The activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology directs. On the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Comments, reviews, suggestions

Antonov A. for site site

The site administration does not guarantee the accuracy of the given data, as the structure of the MPR is changing. Up-to-date information should be viewed on the official websites at the links.

MNR&E- Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (website)

1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of study, use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, including subsoil, water bodies, forests, objects of the animal world and their habitat, land relations related to the transfer of lands of the water fund, forest fund and lands of specially protected territories and objects (in the part relating to lands of specially protected natural territories) to lands of another category, in the field of forest relations, in the region hunting, in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields, monitoring of the natural environment, its pollution, including in the field of regulation of radiation control and monitoring, as well as in the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of environmental protection, including questions regarding management of production and consumption waste (hereinafter referred to as waste), state environmental supervision, specially protected natural areas and state environmental expertise ....

List_of_ministers_of_natural_resources_of_the Russian Federation


Date of entry
into office

Withdrawal date
from office

Orlov, Viktor Petrovich (b. 1940)
Nekrutenko, Viktor Yurievich (b. 1951)
Orlov, Viktor Petrovich (b. 1940)
Yatskevich, Boris Alexandrovich (b. 1948)
Artyukhov, Vitaly Grigorievich (b. 1944)
Trutnev, Yuri Petrovich (b. 1956)
Donskoy, Sergey Efimovich (b. 1968)
Kobylkin, Dmitry Nikolaevich (b.1971)

* On May 12, 2008, the Ministry of Natural Resources was transformed into the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

ROSNEDRA- Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (website)

Federal Agency for Subsoil Use. (Rosnedra) is a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. Created by Presidential Decree 2004.03.09. Carries out functions for the provision of public services and management of state property in the field of subsoil use.

Heads of Rosnedra:

Department of Geology of Solid Mineral Resources

Department of Geology of Solid Mineral Resources

Department of Accounting and Economics of Mineral Raw Materials

Department of compilation and analysis of the development of the mineral resource base

Licensing Department of Solid Minerals

Territorial bodies of Rosnedra(list)

Subordinate organizations of Rosnedra(list) incl.

Rosgeolexpertiza Federal budget institution (website)

Branches of Rosgeolexpertiza (list)

FGU GKZ - State Commission for Reserves (website)


Central Committee of Rosnedra- Central Commission for the development of mineral deposits of Rosnedra

1. The Central Commission for the Development of Solid Mineral Deposits of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (hereinafter referred to as the CKR-TPI Rosnedr) is a collegial body of Rosnedra, which is created by order of Rosnedra in order to implement Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2010 N 118 "On approval of the regulation on the preparation , coordination and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other design documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use "to ensure the rational and integrated use of the mineral and raw material potential of solid minerals contained in the subsoil Russian Federation.

2. In its activities, the CKR-TPI Rosnedra is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, orders of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and these Regulations.

Rosnedra Order No. 569 dated 04.06.2010 signed by Rosnedra "On the Establishment of the Central Commission of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and Commissions of Its Territorial Agencies for the Development of Solid Mineral Deposits". Here is the regulation on Rosnedra ( read )

TFGI-Territorial funds of geological information (list)

NRS ROSNEDRA- Scientific and editorial board. Order, position (read)

The Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and is a federal executive body that exercises control and supervision functions in the field of nature management, as well as within its competence in the field of environmental protection.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources carries out its activities directly and through its territorial bodies in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and other organizations.

Includes regional departments (list)

Comments, reviews, suggestions

AlexM, 07/31/18 02:24:20 PM - Brother

I don’t agree: those who steer are stacked there, and any appointment or dismissal is the subject of bargaining and the consent of the “helmsmen”. Of course, with some exceptions when participating in the "hegemon" case and when the movement is associated with an established crime. Note that Dmitry Kobylkin has already begun total inspections of the economic activities of all his federal services. According to the laws of the apparatus struggle, all sorts of reshuffles and dismissals are most easily carried out "in connection with revealed violations." So, "Marusya bought oil", the competent commissions are already working and it can be expected that a "personnel leapfrog" will soon begin in the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Brother, 08/01/18 22:50:34 - AlexM, 07/31/18

You are right, not how it happened, but how it was put together. But you spoke of a worthy goal; still she is not. And yet Annushka “bought butter” and, in my opinion, it’s not worth waiting for personnel leapfrog.

Observer, 10/19/18 13:09:44

Their warehouse was completely empty, only resources remained. What's next?

BLAGOVESCHENSK, Oct 18 - RIA Novosti / Prime. Dalnedra plans to hold auctions on December 6, 2018 for nine alluvial gold sites in the Amur Region, follows from the tender materials.

Nameless, right tributaries of the glass stream. The site is located in the Zeya district, 34 km north-east of the object's border is the settlement of Zolotaya Gora, connected with the district center of the city of Zeya by a dirt road. Area - 40.78 sq km. Forecast resources P2 - 41 kg, P3 - 95 kg. License - for 12 years. Starting payment - 75 thousand rubles.

Dido. The site is also in the Zeya district, in close proximity to the village of Polyakovsky, next to the Zeya-Zolotaya Gora highway. The contour of the object covers the basins of the streams Dido, Polyakovsky-1 and two unnamed right tributaries of the Zeya River. Area - 83.25 sq km. Forecast resources P2 - 263 kg, P3 - 165 kg. License - for 15 years. Starting payment - 215 thousand rubles.

Left Uvalnaya (Left Prongs), Right Uvalnaya (Right Prongs). The site is located in the Mazanovsky district, 74 km to the west is the village of Oktyabrsky, 61 km to the south - the village of Norsk, through which the highway Fevralsk - Blagoveshchensk passes. The contour of the object covers the basin of the tributaries (components) of the Sokhatina River - the Left and Right Sokhatiny streams, as well as a fragment of the Sokhatina River valley below their confluence. Area - 56.85 sq km. Stocks C1 - 71 kg, C2 - 16 kg, C1 zab. - 14 kg, forecast resources P1 - 90 kg. License - for 12 years. Starting payment - 1.77 million rubles.

Vasilevsky. The site is located in the Selemdzhinsky district, the nearest settlement - Dugda station of the Baikal-Amur railway - is located 75 km to the south-west. The contour of the object covers the valley of the Vasilyevsky stream, the right tributary of the Dzheltula river (Nora basin). Area - 3.16 sq km. Forecast resources P1 - 3.5 kg. License - for 10 years. Starting payment - 20 thousand rubles.

Lukacek the Great. The site is in the Selemdzhinsky district, the nearest settlement is the village of Lukachek, located 3 km west of the site. Along the brook Bolshoi Lukacek there is a power line and a dirt road Ekimchan-Fevralsk. Area - 19.9 sq km. Forecast resources P3 - 144 kg. License - for 12 years. Starting payment - 45 thousand rubles.

Selemdzha, Kuruikana. The site is also in the Selemdzhinsky district, the nearest settlement is the regional center of the village of Ekimchan, located 13 km southwest of the boundaries of the licensing object. The distance from the village to the nearest railway station Fevralsk is 170 km. Area - 225.59 sq km. Balance reserves С1 - 11 kg, predicted resources Р1 - 48 kg, Р2 - 2.562 tons, Р3 - 431 kg. License - for 20 years. Starting payment - 1.36 million rubles.

Ilichi, Kanavichi, Irkichi, Onochon. The site is located in the Tyndinsky district, 86 km northwest of the regional center Tynda. The Baikal-Amur railway line runs 5-8 km to the south, and Larba station is located 18 km to the south-west. The contour of the object covers the basins of the right tributaries of the same name of the Srednyaya Larba river (right tributary of the Nyukzha river) in its lower reaches, with the exception of the upper reaches of the large tributaries of the Ilichi and Irkichi. Area - 299.12 sq km. Forecast resources P1 - 376 kg, P2 - 562 kg, P3 - 3.722 tons. License - for 20 years. Starting payment - 880 thousand rubles.

Katyn (Kanty), Siniktakhta. The site is located in the Tyndinsky district, 3 km east of the object is the village of Ust-Nyukzha, 7 km north-east - the station Yuktali (BAM). Area - 43.04 sq km. Forecast resources Р1 - 431 kg, Р2 - 28 kg, Р3 - 154 kg. License - for 12 years. Starting payment - 760 thousand rubles.

Aymichi (pool). The site in the Tyndinsky district, 37 km south-east of the site boundary, is the Belenkaya station of the Baikal-Amur Railway, located 38 km south of Tynda. Forecast resources P1 - 18.2 kg. License - for 12 years. Starting payment - 75 thousand rubles.

Brother, 10/19/18 9:37:02 PM - To the Observer

With such public legal nihilism, the leadership of Dalnedr should already be under investigation! Well, they are absolutely not afraid of anything, mazuriki. However, what is the state, such is the public service ...

Magadan, 10/20/18 02:12:02 - Brother, 10/19/18

Remind me, please, of the article violated by officials by auctioning predictive resources. And what is the punishment for this?

Rather, you will be attracted for insulting and arousing bad feelings. Who are the Mazuriks, whom do you mean?

Brother, 10/20/18 4:46:05 PM — Magadan, 10/20/18

Of course, with pleasure. This is Article 10.1., which establishes the grounds for the emergence of the right to use subsoil plots. By virtue of paragraph 4) of this article, only a mining or combined license may be granted by decision of the tender or auction commission. But not intelligence...

In addition, by virtue of Article 29, the provision of subsoil for use for the extraction of natural resources is allowed only after the state examination of their reserves. Therefore, the issuance of mining and combined licenses in the absence of reserves is illegal. These two articles are violated by officials.

As for punishments, the subsoil law gives only a general message: in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Then choose according to your taste and occasion.

Magadan, 10/22/18 05:20:01 — Brother

Punishment for my taste and case - you thought it up well. But officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources just want to work, which means they need to sell something. At least they offer something. Maybe give them an award for resourcefulness?

999, 10/22/18 06:51:22 — Magadan

Actions contrary to the law are qualified differently.

Brother, 10/22/18 10:57:04 am - Magadan, 10/22/18

"They at least offer something" - you amaze me! Serious state-owned people have been systematically grossly violating federal law for a quarter of a century. This is associated with the unlawful collection of financial resources from an indefinite circle of subsoil user economic entities in amounts incomprehensible to the mind. Well, a huge number of suckers were screwed up for a lot of money! And everything is fine...

Zolotov, 10/22/18 11:25:02 am - Brother, 10/22/18

Modern civil service has a high degree of impunity. But for those who tinker, there may be satisfaction.

Andrey, 10/22/18 12:57:26 — Brother

Article 29 refers to subsoil, not a license. A mining license does not yet give the right to extract these very subsoil.

Brother, 10/22/18 03:04:19 PM - Zolotov

So this is for those who are tinkering... I only indifferently, without pathos and emotions, state the state to which the mining and geological industry has been led by effective managers who, in your opinion, have a high degree of impunity. Although, kindly, they should sit ...

Brother, 10/22/18 15:24:16 - Andrey, 10/22/18

Indeed? Sorry to upset you, but a license is just a form of certification of the right to use a specific subsoil plot for the specified purposes and conditions. Regarding the "extraction of these very bowels" - they made me laugh! You see, Russian law defines subsoil as an underground space containing minerals, energy and other resources. Mining underground space - we have not yet learned this. Yes, we will soon learn...

Andrey, 10/22/18 03:59:23 PM — Brother

And how do you think it should be written in the law, since you don’t like it in this form?

Brother, 10/22/18 21:24:00 - Andrey, 10/22/18 15:59:23

No, everything is written in the law as it is written. And we accept it as it is; law is not a girl to please. But why do you arbitrarily oppose some definitions to others, or, say, talk about the "right to extract subsoil", although the law does not know such a "right"? The legislator speaks exclusively of the right to use subsoil plots for certain purposes.

Everything is OK!, 08.11.18 10:27:25

Dmitry Kobylkin presented the priorities of the geological state policy of Russia at the Government Hour in the Federation Council, the Ministry of Natural Resources reported to the editors of the Energy of Modernization portal.

On November 7, 2018, in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Dmitry Kobylkin presented an extended material on the state of the geological study of the subsoil and the reproduction of the mineral resource base of Russia. The governmental hour was held by the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko.

The Minister began his speech with the role of Russia in the resource world. Thus, in 2017, our country was among the top three leaders in terms of oil and condensate (Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the United States). In terms of natural gas reserves - the first in the world, in terms of production - the second. In terms of coal reserves, the Russian Federation ranks fourth in the world, and sixth in terms of production. In terms of nickel reserves - the fourth, in terms of production - the second. In terms of copper reserves, the Russian Federation has the third place in the world, in terms of production - the seventh place. In terms of gold reserves and production, Russia is in the top three world leaders (China, Australia, Russia).

To improve the state policy, strategic documents are in place: the Strategy for the Development of the Geological Industry until 2030 and the State Program "Reproduction and Use of Natural Resources".

As part of the program implementation, a systematic increase in the geological knowledge of the country and the formation of a fund of promising areas continued.

Against the backdrop of restrained state funding, companies have been active in recent years. As a result of joint work, such large fields were discovered as the Central-Olginskoye oil field in the Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea (oil reserves 80 million tons), the Yuzhno-Lunskoye gas condensate field on the shelf of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk (gas reserves 48.9 billion cubic meters),

Malmyzhskoye gold-copper deposit in the Khabarovsk Territory (gold reserves 273 tons), copper (5.6 million tons),

Elga gold deposit in the Amur region (more than 70 tons).

The minister stressed that important legal acts were adopted thanks to the interaction with the chambers of the Federal Assembly.

In particular, a “declarative principle” has been introduced for the provision of subsoil for geological study.

The possibility of changing the boundaries of a subsoil plot transferred for use has been fixed to ensure the completeness of the study, rational use and protection.

Installment payment of most of the one-time payment has been granted.

The institution of granting land plots of federal significance for use has been improved.

Investments in exploration increased by 1.4 times, the index of investment attractiveness of Russia in the field of subsoil use, according to foreign analysts, increased by almost 30%.

The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources also informed about the mechanisms for stimulating geological exploration, highlighting the state order and attracting extra-budgetary funds.

In his report, D. Kobylkin did not bypass a number of negative trends that are characteristic not only of the Russian Federation, but also of other countries. Risk factors include insufficient volumes of regional geological exploration of the subsoil, including the continental shelf, the exhaustion of the potential for discovering new highly profitable deposits in accessible and developed regions.

“We associate the prospects for new discoveries with an increase in the depth of subsoil development and the study of hard-to-reach territories. Further improvement of subsoil legislation is required to increase the attractiveness and entry of new players into the industry.

A concept has already been developed for attracting subsoil user companies to finance regional geological exploration of the subsoil.

Further expansion of the declarative principle is envisaged.

There is a clear understanding of the formation of a system of tax deductions that compensate for high-cost exploration work.

I also consider it important to unite the efforts of educational institutions, sectoral government agencies and subsoil users in training geologists,” D. Kobylkin emphasized.

Currently, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia has prepared a draft law on innovative testing grounds for new technologies for the extraction of hard-to-recover reserves, and mechanisms are being worked out to stimulate exploration and discovery of deposits in remote regions.

The Minister also noted that the most important area covering all areas of subsoil fund management is the implementation of the tasks of the May Decree of the President of Russia in terms of digitalization.

At the end of the report, the Minister thanked the members of the Federation Council for their integrity, constructive dialogue and support for the initiatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia aimed at strengthening the leading position of the Russian Federation in the global mineral resource sector.

999, 08.11.18 11:18:37 — .

"the concept of attracting subsoil user companies to finance regional geological exploration of the subsoil" - they came up with something.

Brother, 08.11.18 16:23:22 - 999, 08.11.18

Well, yes, on the subject of additional sanding ...

Magadan, 10.11.18 02:40:20

Everything is so good at the Ministry of Natural Resources that they can still reduce state funding ...

Can't wait, 01/03/19 16:41:10 - Magadan, 11/10/18

Rosgeologia and Rosnedra propose to increase funding for exploration by 2.6 times

VLADIVOSTOK, 11 Sep RIA Novosti/Prime. JSC "Rosgeologiya" and Rosnedra propose to increase the amount of funding for the state program for the reproduction of the mineral resource base from an average of 30 billion rubles to 80 billion a year, Roman Panov, general director of Rosgeologiya, told RIA Novosti.

"Investments in exploration in Russia are now at the minimum sufficient level. Simple reproduction is ensured, but the question is the quality of resources and reserves. Now we are exploiting highly profitable reserves, that is, the resources that are put on the balance sheet now require significantly larger investments and the potential cost of production will be many times more than today," Panov said on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

"We participated in the preparation of a draft strategy for the development of the mineral resource base together with colleagues from the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, and we see that the minimum required amount of funding for the state program for the reproduction of the mineral resource base needs to be increased from 30 billion rubles to at least 80 billion rubles for increase in the volume of exploration work, putting on the balance of the early stages of reserves and resources of higher categories," he said.

The Ministry of Natural Resources is preparing a development strategy and a new version of the program for the reproduction of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation from 2020 to 2025, Panov explained. "The current program is designed until 2020. We propose to increase the amount of funding for the program so that the average annual figure for this period is about 80 billion rubles, for example, in 2021 it could be 60 billion rubles, and in 2024 - 120 billion rubles. This consolidated position with Rosnedra," he said.

According to him, this will not only ensure simple reproduction, but also achieve leading indicators for both oil and gold. "The potential for discovering such deposits remains. These are Yakutia, and Chukotka, and Magadan, and Kamchatka," Panov said.

"I think that by the end of the year this work will be completed at the level of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and we assume that in the first half of 2019 both the strategy and the draft program will be submitted to the government," he said.


On the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation

Document as amended by:
by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated May 10, 2006 N 108.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2004 N 370 "On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation"

I order:

1. Approve the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 1).

2. Approve the staffing table of the central office of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 2)*.
* Application on the official website of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia www. is not given.
- Note "CODE".

3. Approve assignment to the deputies of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of the structural subdivisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, federal agencies and the federal service (Appendix No. 3).

4. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2004 N 463 "On temporary assignment to the deputies of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and directors of departments of structural subdivisions of the central office of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia" .

Yu.P. Trutnev

Appendix 1. Structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation

Attachment 1
to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia
dated August 10, 2004 N 608
(as amended by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated May 10, 2006 N 108 -
see previous edition)

Appendix N 3. Assignment to the Deputy Ministers of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of structural units of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, federal agencies and the federal service

I. Deputy Minister Temkin A.A.

Department of state policy and regulation in the field of subsoil use

Department of Economics and Finance

Department of Science, Property and Informatics

Carries out coordination of activities

Federal Forestry Agency

Federal Agency for Water Resources

Federal Agency for Subsoil Use

Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources

II. Deputy Minister Stepankov V.G.

Provides direct management of activities

Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Environmental Protection of the Legal Department

Department of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection and nature management.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions
prepared by legal
Bureau "KODEKS"

Appendix 3. Assignment to the Deputy Ministers of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of structural units of the central office of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, federal agencies and the federal service

Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2004 N 608
"On the Structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation"

With changes and additions from:

3. Approve assignment to the deputies of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of the structural subdivisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, federal agencies and the federal service (Appendix 3).

4. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2004 N 463 "On temporary assignment to the Deputy Ministers of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and directors of departments of structural subdivisions of the central office of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia"

Yu.P. Trutnev

Annex 2
to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
dated August 10, 2004 N 608
(as amended May 10, 2006)

Department structure:

1. Department of state policy and regulation in the field of nature management (81)

Department Director (1)

Deputy Directors of Department (3)

1. Department of regulation of the basics of subsoil use (17)

2. Department of Subsoil Resources of the Continental Shelf, World Ocean, Arctic and Antarctic (10)

3. Department of geology and reproduction of the mineral resource base (16)

4. Department of analysis and forecast of systemic nature management (10)

5. Department of normative legal regulation of the basics of forest management (4)

6. Department of regulation of reproduction and protection of the forest fund (5)

7. Department of Basin Regulation (5)

8. Department of normative legal regulation of water resources (5)

9. Analytical department (5)

2. Department of Economics and Finance (51)

Department Director (1)

1. Department of budget planning (15)

2. Department of Environmental Economics (13)

3. Financial department (10)

4. Accounting department (10)

3. Department of Science, Property and Informatics (31)

Department Director (1)

Deputy Directors of the Department (2)

1. Department of organization and coordination of R&D (7)

2. Department of Information Resources and Technologies (6)

3. Department of property management and capital construction (7)

4. Department of production control (8)

4. Department of Administration and Human Resources (67)

Department Director (1)

Deputy Directors of the Department (2)

1. Personnel department (12)

2. Record keeping department (22)

3. Administrative department (7)

4. Special department (7)

5. Organizational and inspection department (8)

6. Department of Operational Control (8)

5. Department of state policy in the field of environmental protection (33)

Department Director (1)

Deputy Directors of the Department (2)

1. Department of normative regulation in the field of specially protected natural areas (8)

2. Department of rational use of wildlife objects (7)

3. Department of regulatory support of the state environmental expertise (5)

4. Department of Aquatic Biological Resources and Marine Environment (10)

6. Legal Department (50)

Department Director (1)

Deputy Directors of the Department - heads of departments (2)

1. Department of legislation on subsoil and water legislation (11)

2. Department of Forestry and Related Legislation (10)

3. Department of legislation on specially protected natural areas and wildlife (8)

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