Veterinary ophthalmology barricade. Ophthalmology

Symptoms of eye diseases

If a pet has the first signs of eye diseases, it is better not to delay the process and not wait for the disease to go away on its own. Practice shows that the sooner treatment begins, the more opportunities the doctor has to restore vision in the animal.

Signs of eye disease:

  • Itching, lacrimation, discharge from the eyes (clear, purulent);
  • Edema, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids;
  • Foreign body in the eye;
  • Photophobia, squinting;
  • eye injury;
  • Change in eye color (cloudiness, appearance of a film);
  • Neoplasms on the eyelids
Changes in animal behavior:
  • Disorientation in the dark and in general in space;
  • In a new place, the pet shows fear and insecurity;
  • When leaving a lighted room into a dark one, the animal is lost;
  • Fear when going up and down stairs;
  • When playing, the animal misses the toys;
  • During a meal, the pet cannot find a bowl, drinker, etc.
  • The animal leads an apathetic lifestyle: does not seek to play, run, sleeps a lot, shows weakness and lethargy

In addition, it is worth highlighting a number of diseases that can cause complications in the eyes. In these cases, it is recommended to ultrasound eyeball:

  • Cardiac and renal hypertension ;
  • Chronic and renal insufficiency;
  • Viral peritonitis, viral immunodeficiency;
  • Oncological diseases of the blood;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pancreas

What diseases are treated at the ZOOVET clinic?

An ophthalmologist will diagnose and prescribe effective treatment if eye diseases are detected:

  • tumors of the organs of vision and eyelids;
  • obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • inversion and eversion of the eyelids;
  • eye injury;
  • diseases of the retina and optic nerve;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye conjunctivitis , keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis);
  • viral and infectious diseases of the eye ( herpesvirus , toxoplasmosis , chlamydia);
  • autoimmune eye diseases (pannus, plasmoma, punctate keratitis).
Diagnosis and treatment methods

Diagnosis of eye diseases is carried out using special equipment, the diagnosis is established accurately. Since animals, unlike humans, cannot tell the doctor about the state of vision, therefore, only instrumental diagnostics allows us to assess the severity of eye pathology.

To date, the most advanced diagnostic method is carried out using electroretinography (ERG). The method is safe and reliable. The technology is as follows: electrodes are applied to the head, eyelid and cornea and retinal impulses are formed using flashes of LED lamps.

The full range of examinations includes:

  • biomicroscopy;
  • Tonometry;
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • Determination of the patency of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • Electroretinogram (ERG);
  • Examination of the eyeball using special equipment;
  • Examination of the retina and optic nerve;
  • Diagnosis of damage to the cornea.
A comprehensive examination allows you to assess the form and severity of eye pathology, choose a method of medical or surgical treatment.

Preparation for the examination of the animal

The examination is prescribed by an ophthalmologist after the initial examination of the patient. Before the examination, it is not recommended to eat for 8 hours - in case tests are required, as well as the use of eye drops, so as not to affect the accuracy of instrumental diagnostics. If you have been treated before, please bring your medical record to review the diagnosis and treatment plan. This is necessary to assess the condition of the patient's eyes in dynamics.

Exam duration

An appointment with a doctor and further complex diagnostics last for an hour. Modern equipment allows you to quickly and painlessly carry out all procedures. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment regimen. Depending on the diagnosis, therapeutic treatment or surgical intervention .

Therapeutic method of treatment

Therapy includes drug treatment, without surgery. An ophthalmologist may prescribe eye drops, ointments, eye injections (tissues around the eyeball), tablets, intravenous or intramuscular injections. Treatment is possible both on the basis of a hospital and at home, it all depends on the doctor's recommendations.

Surgical intervention

In the case of available indications, an ophthalmologist may prescribe an operation:

  • operations on the eyeball;
  • cataract treatment;
  • glaucoma treatment;
  • corneal surgery;
  • plastic surgery on the eyelids and skin;
  • operations on the lacrimal ducts;
  • removal of neoplasms of the eyelids.
Recommendations for the Preservation of Vision in Animals
  • If your pet is over six years old and you have not yet visited an ophthalmologist, we recommend that you do so. According to statistics, animals over 6 years old are prone to eye diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, diseases of the retina and optic nerve. In the early stages of the development of the disease, treatment is prescribed medication, without surgical intervention;
  • Protect the eyes of animals from strong sunlight. It is not recommended to stay outside for a long time when the sun is at its strongest. Bright sunlight can damage the cornea of ​​the eyes.
  • Control the state of pressure, kidneys and heart; Conduct preventive examinations if the animal has diabetes;
  • Protect animals from dacha eye injuries with mowed grass.
How to choose a pet eye clinic?

Today, a veterinary ophthalmologist in Moscow is in great demand. In what cases it is necessary to contact this particular veterinary specialist? Among the sense organs, vision is the most important in the body of man and animal. After all, the same dogs have a sense of smell, but what is the sense of smell, when compared with vision. It would be even stupid to list why vision is so important for animals.

There are a number of diseases that endanger the organs of vision. A healthy animal suddenly begins to lose sight, first ceases to see into the distance, then pokes at objects and does not fall into doorways. As a result, vision will be lost one hundred percent or partially, but strongly.

In this situation, only an experienced veterinary ophthalmologist can help. Veterinary ophthalmologist, who can be called by the owner from our 24-hour veterinary center. The telephone consultation is free, and the price for the arrival itself will be announced immediately during the call. In this case, the veterinarian ophthalmologist should just come, there are two reasons for this.

Why is it better to have a veterinary ophthalmologist come to your house

Firstly, the animal loses its sight, which means that it is difficult for him to move independently. If the owner is carrying an animal, then it is very worried, because there are so many unknowns around, and even the pet is not able to see everything around. In principle, this is the second reason: most animals experience a lot of stress in such situations of uncertainty.

So, with this article we will talk about the most common diseases and problems of animals associated with the eyes. Consider the symptoms that the owner should pay attention to, as well as the methods of treatment that are used by veterinarians.

Veterinary ophthalmologist: diseases that he treats

There are a lot of eye diseases and they are common among animals of various sizes and types. To understand the extent of the problem, we offer a look at the situation, the main diseases and their symptoms and possible treatments.

Conjunctivitis in a pet

First of all, it is worth mentioning conjunctivitis - a fairly common disease among people and animals.

The reasons here are very different, ice and spread. Firstly, this is a mechanical cause, it includes a bruise, a blow, a fall, foreign objects in the eye, eyelashes getting inside, and so on. The chemical cause, it includes poisoning with household products or exposure to ammonia, alkali, acid, iodine, lime, or fertilizers. Physical effects include ultraviolet radiation. It often happens that conjunctivitis appears in the course of infections, for example, due to washing, plague or helminthiasis. Allergic reactions are often the cause of the disease.

As can be seen from the number of causes, the disease is indeed the widest distribution throughout the world among a wide variety of animals, ranging from small animals to horses or cows. The same disease is also characteristic of people, the causes are the same, but the disease develops due to infection and other diseases, whether it occurs as a consequence or as a background.

If we talk about the symptoms of the disease, then first it is worth highlighting conjunctivitis: catarrhal, purulent, phlegmonous and follicular. If the disease develops in an acute format, then the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Swelling of the area around the eyes.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Tears often flow.

If the disease is not so acute, then there is inflammation of the vessels inside the eye, redness.

Veterinary ophthalmologists also talk about the chronic form of the disease. It is logical to assume that with her tears and fear of light occur on an ongoing basis. However, not always, it also happens that such symptoms are weakly present or not present at all. The conjunctiva itself becomes pale or blue.

For each of the listed types of conjunctiva, their own characteristics of pain are distinguished.:

  • Catarrhal - an abundance of tears on an ongoing basis.
  • Purulent - pus accumulates in the conjunctiva and the sac becomes large.
  • Follicular - red bumps form under the third eyelid. These are lymph follicles.
  • Phlegmonous - the eyelids swell, become large, the conjunctiva is outside the palpebral fissure.

Treatment should be handled by a veterinarian ophthalmologist. First, he must determine the cause of the disease in order to properly prescribe treatment. After all, different reasons require a slightly different approach. This is the one Reason why you can't self-medicate. The owner determines that it is conjunctivitis, but he does not know which one. This means that he chooses the wrong medicines. This makes the situation worse. After all, precious time is being wasted. The veterinarian ophthalmologist himself carries out the procedure of instillation of drugs into the eyes of the animal. He does this with a syringe without a needle.

Inflammation of the cornea in an animal

Inflammation of the cornea is a process that occurs due to mechanical damage (as a result of a bruise, trauma, fall, injection, and so on), thermal damage, chemical and physical (it includes burns, lime dust, ultraviolet radiation, and so on). Otherwise, the disease is called keratitis and it can arise due to other diseases, as if on the background or as a consequence.

Inflammation of the cornea (Keratitis). Etiology. The disease is caused by mechanical damage (bruise, injection, etc.), thermal, chemical, physical irritations (burn, lime dust, ultraviolet rays, etc.). Keratitis can also occur with certain infectious diseases.

Talking about symptoms, it is worth mentioning the most noticeable ones that the owner of the animal is able to determine in order to call our veterinarian in a timely manner. So, the main features are:

  • Turbidity of the cornea, it loses its luster.
  • The color of the cornea becomes smoky, sometimes white or yellow. Mixing often occurs. In any case, the color is unhealthy.
  • An abundance of tears.
  • Fear of light, the animal constantly squints, tries to hide in a dark corner so that no one disturbs it.
  • If the keratitis is purulent, then the discharge of this pus.
  • The vessels in the eye become inflamed and turn red.

Treatment, as in most diseases individually, depends on the reactions of the pet's body to various components and allergens. Allergens are also found among drugs, so you should be especially careful. The veterinarian conducts the necessary therapy according to Filatov, rinses the eyes with solutions that he carefully selects before.

Massive keratoconjunctivitis in animals

A disease such as keratoconjunctivitis is observed in large horned creatures, and quite often. According to statistics, half of the animals suffer from this disease in one way or another. The disease occurs most often in the spring due to A-hypovitaminosis. If this is a period of pastures, then because of helminths, otherwise called thelaziosis. Infections can cause a deviation if the eyes are affected by rickettsiae.

Symptoms and signs of such a disease coincide with the signs of ordinary conjunctivitis: the cornea becomes cloudy, becomes cloudy and dull, loses its former sensitivity. The epithelium of the cornea deteriorates and is able to detach in layers, which greatly spoils the vision of the animal. After all, there is inflammation of the cornea and iris, its ulceration and, subsequently, the narrowing of the pupil. The moisture inside the eye becomes cloudy, which means that the animal sees worse and worse. If the disease goes well, then the sores that appear in the eye heal and the disease recedes. If a favorable alignment does not occur, then the cornea disintegrates. This leads to glaucoma, the eyeball atrophies, pus appears and other unpleasant consequences.

Not without more noticeable and standard symptoms: fear of light, abundance of tears, sickly appearance and color, the animal tries to hide and avoid communication. These are all common symptoms for almost any eye disease. Therefore, do not ignore them or try to eliminate them yourself. After all, it is impossible to understand what kind of disease is until you look into the eye with the help of special devices. This is the only way to see a chance to see what is happening inside and draw some conclusions. This is what a veterinary ophthalmologist does. He is able to determine the disease and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

It is important to see the disease in the early stages, because timely treatment is a guarantee that the pet will not lose sight. The doctor is able to quickly put the animal on its feet and guarantee a favorable alignment only if the disease was noticed in the first week or at this time. If you do not see and recognize the disease, then even more inflammation will begin. Pus will accumulate in the bag under the eyes, the cornea will peel off, the light will become even more cloudy and this will not lead to anything good. Veterinarians will argue that the animal will lose its sight. Unlike many other diseases, here the immunity and health of the animal is not able to heal and get rid of the disease on its own.

Treatment here is carried out comprehensively and on a large scale. So, in addition to the drops that the doctor instills regularly with a syringe without a needle, diets and proper nutrition are prescribed. It depends on the animal what is meant by proper nutrition. So, in a dog, this is the right balance of natural organic food and dry food. Every animal must have constant access to water. Food should contain vitamins and minerals, a whole complex, without which the risk of catching an eye disease and many others increases. Often animals are prescribed fish oil.

Entropion in a pet

Otherwise, this disease is called inversion of the century. During entropyton, the fit of the eyelid to the eyeball is disrupted. This is a fairly common violation in the life of animals. The disease has three degrees of severity:

  • When the eyelid is too close to the eyeball.
  • When torsion occurs along with touching the cornea with the edge of the eyelid, which is distorted at ninety degrees to the cornea.
  • When the torsion occurs along with the touch of the cornea with hair and skin, which is distorted one hundred and eighty degrees to the cornea.

Entropion disease is easy to spot according to the main symptoms: It is difficult for the animal to look, it is difficult to open or close the eye. The eyelid is able to sag or create a "gap" through which the pet looks. Treatment is performed only by surgery.

Other eye diseases in pets

In such a volume of text, it was possible to fit the four most common diseases, and now imagine the scale and volume of diseases, if not a word has already been said about:

  • Corneal sequester.
  • Areas of hair that are in contact and located too close to the eyeball or directly on it.
  • Damage to the nasolacrimal ducts, lacrimal openings. Their blockage.
  • Eyelash disease, like distichiasis, trichiasis and ectopia.
  • The lacrimal gland protrudes from the third eyelid.
  • Ulcers on the cornea, destruction on it and various growths.
  • Cataract.
  • The lens rises at the wrong angle.
  • And so on.

Just imagine the same amount of information about each of these diseases. But this is an abbreviated version of non-scientific language! So much information has to be kept in mind by veterinary ophthalmologists. But most diseases have the same symptoms and it is even more difficult to determine the exact one in practice.

What should pet owners pay attention to?

You can talk for a long time and examine the main and common diseases, but there are a number of symptoms that we will highlight separately. it universal symptoms, the presence of which accurately indicates a deviation with a 100 percent probability. It is important to identify the disease in advance and in a timely manner. This will help speed up the healing process and reduce the cost of it. So here are the main symptoms to watch out for:

  • Watch for discharge from the eyes. For the quality of these secretions and volumes. We are talking about tears, mucous membranes and pus at least in some volumes.
  • If the eyelid is red, there is no hair on it, the eyelid is constantly covered and the eye squints or does not even open in principle, then this is the reason to call the veterinarian for an examination.
  • Redness of the eyes, inflammation of the vessels.
  • The eyeball is greatly enlarged.
  • Light brings pain and discomfort. The animal tries to hide in the darkest corner and does not go out even for food or water.
  • The eye becomes cloudy, the shade becomes slightly bluer or even acquires a yellow tint.
  • A spot or several spots are visible on the eye.
  • With the naked eye, formations are visible on the eye, eyelid or in the eye area.
  • Watch your eyelashes. They are able to grow into the eye and bring a lot of pain and discomfort.

Veterinary ophthalmologist: Research and diagnostics

In order to correctly determine the disease, it is necessary to correctly approach the diagnosis and use only modern methods for determining the disease. The physician should have appropriate experience in treating such abnormalities. So, the main diagnostic methods:

  • The method of biomicroscopy, which is carried out for the segment of the eye in front. In other words, the eye and its components are examined with magnification.
  • Ophthalmoscopy method, examination of the eye and its retina.
  • Pressure is measured, tanometry inside the eye. This is done using the Maklakov method.
  • Examine the lacrimal glands.
  • Nasolacrimal canal, its patency, examine the cornea for damage.
  • It is important to examine the third eyelid.

Ya-Vet veterinarians carry all the necessary equipment for eye examinations. All tests and analyzes are carried out by express method, so you won't have to wait long. During the visit, the veterinary ophthalmologist will already make a diagnosis and determine the treatment that suits this particular pet. It is always important to keep in mind that if you do not seek help in time, the risk of loss of vision in the animal or its significant reduction. This will bring a lot of inconvenience and suffering to the pet itself and its owner, who was able to correct the situation, but for some reason did not notice or did not call for help.

Thus, because of stupidity, sentient beings suffer, who were quite capable of enjoying life for many more years. Do not think that if an animal has never been sick and has excellent health, then it cannot get sick or is able to cure its eyes on its own. The eyes and the surrounding area is an extremely delicate topic, and the body cannot produce the treatment itself. A veterinary ophthalmologist can help determine what's going on with your pet and recommend the most effective treatment for your pet.

Often there are conditions when help is needed on the same day, sometimes even surgery. In the city of Moscow, the Ya-Vet veterinary clinic has many branches, doctors from which are ready to come around the clock and examine the animal. The eyes can be severely injured, and even cases of eyeball prolapse have been observed. This brings serious consequences and loss of eyes as an organ, so you should resort to the help of professionals. In addition, we carry out highly qualified and modern diagnostics at the home of the caller! Indeed, in the car, veterinarians always have the necessary tools and papers that confirm their qualifications.


If we talk about surgery, then there are many deviations where surgical intervention is required. Veterinarians of the Ya-Vet center perform surgeries at home. Before any such procedure, it is mandatory to quartz the room in order to completely disinfect and sterilize it. After that, the doctors get down to business and carry it out in the fastest and shortest possible time, so as not to take a lot of time from the owner. The operation is scheduled at a time when the owner himself agrees to it. But if the operation is required immediately, veterinarians will insist on its urgency now. Operations include:

  1. Inversion of the eyelid and its straightening, the same applies to eversion.
  2. Remove formations on the eyelid and in the eye area using modern painless methods.
  3. If the lacrimal gland is damaged, then it is reduced and placed in the right place.
  4. Surgery of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  5. In case of loss of an eye, a procedure is performed to install a prosthesis that looks like a real one. The prosthesis is unable to change the eye, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is better to choose this option.
  6. Cartilage surgery.


As a conclusion, it is worth saying and repeating that vision is an incredibly important organ for an animal. Only a vet can help. If the symptoms and signs are not detected in a timely manner in order to start treatment faster, the owner subjects the animal to torment and possibly even deprives of vision.

In no case should you treat and diagnose an animal at home. Especially when it comes to traditional medicine. Thus, the owner will only harm the pet and subsequent treatment will be more expensive and longer, but it is not a fact that it will bring results. Traditional medicine is an extremely unstable and untested method of treating both animals and humans. Sometimes it takes place, especially when it comes to various tinctures and decoctions, but they can still be used only after consultation with a veterinary ophthalmologist.

In the Ya-Vet veterinary center, pets will be provided with the most qualified assistance by a veterinary ophthalmologist. Upon arrival, which is around the clock due to the fact that Moscow allocates several strongholds of our center, the veterinarian will look at the animal and diagnose it. He will do this with the help of express analyzes and modern technologies, which he always carries with him. In addition, he carries the necessary documents that confirm the qualifications and quality assurance. These facts mean that the pet is in the safe and loving hands of true experts in their field.

The veterinary clinic "Center" provides a wide range of ophthalmological services to animals, including: cataract phacoemulsification, intraocular prosthetics, corneal transplantation, etc.

Eye diseases are the first signs of most systemic diseases. A timely trip to the veterinary clinic to the ophthalmologist helps to identify the early stage of leukemia, viral peritonitis, etc.

In recent years, cases of arterial hypertension have become more frequent, which provokes hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye, as well as into the retina. If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner and do not undergo a special course of treatment at a veterinary ophthalmological center, the animal may become completely blind.

In the Center veterinary clinic, an ophthalmologist provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases:

  • auxiliary organs of the eye;
  • choroid;
  • cornea;
  • retina;
  • sclera and lens.

Specialists also conduct a wide range of laboratory tests and ultrasound diagnostics of the eyeball. At the veterinary clinic there is a hospital.

What breeds are predisposed to the development of eye pathologies?

Certain breeds of cats and dogs have a particular predisposition to develop eye conditions that can be treated by an ophthalmologist at a veterinary clinic. For example, in Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Great Danes and Neapolitan Mastiffs, prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid is common. Also, this problem often occurs in other breeds of dogs with a loose type of constitution and a large head.

Eye disease is a serious problem that can occur at any age in any animal species, requiring immediate medical attention. If a dog or cat is festering, reddening, or - all this to a veterinary ophthalmologist. Infections, injuries, age-related changes significantly worsen the quality of life of the animal.

A veterinary ophthalmologist is a specialist who deals with eye diseases directly in animals. A specialist who knows the anatomy and physiology of the eyes of animals, pathologies found in animals, and methods for their treatment and prevention.

To diagnose diseases, we conduct the following studies:

  • biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye with a Heine HSL150 slit lamp (examination of the structures of the eye under magnification)
  • HD ophthalmoscopy with a direct RI-MINI Riester ophthalmoscope (retinal examination)
  • intraocular pressure tonometry according to Maklakov (pressure measurement)
  • Schirmer Test (examination of the lacrimal gland)
  • Fluorescein Test (nasolacrimal duct patency, corneal integrity)
  • Lissamine Green Test (examines the patency of the nasolacrimal canal, the integrity of the cornea)
  • third century research

eye diseases in animals

Currently, diseases of the organ of vision in animals occupies one of the leading places among the number of common diseases. This is primarily due to the fact that various processes in the eyes go unnoticed by the owners, and help is not provided in time. It is important for the owner to pay attention to changes in the eyes of his animal in time and contact our specialist - an ophthalmologist for advice or help. If you notice that the animal squints its eyes, that the eye is reddened, that a “thorn” or “film” has formed on the eye, then you should immediately contact one of our centers for help.

What owners should pay attention to:

  • the quality and quantity of discharge from the eyes (this may be the amount of tears, or mucous or purulent discharge)
  • condition of the eyelids (redness of the eyelids, baldness of the eyelids, narrowing of the palpebral fissure or not opening the eyes at all)
  • condition of the conjunctiva (hyperemia, redness)
  • eyeball size
  • animal reaction to light (hides in dark places)
  • blue or blurred eyes
  • a brown opaque spot formed
  • any neoplasms (pigmented, non-pigmented; on the eyelids, in the eye)
  • cilia that can grow inside the eye (thus irritating the cornea)

Diagnosis of diseases of the organs of vision in the centers "MEDVET"

Our centers always have the necessary ophthalmic diagnostic equipment and all the necessary tests in order to timely determine the cause of the disease and provide assistance to your pet at the right time. It must be remembered that an eye disease diagnosis that is not provided at the right time can lead to loss of vision, and in worst cases, to the loss of the eye as an organ.

If changes are found in the eyes of your pet, you should immediately consult a doctor, since any disease without the necessary treatment can lead to a complication of this pathology.

There are urgent conditions when it is necessary to immediately provide assistance to the animal in order to preserve the eye as an organ and possibly preserve vision, such as prolapse of the eyeball, eye injuries. Sometimes the most harmless (at first glance) eye injury can lead to serious consequences.

In our veterinary center you can get comprehensive diagnostics and qualified assistance in the pathology of your animal's eye. If your pet is healthy, our specialist will conduct a preventive examination.


For certain diseases, surgery may be necessary. You can perform many operations, including microsurgical ones, with us. These include:

  • Inversion/Eversion of the eyelids
  • Removal of neoplasms of the eyelids by excision and cryodestruction
  • Reduction of hyperplasia of the lacrimal gland of the third eyelid
  • Corneal microsurgery
  • Dermoid removal
  • Eyeball prosthetics
  • Cartilage plasty of the third eyelid
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