What is useful prunes for women? The benefits and harms of dried fruit for the body. Properties of prunes - its benefits and harms, healing properties. Is it possible to use prunes for a child and which one is better to choose

No wonder the result of crossing cherry plum and blackthorn has become popular among a number of other products. Raw materials for obtaining healthy dried prunes are grown in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, and the Caucasus. The Hungarian variety contains more sugar than other varieties and has firm fruit pulp. Thanks to these natural properties, it is possible to dry plums without the use of additional additives, obtaining a high-quality and nutritious product - prunes.

Prunes can be safely called a natural medicine that retains all the benefits even after drying. One fruit of prunes can weigh ten to twenty grams, and the optimal rate for an adult is sixty grams. Therefore, six or seven pieces of prunes for breakfast is a surprisingly easy way to keep the body in good shape. A three-month-old baby can already be offered prunes compote, and after a year, feel free to treat the child with fleshy, pitted fruits.

Prunes are produced with and without pits, and the production can be done manually or mechanically. Harvesting prunes for the winter by hand is more useful, as dried fruits retain their shape perfectly.

Useful properties of prunes

Dried plum fruits are a product that we recommend adding to the menu for everyone who carefully monitors their health and dreams of weight stabilization. Healing prunes are rich in minerals and vitamins. The high content of vitamins in useful fruits helps to optimize the normal functioning of the body, normalize the acid-base balance. Prunes activate the work of the stomach, intestines, pancreas.

Pectin, which is quite a lot in prunes, helps to strengthen the immune system, improve hematopoietic functions. Fiber helps to get rid of drowsiness, depression and weakness. Prunes are a real "fighter" with free radicals. When the number of oxidants in the body exceeds the norm, they begin to actively attack healthy cells.

The benefits of substances in the composition of prunes

  • The content of potassium in prunes creates a weak diuretic effect. This is a great opportunity to “flush out” harmful toxins from the body.
  • Improving vision, brain activity, metabolism, digestion.
  • Restoration of water-salt balance.
  • Strengthening the immune system, cardiovascular system.
  • There is an improvement in the condition of the skin, nails, hair. The significant effect of the use of prunes for external beauty will interest the representatives of the beautiful half of the population. A natural vitamin should be eaten in small amounts every day: not only for harmonious well-being, but also for radiant healthy skin.
  • Strengthening the muscular, skeletal systems, teeth.

How is prunes used in medicine?

With the help of healthy prunes, diseases of the cardiovascular system can be prevented by regularly eating elastic fruits. The fruit tends to improve the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, so this "medicine" will become indispensable in your diet.

The introduction of blue-black fruits into the menu helps to fight insomnia, cope with stress, and eliminate obsessive anxiety. If during the working day your strength has dried up, eat two or three prunes - and your strength will be restored in no time! In addition, such a dietary snack can help people who are overweight.

Urolithiasis is a serious illness. Dried fruits, and especially prunes, will help increase the excretion of urine and bile secretion completely painlessly. Unfortunately, due to poor ecology and climate change, many often suffer from “jumps” in blood pressure. By taking prune "tablets" orally, you can normalize high blood pressure.

In folk medicine, prunes are used as a remedy for the treatment of corns. Cosmetologists use prunes as a source of nutrients in the preparation of creams, masks and face tonics. The benefits of prunes are noted in the treatment of gout, kidney and liver diseases. Dried plum absorbs free radicals, and they destroy the body from the inside. Thus, the introduction of prunes into the daily diet is the prevention of cancer.

In addition, prunes are a surprisingly affordable way to rejuvenate: it turns out that this miracle fruit increases the body's resistance to the aging process. So homemade prunes can be safely included in the list of “rejuvenating products”, along with apples and lemons.

With beriberi, doctors recommend the use of prunes. Many weight gain diets include dried plums. Prunes, the calorie content of which is approximately 240 kC / 100g, tend to increase appetite. However, prunes are also used for weight loss due to the diuretic and laxative properties of the fruit.

Prunes and weight loss

Prunes can hardly be called a fat burner, so you do not need to replace them with your main diet. Combining the regular use of prunes with sports activities, you can achieve significant results pretty soon.

If prunes do not have a place on your list of favorite foods, drink a decoction without sugar. You can reduce the glycemic index of prunes by eating them along with white meat or low-fat cottage cheese. A diet that includes prunes can last depending on your desire. The highlight of the diet: prunes can be eaten during snacks, but no more than two fruits.

Also add prunes to chicken fillets, salads, oatmeal. A healthy cocktail based on prunes with kefir can be drunk before bedtime. It is undesirable to drink such a laxative drink in the morning, so as not to feel discomfort during the day.

Prunes for constipation

Lack of fluid in the body, a small amount of fiber leads to constipation. It is not necessary to rush to the pharmacy for a laxative if you can use healing prunes. Even medical experts call prunes the best cure for constipation. The product easily eliminates abdominal pain, "softens" the stool. Laxative prune medicine cleanses the body, saturates it with essential trace elements.

Those who do not like prunes should make juice out of it, add it to a fruit salad. The use of prunes as a laxative should not exceed the allowable intake of dried fruit. Too much prunes can be harmful by causing diarrhea.

Prunes are eaten little by little three to four times a day. You will have to taste "medicine" from prunes. Skip the fruit through a meat grinder, and then mix with honey. Take a treat during dinner: a teaspoon is enough. Then constipation will definitely not bother you!

A decoction of prunes is an effective remedy for constipation. Prunes are washed and poured with boiling water overnight. You can drink the infusion in the morning and eat the fruits. Also, with constipation, a mixture of lemon juice and prunes infusion helps, which is drunk on an empty stomach for half an hour. By adding prunes to various dishes during cooking, you can be sure that the fiber content is normal.

The use of prunes

When choosing prunes, buy only those fruits that are dried in a natural way - without glycerin processing and blanching. Factories often treat dried plums with glycerin to make them black. The brownish shade of plums characterizes fruits scalded with boiling water. This disinfects the fruits and, at the same time, increases the shelf life of products. Since blanching fruits results in the loss of many useful substances, it is better to give preference to homemade prunes.

Prunes for babies

In infants, the work of the stomach is just being established, so disorders are frequent, and especially constipation. Often the baby cries for a long time, and the parents cannot understand that he is simply "puffed up". Medicinal prunes can be introduced into the child's diet in the form of compote, puree, decoction or infusion.

One hundred grams of prunes must be rinsed in warm water and poured with two glasses of water. The broth is brought to a boil and infused for an hour. This decoction of prunes should be given to the baby in the morning, giving him one teaspoon of a delicious “medicine”.

Prunes are soaked overnight in water. In the morning, the liquid is drained and the prunes are boiled until tender. The fruit mass is scrolled through a meat grinder. The result is fresh prunes in the form of puree! First, give your baby a teaspoon of sweets to check the body's reaction to the product. If your child suffers from constipation, take note of this method.

Prunes lactating

Thanks to the many vitamins, a delicious dried fruit should be present in the diet of a nursing mother. Any food that enters the body of a woman will end up in breast milk. Is prunes harmful] for the baby and can it be used by nursing women?

The rich mineral and vitamin composition of prunes is simply necessary for a nursing mother. After childbirth, women have digestive problems, and the use of dried fruits effectively helps with this problem. Before use, prunes are poured with boiling water for five minutes.

During lactation, you can drink an infusion or compote of prunes so as not to harm the health of the baby. Prunes rarely become an allergen, but the benefits of dried fruit for the stability of the baby's digestion are invaluable.

Prunes during pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy becomes a turning point for the nutrition of the expectant mother. After all, whatever you eat, the baby will get. Chocolate, alcohol and coffee are not recommended during this period. But it is even necessary to feast on prunes during pregnancy!

Due to hormonal changes in pregnant women, there is a weakening of the connective tissues, bleeding gums. Prunes are an excellent prevention of caries and gum strengthening. The potassium content in the product regulates the water-salt balance, facilitating the work of the kidneys, which work for two. The high calorie content of dried fruits can lead to weight gain, so the daily intake of prunes is no more than 150 grams.

A life-saving remedy for constipation during pregnancy - [prune decoction]. The body will work stably, like clockwork. During the nine months that precede the start of a new life, your body will be protected from beriberi and anemia, thanks to the significant content of iron in the product. If the expectant mother lives in an ecologically harmful area, you should strengthen your immune system with prunes.

The external changes that a pregnant woman observes in the mirror every day make her happy and sad at the same time. The former harmony disappears, but the feeling of self-worth is strengthened. Prunes are a simple remedy for improving skin condition: you can add crushed fruits to tea or salads.

Prunes for children

Despite the fact that children like to eat exclusively sweets, it is necessary to control their daily diet. Children's growing body should receive enough vitamins for full development. Replace sweets with healthy prunes! Dried plums will perfectly satisfy your hunger: after all, prunes contain a lot of carbohydrates.

Organic acids help digestion and destroy harmful microorganisms. Until the age of one, babies are fed mashed potatoes with prunes or other fruits. From the age of two, children's immunity can be strengthened with dried fruit compote. Take advantage of the fact that children simply cannot live without sweets. Prepare them super healthy "sweets" with dried apricots and prunes.

Regular TV viewing, playing games on the tablet, social networks can affect the deterioration of the child's vision. The high concentration of vitamin A in prunes improves eyesight. For healthy sweets, you will need the following ingredients: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, cashews. All products should be cleaned, washed, chopped. Balls are made from a homogeneous mass, which are rolled in coconut flakes. You can store such sweets - vitamins in a plastic container.

Contraindications and harm of prunes

Any product can be beneficial and harmful, even prunes. Uncontrolled consumption of dried fruits can lead to indigestion and even cause allergic reactions.

You can not abuse prunes:

  1. pregnant women;
  2. nursing mothers in large quantities, because of the danger of flatulence and diarrhea;
  3. people who are obese or have persistent diarrhea;
  4. diabetics to avoid high sugar levels;
  5. small children;

Prunes can harm the body if they are not properly handled and cooked. The lacquer gloss of the product should not attract you, but warn you that the fruit is covered with fat or glycerin to give it a “presentation”.

If the fruit has been dried using chemicals to remove pests or extend its shelf life, prunes can be a dangerous treat. Before using prunes, it must be soaked and rinsed with water.

When buying prunes, choose fruits in a sealed container or transparent packaging. Prunes should have a spicy pleasant aroma. Fleshy fruits should be resilient: when squeezed, the dents on the prunes “straighten out”. A solid product should not have any taste bitterness. The taste of high-quality fresh prunes is sweet and sour.

You should not buy prunes in natural markets to avoid food poisoning. Home-made prunes are not always carried out in appropriate conditions, so it is better to protect the body from such “experiments”. Try to use only fresh prunes, and eat the soaked "blanks" during the day.

The calorie content of dried pitted prunes cannot be called low. Like all dried fruits, losing moisture, our hero accumulates carbohydrates per 1 gram of dry weight.

As many as 240 calories per 100 grams or 12% of the Average Daily Value (DV). Almost all of this amount the body receives from carbohydrates - in dried plums, they are no less than 21% of DN, the lion's share of this amount falls on easily digestible sugars.

How rich is our hero? Here is what we will find in 100 grams of the product.

A lot of dietary fiber, important for normal peristalsis and good bowel movements - 28% of the DV.

There are practically no fats, and proteins - 4% of the DV. They contain all the essential amino acids.

Due to protein and dietary fiber, dried plums inspire sweet lovers with a relatively low glycemic index - from 35 to 40.

Prunes contain many essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin K - as much as 74% of the DV - for the balance of the intestinal microflora and adequate calcium metabolism;
  • Provitamin A - 16% DV - for strong immunity and healthy eyes and skin;
  • As well as B vitamins, which are responsible for the care of the nervous system and the energy of the body.

Important minerals are noticeable in the product:

  • Potassium - 21% DV
  • Manganese - 15% DV
  • Magnesium - 10% DV
  • Phosphorus - 7% DV

In addition, the fleshy dried fruit contains considerable amounts of sorbitol. This complex alcohol, which has a sweet taste, has a pronounced laxative effect. However, too high doses of sorbitol lead to increased gas formation and diarrhea. Let's just say that eating prunes to satiety is not the most reasonable idea.

Found in dried plum and chlorogenic acid. This substance is a very strong antioxidant, successfully fights against staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, inhibits the development of the herpes virus.

Benefit for health

We list the points in which the beneficial effect of prunes on the body is manifested.

It easily copes with the role of a mild laxative - both due to the high content of dietary fiber, and due to the laxative effect of sorbitol. In 2012, the European Food Safety Authority prepared a report that concluded how to use prunes for constipation:

  • Daily at least 100 grams allows you to establish normal bowel function.

Read one more in a detailed algorithm about nutritional methods for treating constipation.

Dried fruit successfully acts against constipation and mixed with colleagues - figs and dried apricots. The mixture can be enriched with the popular wheat or oat fiber, as well as lesser-known types of dietary fiber (psyllium).

Doubts, whether prunes weaken or strengthen, are most often associated with a misunderstanding of the process of eating fiber. Any (!) laxative with an abundance of dietary fiber should be accompanied by water.

Faced with the problem of constipation, we must drink a significant amount of fluid per day - at the rate of 20-30 ml per kilogram of weight. If the fluid does not flow, the opposite effect (fixing the stool) is possible from an increase in fiber in the diet.

Prunes protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, which helps to avoid premature aging. The main factors here are chlorogenic acid, as well as vitamins A, C and E (there are 16, 1 and 2% of the average daily requirement in 100 grams of prunes, respectively).

Due to the high content of potassium, our hero helps to stabilize blood pressure in the normal range and maintain the correct heart rhythm.

The whole complex of dried plum nutrients helps strengthen bones, inhibits the development of osteoporosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of arteries.

A significant amount of manganese contributes to normal hematopoiesis and the functioning of the reproductive system.

The role of dried fruit for weight loss is curious.

A study at the University of Liverpool gave interesting results about the benefits and harms of prunes for the body of a losing weight woman. Up to 2 kg of weight and up to 2.5 cm from the waist in 8 weeks of a healthy multi-component diet with the inclusion of 80-100 grams of prunes every day. An occasion to become interested in dried plums for those who want to lose weight on proper nutrition without harm to health.

Is it possible to eat prunes and dried apricots with diabetes?

Studying the topic of nutrition, we tend to rely on modern views in diet therapy. In this case, if you want to control type 2 diabetes with a minimum of drugs, you should forever forget the road to light carbohydrates and strictly limit carbohydrates in principle. With this approach, prunes are not a delicacy for a diabetic.

Possible harm

Until the beginning of the 21st century, it was believed that prunes had no sharply negative properties. However, after the discovery in 2002 of a complex compound of acrylamide, the position of scientists changed.

Acrylamide was first discovered in foods such as potato chips, french fries and fried bread. The formation of acrylamide is associated with temperatures exceeding 120°C. It is not found in raw and cooked foods. After the start of large-scale research, acrylamide was also found in olives, dried pears, coffee and prunes - the hero of our story.

Why is acrylamide dangerous? And is it right because of him to classify prunes as harmful products?

Acrylamide has 3 actions that are detrimental to the human body. Two of them have been proven, one is still being tested.

  1. Daily doses of the substance above 0.5 mg/kg of body weight have a devastating effect on the human nervous system. Fortunately, when eating the listed food, 200-500 times smaller amounts of a potentially dangerous substance enter the body.
  2. Daily doses of acrylamide in excess of 2 mg/kg cause sperm mutations and other fertility problems. It is easy to calculate that on average we consume 2,000 times less of this substance.
  3. It has also been hypothesized that acrylamide can provoke the development of cancer. This assumption has not been proven to this day (but not refuted either).

In order not to become a guinea pig, but not to deprive yourself of the pleasure of prunes, coffee and olives, it is beneficial to do the following.

  • Avoid daily consumption of large amounts of dried plums. And for people whose many relatives suffered from cancer, exclude it from the diet.
  • Switch from instant coffee to custard coffee from freshly ground beans.
  • Limit the use of olives to a festive meal and salads, where there are few of them.

Healthy dried fruit selection

What is important when buying?

  1. No smoky odor or rancid butter odor;
  2. Smooth uniform (!) almost black color of the surface of the fruit, possibly with a very slight sheen (the case when a slight sheen should not categorically scare away);
  3. Preferably, the presence of a stone (although such prunes are fraught with the danger of breaking a tooth on a chip unnoticed during cleaning, but fruits with stones are treated with chemicals less, because they are more resistant to spoilage).

How to prepare dried plums for food to remove potentially harmful compounds.

  • A quick processing option: pour cold water for 1 hour, drain, rinse in very warm water, sorting through the fruits with your hands.
  • Maximum processing option: pour cold water 2 times - for 1 hour, and then for another 30 minutes. Drain the water every time. After the 2nd soak, scald with boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Proper storage

How to store prunes at home?

We follow a few rules. We choose hermetically sealed glass containers (for example, liter jars with a tight-fitting lid). We lay the prunes at intervals, do not tamp. Find a dark and cool place. Up to 18 degrees, away from sources of moisture. Pantry, mezzanine, dry cellar.

Limiting the access of light, heat and moisture to dried fruit stocks is the main task when storing at home.

With what and how to eat prunes

Oh, this topic is almost inexhaustible! Dried plums are perhaps the most popular dried fruit among cooks and confectioners. It is included in the first roles in a variety of dishes.

Stewed meat, festive salads with colorful and unexpected ingredients, cakes and pastries. There are dishes dedicated only to our hero (for example, prunes in chocolate and stuffed with nuts).

Maximum benefit - do not heat for a long time!

It is most beneficial to use prunes without harm with maximum effect in salads and desserts, where it is not subjected to heat treatment.

Sometimes it’s not a sin to treat yourself to the fleshy, but not cloying sweetness of dried plums in stewed cooking examples. There are fewer benefits, but something will remain (minerals, dietary fiber). We have some favorite recipes from childhood, which we will definitely share with you.

What dishes with prunes do you like? Tell in the comments!

We hope this article has answered many questions about prunes. The benefits and harms for the body are described based on current information from nutraceuticals and nutrition. Methods for the right choice take into account the characteristics of drying in mass production, alas, not always for the benefit of consumers. Learn the important, buy healthy and eat deliciously to your health!

Thank you for the article (2)

Prunes are one of the healthiest dried fruits. Besides the fact that it tastes great, it also has wonderful healing properties. It contains only vitamins and useful minerals, which makes it just a godsend in the world of food. There are pectins, and fiber, and malic acid, and vitamins such as A, PP, C, B1 and B2, and minerals - iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium. And the best part is that in dried form it does not lose all its useful properties and substances, they all remain in its composition and, in addition, give it even greater energy value.

A lot of this product contains iron, which makes it an indispensable assistant for diseases such as anemia or beriberi. Prunes are simply full of ballast substances, and this is necessary in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, what you will need to do for a quick recovery is just take five to six fruits daily.

In addition, this property of it will help you get rid of problems with being overweight, just its constant use will improve your body, for which it will only thank you. It is thanks to this property that modern nutritionists love it so much, so prunes are very often included as the main component in any diet.

Another amazing property of prunes is its ability to fight bacteria and pathogens, its antibacterial property. In this way, he will not yield a drop to various medical preparations. Basically, its action extends to the oral cavity.

In recent years, its popularity has greatly increased due to its ability to reduce the risk and sometimes even cure cardiovascular diseases. It will help your blood pressure to return to normal, normalizes the work of the intestines, the metabolism of your body.

Prunes are a very good tool for bringing the body into tone, it will increase your efficiency, help improve the general condition of the body, and improve your mood. In addition to the fact that it has a positive effect on internal organs, it is necessary to mention its not the last role in the life of appearance. It will improve the condition of your skin, both externally and internally.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of prunes extend to the treatment of cancer.

The potassium included in it will help in the fight against urolithiasis, help the transmission of a nerve impulse, with muscle contraction, support cardiac activity, and maintain the balance of acid-base balance throughout the body. Under the influence of this substance (potassium), contained in prunes in such a wealth, choleretic and diuretic processes will intensify and accelerate in your body, and the antioxidants included in it will help protect your body from harmful environmental influences, increase immunity, overall resistance of your body.

Prunes have such a wonderful property as to absorb free radicals penetrating into the body, and this, in turn, will not allow to destroy the body. This is what allows it to act on you in a rejuvenating way, and in addition, it will help fight cancer.

Due to its wonderful cleansing properties, prunes perfectly cope with the problem of removing toxins from the body, combating the problem of constipation, in addition, it will increase appetite and secretion of gastric juice.

In addition to its positive effects on internal organs and the body as a whole, prunes have unique taste qualities. It is a component of many recipes, from compotes to salads and meat dishes.

Not many people know the fact that prunes will help keep meat fresh for a long time, while it will save ninety percent of it from the reproduction of salmonella, E. coli and staphylococcus aureus. It will also retain moisture perfectly, which will allow your meat to retain moisture for a long time. This, in principle, applies to other dried fruits, only one prunes has a neutral taste that does not interrupt the aroma and taste of meat.

We have already mentioned his ability to maintain a healthy oral cavity, but few people know that he is actively fighting tooth decay and gum disease. This was discovered by a Mexican scientist in the field of pharmaceuticals, because it was he who proved that prunes have antibacterial properties that can slow down the growth and even kill those bacteria that directly cause diseases in the oral cavity.

Prunes are not only a folk remedy for the treatment of various diseases. Science and medicine have long recognized his authority and quite often resort to his help, for example, in the treatment of gout, kidney, liver or heart damage.

Laxative from prunes.

If you want to use it as a laxative, then you just need to prepare a decoction from it, for which you just need to pour boiling water over the berry, leave it to brew for one night, and drink this decoction in the morning and eat the berry.

Let's summarize some of the benefits of prunes:

  • It contains a huge amount of potassium (one and a half times more than it is contained in bananas).
  • Thanks to prunes, the condition of your skin will noticeably improve.
  • It will actively help fight cancer diseases.
  • It has antibacterial properties, while it does not need to be supplemented with any other medical drugs and preparations.
  • The huge content of iron and other useful substances and vitamins in it will help with anemia and beriberi.

If you decide to prepare prunes yourself, then you should remember one important thing - this is a collected ripe sweet ripened and dried plum. If you remove it unripe, then it will feel a lack of sugar, and besides, it will not yet gain the vitamin and nutrients it needs.

Nature has given people a huge variety of plant foods, and this is not at all accidental! The human body is ideally suited for the digestion of cereals, fruits, vegetables and herbs, and not all of these products require heat treatment. In addition, raw fruits and vegetables retain all the vitamins and nutrients that they are rich in.

Sometimes, in the absence of the possibility of long-term storage in the raw form, some products are usually dried or dried. This also happens with the plum of the wonderful Italian Hungarian variety, whose juicy and dense fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and other substances that are important for maintaining and improving health, appearance and prolonging a person's youth.

The product obtained as a result of drying and drying is called prunes. No one doubts its value for a long time, but still it would be nice to know exactly what prunes are useful for and why they love them not only as a delicious treat, but also as a source of great well-being.

gift of nature

To be convinced of the solidity of judgments about the benefits of this product, it is enough to pay attention to the composition: prunes abound in the most delicious elements for the body.

  • First of all, these are antioxidants. They not only actively fight against the aging of the body, destroying free radicals, but also protect cells from the damaging effects of harmful substances that enter the body from the outside. In addition, their anti-cancer effect is invaluable, because oncological diseases are a real scourge in the modern world.
  • Prunes contain B-group vitamins. They are essential for the health of the nervous system, the stimulation of mental activity, and the fight against stress. These vitamins normalize and regulate important metabolic processes in the body. It is useful to know that B vitamins, unfortunately, do not have the ability to accumulate, and therefore are quite quickly excreted from the body in a natural way, from which it becomes clear how necessary a constant replenishment of their reserves is.
  • Acids of organic origin, namely oxalic, malic and citric acids, are real fighters for the freedom of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. They break down and remove hated cholesterol, preventing its accumulation in the body. Cardiovascular disease is at the top of the list of the deadliest health problems of modern people. The therapeutic and prophylactic beneficial properties of prunes in this area have long been tested and confirmed by research and practice.
  • Vitamin C does not need comments, because it is not for nothing that it was called the "vitamin of youth", and besides, it is a powerful natural antiseptic.
  • Vitamins P, A, as well as the minerals phosphorus, potassium and iron are indispensable for the proper functioning of internal organs.

In the production of prunes, the vitamins in the fruits are almost completely preserved.

The benefits of prunes for the body are undeniable. But there are groups of people who are especially shown to include this product in their diet. First of all, these are those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For the intestines, prunes are a real catalyst for cleansing processes, so its use for constipation gives excellent results. Dried berries are used in the preparation of decoctions or simply added to dishes. Some note a good laxative effect in the morning if you eat a few fruits before bed.

  • Being "in position", many women suffer seriously due to edema, even though they are on a salt-free diet; prunes are an effective remedy in this case, it prevents the accumulation of excess moisture in the body, stimulating and facilitating the work of the kidneys.
  • Digestive disorders are not uncommon during pregnancy, and most often they manifest as constipation. The positive effect of prunes on the gastrointestinal tract has already been described above, so it remains only to note how much more reasonable it would be to solve this problem with the help of useful dried fruits, rather than resorting to the action of chemical medicines, possibly dangerous to the health of the unborn baby.
  • The benefits also lie in a general strengthening effect, maintaining tone, lowering stress levels, which is very important for expectant mothers, who are often prone to sudden mood swings.

Product for men

The healing properties of prunes have a pronounced effect on men's health! It is no secret that crossing the 40-year mark is sometimes associated for the stronger sex with problems in the work of the heart. Sadly, but it is at this age that a fairly large number of heart attacks and strokes occur in still young men.

Due to the exceptionally high content of potassium, prunes, when consumed regularly, can significantly reduce the likelihood of these dangerous diseases, as it has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and helps to lower pressure in the arteries.

A delicate, but such an urgent issue of the intimate side of the life of every man should also not be left without attention when it comes to prunes, the medicinal properties of which for potency, perhaps, are not yet known to everyone. There is a wonderful recipe tested by happy married couples:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • walnuts;
  • natural fresh (preferably liquid) honey.

All solid ingredients must be crushed, passed through a meat grinder or punched with a blender, mixed with honey until a viscous consistency is formed. A mind-blowing delicacy and a powerful remedy for maintaining male strength is ready! If a man daily consumes a tablespoon of this vitamin composition, then his love relationships will become not only more frequent and of high quality, but also longer.

Note to loving and beloved wives: offer your dear spouse to drink yummy with a glass of juice or fresh, carefully prepared by your hands from celery, and a dizzying night of love will definitely take place!

Prunes for a figure

People who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle regularly eat prunes, the beneficial properties of which have a positive effect on the state of the figure, if this product is not abused.

The fact is that the calorie content of prunes is quite high: about 250-265 kcal per 100 g. On the other hand, the fruits have a fairly low glycemic index. Thus, small portions (2-3 berries) instead of harmful snacks with snacks or pastries can not only dull the feeling of hunger between main meals, but also regulate metabolic processes in the body, preventing the accumulation of excess fat.

Berries are considered an excellent snack if you drink them with warm herbal tea or rosehip broth. The product swells in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness, and the body receives a vitamin charge and strength.

While eating a healthy diet, many people are accustomed to using prunes and their beneficial properties to make nutritious salads or even desserts. For example, a dish of boiled beets with finely chopped dried plums, crushed walnuts and vegetable oil dressing turns out so tasty that it does not require the addition of either salt or sugar, except perhaps a pinch of your favorite aromatic spices. There is no need to even talk about the benefits of such a breakfast or lunch!

And apples baked with prunes, cinnamon and a drop of honey in the oven are a dessert that will sell with a bang even among lovers of fatty cakes and pastries.

The product helps out when you need to quickly and without harm to health replenish your strength, “turn on” your head during great mental stress, which is why it is so often taken to work instead of the usual chocolates for many, and even worse - chips or sweet biscuits. The tool works flawlessly!


What to expect from prunes, except for the benefits and pleasure of eating it? Is prunes so well studied, its benefits and harms to the body? In general, there are no serious contraindications and strict prohibitions, but there are some restrictions.

  • Diabetes. Prunes are a sweet product, it contains fructose, glucose and sucrose. It is clear that with such a diagnosis, you can eat this dried fruit only with the permission of the attending physician, in strictly limited quantities and not too often.
  • The period of lactation (breastfeeding) is considered not the best time to eat dried prune berries due to their possible effect on the newborn. The baby may have an upset stomach or suffer from colic.
  • The harm of prunes for a figure due to its high calorie content is very doubtful, since it can only be applied to oneself if one absorbs the berries uncontrollably, without paying attention to their quantity.

Like any product, prunes, of course, can bring both benefits and harm to the human body. In fairness, it should be noted that it can harm only in extremely rare cases, and even then, when the cornerstone is a personal negligent attitude towards one's own health.

In general, prunes are one of the most useful components of a healthy diet, if you observe moderation in their use.

Hello dear readers!
Everyone knows that dried fruits are necessary for our body. Healthy lifestyle lovers even make sweets out of them, not wanting to buy factory-made sweets for their children. However, medical articles have increasingly begun to debunk the usefulness of many products familiar to us since childhood. Here, many are looking at prunes: is it useful, or is it still harmful? Today you will find out the truth!

What is useful lies in this fragrant cream?

The trees on which the "raw materials" for prunes grow do not grow in distant Africa or South America, but in our gardens.

This is a Hungarian variety, and you probably bought this juicy, moderately sweet cream from grandmothers in the market more than once or tore it into a basket in the country. Some housewives call these seasonal fruits “fresh prunes”, they can not only be dried, but also frozen, and of course, used fresh (in baking or enjoying as is).

The composition of dried fruit looks very worthy from a medical point of view. There is:

  • Vegetable fiber (best friend of intestinal peristalsis).
  • Minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium).
  • Organic acids (another plus to improve digestion).
  • Very large list of vitamins.
  • Pectins (gut friend number three, cleansing the body).
  • A large number of natural "sweets" (glucose, sucrose, fructose).

Many people know that prunes weaken (like dried apricots). To do this, many hostesses stock prunes tincture (on alcohol, vodka or water), or compote is always ready. But in fact, the list of “feats” of this product is much longer.

Doctors assure: the valuable properties of prunes are very great:

  1. It normalizes the metabolism, "repairs" the loose gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Has a choleretic effect.
  3. Fights malignant bacteria such as salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli.
  4. Normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Also, prunes, fresh and dried, prevent arrhythmia and even stroke, increase the efficiency of the heart.
  5. Controls the amount of cholesterol.
  6. Does cancer prevention. In this case, it is recommended not to enjoy the product in its pure form as much as to cook compote.
  7. Diabetics also need prunes - this dried fruit helps to retain iron in the blood. But in this case, you need to use it very carefully - it is too sweet.
  8. This is a good antioxidant.
  9. Promotes weight loss.
  10. Prunes have a laxative effect.
  11. The antibacterial properties of prunes "like" not only the intestines, but also our teeth - it does not allow caries to develop.
  12. Just 100 g of product per day prevents brittle bones. This is especially important for older people (for example, women whose age-related problems are considered osteoporosis).
  13. Men should not refuse dried prunes. It helps their body produce testosterone, has a beneficial effect on potency, as well as prostate health.

NB! It is also a powerful energy drink (not just because it is mixed with other dried fruits, nuts and honey, and they are not allowed to eat more than one spoonful of this yummy per day). Especially the importance of prunes for the body will be appreciated by people of mental labor. Yes, and this “battery” fights well with beriberi.

Benefits for weight loss

The main benefit of prunes for women is, of course, help in getting rid of extra pounds.

And to be more specific:

  1. This product has a low glycemic index. Enjoy them, and you will forget about food for a long time (and all thanks to fiber). Yes, prunes have far from zero calories, there is a lot of sugar, but there are no fats that accumulate in the body. What about glucose? Once - and went into the energy of movement or mental work.
  2. It removes toxins that are released during the "melting" of body fat. If you do not get rid of this "garbage", the losing weight body will poison itself with them.
  3. The product is considered an antidepressant. And limiting yourself to your favorite food is stressful, and it is very important to somehow calm your nervous system. Therefore, 1-2 prunes on a diet are not just allowed, but very important. Or cook compote.
  4. Dried fruit works with the gastrointestinal tract, relieving constipation, which, unfortunately, often visit dieters who lose weight.

NB! The weight of one dried cream is about 10 g. The calorie content of 100 g of the product is 231 kcal, that is, each little thing will “pull” somewhere around 23 kcal.

Valuable properties for pregnant women

It is also important for future mothers. Vitamins, energy, the fight against constipation - all this is necessary and important in an "interesting position". But in order to benefit from prunes, and not harm, carefully choose it when buying! I will talk about this in detail below.

By the way, after the birth of a baby (if you breastfeed), you will have to forget about this wonderful product for a while - it is believed that dried fruit causes allergies in babies, as well as colic in the tummy or diarrhea.

Who can benefit from this product?

Prunes have not only useful properties, but also contraindications, and these are:

  • Obesity. In prunes, the calorie content is not prohibitive, but not too low either.
  • Liquid stool. The product is weak, so it will only increase the discomfort of diarrhea.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis (but in the weak periods of this disease, the product is allowed, but in moderation).
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Allergic to this dried fruit.

NB! For some people, doctors, although they allow this delicacy, recommend using it carefully. For example, diabetics or pregnant women should not overdo it with prunes (it is still high-calorie). In this case, it is more logical to prepare compote - in it the product is served in a “diluted” form.

How to buy good prunes?

Finally, I will tell you what to look for in the market or in the supermarket when choosing a product for your table.

  • If it is very shiny, it may have been treated with fats or glycerin. In no case can such prunes be eaten unwashed, and they must be rinsed in two waters. Use hot water first, then cold water. You can also pour boiling water over it.
  • Too dull color of cream can also alert you.
  • The product must be black. If it is brown all over or around the edges, then it has been scalded. This is done to remove mold, disinfect.

NB! To check if you bought dried fruit for a child, soak it for half an hour. If during this time it turns white in places, you have been sold a good product. If it remains all black, the manufacturer took care of its safety more than its usefulness.

Do you want to cook a delicious compote of dried berries, make a salad with beets or an energy mix? It is best to buy ripe plums during the season from a female summer resident you know and dry them at home. Yes, this way you will not get a smokey smell, but each fruit will contain only benefits, and nothing but it!

Well, if you buy a product in a store, use the test above to select the most conscientious manufacturer and look everywhere for bags with its logo.

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