Miraculous tincture: all about the medicine of aconite. Aconite Dzungarian


Aconite (Aconite)


homeopathic remedy Aconite has a combined effect.
It has an informational impact and normalizes the processes of self-regulation in the body.
Aconite acts on the central nervous system and excites the center, which is responsible for the oppression of the parasympathetic nervous system.
The drug Aconite exhibits due to this the following pharmacological actions:
- intensive anesthetic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antipyretic;
- decrease in the secretory function of the glands, lungs, bronchi;
- decrease in the strength and frequency of myocardial contractions;
- expansion of the coronary vessels (as a result - a decrease in blood pressure);
- inhibition of peristalsis;
- removal of anxiety states (the action of Aconite is similar to a weak narcotic effect).

Indications for

The drug Aconite is suitable only for people of a large constitution, sanguine people.
The pathologies in which Aconite is indicated are acute and have a sudden onset. The drug is effective in the following diseases:
- acute respiratory infections, influenza;
- viral diseases;
- febrile conditions (including post-vaccination fever);
- hypertension;
- hypertensive syndromes with headache, nausea;
- angina;
- neurosis of the heart;
- radiculitis;
- catarrhal neuralgia;
- pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy;
- laryngotracheitis;
- nosebleeds (due to hypertension);
- runny nose;
- hepatitis with jaundice;
- rheumatism;
- sore throat with fever;
- tachycardia, arrhythmia;
- endocarditis, pericarditis, arteritis;
- anxiety associated with fear;
- climacteric hot flashes;
- acute otitis;
- urinary retention after a fright;
- amenorrhea after fright;
- carbuncles, furunculosis;
- bronchial asthma with nocturnal attacks, fear of death;
- overexertion of the heart in athletes.

Mode of application:

A drug applied sublingually.
Reception is carried out 20-30 minutes before meals or an hour after eating.
In the presence of fever in the first days of the disease, take 8 granules 5 times a day, then the frequency of doses is reduced to 3 per day.
This regimen is continued for about 2 weeks.
In the third and fourth weeks, 8 granules are taken twice a day.
The number of granules used may vary depending on the severity and severity of symptoms.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions to the drug are possible.
An undesirable effect is an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease in the initial period of taking the drug.
These effects do not require discontinuation of the drug.


Allergic reactions to aconite in history.
The drug is contraindicated in:
- typhus;
- hypotension;
- hot flashes, which are a consequence of asystole.

other medicinal
by other means:

Antagonists of the action of the drug are glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines, caffeine-containing drugs.
Parallel reception of Aconite with antibiotics is possible.


The use of the drug Aconite during pregnancy is possible only in agreement with the gynecologist.
There is evidence of the effectiveness of the remedy for relieving fears of childbirth.


The chance of an overdose is extremely low.

Release form:

Aconite semolina homeopathic in plastic bottles.
Aconite-plus granules homeopathic: 5 g canisters, 10, 15 or 20 g jars, 20 or 40 g bottles.
Tincture Aconite Dzungarian in a bottle of 50 ml.

Storage conditions:

At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, in a dry, dark place. Keep out of the reach of children.
Shelf life - 5 years.

The composition of the drug Aconite includes a tincture of the plant of the same name - aconite, diluted according to homeopathic methods, dynamized and applied to sugar grains.

Homeopathic granules Aconite-plus contain:
- active ingredients: Aconitum napellus (Aconitum) C3, Bryonia C3, Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) C3, Baptisia tinctoria (Baptisia) C3 , Gelsemium sempervirens (Gelsemium) (gelsemium sempervirens (gelsemium)) C3, China rubra (china rubra) C3, Allium cepa (allium cepa (cepa)) C3, Echinacea (echinacea) C6, Toxicodendron quercifolium (Rhus toxicodendron) (rus toxicodendron) C3;
- Excipients: sugar granules 100 g.

Instructions for use:

Useful properties of aconite

Aconite is a plant from the buttercup family. He is also called a wrestler, aconite Dzungarian, king-grass.

Of interest to medicine are the leaves and tubers of aconite. When harvesting raw materials, it should be borne in mind that all parts of the aconite plant are poisonous, so you should work with gloves, without touching your eyes and mucous membranes.

The roots of aconite are harvested from August to September, and the leaves during and before flowering of the plant - in June-July. Properly dried aconite leaves should be dark green in color.

You can store dried raw materials for a year, marked "poisonous", separately from other harvested herbs.

The use of aconite in homeopathy, folk medicine has become widespread due to a wide range of useful properties of the plant: it has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, diuretic, sedative effect.

Aconite treatment

The aconite plant is not recognized by official medicine, but in folk medicine it is used for: arthritis, gout, sciatica, sciatica, rheumatism, epilepsy, mental, nervous disorders, hysteria, neuralgia, incl. trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, dizziness, Parkinson's disease, anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, colds, tonsillitis, acute respiratory disease, blurred vision, infection with worms, jaundice, constipation, flatulence, cystitis, dropsy, scarlet fever, diphtheria , malaria, syphilis, psoriasis, scabies. The aconite plant is also used for the folk treatment of cancer.

Aconite in homeopathy is used in the form of tincture of flowers, leaves of the plant. Due to the increased toxicity of the drug, the dosage is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor, after assessing the patient's condition. In homeopathy, aconite is prescribed for the same indications, as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing agent.

For the treatment of cancer, you can prepare a tincture of aconite at home. Take one teaspoon of powder from the roots of aconite, pour 500 ml of vodka and keep for two weeks in a dark room, shaking every day. Before use, the tincture is carefully filtered using double-folded gauze.

After that, you can start treatment with aconite: one drop of the product is mixed with 50 ml of water (single dosage) and taken daily before meals three times a day. Every day, add 1 drop, bring to 10 drops per dose, and so, 10 drops three times a day, take another 10 days. After that, the number of drops begins to be reduced and brought up again to take one drop three times a day. After that, treatment with aconite is stopped for one month and then the course is taken again. Thus, seven therapeutic courses are carried out.

To relieve toothache, headache (including migraine), treat rheumatism, neuralgia, another tincture is prepared: 20 g of Jungar aconite roots are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and kept for a week.

With migraine, neuralgia, tincture of aconite begins to take one teaspoon, gradually increasing the dosage to a tablespoon. The treatment lasts a month.

To eliminate toothache, one tablespoon of tincture should be rubbed into the cheek from the side where the damaged tooth is located.

For the treatment of rheumatism, the tincture is rubbed into the sore spot at night and wrapped in flannel.


Jungar aconite is contraindicated in children, people with low blood pressure, pregnant women, lactating women.

After external use of aconite tincture, you should thoroughly wash the container from under the product and hands with soap, avoid getting the tincture in your eyes, because. it can blind a person.

In case of aconite poisoning, you must immediately take a vomiting agent, drink constantly a decoction of oak bark, or black coffee, or just warm water. Effective in poisoning microclysters with hemp, linseed or olive oil and mustard applications on the legs and arms.

Short description

The rich elemental composition and properties of the aconite plant have long made it popular. Aconite is a natural salvation from many diseases. Based on it, you can, there are several recipes. Aconite grows in the expanses of Central Asia, in the Tien Shan, Issyk-Kul and Altai.

It is a perennial and poisonous plant. It copes with many serious diseases and is therefore actively used in medicine. Due to its ability to resist diseases, the plant received the second name "fighter".

The plant can be cured:

  1. Colds;
  2. Syphilis;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Polyarthritis;
  5. uterine myoma;
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. epilepsy;
  8. kidney disease;
  9. visual impairment;
  10. Tuberculosis;
  11. Sclerosis;
  12. liver diseases;
  13. Oncological diseases and more.

Often people with oncological diseases try to prepare aconite for themselves. But the plant dissolves tumors well only with complex therapy. Aconite will help stop bleeding and reduce toothache. In addition, the plant has the following positive effects:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • narcotic;
  • painkillers.

Preparation of tincture of aconite

Aconite is mainly used as a tincture. You can buy it or make it at home. How to make it correctly according to the recipe, we will describe below.

In Tibet, they began by testing aconite for toxicity. They did it like this. A small piece of the root (peeled) was placed on the tongue. If you feel numbness or slight tingling in your mouth, then the plant is poisonous. In case of toxicity, it was treated with cow urine or saline for 3 days.

To prepare a harmless tincture, the plants must be washed and dried well.

There are several recipes for remedies based on aconite:

  • Recipe 1. Composition: aconite root - 3 gr., alcohol 40% - 100 ml. Mix ingredients, shake. Insist 3 weeks. If there is a desire and need, the amount of ingredients can be increased. According to this recipe, all the above diseases are treated.
  • Recipe 2. Composition: plant root - 20 gr., alcohol 40% - 0.5 l. Insist 7 days. The resulting color of the product should resemble tea leaves. You can prepare such a tincture for the treatment of sciatica and neuralgia. The treatment procedure requires internal and external application. To alleviate the condition, the tincture is rubbed into the skin and well wrapped in a woolen scarf. Course: 4 weeks.
  • Recipe 3. Ingredients: aconite root - 20 gr. alcohol 70% - 1 l. Insist 3 weeks. This recipe is used to treat oncology. Plus, it is recommended to add a catharanthus to the treatment regimen. How to prepare a catharanthus? Recipe: put fresh grass in a half-liter jar and pour 70% alcohol. Shake and infuse the product in the sun. Deadline: 14 days. Strain before treatment. Take no more than 15 drops (you need to start with 3, gradually increasing by 1 drop per day).

Treatment regimen

The above should be taken strictly drop by drop. For reception it is better to use a pipette. The correct scheme is as follows: the first day, use one drop at a time. On the second day, another drop is added to this drop. And so on, continue until the amount of tincture drunk at a time is 20 drops. Further, the treatment regimen requires a decrease in drops by one every day.

If a disease (for example, sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis) needs external use, then the tincture is applied to the tissue and applied to the place that bothers. In this case, the internal intake of the drug should not be canceled.

After the end of the reception, you need to take a break for a month and then repeat the treatment regimen.

It is important!Please note that the tincture should be washed down with plenty of water..

As you can see, making Dzungarian is not difficult. But if you purchased the remedy at a pharmacy, try to take the remedy strictly according to the attached instructions. Medicines must be stored in the refrigerator. For children, the tincture should not be available.

After preparing the mixture, be sure to wash your hands well. Try not to get the product in an open place (eyes, any wound). Therefore, do not bring your palms to your face.


Reception of the plant must be competent. The number of drops should not exceed the recommended value. Excess will not make you healthy any faster. If in doubt about the quantity, consult with traditional healers or doctors. Or take a smaller dose than directed.

  • Chills;
  • Nausea;
  • Numbness of the lips;
  • Vomit;
  • Silence of cheeks and tongue;
  • Formication;
  • dry mouth;
  • visual impairment;
  • Low pressure;
  • Headache.

If you find any of the above, take immediate action:

  • wash the stomach;
  • drink activated charcoal;
  • take a diuretic;
  • take a laxative;
  • Seek medical attention.

Avoid spicy foods and alcohol during treatment.

Patients talk about aconite tincture

People who have used aconite tincture throughout the course leave different reviews. Some note that they did not notice changes in their condition. Others assure the fact of complete deliverance from the disease after the end of taking the infusion. Still others claim to have noticed a general improvement in well-being.

Only one thing can be said unequivocally: aconite helps, but not in the advanced stages of the disease. In this case, it simply improves the general condition.

Attention! The following information on the use of aconite in the treatment of cancer cannot be used as an alternative to the clinical treatment of cancer; any self-treatment is unacceptable without prior consultation with an oncologist!

Aconite (high wrestler) is a meadow perennial plant belonging to the buttercup family. More than 300 species of aconite are known, of which 75 species are found in Russia (in Primorye, Siberia, Altai and Central Asia).

Both flowers and leaves, and especially the rhizomes of aconite, are extremely poisonous, especially during the flowering period. They produce the strongest plant poisons - aconitines. Just aconitines are the main active substances in the tincture of aconite, which is widely used in informal medicine to treat many diseases, including cancer.

The healing properties of aconite have been known since ancient times. In modern homeopathy, the plant is used to treat various types of cancer. The centuries-old practice of using aconite tincture in the treatment regimens for cancer patients speaks of the effectiveness of the product. There are developed recommendations regarding dosage forms, dosage regimens, dosages and criteria for discontinuation of drugs.

Homeopaths note the advantages of therapy using aconite tincture:

Compliance with the rules for the use and dosage of aconite tincture guarantees a minimum of side effects, and also practically does not lead to the development of irreversible degenerative processes in the internal organs, unlike chemotherapy,

Therapy based on aconite tincture can help prevent metastasis, as well as significantly slow down (sometimes reverse development) existing metastases,

Aconite therapy prevents the progression of the tumor process and a significant reduction (sometimes to complete elimination) of the main symptoms of cancer: pain, intoxication, insomnia, depression, etc. This helps cancer patients lead a normal life, which is especially important for the elderly and people who are exhausted. struggle with a serious illness or courses of chemotherapy treatment.

Tincture of Jungar aconite is much more poisonous than other antitumor agents - tinctures of celandine and hemlock, therefore, in the case of advanced forms of cancer, aconite is used more often.

Contraindications to the use of aconite tincture

Aconite tincture is a very poisonous potent drug, so the decision to treat with aconite must be well weighed. You can not buy a tincture and try as an experiment to cure a disease diagnosed on your own, without a qualified examination. Treatment with aconite is contraindicated:

Children under 18,
- pregnant women and nursing mothers,
- allergy sufferers,
- persons suffering from hypotension,
- persons with severe liver dysfunctions.

Aconite tincture recipe and treatment regimens

To prepare the tincture for one course of therapy, take 3 g of grated Jungar aconite root and 100 ml of medical alcohol. The medicine is kept for 3 weeks in a tightly closed glass jar in a cool, shady place, after which it is filtered.

For oral administration, the tincture is prescribed in microdoses. Treatment is carried out according to a scheme developed in advance and with the obligatory control of the patient's well-being.

The tincture is usually taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal or 2-3 hours after a meal. Before taking the required number of drops is dissolved in boiled water at room temperature (volume 50-60 ml).

Treatment involves a daily gradual increase in the daily dose of the drug to the maximum dosage, and then the same gradual decrease (slide scheme). Therapy begins with 1 drop per day and increases daily to 20 drops. Further, in the same way, drop by drop, reduce the daily dosage, going down to one drop.

The standard treatment cycle is 39 days. However, the treatment regimen is usually adapted to the individual characteristics of the patient. This takes into account the individual reaction of each person to the poison, as well as the general condition of the patient and the condition of his vital organs.

At III and IV stages of cancer, a higher “slide” may be required - up to 30 drops daily. In any case, it is necessary to consult an experienced homeopath and pay close attention to every detail in the course of treatment - otherwise it is impossible to promise the effect of therapy and the safety of the "useful poison".

A very correct approach is a complete analysis of the reaction of the patient's body to aconite alkaloids, i.e. detection of any symptoms of poisoning. If the first signs of poisoning are observed, the dose increase is stopped, and its uniform decrease begins. In this case, the standard “slide” is replaced by a more gentle one, which may not consist of 20 drops, but, for example, of 15. Regardless of the chosen method, continuity of treatment is observed for the effectiveness of therapy.

The occurrence of severe complications and severe side effects is a signal to immediately stop taking the drug. The issue of resuming therapy is decided at a professional medical consultation.

When developing individual therapy plans, it is very important to observe the exact timing of the breaks between courses. Usually, 3 full cycles of therapy are carried out with breaks between them of 1 month. If the patient, due to the appearance of some signs of poisoning, stopped the "slide" at 15 drops, then after returning to one drop, he needs a break of 15 days (according to the number of drops in the "slide"), after which the second course of therapy begins.

If necessary, at the end of the full course of treatment (consisting of 3 cycles), it can be continued. The duration of the break between stages of treatment is assigned based on the diagnosis, the rate of progression of the disease, the patient's condition. Typically, the duration of breaks is from 3 months to 1 year.

What to do in case of aconite poisoning?

Even 1 g of freshly crushed plant root is enough to cause death. Severe aconite poisoning can cause dangerous disturbances in the functioning of various human organs and systems and requires urgent action to prevent complications.

In severe forms of poisoning, the tincture should be stopped immediately and detoxification should be carried out (put droppers with saline and glucose solution, and if necessary, introduce an antidote / antidote). The effect of therapy is reset, but there is no other way out.

If signs of poisoning are noticed on time (such situations were mentioned above), then the treatment does not stop - the treatment regimen is simply adjusted. Thus, an attentive attitude to the patient's condition during the course of therapy increases the chance of obtaining the effect of treatment without significant harm to health. language).

Important! Any treatment of oncological diseases should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending oncologist!

Cancer: the practice of healing and prevention. Treatment with poisons Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

Chapter 11 The Wrestler Gives the Strongest Poison to Cure Cancer

Chapter 11

The strongest poison to cure cancer is given by a wrestler

In “VN” (No. 37, 1994) there was a wonderful comment by the editor Galina Goncharenko: “For some reason, everyone uses hemlock and asks only for hemlock. Read A. I. Solzhenitsyn's Cancer Ward, listen to his interview on Central Television. After all, he unequivocally says that he was saved by the Issyk-Kul root (Dzungarian wrestler, aconite). By the way, according to your own letters, I conclude that it is the wrestler who takes well all the organs that are located above the belt, and hemlock - the genitourinary organs and intestines.

The last addition about the “division of zones of influence” between aconite and hemlock may misorient readers: both poisonous plants (and colchicum too) act throughout the body, but aconite, a wrestler, is the most poisonous of all, and this is its difference. “Handbook for the provision of emergency and emergency care” (ed. by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Prof. E. I. Chazov. 1971) states: “Aconite (wrestler, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root). Poisonous plant, especially common in Central Asia. Aconite alkaloid - aconitine - the most poisonous of all known alkaloids, has a pronounced nicotine effect. The lethal dose of aconite is 0.005 g.

“Therapist's Handbook” (1973): “Aconite (wrestler, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root) is a poisonous plant, especially common in Central Asia. Aconite alkaloid - aconitine - the most poisonous of all alkaloids that have a nicotine effect. The lethal dose of aconite is 0.005 g.

“Paramedic's Handbook” (1975): “Aconite (wrestler, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root) is a poisonous plant, especially common in Central Asia. Aconite alkaloid - aconitine - the most poisonous of all existing alkaloids (pronounced nicotine effect). The lethal dose of aconite is 0.005 g.

I have cited aconite from three authoritative reference books. All three almost word for word repeat each other. And all three contain the most important error for us! First, we have not found out whether aconitine is the most poisonous of all known (existing) alkaloids or only of all alkaloids that have a nicotinic effect. Secondly, and this is very important, the lethal dose of aconite cannot be equal to 0.005 g, this is the lethal dose of aconitine! This confusion is unanimously reported by all three reference books. The fact is that the amount of alkaloids in plants usually does not exceed 1-2%, and, for example, it is known that the alkaloid of hellebore rhizome - veratrin - is very close to aconitine in the nature of the toxic effect on the body, and the LD of veratrin is about 0.02 g. Thus, 0.005 g is the LD of aconitine, an alkaloid more toxic than veratrin. And the lethal dose of the plant itself, the aconite itself, should be measured not in thousandths, but in tenths of a gram! The difference is hundreds of times! I I can confirm this opinion on the basis of other sources. F. I. Ibragimov, V. S. Ibragimova in the book “Essential Medicines of Chinese Medicine” (1960) describe one of the types of aconite: “Fisher’s aconite, Fisher’s wrestler (Aconitum Fischeri Reichb.) is a perennial herbaceous poisonous plant. The stems are straight, strong, up to 1–1.6 m high. The plant has conical tuber roots, palmately divided leaves with wide lobes, bright blue flowers, arched pedicels. The whole plant is naked, without pubescence.

The part of the plant used is tuber roots, which are dug up in late September and early October.

Rice. 5 Aconite (wrestler, Issyk-Kul root)

The main alkaloid found in all parts of the plant is aconitine. When heated with water, acetic acid is split off from it and a less toxic benzoylacone is formed.

In case of aconite poisoning, death occurs with respiratory paralysis.

… The most poisonous part of the plant is the tubers. A.P. Chekhov described the poisoning of people on Sakhalin who had eaten the liver of pigs poisoned by aconite. A person dies from 3-4 mg of aconitine.

… The plant is widely used in Chinese medicine for many diseases. The poisonous properties of aconite were known in antiquity.

In China, the tubers of the plant are dipped for 40 minutes in boiling water, after which they are cleaned of the cork and cut into slices, then boiled in sieves over hot steam for 12 hours, and only after that the tubers are used as a decoction in hot water, which is boiled for another within 2 hours. Between hot treatments, long-term soaking of tubers in water is used. Thus, in China, aconitine is practically not used, which, when heated with water, becomes less poisonous benzoilaconine ...

While ingesting medicine prepared with aconite, Chinese doctors do not recommend eating sour, cold, chicken eggs and bean broth.

One of the readers of VN (No. 51, 1997) wrote to the editor: “I started drinking wrestler from 1 to 10 drops 3 times a day in hot tea. She reached 10 drops, added another 5 drops and continued to drink 15 drops three times a day and drank the whole wrestler like that. The body responded well." At the same time, the reader exceeded the normal doses of a wrestler by 45 times and one and a half times the doses of a wrestler recommended on the pages of VN. Editor Galina Goncharenko did not leave this fact without attention: "We do not recommend experimenting." Why didn't something bad happen to this reader? In this case, she was dripping wrestler's tincture into hot tea, which she shouldn't have done. From the wrestler's aconitine in hot tea, only benzoilaconine remained, much less poisonous, but also less useful. But it was precisely this circumstance that saved the reader from the consequences of her amateur treatment.

D. Yordanov. P. Nikolov. Asp. Boychinov, "Phytotherapy" (Sofia, 1970):

“Wrestler, poisonous aconite. In case of poisoning, death occurs due to paralysis of the respiratory center. In very small doses, aconite, respectively, preparations from its tubers (tinctures), are used as an analgesic for severe pain. This is a well-acting remedy, but dangerous due to its high toxicity. Therapeutic doses of aconitine - 0.02-0.03 mg 2-3 times a day.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, water extracts from the leaves, as well as from the tubers of the wrestler, are used to prepare poultices for rheumatism, sciatica and malignant tumors (the aconitine alkaloid practically does not dissolve in water. - M. Zh).

All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the tubers!

R. Ludewig, K. Los, “Acute poisonings” (translated from German, 1983): “Aconitine. In medicine, for example, aconite tincture is used. (0.5 mg/ml aconitine).

The lethal dose of dried aconite for adults is 1–2 g. The lethal dose of aconitine when taken orally for adults is 1.5–5 mg!”

Here, once again, more accurate values ​​of the LD of aconitine are given, which I will be guided by (the author determines the LD of aconitine at 4 mg).

In the medicine of our country, aconite is used almost exclusively by homeopathy. In homeopathy, aconite is used to prepare the medicine Aconitum (Aconitum napellus - wrestler).

Signs of poisoning and help in case of overdose (poisoning) are the same as for hemlock spotted (and colchicum).

Aconite (wrestler) has a strong analgesic and healing property. The analgesic effect of aconite is very important in oncological diseases. A very interesting case is described by a reader of VN (No. 52, 1997): “Three years ago I in the garden she cut grass with a very sharp knife and cut off the middle finger of her left hand (the top of the finger). Cut from nail to nail by 5 mm. This piece hung on the skin. The blood gushed out, the pain was such that it seemed that the heart would stop. I ran into the house and filled her finger with tincture of the Dzhungarian root. Immediately the blood clotted, and ten seconds later the pain completely stopped. I I attached this piece of my finger, wrapped it with plantain, bandaged it and could continue to work. Every day I lubricated my finger with a tincture of the root, after a week a scar became, everything took root. True, the sensitivity of this part of the finger came only a year later. In Chinese medicine, aconite is also used as a powerful pain reliever.

Now about the most important thing - about the dosage of such a strong poison as aconitine. It must be said that the method of using aconite to cure cancer, recommended by the editors of the Bulletin of Hope (No. 51, 1997), was widely used and successfully used by many cancer patients:

“Aconite, or Dzungarian wrestler.

How to insist, only herbalists and herbalists know, since this is the strongest poison! We offer a regimen of administration: from one drop - up to ten and from ten - up to one, drink three times a day 40 minutes before meals. Give drops to 50 ml of decoction of oregano, lemon balm, sage, thyme. (currants, raspberries). You can also enter microclysters with similar decoctions or stone oil into the rectum. Ed.".

This method of applying a tincture of aconite (wrestler): three times a day from one to ten drops and ten to one, or 3x (1-10-10-1), to be perfectly precise, at a maximum 30 times more poisonous than provided by method No. 1 of V. V. Tishchenko. Below I will show that, repeating all the achievements of V. V. Tishchenko from his method No. 1 (royal), the tincture of aconite (Dzungarian wrestler) should not be taken more than one drop a day! Thus, the entire scheme for taking aconite tincture for the treatment of cancer, which is closest to the method No. 1 (royal) of V. V. Tishchenko, should consist of one drop of aconite tincture daily on an empty stomach, one hour before meals. And so from the first day of admission and until recovery!

Only with such a method of taking aconite tincture will all the advantages of method No. 1 (royal) of V. V. Tishchenko for hemlock spotted, but for aconite tincture, be preserved to the maximum extent.

The author advises taking a daily dose of aconite tincture with 100 ml of water (rather than 50 ml), water at room temperature. But do not take aconite tincture or any other with decoctions of various useful herbs - a special chapter of this book will be devoted to this issue. A separate chapter will deal with the use of microclysters in the application of poisons to cure cancer. How can the reader understand such a dual nature of the recommendations for the use of poisonous tincture of aconite (wrestler)? On the one hand, many readers of the Messenger of Hope actually used the method of taking aconite recommended by the editors of VN and were cured of cancer. At the same time, the experience of V. V. Tishchenko in applying the method No. 1 (royal), successfully confirmed by many readers of VN, is indisputable. Are the mistakes of chemotherapy repeated when taking the doses of aconite tincture recommended by the editors? I have already dealt with such a question in chapter 9 about hemlock regarding the method No. 4 of V. V. Tishchenko. No, there are no editorial errors in the Messenger of Hope, there is a simple and clear rule: each type of cancer has its own method of treatment in terms of toxicity. As a rule, two degrees of toxicity of methods for curing cancer are sufficient: in most cases, the guideline is V.V. in especially severe cases of cancer (cancer of the rectum, cancer of the sigmoid colon, etc.), enhanced methods of curing cancer of the type of method No. 4 of V. V. Tishchenko or the methods of the editorial board of the "Herald of Hope" for aconite (wrestler) are needed. We remind you that the seemingly satisfactory external well-being of patients should not be the basis for the use of enhanced methods of cancer treatment. Overdoses are very dangerous and unacceptable - this is repeated by V. V. Tishchenko all the time, and this is true! For cancer patients, in most cases, VV Tishchenko's method No. 1 is the most important guideline. Why do I value this method No. 1? For the fact that she does not give overdoses and cures cancer!

And now we have to learn a quick and unmistakable way to avoid overdoses of tinctures of poisons when curing cancer with their help. After mastering this method, it will become obvious to the reader that we have corrected the error of three authoritative reference books on the lethal dose of aconitine (in the reference books - aconite). If I didn't correct this mistake, the use of aconite to cure cancer would become unrealistic (or homeopathic) - it would take less than one drop of tincture per year!

"VN" No. 74 (7) for 1999 mentions the book by Yu. A. Zakharov "The Practice of a Shaman Healer". Yu. A. Zakharov himself prepares aconite in Chinese style (using prolonged boiling of the roots in water) and recommends that others do the same. The author strongly warns readers that this erroneous recommendation should not be used, Yu. A. Zakharov repeats the mistake of Chinese specialists. Aconite root, when boiled in water, practically loses its anti-cancer properties. It should be emphasized that the method of anti-cancer application of tincture of aconite 3x(1-10-10-1) explicitly comes from the wonderful book by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "Cancer Ward". This book says that the Issyk-Kul root cannot be sniffed either in tincture or in a dry form, and if you shift the root with your hands, and then do not wash your hands and lick it out of forgetfulness, you can die. It also speaks of a stepwise scheme for taking the tincture: from one drop to ten and from ten to one, then a break of ten days. Root insist on vodka, a handful of root for three half a liter. The recipe and the root are obtained from the old man Krementsov, from the settlers of the beginning of the century, who settled in the mountains.

Over time, the dose tripled, and the breaks halved, and the toy completely disappeared.

So those who have recovered from cancer with aconite tincture, in conscience, are obliged to bow to Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Who was cured with hemlock tincture - Valery Viktorovich Tishchenko.

The ancient Greek naturalist and philosopher, one of the first botanists of antiquity Theophrastus (Theophrastus) - his real name was Tirtam (372–287 BC), - associated the name of the plant "aconite" with the city of Akone, the surroundings of which were considered the birthplace of this plant. Later, Ovid, in his Metamorphoses, outlined the myth of how, near this city, Hercules brought the dog Cerberus out of the underworld. Poisonous foam from the three mouths of the dog Cerberus dripped onto the fertile land. Wherever even a drop of foam fell, a tenacious poisonous flower grew - aconite.

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