Black galangal useful properties. "Galangal is a rookie, and ginger is a seasoned old fighter." Relieves digestive problems


How many of you have used or even heard of the galangal plant? Here you will get all the necessary information about what it is, about its beneficial properties and contraindications, and all the features of its use in cooking. If you love Thai Tom Yum soup and curry, then you have probably seen pieces that look like red ginger in them. It is this ingredient that gives the very unique, spicy, herbal aroma.

What is galangal?

Galangal is the root of a huge perennial plant, used to flavor a variety of dishes, mostly Asian, its skin is smoother and paler than that of ginger, its color varies from white to yellow-pink, and its smell and taste are stronger and astringent.

What does galangal look like - photo

general description

Galangal is similar in appearance to ginger, and they are indeed members of the same family. Its other names are galangal, galgant, Chinese root.

The galangal plant has dark reddish-brown, cylindrical roots, and the aerial part can reach 150 cm in height.

The stems are long, narrow with lanceolate leaves that envelop the trunk. The flowers are like orchids, white with red veins.

The fruits are red, fleshy berries, about the size of peas, which usually contain three dark brown seeds with a rather unpleasant taste.

Galangal is common in Thailand, Vietnam and Southeast China. It is grown in many countries of Southeast Asia, primarily in China, Malaysia, Thailand and India.

There are two varieties of this spice:

  • Indonesian is bigger. This species is most often found in dry (powdered) form in the west.
  • South Chinese is smaller. This type is popular in Thailand and is called "Khaa" there.

What is the smell and taste of galangal

Indonesian galangal has a rather spicy taste and smells like pine.

The South Chinese taste is more pungent, and the smell is something between ginger and black pepper.

How to receive

Rhizomes are harvested at the end of the growing season from plants that are 4-6 years old.

How to choose galangal and where to buy

Fresh galangal roots are infrequent guests of Russian supermarkets, but sometimes they can be found in Asian cuisine shops. If you find this spice on sale, choose small light rhizomes with pinkish shoots. Larger roots are very hard and will be difficult to cut.

Most spices lose their flavor quickly after they have been ground, so purchasing galangal powder is not a good idea. It is better to buy dried pieces and grind them if necessary.

How and how much to store galangal

Fresh galangal is stored in a cool, dry place. It can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

If you need to keep the root for a long time, chop it into portioned pieces, put it in a bag and send it to the freezer. So galangal can not lose its properties longer and its shelf life will increase to six months.

Chemical composition of galangal root

Galangal root contains essential oil, methyl cinnamate, eugenol, diarylheptanoids.

It is rich in iron, sodium, vitamins A, C, flavonoids (galangin, galangin-3-methyl ester and kaempferide), phytonutrients, emodin, beta-sitosterol, quercetin and galangin.

In addition, the plant contains gingerol, starch, tannins and resins.

Physiological role

Galangal has the following effects on the body:

  • Painkiller.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Fights bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Stimulates digestion.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Improves blood circulation.

Useful properties of galangal

Galangal is used to treat anorexia, dyspepsia (dyspepsia), colic, and abdominal pain.

May be used to treat upper respiratory tract infections such as chronic bronchitis and cough.

The root extract is used as a mouthwash for gum inflammation and as a treatment for bad breath.

In Asia, it is traditionally used for hiccups, nausea and vomiting, motion sickness, and as a remedy for rheumatic pains and arthritis.

In addition to medicinal purposes, it is also widely used for skin and hair care:

  • it is a powerful antiseptic and cleanser that helps to make the skin clean and smooth;
  • it is a natural remedy for acne; galangal increases blood circulation and, when applied to the scalp, accelerates hair growth;
  • The antiseptic properties of galangal help to get rid of dandruff.

If you are prone to allergies or have sensitive skin, take precautions before using it as a cosmetic: apply galangal juice to the crook of your elbow and observe the reaction for 24 hours.

Contraindications (harm) galangal

Galangal is, for the most part, a safe herb when used at the recommended doses. However, this root is contraindicated in those who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • reflux (reflux esophagitis);
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • spastic colitis;
  • diverticulosis;
  • diverticulitis.

This spice can harm such people, because it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

The use of galangal in cooking

Galangal is an essential flavoring ingredient in Southeast Asian cuisine, especially meat and seafood dishes. It is added to spicy curry paste and sauces.

In Thailand, slices of galangal are put into soups, and Vietnamese cooks add it to peanut and lime sauce, which is seasoned with meat and vegetable salads.

The root is used as a seasoning in many meat, vegetable and fish dishes and is also an important ingredient in many Asian spice mixes.

Galangal, along with lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, chili pepper, is one of the main ingredients of the famous Thai Tom Yam soups.

Adding this spice to seafood helps reduce the fishy smell.

How to process before cooking:

  • Fresh galangal must be washed and peeled.
  • It is usually cut into thin slices or strips.
  • If the recipe calls for crushed galangal, it must first be cut and then crushed.
  • To prepare it for soup or curry, you need to remove the skin and grate or chop.
  • You can add whole pieces when cooking, but remove from the finished dish, as it is tough and inedible.

Since this root is harder than ginger, it takes a little longer to cook.

How to cut galangal - video

Dried and ground galangal is called Laotian powder in Asia. And although it doesn't taste exactly the same, it's very convenient to use.

1 teaspoon of ground galangal is equivalent to 1 cm of peeled and chopped fresh root.

What is the difference between galangal and ginger

The biggest difference is in their taste: galangal has a sharp citrus, almost pine aroma, while ginger is fresh, tangy and slightly sweet. This means that they cannot be interchanged.

Galangal is much denser and firmer than ginger. They differ in appearance, compare them in the photo:

What can replace galangal

Take the same amount of ginger to replace galangal. And although the taste of the dish will be completely different, it is still the best substitute available in a regular grocery store.

If you can get dried galangal, then to replace 1 tablespoon of fresh, mix about half the amount of ginger and a teaspoon of ground galangal. This combination will be very close in flavor to fresh.

Galangal is very popular in Thai, Indonesian and other Asian cuisines, and if you plan to cook such dishes, then you can not do without it. Now you have learned what it is and how it differs from ginger, and also received all the basic information to properly use this spice.

The dried and ground root of the Alpinia plant, which is a relative of ginger. It is cultivated in India, China, Japan and Southeast Asia.

In appearance and taste, galangal root is similar to ginger. The difference lies in the citrus and light saffron aroma, as well as a certain peppery spiciness. In addition, it has a more delicate skin than ginger, so the galangal root does not need to be peeled. The root is reddish-brown in color.

Galangal root is also called galangal, galanga, lengkuas, Siamese ginger.


There are two types of galangal: a small one, which grows in China, Japan and Indonesia, and a large one, cultivated in Java and Thailand.

The small galangal has a sharper taste, while the large one has less sharpness, it is softer.


Galangal root is common in Asian and Russian cuisines. It is added when preparing dishes from vegetables, fish, meat, especially roast beef, mushrooms, salads, rice, beans, gingerbread, kvass, cider. Vodka can be infused on the root of galangal, in Europe it is used mainly to flavor alcoholic beverages.

Galangal root is considered an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of fried duck “bebek-betulu”, Thai soup “tom-yum”.

In China, galangal root is used as a substitute for ginger but is added in smaller amounts.

How to choose

The galangal root should have an earthy, slightly piney scent and be very firm.


Beneficial features

Galangal root is known as an effective remedy for colic, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and colds.

It increases appetite, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure, freshens breath, prevents the manifestation of seasickness, exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic, carminative, diaphoretic, stimulating properties, tones the body, improves complexion.


In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the galangal root was widely used in Russia. In Europe, it was called the “Russian root”, since the spread of the spice lay from China through Russia. In addition, it was often added to Russian honey gingerbread, raspberry and honey mash, sbitni, kvass.

Galangal root: what is the use of a little-known spice in Russia for the body, who is better off refusing to eat it. Recipes and interesting facts about the product.

The content of the article:

Galangal root is the underground part of a perennial plant native to Asia. In the Middle Ages, it was actively used all over the world, including in Russia, for cooking and medicinal purposes. Today, on the territory of our country, the product is little known, we are more familiar with its close relative - ginger, the plants are similar in appearance, color, and aroma. Galangal, by the way, is sometimes even called Chinese ginger, its other alternative names are galangal, galanga, lengkuas, alpinia. Currently, the root of the plant is used mainly as a spice in Asian cuisine, being, for example, an indispensable component of the world-famous Tom Yam soup. It is noteworthy that in the wild, the plant is found only on the island of Hainan. Galangal is cultivated throughout Thailand, as well as in China, Japan and Indonesia.

Composition and calorie content of galangal root

Although in general ginger and galangal roots are similar in many ways, they are not interchangeable in composition. Kalgan contains a number of special components.

Calorie content of galangal root - 80 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.8 g;
  • Fats - 0.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 15.7 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 2 g;
  • Water - 79 g;
  • Ash - 0.8 g.
The product boasts a high content of the following vitamins: ascorbic acid, E, K, PP, group B - B1, B2, B5, B9.

The plant is also rich in micro and macro elements, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron, phosphorus, sodium.

Galangal root has a large amount of essential oils containing such useful components as alpha-pinene, eugenol, methyl cinnamate, cineol, camphor, sesquiterpenes, etc.

Also, the plant is rich in enzymes and polysaccharides, tannins. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of phenolic acids and flavonoids.

Benefits of Galangal Root

Galangal has always been used not only as a culinary spice, but also as a component of medicines. It has a wide range of beneficial effects on the body. The main ones are: antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulant, diaphoretic and carminative. Even in ancient times, the great healer Ibn Sina described the benefits of galangal root for the body and used it in the practice of healing. Today, the effectiveness of the plant in the fight against various viruses, including salmonella and E. coli, has been scientifically proven, and therefore it often acts as a component of antiviral drugs.

Let's analyze the beneficial properties of spices in more detail and structured. Its main positive effects are:

  1. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial effect of spices on the digestive system can not be overestimated. First of all, it helps to improve appetite and better digestion and assimilation of food. Secondly, it helps to fight gastrointestinal disorders of one nature or another - heartburn, belching, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain. And, finally, it helps to strengthen the walls of the stomach.
  2. Inflammation prevention. The spice contains the anti-inflammatory substance gingerol. It helps to fight inflammatory processes of one nature or another, to prevent their development.
  3. Normalization of blood pressure. The spice promotes vasodilation, which allows hypertensive patients to stabilize pressure. It also helps fight headaches and migraines.
  4. Prevention of tumor development. The root of galangal contains many antioxidants, they fight free radicals and toxins that enter the body from the outside, lead to damage to the DNA of cells and, as a result, the launch of cancerous processes. The main antioxidant of the spice is galangin, it is very powerful, due to which galangal is considered one of the most powerful anti-cancer plants. Scientists from the UK have proven the exceptional effectiveness of Chinese ginger extract against lung and breast cancer.
  5. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The use of spices helps to stabilize the heart rate. In addition, the components contained in the root regulate the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the body, thereby reducing the risk of plaque formation on the vessels and the occurrence of thrombosis.
  6. Strengthening immunity, prevention and treatment of colds. Due to the antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the presence of many vitamins in the composition of the spice, including vitamin C, with regular use of the root, the likelihood of catching a particular virus is significantly reduced, which is especially important during influenza and SARS epidemics. Helps root and treat colds due to warming and antibacterial action. Especially well galangal fights cough, effectively removing sputum. By the way, the plant also helps with other respiratory diseases, even with asthma.
  7. Beneficial effect on the reproductive system. The tonic effect of the spice has a positive effect on sexual desire. For men, regular use of the root helps to normalize potency, and for women - the menstrual cycle.
  8. Reduced load on the liver. A beneficial effect of the spice on the liver was also found. It actively contributes to its cleansing, removing toxins that accumulate in the body due to malnutrition and the use of strong medications.
  9. Improving brain activity. Regular use of the root has a positive effect on brain activity and prevents the development of its diseases. In addition, spice improves memory, helps to concentrate.
  10. Removal of fatigue. Galangal root helps to increase the body's stamina, fight fatigue - not only moral, but also muscular.
The beneficial effect of spices on the digestive system was discovered back in the Middle Ages. Along with ginger, galangal was used to combat seasickness - sailors always took it with them on distant journeys. And today in Asia it is used for similar purposes. It is also recommended for pregnant women in the first trimester to get rid of the symptoms of toxicosis.

Harm and contraindications to the root of galangal

No matter how useful galangal is, some people should not eat the product. In general, this spice is one of the few that is rarely strictly prohibited for use under certain circumstances.

However, people with severe diseases of the digestive system, before introducing spices into the diet, it is better to consult with your doctor. The fact is that galangal, like any other seasoning, irritates the mucous membrane and in acute conditions of the gastrointestinal tract can only aggravate the situation.

It is also necessary to add galangal to food with caution:

  • Hypotonic patients. The spice has the ability to reduce blood pressure, and therefore if you already have it low, you should not be zealous with the spice.
  • Pregnant women. We mentioned above that galangal helps fight toxicosis, but its effect on the fetus has not been studied, which means that expectant mothers should be especially careful when adding seasoning to food.
  • Allergy sufferers. For us, galangal is the most overseas product, and therefore an allergy to it is a very common practice. For this reason, children under 3 years of age and those who are breastfeeding should be excluded from the diet altogether.
There are probably no other reasons to treat the galangal root with caution, however, if you have any chronic diseases, it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist before using the spice, since the effect can be unpredictable when the spice is combined with medications.

With individual intolerance to the components of the seasoning, even its smell can cause ailments of one nature or another. Of course, if you have a similar reaction, you should not add the root to food.

Galangal Root Recipes

Currently, the use of galangal root in recipes both in Russia and in Europe is not a frequent practice, but in Asian cuisine it is a real favorite. However, it is difficult to understand why today the spice is deprived of attention - it has a bright pungent taste with citrus and coniferous notes, a very delicate aroma, somewhat reminiscent of saffron. Kalgan perfectly complements soups, meat and fish dishes prepared according to classic Asian recipes, as they say, “with pepper”. Galangal is usually accompanied by chili and other spices.

Here are the signature oriental dishes that the root makes especially tasty:

  1. Soup Tom Yum. Cut the garlic (5 cloves) into thin plates, fry for a couple of minutes in a preheated pan in vegetable oil. Remove the garlic from it and place it in a blender. Put 2 chili peppers chopped into rings in the same pan, fry for a couple of minutes as well and transfer it to a blender as well. Turn it on and mix the ingredients until smooth. In a separate bowl, squeeze the zest and juice of a lemon (1 piece) and galangal root (2 centimeters), add sugar (1 tablespoon), salt and pepper to taste. Transfer this mass to the pan, simmer a little, stirring - you should get a homogeneous mixture. Bring water or any broth (400 ml) to a boil in a separate saucepan, put the prepared mixture of garlic and pepper into the liquid, then galangal, lemon and spices. After a minute, pour in coconut milk (400 ml). Boil for 5 minutes, then place sliced ​​champignon mushrooms (200 grams) and shrimp (400 grams) into the pan. Cook for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat. The soup should be infused for 15 minutes, then it can be eaten.
  2. Thai duck. Cut the duck fillet (1 piece) into portions, fry in a pan in oil until golden brown. Add chopped bell pepper (1 piece), onion (1 piece), garlic (6 cloves) to the pan. Simmer everything together for a couple of minutes. Prepare a special spice mixture - you won't need all of it, only 2 tablespoons, so you can reduce the number of ingredients depending on the required output. Mix separately: finely chopped galangal root (2 centimeters) and 1 chili pepper, lemon juice (2 tablespoons), favorite ketchup (1 tablespoon), curry (1 tablespoon), cumin (1 teaspoon), coriander (1 teaspoon), red hot pepper (1 teaspoon). Mix everything thoroughly, add sugar (1 teaspoon) and coconut milk (4 tablespoons). Add the resulting mixture to the duck with vegetables (2 tablespoons, as we said above), as well as finely chopped tomato (1 piece). Simmer for a couple of minutes, then add diced celery (1 piece) and pineapple (4 rings), as well as salt and pour in coconut milk (100 ml). Cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and add the basil (1 tablespoon). Serve duck with rice.
  3. spicy fish. Cut the fillet of any sea white fish (800 grams), roll it in starch (it will take about 7-8 tablespoons), fry in a pan and remove it from it. Mix finely chopped galangal root (30 grams), chili pepper (1 piece), green onion (1 bunch), garlic (4 cloves). Fry all the prepared ingredients in the pan in which the fish was fried for a couple of minutes, then add sugar (1 teaspoon), soy sauce (4 tablespoons), finely chopped fresh mint and basil (in a small bunch). Mix everything thoroughly and cook for a couple more minutes. Combine the spicy sauce with fish and serve with noodles or rice.
  4. Thai pasta. Fry garlic (1 clove) on olive or vegetable oil, add shrimp (400 grams), simmer for 3 minutes and pour coconut milk (400 ml). After 5 minutes, add chopped galangal root (3 cm), lime (1 piece) and cherry tomatoes (3 pieces). Simmer for 5 minutes. Next, add fish sauce (1 tablespoon) and Tom Yum paste (1 teaspoon), both products are sold in supermarkets, usually in the Japanese food section. Simmer another 5 minutes. Boil the pasta (200 grams), cook a couple of minutes less than indicated on the package. Transfer the pasta to the shrimp in spices, mix and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
If we talk about taste, not composition, ginger and galangal roots are, in general, interchangeable. So if you have this somewhat exotic spice in your kitchen at the moment, you can add it to any dish that you usually cook with ginger - even baked goods! Just keep in mind that galangal is still sharper, and therefore you need to add it 1.5-2 times less.

In the Middle Ages, the galangal root was very popular in Russia, and all because it was through our country that the route of spice exports to Europe passed, in which it was also in demand before. The plant was even called the "Russian root". It was actively added to drinks and tinctures, as well as pastries - mainly in gingerbread.

And in Russia, the plant was called the "powerful" and they believed that it had healing properties of amazing power.

In Europe, initially galangal was used only to treat certain diseases. Various healing infusions were prepared on its basis. Later, the plant began to be used as a spice.

In Asia, galangal was considered the strongest aphrodisiac, and men always chewed the root before a responsible date. It not only gave energy and strength, but also freshened the breath.

On the island of Java, there is still a tradition of eating the root grated with a little salt before meals. This helps the food to digest better and prevent intestinal disorders.

It is noteworthy that if the root is dried, the aroma will change. In its raw form, as we said above, it has a saffron smell, but if it is dried and ground, a distinct aroma of cinnamon will appear.

Galangal root is used not only in cooking and medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is valued in the industry for its anti-aging and whitening effect.

Watch a video about galangal root:

Galangal root is a very interesting and extremely useful spice. She was lost among other spices and seasonings, perhaps undeservedly. Everyone should try it as part of some exotic spicy Asian dish. Unfortunately, finding a product in the windows of Russian stores is not so easy. But if you manage to spot galangal root, be sure to buy it and arrange a Thai dinner at home!

Galangal (Alpinia officinarum)

Features and distribution

Galangal is a perennial plant native to Southeast Asia, a relative of ginger.

Fresh and dried galangal root outwardly resembles ginger, tastes like ginger, only with a sharp peppery and light citrus tint, and the aroma of galangal is a bit like saffron.

Since ancient times, two main types of galangal have been used as spices. Lesser galanga is a plant native to Indonesia. Its dark brown root with soft, almost white flesh is much smaller than ginger, and its flavor is quite pungent. It is especially loved in Bali. Galanga large - a plant whose homeland is considered Southeast Asia. It grows in Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The large pale red root of this type of galangal is also similar to ginger, but less pungent and spicy in taste. When fresh, it has a bright aroma of pine needles, and when dried, it has a cinnamon flavor.

From the 17th-18th centuries, galanga came into use in Russia, where it came directly from China.

Other names

Lengkuas, galanga, galangal.


The most famous dish with the participation of the lesser galanga is the fried duck "bebek-betulu". A whole duck is rubbed inside and out with jankap paste made from onion, ginger, lemongrass, garlic, nuts, chili and grated galangal root. Then the carcass is wrapped with banana leaves, steamed for a while and then baked. The meat turns out surprisingly soft and tender, and its taste and aroma are undoubtedly worth the effort, time and money spent.

In Chinese cuisine, dry rhizomes of the lesser galanga are added to vegetable dishes, mushrooms, fish, salads, and roast beef.

In Russian cooking, the root was most often used to flavor gingerbread, kvass, sbitny and honey, as well as in home winemaking - galanga, for example, is used to infuse vodka.

In Europe, this spice is quite rare, and you can buy it only in the Netherlands.

Great galanga is especially loved in Thailand, where it is added to many traditional Thai dishes, for example, to the famous tom yum soup. In this regard, the British and Americans often call this spice "Siamese ginger."

In the West, cooks rarely use galangal root, its main use is in the production of liqueurs and tinctures, where it is often combined with wormwood.

Beneficial features

Already in the Middle Ages, galangal root, like most oriental spices, was widely used as a remedy that strengthens the stomach, relieves colic and stimulates appetite.

Galangal is a spice rich in vitamins and minerals, good for digestion, relieving heartburn, normalizing blood pressure and improving complexion.

Regular consumption of galangal increases internal heat, awakening the appetite and stimulating digestion, warming the stomach and blood. Galangal is a simple and effective remedy for headaches, as well as paralysis and jaundice.

Calorie content of galangal

The calorie content of galangal is from 250 to 300 kcal, depending on the type.

Galangal root in cooking, calorie content and composition. Useful properties and restrictions when eating. In what dishes seasoning is added, is it possible to make it yourself.

The content of the article:

Dried galangal is the root of a perennial herb from the genus Ginger, from the Alphin family, used as a spice. Other names of the plant: lengkuas, alpinia, galangal or blue ginger. In the wild, it grows on the island of Hainan, artificially cultivated in India, China, the Antilles and Japan. The height of the stem is up to 1.5-2 m, the leaves are large, lanceolate, pressed to the trunk, very beautiful flowers, similar in appearance to white or pink orchids with petals painted reddish or purple from the inside. The fruits are red berries, the taste is unpleasant. For people, rhizomes resembling ginger in shape are of interest: knotty, thickened. The color can vary from milky to beige or reddish brown. In its raw form, the root is called "rhizome". The taste is reminiscent of ginger, but more burning, with notes of black pepper and saffron and cardamom. When ground, the rhizome is used in the popular curry seasoning. In Japanese cuisine, galangal is even added to baked goods.

Composition and calorie content of dried galangal

The nutritional value of the root depends on the degree of dryness, so, in its raw form, it is low - only 70-80 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of dried galangal - 300-347 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 9.1 g;
  • Fats - 5.9 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 58.3 g.
Dried galangal contains a small amount of vitamins A, E, C, PP, group B - thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid. There is a complex of minerals here: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, manganese, a small amount of iron and copper.

The root is valued for its components:

  1. Bisabolen. This is a hydrocarbon compound of the terpene class, due to which the root has a sweetish, spicy, resinous odor.
  2. alpha bergamottin. An anti-inflammatory biostimulant, which also emits a pungent odor.
  3. Polyphenols. They include bioflavonoids and phenolic acids. Bioflavonoids are leukoanthocyanidins, phenols, flavonols, catechins and others. These substances, in combination with ascorbic acid, have an antioxidant effect and stop the release of histamine, alleviating the symptoms of allergic reactions. Phenolic acids, namely ellagic, gallic, salicylic, chlorogenic and hydroxybenzoic, prevent malignancy of organic tissues at the cellular level.
  4. capsaicin. The action is anesthetic, increases blood pressure, improves the sensitivity of receptors, increases appetite.
  5. Cineol. Pronounced antimicrobial action, stimulates the regenerative properties of the body.
  6. Emodin. It inhibits the vital activity of staphylococcal and streptococcal flora, prevents age-related changes.
  7. Tannins. These are compounds that have an astringent effect and give the product a tart taste.
The dried root also contains starch and resinous compounds.

The taste of dried galangal depends not only on the variety and growing area, but also on the degree of dryness. The denser the root, the sweeter it tastes and the cinnamon-pepper aroma is more clearly felt.

Useful properties of dried galangal

Despite the fact that the taste and smell of alpinia resemble ginger, you should not replace the ingredient in medicinal tinctures and dishes. Their effect on the body is different, and the taste of the dish will be different.

Benefits of dried galangal

  • Normalizes the digestive system, has a strengthening effect, stops diarrhea caused by overeating or food allergies.;
  • Lowers the acidity of gastric juice and eliminates intestinal colic, accelerates the discharge of intestinal gases;
  • Prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids, relieves painful symptoms during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • It has a pronounced antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Increases blood clotting;
  • Reduces bleeding during menstruation, helps stop internal bleeding with erosive or ulcerative lesions of the mucosa of the digestive tract and hollow organs;
  • Stimulates the secretion of bile, which increases appetite;
  • It has an antioxidant effect, prevents the malignancy of neoplasm cells;
  • Accelerates healing after injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin, stimulates the regenerative properties of the epithelium after furunculosis and acne;
  • Reduces the number of migraine attacks, relieves pain at the same time;
  • Accelerates the recovery of the nervous system after stress or increased emotional and mental stress;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Prevents the development of a heart attack or stroke, normalizes the heart rhythm;
  • Relaxes, has a sedative effect;
  • Increases the body's immunity, has a general strengthening effect, prevents the exacerbation of chronic diseases: arthritis, rheumatism, gout.
Tea with dried galangal prevents the development of seasickness, calms before flights, and normalizes intracranial pressure. It is enough to drink a glass of drink after hypothermia to stop the symptoms of colds. Additional action: increases the body's defenses and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Harm and contraindications to the use of dried galangal

Dried galangal is not added to children's dishes even in minimal quantities. Such an improvement in taste can provoke constipation and intestinal colic.

There are almost no contraindications to the use of dried galangal by adults. In the absence of individual intolerance to the seasoning, it can be introduced into any dish without restrictions. However, the compatibility of spices with certain drugs should be taken into account.

For a while, you will have to abandon the use of seasoning:

  1. When taking medicines that thin the blood;
  2. During constipation, if laxatives are used;
  3. When using drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
Pregnant women should not improve the taste of alpinia, it is not known how the introduction of the product into the diet will affect the fetus. Also, do not use dried galangal during lactation. The child may refuse the breast, the taste of milk becomes spicy, a little burning.

It is undesirable to get involved in galagal after treatment for alcohol addiction. Alcohol cravings may recur.

Dried Galangal Recipes

As a spice, dried galangan is added to vegetables, sweets, meat and fish dishes, but traditionally it is usually combined with rice. So that the dish does not disappoint, when choosing a root, you should pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to smell it. A high-quality product is dense, homogeneous in structure, the smell combines the aromas of cedar, earth after rain, cinnamon and saffron.

Most recipes with dried galangal are oriental dishes. In addition to this exotic seasoning, they also include other ingredients that are little known to Europeans.

Dishes with spicy seasoning

  • Spicy shrimp soup Tom Yum. First, Thai chicken broth is boiled. Unlike the traditional one, chicken bones are used for cooking, 400 g per 1 liter of water. Seasonings for the broth: 1 celery stalk, onion, 2 lime leaves, salt, pepper to taste. In the finished broth, 1.5 l, pour 6 pieces of galangal root, pour in 3-4 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of fish sauce and chili paste, which was previously fried in a dry frying pan. Boil for 1 minute, then remove the container with the broth from the heat. 16 large king prawns are cleaned, removing the esophagus and shells. 20 mushrooms, washed and cut into 4 pieces each hat. Put the pan back on the fire and, as soon as it boils, add mushrooms and shrimp, cook for about 3 minutes. You should navigate in such a way as to bring the shrimp to readiness without overcooking. Before serving, be sure to try the soup to make sure that the taste is spicy enough. If the spiciness is not enough, add lime juice, black pepper, sliced ​​​​chili pepper.
  • Tom Yam Kung. 10 g of dried galangal is chopped into large pieces, and half of the lemongrass stalk and half of the chili are crushed without removing the seeds from the pod. Fresh mushrooms, preferably champignons, 4 pieces, cut into 4 parts each. 5 tiger prawns are cleaned, but tails are left, this is necessary for the presentation, and for 2-3 cilantro sprigs, only tender leaves are torn off, removing the stem. Pour 1.5 cups of chicken broth into a thick-walled saucepan (how to cook it was described in the previous recipe), bring to a boil, add galangal, lemon grass, 2-3 lime leaves, chili pepper, and after 2-3 minutes pour 360 ml of coconut milk. It must first be mixed. Bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp. l. Tom-Yam pastes (the second name is pepper) and mushrooms. When it boils again, spread the shrimp, 2 tbsp. l. fish sauce or curry paste, sea salt, cane sugar - 1.5 teaspoons. Cilantro is added at the presentation. Served in a deep plate, the best side dish is rice.
  • Duck noodles or Kuai Tieu Pet Tun. Before showing off a Japanese dish to your guests, it is advisable to cook it at home, as you will most likely need to reduce the amount of spices. First, the duck fillet is separated from the carcass, and the bones are chopped into several pieces. The broth is boiled from the bones, adding to it: white pepper - 2 pinches, the same amount of wuxianmian spice (Chinese seasoning of 5 herbs), cinnamon - 4 sticks, star anise - 7 stars, galangal - 4 pieces of dried root 3-4 cm long. Pour sunflower oil into a deep frying pan, fry the chicken breast so that the meat inside is pink. To make the roasting smoother, notches are made on the breast. As soon as it is fried, it is marinated in soy sauce with cane sugar. After 15 minutes, roasting continues for another 2 minutes, then the meat is laid out in duck broth. It is seasoned with soy sauces. The traditional dish uses at least 3 types of sauces: sweet, light and flavored. The perfect flavor combination is achieved empirically. The soup is boiled for another 10 minutes, well-boiled meat is taken out, and Japanese enoki mushrooms, 5-6 pieces, are lowered into the pan. Egg noodles are boiled in water, the broth is filtered through a sieve. The noodles are laid out in a slide, poured with broth, put meat, chopped mushrooms on it, decorate with celery stalks and green onions.
In Japanese cuisine, dried galangal is often paired with fish sauce. The latter has a very pungent smell, Moscow chefs even came up with a characteristic name for it - "Three Stations". An unusual and tasteless product for a European can be replaced with curry paste or a seasoning of the same name, diluted with water to a creamy consistency.

In Japanese cuisine, dried galangal root is added to hot dishes in powder and pieces, to second courses, desserts and pastries only in powder or grated form. Leaves are used to decorate food.

In ancient Greece, galangal was used mainly to cleanse the stomach. Arab merchants brought the root to this country.

In Asian countries, galangal root was used as an aphrodisiac. Women added it to their chosen ones to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. But when studying the properties, it turned out that, unlike ginger, it has no effect on the sexual function of men.

Oriental spice gained popularity in the 17th century in Europe, it was called the "Russian root". The seasoning received this name due to the fact that it was transported through the territory of Russia.

Today in Europe, dried galangal is usually added to grog or punch, replacing ginger, but the medicinal effect of such drinks is low. To increase the medicinal properties, the dried root is boiled for 10 minutes without additives.

You can make your own seasoning. The root is harvested in late autumn or early spring, when the plant has overwintered, but has not yet awakened and has not let out juice. Only plants that are more than 10 years old are dug up. The ground part is cut off with a sharp ax or secateurs, the rhizome is cleaned of small thin lateral roots, and the thin reddish skin is carefully removed. The peeled root is cut into pieces 6-7 cm in length and laid out in the shade under a canopy or in a ventilated room. For industrial drying, blown ovens are used. Useful and gustatory properties of the root are preserved for 2 years.

When purchasing seasoning, it is desirable to know how it looks. A light root, cut into pieces, with yellow flesh is often brought from China. It has nothing to do with the real big galangal. Characteristic differences of this product: a dense reddish skin covering the rhizome and darkening when dried, as well as the smell of pine resin. The South Chinese variant, although smaller in size, can be distinguished from galangal by its citrus aroma when chopped.

Watch the video about galangal:

If you want to try a new flavor addition to a familiar dish, then no more than 2-3 pieces of root are added to it. Otherwise, the taste will change completely: the seasoning is very rich, with a bright aroma.
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