Is it possible to give birth with a small uterus. Little uterus

It is no secret that many women fail to conceive a child the first time. There can be many reasons for this. However, often future mothers are given a disappointing diagnosis of "small uterus". In this article, we will consider the features of bearing and the chances of having a healthy baby in this situation.

Normally, the uterus of a nulliparous girl should reach 7 cm in length and 40 g in weight. For women who have given birth, there are other normative indicators. The length of the uterus should not be less than 8-9 cm, and the mass of the organ should be in the range from 50 g to 70 g. The normal width is 4-5 cm. The formation and formation of the reproductive system begins during fetal development. The uterus of a newborn girl reaches 3-4 cm, and at the age of 7-8 her intensive growth begins. It acquires its final dimensions when the girl reaches the age of thirteen.

If the length of the uterus is insufficient, but its width is normal, then there should be no difficulties with the course of pregnancy. Today, experts trace the relationship between the state of the reproductive sphere and the emotional background. If a woman, after the news that her uterus does not meet the required standards, gives in to stress, then this can provoke a dysfunction of the reproductive organs. Emotional stress causes psychosomatic deviations, which can lead to such disappointing consequences.

There are 3 stages of this deviation:

  • hypoplasia - the woman's uterus at the same time corresponds to the size of a teenage organ;
  • infantilism - with this pathology, a child's uterus is diagnosed in a woman of reproductive age, which does not exceed 5.5 cm;
  • aplasia - a deviation in which the size of the uterus of a woman corresponds to the uterus of a newborn girl and reaches only 3 cm.

The first and second stages are treatable, a woman has every chance of becoming pregnant and carrying a baby. Unfortunately, the third stage cannot be corrected, but in this case, do not despair. If ovarian function is preserved, conception is possible by in vitro fertilization.

Signs of a small uterus

  1. One of the main signs indicating insufficient size of the uterus is delayed puberty. At the same time, menstruation begins at the age of 15-16.
  2. Often, along with this problem, women experience underdevelopment of the labia, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  3. Hypoplasia of the uterus can also be determined based on the general physical data of the girl. The presence of this pathology is indicated by a narrow pelvis, short stature, a narrow chest, and a small breast size.
  4. In adulthood, women experience little or no sex drive.
  5. Symptoms such as an irregular cycle, the complete absence of menstruation, pain, problems with conception should alert.

Reasons for the deviation

The reasons for deviations in the formation of the uterus are the negative factors that the girl was exposed to during fetal development and during puberty.

  1. This reproductive organ is formed at the last stage of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester. If a woman carrying a girl is exposed to infectious diseases during this period, encounters a hormonal imbalance, does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins, there is a possibility of developing this pathology.
  2. Hypoplasia may be the result of a violation of the activity of the hypothalamus - the part of the brain that ensures the functioning of the endocrine glands. As well as hypofunction of the ovaries, which produce female sex hormones.
  3. Similar consequences can be caused by diseases of the genitourinary system suffered by a girl in adolescence, viral infections, deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, heavy physical exertion and stressful conditions, exposure to toxic substances on the body.

All of these factors have a direct impact on a woman's reproductive capacity when she reaches adulthood.

A small cervix during pregnancy can also interfere with successful gestation. Normally, this organ has a cylindrical shape. However, in the presence of deviations, the shape of the neck resembles a cone. With hypoplasia of the cervix, fertilization occurs freely, but complications may arise during the course of pregnancy. The reason for this is isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This means that the muscles at the junction of the cervix with the uterus are weak. As a result, the reproductive organs are not able to hold the fetus, the weight of which is constantly increasing. There is a risk of termination of pregnancy at the stage of 20 to 30 weeks.

Diagnosis of the size of the uterus

The doctor gets an idea of ​​the size of the uterus based on ultrasound. However, it is worth considering that diagnostics should not be limited only to this method. The small size of this organ does not always indicate the presence of pathology. A small uterus can be observed in asthenic women in the absence of any problems in the reproductive sphere.

In addition to the ultrasound examination, a gynecological examination is performed. If the doctor finds a small height of the uterine fundus, this will confirm the diagnosis. By laboratory examination, it is necessary to determine the concentration of hormonal substances that are responsible for the development of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular, the uterus. A study of the uterine cavity is also carried out.

Small uterus treatment

A small uterus during pregnancy can provoke the development of an embryo outside the uterine cavity. Therapy is aimed at increasing it to a size that allows you to bear the fetus without problems. To achieve this result, a woman is prescribed drugs, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing the hormonal balance and stimulating the growth of the organ. Vitamin preparations are also used for this purpose. In some cases, the situation can be normalized only with the help of vitamins and there is no need to take hormonal drugs.
In addition to medications, gynecological massage is also prescribed. This method improves blood circulation, which stimulates the growth of the uterus. It consists in massaging the external and internal reproductive organs. In addition, doctors recommend physiotherapy procedures - paraffin therapy, mud therapy, laser therapy, UHF.

There are also alternative methods of treatment of this pathology. But before using them, it is imperative to consult with a specialist. We should not forget that self-treatment can not only not give the desired result, but also exacerbate the problem. One of the options offered by traditional medicine is the use of blue or red clay.

It needs to be crushed, sifted, and then add water. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream. The clay prepared in this way is applied in a thick layer on the lower abdomen. Top the mixture with a warm cloth or film for food purposes and leave for 2 hours. After this time, the clay is washed off. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days. It must be remembered that the treatment of folk remedies should be combined with drug therapy.

small uterus during pregnancy

There is no unequivocal opinion regarding the influence of this pathology on the onset and course of pregnancy. Some doctors consider the underdevelopment of the uterus as a serious obstacle to conception and gestation. Other experts do not share this opinion. The uterus has sufficient elasticity, and pregnancy can occur even with some deviations from the norm. If hypoplasia is not accompanied by other pathologies, a woman will be able to bear a healthy child. But with hormonal disorders or the absence of the ovulation process, certain problems may arise.
The small size of the uterus is not an obstacle to conception. Many women learn about this peculiarity already during pregnancy. As the fetus grows, so will the uterus. To minimize the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, hormone therapy is prescribed for the expectant mother. Also, a woman should be careful during the days of pregnancy, which are the most dangerous.

The most dangerous in this regard is the first trimester. During this period, the greatest number of miscarriages occurs. At the stage of 2-3 weeks, the implantation of the fetal egg occurs. A number of adverse factors can hinder this process. In addition to the insufficient size of the uterus, these include pathologies of the placenta, taking certain medications, viral diseases, and hormonal disorders.
From 4 to 7 weeks, all the vital systems and organs of the baby begin to form. The danger of this period lies in the occurrence of possible pathologies and anomalies. At the stage of 8-12 weeks, intensive formation of the placenta occurs. If her detachment occurs, the pregnancy will be terminated.
The second trimester is considered relatively safe. But even at this time, a woman may face complications. The period from 18 to 22 weeks is dangerous, when the uterus is rapidly increasing in size.

In the third trimester, care must be taken from 28 to 32 weeks. The danger of this time interval lies in the possibility of disturbances in the activity of the placenta, which leads to premature birth or intrauterine death of the fetus.

A small uterus should not be considered as a contraindication or an obstacle to pregnancy. Difficulties that a woman may encounter in bearing cause concomitant deviations. This is a lack of hormonal elements and thin myometrium.

There are situations when the size of the uterus is less than the gestational age. There may be several reasons for this. This condition is diagnosed with an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, an erroneously set period, an abnormal presentation of the fetus, and the presence of a wide pelvis in a woman.


The small size of the uterus should not be considered as an obstacle to the onset of conception and gestation. Taking modern medications will normalize the growth of this reproductive organ, and regular examinations will help eliminate the development of complications. A woman should not worry, even if the uterus is less than the gestational age. It is possible that the date was set incorrectly.

Features and dimensions of the uterus during pregnancy. Video:

Hypoplasia of the uterus is a condition in which the size of the uterus is smaller than it should be in a healthy adult woman. Why does organ hypoplasia develop and is it possible to get pregnant with this problem?

The reasons

A small uterus is a rare occurrence. The immediate cause of this condition is considered to be a failure of the intrauterine development of the girl's genitals. The influence of unfavorable factors at the early stages of embryogenesis leads to the fact that the organ does not reach its size. In medical practice, this condition is called hypoplasia, or sexual infantilism.

Causes and risk factors for the development of the disease:

  • chromosomal abnormalities;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infections;
  • taking medications;
  • radiation exposure.

It is usually not possible to find out the exact causes of sexual infantilism. It is quite difficult to understand what factor had its decisive influence on the development of the organ. Often, several adverse factors are combined, leading to the development of a similar problem in a woman. A small uterus can be combined with other malformations of the reproductive and urinary systems.

Main symptoms

Normally, the size of the uterus is 7 cm for a nulliparous woman and 8 cm for a woman who has given birth. The length of the cervix in this case is 2.5-3.5 cm outside of pregnancy. With hypoplasia, the size of the organ does not reach the accepted norm. In the complete absence of the uterus, they speak of its aplasia. What does this mean for a woman?

A small uterus is a condition that can go unnoticed for a long time. If its size is only slightly below the norm, there may not be any clinical manifestations of this pathology. A woman may never find out about her problem or discover the disease by chance during an examination for a completely different disease.

Severe hypoplasia makes itself felt by the following symptoms:

  • delayed sexual development in adolescence;
  • rare or scanty menstruation;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation;
  • infertility.

A small uterus is often combined with hormonal disorders in a woman's body. This means that in adolescence, such a girl has a delay in sexual development. Perhaps the appearance of signs of sexual infantilism (underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics after the age of 15 years). The lag in physical development is very characteristic.

Hypoplasia can be combined with underdevelopment of the external genital organs (vagina, ovaries). In this condition, other problems in the reproductive sphere may appear. Malformations of the genital organs can go along with anomalies in the structure of the ureter, kidneys and other structures of the urinary system.


A doctor can suspect the disease when examined on a gynecological chair. You can find out the exact picture of the disease with the help of ultrasound. With an ultrasound examination, the doctor can measure the organ, as well as identify concomitant changes in the structures of the small pelvis.

A small uterus is a reason to be examined by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Experts recommend donating blood for this pathology to determine key female hormones, as well as pituitary and thyroid hormones. According to the indications, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination, including a consultation with a geneticist and other narrow specialists.


A small uterus is the direct cause of infertility. Not all women manage to get pregnant with this pathology. The problem most often lies in the accompanying changes in the hormonal background. The disease is often combined with anovulatory menstrual cycles, in which it is simply impossible to get pregnant. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment in such a situation after a thorough examination of the patient.

With the size of the uterus less than 3 cm, the conception of a child is almost impossible. If the size of the organ is in the range of 4 to 5 cm, some women manage to get pregnant. That's just the bearing of a child in this situation remains a big question. The wall of an underdeveloped organ is poorly stretched, interfering with the normal development of the baby. A miscarriage occurs - a natural result of pregnancy with a similar developmental anomaly.

Hypoplasia is often combined with underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes. As a result, such a pathology often leads to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. To save the life of a woman, doctors have to perform an emergency surgical operation. During surgery, the fallopian tube is often removed. Removal of tubes from both sides leads to the fact that this woman will no longer be able to become pregnant naturally.

Hypoplasia does not always lead to infertility and miscarriage. If the size of the organ is 6-7 cm, normal conception and childbearing is possible. Such a pregnancy does not always proceed safely, but usually doctors manage to cope with the complications that have arisen. A slight decrease in the size of the uterus may not affect the course of pregnancy at all.


Treatment of sexual infantilism will depend on the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathology. If the cause lies in a violation of the hormonal background, you can try to conduct a specific therapy. Hormonal treatment often leads to positive results and allows a woman to become pregnant and bear a child.

Minor hypoplasia (6-7 cm) may disappear on its own with the onset of sexual activity or after pregnancy. Changes in the hormonal background lead to the fact that the organ increases somewhat in size, and the problem is solved by itself. With severe hypoplasia, the only way out can be only surrogate motherhood.

A small uterus or hypoplasia is a condition in which the small size of the organ leads to impaired function. A small uterus can cause infertility or miscarriage. However, this diagnosis requires precise confirmation.

The internal genital organs of the female body are laid at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd trimester. It is believed that at this time the body goes through a critical period of development. Another critical period of development of the body passes at the age of 11-16 years. Violations that arose during critical periods will affect the entire future life of a person.

If during the first critical period there are violations of the growth of the internal genital organs, in the future this can lead to uterine aplasia. Aplasia or fetal uterus is a condition in which a woman of reproductive age has the size of the uterus comparable to the size of the uterus of a newborn child. In severe cases, the uterus may be absent.

Violations of the growth and development of the internal genital organs during puberty can lead to uterine hypoplasia. In this case, a small uterus is observed, underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and external genital organs is possible.

There is a dependence of function on the structure, which means that a small uterus can be the cause of infertility or abortion in the early stages. If a woman has a small uterus, her size may not correspond to the norm necessary for a physiological pregnancy.

Small uterus - reasons

Infections, hormonal disorders, lack of nutrients and minerals, stress, excessive physical activity, lack of rest and sleep, severe illness during a critical period lead to a violation of the growth and development of the whole organism.

Small uterus - symptoms

Symptoms of uterine hypoplasia:

  • lack of menstruation - amenorrhea;
  • painful menstruation - algomenorrhea;
  • violations of the cycle of menstruation - dysmenorrhea;
  • decreased libido;
  • infertility;
  • habitual miscarriage.

Hypoplasia of the uterus is often accompanied by a lag in overall physical development.

Often this diagnosis is made on the basis of ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The normal dimensions of the uterus are: length 7-8 cm, width 4-5 cm, thickness of the myometrium 2-3 cm.

However, for an accurate diagnosis, the data of a gynecological examination and the presence of characteristic symptoms are important. Other causes of infertility must be excluded.


Small uterus (photo from the monitor of the ultrasound machine):

Ultrasound diagnosis is based on a visual measurement of the size of the uterus on the monitor of the device. However, the method does not take into account the features of normal development. In women with an asthenic physique, it is possible that the size of the uterus will be less than the statistical norm, but they have no problems with the female genital area.

What to do if a small uterus is diagnosed according to a radiologist? Be sure to visit a competent gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe tests.

During a gynecological examination, a small height of the uterine fundus revealed may indicate a correct diagnosis. Tests for sex hormones can reveal a hormonal imbalance characteristic of hypoplasia.

Why should a small uterus be diagnosed with the exclusion of other pathologies? With subsequent hormonal treatment, if the cause of infertility is not in hypoplasia, the condition may worsen. If the cause is a tumor, hormonal treatment will lead to the rapid progression of the oncological process.

Aplasia of the uterus is diagnosed during ultrasound. The extremely small size of the organ, within 3 cm, makes the diagnosis quite accurate.

Small uterus - treatment

Treatment of hypoplasia is carried out with hormonal drugs. Gonadotropic hormones stimulate the growth and development of internal genital organs, promote conception. Physiotherapy is widely used, based on the use of thermal procedures that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Restorative treatment, vitamin therapy, physical activity and proper nutrition contribute to a speedy recovery. Some gynecologists recommend not to have an abortion in the event of pregnancy. Pregnancy contributes to an increase in the uterus, and hormones produced in large quantities by the body act better than drugs.

Uterine aplasia and extreme degrees of uterine hypoplasia are considered unpromising for any treatment.

Small uterus and pregnancy

The most frequently asked question in patients with this diagnosis is whether it is possible to get pregnant? A small uterus in itself is not an obstacle to pregnancy, if there are no hormonal disorders.

However, a small wall thickness, poor extensibility of the myometrium, a small cervix can cause abortion due to uterine hypertonicity, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, placental abruption.

In cases where hypoplasia is accompanied by hormonal disorders, pregnancy can be prevented by the lack of ovulation, low hormone levels make implantation of a fertilized egg impossible.

And yet, you can get pregnant if the uterus is small. You can endure and give birth to a healthy baby. The most important thing is correct and comprehensive treatment, optimistic attitude and good spirits.

Pregnancy with uterine aplasia is usually not possible. IVF and surrogacy can help a woman become a mother.

The normal size of the uterus is about 7 cm long and about 4 cm wide. It is characteristic that women who have given birth have a larger size. The term small uterus speaks for itself and implies a decrease in the size of this organ. It may or may not be infantilism. Moreover, infantilism is characterized by an uneven change in the size of the uterus - a large length of the neck and a small size of the body of the uterus. And hypoplasia is characterized by a proportional decrease in all sizes of the uterus. Often, such developmental disorders are combined with excessive bending of the uterus forward (hyperanteflexia) or backward (hyperretroflexia).

Small uterus - causes and consequences

A small uterus develops in case of exposure to negative factors in the so-called critical periods for the development of the reproductive system. That is, during the period of embryonic development and during puberty. Among the causes of a small uterus, the main ones are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • insufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins, microelements, which are necessary for the full development of the body;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • stressful situations, nervous strain;
  • severe comorbidities.

After we figured out what a small uterus means, it remains to understand the manifestations of this condition. The main consequences of a small uterus include the following:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle. It can be both painful periods and the complete absence of menstruation.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Due to a violation of the formation of the uterus, an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy may occur.
  4. Frequent pregnancies.

Pregnancy and a small uterus

The reason for the lack of pregnancy in this case are concomitant hormonal disorders. Or the size of the uterus is so small that it makes the development of pregnancy simply impossible.

But do not despair. In some cases, in the absence of other abnormalities, pregnancy and childbirth with a small uterus go quite well.


So, now it remains to understand what to do if the uterus is small and find out how to influence its size. Treatment of a small uterus is possible only when the cause is hormonal disorders. In such a situation, timely administration of drugs will eliminate the deficiency of hormones necessary for normal formation of the genital organs.

Procedures that stimulate uterine circulation are considered quite effective: gynecological massage of the uterus, thermal procedures. At the same time, with increased blood flow, more nutrients enter the uterine tissue. And, as a result, a slight increase in size. Indeed, in the treatment of a small uterus, every additional millimeter is important. But the main thing is to prevent the development of a small uterus as much as possible. And this can be done through the timely struggle with the above reasons.

The ability to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy child is one of the most important functions of the female body. Its implementation depends on the stability of all links of neurohumoral regulation and the anatomical usefulness of the organs of the reproductive system. Any structural and functional abnormalities entail gynecological disorders, many of which are associated with a high risk of infertility. For example, women who have a small uterus can face a similar problem. What does this mean, and is it possible to get pregnant with this condition - the main questions that concern patients. And the doctor is obliged to answer them.

General information

No wonder the uterus is called the most important organ in a woman. It is a container for the fetus and the place where its intrauterine development takes place, protects the baby from external influences, provides oxygen and nutrients. And when the time comes to be born, the uterus with its powerful muscles will push the child into a new world. But this is feasible only with the correct development of the body.

The size of the uterus and the relationship between the individual elements (body and neck) undergo significant changes during the life of a woman. The length of the organ at birth is 3-4 cm, but in the first year its volume decreases by almost a third, which is associated with a drop in the level of maternal estrogens in the blood. Up to 10 years, only the overall size of the uterus is determined, taking into account the cervix and body, and then they are differentiated. How it looks is shown in Table 1.

These indicators are minimal, and in order to get the upper limit of the norm, you should add 3-4 mm to them. At reproductive age, the size of the uterus depends on whether the woman was pregnant, whether she gave birth, and how many times. In addition, the hormonal background and the individual characteristics of the body have a certain influence. The allowable size of the organ (lower limit of the norm) can be found in Table No. 2.

In postmenopause, there is a natural involution of the genital organs associated with a decrease in the synthesis of hormones. The uterus gradually decreases, and 5 years after the end of menstruation, its total length does not exceed 67 mm. But this process is programmed by the body itself, so you should not worry about the small size of the organ after 50 years.

The normal development of the genital organs is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones affect the ovaries, which in turn produce estrogens and progesterone. And those already provide the growth of the uterus and cyclic changes in it.

The size of the uterus for each age period is different. But they should not be less than normal.

The reasons

A small uterus is scientifically called hypoplasia. This pathology is characterized by the fact that by the beginning of puberty the organ does not reach normal sizes, that is, it is underdeveloped. Such an anomaly is congenital or acquired. In the first case, the causes of a small uterus are associated with disorders in the prenatal period:

  • Chromosomal aberrations.
  • Bad habits of a woman (smoking, alcohol).
  • Intoxications.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency.
  • Taking medicines.

But adverse effects on the body of a child and a teenage girl also lead to deviations in the development of the genital organs. Risk factors that contribute to the appearance of hypoplasia include:

  • Severe infections (viral, bacterial).
  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, respiratory system.
  • Endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism).
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland, ovaries.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Inadequate nutrition.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders (anorexia, depression).
  • Toxic substances (drugs, smoking, alcohol).

In most cases, they entail hormonal disorders with a violation of the physiological development of the uterus. Therefore, puberty cannot end with the acquisition of a full reproductive function.


Uterine hypoplasia is characterized only by the underdevelopment of the organ, and all its parts - the body, neck and tubes - are formed correctly. But a similar situation is often included in the structure of genital infantilism, when other genital organs are also reduced in size. Depending on the degree of underdevelopment of the uterus, it is necessary to distinguish between the following degrees of hypoplasia:

  • 1 - the length is not more than 35 mm, most of it is occupied by the neck (embryonic or rudimentary uterus).
  • 2 - length up to 55 mm, ratio of body and neck 1:3 (infantile uterus).
  • 3 - the length reaches 70 cm, the neck occupies the third part (teenage uterus).

Of course, this has an impact on the clinical picture. The main manifestation of hypoplasia are menstrual irregularities. In the first degree, primary amenorrhea often occurs, which is characterized by the complete absence of menstruation, that is, they never began in adolescence. For girls with 2–3 degrees of hypoplasia, hypomenstrual syndrome is characteristic:

  1. Opsomenorrhea - rare periods with an interval of 1.5-2 months.
  2. Oligomenorrhea - the duration of menstruation is not more than 2 days.
  3. Hypomenorrhea - the amount of discharge does not exceed 40 ml.

Menstruation appears late - after 16 years. They are irregular, and sometimes combined with periods of heavy discharge. Often worried about algomenorrhea - a syndrome characterized by painful periods, accompanied by general disorders:

  • Headache.
  • Vertigo.
  • Irritability.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Dry mouth.

On examination, the doctor reveals signs of a lag in physical development. In girls with uterine hypoplasia, short stature, a narrow pelvis, small mammary glands, and poorly developed hair growth are determined. The genitals are changed: the clitoris is not covered by the labia, the vagina is short and narrow. With a bimanual examination, it is possible to establish that the body of the uterus is flattened, it is dense and strongly inclined anteriorly (hyperanteflexia).

Hypoplasia of the uterus leaves a significant imprint on the menstrual function, and is often combined with other signs of genital infantilism.

Pregnancy with hypoplasia

Women who are faced with hypoplasia are concerned about the main question: is pregnancy possible with a small uterus. It all depends on the severity of underdevelopment of the organ and associated hormonal disorders. With 1 and 2 degrees of pathology, it is not possible to bear a child, since primary infertility occurs. But even in this case, do not despair, because there are assisted reproductive technologies.

But in women with a teenage uterus, the situation is more favorable: it is possible not only to become pregnant, but also to give birth to a healthy baby. However, in the process of gestation, you need to be prepared for various complications:

  • Spontaneous abortions.
  • Premature birth.
  • Severe toxicosis.
  • Weaknesses of labor activity.

In addition, in such cases, the risk of ectopic pregnancy, postpartum hemorrhage, and infectious pathology (endometritis) increases. It should be noted that uterine hypoplasia in reproductive age also leads to a decrease in libido and the absence of orgasm, which creates additional difficulties in sexual life.


To find out the cause of hypoplasia, to establish its degree and to say how the small uterus will behave during pregnancy, an additional examination is necessary. A woman should undergo diagnostic procedures, including:

  1. Blood biochemistry: spectrum of hormones (follitropin, lutropin, prolactin, thyrotropin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, cortisol).
  2. Functional tests for ovulation.
  3. Genetic research.
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvis.
  5. Hysterosalpingography.
  6. X-ray of the skull.
  7. Tomography (computer and magnetic resonance).

Additionally, to find out the causes and mechanisms of hypoplasia, it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist and a geneticist. And after a complete diagnosis, the doctor will form a treatment plan that will help the woman become pregnant and feel the joy of motherhood.

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