What are the different types of vermicelli. Types of pasta. Types and forms of pasta. What to look for when buying pasta


good pasta or pasta, consist only of durum wheat flour and water.

Since about the 14th century, the main difference between pasta is its division into fresh (pasta fresca) and dry (pasta secca).

Fresh pasta is prepared at home or in restaurants. Eggs, spinach, beets and other ingredients can be added there.

Such pasta is not stored for a long time, but is usually boiled and eaten immediately after preparation.

Dry pasta is produced on an industrial scale. They have a long shelf life. Such pasta can be bought in almost any store.

But in order to purchase a quality product that will benefit you, and not extra pounds, you need to know how to choose the right pasta.

I will not consider pasta with the addition of eggs, buckwheat or rice flour. The information below only applies to classic pasta made from wheat flour.

In short, here are the points by which you can determine the quality of pasta before buying it in the store:

  • The label contains one of these options:
    • "Group A"
    • "1 class" (high grade flour),
    • "durum"
    • "hard wheat"
    • semolina di grano duro
  • The protein content is not less than 12 g per 100 grams of pasta. The bigger, the better;
  • Pasta should have a smooth surface, as well as smooth and glassy edges;
  • Color yellow, gold or amber;
  • In the package are absent or present at all minimum the amount of crumbs and broken pieces of pasta.

Now more about the quality of pasta.

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Flour groups from which pasta is made in Russia

To choose the right pasta, you first need to study the composition on the pasta label. The composition should contain only durum wheat flour and water.

Flour, which is used for the production of pasta in Russia, divided into 3 groups. Groups are designated by Russian letters A, B, C.

A - durum wheat flour or durum (durum)

Group A flour pasta has a low glycemic index and is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Water after cooking such pasta remains almost transparent. The pasta itself does not stick together during cooking and keeps its shape well after.

On the packaging as part of the ingredients, such flour may be called:

  • group A;
  • 1 class (flour of the highest grade);
  • "durum";
  • durum wheat;

On packages of pasta that were exported from Italy, they usually write:

  • "semola di grano duro";
  • "farina di grano duro";
  • semola di frumento duro.

B - soft glassy wheat flour

Pasta made from class B flour contains a large amount of starch. Such a product contains a smaller amount of beneficial nutrients for the body. The water will become cloudy during cooking. During and after cooking, such pasta will stick together.

  • group B (soft flour);
  • flour of the first and highest grade;
  • Grade 2

B - soft bread flour

Pasta made from flour group B white. They are very fragile, so the package will contain a lot of broken pasta, their fragments and crumbs. When cooked, they are very soft. By eating such pasta, you can quickly gain weight.

On the packaging in the composition, such flour can be called:

  • group B;
  • soft wheat flour;
  • baking flour.

After you have found information on the packaging of pasta that they are made from durum flour, the next thing you need to find is the amount of protein in the product.

You can indirectly determine the amount of soft flour in pasta by the amount of protein. The more it is, the higher the chance that in durum pasta there is no admixture of flour of another grade.

Good pasta contains minimum 12 g protein per 100 g pasta. The higher the score, the better the pasta.

If the protein value on the packaging is below 11 g per 100 grams of pasta, then most likely flour of lower grades was added to group A flour. This means that most likely you have a low-quality product.

According to the President of the Russian Grain Union of the Russian Federation Arkady Zlochevsky, the mass fraction of protein in pasta indirectly suggests that low-grade raw materials were used in production. Protein is a parameter that is associated with the growing conditions of wheat. Hot and dry weather without drought contributes to the high protein content of the grain. Frosts and rains, on the contrary, lead to its decrease.

Glycemic index (GI) of pasta

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, brown rice, buckwheat, and durum pasta (cooked “al dente”) are classified as low glycemic foods. They give their energy to the body gradually.

The figures are indicative. The amount of GI depends on the specific type of pasta.

It is worth noting that the glycemic index is not related to calories. A low GI food may be high in calories. If you are on a diet, keep this in mind.

Calorie content, composition and BJU of pasta

The calorie content of pasta and nutritional value, namely the amount of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), may vary. For example, I will take 3 packages of spaghetti of different brands, which are made from different types of flour.

Calorie content of durum wheat pasta, durum, Group A or Premium*:

Spaghetti brand "Makfa" from durum wheat (GOST 31743):

Calories: 344 kcal

Spaghetti n.5 brand "Barilla". Group A. Top grade. (TU 9149-012-48774716-14):

Calories: 359 kcal

Energy value: 1502 kJ

Spaghetti brand "Schebekinskie" Group A. Premium. (GOST 31743-2012)

Calories: 350 kcal

Energy value: 1464 kJ

Soft flour pasta calories, group B* :

– Spaghetti Ameria No. 3, made from all-purpose wheat flour type M55-23. Group B (GOST 31743-2012)

– Spaghetti №4, Extra-M. Group B top grade (GOST 31743-2012)

– Saomi Vermicelli long, spaghetti. In the highest grade (GOST 31743-2012)

These pastas made from group B flour have the same BJU and calorie values:

Calories: 344 kcal

Energy value: 1439 kJ

*according to the data of the Utkonos online store (23.07.17), which are indicated in the card of pasta products.

Let's compare the average calorie and BJU values ​​​​of pasta from durum wheat of group A and the indicators of pasta from soft flour of group B:

For durum pasta and pasta made from soft flour, the indicators are not very different. The table shows that durum pasta has a large amount of protein, fat and calorie content. Carbohydrate indicators in varieties are approximately equal. The number of calories in pasta made from soft flour is less.

The advantage of durum wheat is that it has a lower starch content. Therefore, you will get less benefit from pasta made from soft flour, and a greater chance of gaining excess weight.

Pasta texture

The presence of dark and dark yellow dots on the surface of pasta is the result of grinding whole grains. This means that such pasta will have more beneficial nutrients.

White dots and roughness on pasta are a sign of poor-quality flour from which they were prepared. It may also indicate a violation of technology or poor kneading of dough in production.

The shelf life of pasta directly depends on humidity characteristics. The moisture content of the product must be balanced. This means that if the pasta is too dry, then it will break in the package even at the stage of transportation to the store, and if it is excessively wet, then there is a chance of mold.

GOST requires producers to observe the moisture content of pasta no more than 13%, and in products for baby food no more than 12%.

Also affects the shelf life acidity product. The higher it is, the less pasta will be stored.

Increased acidity of pasta may be a consequence of a violation of the drying regime, as well as the use of low-quality flour in the batch. Acidity should be no more than 3.5-4.

Usually shelf life of pasta from durum wheat is from 24 to 32 months. Subject to storage conditions (temperature not more than 40'C and relative humidity not more than 75%).

Colored pasta

On the shelves of stores you can find pasta not only in different shapes and sizes, but also in different colors.

The manufacturer paints pasta in red, green, black and other colors. Thus, in addition to color, such pasta receives the aroma and delicate taste of natural dyes, such as:

  • carrot juice
  • beetroot juice
  • Spinach
  • Cuttlefish ink, etc.

Such products may differ from simple ones by a reduced shelf life, otherwise they are the same pasta. But again, read the ingredients. If it contains additives with the code "E", leave such a product on the shelf.

How to choose high-quality durum wheat pasta?

After you read the composition and found durum flour there, as well as the amount of protein above 12 grams, then you should look at the pasta itself. Most manufacturers sell their product in translucent packages, so it's not difficult to identify quality pasta.

Durum wheat pasta have the following properties:

  • Color golden, yellow, amber;
  • The surface is smooth;
  • glassy edges;
  • There are no fragments and crumbs in the package, or a minimum of them.

Soft wheat pasta can be determined according to the following criteria:

  • The color is white, pale yellow or vice versa poisonous yellow;
  • The surface and fracture of pasta is rough;
  • White dots on pasta due to unmixed dough;
  • There are a lot of pasta pieces and crumbs in the package.

Irina Makhanova, head of the food research department of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor for the Chelyabinsk Region, notes that the presence of crumbs and scrap in the package helps to further characterize pasta, both from a qualitative and aesthetic point of view. Strength directly depends on the quality of the flour and the drying mode. The number of broken pasta in the package is an indicator of compliance with technological processes in production.

You can check the quality of pasta at home when you have already bought it.

If you purchased, for example, spaghetti, then you can check their quality by the following indicators:

  • elastic. Spaghetti made from soft varieties or a mixture of flour will break easily with your hands, hard spaghetti will be elastic and will bend to the last.
  • Do not stick together. Good pasta does not stick together into lumps during cooking and does not boil too much.
  • Don't stir up. The water should not be cloudy. White and sticky water after cooking pasta indicates their low quality pasta, they have a lot of starch.
  • Do not change color. After cooking, the pasta remains golden yellow.
  • keep their shape. Even if you leave them in water for an hour, they will not swell several times and will keep their shape.

Pasta after cooking should retain its appearance and the same shape. what they had in the package.

If we take boiled spaghetti as an example, then cut ends and diameter differences along the length of the pasta will mean poor product quality.

Pasta made from soft flour during cooking is very soft, and then sticks together and does not hold its shape well.

High-quality pasta made from durum wheat is practically devoid of these shortcomings. It is enough to mix them several times during cooking, and then add a little oil to the finished pasta.

High quality durum wheat pasta do not sell by weight. They are always offered in individual packages. So they retain their useful properties longer and do not deteriorate under the influence of air and moisture.

If the paste is made in Europe or the USA, then the words on the label can be trusted, unless of course it is a fake. They have stricter food quality control. Most offer you a quality product from good wheat. But check the ingredients on the label before buying. Import is not a panacea.

Good pasta made from group A flour and high in protein always will cost more pasta made from flour of groups B and C. But an unscrupulous manufacturer or store can artificially increase the price for a brand, packaging or imported products. So always read the ingredients before buying. Don't let yourself be fooled.

High-quality pasta is unlikely to cost less than 50-60 rubles. For a lower price, you are most likely offered pasta made from a mixture of flour of different varieties or unformatted. Good pasta costs even more, and very good pasta can be offered for 150-250 rubles.

Doubt. Check it out yourself. Buy 2 packs of spaghetti. One from the segment 20-40 rubles, and the other from 100-150 and try to cook them at home. I am sure you will feel the difference.

I usually buy pasta from the supermarket closest to my house. But sometimes it is a pity to spend time shopping. I would love to order products with delivery, but in Yekaterinburg everything is sad with this matter. But if you are from Moscow, you can buy pasta and other products in the Instamart online store with delivery. If there was a similar service in my city, I would gladly use it.

Harm and benefits of pasta

Macaroni is a flour product. Like other flour and baked goods, pasta is low in nutrition, has a relatively high glycemic index (especially soft varieties), and is high in carbohydrates.

Pasta can harm the digestive system and the body. For example, pasta is contraindicated for people with acute pancreatitis. A strict diet does not allow them to eat flour products.

In chronic pancreatitis, you can eat pasta, but with restrictions. The fact is that products made from durum wheat flour give an additional load on the pancreas and pushes the body to secrete more bile. If intestinal motility is increased, then pain may occur, and after a violation of the stool.

To eliminate these negative aspects for people with pancreatitis and disorders in the digestive tract, you need to cook pasta as follows:

  • Cook to the end and even a little overcooking to remove most of the starch. Forget al dente;
  • It is advisable not to fry the ingredients and the pasta itself in oil, and also to avoid a strongly fried crust when baking or frying;
  • Add only a small amount of oil to the finished pasta;
  • Avoid spicy and salty sauces.
  • It is also recommended to eat pasta in the morning. For dinner, pasta can become too heavy a meal.

For those who follow the figure, you should simply combine pasta with stewed vegetables and sauces based on them. This way you will increase the benefits of pasta and not get a lot of calories.

In general, in terms of weight loss, there is not much difference what kind of pasta you eat. More importantly, what else do you eat in addition to pasta, and what is the total amount of your calories per day.

If we consider pasta from the point of metabolism, then it is better to buy pasta from whole grain durum wheat.

Good quality durum wheat pasta that has been cooked al dente and seasoned with a little olive oil is perceived by the human body as bran. Such pasta stimulates the intestines and pushes the digestive system to create more bile for better digestion.

Durum wheat pasta with a high protein content is on the list of healthy foods and is recommended for use in many diets.

According to its composition, pasta is highly concentrated fiber and complex carbohydrates. Fiber is almost not absorbed by the body. It helps to remove toxins from it. And while this process is going on, it creates a feeling of satiety.

Pasta also contains minerals and vitamins, such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B3, B6, B12, E, etc.

Pasta contains "good carbs" that deliver sugar slowly to the body. Carbohydrates are consumed by the body gradually and almost completely. The process is slow, so the appearance of problems associated with the regulation of blood sugar levels is minimized.

The amino acid tryptophan, which pasta contains, stimulates the production of serotonin in the body. It is a neurotransmitter of good mood, or as it is also called the "hormone of happiness."

Features of durum wheat or durum. Comparison of hard and soft flour

Wheat has thousands of varieties, but among this variety, 2 large groups stand out, soft and durum wheat.

Soft wheat varieties are mainly grown in climates with high humidity. Such wheat occupies a large part of the market. The main producers are located in Russia, Ukraine, Western Europe, Kazakhstan and the CIS, as well as in Australia.

Durum wheat varieties are grown where the climate is drier. In the USA, Argentina, Asia, North Africa and some regions of Russia.

In Russia, durum wheat is mainly represented by spring species. Such wheat needs about 100 warm days to fully ripen. The crop is usually harvested when the moisture content of the grain reaches 13%.

Not every climate is suitable for growing durum wheat. Spring durum wheat is sown and harvested mainly:

  • In the Urals. In the forest-steppe part of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions;
  • On South. In the Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory.
  • In the southeast. In the Volgograd, Saratov and Orenburg regions.
  • In the Altai Territory and Omsk Region

According to the head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Russian Grain Union, Sergei Shakhovets, there are no exact data on the amount of durum wheat. Specially such varieties are not customary to single out and take into account. Such statistics are usually kept at the regional level. This is most likely due to the fact that durum wheat is grown under the order of large processing enterprises that produce pasta.

Durum wheat is in many ways similar to soft wheat, but has its own characteristics.

Features of durum wheat:

  • Long and dense spike.
  • The grain is elongated, hard and has a small size. It is enclosed in a flower film, which prevents excessive shedding.
  • The grain color is the same. Burgundy or yellowish.
  • Flour from such wheat absorbs liquid well and does not stale for a long time.

The best semolina and pasta are obtained from such wheat.

Representatives are, for example, varieties of spring durum wheat Lilek and Nikolasha, bred by the Research Institute of Agriculture of the South-East.

Features of soft wheat varieties:

  • The ear has thin walls and more empty space in the culm.
  • The grains are larger and softer.
  • The color of the grain can be white, yellow, burgundy.
  • Flour from such wheat absorbs liquid worse and is subject to rapid staling.

Flour from such wheat is mainly used for the preparation of bakery and confectionery products.

Representatives are, for example, varieties of winter soft wheat Gubernia and Kalach 60, bred by the Research Institute of Agriculture of the South-East.

If you "look inside", then the structure of soft and durum wheat is also different.

In durum pasta, starch has a crystalline structure, in soft varieties it is viscous. So when cooking the latter, a large amount of dry substances and starch pass into the water, which make the water cloudy.

The current GOST allows no more than 6% of dry substances that pass into water.

Leading expert of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR) Igor Pavensky believes that the production of grain is directly proportional to the consumption of processed products. And the amount of durum wheat that was grown in Russia can be calculated using data on the production of durum flour. To do this, you need to apply in the calculations the coefficient of conversion of the produced flour into grain, which is approximately equal to 1000 kg of flour from 1330 kg of grain.

Current GOST for pasta. Pasta production in Russia

GOST 31743-2012. Pasta products. General specifications.

This standard applies to pasta made from wheat flour and water, including egg and vegetable pasta (with vegetable powders).

Publication date: 06/17/2013

Update date: 05/05/2017

Pasta is a familiar and popular product for Russians. It is used in almost every family. Pasta is loved for its ease of use, satiety, pleasant taste and affordable price.

Pasta is a commodity of daily demand. According to ROMIR Monitorin, in 2014, 94% of the population over 18 purchased pasta from stores. On average, pasta consumption in Russia is about 7 kg per person per year.

The most preferred type of pasta in Russia is spaghetti. Their sales reach 20% of the market of all pasta.

According to 2015 data, about 150 enterprises produce pasta in Russia. If we take all the production of pasta in Russia, then the geographically maximum production capacities are distributed as follows:

  • Central Federal District - 40%;
  • Ural region - 17%;
  • Privolzhsky region - 16%;
  • The rest - 27%.

The volume of durum wheat obtained in Russia is insufficient for all producers, since the harvest directly depends on the weather in summer and on the quality of the land.

In Russia, there is a problem of shortage of flour from durum wheat. There is a temptation for manufacturers to save their money by diluting expensive durum flour with cheaper soft flour during the production process. That is, when buying pasta from durum varieties of a domestic manufacturer, there is a small chance of purchasing low-quality goods.

The trouble is that, according to current standards, unscrupulous manufacturers can hardly be caught cheating. The existing GOST implies only one outdated method for determining the admixture of soft flour. It allows you to identify more than 10% or less than 10% of soft flour contains a product. In GOST there are restrictions on the content of such flour at 15%, but it is physically impossible to measure it.

Another way to check in the laboratory, allows you to check the proportion of soft flour by the content of protein and dry matter that has passed into the water. But the data obtained is not entirely accurate.

That is, it is difficult to check an unscrupulous manufacturer. What some people use.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Vladimir Dukharev believes that in Russia there is a problem with the uncontrolled use of soft flour of groups B and C in the production of pasta from durum wheat flour. Usually not the largest or well-known manufacturers sin with this. But still, according to various estimates, the share of such products is 30-40% of the market.

But it's not all bad. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with a large-scale study in assessing the quality of spaghetti in the Russian market, which was conducted by Roskachestvo and Rospotrebnadzor. A fan study showed that the domestic spaghetti market can be called high-quality and highly competitive. Russian manufacturers, for the most part, are not inferior in quality to eminent Italian brands.

I have tried many different brands and types of pasta. Over time, I reduced to 5 the number of pasta manufacturers that I like more than others.

For my recipes, I buy the following brands of pasta in stores:

  1. barilla
  2. Shebekinskiye
  4. Agnesi
  5. Trattoria di maestro Turatti

These pasta do not boil soft, do not stick together during cooking, and then remain elastic. They contain a large amount of protein (from 12 g), look good and taste good.

Partly this choice helped me to make supermarkets within walking distance from home. Since I am limited in their range. But the choice is still not bad. The cost also plays a role. Usually I do not take pasta more expensive than 120 rubles per 0.5 kg. Only if they have some unusual shape of pasta that I have not cooked yet or interesting packaging.

This is my subjective choice of pasta based on culinary experience and 3 years of running a pasta mania website.

You can write your favorite brand of pasta in the comments. If I see it in the store, I'll take it for a test.

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Recently I bought pasta from a new manufacturer. On the packaging it was written: the highest grade. I thought if “higher” means they won’t boil soft during cooking. It turned out the opposite. That is, the variety does not guarantee quality? I heard that the main thing in pasta is flour. So which ones to buy so that they do not boil soft and stick together?

The quality of pasta, of course, depends on the flour. This is the main raw material from which the mentioned products are made. However, the ability to “keep the shape” during cooking, as such, the grade of the pasta itself (it depends on the type of flour) by and large does not affect this. It is much more important what kind of wheat flour - hard or soft varieties - products are produced from. Depending on this, pasta is divided into three groups - A, B and C. Moreover, vermicelli or horns can be of the highest grade from all of the listed groups.

What is the difference? And how to choose "persistent" pasta?

According to the classification of the current GOST R 518650-2002, group "A" includes pasta made from durum wheat flour of the highest, first and second grades. It is these pasta that are the most persistent. True, if the flour is homogeneous, it is better if it is of the highest grade. The fact is that the standard for durum wheat pasta flour allows the use of an admixture of flour of a different grade. Therefore, pasta with a special mark: “Made exclusively from durum wheat” will be of the highest quality.

The surface of products of group "A" is smooth, the color is golden or amber. The edge of products is "glassy". The presence on the surface of pasta of small dark specks, dots is not a flaw, but their distinctive feature, which is due to the specifics of grinding flour from durum wheat.

Group "B" and "C" include pasta from "soft" varieties of wheat of the 1st and 2nd class (depending on whether the flour is of the highest grade or the first). "B" - from vitreous flour, "C" - from ordinary baking flour, bakery products are baked from it. The last group is not very suitable for pasta. In some countries it is illegal to make pasta with "soft" flour. The quality of such products is manifested during cooking, reflected in the "fragile" forms. They swell and break. Outwardly, pasta from "soft" varieties of wheat also differ: they have a "rough" surface, whitish or poisonous yellow color. Such products belong to economy class products and they are cheaper.

When buying pasta or noodles, pay attention to the label. First of all, on the group of products and the composition of the product. Some people think that the group "B" indicated on the package is the Latin designation for the letter "B". In fact, the group is marked with Russian letters.

If you don’t find a single letter from the mentioned trinity of the alphabet on pasta or horns, most likely they belong to the “B” group. This applies most often to weight products in plastic bags and packaged.

By the way, the cooking time is also indicated on the packaging. If you do not follow it, then do not be surprised why the vermicelli or pasta boiled soft. In addition, excessive heat treatment will reduce their useful properties.


Pasta is pasta, usually made from wheat flour and water. Another name is pasta (from Italian Pasta). First of all, Italian cuisine is associated with pasta, and China is the real homeland of this popular product. It was from here that the traveler Marco Polo brought the secret of making pasta. How to choose the highest quality and most delicious pasta, what to look for when choosing - a few of our tips.


The package must contain the marking of the wheat variety from which the product is prepared. Group A - pasta made from only durum wheat flour, group B - from flour made from soft vitreous wheat, group C - from baking wheat flour.
Packaging of pasta must be transparent or have a transparent window through which the buyer can evaluate the appearance of the product. Also, check the pasta packaging for leaks.


Smooth surface;

Golden smooth cream color, not white or unnaturally bright yellow;

Amber yellow pasta made from durum wheat;

The presence on the product of a small amount of residues of wheat grain shells in the form of dark dots;

Light pasta with a rough surface and white patches is made from ordinary flour, artificially tinted yellow;

Lack of flour and crumbs in the pack, vitreous fracture

How to distinguish a fake?

Group A durum wheat pasta is often forged by mixing flour with soft or bread flour. Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish a forgery, but it is easy to identify when cooking. Cook the pasta according to all the rules and see what happened to the water and the shape of the products. If the figurines are intact, and the water is slightly cloudy, you bought a real pasta made from durum wheat. If the result is different, it is a fake.

Another easy way to determine pasta quality is to bend the spaghetti. Products from soft varieties break quickly, while pasta from hard varieties is strong, bends well, and it is difficult to break them.

Pasta from hard varieties does not boil soft, practically does not stick together, ready-made pasta has a pleasant amber yellow color. Do not be afraid of carotene dye - it is natural, completely harmless. If pasta is painted in unusual colors after cooking, look at the composition, most likely they contain a natural additive. For example, greenish pasta is due to the addition of spinach to the composition; strongly crumbling pasta is not recommended to take, because. this means that they are dried in violation of all technologies. When cooked, such products will turn into porridge. If cooked pasta is bitter, it means that from which they are made was stored incorrectly and for too long, the fats that were there had time to go rancid.

Why does the grade mean nothing?

Grade refers to the type of flour, not the quality of the pasta itself. The inscription of the highest grade and the highest quality on simple cheap horns of group B means that they are made from baking flour of the highest grade, devoid of almost all useful substances and the most refined. It would be better if pasta were made from first grade flour, more useful.

Sometimes they indicate a class instead of a variety - this is the same for pasta.

Expensive or cheap?

In principle, there is no difference, the main thing is that pasta should be made only from durum wheat. You come across pasta at an insanely expensive price, special French, German. Why do they cost so much? No one knows, probably the distributor wanted to charge such a price. Pasta is flour and water. When you buy very expensive pasta, you pay for the trademark, for the bright packaging.

Benefits of durum wheat pasta

These pasta are rich in nutrients.
. B vitamins that increase stress resistance, alleviate headaches;
. Vitamin E - prevents aging;
. Minerals - potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus;
. Pasta provides the body with complex carbohydrates that do not raise blood sugar levels, as well as protein in the amount of 15% of the daily requirement;
. Fiber - absorbs toxins, removing them from the body. Fiber also gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
. The amino acid tryptophan promotes a deeper and more restful sleep, resists depression.

Types of pasta

In Italy, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of pasta varieties. All Italian pasta is divided into 3 types:
. Long Paste
. short paste
. stuffed pasta

The form is divided into five types:

1. Long

Capellini (Capellini) - products are long, rounded, very thin. Sometimes they are also called as "angel hair". They are consumed hot, with a light sauce, broth, or simply with vegetable salad mixed with olive oil.

Vermicelli (Vermicelli) are long, rounded and thin (1.4 mm - 1.8 mm) products. Translated from Italian means "little worms". They are consumed hot or cold, with a light sauce or broken, mixed with a vegetable salad.

Spaghetti (Spaghetti) - the most popular type of pasta in the world: long, roundish and medium thickness. These are "little ropes". They are consumed hot, with tomato sauce or in casseroles.

Spaghettini is thinner than spaghetti.

Tagliatelle are long noodles.

Fettuccine - flat thin strips of dough, about 2.5 cm wide. They are straight or slightly curved. Used in the preparation of Fettuccine Alfredo dishes, consumed hot, with a thick sauce, especially delicious with a creamy sauce.

Lasagna (Lasagne) - very wide and long products, can be with curly or straight edges. Also called a casserole cooked from them. They are consumed exclusively hot, stacked in layers in a mold, each layer is smeared with thick tomato or cream sauces. Then baked for 30-40 minutes.

Lasagniette is a wide noodle with frilled edges.

Linguine - flat, long and narrow, slightly longer than spaghetti products. Their name is translated from Italian as: "little tongues."

Pappardelle are flat noodles, about 2 cm wide.

2. Short Pasta

Fusilli (Fusilli) - made in the form of a spiral (Archimedes screw).

Penne (Penne) - these are tubes with a diameter of not more than 10 mm, a length of not more than 40 mm, have diagonal cut edges (feathers).

Penne rigate are fluted feathers.

Cannelloni (Cannelloni) - pasta tubes with a diameter of not more than 30 mm and a length of not more than 100 mm. Basically, they are prepared with various fillings.

Cellentani are spiral tubes.

3. Fine pasta for soups

Anelli (Anelli) - beautiful miniature rings, created specifically for the preparation of various soups.

Stelline (Stelline) - products in the form of an asterisk.

Ditalini Orecchiete are small pieces shaped like letters or ears.

4. Curly paste

Farfalle (Farfalle) - products in the form of a butterfly.

Farfallette and Farfallini are small butterflies.

Conchiglie - pasta in the form of shells; great for stuffing.

Conchiliette are small shells.

Conchiglioni are large shells.

Gemelli - plaits with hollow ends or thin spirals.

Caserecce - ordinary, familiar to us horns.

Campanelle are bells with a slightly wavy edge.

Gnocchi and cavatelli are frilled shells.

5. Pasta stuffed

Agnolotti - rectangular or crescent-shaped. These are envelopes with traditional meat filling.

Capeletti - small stuffed pasta. Made in the shape of a hat.

Tortellini are small stuffed rings.

Tortelloni are large squares filled with filling.

Cannelloni is a type of pasta in the form of fairly large tubules. Designed for filling with minced meat.

colorful pasta

Although a simple, natural product, and they contain only flour and water, only natural products are added to the multi-colored paste: spinach, beets, wheat germ, carrots, etc. They give both taste and color. If the packaging indicates artificial colors, fillers or substitutes, you should not buy such pasta.

Instant noodles

Noodles are not pasta. Fast food noodles are brewed quickly because they contain a lot of baking powder, thickeners, starches and fats. These components are easily permeable to water and swell well. For taste, glutamate is often added to it, for appearance - dyes. Whether there is such noodles is up to you, but there is nothing useful in it.

egg noodles

The approximate composition of egg noodles: "baking wheat flour, salt, starch, egg powder and baking soda." This noodle is no different from fast food. It contains no vitamins or nutrients. In addition, after an hour after it, hunger is again felt.

From pasta do not get fat, but lose weight

Why? In Italy, pasta is eaten with a variety of sauces, the main ingredients of which are herbs, vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, spices,. These products are low-calorie, very beneficial for the body. Pasta made from high-quality raw materials can and should be safely included in the diet without fear of excess weight.


Be sure to check the expiration dates before buying. Pasta can be stored for about 3 years; colored products with additives (carrot or spinach) will be tasty for 24 months; egg - about 12 months.

True, unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes artificially change the shelf life by printing a new term on a special sticker. You should not buy such a product. On high-quality pasta, the expiration date is stamped directly on the pack.

We wish you a good choice!

Pasta is called tubular pasta in the form of a long straight tube with a straight or wavy cut (GOST R 52000-2002 "Pasta. Terms and definitions"). The length of the pasta is at least 200 mm.

Pasta is one of the most popular types of pasta on the Russian market.

Pasta in Russia is also traditionally called all the numerous varieties, types and types of pasta.

Pasta is made from wheat flour and water using a variety of molding and drying methods. For the production of products, various useful additives can be used - vitamins, dietary fiber, wheat germ, which turn products into.

Varieties of pasta

According to GOST R 51865-2002 “Pasta products. General technical conditions”, three groups of goods are produced.

Group A - pasta of the highest, first and second grade - made from durum wheat flour (durum) of the highest, first and second grades
Group B - pasta of the highest and first grade - made from flour of soft vitreous wheat of the highest and first grades
Group B - pasta of the highest and first grade - made from wheat baking flour of the highest and first grades

Contrary to popular belief, pasta is not a threat to. Durum wheat products contain a large amount of protein and are not a high-calorie product. The balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates contributes to the easy absorption of pasta and does not interfere.

Pasta is a favorite side dish for many people and a popular dish in many different countries. With cheese and minced meat, with intricate sauces, fried and simply boiled, they are loved by adults and children. Pasta is a versatile product that is used to cook soups and casseroles, it is used as a side dish and an independent dish. And of course, one cannot fail to note their wonderful taste. However, it still remains in question what pasta gives the body. The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed in detail by us today, after which you can draw your own conclusion.

Five big groups

Not all of us are well versed in Italian cuisine. And, sometimes hearing an unfamiliar name, they do not understand what it is about. Therefore, we want to briefly describe what pasta is. The benefits and harms of any of these varieties are almost the same, so we will not talk about each of them separately.

Varieties and their features

Varieties depend on the raw materials from which the pasta was made. The benefits and harms will be slightly different, so you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the package.

  • Group A is the best option for diet food, products are made from durum wheat of the second, first and highest grades.
  • Group B is pasta made from soft, vitreous wheat of the 1st and highest grades.
  • Group B - inexpensive products made from soft wheat varieties that are white or yellowish in color.

Of course, it is most useful to purchase high-quality products, that is, hard pasta. The benefits and harms depend on the method and amount of use of this product. However, considering it as an independent dish, it should be noted that it is precisely such products that do not boil soft, do not stick together and will not add extra weight to you. They have a complex carbohydrate structure. As a result, the body will digest them for a long time, which means that you can forget about the feeling of hunger.

Beneficial features

Now let's take a closer look at what the benefits / harms of hard pasta are. First of all, we need to talk about the composition. Often people prefer various cereals, believing that pasta supplies the body with simple carbohydrates. But this is far from true. Quality durum wheat products are a source of such substances:

For those on a diet

In fact, it is a misconception that pasta makes you fat. However, this is true only for a quality product. Actually, in Italy, only products made from durum wheat can be called "pasta". The health benefits and harms of such a product for Italians are obvious. Only with serious digestive problems, a dish of such pasta can cause constipation due to the high fiber content. They simply do not have any other disadvantages.

But what do nutritionists say about soft wheat pasta? In Italy, France and Greece, such production is considered falsification and is prosecuted by law. Because such a product contains a huge amount of gluten and starch. This fundamentally changes things. Pasta containing such an amount of gluten and starch is unhealthy, poorly digested and contributes to slagging of the body. In this case, a slightly different effect occurs. A large amount of sugar enters the blood, but soon the reserves run out, and you again experience hunger.

Pay attention to packaging

In theory, it is from the data indicated on the package that you can find out what kind of pasta you have in front of you. Health benefits and harms are easily determined based on the composition. But we often come across the fact that the manufacturer indicates premium flour and water. However, the variety can be absolutely any, this information remains behind the scenes.

Please review your purchase carefully. True hard varieties are amber yellow. But if they are very rough, light, with white patches, then ordinary flour was used. Also, try to bend the spaghetti. Made from soft varieties of wheat, they will break quickly, and high-quality durum pasta will bend perfectly.

nutritional value

There is always a small table on the pack in which you can see important values. This is the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates per 100 g of product. The more protein in the composition, the better the pasta. If the protein content is less than 11 g, then do not pay any attention to this product. Ideally, there are those that have a protein content of at least 14 g, they will have an elastic structure, and they are great for diets. The best option for those who adhere to a healthy diet is that the benefits and harms will be determined only by the amount of this delicious dish that you eat. With reasonable portions, you will provide the body with a complete set of protein and nutrients without risk to the figure.

colorful pasta

Today, elegant painted butterflies and shells are in fashion, which children eat with great pleasure. However, you need to be very careful when choosing colored pasta. The benefits and harms of these products are evaluated in the same way as everyone else, plus be sure to read what acts as a dye. Usually it is dill, beetroot, parsley and cuttlefish ink. However, unscrupulous manufacturers can also use chemical dyes. In this case, the various ingredients with the E index should be indicated in the composition. Refuse such a purchase. It is better to add onion skins, carrots or beets to the water when cooking.

spelled pasta

Today it is a rather rare and expensive product that is found on the shelves of the supermarket. In principle, they are sold at the price of meat. Whether such a price tag is justified is up to you. So, what is spelled pasta? The benefits and harms of this product lie in the raw materials from which it is made. Spelled is a valuable used since ancient times. It is characterized by a high protein content and a good concentration of amino acids and B vitamins. The composition of such pasta is very simple: whole grain spelled groats.

Everything seems to be fine, but the price is still embarrassing. Judging by consumer reviews, the pasta is delicious, does not stick together, but a similar product from durum wheat can be bought at a much lower price. Therefore, you can buy yourself one package for a trial, and then choose your favorite product for yourself.

Instead of a conclusion

We told you about the benefits and harms of pasta. Now you know that without fatty sauces they can be eaten quite often, alternating with other cereals. However, you should choose products from durum wheat, which give the body a supply of energy, vitamins and trace elements. In Italy, pasta dishes with various dressings are consumed daily, but the inhabitants of the country do not suffer from excess weight and health problems.

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