Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment. Cervical dorsopathy: mechanism of development, symptoms and treatment of pathology What does cervical dorsopathy mean

Dorsopathy- a group of diseases, which are based on degenerative changes in the spine, manifested by pain, impaired innervation, as well as impaired blood supply to organs and tissues.

  • When C1-C7 vertebrae are involved in the pathological process, then this is dorsopathy of the cervical spine.
  • With localization in the Th1-Th12 vertebrae - dorsopathy of the thoracic spine. This species is less common, since these vertebrae are characterized by active participation in the act of breathing, which minimizes the risk of compression.
  • If the patient complains of severe, dull pain in the lumbar region radiating to the sacrum, thighs, lower legs, and in some cases to the pelvic organs, then this is most likely dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine.
  • But what then is dorsopathy of the lumbar and how to differentiate it? First of all, pain when walking is characteristic, with the involvement of the gluteal region, a crooked posture of the patient in order to unload the lumbar spine. This symptomatology is typical for dorsopathy of the lumbar spine.

The reasons for the frequent localization of this process in the neck

  1. Firstly, the cervical vertebrae are small in size, but the functional load on them is colossal - ensuring head movements. This explains the rapid wear of the intervertebral discs and compression of the spinal cord in the cervical region, which is clinically manifested by myelopathic syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a violation of the sensitivity of the hands, neck, tongue, a decrease in muscle tone up to paralysis. Periodically, the patient may be disturbed by a feeling of "coldness" and tingling.
  2. Secondly, the most powerful vessel, the vertebral artery, which supplies the brain with blood, passes in the canal formed by the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. This leads to the fact that the osteophytes formed during deformities compress the artery. As a result, malnutrition of the brain and the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The clinical course of VSD is variable and more often represented by fluctuations in blood pressure, headache, decreased performance and memory, insomnia, tinnitus, tachycardia. In most cases, patients do not associate this manifestation with spinal injury and turn to the doctor late.
  3. Pain is the leading symptom. . The pain can be acute, “shooting through”, developing suddenly, or increasing gradually. Pain can spread to the scapular region, upper back. Pain increases more often with physical exertion, sudden movements, and even during coughing, which reduces the quality of life of the patient.

developmental pathogenesis

There are three types of dorsopathies, depending on which mechanism is leading in the pathogenesis of the disease:

  1. Deforming - as a result of a change in the configuration of the vertebrae, they are shifted relative to each other, which leads to various types of curvature. For example, scoliosis.
  2. Discogenic - damage to the fibrocartilaginous structures of the intervertebral disc leads to changes in its elasticity and strength, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of protrusion, hernias.
  3. Vertebrogenic - dystrophic signs of the spine are detected as a result of injuries, peculiarities of working conditions, age. In addition, the cause may be a genetic predisposition or metabolic disorders.

In addition, there are risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of dorsopathy:

  1. Physical inactivity, that is, a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient development of the muscular frame.
  2. Non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic labor standards: prolonged stay in one position.
  3. Occupational hazards, for example, the operation of hand-held vibrating devices.
  4. The presence of bad habits: alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.
  5. Spinal injury.
  6. Frequent SARS

Instrumental and physical diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of dorsopathy of the cervical region is reduced to the detection of the underlying disease. It is necessary to determine the level of damage to the spine. Based on this, it is necessary to distinguish between types of dorsopathies. For example, if L4-S1 vertebrae are involved (one of the most common variants), then dorsopathy located in the lumbosacral spine should be considered. If the process is localized only in L1-L5 vertebrae, without spreading to the sacral, then this is dorsopathy of the lumbar spine.

Methods for making a diagnosis:

  • Data of the anamnesis - complaints of the patient.
  • On palpation, tension in the muscles of the cervical region is noted.
  • X-ray examination reveals the curvature of the spine, osteophytes, narrowing of the spinal canal, the degree of displacement of the vertebrae.
  • The results of an MRI study, computed tomography - flattening of the intervertebral distance, degenerative changes in the discs, the presence of tumor neoplasms, hernias. Allows you to diagnose changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs of the cervical vertebrae, as well as ligaments, blood vessels.
  • Doppler ultrasound is used to detect obstructions that interfere with blood flow. It can be blood clots, neoplasms.


The main tactic of treatment is a conservative method. And the primary task is to eliminate the pain syndrome. With a slight intensity, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. This group reduces the level of prostaglandins, which in turn increases the level of pain sensitivity. However, side effects force patients to refuse these drugs. For example, damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum with the development of ulcers and bleeding.

In the presence of an increase in muscle tone, it is advisable to prescribe a group of muscle relaxants. Their simultaneous use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs allows to reduce the dose of the latter, which solves the problem of complications.

With compression syndrome, preference should be given to vascular drugs that improve blood circulation and venous outflow. These drugs include a group of calcium channel blockers.

At the same time, local treatment of the cervical region is carried out. Warming ointments improve blood flow, thereby reducing swelling, normalizing tissue trophism, which is necessary for rapid regeneration. To improve tissue metabolism, chondroprotectors are used that contain chondroitin sulfate, which gives strength and elasticity to the tissue. This component decreases during degenerative processes. B vitamins, such as B1, B6, B12, have a neurotropic effect and restore the nerve fibers of the central as well as the peripheral nervous system.

Main using methods:

  • Ultraviolet radiation . Usually on the 4th day after the reduction of the acute process, pain. Erythemal doses are used. The course includes 4-5 radiations with a break of one day.
  • Massage. It is necessary to start with stroking and not strong rubbing, which subsequently increase and improve the blood supply to the muscles and bone structures, eliminate spasm.
  • Magnetotherapy - under the influence of a low-frequency magnetic field, the trophism of the muscles improves and the pain syndrome decreases with dorsopathy of the cervical region. The best result is achieved with the simultaneous passage of a course of laser therapy, which triggers biostimulation. At the same time, the process of regeneration of connective tissue is doubled.
  • Physiotherapy , including including water procedures - strengthens the muscular frame of the cervical region, preventing the occurrence of relapses.
  • Traction traction of the cervical spine . An increase in the intervertebral foramen is achieved and the conditions for compression of the spinal cord are eliminated. Plus, the ligamentous apparatus of the cervical region is strengthened.
  • Reflexology presents a course of acupuncture that has the above properties, and also promotes the production of cortisol - a hormone with an anti-inflammatory focus, and endogenous opiates - natural painkillers.
  • Darsonvalization is carried out along the spine and along the irradiation of pain. High-frequency currents, acting on the skin, cause similar effects.

These physical methods give a good result in the treatment of other types of dorsopathy, for example, the thoracic spine, as well as for dorsopathy involving the lumbosacral spine. In the presence of compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine, as well as pain syndrome that is not relieved by conservative therapy, surgical treatment should be used. The method is chosen according to the diagnosis. Now, little invasive approaches are used, followed by the appointment of local cryotherapy and electrophoresis of fibrinolytic agents on the area of ​​the postoperative scar.


Diagnosis, given the lifestyle of a modern person, is not uncommon today. Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system lead to the development of various disorders. If there is no treatment for dorsopathy of the cervical spine, then gradually develop disorders in the peripheral and autonomic nervous system. This results in loss of normal performance.


Dorsopathy of the cervical localization is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic changes in bone and cartilage tissues. Pathology most often captures nearby tissues: blood vessels, muscles, ligaments.

The development of dorsopathy in the cervical spine is the most dangerous and is associated with some features in the structure:

  • The vertebrae are small.
  • The cervical region should provide good mobility of the head.
  • Performs a supporting function.
  • The muscles in the cervical region are less developed.
  • An artery passes through the muscle fibers in the neck, carrying blood to the brain.

These anatomical features lead to rapid wear of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

ICD-10 code

The diagnosis of "dorsopathy of the cervical spine" according to the international classification of diseases has the code M-50. It refers to a number of pathological changes that, in the absence of effective therapy, lead to serious consequences.


In medical circles, several varieties of cervical dorsopathy are distinguished:

  1. Deforming dorsopathy. It develops against the background of displacement of the cervical vertebrae, but their integrity is not violated. These include: scoliosis, subluxations, spondylosis, osteochondrosis.
  2. Vertebrogenic form. Pathological disorders occur in the vertebrae. They can be inflammatory, traumatic or degenerative.
  3. Discogenic dorsopathy. There is not only a displacement of the vertebrae, but also the destruction of cartilage tissue, damage to the intervertebral discs and the fibrous ring. This group includes: protrusions and intervertebral hernias.

Depending on the type of pathology, the specialist will select therapy.

Symptoms and signs

The main symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical spine are pains of a different nature and intensity. Patients often complain of sudden "shoots" after sudden head movements.

The characteristic signs of dorsopathy in the cervical region include:

  • Pain in the neck and shoulders.
  • The appearance of discomfort in the hands and in the region of the heart.
  • When the nerve roots are pinched, there is a violation of sensitivity, numbness of the hands, neck, tongue.
  • In advanced cases, paralysis and paresis.
  • Frequent headache, flies before the eyes.
  • Decreased muscle tone in the arms, neck.
  • Cold upper limbs.
  • There are fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Patients complain of a violation of the rhythm of the heart.
  • In the neck, shoulders, a tingling sensation is felt, a burning sensation appears.
  • Often worried about dizziness.
  • Noise in ears.
  • The muscles of the neck are in constant tension.

When these symptoms appear, you do not need to self-medicate, visiting a competent specialist will avoid complications.

The reasons

The disease often develops against the background of cervical osteochondrosis. The following reasons can also lead to the development of dorsopathy:

  • infectious diseases.
  • Injuries: dislocations, fractures, sprains.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology.
  • Weak muscles.
  • Overload of the cervical spine.
  • Overexertion when staying for a long time in one position.
  • Impact of low temperatures.
  • Stress and depression.

There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing pathology:

  • Eating disorders: adherence to mono-diets, unbalanced vegetarianism.
  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Old age.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Prolonged stay in one position.
  • Excess weight.
  • Traumatic sports, especially the neglect of the warm-up before training.

Often the person himself is to blame for the development of symptoms of dorsopathy. Failure to follow simple recommendations leads to violations and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.


For the appointment of therapy, it is important to accurately diagnose, and this requires diagnosis. It implies:

It is important to conduct a differential diagnosis, given that cervical dorsopathy has similar symptoms with myocardial infarction, with the appearance of malignant neoplasms or cerebrovascular accidents.


Depending on the stage of development of the pathology and its variety, the doctor prescribes therapy, it has the following goals:

  1. Elimination of pain syndrome, relaxation of muscles and relief of the inflammatory process.
  2. Normalization of microcirculation in the area of ​​pathological changes.
  3. Etiotropic treatment is required if dorsopathy is provoked by existing diseases.
  4. Prevention of complications and recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of dorsopathy may include several directions.

Application of the Shants collar

The Shants collar is a device for correcting disorders in the region of the cervical vertebrae. Various materials can be used for its manufacture, and the collar is always selected individually for each patient.

When used during cervical dorsopathy, the following effects are observed:

  • The intensity of pain decreases.
  • Posture improves.
  • Dorsopathy relieves its symptoms faster.
  • Passes numbness and burning sensation in the hands, neck.
  • Headaches and dizziness are less common.

The collar can have a different degree of fixation, from weak to rigid. It is selected by a doctor for each individual.


Depending on the strength of the pain syndrome, the following tablets are prescribed to patients:

  • Analgesics for pain relief. You can take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day: Ketorolac, Baralgin.
  • Considering that the pathology is also accompanied by an inflammatory process, NSAIDs are prescribed: Indomethacin, Naproxen, Meloxicam. The doctor usually prescribes taking medication 3 times a day, 1 tablet. The duration of the course is at least 2 weeks.
  • With pathologies of the spine, muscle relaxants are recommended. This category includes: "Sirdalud", "Mydocalm". Drink according to the scheme: 1 tablet three times a day after meals.
  • To improve the structure of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are needed: Structum, Chondroitin sulfate. These drugs should be taken in long courses. The effect can be expected after 2-3 weeks of regular use.
  • To improve the nutrition of the nervous tissue, vitamins are prescribed: "Neurobeks", "Pentovit".

The duration of therapy for each patient is selected by the doctor, taking into account the severity of his condition.


In the first stages of the treatment of dorsopathy, when the patient is worried about severe pain, it is recommended to prescribe drugs in injections:

  • NSAIDs: Movalis, Artrozan. One injection is made per day. The duration of treatment is not more than 5 days, and then you need to switch to tablets.
  • Muscle relaxants: "Mydocalm".
  • Chondroprotectors: "Chondrogard" The drug is administered every other day, 1 ml, with 4 injections, the dosage can be increased to 2 ml. The course must be done at least 25-30 injections.


As an aid in the treatment of dorsopathy in the cervical region, warming ointments can be recommended:

  • "Fastum gel",
  • "Capsicum".
  • "Diclofenac".


Physiotherapy procedures help accelerate recovery processes, relieve muscle spasm, improve blood flow, and reduce inflammation. Patients with a diagnosis of dorsopathy are recommended:

  • Electrophoresis. Under the influence of current, drugs are introduced to the site of the pathological process.
  • Phonophoresis.
  • impulse currents. After the procedure, the pain disappears.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrical neurostimulation normalizes the conduction of nerve impulses.

Reflexology is popular in the treatment of spinal pathologies. The doctor with the help of thin needles influences special biologically active points. The course of procedures helps to speed up recovery and reduce pain.


With dorsopathy in the cervical spine, surgery is indicated in rare cases, the doctor tries to put the patient on his feet with conservative methods. But with aggravation of neurological manifestations, severe pinching of the nerve roots, a decision can be made about the operation.

They can be carried out in different ways:

  1. If the pathology is provoked by degenerative destruction of the vertebral disc, then it is removed.
  2. With excessive mobility of the cervical vertebrae, which leads to pinching of the nerve, fixation is carried out using special staples.
  3. Installation of the implant in place of the removed destroyed vertebrae.

Spinal surgery is always a big risk, so it is better not to start the disease so that you do not have to resort to it. Dorsopathy is quite easy to correct if conservative therapy is carried out in a timely manner.

exercise therapy

A complete cure for any pathologies of the spine is impossible without regular physical exercises. The medical complex is selected for each patient. With cervical dorsopathy, it may include the following exercises:

  • In a standing or sitting position, the shoulders rise up, linger in this position for a few seconds and return to their original position.
  • Put your palm on your forehead and tilt your head forward, overcoming resistance.
  • Put your hand on your temple and tilt your head, also trying to overcome resistance. Do it the other way.
  • Turn your head to the right and left.
  • Lower your head down, trying to reach your chest with your chin.

The whole complex must be performed at a slow pace. The most important thing is regularity.


After removing the acute period of dorsopathy, it is useful to visit a massage therapist. A course of 10 procedures can work wonders:

  • Improves blood supply in the pathological area.
  • Muscles relax.
  • Recovery processes are accelerated.
  • Increased mobility in the cervical region.

Can be used in the treatment of dorsopathy classic massage. Recently become popular:

  • Hardware massage, which is done using special equipment.
  • Canned. You can use ordinary medical cans or special ones for this type of massage.

The main thing is that the procedure is performed by a professional.


If the patient is not treated or the therapy is not effective, then the following complications of dorsopathy in the cervical spine are possible:

  • Complete destruction of the intervertebral discs.
  • Restriction of mobility, up to disability.
  • Vegetative-vascular disorders are intensifying. Constant headaches, pressure surges, arrhythmia.
  • A stroke or cerebral ischemia develops.
  • Vision is declining, hearing is declining.

Only timely treatment can get rid of such consequences.

Dorsopathy in the cervical spine is not an independent disorder, but requires a serious approach to treatment. If the patient sees a doctor in a timely manner, then there is every chance to lead a normal life without pain and stiffness.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is any of the diseases of the spine, which is accompanied by pain and leads to neurological ailments due to compression of the spinal nerves. There are spasms of the spinal artery, there is a reduction in blood flow, which enters the brain. Dorsopathy includes the following series of pathologies, such as osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, scoliosis and others.

What does osteochondrosis of the cervical spine look like?

Very often, in the presence of pain in the head, muscles, unpleasant sensations in the hands, complaints of the inability to fully move the neck, the patient may first be diagnosed with dorsopathy. To have an idea of ​​​​what dorsopathy is, it is necessary to consider possible factors, symptoms of an ailment, how to cure this ailment.

Causes of the disease

The development of dystrophic processes in the spine with cervical dorsopathy occurs for the following reasons:

  • with impaired metabolism;
  • the presence of an infection;
  • uneven load on the spine;
  • with low mobility of the neck;
  • if you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • with malnutrition;
  • excessive body weight;
  • trauma, diseases of the spine;
  • with stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits.

Due to mobility, anatomical features, heavy load, the neck is related to the most sensitive part of the spine. One of the features of this department is the passage of the vertebral artery through it.

When the proper amount of oxygen and blood does not enter the brain, this indicates the clinical symptoms that occur with dorsopathy of the cervical spine.


When the soreness in the neck reaches a peak of intensity, then complaints come from an unhealthy person of excruciating, sharp pain.

Dorsopathy of the cervical region at the initial stage of development is characterized by pain that appears when the vertebral nerve is excited. Soreness can be severe, even making slight movements of the head, turning into a state of rest.

With the progression of dorsopathy of the cervical region, the action of the sinuvertebral nerve becomes less when the compression of the spinal nerves increases. These pain sensations are less intense, spreading along the nerve endings, passing to the shoulder joint, arm.

The girl feels severe pain due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The manifestation of cervical dorsopathy in the early stages is characterized by unbearable pain. The stage of a serious lesion of the neck is a slight pain, aching.

Symptoms of dorsopathy

The symptoms characteristic of dorsopathy of the cervical region are diverse, they differ from each other, based on the site of formation and the causes of the disease:

  • When the neck is injured, symptoms such as headache, fingers go numb, dizziness, fainting, pressure changes, soreness of the heart muscle, heart.
  • Symptoms of pain that pass to the shoulder blades, back, with tension in the muscles of the shoulder, cervical region occur when there is a sharp movement, a significant load on the neck, during coughing, sneezing. The patient is unable to move normally.
  • The occurrence of muscle spasms, with sudden movements (tilting the head back).
  • A patient with dorsopathy of the cervical region has a feeling of exhaustion of the muscles of the limbs, possibly pain with constant tension.
  • Neurological changes are felt in the limbs, the shoulder (goosebumps, frost on the skin) or the sensitivity of the hands decreases, changes in the work of the fingers occur, reflex functions decrease.
  • For the pathology of the disease, dorsopathy is characterized by the following symptoms, such as noise in the auricle, vision deteriorates.

During the defeat of the neck, increased pain occurs when the patient moves his head. More often this occurs during turns, tilts of the head. Patients also complain that it is impossible to sleep at night due to pain. If movements are made with the hands, the signs of pain subside.

Dorsopathy of the cervical, thoracic region is expressed by weakness of the upper limbs, numbness, muscle hypotrophy. Based on the severity of the lesion, shoulder pain can be observed, and movement is limited. There are times when muscle twitching occurs in the chest, shoulder region.

Man experiencing pain in thoracic spine

In the zone of the cervical roots, sensitivity is disturbed, hypertension appears. Tendon reflexes on the arm decrease and increase. Virtually all patients suffer from vegetative-vascular disorders, manifested by:

  • cold extremities;
  • numbness
  • swelling;
  • convulsions;
  • pale skin.

This series of changes is typical of compression of the nerve roots, disturbances in the tissues (stagnation of the veins, inflammation, edema). Some moments are characterized by compression of the spinal artery, which contributes to the formation of discogenic myelopathy.

Very frequent signs are pain in the thoracic region, which are perceived as heart pain.


The diagnosis of an unhealthy person is made on the basis of the following number of reasons:

  1. patient complaints;
  2. visual inspection and palpation of the spine with recognition of safe areas, protrusion and retraction of the vertebrae;
  3. condition of muscle tissue;
  4. x-ray;
  5. Magnetic resonance, computed tomography.

A man undergoes magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine to diagnose dorsopathy

When a patient with dorsopathy has a noticeable limitation in movement, a violation of sensitivity, reflexes are changed, this will help to establish pathological processes in the vertebrae of the cervical region, prescribe the required treatment.


Treatment of dorsopathy of the cervical spine is developed individually for each patient, based on the stage of development of the disease. Therapy of the disease is very long.

With the availability of research data, proper treatment, the patient will be able to heal in 6 months. However, it happens that the pain does not go away, then dorsopathy of the cervical spine becomes chronic. Surgical intervention for this pathology is rarely performed.

Medical treatment

Often, patients visit a doctor when dorsopathy has an acute form. Therefore, the treatment is carried out in such a way as to relieve the pain that interferes with a full life.

At this stage of treatment, the patient will not need physiotherapeutic procedures, and bed rest is recommended. In some cases, it is necessary to use orthoses that perform the function of rigid fixation of the spine.

To get rid of pain, prescribe treatment with drugs of various groups:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamins, muscle relaxants.

Conservative treatment

When acute pain no longer bothers the patient, he is prescribed a number of procedures:

  1. Physiotherapy procedures lead to an improvement in metabolism and blood flow, relieve the inflammatory process.
  2. Treatment with massage is carried out by a specialist with experience.
  3. Manual treatment. Allows you to relieve muscle tension, restore the mobility of the intervertebral discs.
  4. Acupuncture. Performs the function of improving the conductivity of nerve tissues. The courses of this method, the treatment of cervical dorsopathy, must be attended 2-3 times a year. The technique helps to eliminate the progression of dorsopathy.

What does acupuncture look like for dorsopathy of the cervical spine

  1. Physical training. Treatment of dorsopathy of the cervical region, with exercises, should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor using a special technique. Physical education is allowed when soreness in the neck is no longer a concern. The purpose of physical education is to improve the mobility, elasticity of the cervical vertebrae. Includes water exercises.
  2. Traction. The spine in the cervical region is stretched due to this procedure. Further, there is a decrease in swelling, the intervertebral foramina increase. Treatment of dorsopathy with this method is contraindicated if there is a sign of spinal compression with a number of complications. These include:
  • thrombus formation in an artery;
  • spinal cord diseases;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

I stretch the spine in the cervical region for a man

If circulation is impaired, a neck brace should be worn.

There are cases when the disease neck dorsopathy has a severe form, then the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. Very rare episodes when the treatment of cervical dorsopathy is carried out with the help of surgery, only if the patient is in danger of disability or there is a threat to life.

Preventive actions

To prevent the occurrence of cervical dorsopathy, you must follow the rules:

  • Be sure during treatment, the patient will need to control his diet, food should be rational and filled with vitamins.
  • Supervise exercise. With sedentary work, it is necessary to exercise the back and neck daily. Swimming brings benefits, unloads the muscles of the back, spine.
  • Control body weight. The presence of extra pounds with dorsopathy leads to extraordinary pressure on the spine.
  • It is necessary to get rid of addictions, this will reduce the risk of developing cervical dorsopathy disease.

Video. Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis

If the treatment of dorsopathy of the cervical region is not started in time, this will lead to damage to the nervous system. By observing the basic preventive requirements for this disease, by visiting a specialist in a timely manner when the first symptoms of pain occur, it is possible to prevent irreversible complications that do not allow to exist normally with dorsopathy of the cervical spine.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is a syndrome of a whole complex of diseases that are degenerative in nature and are marked by intense pain. Violations in the cervical region are rightfully considered a disease of civilization. Sedentary work, excessive stress on the spine, a significant decrease in physical activity, frequent nervous stress - all this greatly increases the risk of developing problems with the cervical vertebrae.

Dorsopathy is a group of pathologies, the basis of which is dystrophic changes in the tissues of the spine with the manifestation of pain syndromes. It is customary to distinguish several varieties of dorsopathies.

  • Deforming - they are based on changes in the intervertebral disc and cartilage, curvature of the spine, subluxations, displacements.
  • Spondylopathies - associated with a violation of the bone structure.
  • Dorsalgia - acute and chronic neck pain.
  • Other dorsopathies - these include ailments with the formation of protrusions, protrusions and pinched discs, as well as diseases of the spinal cord.

Usually, dorsopathy is understood to mean complications of osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, hernias and spondylosis. Diseases have a different etiology, but all of them are expressed by significant pain sensations.

Important: Dorsopathy is a series of pathological manifestations, united by a pain syndrome in the posterior region of the spine without a visceral (associated with diseases of the internal organs) cause.

Cervical dorsopathy: causes and factors of occurrence

The list of diseases that relate to dorsopathies is extremely extensive, but they are all united by common causes. The basis of the violations is the deterioration of the blood supply and nutrition of the tissues of the cervical region. Also an important component in the appearance of pathology is the destruction of the tissues of the spine and traumatization.

Pain in the neck can occur both at a young age (then, it is most often associated with hereditary diseases or congenital pathologies), and in a more mature and senile period. Usually the processes of degeneration are associated with the aging of the body.

A sedentary lifestyle, improper diet - all these factors can significantly accelerate the deforming changes in the body, leading to the full development of the process.

Dorspathies are characterized by the following provoking factors:

  • Prolonged forced position - sedentary work, office syndrome (a set of diseases associated with the specificity of work in the office).
  • Adynamia.
  • Obesity.
  • Incorrect furniture for sleeping (including pillows) and for sitting.
  • Reduced immunity, stress and chronic diseases.
  • Frequent microtraumas - this often happens due to professional characteristics (shaking when driving on the road for drivers, overload for athletes).
  • Deformation of the feet - a violation of normal depreciation leads to an incorrect distribution of the load on the spine, which makes the cervical region, which is weak according to anatomical criteria, extremely vulnerable.
  • Chronic diseases (or spondylitis).

Features of the cervical spine

The occurrence of dorsopathies is often associated with the anatomy of the neck. It has the weakest muscular corset (in comparison with other departments), which significantly reduces the support of the vertebrae. Without training, the muscles not only weaken, but also atrophy, signaling the owner in the form of pain. The defeat of this part is fraught not only with pain in the neck, but also with symptoms that nourish the brain tissue.

Often, a lesion in curvature of the spine (congenital or acquired) affects several structures - the bone tissue of the vertebrae, discs, ligaments, and the musculoskeletal system. With increased loads, the central part of the disc (nucleus pulposus) suffers first, due to which the vertebral bodies assume the main function of the support.

Overvoltage changes the bone structure of the department and further, as in a chain, leads to curvature, displacement and deformation of the vertebrae. In the future, compression of the nerve roots and arteries begins, which often leads to pathologies of the thyroid gland, brain, heart and lungs.

Symptoms of dorsopathies

The basis of all dorsopathies of the cervical spine is pain. It is also called cervicalgia. It can be of a different nature - acute, aching, chronic. Often, the increase is more associated with movements - when turning, sharply tilting.

Also, signs of disease include:

  1. Irradiation of pain - usually they "shoot" in the shoulder, arm on the side of the lesion. Unpleasant sensations may be accompanied by "goosebumps", numbness. More often, these types of pain occur during sleep and are most pronounced when the shoulder is abducted posteriorly. The increase in the syndrome leads to limited mobility of the arm and subsequent "drying" of the muscles.
  2. Migraines, dizziness - associated with pinching of the vertebral artery and compression of nerve fibers. Exacerbation occurs with head movements.
  3. Cracking when turning and bending the neck.
  4. Specific trigger points are zones of compaction and overstrain in the muscles, which, when pressed, cause sharp pain.

If pathological problems are not eliminated in a timely manner, then paresis and paralysis of the shoulder girdle join the ailments (the phenomenon is quite rare, occurs when the nerve cords are damaged). Involvement in the process of vascular and nerve bundles can lead to the appearance of stiffness, "etching" in the shoulder.

With damage to the spinal cord, multiple disorders begin - weakness in the limbs, muscle hypotrophy and loss of sensitivity.

Important: spinal cord injury can be suspected by a positive symptom of Lhermitte - "electric shock" when turning the head into the neck, shoulder, arm.


The simplest diagnostic method is an x-ray. To do this, images are taken in several projections, including with an open mouth - in order to examine in detail all departments. However, X-ray shows late changes and is not able to determine soft tissue damage and the presence of hernias. Therefore, if dorsalgia is suspected, MRI and CT of the cervical spine are prescribed.

For differential diagnosis and checking the general condition of the patient, general blood tests, urine tests, biochemistry, ECG should be performed (often under pain in the shoulder, neck, arm, ischemia or heart attack can be masked).

It is mandatory to consult a radiologist.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: treatment

Dorsalgia is treated only comprehensively, with the use of medication, physiotherapy and necessarily exercise therapy.

For a patient in a period of acute pain, bed rest is prescribed, with the obligatory use of an orthopedic mattress. After a few days, you can return to your usual lifestyle with a sparing regimen for the neck.

Medical treatment:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect - diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketanol, nimesil.
  • The use of irritating, warming ointments - fenistil.
  • Muscle relaxants to relieve muscle tension.
  • As a support for pinched roots, cholinesterase inhibitors are prescribed, which help in conducting the impulse - prozerin, neuromidin.
  • B vitamins.
  • If standard therapy fails, then steroid drugs and novocaine blockades are prescribed.

You should exercise regularly. Swimming has a good effect - it strengthens all muscle groups, hardens the body and develops coordination. If you have sedentary work or you are forced to stay in a certain position for a long time, be sure to take breaks during which you do an elementary warm-up. A simple walk from one floor to another up the stairs is enough to warm up stiff muscles and disperse the blood.

Excess weight provokes many diseases, especially it puts a lot of stress on the joints and spine. Weight loss will help not only to normalize the functioning of internal organs, but also protect the musculoskeletal system from degenerative processes.

To strengthen the muscles of the neck, you need to carry out several exercises that will be a good addition to the morning exercises.

  1. Tilts of the head - you should slowly turn your head first back and forth, and at the front extreme point try to reach your chest with your chin. Then the slopes are carried out from side to side, also trying to reach the shoulders.
  2. Pressure - it is necessary to put the palm to the forehead and straining the muscles of the neck to overcome the resistance from the pressure of the hand. The same exercise should be repeated by changing the position of the hand - on the back of the head, on the left and right temple.

Rational prevention will help to avoid exacerbations of existing pathologies. The treatment of dorsopathies should be approached comprehensively, using not only drugs to relieve pain and relieve symptoms, but also therapy to relax the muscles, stretch them and relieve spasms. You need to make it efficient.

It is important to consult a doctor in time with unpleasant and painful sensations, preventing the condition from worsening. Competent treatment will help to avoid the chronic course of the disease and surgical treatment.

You can’t self-medicate, because under the “banal” dorsopathies of the cervical spine, such dangerous diseases as heart attack and oncology can be hidden.

Take care of yourself and your spine!

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