What is the difference between herpes type 1 and type 2. Herpes simplex: description of the virus, its symptoms, treatment, prevention

Some people, when faced with a cold rash on the lips, face, hands, or genital area, do not suspect that this is a manifestation of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Today we will talk about the features and types of the most common and often caused by external symptoms of herpesvirus. In most cases, it is easily treatable, but in certain situations it can cause serious complications. We will analyze herpes simplex types 1 and 2 from different angles, touch on the methods of diagnosis and treatment, and also consider the symptoms and methods of diagnosis.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV - herpes simplex virus) - causes a viral infection in various skin areas and is characterized by a special creep of herpetic vesicles (vesicles). It is one of the DNA-containing viruses of the Herpesvirales order. Belongs to the family "Herpesviridae - herpesviruses", subfamily "Alphaherpesvirinae - alphaherpesviruses".

Herpes simplex virus is a genus of the subfamily Alphaherpesviruses. It is neurotropic and neuroinvasive, which means the migration of viral cells into the nervous system. This feature allows him to strengthen in the body of the carrier for the rest of his life after the initial infection.

The genus herpes simplex virus has two species:

  • herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1, HSV-1), also called HVV-1;
  • herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2, HSV-2), also called HVV-2.

Despite the fact that herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 are separated, they have much in common. For example, in the treatment of these types of herpes, the same drugs and methods are used, they give identical symptoms and behave in the same way in the carrier's body.

There is a misconception that herpes types 1 and 2 differ in different localization. This is their feature, but not a pattern. They differ more in the frequency of relapses, but localization also makes itself felt in the manifestations of these species.

Features of the herpes virus type 1

The herpes virus type 1 most often enters the child as early as infancy and first manifests itself in the form. Then, with relapses, he begins to affect the lips, causing. This is due to the peculiarity of the labial tissue, it is very thin and the infection tends to it. A cold on the lips is called - labial herpes.

Frequent affected areas

Herpes type 1 affects the nerve zones. Recurring, it manifests itself in those places of the nervous system where it was. He cannot change the location on his own within the nerve regions. But when new parts of the body are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1, the following manifestations can be obtained:

  • - rashes in different areas, including cheeks, ears, nose;
  • ophthalmic herpes is both in the eyelids and on the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • herpetic felon- herpetic rash on the fingers, and also appears on the palms, back of the hand, wrists;
  • herpetic (herpes) stomatitis- one of the manifestations, localized on the tongue, gums, inner side of the cheeks, palate;
  • on the genitals- herpetic manifestation of herpes of the first type occurs after contact of viral particles of herpes simplex type 1 with the genitals or the area near the genitals.

These are the most common HSV-1 lesions. In addition to them, it affects other parts of the body and their skin, including the back, legs, head, elbows, shoulders, buttocks, etc.

Coverage and statistics

The most common place for HSV type 1 in the world is the African continent. According to statistics for 2017, the percentage of people infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1 was 87% in Africa and 67% worldwide. The figures are approximate, since many people have never donated blood for the presence of virus DNA in the body. According to authoritative medical scientists, HSV type 1 virus carriers are almost all people of a civilized society.

Features of the herpes virus type 2

Herpes of the second type can also appear on any part of the skin, but due to the fact that it is a sexual infection, most often the second type of this kind causes. Herpes type 2 is a sexually transmitted disease and is transmitted sexually, so primary infection usually occurs through sexual contact.

If the viral particles are spread to other parts of the body, the infection will manifest itself in the same way as in the first type. A feature of HSV type 2 is the frequency of relapses. Many doctors are of the opinion that the division of these viruses is conditional, and even methods of transmission. Thus, they recognize that by dividing herpes simplex, one can trace the patterns that the type 2 herpes virus recurs from once a month.

Most often, in infected people, the virus is in a latent state and does not show visible symptoms. Most of those infected are the female population, which proves the transmission of the virus from men to women is more likely than vice versa.

It is believed that the recurrence of HSV type 2 is more dangerous during pregnancy than the first type of this kind of virus. If primary infection occurs it can affect the development of the fetus.

How is HSV transmitted?

Herpes simplex type 1 transmitted in a domestic way. First of all, through saliva and infected biomaterials containing virus cells. Very often, the transmission occurs even in infancy, when the mother kisses the baby, having a recurrence of labial herpes on the lips. Viral particles can be transmitted through direct contact and through household items if herpesvirus type 1 cells come into contact with shared items. But this is an extremely rare practice.

As mentioned above, herpesvirus type 2 venereal disease and it is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Some doctors claim that a strain of this herpes virus can be transmitted in an asymptomatic stage, but this is just a theory. Type 2 HSV can penetrate not only through the mucous membranes, but also through the skin. Often there is a crossover of types of herpes simplex during oral sex. In this case, it is possible to transfer the “genital form” of a herpes infection to the mucous membrane of the mouth, and vice versa, the first type of herpes virus to the genitals.

Symptoms of HSV

Symptoms of HSV type 1

Symptoms of HSV type 1 appear almost the same in all areas of the lesion and are similar to a labial herpes infection. It looks something like this:

  1. Initially, itching or burning begins in the area of ​​manifestation.
  2. Then there is a slight rash of small vesicles.
  3. After that, the rash unites, forming a large bubble.
  4. At the site of the bladder, itching is observed, sometimes a slight pain.
  5. Then the bubble dries up, becoming covered with a crust.

If HSV affects the skin, then the picture is always similar to the manifestation of a cold on the lips. With the defeat of the mucous membranes, everything looks about the same, but the blisters burst more often, and are also accompanied by a constant burning sensation, especially in the vaginal area.

Herpesvirus type 1 sometimes gives external symptoms in the form of a headache and fever, but this is rare.

Photo #1 shows a cold on the lips, and photo #2 shows a herpetic rash caused by herpes virus type 2 on the face.

In the photo under No. 3, herpetic vesicles affected the area around the eyes, with damage to the mucous membrane of the eye, the symptoms are different, and it is difficult to diagnose the disease without special diagnostics. In the photo under No. 4, you can see how the first type of HSV virus appeared in the form.

Symptoms of HSV type 2

The signs of type 2 herpes and the symptoms it causes are outwardly indistinguishable from the manifestation of the first strain of herpes rash. The only feature is manifested during the primary infection with genital herpes and is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • chills and general malaise;
  • body aches and slight bone pain;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • before the manifestation of ulcers, a feeling of pain in the buttocks and legs is possible.

With possible constant burning and discomfort, but this does not always indicate a herpes infection. The photo under No. 5 and 6 shows a herpetic rash caused by the herpes simplex virus on the genitals.

Diagnosis of HSV

Two main methods are used to diagnose HSV:

  1. ELISA (enzymatic immunoassay) - is necessary in order to detect antibodies to the herpes simplex virus.
  2. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) - detects HSV DNA. It is a very accurate method, it detects even one cell of the virus in the biomaterial.

There are other diagnostic methods - this is a cytological examination, a virological examination. As well as a biological method, where mice or rabbits are infected with the patient's biomaterial. But in most cases, the first two diagnostics are sufficient.

Treatment methods for HSV

Treatment of herpes simplex is carried out in a complex with antiviral drugs and means to maintain the immune system. But the main drugs for the fight are antiherpetic drugs:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Valaciclovir.

These are the main means aimed at combating this particular virus. It is possible to treat HSV in the initial or mild stage only with the help of ointments - Acyclovir or Zovirax. The remedies for herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 are the same, but with a vaginal manifestation of the infection, you may need to buy candles. There are both ointments and tablets of most antiherpetic drugs. Tablets must be taken as directed by a doctor, usually prescribed for frequent relapses or severe disease.

Summing up, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it will not be possible to completely cure a herpes infection, but it is possible to suppress the virus for a long time. In any case, this herpetic infection will sooner or later enter the body. But in order not to become infected with the second type of HSV, you need to protect yourself during sexual intercourse or undergo a medical examination before close contact with a new partner.

Herpes type 1 is a viral disease, accompanied by the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of vesicles (vesicles) filled with a clear liquid. Due to the fact that the lips are the main localization of the virus, herpes simplex (herpes simplex virus, or HSV) is often called labial.

Herpesvirus type 1 has a popular name - a cold on the lips. Bubbles with liquid appear when a person is sick with SARS. However, they can also occur in the absence of other viral infections. The reason for the appearance of vesicles is a decrease in immunity, which can be caused by SARS and some other factors.

The herpes virus type 1 enters the body in the first years of a person's life. By the age of 6-7, more than 60% of children are carriers of the pathogen.

Herpes simplex virus 1 is considered the most common form of the disease. Carriers are at least 90% of the world's population.

How infection occurs

Primary infection with herpes is carried out in several ways:

  1. Contact household. The virus is transmitted through unsterile instruments, dirty dishes, unprotected sex, kissing. Infection can occur through objects on which the biological material of the carrier remains. However, through the personal belongings of an infected person, a herpes infection is less commonly transmitted. Outside the human body, the virus does not live long.
  2. Airborne. When leaving the body, herpes of the first type is able to enter the air. You can become infected at a distance of several centimeters from the carrier.
  3. Less common routes of infection include organ transplant. Infection can occur in utero. The virus is transmitted from a carrier mother to her child through the placenta or during the passage of the infant through the birth canal.

Symptoms and localization of herpes type 1

Common symptoms of herpes simplex virus type 1 include: itching, burning, soreness of the affected area of ​​the skin. The patient often has a fever, there are signs of SARS, weakness appears. Depending on the localization, other specific symptoms may develop. An external sign of the disease in most cases is the accumulation of vesicles. Bubbles appear in the active phase of the development of the virus.

Eye damage

The causative agents of herpes in the eyes (ophthalmic herpes) can be viruses 1, 2 and 3 varieties of the disease. With a superficial course of the disease, the rash is localized in the eye area or on the eyelids. A day before the appearance of vesicles, the patient experiences itching of the affected area. Slight swelling and numbness may occur.

Herpes type 1 can affect the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. External signs of damage are small hemorrhages on the eyeball and swelling of the eyelids.

Not only the cornea can suffer, but also other important components of the eye - the iris, conjunctiva and retina. To see such lesions is possible only with the help of special equipment.

Complications of ophthalmic herpes are tissue necrosis, glaucoma, cataracts, or complete loss of vision. Without consequences, the disease occurs only with superficial localization of the virus. But even in this case, the patient should consult a doctor to prevent further spread of the infection.

Lips and other parts of the face

The latent stage of the disease can last from several days to several years and depends on the state of the immune system of the infected person. With a decrease in immunity, a prodromal stage occurs. The patient has symptoms characteristic of the disease. Hyperemia may occur. There is itching of the affected area.

In addition to the lips, eyeballs and eyelids, herpes of the 1st variety can affect the T-zone (forehead, frontal sinuses, skin under the nose). In more rare cases, vesicles appear on the chin.

The mucous membrane of the mouth

Oral herpes is otherwise called. There are two forms of this disease - chronic and acute. The chronic form is rare. The acute form is the most common manifestation of herpes in the oral cavity. Herpetic stomatitis has 3 stages:

  1. Light. At this stage, the disease is almost asymptomatic. When examining the oral cavity, the doctor may notice swelling of the mucous membrane and small wounds. The patient may experience a slight increase in temperature.
  2. Average. The clinical picture in the second stage of the disease will be well expressed.
  3. Heavy. The patient experiences a sharp deterioration in well-being. The temperature rises to 40°C. The herpetic rash covers a larger area than at the mild or moderate stage.

Intimate zone

For a long time, scientists believed that only the herpes virus type 2, also called genital, can cause a herpetic rash in the intimate area. However, then it was found that the cause of genital herpes in 80% of cases becomes a type 1 virus. When infected with a virus of the 2nd variety, the disease proceeds more aggressively. The pathogen can only be identified in the laboratory.

Herpetic rash affects the perineum and genitals. If left untreated, herpes can move to the internal genital organs, which often leads to infertility. Women with vaginal herpes require additional therapy.

Other affected areas

In addition to the face and genitals, fingers and toes, the scalp, neck, ears, oropharynx may be in the affected area. If left untreated, the virus can cause various diseases, such as herpetic sycosis (damage to the hair follicles).

Diagnostic methods

Herpes simplex virus type 1 can be diagnosed using:

  1. cultural analysis. This type of research is considered the longest, but at the same time the most reliable. Biological material is taken from the patient, sown on a nutrient medium, and then the emerging microorganisms are studied. In most cases, the fluid inside the vesicle is taken for analysis.
  2. enzyme immunoassay. The method can indicate the presence of a disease, even if the virus is in a passive state. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay will help you find out when the patient had the last relapse.
  3. Polymerase chain reaction. The study will help identify the virus before the active phase begins. The analysis makes it possible to predict relapses.

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Treatment Methods

It is impossible to completely get rid of HSV type 1. However, treatment can reduce the number of relapses to a minimum and protect the carrier of the virus for others. If the exacerbation occurs less than 3 times a year, the rash has a permanent localization and always disappears after 3-5 days, the patient does not need complex therapy. In such cases, it is enough to support the immune system. It will be possible to get rid of the rash with the help of ointments, for example, Acyclovir.

With a more complex course of the disease, the patient is prescribed drugs such as:

For the treatment of herpes, you can use folk recipes. At the same time, traditional medicine cannot be abandoned. Recipes can be:

  • The area affected by a herpetic rash must be moistened with water, and then rubbed with salt. This procedure should be carried out every day until the rash completely disappears.
  • "Cold" on the lips can be lubricated with toothpaste. The menthol contained in the paste reduces itching.
  • The patient will be helped by compresses with aloe juice or celandine. The juice must be applied to a clean napkin, which is applied to the affected area several times a day for a week.
  • For internal use, an infusion of lemon balm is suitable. 2 tsp plants are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 10-12 hours. The liquid is taken 3 times a day for half a cup 20-30 minutes before meals.

Preventive measures

To avoid infection with herpes will help compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water after visiting public places. Even members of the same family are advised to have separate dishes. A person who has discovered a herpetic satiety should temporarily abandon tactile contacts with others.

Protected sex reduces the risk of contracting herpes. However, it is not recommended to enter into casual relationships or change partners frequently. If symptoms of the disease appear, sexual activity should be abandoned for the period of treatment. Sexual relations can be resumed after the symptoms of herpes are eliminated. If the virus is in a passive state, its transmission is virtually impossible.

Carriers of herpes can reduce the number of recurrences of the disease if they avoid stress and hypothermia. Strengthening the immune system is the main preventive measure. Maintaining the immune system will help proper nutrition and the rejection of bad habits. Sports have a positive effect on the body. The patient is recommended to take vitamin complexes twice a year.

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Herpes type 1 is a virus that affects the skin of the lips and nasolabial triangle. The causative agent of this type of infection is highly contagious. It is easily transmitted from a carrier to a healthy person. Only people get sick with this type of herpes. It is impossible to completely remove it from the body. Once it enters a cell, it stays there forever, because it is integrated into human DNA. Reactivation of the disease occurs under the influence of negative internal and external factors. Encephalitis is a particularly dangerous complication of herpes. This condition can lead to disability or even death. Therefore, it is important to treat the infection in a timely manner.

Features of the pathogen

Herpesvirus type 1 is a contagious infectious disease. It constantly resides (persists) in the human body. For years, HSV can remain dormant. This state is called latent. Under the influence of irritants (stress, hypothermia, lack of sleep) is activated. After reactivation of the pathogen, characteristic vesicles appear on the skin. The first type of herpes extends not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes. The rashes are usually located on the lips, but the cheeks, nose, eyes, and even the central nervous system can also be involved, since the virus is able to actively multiply in the epithelium and nervous tissue.

HSV type 1 is the most common herpesvirus. By the age of 40, 95% of people have antibodies to this pathogen. Infection occurs several years after birth.

The frequency of exacerbations depends on the immune status of the person. The weaker the immune system, the more often relapses occur.

How is herpes type 1 transmitted?

The herpes virus of the first type has a contact route of transmission. They can become infected by direct contact with the tissue or body fluid of the patient (carrier). The virus is transmitted even when asymptomatic. A person can be visually healthy, but at the same time be a carrier of HSV. A sick person should not be contacted. Also, do not touch his household items. However, you can be in contact with a carrier of the herpes virus and not even know it. The exacerbation of the disease is difficult not to notice: the skin is covered with a characteristic rash and ulcers.

Kissing is the most common route of transmission of the virus from the age of 15. However, by the age of 15, the vast majority of the population is already infected with HSV.

Herpes is also sexually transmitted. HSV type 1 can be transmitted during oral sex. Barrier contraception (condoms) reduces the risk of infection, but does not completely protect against it.

HSV is stable in the environment. At room temperature, it remains viable for up to 24 hours. Herpes is afraid of high temperatures.

Clinical picture of different stages

Herpes type 1 causes a number of different diseases. When the skin is infected, rashes appear on the lips or around the mouth. If HSV is localized on the hands, then panaritium develops.

Herpetic eruptions have a number of features. Usually these are small bubbles filled with a clear liquid. The vesicles tend to coalesce, which is why the disease has been nicknamed the "creeping disease". Skin lesions are usually asymmetrical.

There are two stages of the disease: primary and recurrent. The primary stage develops immediately after infection of the body. Antibodies are actively synthesized in the blood, aimed at combating the pathogen. Usually, the initial stage of the disease is disguised as a common cold: the body temperature rises slightly, there is general weakness, body aches. When rashes appear, they are very plentiful and hurt a lot, itch.

The secondary, or recurrent stage, is characterized by an undulating course. Periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations. Usually the disease manifests itself in the cool season. Also, the virus is activated when the immune system is weakened. The rash is usually smaller than it was at the initial infection.

Bubbles on the skin and mucous membranes burst, and the contents come out. This period of the disease is very contagious: the virus is actively transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one.

The most dangerous form of the disease is herpetic encephalitis. The disease is very difficult. Having been ill, some people remain bedridden for life.

Infection of the genital organs with HSV type 1 occurs during oral sex with a carrier. But most often, HSV type 2 lives on the genitals.

The effect of HSV type 1 on the body

Penetrating into the body, the virus moves along the nerve fibers. He inserts his DNA into the DNA of nerve cells, where he lives asymptomatically for many years.

According to recent studies, HSV plays a role in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease. There is also evidence that the first type of herpes causes Bell's palsy (facial paralysis). This theory has not been confirmed.

HSV is part of the spectrum of TORCH infections. This is a group of diseases that have a negative effect on the fetus. If contracted during pregnancy, children may have life-threatening CNS complications.

The virus is also dangerous for newborns. The body does not yet produce antibodies, which means it is very sensitive to all pathogens.

Diagnosis of herpes type 1

Primary herpes is easy to diagnose. Erosions appear on the lips, accompanied by itching and tingling. Along with the rash, acute gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) begins.

Before the appearance of rashes, patients complain of weakness, malaise, headache. With allergic dermatitis, which herpes looks like, there are no warning symptoms.

An accurate diagnosis can only be confirmed by laboratory diagnostics. The biological material is blood, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, scrapings of the epithelium.

Highly specific laboratory tests for HSV:

  • serological;
  • cytological (scraping analysis);
  • virological (RIF, PCR);
  • biological (used only for scientific purposes).

You can get tested for herpes infections at any commercial laboratory.


It is impossible to completely cure herpes. However, drugs have been developed that actively suppress the division of the pathogen.

Doctors recommend patients to use Acyclovir. This drug is available in the form of creams, ointments, tablets and injections. Means with its content may have other names: Gerpevir, Atsik, Acivir, Virolex, Herpetad, Zovirax, Acyclostad.

Creams must be applied topically. You should start lubricating the skin even in the prodromal period, when there are only sensations of burning and itching in the area of ​​​​the future rash. Tablets are taken by patients with severe forms of the disease.

Injections with Acyclovir are prescribed to patients with CNS lesions or a generalized form of herpes infection. With the ineffectiveness of Acyclovir, Ganciclovir or Valaciclovir is prescribed.

Herpes type 1 and type 2 is an acute viral disorder that can be of several varieties depending on the pathogen. The first stamp spoils the face, lips and mouth with the appearance of small bubbles. The second asymptomatically or clearly affects the perineal area. The causative agent is transmitted directly by contact.

Flow features

Such a disease is very common, approximately 80% of all inhabitants of the earth are considered to be its carriers. After the primary infection occurs, the virus passes into an inert form, which again begins to be active against the background of a weakened immune system. Herpes simplex types 1 and 2 have a very vivid picture. Often, people are affected by the first stamp even in infancy, since it easily and simply penetrates through the mucous membrane, as well as human skin and nerve nodes.

Often the first to be affected are:

  • eyes and face;
  • hands or feet, in most cases on the fingers;
  • mucous membranes;
  • nervous system;
  • intimate areas.

Symptoms of herpes types 1 and 2

Signs of manifestation of infection are very diverse depending on the type of pathogen and the area affected. Inflammation of the mucosa often manifests itself in the form of viral stomatitis and pharyngitis.

Characterized by:

  • rise in temperature;
  • intoxication (muscle pain, weakness and nausea appear);
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • malaise;
  • chills;
  • increased salivation;
  • enlargement of the cervical and pancreatic lymph nodes;
  • difficult urination;
  • the formation of vesicles (fluid-filled vesicles) on the oral mucosa, hard and soft palate, after opening which painful erosions form;
  • with damage to the posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsils, symptoms of pharyngitis are likely, which is accompanied by coughing and sore throat, often such a pathology passes under the classic diagnosis of acute respiratory infections.

Type 1 stages

The course of the disease has 4 stages:

  1. Pinching, there is an active feeling of heaviness, the skin at the site of the upcoming rash begins to turn purple, itch, tingle, burning and itching appear. If at this moment substances based on acyclovir are used, the disease will not develop further.
  2. Inflammation, initially small bubbles begin to form, which later increase in size. The formations are painful, and they contain a clear liquid.
  3. The stage of manifestation, after a colorless accumulation flows out, which has a lot of pathogens in itself, an ulcer is formed. At this time, the infected person is dangerous, as many bacteria are released. Appeared wounds on the face and their soreness most of all bring discomfort to patients.
  4. The formation of scabs, a crust begins to dry out over the sores. In case of damage, bleeding and pain appear.

Most often, it takes 10 days for a complete cure. If recovery does not occur, then you need to unconditionally contact a dermatologist, since a simple "cold" on the lips is a precursor to other more serious diseases.

In the case of reduced immunity (immunosuppression, HIV infection), there is the possibility of a necrotic form of movement, due to which scars appear on the skin.

Stage 2 types

Genital herpes can be divided into primary (appeared for the first time) and recurrent (more than twice). Depending on this, all signs and symptoms are also different:

  1. The primary course is mostly asymptomatic, later leading to a latent virus carrier.
  2. Recurrent is often formed not only from the outer surface of the genital organs. The disease begins its manifestation inside the vagina, urethra, on the hips and legs.

Bubble rash is also formed on the rectum. In women, it can often be found on the buttocks at the time of approaching menstruation. In other respects, all of its symptoms are very similar to those of the first type.

Transmission routes

Herpes simplex passes through the household way. Often through infected biomaterials and saliva containing virus cells. It is very often possible to catch an infection even in childhood, when a mother kisses a baby, having labial herpes on her lips. Its particles can be transmitted by direct action and through household items. This is an extremely rare practice.

It should be noted that herpes of the second type is a viral disease and passes exclusively through sexual intercourse. Some doctors claim that this stamp is picked up in the asymptomatic stage, but this is only their opinion. It seeps not only through the mucous membranes, but also through the skin.

Often there is an intersection of herpes simplex types 1 and 2 during oral sex. In this case, it is possible to transfer the “genital form” of the infection to the mucous membrane of the mouth, and, on the contrary, the first type to the genitals.

The reasons

Herpes on the genitals and lips is often referred to as a "cold". This name is not accidental, since rashes on the mucous membranes occur during and after respiratory diseases. At the moment of a strong weakening of the immune system, when it cannot prevent the introduction of infections, the virus is activated.

To reduce the likelihood of relapse, special attention should be paid to hardening and, if possible, to avoid crowds during the period of active formation of respiratory diseases.

Herpes type 1 and type 2 at the time of pregnancy develops very often, mainly on the genitals and lips, as noticeable changes occur in the body, and it receives considerable stress. The hormonal background of a woman is also reborn during this period, which suppresses active viruses more strongly, but if rashes still appear on the mucous membranes, they cannot be treated lightly. It is required to immediately contact your doctor so that he prescribes the necessary therapy that is suitable for expectant mothers.

Effect on the body

Herpes types 1 and 2, the photo of which can be seen in the article, is transmitted both by contact and household variant. And there is also the possibility of infection by airborne droplets. It seeps through the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and genitals. It enters through tissue barriers, after which it is sent directly to the lymph and is carried with the blood flow to all internal organs.

Further, herpes of type 1 and type 2 enters the nerve endings and is introduced into the DNA chain. After this stage, it becomes impossible to remove the virus from the body. The infection will be throughout human life, but often in a dormant state. It manifests itself in the cool season with various colds and hypovitaminosis.

Diagnosis of herpes types 1 and 2

All analyzes must be taken exclusively in laboratories. The first stage is to consider the patient's complaints and external visual examination. After suspicion of the presence of the virus, a variety of examinations are prescribed, which can be carried out in several ways.

The ELISA test is a conditional molecular examination, the validity of which is almost 100%. After penetration into the body of facial and genital herpes types 1 and 2, conditioned antibodies M and G begin to form. In addition, Igm titers are initially formed, and after Igg. If at the time of the study for the virus - Igg is positive, then this indicates the presence of an infection in the body and, of course, vice versa. A feature of this method is that it can give an answer to the presence of herpes, even during its latent (passive) stage. In addition, it will indicate the time when a relapse was last detected.

Cultural analysis of herpes types 1 and 2 - is considered the most reliable, but, in turn, expensive and lengthy. Based on the sampling of biomaterial from a patient and its inoculation for further study of emerging microorganisms. In most cases, a liquid is borrowed from the vesicle formed on the patient's body, which infects the chicken embryo. After some time, the area of ​​​​the egg begins to be examined for the presence of viruses.

Polydimensional chain reaction - an assessment of the number of infections in the human body is performed. A feature of the method is that herpes types 1 and 2 can be found even before the start of its active phase, and it is also easy to make a correct prediction of its future relapses. In other words, immediately after infection, the presence of a problem is detected.

No specific preparation is required for the analysis. Such studies are necessary for all people who are suspected of having the virus, especially pregnant women.


Treatment of herpes types 1 and 2 consists in the use of drugs that suppress the symptoms of the disease, since today there are no medicines that fully guarantee a cure for malaise:

  • "Acyclovir" is an antiviral agent that prevents the spread of infection through the cells. Available in the form of ointment, tablets, as well as a solution for injection. Effective for most patients, is the most popular.
  • "Valacyclovir" has a higher efficiency than the previous drug. Apparently reduces the signs of herpes type 1 and type 2 and suppresses the ability to reproduce the virus. It also prevents infection of other people.
  • Panavirin is a vegetative, biologically active polysaccharide. In just a few days, it removes pain, itching and burning. Available as a solution for intravenous administration, as well as in the form of a gel and rectal suppositories.
  • "Flavozid" is an active syrup.
  • "Proteflazid" is drops of a wide antiviral spectrum.


Treatment of herpes types 1 and 2 is often carried out with herbal remedies that are easy to prepare at home:

  • Lotions from freshly squeezed celandine juice are often used, several times a day for a week.
  • Melissa infusion is used daily. For the preparation of which is used 2 tbsp. l. herbs infused for an hour in several glasses of boiling water. The prepared broth is aged and drunk three times half a glass a day before meals.
  • Compresses are made from apple, grated garlic and potatoes.
  • If herpes 1 and 2 types are found, then the treatment of rashes with freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of alder, aspen, figs, onions, wormwood and milkweed is very effective.
  • A piece of ice is wrapped in a thin cloth, and then applied to the affected area for 10 minutes. The procedure is performed at least three times a day. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a day.
  • Skin rashes are recommended to be lubricated with beaten egg white.
  • Mixed together 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 5 drops of eucalyptus and geranium juice, and after the prepared mass, problem areas are lubricated 5 times a day.
  • The affected area is wetted with water, and then gently rubbed with salt. This procedure should be done as often as possible. The sores that appear quickly dry up.


Very often, some expectant mothers, as well as their born babies, may develop herpes types 1 and 2. This is the norm because when a stamp enters the body of a woman, it settles there very firmly, and the baby is closely connected with the placenta by blood. Therefore, the virus spreads to the newborn.

If the disease was detected at an early stage, then the pregnancy can even end in a miscarriage. If the fetus survives, the following ailments sometimes occur:

  • various rashes;
  • underdevelopment of the brain;
  • damage to the eye areas;
  • delayed mental and physical development.

Risks and Complications

Viral disease can pass very quickly and with the least inconvenience to the infected. However, if there is an advanced stage during a period of weakening of the immune system, then problems can be expected. They can be very severe, starting from lesions of the skin of the entire body, ending with the formation of tumors, autoimmune diseases and neuroinfections.

Careful attention should be paid to their health to women planning a pregnancy. It is advised to take a blood test to check for the presence of herpes types 1 and 2. It is already known that this is a serious infection, and it is one of those against which pregnancy has huge risks of carrying a baby, or causing abnormalities in the development process.

When a woman catches a virus while carrying a baby, the threat to him increases several times. This is because there are no antibodies in the mother's body that can protect the fetus. Therefore, if after passing all the tests a virus was detected, then you need to contact the medical center. An experienced doctor will prescribe a treatment that must be comprehensive.

Individuals who have this disease also need to pay close attention to their health and, during periods of activation, take drugs that will improve well-being and muffle the virus.


To reduce the likelihood of infection, you need to carefully monitor hygiene and not use other people's toothbrushes, lipsticks, cutlery and have sex only with trusted partners using condoms. It is also recommended not to sit on the toilet seat in shared toilets or to use special products with a disinfectant composition, which are sold in the form of a spray specially designed to treat such areas.

After visiting public places, be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Using these simple tips, you can avoid infection

The herpes virus is not just an annoying rash on the lip, but also a pathogen that can cause many health problems. In medical practice, there are many types of this virus, but if herpes 1 and 2 types IgG are diagnosed positive, what does this mean for the patient and what danger does the patient carry? What tests do doctors prescribe and how do they interpret the results?

What is herpes type 1 and 2?

The herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 itself is the most common and frequently occurring type of infection in the human body. In practice, doctors have 8 types of herpes - of which type 1 and 2 IgG are the most common. They are called simple virus types 1 and 2, giving them the abbreviation HSV-1 and HSV-2.

The level of infection of humanity with the 1st type of virus is up to 85%, but the production of antibodies to the herpes simplex virus 2 HSV is in 20% of the world's population.

Ways of infection and manifestations of herpes

Before prescribing treatment, it is worth knowing how herpes is transmitted. HSV-1 will be transmitted both by airborne droplets and through tactile contact between a healthy and infected patient. With regard to HSV-2, this type of herpes can be contracted through sexual contact, or at the time of birth, when the child passes through the birth canal.

Herpes classified as HSV-1 most often manifests itself externally, in the area around the mouth and on the lips, in the nasal cavity and oral cavity. In an adult patient, herpes will manifest itself in the form of a numerical rash on the body.

Herpes, classified as HSV-2, is mostly localized in the genital area. Its rashes are similar to the first type of virus and, given its localization, it was called genital.

In the body, after infection, the herpes virus may not manifest itself. Being in a latent, latent form, it does not show itself as negative symptoms, so treatment is not required. Stressful situations and weakened immunity, hypothermia and other negative factors - all of them can trigger the activation of the herpes virus.

To the herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, the body itself develops immunity and the disease is not dangerous. However, if treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, when the virus manifests itself in an active form, it can provoke the development of a serious illness, such as viral encephalitis. In men, the HSV-2 virus can provoke the development of pathologies such as prostatitis, herpes urethritis, and in women - vulvovaginitis.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment of herpes type 1 and 2 is carried out in a complex manner, but, first of all, the doctor directs the patient to conduct laboratory tests. Doctors take blood as a biological material for research.

Conduct a blood test for the determination of IgG to the herpes virus by two methods:

  1. ELISA is an analysis that allows you to examine the immune system for enzyme compounds.
  2. PCR - polymerase type chain reaction.

The difference between these methods is that ELISA allows you to set the level of antibodies to the herpes virus type 1 and 2, PCR - the herpes virus itself in the blood, or rather its DNA. Most often, doctors prescribe an ELISA. It helps to identify the virus throughout the body, but PCR - only in tissues taken for analysis.

When conducting a laboratory study using the ELISA method, if the indicators are “positive”, this will indicate the presence of IgG, IgA or IgM antibodies in the patient's body. It is the latter that are immunoglobulins - antibodies produced by the immune system in the fight against infection.

In particular, the production of antibodies and the result for IgM is positive - this indicates the initial stage of the course of a herpes infection. If IgA or IgG are diagnosed, such proteins are detected in the body after a month has passed after infection with the herpes virus.

Deciphering the results

  1. A negative and negative titer indicator was diagnosed - there is no infection with the virus, and there is no immunity.
  2. A negative and positive result of the titer - herpes is present in its opened form, immunity is formed, but when it is weakened, the disease will manifest itself as negative symptoms.
  3. Positive/negative titer indicates primary infection, therefore urgent treatment is indicated. This is especially important if the analysis was taken by a woman planning a pregnancy - the moment of conception should be postponed for the period of treatment.
  4. The result of the titer is positive / positive - in this variant of the results obtained, herpes does not develop in the chronic stage of its course, but during the period of exacerbation. Both antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.

Important to remember! If laboratory detection of all 3 types of herpes infection - IgG, IgM or IgA, or the first two, this indicates a serious danger.

If the viruses of the pathogenic microorganism of herpes 1 IgG are detected, the infection is primary, therefore, additional studies are prescribed to detect IgM. With a positive type of titer, the infection flows in its acute or chronic stage of the course.

With negative indicators, studies are carried out after some time. When IgG antibodies are detected in the blood, respectively, the positive dynamics, the indicators indicate the following:

  • the infection proceeds in its chronic form, with positive dynamics of the course of the disease, herpes will manifest itself as clinical signs in an acute form.
  • intrauterine infection is also possible.

If the results of laboratory tests are negative for the detection of IgG antibodies, the course of the acute form of injection is unlikely, the patient does not have a chronic form of herpes types 1 and 2.

herpes and pregnancy

When IgM antibodies and PCR are detected in the 1st trimester, it is worth taking immediate measures and thereby preventing the baby from becoming infected.

If there is a relapse, the likelihood of infection of the fetus is minimal, but it is still worth taking a course of medical therapy. When the disease was diagnosed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the infection occurs in the fetus during childbirth.

What is the danger of the herpes virus during gestation? The virus itself for an adult does not always pose a threat to the body, aggravated by a combination of negative external and internal factors. But for an unborn baby in the early stages, it can provoke fading and miscarriage.

If the child survives intrauterine infection, herpes can provoke the following consequences:

  • Skin rashes on the body of a newborn.
  • Damage to the eyes and underdevelopment of the gray matter of the brain, respectively, and mental retardation of the baby.
  • Seizures and retarded physical development.

When a fetus becomes infected with a herpes infection during the passage of the birth canal, the child may experience the following complications:

  • Characteristic rashes on the body, in the oral cavity and damage to the eyes.
  • The development of encephalitis in a child is a brain lesion.
  • Disseminated herpes infection. In 8 out of 10 cases, this can cause death in a child.

Additional indicators

Each patient should remember that the diagnosis is not limited only by data on the amount of antibodies in the blood, it is also important to take into account the existing avidity index. If this indicator varies within 50-60%, after 2-3 weeks, a second, additional diagnostics and laboratory tests will be required. When the indicators are below the level of 50%, this indicates that the virus entered the body for the first time, but if more than 60, the course of the disease proceeds in its chronic form, or the person is a carrier of a viral infection.

Conducting an analysis

ELISA as a laboratory analysis is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. The collected biomaterial is combined with the antigen. It is after this that the immune complex is monitored.
  2. A chromogen is added to the starting material, and the intensity of staining can indicate the level of pathogenic microflora in the patient's body.

Preparation for analysis

In order for the analysis results to be accurate and reliable, follow a number of simple rules:
  1. They donate blood in the laboratory exclusively on an empty stomach.
  2. Minimize any physical activity an hour before the test.
  3. For a day, it is worth excluding fatty and fried foods, alcohol, and not smoking from the diet.
  4. Also, exclude the intake of any drugs, medicines for a day.
  5. Children under 5 years of age half an hour before the test are given a glass of warm water to drink.

Principles of treatment of viral manifestations

Treatment of a viral herpes infection involves an integrated approach, but before starting any course, it is worth remembering a few basic rules:

  • It is impossible to achieve complete destruction and remove the virus naturally.
  • With regard to prevention, there are no specially designed drugs, so you cannot protect yourself from infection.
  • If herpes type 1 manifests itself poorly, the appointment of medications will be unjustified.

As for the immunity developed in an infected patient, it is temporary and incomplete, when, after a weakened immune system, a relapse most often occurs. In the course of treatment of herpes, most often, as prescribed by a doctor, Acyclovir is included. Due to the similarity of its structure with the basic elements of the amino acid of a viral infection, its active components enter its DNA, the synthesis of new chains and the pathogenic effect on the entire organism will be blocked.

The drug itself has a selective effect against the herpes virus, its active components do not act destructively on the structure of human DNA. Its use in accordance with the instructions helps to speed up recovery, but it is worth taking into account the existing restrictions on its reception. These restrictions include the following:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Excessive sensitivity to the active components of the drug.
  3. Children under 3 years of age are not prescribed this drug.
  4. If you have problems with the kidneys, you should first consult with your doctor when the specialist selects their analogue or reduces the dosage.
  5. In old age, take this drug, combining it with a plentiful drink.
  6. Do not allow the drug to get on the mucous membrane of the eye, in order to avoid irritation and the development of a burn.

With regard to the treatment of herpes during the period of gestation, doctors most often prescribe drugs such as:

  • Acycloover.
  • Valaciclovir.

Of course, the safety for the fetus of these drugs has not been shown, but clinical trials conducted on animals have shown no side effects on the fetus in laboratory rats. In any case, you should not practice self-treatment, when each drug, taking into account its composition and characteristics, should be prescribed by a doctor.

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