cells remain, which, when “favorable” conditions are created, can again provoke fibrosis. Therefore, it is important to have regular check-ups and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis begins with the elimination of the cause that caused it. If the cause is external factors (smoking, harmful working conditions, etc.), then you have to get rid of bad habits and change your place of work. In cases where tissue proliferation occurs as a result of an inflammatory process or against its background, then the treatment of cause and effect is carried out in parallel.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis includes an increase in physical activity. Sports activities, outdoor walks are recommended. For the treatment of pneumofibrosis with folk remedies, it is especially important to use breathing exercises. With its regular performance, gas exchange in the lungs, their ventilation and oxygen saturation improves.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies will enhance the effectiveness of traditional methods and will have a supportive effect on the body in the future.

Recipes for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies

Healing decoction:

  1. Take two hundred grams and elecampane, one hundred grams of hawthorn, wild rose and blue cyanosis roots, fifty grams of ephedra two-eared.
  2. Grind all ingredients and mix.
  3. To prepare a decoction, pour one or two tablespoons of this mixture with a glass of water and boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Then let it brew for an hour.

A decoction of a quarter cup is taken during the day.

You can also prepare a mixture of birch leaves and thyme (one hundred grams each), oregano (two hundred grams) and ephedra (50 grams). The preparation and use of this collection is the same as in the first recipe.

Creeping infusion proved its effectiveness in the treatment of pneumofibrosis. For this:

  1. A tablespoon of grass is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left overnight in a thermos.
  2. The infusion is filtered and drunk throughout the day.

Pneumofibrosis is the proliferation of connective tissue in the lungs, which occurs under the influence of a dystrophic or inflammatory process. Pneumofibrosis of the lungs leads to a violation of their elasticity and insufficiency of gas exchange functions of the affected areas.

Types and causes of pneumofibrosis

According to the prevalence, the disease is divided into diffuse pneumofibrosis and local (limited).

Pulmonary fibrosis local is a dense area of ​​lung tissue. At the same time, the volume of the affected lung is reduced. With diffuse pneumofibrosis, the lungs are reduced in volume, dense. The normal structure of the lungs is lost.

Limited pneumofibrosis does not affect the mechanical properties of the lungs and their gas exchange functions too much. But with diffuse disease, normal ventilation of the lungs is significantly reduced.

As a rule, pneumofibrosis is a consequence of various lung diseases, namely:

  • chronic obstructive diseases;
  • invasive and infectious diseases (pneumonia, including those that have arisen after syphilis, tuberculosis, mycoses, etc.);
  • diseases arising from exposure to the body of gases of industrial origin and aggressive dust, inhalation of various toxic substances;
  • hereditary lung diseases.

Often, pulmonary fibrosis is a consequence of exposure to toxic drugs or ionizing radiation.

Symptoms of pneumofibrosis

Localized pneumofibrosis may be asymptomatic.

The main symptom of diffuse pneumofibrosis is shortness of breath, which tends to progress over time. Often shortness of breath is accompanied by a strong dry cough, aggravated by intense breathing. Other symptoms of pneumofibrosis include general weakness of the body, aching pain in the sternum, weight loss, and a constant feeling of fatigue. If the patient's basal parts of the lungs are affected, then this leads to the formation of the so-called Hippocratic fingers.

In the later stages of the disease, patients experience the so-called squeaking in the lungs, similar in sound to rubbing a cork. This becomes especially noticeable on inspiration and over the area of ​​​​the anterior surface of the chest.

Diagnosis of pneumofibrosis

The main method of diagnosing this disease is an X-ray examination of the lungs. Only this study allows you to get the most objective idea of ​​changes in the lung tissue of a sclerotic nature and differentiate the diagnosis of pneumofibrosis from tumor lesions of the lungs.

To determine pneumofibrosis, the patient is prescribed an x-ray of the chest organs. Complementary investigations may include tomography and radiography. Of great importance in recent years in determining the state of the lung tissue is acquiring computed tomography.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

To date, there are no effective methods for the treatment of pneumofibrosis. With local pneumofibrosis without symptoms, as a rule, no therapeutic effect is applied at all. If local pneumofibrosis develops as a result of past destructive-inflammatory diseases and proceeds with periodic outbreaks of the infectious process, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs, as well as measures aimed at improving bronchial drainage.

Bronchological examination allows you to determine whether surgical intervention is advisable for the disease.

If the disease is extensive and caused by external factors, then the treatment of pneumofibrosis should first of all be aimed at eliminating the causes. If necessary, respiratory failure is also treated.

The prognosis of pneumofibrosis depends on various factors, including the complexity of the course of the disease. A decrease in lung size significantly aggravates respiratory failure, in some cases it can cause increased pressure in the pulmonary artery system and the development of cor pulmonale. A lethal outcome is possible if pneumofibrosis is complicated by a secondary infection or the development of tuberculosis.

Prevention of pneumofibrosis

The main method of prevention of pneumofibrosis is the timely detection and adequate treatment of those diseases that contribute to its development. When working with pneumotoxic substances, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety rules, to carry out regular monitoring aimed at identifying the pneumotoxic effect of various drugs. If any pathological changes are observed in the lungs, it is urgent to take measures aimed at eliminating them.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Pneumofibrosis is a disease in which connective tissue grows in the lung. Pathology occurs as a complication. Pneumofibrosis is classified as a pneumosclerotic disease along with cirrhosis of the lung.

During the formation of a "honeycomb lung", when small, cystic cavities form in the organ, the respiratory function is significantly reduced. If an infection joins the disease, then the death of the patient is possible.

In contact with



There are many factors that increase the risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis:

  • Transferred or existing diseases -, syphilis, organs of the respiratory system;
  • activities or living conditions associated with the constant inhalation of harmful gases, dust;
  • heredity;
  • chest injuries associated with damage to the respiratory organ;
  • stagnant processes;
  • ionizing radiation affecting the chest area;
  • taking drugs with a toxic effect;
  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of tissues.

The disease develops approximately according to this scenario.

In the bronchi, the outflow of secretion is disturbed and its accumulation occurs. These are favorable conditions for an increase in the number of pathogens. Also, due to inflammation and congestion, blood and lymph flow is disturbed. In a place where the flow of biological fluids is disturbed, connective tissue grows. It replaces the alveoli near itself.

The tissue of a healthy lung is elastic. Elasticity provides high intrapulmonary pressure, due to which the inner wall of the alveolus opens during inspiration. If the lung tissue is affected by fibrosis, then the pressure decreases, part of the alveoli does not open, and less oxygen enters.

When the disease progresses, the lung tissue gradually ceases to perform its function, which causes respiratory failure and disruption of gas exchange.


According to the volume of organ damage, local and diffuse pneumofibrosis are distinguished.

With local pneumofibrosis, individual sections of the lung are affected. The quality of life of the patient does not deteriorate much, since the loss of elasticity and tissue thickening are observed only in the affected area, the respiratory function worsens slightly.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis is much more dangerous. Then immediately in both lungs the tissue becomes denser and the volume of the organ decreases, the structure changes. The process proceeds quickly, the respiratory function weakens.

Both forms are characterized by a progressive and non-progressive stage. In the progressive stage, serious complications occur, up to abscesses. Exacerbations can disturb throughout the life of the patient. More favorable is the non-progressive stage, which proceeds practically without clinical manifestations. More chances for a mild course in people who follow a healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, the local form sometimes goes unnoticed. Symptoms usually appear if both lungs are affected.

The main symptom of pneumofibrosis is shortness of breath. In the initial stage, it appears from strong physical exertion, later - at rest. Other signs of illness:

  • Cough, with tenacious expectoration and pus;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • chest pain, especially when coughing;
  • weakness;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason.

In the later stages, the doctor detects wheezing in the lungs and a squeak on exhalation, which is especially well heard in front, in the upper part of the chest. The patient has swelling of the cervical veins. However, symptoms of the disease that provoked pneumofibrosis may appear.

How to treat the disease

Before prescribing therapy, an examination is carried out in order to establish a diagnosis. The main method of diagnosis is radiography. Additionally, bronchoscopy, assessment of respiratory function, general laboratory tests are performed. This set of studies also reveals the root cause of pulmonary fibrosis.

So far, there is no effective therapy against pneumofibrosis.

Pneumofibrosis without symptoms is not always treated with medication.

If the disease has not passed into the acute phase, treatment is carried out at home. The main task of therapeutic measures is to eliminate the cause of the disease. When the cause is the ingress of dust particles, other harmful substances, then, first of all, they stop contact with the provocateur of the disease. The patient is contraindicated excitement and stress.

If the cause is an infection, antibiotics are indicated depending on the pathogen. Supportive care is also prescribed.

Breathing exercises are useful, which helps to increase the functionality of the respiratory apparatus.

In advanced forms, surgical treatment is possible. After a course of therapy, the patient is registered with a pulmonologist for a year or more.

Treatment with folk remedies

Often, with pneumofibrosis, they resort to the help of traditional medicine. In mild forms, it is this treatment that becomes the main one. Use herbal decoctions and teas, lotions and warming.

Since ancient times, pine buds have been used for lung diseases. This valuable product contains many essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract - they help to expel sputum, destroy pathogenic microbes, and activate the secretory ability of the epithelium.

For a decoction, take 10 g of kidneys, pour a glass of water, and heat in a water bath for half an hour, leave for another 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk warm 3 times daily at a dose of 1 tablespoon.

Prevention methods

The main prevention of pneumofibrosis is smoking cessation, since it is the inhalation of toxic substances that are contained, among other things, in tobacco smoke, and the disease develops. It is important to treat respiratory diseases at the first symptoms. A healthy lifestyle will keep the immune system strong and strengthen the body.

When performing professional duties associated with risk factors, they use protective equipment - respirators.

Pneumofibrosis causes irreversible changes in lung tissue. Therefore, it cannot be completely cured. But the process can be slowed down. Therapy, which the doctor will prescribe after clarifying the diagnosis, is aimed at supporting the condition. It is important to take preventive measures.

Exercises for the prevention of lung diseases are shown in the video

In contact with

What is pulmonary fibrosis? Fibrosis is scarring; pulmonary fibrosis - irreversible formation and replacement of the lung parenchyma with fibrous tissue. Fibrosis of the lung always leads to impaired respiratory function, because the elasticity of the lung tissue drops markedly.

As a consequence, it makes it difficult for the exchange of oxygen in the alveoli. Namely, in the alveoli, gas exchange occurs: upon contact with blood, oxygen from the air passes into it, and carbon dioxide exits. Recovery from pulmonary fibrosis does not occur because there is no regeneration of fibrosis into the lung tissue.

With fibrosis in the lungs, the connective tissue is compacted in the partitions between the alveoli and their walls; alveoli become inelastic, inextensible and impermeable to air and fall out of gas exchange. The lungs themselves increase in size due to the growth of this dense tissue. The process is progressive and fatal if left untreated.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The growth of connective tissue in the lungs can be caused by various factors:

  • contact with organic and inorganic particles of fine structure (anthracite dust, mineral wool, mold, flour, asbestos, silicon);
  • chronic pulmonary inflammation (sarcoidosis, TB, pneumonia);
  • vasculitis;
  • cirrhosis, allergies;
  • radiation therapy (ionizing gases), after which post-radiation pulmonary fibrosis is diagnosed;
  • immunodeficiency states and autoimmune processes (lupus, rheumatism);
  • cystic fibrosis - a hereditary pathology in which cystic fibrosis develops;
  • smoking;
  • long-term use of certain drugs.

All of the above applies to cases of interstitial fibrosis. But in more than half of the cases of fibrosis, its etiology is unknown, so some generally consider fibrosis to be an idiopathic disease.

Idiopathic cases are not treatable at all. They occur more in men aged 50-60 years. Although the exact causes are unknown, the role of heredity and poor etiology has been proven.

Different types of pulmonary fibrosis in the medical literature may be called differently: diffuse alveolitis, fibrous, cryptogenic, fibrosing idiopathic, chronic pneumonia, etc.

The most common fibrosis in silicosis is the inhalation of quartz dust. It contains salicylic acid, which has the ability to cause the growth of connective tissue in the lung tissue.

This occupational pathology is found among workers of metallurgical plants. Construction professions involve inhalation of aluminum dust, talc, welding gases, cement.

Recent studies show that the appearance of fibrosis is promoted by: lack of sleep, which is why fatigue constantly accumulates and oxygen is constantly lacking. Patients with pulmonary fibrosis almost always have cardiovascular pathologies.

Types of fibrosis

There are quite a few causes of fibrosis, so it is divided into:

  • drug fibrosis - taking drugs prescribed for oncology and arrhythmias;
  • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (primary);
  • dust pulmonary pathologies - pneumoconiosis: silicosis, silicosis, kaolinosis, talcosis, metalloconiosis (siderosis, aluminosis, baritosis).
  • fibrosis in autoimmune pathologies;
  • infectious fibrosis (TB, bacterial pneumonia, etc.).

According to the distribution area, fibrosis is local or focal pulmonary fibrosis and diffuse (total); unilateral and bilateral fibrosis.

By localization in the lungs: apical fibrosis - in the upper parts of the lungs; damage to the root zone, fibrosis of the roots of the lungs. According to the intensity and degree of growth of fibrous tissue, there are:

  • cirrhosis- diffuse and complete scar tissue instead of lung and damage to blood vessels and bronchi.
  • pulmonary fibrosis- scar tissue is expressed by moderate growth, it is interspersed with lung tissue;
  • pneumosclerosis- the connective tissue grows roughly and everywhere and takes the place of the lung tissue; seals appear in the lungs.

Separation according to etiological factors: interstitial (it includes a large group of pathologies with the manifestation of specific negative causes) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Symptomatic manifestations

At first, there are often no manifestations, then the main symptom is shortness of breath, which occurs first during exertion, then at rest, cough - with scanty sputum, but more often dry, pale skin and acrocyanosis.

The progression of fibrosis leads to thickening of the phalanges of the fingers and changes in the nails - fingers - drumsticks and nails - watch glasses. A "cor pulmonale" is formed as HF increases. It is manifested by the growth of dyspnea, peripheral edema, swelling of the jugular veins, palpitations, pain behind the sternum. There is also constant weakness, fatigue, the patient is physically unable to perform normal loads.

About the presence of fibrotic changes says:

  • wheezing, chest pain;
  • cough with viscous sputum;
  • shortness of breath at rest;
  • tachycardia;
  • edema and cyanosis;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • breathing is rapid and shallow.

Fibrosis (apical) of the lungs: symptoms - the apical segment of the lungs changes; its symptoms resemble bronchitis and are easily detected radiographically. In the later stages, all symptoms are pronounced.

What is fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) of the lungs? This is cystic fibrosis - a systemic hereditary pathology in which there is a defect in the gene that regulates salt metabolism. Because of this, the work of the external secretion glands, which produce sweat and mucus, is disrupted everywhere. Mucus is needed in organs to protect them from desiccation and pathogens; moisturizing them.

The lungs, pancreas, intestines and sinuses are affected. In cystic fibrosis, the mucus thickens and clogs the excretory ducts.

In addition to the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis, such cystic fibrosis is manifested by a prolonged cough, stunting, weight loss, barrel chest, bloating, infertility in men, colitis, pancreatitis, nasal polyps, sinusitis, etc.

Diagnostic methods

First, auscultation and percussion of the lungs;

  • X-ray - fibrous areas look dark on the fluorogram.
  • With fibrosis of the root part, the root is heavy due to an increase in local lymph nodes, so symptoms are taken into account here.
  • After radiography, MRI and CT are prescribed;
  • Conducting bronchoscopy - inserting a probe into the bronchi and examining them.

Spirography - reveals different aspects of the respiratory function and determines the vital capacity of the lungs (VC):

  • the respiratory rate (RR) is determined - the number of respiratory cycles per minute;
  • DO - tidal volume - the amount of air inhaled at a time;
  • MOD - the same volume, but per minute;
  • VC - after the maximum calm inhalation, the volume of exhaled air;
  • forced VC (FVC) - the same, but after a full exhalation;
  • maximum ventilation of the lungs (MVL) - BH is multiplied by the amplitude of respiratory movements.

A biopsy is also prescribed - a biopsy is taken from the site of fibrosis on an x-ray. Cystic fibrosis requires an analysis of sweat, feces for chymotrypsin and fatty acids, PCR diagnostics.

Principles of treatment

There is no specific treatment; there are only general recommendations that the patient must strictly follow.

The goal of treatment is:

  • Exclusion of damaging factors; this includes a change of work activity, without options.
  • Regular inhalation of oxygen; performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Local fibrosis - does not require treatment, only dynamic observation; diffuse process requires a lung transplant. After the operation, patients live for at least 5 years.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of fibrosis, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life of patients, which will also stop the process of pathology. Treatment for fibrosis is definitely unambiguous.

Reception of drugs is always combined with physiotherapy. Of the drugs, one can name the complex treatment of corticosteroids, cytostatics, antifibrotic agents. GCS - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc. GCS is taken for 3 months, then another 2 years are taken as maintenance therapy.

Cytostatics - Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide. Antifibrotic - Colchicine, Veroshpiron. They slow down the growth of connective tissue. This combination gives positive changes, but you need to take into account the side effects and constantly be under the supervision of a doctor. Diet No9.

Fibrous cystosis (FC) - has no specific treatment. It is treated with antibiotics, inhalations of a hypertonic saline solution and Salbutamol, Ambroxol, etc. The prognosis is unfavorable.


Physiotherapy in this case consists of oxygen therapy and breathing exercises. They improve blood flow, gas exchange, increase VC (vital capacity of the lungs).

Breathing exercises are an auxiliary type of treatment. In addition to it, cycling, morning jogging, brisk walking are also recommended. Fibrosis (lungs) doubles the load on the intercostal muscles and the remaining parenchyma, which causes rapid fatigue of the patient.

Therapeutic breathing exercises for pulmonary fibrosis and is aimed at minimizing stress and fatigue. In addition, exercise helps to expel mucus.

Respiratory gymnastics consists of a sequential alternation of abdominal, pulmonary and full breathing:

  • Standing, breaths are taken and exhaled, but only with the stomach. The chest is held for control by the hand and is motionless. On inspiration - deep retraction of the abdomen.
  • Only the chest works, the stomach is motionless. You need to breathe deeply and smoothly.
  • Full breath. This is the final exercise. Inhalation begins with a protrusion of the abdomen; at maximum protrusion, you need to do a few more breaths to failure. Then a smooth exhalation is made by the chest.

Repeat each of the exercises 5-6 times daily. Gymnastics prevents congestion in the lungs.

To normalize gas exchange, exhalation is performed with resistance. A nasal inhalation is taken, exhalation through the mouth into a glass of water through a tube - repeat 10 times a day.

To remove pulmonary sputum, squeezing is done lying down. In the prone position, inhale, and as you exhale, press your knees to your chest and squeeze them. At the end of the exercise, cough.


Pulmonary fibrosis: treatment and how to treat folk remedies? Traditional medicine is an auxiliary method, used after consultation with a doctor. Phytotherapy is effective in the initial stages of the disease.

Taking flax seed infusion relieves cough, reduces shortness of breath, it is taken several times a day. Anise decoction is also used - it improves the general well-being of the patient. Medicinal tea for cleansing lung tissue from mucus - infusion of violets and oregano - 3 doses per day.

It is useful to make compresses from crushed cabbage leaves or burdock in the evening. Patients with pneumosclerosis are well helped by taking a decoction of elecampane and wild rose roots - it is taken for 2 months. A decoction helps to get rid of sputum, mucus, helps regenerate lung tissue.

With pneumofibrosis in the lungs against the background inflammatory process, the connective tissue begins to grow, which leads to a violation of the lung structure and, in general, to a decrease in ventilation of the lungs. If the disease is not treated, the lungs, as a result of deformation, decrease in size. The disease can strike a person at any age, but, according to statistics, men get sick much more often than women.

Classification of pneumofibrosis

Disease classified by localization.

Focal - this type of pneumofibrosis is characterized by damage to one area of ​​lung tissue, where a process develops, leading to compaction of a piece of lung.
diffuse - a more severe form, in which the whole lung is affected by inflammation, and sometimes both.

Forms of pneumofibrosis

non-progressive . The disease does not give symptoms. People who were diagnosed at the beginning of its development, having been treated, lead a healthy lifestyle without giving the disease progress.

Progressive . The disease makes itself felt by exacerbations. This form does not exclude complications, sometimes life-threatening.

Causes of the disease

For the most part, these are the consequences of previous diseases, for example, pneumonia, mycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis.
As well as the causes of the disease, one can name heredity, lung injuries, harmful working conditions associated with the inhalation of harmful particles in the air, bad habits, and the main one is smoking.


With a focal form of pulmonary fibrosis, there may be no symptoms at all. The disease often becomes known after passing the next fluorographic surveys.
Diffuse has many symptoms that can be confused with other diseases. The patient develops shortness of breath, severe cough with purulent discharge. Weakness, weight loss. Pain in the chest, sounds in the lungs when breathing.


A pulmonologist will select a treatment for you based on the identified causes due to which the disease developed. In the most advanced forms, surgery will be required. But in all cases, one hundred percent recovery is not guaranteed. It's sad, but pneumofibrosis cannot be completely cured. In place of foci of inflammation in the tissues of the lungs, scars remain, which provoke pulmonary failure. A person who has had a pneumofibrosis should go in for sports regularly. Breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises will help the lungs in enriching with oxygen.

Treatment with folk remedies

Wine tincture
Aloe, which grows in almost every home, will come to your aid. Rinse five large sheets well under running water, dry and cut as small as possible, you can rub it on a grater. Add two large spoons of honey, grind until completely combined and add half a liter of young red wine. Stir well again - the product is ready for use. Treat yourself by drinking one spoonful four times a day shortly before meals. Keep the medicine in a cool place between doses.
oatmeal broth
For treatment, you will need whole grains of oats, you can buy at the store. Pour a glass of oat grains with one liter of water and leave to infuse overnight. Put on fire and cook until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Strain , divide into three portions and drink a day before meals .
onion treatment
We will give you two recipes for onion medicine.

Recipe 1. Peel and finely chop the onion , prepare sugar syrup , just enough to cover the chopped onion . Put on the stove and cook until the onion particles become transparent. If there is honey, instead of sugar syrup, you can boil onions in it - the remedy will be even more effective. Strain and drink one scoop up to ten times a day.
Recipe 2. Peel the onion , fill it whole with a glass of water and cook until the onion is ready . Pour out the broth and eat the onion in small portions throughout the day. If you cook onions in milk, the remedy will have an even greater healing effect.
Dried fruits treat
Raisins and dried apricots promote the activation of metabolism , have a diuretic effect , which helps to remove stagnant fluid from the lungs . Therefore, this recipe is worth adopting.
Dried fruits can be treated in two ways. You can simply pour boiling water over them, wait until they soften and eat a few pieces before eating. The second way is a little more difficult. One hundred grams of dried apricots or raisins, or a mixture of them, bring to a boil in a glass of water. Ten minutes later , drain the decoction and drink 2 tablespoons three times . And eat boiled dried fruits between the doses of the decoction.

Medicinal infusion
Prepare equally oats , thyme , pikulnik and eucalyptus . After thoroughly mixing the mixture, separate one large spoon, pour into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let the night rest. Strain in the morning and drink half a cup. The infusion should be consumed hot and drunk throughout the day.
Healing decoction

Prepare the ingredients for the decoction. Take equally the leaves of plantain, mother and stepmother and pine buds. Mix thoroughly and bring four tablespoons to a boil in one glass of water. Remove after five minutes, strain. Divide the resulting broth into three equal parts and drink during the day.
Healing Blend
Prepare beets, carrots and horseradish by washing them thoroughly and drying them. Now squeeze one glass of juice from the beets and carrots, and grate the horseradish so that you get one glass of horseradish mass. Grind, passing through a meat grinder, walnuts, raisins and lemon with a crust - you also need one glass of the finished mass. Now shift everything and pour into one bowl, preferably glass, add a glass of honey and mix very thoroughly. The mixture is ready for use. The first three days, eat a teaspoon three times, then a tablespoon an hour before a meal or two after a meal. Treat for two months. After three weeks, you can be treated again.
Radish with honey

This is not the recipe we are used to when we cut off the top of a radish, take out the pulp, add honey and wait for the juice to appear. In this recipe, you can be treated immediately after preparation. Wash and dry a few black radish roots and start squeezing the juice from it until you get a full glass. Add one hundred grams of liquid honey to radish juice. Drink four times a day, two tablespoons before meals. The last dose is before bed.

Nettle tincture

Pour two hundred grams of fresh nettle or one hundred dry with a bottle of vodka. It is not necessary to close the lid, cover the top with a piece of gauze. Put it on the window for one day. Put in a dark closet for six days. Strain , squeeze nettle into tincture . Take one spoonful of nettle tincture before breakfast and lunch. And one more spoonful before going to bed.
Sage in milk
Put a saucepan on the fire, into which a glass of milk is poured. Pour one spoonful of sage into the milk, bring to a boil. Cool and strain. Bring the milk to a boil again. Drink hot before bed.
Honey massage
Every other day it is useful to massage the upper back with honey. Spread honey on your back and rub it until those since, bye palms not will become cling to back.
Fragrant decoction
Will help work lungs and cleanse them from harmful substances infusion from taken on spoon oregano and violets tricolor. Pour fragrant herbs two glasses boiling water and leave on the one hour. Drink how tea, but without additions Sahara. Can biting With dried fruits.
Healing collection
Replenish deficit oxygen in lungs and strengthen in them circulation infusion from seeds cumin, seeds fennel and spring adonison one parts and two parts horsetail. All very thoroughly mix and take one spoon collection, pour in cup boiling water, through thirty minutes strain, divide on the three parts and have a drink per day.
Agave on the Cahors

Leaves room plants agave finely cut into, fill in them floorliter bank. Add to centennial fifty milliliters liquid honey and refill to the top Cahors. Submit in dark place for insistence on the ten days. Then strain, very Good wring out infused leaves agave and accept drug infusion three times in day on one spoon.
Dairy potion
Bring before boiling cup milk, add in him, bye it hotter, spoon pork fat and so many same honey. All thoroughly stir and wait, bye will cool down. Fresh eggs whip and add to dairy mixtures. Have a drink all per one reception. AT day need do and drink dairy potion three times.
« Calciumite»
This recipe very old. Them treated sick at hemoptysis, them filmed increased temperature and gave at coughing. cook constituents: six the freshest chicken eggs, ten lemons, one cup cognac without aromatic additives and five hundred ml honey. Eggs, not breaking, put in glass bank, squeeze juice from lemons and pour them eggs. cover up bank gauze and take away in dark place. Each day check, need wait, bye shell dissolve under action lemon acids. Honey carefully melt before liquid states, connect With lemonyegg solution, transfuse in opaque glass crockery and store in refrigerator. Drink calciumite should thrice in day on one dessert spoon.
Infusion wild rose

Do wild rose infusion their daily drink. Brew boiling water several berries and let this healing infusion always costs on the your table. Drink little by little in flow Total days.
Each day eat beets, adding her in salads, and brew soups co beetroot.

Therapeutic gymnastics

All exercises directed on the strengthening diaphragm. Fulfill each on three times.

  • stand up directly, legs put how can wider, arms spread out in sides. Deep inhale, start slow incline forward, simultaneously exhaling air, try at this how can stronger draw in muscles belly.
  • lie down on the back, arms on the stomach. Exhale air through mouth, pressing hands on the diaphragm, how would helping exit air.
  • Deep inhale, freeze on the three seconds and start abruptly exhale through lipstubule, not inflating cheeks. On the one deep breath at you must turn out not less ten jerky exhalations. it an exercise helps discharge sputum.
  • Deep inhale, freeze on the several seconds and sharp exhale through mouth.
  • Also do deep breath and hold up air in lungs. Arms before yourself, squeeze fists. Tighten up, arms bend and let me down to shoulders. Not exhaling, sharp recline arms in sides and, relaxing, exhale maximum air through mouth.
  • Reestablish breath will help an exercise, which recommend yoga. Slowly inhale twelve seconds, on the the following fourty eight seconds hold up breath. Exhale air should slowly, watch out per stopwatch and try stretch exhalation on the twenty four seconds.
  • Healthy inflation air balls. minutes five in the morning and in the evening give time this children's fun.
  • Or, filling in bank water, insert in her cocktail tubule and, having done breath through nose, exhale through mouth in water.

Prevention pneumofibrosis

  • try not catch a cold, for you very dangerous bronchitis, pneumonia, Yes and banal ORZ also may to give complication.
  • Ventilate room and residential, and working. If a you work on the production With harmful conditions labor, related With gas contamination, dustiness or elevated humidity air, necessarily put on respirator. BUT better change work.
  • come through medical examination not less often one times in year.

Video - Pneumosclerosis of the lungs

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