Hardening health benefits. Hardening - methods for various diseases. Hardening of children, the elderly and pregnant women. Contraindications. Basic principles of hardening

The health of our generation and the health of our children certainly leaves much to be desired. According to statistical studies, over the past fifty years, people have become more sick, various hypertension diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also widely spread.
The current situation leads to the idea that it is necessary to change something, and this “something” concerns, first of all, the control of one’s own health. This is where Soviet slogans come to mind for many, about “a healthy body in which a healthy mind” and thoughts about hardening. But,

what you need to know before embarking on such immunity training?

How to temper your health, and not cause even more harm?

Today we will try to answer these and many more questions directly related to hardening.

Start over.

What is hardening?

This is a set of actions aimed at increasing the resistance of the human body to harmful influences, as well as forming the stability of perception on climatic and weather, temperature fluctuations. In order for the human body to be resistant to environmental influences, training is needed for more than one month and year. Only in this case can we count on a stable and high rate of human immunity.

Most often, when they talk about hardening, they also mean the participation in this process of natural factors of nature - such as air, water and sun.
Who can be tempered, and who can't? Hardening procedures are, in principle, acceptable for any person, only the degree of stress changes. But, in general, after such a hardening of the body, working capacity and endurance rise. These changes also concern the psychological portrait of a person, he becomes more persistent, purposeful, restrained and balanced, a real embodiment of the legendary slogan and confirmation of the theory about the relationship between the state of the body and soul.

What is the whole secret? The body of each person reacts differently to thermal and temperature fluctuations. But in a person who regularly tempers himself, even prolonged low temperatures do not affect and do not violate his personal body temperature. In such a hardened person, during the cooling processes, the processes themselves responsible for the transfer of heat to the external environment decrease, and mechanisms arise that contribute to its production, respectively, the intensity of metabolism increases, and all physiological and biochemical processes in the body proceed without changes and failures. That is, in more accessible words - a cold contrast shower, rubbing with cold water (in some cases it can be snow), swimming in an ice hole - really harden our body and make it more resistant and hardy to low cold temperatures.

However, this does not mean at all that realizing that there is really a lot in hardening benefits for our health, it is necessary to rush headlong into a snowdrift.

Principles of beneficial hardening

The main principle of hardening, on which his entire scheme is based, is the sequence. It is necessary to gradually, step by step, accustom your body to low temperatures and cold water. This is especially true for young children, older people, people suffering from chronic diseases. Not observing this main principle, you can not only not benefit yourself, but also completely undermine your poor health.

One of the well-known medical postulates, which can be applied to a complex of hardening measures, are the following words:

All stimuli that are weak in nature contribute to a better functioning of functions, strong ones only interfere with it, and excessive ones nullify the positive effect.

Here are some more interesting notes about hardening procedures:

  1. All hardening procedures have a training effect on the human cardiovascular system. Temperature fluctuations have a narrowing and expanding effect on our vessels, which becomes a real gymnastics for them, and blood circulation throughout the body improves significantly.
  2. Hardening also helps with allergic reactions, this is explained by the fact that during such hardening procedures, histamine (a substance better known as an allergen provocateur) enters the human blood and our body gradually gets used to it, as a result, we are less subject to reactions to various pathogens and allergens.

The effectiveness of hardening is possible only if the sequence and gradualness of hardening loads, as well as their regularity and continuity, are observed. Otherwise, the achieved hardening effect will quickly lose its strength.

Many who are faced with the decision to harden their body are concerned about the following question - how to determine the intensity of physical activity on your body? There are no axioms here, but an individual approach will not hurt. Start with light loads for a short time period, gradually increasing the loads and exposure time, but when, after your procedures, you stop feeling cheerful and active, but instead you feel apathy and fatigue, this will indicate that the hardening bar is necessary reduce, because you overdid it a little. If the loads and time are normal, after such procedures you will feel elated and full of strength, but nothing else.

Water hardening procedures are the most popular, so here are a few recommendations on how and where to start hardening according to this scheme. The recommended temperature with which it is best to start your journey to health is thirty-four - thirty-six degrees, try to gradually reduce it every five regular days !!! water workouts by a few degrees. Thus, in a few months you will be able to achieve the optimum temperature for hardening the body with water at ten to twelve degrees..

How many times in his life does any person, whoever you take, hear about the benefits and the need for hardening? How many different tips are given on this topic, how many methods and entire systems and schools are there designed to strengthen the body? However, does everyone use these tips or at least listen to them?

Indeed, today many people believe that since medicine has risen to a sufficiently high level, since housing is warm enough, and clothes and shoes are able to protect against temperature fluctuations and other vicissitudes of the weather, then you can “not mock” the body and not “torture” yourself all sorts of almost primitive nonsense.

But after all, hardening is a way to adapt an organism to environmental conditions, and not an organism in general, but a completely specific one, since the hardening and stamina of ancestors does not guarantee any stamina for descendants: a grandfather dives into an ice hole with pleasure, and grandchildren sneeze and have a temperature for any reason and for no reason at all...

Tempering is not an idea today

Most likely, in a primitive society, no one even thought about hardening, but life itself hardened, because otherwise it was simply impossible to exist, and the living conditions did not help to do without strengthening procedures. In fact, in those days, any day was a continuous hardening, and otherwise humanity simply could not have survived as a species.

But written evidence of the popularity of hardening has come down to our time, for example, in ancient Egypt (that is, two and a half thousand years BC) - this is the first confirmation of the prevalence of water and air strengthening procedures.

There is no need to even talk about Ancient Greece with its cult of health and strength, and Hippocrates, to whom doctors still refer today, recommended strengthening the body both with the help of cold and with the help of sunbathing.

For children, hardening became mandatory from the age of seven, and there were no exceptions even for girls, since it was believed (there is evidence in the writings of Plutarch) that only a hardened woman could give birth to a healthy child without problems.

Somewhat later, in ancient Rome, baths with pools of water of contrasting temperature were added to the hardening system.

And already after the birth of Christ, Avicenna in his “Canon of Medicine” wrote not just about hardening, but about the right hardening, which should strengthen, but in no case can harm.

… The sun, air, water, yoga, martial arts, training of the spirit, baths — all kinds of ways a person has not used to improve health. However, each new person had to strengthen himself - and only in this way, and nothing new appeared for thousands of years.

Hardening and immunity

Sometimes hardening is called strengthening the immune system, that is, strengthening immunity. Is this statement correct?

What is it? This word comes from the Latin immunitas, which can be translated as getting rid of something or liberation, and refers to the body's ability to resist infections, pathogens and harmful environmental influences.

That is, the immune system must protect the body from diseases and foreign influences. It is only thanks to the work of the immune system that a person is able to live, because otherwise the environment would be a constant mortal danger. However, the immune system is not only innate, but also acquired. And it is the acquired immune system that can and should be strengthened, that is, made stronger and more capable of resisting any aggressive external influence.

Of course, every child is born with a functioning innate immune system, but its resource is not that big, so hardening methods begin from the first days of a baby’s life - air baths during dressing, bathing, wiping and lightly rubbing with a towel.

However, as the child grows, ways to strengthen the immune system and, accordingly, hardening methods should become more and more serious.

Rather, it would be correct to say that hardening as a way to strengthen immunity should become a way of life. And if a healthy way of life for a child is formed and organized by parents, then every adult takes this responsibility upon himself.

Benefits of hardening

  1. With the help of hardening, the activity of the body's thermoregulation systems is normalized, while the harmful effects of low temperatures on the body are reduced and the risk of hypothermia, which can cause malfunction of the body's internal organs, is reduced.
  2. With the help of hardening, the body acquires the ability to quickly restore active blood flow and active blood supply to precisely those organs and systems for which this is necessary under the created conditions.
  3. Hardening significantly stimulates and activates all the vital processes of the body, which immediately affects not only physical well-being, but also energy and mood, that is, the psychological state improves.
  4. Hardening procedures activate the work of the cardiovascular system and are extremely important for people who are deprived of the opportunity to pay sufficient attention to their physical activity.
  5. Hardening, in addition to a beneficial effect on the entire body, has a very positive effect on the skin, has a wonderful effect on muscle tone, and helps maintain a healthy weight.
  6. Hardening procedures have a general rejuvenating effect on the body, as they stimulate and improve the functioning of all organs and systems.
  7. Hardening is of great importance for the functioning of the nervous system: sleep improves, the ability to counteract stress increases, memory improves, as well as other thought processes.
  8. Hardening procedures contribute to the rejection of bad habits, including the abuse of alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and the use of drugs.

Hardening principles

As you know, hardening makes the body resistant to the not always favorable effects of natural factors due to systematic training of the whole organism, including (and this is especially important) due to the training of the thermoregulatory apparatus.

Attention! Pe before starting hardening procedures, you should consult with your doctor.

Since hardening should improve the condition of all organs and systems of the body and activate the immune system, first you need to find out what condition the body is in and what loads are not contraindicated for the body.

It is also necessary to find out which hardening procedures should be limited and which are allowed without restrictions. However, in any case, it should be well understood that no procedure gives an immediate result and that the optimal effect can be obtained not from a one-time event, but from constant and systematic exercises.

Attention! Healthy conditioning is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. The most important principle of hardening is systematic. Any hardening procedures should become familiar and mandatory in the daily schedule. A break in any hardening activities very quickly reduces the result to almost zero, since the protective reactions of the body acquired as a result of hardening are quickly lost.
  2. To obtain the best result of hardening, gradualness is necessary, since any immoderate effect on the body can lead to a completely opposite result and not strengthen the immune system, but weaken it (up to the onset of any disease or injury).
  3. When organizing hardening procedures, in no case should one neglect the individual characteristics of the organism, which can vary greatly and therefore can significantly affect both the selection of procedures and their results.
  4. Since hardening is, in fact, a way of life, constant self-control is necessary. If hardening procedures become uncomfortable, they should be changed or temporarily interrupted. You may need to consult a doctor or other specialist (trainer, nutritionist). At the very least, it is unreasonable to neglect the advice of specialists.

The most famous ways of hardening the body

In order to become as healthy as possible and to resist environmental influences as successfully as possible, a person at all times tried to come up with some trouble-free, true and miraculous ways.

Some of these studies and observations have even become folk wisdom: “Keep your feet warm, your head cold, and your stomach hungry,” but the most popular, well-known and, no doubt, effective methods are not limited to these three points.

  1. Air, or air baths, is, if not the main, then one of the first and main methods of hardening. It is with air baths that any baby begins to get acquainted with the outside world, because the baby is changed, diapers or diapers are changed and the baby at this time is left alone with a huge air space that gives the child its strength and omnipotence. Air baths are useful for people of all ages, it is especially useful to plunge into an air bath in a forest or meadow, in the mountains or near the sea. But hardening with air is useful in any case - even just in an apartment. However, one should remember the principle of gradualness - at first the air must be warm, and the temperature can only decrease gradually. It is very correct to start air baths in late spring, when the air is already quite comfortable; then the summer air can even become hot; then the air bath becomes fresher - thus air hardening occurs. There is a classification of air baths according to their temperature. Warm air baths have a temperature of +30 to +20 ° C; temperature range of cool air baths - from +20 to +14 ° С; air baths are considered cold at temperatures below + 14 ° C.
  2. It is important that air baths in the forest or in the meadow, near the sea or in the mountains saturate the skin and lungs with many useful substances called air ions. As for the cold autumn or even winter air, firstly, there are much fewer microbes in it, and secondly, the effect of cold air enhances the burning of cholesterol, which is very important for almost all people today.
  3. Air hardening is the next method, which can only be used after the body has become accustomed to air hardening. In a natural environment, such an air flow is created by the wind, in a residential environment - by a fan or air conditioner. Be under the influence of cold (colder than ambient temperature) air flow for too long, especially in the early stages of hardening, as this can provoke a cold. However, it is this method of hardening that allows the body to get used to the movement of air masses and not catch a cold at the slightest draft or at the slightest breath of wind.
  4. Hardening by the sun is one of the oldest and one of the most popular ways. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, metabolism (metabolism) in the body improves, many bacteria and other microorganisms are destroyed, and the functioning of the central nervous system improves. However, sun exposure should be strictly dosed to avoid sun or heat stroke. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the phototype of a person in order to avoid many troubles. It should be remembered that exposure to direct sunlight has some contraindications. When hardening by the sun, the principle of gradualness is very important.
  5. The next very ancient method of hardening is hardening with water. The effectiveness of this method is due to the fact that when exposed to water, it is possible to combine a temperature difference and a mechanical effect. For hardening with water, it is very important to start with gradual rubbing, then you can move on to a contrast shower, increasing the temperature difference very gradually and smoothly. Cold dousing can also be considered one of the types of hardening with water. In addition, hardening with water is bathing in reservoirs, but one should remember about the gradual decrease in water temperature. That is, it is better to start such bathing in a reservoir in the summer - thus, the water temperature will decrease in parallel with a decrease in air temperature.

  6. One of the most ancient ways of hardening can be considered walking barefoot: here you get used to different temperatures, and foot massage. However, when walking barefoot, one should not forget that only walking in a safe area, without the risk of cutting or injuring the feet in some other way, can bring benefits. Walking barefoot on urban asphalt will not bring any benefit, but it will create problems, so it is better to transfer this procedure to the beach or to the meadow.
  7. Sea water (bathing in sea water) can be considered a separate type of hardening, since all the micro and macro elements contained in sea water affect the body. In addition, sea water promotes learning to swim because it is easier to move in sea water.

Attention! An excellent hardening effect is provided by a combination of sea bathing, air and sunbathing on the sea coast. It is known that two or three weeks spent by the sea significantly increase immunity.

  1. Many people have high hopes for such a method of hardening as winter swimming (swimming in open water in winter or diving into an ice hole). However, it must be taken into account that immersion in water during the cold season causes a very strong hypothermia of the body, which can provoke completely unforeseen and undesirable consequences. You can start winter swimming only after a long preparation, when all body systems (and especially the thermoregulation system) are ready for such a temperature stress. Winter swimming for an unprepared person can have extremely negative consequences.

  2. One of the well-known ways of hardening is hardening with snow. It is in this way that it is possible to activate the work of the hormonal system of the body (endocrine processes) and increase the body's resistance to colds. Rubbing with snow after a steam room in a bath is quite popular. However, it must be remembered that the individual reaction of the body can be unpredictable and that such extreme procedures can only be started after serious preliminary preparation.
  3. It is customary to refer to the methods of hardening and active games in the fresh air. In winter it is about skating or skiing. The complex effect of fresh air, low ambient temperature, sun, active movement has a complex positive effect on the body: the cardiovascular system is strengthened, the body's resistance to viral and colds is increased, the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system are strengthened. In summer, we are talking about outdoor activities, including hiking, hiking in the forest or mountains, cycling, kayaking and other outdoor activities. When hardening through outdoor activities, gradualness and attention to the state of the body are necessary.
  4. One of the indisputable ways to increase immunity and harden the body has long been considered hardening with high temperatures. We are talking about the Russian steam room, the Finnish sauna and any other similar effects on the body. Of course, this method of hardening is very effective, but it should be remembered that this method has some contraindications. Therefore, you can access the steam room or sauna only after consulting a doctor. This is all the more necessary if there is even the slightest doubt about the impeccable state of health (especially the state of the cardiovascular system).

  5. It is important to remember and strictly adhere to this that any hardening procedures cannot be carried out with a full stomach (after eating, some time should pass, which depends on the quantity and quality of the food eaten). As for food in general, one should not forget about the dangers of overeating - in this case, not only the gastrointestinal tract suffers, but also all organs and systems of the body, since overeating entails, which can cause many very serious diseases, including diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the endocrine system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Unconditional contraindications for starting hardening procedures

Of course, many hardening methods seem completely harmless. However, such apparent simplicity and unpretentiousness can be deceptive. It must be remembered that for some diseases and conditions of the body, it is absolutely impossible to start hardening procedures - this is especially true for independently made decisions.

  1. At diseases of the cardiovascular system any temperature fluctuations can be extremely dangerous. Any physical activity should be strictly dosed.
  2. - a serious contraindication for any procedure, any of which can at any time be extremely dangerous.
  3. Any hardening procedures are categorically not recommended for diagnosed thyroid diseases . And it is better to fulfill this recommendation strictly - jokes are bad with the endocrine system.
  4. Unconditional contraindication for hardening procedures - , since it is impossible to predict and predict the reaction of the body.

Attention! For any health problems, even if these problems do not seem to be such that may be important for the start of hardening, a consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

Many people know about the benefits that hardening brings to the body. But for some reason, not everyone uses it. You can only notice the benefits of hardening over time. It is important to follow the basic rules of this process.

What are we talking about?

Hardening is a method of preventive action by which a person strengthens his immune system so that the body resists the adverse effects of the environment. If a person hardens, then even strong fluctuations in temperature are not reflected in the body. If you do not use cold water dousing in everyday life, then there is a chance to become more prone to various diseases. The body will react even to small temperature fluctuations.

Also, the benefit of hardening is that it increases the endurance of the body. Such procedures have a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this, a person becomes stronger. Many doctors believe that hardening is one of the best options for maintaining health.

Heliotherapy: description, features

The sun, air and water harden the body. Now consider the types of hardening. The first type of recovery is heliotherapy. This method of hardening has a positive effect on the nervous system, speeds up metabolic processes, improves protective functions and blood circulation, strengthens muscle tone, and tones up almost all the work of organs. Heliotherapy is sunbathing.

This method must be used very carefully. It can do harm though. When tanning, the skin can get burned, which is very unpleasant and painful. In addition, you can overheat and get a heat stroke, the consequences of which are quite complex. It is necessary to begin to harden by the sun gradually. You should also take into account the age and health of the person. Equally important is the weather outside.

Aerotherapy: description

The second type of healing with the help of hardening is aerotherapy, which is carried out with the help of air. This method involves long walks in the fresh air. It is clean air, which may not always be warm, that is most useful for the human body.

Hardening is the most affordable method of healing the body, so you need to go out more often and be in the fresh air, in a forest plantation, park area, near water bodies - where there is clean air. But even in winter, walks are very important. It is in the winter season that it is most useful to harden.


Water is vital for all living beings. It is she who will help harden your body, make it stronger and more resistant to various irritants.

When a person is doused, blood circulation is activated. All organs receive more oxygen and nutrients.

The first water hardening procedures should be carried out gradually. You can start by wiping with wet towels. This method is the most gentle and tolerant. By the way, it is used when hardening children.

You can carry out water hardening in another way. Dousing is an excellent tonic exercise for the whole body. You can pour over both the whole body and the lower limbs. It is important to rub yourself well after the procedure. It is also effective to douse with a shower. This is a simple and effective way to strengthen your body. A contrast shower is very useful.

Gradual and systematic implementation of procedures is the key to success

We have already figured out what hardening is. Where to start it? Now we'll find out. Many would like to start tempering, but do not know how to do it right. With any type of hardening, it is very important to follow some rules. Doctors recommend starting hardening gradually, and not abruptly. It is necessary to increase the number of procedures each time, as well as the time and their intensity. The first few treatments should be short. In this case, you can use not cold water, but slightly cool. The benefit of hardening is to accustom the body step by step to endure natural conditions.

In addition to the gradual entry into hardening, it is necessary to take into account the systematic. If you take long breaks in hardening, then the body will wean from this type of recovery. This can cause a decrease in the protective functions of the body. A person gets used to hardening in about a month. This period is enough for the body to adapt. If you are forced to take a break, try not to exceed a month.

Hardening: where to start, important points

When choosing a method of hardening, it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. You also need to consider age and general health. If a child begins to temper, then you should approach this more responsibly.

It is important to take into account the lifestyle of a person, the presence of certain diseases. In some cases, hardening can only aggravate a person's condition. It would be ideal to undergo a complete medical examination. You should not engage in dousing with cold water if you have chronic or viral diseases.

When a person begins to engage in health improvement, he does not know the sense of proportion. It seems to him that he is capable of more, but this feeling is deceptive. Remember that the benefits of hardening are obvious only for healthy people. It is very important to listen to the signals of your body so as not to harm it. But it is worth ignoring the ailments, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

It is undesirable to focus on only one method of hardening, because it is much more efficient to use them all in a complex. Go hiking, sunbathing, pour cold water on yourself. All this will energize the body and strengthen the immune system.

Doctors insist on the importance of physical activity. It is worth paying attention to this, because the effectiveness of wellness procedures increases many times if you supplement them with physical exercises.

A couple more rules

During hardening, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If before the procedures a person does not sleep well, loses appetite, becomes irritable and gets very tired, then his body is not ready for an active lifestyle. On such a day, it is better to cancel all wellness procedures and just gain strength and relax.

When you start doing procedures, set yourself a goal that will motivate you to further achievements. It is very important not only to understand the importance of the actions performed, but also to find joy and satisfaction in them.

Dousing with cold water: benefit or harm?

When a person is doused with cold water or immersed, the blood begins to move faster, the body finds itself in a stressful situation. Blood enters the internal organs faster, metabolic processes improve, and defenses increase. Pouring cold water, a person makes the body get used to the cold. This has a positive effect on overall health. Truly, the sun, air and water work wonders!

Water quenching helps in weight loss. Dousing gives the skin elasticity, even helps to recover after the birth of a child. But it is better for lactating and pregnant women to consult a doctor before starting such a recovery.

We have already found out what the benefits of hardening are. And what harm can dousing? It has a negative effect when a person is sick with serious chronic diseases, SARS. Also, pouring is harmful for any heart disease. Such a procedure can aggravate a person's condition.

It is best to do home hardening. This will allow the person to feel more comfortable and enjoy the procedure. At home, it is much more convenient to carry out any recovery. It is necessary to understand the basic rules of hardening (which we did above), and you can proceed. Morning dousing with water is very invigorating and gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day. After a month of such procedures, you will notice that you have become much more resilient and stronger. Do not neglect the sun and air baths. Take a daily walk in the fresh air, warm your bodies. After this, the thermoregulation of the body will increase significantly. Hardening will make your body more resistant to temperature fluctuations.


Now you know how hardening is useful and how dousing with cold water occurs. Benefit or harm is obtained from this procedure - it is difficult to say, because it all depends on the specific case. If possible, it is best to check with a doctor. If this is not possible, you just need to listen to the signals of your body. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a happy and successful life. Strengthening health, hardening and proper nutrition is the key to health.

hardening. Interesting and useful information for school children

Various water procedures are always useful for the human body - wiping, douching, showers, baths. Their healing effect was written as early as 1500 BC. e. in the Indian treatise Rigveda: "Ten benefits gives bathing - clarity of mind, freshness, vigor, health, strength, beauty, youth, purity, pleasant skin color and the attention of beautiful women."

Water is the most powerful and effective hardening agent.

The influence of water procedures is diverse. They significantly change the body's thermoregulation, increase basal metabolism, accelerate the course of chemical reactions, enhance immunity, activate the activity of the autonomic and central nervous systems, and create protective reactions of the body. So, for example, a foot bath acts on the vessels of the brain, a hand bath on the vessels of the chest, etc.

When immersed in cold water, a peculiar vascular reaction occurs in the human body: the vessels of the skin contract (the skin turns pale), and blood from the periphery rushes to the internal organs. There is an initial chill. Following this, blood flows are again directed from the internal organs to the periphery, the skin vessels expand, and the person feels a pleasant warmth that persists until a secondary chill (it is advisable not to allow it). The frequent occurrence of secondary chills leads to fatigue, weakness, lack of sleep, headache.

Constriction and expansion of blood vessels is a kind of vascular gymnastics that trains the skin, makes it better adapt to fluctuations in the temperature of the external environment.

Water procedures

Water procedures reflexively affect the activity of all organs - the heart, lungs, brain tissue, and consequently, the state of the nervous system, blood circulation and respiration.

The temperature of the water at the beginning of hardening with water procedures should be such that a person can endure it calmly, without irritation (this is especially important for nervous people); air temperature +18-20°.


At home, various baths can be used. However, it should be remembered that their duration depends on the temperature of the water. So, a cold bath is taken for 2-5 minutes, a cool one - 5-10 minutes, an indifferent one - 15-40 minutes, a warm one - 10-20 minutes, a hot one - 2-5 minutes.

Bath types

Cold(+20° and below) and cool (+21-33°) water treatments have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Heart contractions are reduced and intensified, blood pressure rises, metabolism is stimulated, muscle tone increases, kidney vessels narrow, the tone of the neuromuscular apparatus of the bladder increases and urination becomes more frequent. Cold water procedures also have an excellent hardening effect.

It is very useful to use a contrast shower (alternating hot and cool water). Hot water (39-40°) is directed through the shower to the back and chest (1.5 min), then cool water should be poured from a container (18-20°, for 1 s). Repeat 5 times. After a shower, you need to rub yourself with a terry towel. A contrast shower is a good way to train blood vessels. A contrast shower is used not only for the purpose of hardening, but also for the prevention of various vascular disorders.

indifferent water procedures (34-35 °) are used in cases of increased excitability of the nervous system.

Warm water treatments (36-37°) have a calming effect and promote good sleep. Vessels expand, blood pressure decreases, cardiac activity, gastric secretion and bile secretion increase, kidney vessels expand. Prolonged exposure to heat causes muscle relaxation and an increase in the functions of hormonal regulators. Warm procedures are used for inflammatory and post-traumatic conditions of the central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, diseases of internal organs.

Hot water procedures (38 and above) are used for diseases of the abdominal cavity (hepatic, renal colic, etc.). For colds, it is useful to use a hot wrap. This procedure is carried out as follows. Two wafer towels rolled up are wrapped around the chest. Then two terry towels, rolled up, are moistened with hot water (64 °), wrung out and wrapped over the waffle ones. Next, a woolen blanket, rolled into a roll, is applied. Then the patient is put to bed and covered with a cotton blanket. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, after which the patient must change into a warm shirt with sleeves, go to bed and lie under a warm blanket for at least 1 hour. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night.

water hardening

Water hardening is better to start with rubdowns and washings.

Rubdown body is carried out with a wet sponge or towel for 1-2 minutes, after which it is necessary to rub the body well, massage it lightly (all massaging movements should be directed to the heart) and get dressed.

Pouring- a more intense type of hardening. First you need to douse with warm water, then with water at room temperature, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure to 2 minutes and reducing the water temperature to + 15 °. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes.

Bathing in natural reservoirs and pools- one of the most common methods of hardening. It is recommended to start it in the spring at a water temperature of + 15-17 °. Initially, stay in the water should not exceed 12-20 seconds. Gradually, the bathing time increases.

The combination of water procedures with movement (swimming, water gymnastics) is especially useful. Recreational swimming courses have an undeniable effect: the subjective state, sleep, working capacity improves, exercise tolerance increases, headaches disappear, blood pressure normalizes, and metabolism improves.

Bathing in sea water is also an excellent means of hardening. When swimming in the sea, the human body is affected not only by temperature and mechanical factors (movement of waves, the swimmer himself), but also chemical - the effect of salts dissolved in water. You can start swimming at an air temperature of at least + 20 ° and water + 17-18 °. The swimming season ends when the air temperature drops to + 15 °, and the water - to + 12-14 °. At first, you should not swim more than once a day, in the future the number of baths can be increased, but between them you need to take breaks of 3-4 hours. Weak people are not recommended to swim on an empty stomach, while healthy people, especially those who want to lose weight, it is useful.

A peculiar method of hardening is wiping the upper half of the body with snow. But only healthy people can allow it, and, of course, after a preliminary long-term hardening with cold water. Initially, this procedure is performed indoors for 2 minutes. Later, when the body gets used to it, it can be done outdoors, but we should not forget that in windy weather this procedure is dangerous.

From rubbing with snow, you can go to "winter swimming". Bathing in ice water has a strong effect on the central nervous system and therefore on all other organs. The duration of bathing in ice water in the first winter should not exceed 20 seconds, in the second - 40-50 seconds, in the third - 1 minute. After leaving the water, you need to quickly rub yourself, put on a training suit and do physical exercises. Such bathing can be carried out no more than 2-3 times a week.

The methods of hardening include walking barefoot, which is also an excellent remedy for flat feet.

When choosing soil for walking barefoot, it must be taken into account that its various types (by thermal and mechanical irritation) act on the body in different ways. Hot sand or asphalt, snow, ice, sharp stones, slag, pine needles or cones excite the nervous system. Soft grass, warm sand, road dust, indoor carpet have a calming effect.

After each walking barefoot, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the feet with water at room temperature with soap and carry out a 2-3-minute massage (kneading the fingers and soles, followed by stroking in the direction from the foot to the knees).

April: walking around the room in socks (30-60 s), after two weeks walking on the carpet barefoot (30-60 s); foot baths 2 times a day with a gradual decrease in hearth temperature from + 30 to 20 °.

May: walking barefoot on the floor (1.5-2 hours); short-term running out barefoot on heated asphalt, grass, ground; foot baths with a gradual decrease in temperature from +20 to 8.

June July: constant walking at home barefoot; cold foot baths at a water temperature of + 8-10; walking along the edge of the reservoir and wet sand and walking barefoot on grass, sand, uneven ground, pebbles (30-50 min); barefoot running (1-5 min).

Aug. Sept: all activities as in previous months, as well as walking and running on wet asphalt (up to 1 hour).

October November: all events, as in previous months, only the duration of barefoot running increases.

December-February: all activities as in previous months, as well as contrast foot baths using snow water, barefoot running on snow or ice (up to 1 min); wiping feet with snow in a warm room.

March: all activities as in previous months, partially exercising barefoot in the fresh air.

After returning home after going out into the snow, you need to massage your feet.

Hardening with cold water is considered the most famous type of hardening, which is used very widely among people.

    People temper themselves with cold water in many ways.
  1. First of all, it's pouring. It should be done constantly, best of all, while on the street. Do not overdo it and overcool.
  2. A contrast shower is also considered hardening with cold water. The shower can positively affect the human body. It has a calming effect.
  3. Swimming in public waters. Sometimes people swim in lakes and rivers. They are engaged in swimming, and it is known for its ability to strengthen the human body, improve blood circulation. Swimming strengthens the musculoskeletal system. In addition, your muscles are always in good shape when you swim. Public reservoirs do not have a high temperature, as a result of which if you swim in them, your body will harden. This method of hardening is recommended for those who have just embarked on the path of hardening the body.

What are the benefits of tempering

The benefit can be called the fact that the body becomes more resistant to low temperatures and temperature changes.

What is hardening? This is the same process in which the functions of thermoregulation of the body are trained, and the reaction to temperature stimuli is also trained.

When hardening with cold water, the body learns to resist temperatures to which it is not accustomed - to low ones. In addition to training the ability to resist temperatures, hardening helps to get rid of excess weight and cellulite.

This procedure makes the skin more elastic. New wrinkles will appear much more slowly.

Water hardening - where to start

In the hardening procedure, the correct assessment of a person's abilities is most important. It is necessary to consult with a specialist, go to the hospital and be examined for contraindications. For each person individually, different activities and their intensity are needed.

If you have no contraindications, start training.
An important point is the gradual hardening of the body. First of all, start with foot baths. Take a foot bath before you go to bed. Each time the temperature of the water should become lower. Along with foot baths, wipe yourself with a cool temperature wet towel.
If you easily tolerate these procedures, start more aggressive procedures - dousing with cold water.
Choose the right dosage of hardening loads and accustom your body to them. What harm can hardening with cold water bring?

If you will exert too little or too much load.
If the body does not have a reaction to hardening, know that this is also harmful. Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not overestimate your capabilities. Don't stop hardening. The effect that you have achieved is very easy to lose, you just have to stop training for a few weeks.

Contraindications for hardening

There are several contraindications to this procedure. But there are cases when it was hardening that helped a person recover. Don't wrap your head. This is true for all people. The temperature difference will not affect your head very well. You will catch a cold.
The next contraindication is diseases of the cardiovascular system of the chronic stage.
When quenching with cold water, your heart begins to beat faster. A very important point is the absence of diseases of a serious nature.

Who is strictly forbidden to harden the body with cold water: heart failure, coronary heart disease, tachycardia.
Also, with chronic diseases of the central nervous system, epilepsy, hysteria, psychosis - harden carefully, or do not harden at all. The temperature is an irritant and is able to cause a state of seizure.

With skin diseases, pustules, open wounds, hardening is also not allowed. Even in the case of regular douches, training should be stopped until the skin is completely healed.

For diseases of the respiratory organs and the entire respiratory system - SARS, bronchial asthma, influenza, tuberculosis, acute respiratory infections. At the time of the course of the disease, it is necessary to suspend hardening.

If you have high eye pressure, you should also not engage in cold water hardening.

How to temper children with cold water

Of course, it is best to accustom a person to hardening from early childhood. But this process needs to be controlled even more. The body of children is weaker, it is strongly affected by the environment.

It is allowed to harden children on the tenth day of a newborn's life. Before hardening, it is necessary to undergo an examination and listen to advice from a pediatrician.

Follow some rules during the hardening procedure for children. The organism of children has just begun to develop, some diseases may exist, but in a latent form.

Hardening of the body must be carried out systematically. If the procedure is carried out one-time, you will not feel the benefits. It is necessary to harden children in a playful way.

Agree, it is extremely difficult to force a child to voluntarily pour water at an unpleasant temperature for him. It is necessary to demonstrate by example and the example of other family members accustoming the child to the hardening procedure. The child must learn this gradually.

Both children's and adult organisms must adapt to this procedure.
It is necessary to start the procedure with small doses. The dosage is increased gradually.
Strong irritation should be avoided. Shower often, but for a short time. The nature of the impact should be exactly this - short-term.

After you have poured water over yourself, you need to wipe yourself and do a massage.

After a massage, the body recovers faster. It is also important to consider the condition of the child.
The hardening process will benefit the child if he is healthy and comfortable. If it freezes, postpone the procedure.
It must be remembered that the hardening procedure will be useful when you know the measure and how the training affects.

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