Seal on the labia. Enlarged inner labia. Possible causes of the appearance of seals on the labia

Any changes associated with the external female labia are strongly recommended to be carefully examined, because they may well be a symptom of the development of some serious disease. It is very important for a woman to know what signs associated with the inguinal region she needs to pay attention to and, if necessary, consult her gynecologist. Of particular concern should be the seals and neoplasms, manifested in the form of a ball or bump in the structure of the labia - both small and large or near them.

Why do seals appear on the labia

photo of bumps (seals) on the floor of the lips

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of seals: balls, bumps and other formations in the groin area. For example, if, when a woman has a bump on the labia majora (or symmetrical neoplasms on both), the cause, in the vast majority of cases, is an inflammatory process or a cyst in the area of ​​the Bartholin gland. In addition, it should be taken into account that:

  • small in size, but rather hard acne on the pubic area, most often provoked by a blockage, an inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands;
  • an inflamed hair follicle can also change in size, forming a bump or bump in a woman;
  • neoplasms in women in the perineum can be formed due to infection of the body (for example, the genitourinary system) with gonococci, chlamydia, and even papillomavirus;
  • one of the special cases of the disease should be considered congenital anomalies in the development of the external genital organs, as well as the urinary system.

In no case should we forget that an unusual ball in the structure of the labia or between the legs may well turn out to be a benign formation or even a malignant tumor of an oncological nature.

What is a wen in the groin

Quite often, wen are formed on the labia in women and look like a small lump under the skin. Traditionally, it does not cause pain. In the vast majority of cases, women in the age group from 30 to 50 years old face wen. A wen in the pubic region of a woman is identified by a specialist in connection with the suspicion of any other pathology. We can talk about a hernia, malignant tumors or, for example, lymphadenitis.

Wen on the labia can be characterized by a different nature of origin. For example, we can talk about a hereditary factor, metabolic destabilization or hormonal changes. In addition, one should not forget about malnutrition or the presence of bad habits. Wen women in women are divided into formations such as xanthomas, fibrolipomas, angiolipomas, diffuse. Specialists also identify pedunculated lipomas. One of the features of wen on the labia can be considered their size (significant or medium). In addition, their multiple clusters are quite possible.

Definition of atheroma in the groin

In some cases, the cause of the development of compaction on the labia is atheroma. Speaking of it, it is highly recommended to pay attention to the fact that it is:

  1. A specific capsule, which is filled with fatty masses that have a white or yellow tint inside.
  2. It is easy to identify a lump because it is overwhelmingly associated with an unpleasant odor.
  3. Atheroma has the ability to move freely under the skin, it is also characterized by the ability to slowly progressive increase in size.
  4. In some cases, small holes appear on the surface of the seal, through which the contents of the presented swelling begin to stand out.

photo of atheroma in the pubic area of ​​a woman

In the event that the sebaceous glands begin to become clogged, the substance produced by them will accumulate in a significant amount, which naturally affects the change in its size. In addition, an infection can penetrate directly into the atheroma due to its damage. The result of this is that the purulent contents are concentrated in the capsule. The superficial part of the skin over the seal is hyperemic (reddened), and also extremely painful when touched.

In general, in women, atheroma is often located in the region of the small and large labia. It is characterized by a cone-shaped form. Its dimensions can vary from insignificant to more than serious. Quite often, atheroma is formed in females who are aged 30 to 50 years.

What you need to know about the cyst

Another cause of bumps or lumps in the groin area in women may be a cyst.

Speaking of this, pay attention to the following features of the presented process:

  • due to blockage of the sweat and sebaceous glands, many of which are located in the skin of the labia majora, cysts can form directly on the external genitalia;
  • they can be placed around the outer part of the urethral canal (in this case, they talk about paraurethral cysts) and the vestibule of the vaginal part (cysts of the Bartholin glands);
  • their sizes, in the vast majority of cases, range from three to seven cm;
  • The main reasons for the formation of cysts may be some traumatic injuries, as well as chronic inflammatory processes.

The most common pathogens are streptococci, gonococci, chlamydia, as well as staphylococci and E. coli. At the beginning of the impact, a blockage will form on the pubis, aggravation of the general condition and sometimes even overgrowth of the excretory duct. In addition, an additional secret will inevitably form, and the gland will increase in size, which will lead to the formation of a cystic formation. I would like to pay special attention to what are the features associated with the treatment of compaction in the area of ​​the labia in a woman.

Features of tumor treatment

First of all, it is necessary to note the possibility of surgical removal of the seal due to husking (isolation of a tumor-like node from a healthy tissue cover). Next, the formed wound is sutured with benign formations on the external genital organs.

Vulvectomy may be the next treatment option. Speaking of this, they mean the surgical removal of everything related to the external genital organs (for example, the labia, the clitoris and the skin covering the perineum). This is a rather serious operation, which is performed for women only when such a stage of the oncological process has been proven, at which any other intervention will not be adequately effective. In addition, experts draw attention to the fact that seals can be treated with some other methods:

  1. Radiation therapy, which consists in the destruction of malignant formations with the help of special ionizing radiation (for example, x-rays).
  2. Chemotherapy - the destruction of oncologically dependent cells with the help of cytostatics (components that create obstacles to division and renewal of the cellular composition).
  3. The use of drugs that promote the resorption of cysts.
  4. Conducting a biopsy, which allows you to pump out fluid not only from cysts, but also, in some cases, from wen.

Is it possible to ensure the prevention of tubercles on the labia

preventive gynecological consultations - a guarantee of health

In order to prevent tubercles from forming in the area of ​​the labia in women in the future, it is strongly recommended that certain preventive measures be taken.

In particular, special attention is paid to the importance of giving up bad habits.

Do not forget about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this case, we are talking about constant physical activity, ensuring a healthy diet with the rejection of fatty, smoked and canned foods. No less significant is the restriction on the use of salt.

For each woman, it would be most correct to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist (it is advisable to do this at least twice a year). It is also important to take care of the treatment of the so-called background and precancerous pathologies associated with the vulva area. We can talk about kraurosis (thinning, dryness and itching of the mucous membranes in the vulva), leukoplakia (the formation of specific films or white plaques on the mucous surface of the vulva). Of course, special attention should be paid to genital warts (warty growths on the mucous surface of the genital organs in a woman, which can appear quite unexpectedly).

The genitals require special care, more delicate and careful than the rest of the body. Any changes cause pain and discomfort, since the mucous membrane is much softer than the skin.

The appearance of a bump can be a symptom of a serious pathology that requires immediate intervention, or indicate a violation in the body.

It is not worth ignoring the appearance of such a symptom, it is necessary to identify the cause in a timely manner and take measures to get rid of the disease.

Causes of bumps on the labia

Occurrence bumps on labia occurs when the Bartholin gland is blocked, as a result of which it occurs.

The disease occurs only in sexually mature females in whom this gland is fully developed. There are many reasons that can cause the onset of the disease. It is important to identify the pathogen in a timely manner and prevent the situation from worsening.

Domestic causes of bumps

A bump can be the result of improper hygiene or other household causes. In the absence of diseases, it can occur due to reduced immunity in the following situations:

  • the use of someone else's towel, a rare change of underwear;
  • insufficiently frequent and thorough care of the intimate area using special tools;
  • wearing tight underwear, synthetic clothing, "thongs";

In these cases, inflammation of the gland occurs, due to a decrease in immunity or the ingress of microorganisms, which causes the appearance of bumps on the labia. Ignoring the symptoms can only aggravate the situation, therefore, if it is necessary to eliminate the possible domestic causes of its appearance.

The influence of sexual life on the appearance of bumps

Sexual activity can also cause bumps on the labia. The gland can become inflamed under the influence of the following factors:

  • , promiscuity in sexual relations.
  • frequent sexual intercourse without the use of additional lubrication (if there is a shortage of it);
  • , which was transmitted during sexual intercourse;
  • oral sex without observing the rules of personal hygiene of the partner.

Normal sexual intercourse is not capable of causing disease if the rules of hygiene are followed and there is confidence in the health of the partner. Lack of lubrication in rare cases causes bumps on the lip, as this should be preceded by serious discomfort during intercourse.

Bump as a result of epilation and other hair removal options

After unsuccessful hair removal, you can also get a bump in the intimate area. Especially often this occurs during epilation, less often - during shaving. When using the machine, the cause may be inaccurate shaving, leading to tissue injury. An infection or other microorganisms can enter the damaged area, causing inflammation and suppuration, blockage of the channel and the appearance of a bump. Avoiding this is not difficult - it is important to immediately treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and avoid dirt.

When epilating, the likelihood of bartonilitis is much higher. It appears for the reason that the pulling of hairs occurs with the root and against growth. In the future, new ones, causing blockage of the channel. The hair follicle begins to become inflamed, pus forms under the skin, causing the appearance of a painful bump. To prevent this situation, cosmetologists recommend using a scrub in the process of hair regrowth after epilation.

Diseases and infections dangerous to health in general

Bartonilite is usually divided into two types:

  • acute form, in which there are severe pain and fever;
  • chronic form, in which severe symptoms are replaced by a sluggish course of the disease.

Bartonilitis includes several types of diseases, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. Depending on the severity, there are three types of bumps on the lip:

  1. Canaliculitis. In this situation, there is practically no pain, and the channel is not clogged and is able to remove the secret. The excretory duct of the gland is inflamed, which causes the appearance of a bump.
  2. A false abscess is characterized by inflammation of the channel and the accumulation of a large amount of pus. Pain and discomfort appear, while the tissues remain intact.
  3. - the most severe form, in which the tissues of the gland become inflamed. In this case, the pain interferes with movement, constantly reminds of itself with a pulsation, in this case, the lump must be opened surgically in a hospital setting.

It is impossible to independently determine the stage of the disease, only with a true abscess it is difficult to confuse the disease with other options. Many other diseases can cause the disease, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other microorganisms and bacteria;
  • autoimmune disorders;

To get rid of the bump, you will need not only to open it and remove the pus, but also to cure the disease that caused the disease.

When should you not worry about a bump?

When bumps on the lip due to inaccurate shaving or epilation, a visit to a doctor is not necessary. You can solve the problem yourself, but it is better to consult a beautician.

To get rid of the bumps, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the surface of the mucosa and open the abscess, removing the ingrown hair and pus. After that, for several days you will have to carefully monitor the injured area, constantly maintaining cleanliness and sterility.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland and the appearance of a wen also often do not require treatment, but it is still worth identifying the cause of the bumps. Often, such formations pass on their own, but if pain and discomfort appear when walking, you should not hope for the absence of consequences, the symptom requires treatment.

How to determine the cause of the disease?

To determine the cause of the disease, which, upon external examination, will establish a presumptive diagnosis. It is necessary to identify the exact cause by going through the following studies:

  • vaginal smear for infectious diseases;
  • donate blood for the detection of sexually transmitted diseases.

Quiet studies are often enough to pinpoint the cause and prescribe a treatment that will help get rid of the formation quickly. If the bump is a wen or papilloma, the doctor will determine this even without tests, giving recommendations on how to eliminate the trouble.

Video about inflammation of the Bartholin glands

Is it possible to continue an intimate relationship with such a symptom?

Intimate relationships with bartonylitis are very specific, since sexual intercourse causes severe discomfort and even pain.

In the acute stages of the disease, it is possible to open the abscess during intercourse, which will cause the contents of the bump to enter the internal organs.

Wen and seals that have arisen due to inaccurate hair removal cannot interfere with intimate life, there are no prohibitions in this case.

Types and methods of treatment of cones

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of its course. In the acute stage, treatment necessarily includes taking antibiotics or their intramuscular administration to prevent the development of complications. In addition, at the initial stage of the disease, the following procedures are recommended:

  • applications in place of bumps with antiseptics;
  • sitz baths with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • applications with Levomekol or.

In addition, it is necessary to take drugs or vitamins to increase immunity, since the frequency of relapses depends on it. If necessary, painkillers are prescribed for oral or local action. Also needed drugs to restore the microflora of the vagina, which are used topically in the form of suppositories or capsules.

Seeing a doctor at the abscess stage involves surgery to remove the lump.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and involves opening the abscess, removing all contents and washing with an antibiotic solution. After the operation, complete rest is required, as well as constantly being in a comfortable temperature. In especially severe cases, the bump is removed along with the gland to stop the process of tissue infection.

Consequences of missing treatment

At the initial stage, bartonilitis is easy to cure without medical intervention, using available home remedies. If there is no treatment, the disease will not go away on its own. The abscess will grow, the inflammation will intensify, and eventually you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

Not treating the bump will not work at all - over time, the situation will worsen, causing serious discomfort, pain and making it difficult to move around. The disease is especially dangerous during the period of bearing a child, when spontaneous opening of the abscess can infect the fetus and cause premature birth or abortion.

In especially severe cases, the lack of therapy and the necessary surgical intervention can cause blood poisoning, threatening the life of a woman.

Prevention of the appearance of bumps on the labia

Every woman can prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to follow simple rules.

There are 5 main ways to avoid illness:

  1. Carefully monitor personal hygiene and the quality of underwear. Regular showering with special intimate hygiene products and wearing cotton underwear that does not press on the genitals can prevent the disease.
  2. Careful choice of a sexual partner, avoidance of promiscuity and adherence to the rules of contraception and hygiene.
  3. Regular visits to the gynecologist for examination and taking a smear from the vagina to ensure normal microflora.
  4. Annual blood donation for sexually transmitted diseases and timely treatment of identified ailments.
  5. The use of home methods of treatment at the first sign of the appearance of bumps on the lip.
  6. and keeping the problem area clean and dry.

The most important thing is to maintain immunity at a high level. Compliance with all the rules will allow you not to encounter unpleasant signs of the disease in the form of bumps and ensure the health of the genital organs.

VIDEO Lump on the labia: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The only remedy for papillomas, warts and their prevention recommended by our readers!

Formations on the female genitalia in the form of nodules, tubercles, bumps and various seals can occur for various reasons. They may be accompanied by itching, pain, or may exist without any symptoms at all.

Women are not always in a hurry to visit a doctor to find out the cause of genital lesions, experiencing embarrassment and fear. However, even if the neoplasms do not cause discomfort and pain and seem to be benign, it must be understood that any pathological changes in the genitals require emergency medical care.

Why do formations appear on the labia?

The most common causes of the appearance of such neoplasms on the female genitalia are:

  • May be congenital or appear in childhood. This phenomenon can be if the parents are sick with syphilis.
  • The presence of tumor processes in the body.
  • In rare cases, the formation on the genitals may be a sign of abnormal development of the labia, the individual characteristics of the urethra.
  • The development of the human papillomavirus, which in some cases can lead to cervical cancer.

To determine the etiology of changes on the labia, especially if they are well palpable on palpation and appear suddenly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Inflammation of the Bartholin's glands

A bump on the labia may appear due to the glands that are located at the entrance to the vagina. Most often, this disease appears if a woman does not follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Bartholinitis can also be a consequence of chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

Symptoms of bartholinitis do not appear immediately. Education appears on the inside of the labia majora a few weeks after the onset of the inflammatory process. The neoplasm begins to hurt and cause discomfort, a burning sensation may be felt in the perineum. In rare cases, there may be suppuration and outpouring of exudate.

The disease does not require any specific treatment, but its complete absence threatens with frequent relapses of the inflammatory process and the development of gland cysts. In the latter case, only surgical intervention is indicated. Bartholinitis during pregnancy can cause spontaneous abortion.


Zhirovik is a benign formation. Causes of occurrence: excessive oily skin, hormonal disruptions, increased sweating. Wen people do not cause discomfort, but their very presence is unpleasant.

When a wen is infected, the formation begins to grow and fester, the body temperature rises. Wen on the labia in most cases are excised with a scalpel, after which cosmetic sutures are applied. Also, laser and radio wave methods can be used to remove formations, but only with their small size.

The operation takes no more than 15 minutes under local anesthesia.


Warts on the labia in their appearance resemble cauliflower inflorescences. They can not only cause discomfort, but also pose a danger to the female body. The cause of the appearance of formations is the human papillomavirus. In some cases, the formation may appear if the body lacks folic acid and vitamin A. During pregnancy, warts on the genitals may also appear due to weakened immunity. The disease can also be transmitted to a newborn when, in the process of natural childbirth, he passes through the birth canal infected with the virus.

If warts are not treated, this can lead to quite serious consequences. In order for the doctor to be able to confirm the diagnosis, an initial examination of the patient and additional studies of the genetic material for the presence of the virus are needed.

Tumors on the labia

Formations in the genital area may be a manifestation of the tumor process in the female body. In most cases, these formations are benign.

Tumor formation:

  • Hydradenoma. Benign neoplasm of a rare species. Nodules appear on the labia. They can be single or all over the area of ​​the labia. The reason for the development: the active work of the sweat glands and other deviations. This tumor must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise there is a high risk of developing into a malignant formation.
  • Fibromyoma. A benign neoplasm without tissue destruction and metastases. A tumor is formed from muscle fibers and looks like a lump on the labia majora. It is treated only by surgical intervention.
  • Fibroma. This is a benign formation that most often appears on the labia majora. The tumor can only be treated surgically.
  • Lipoma. Benign formation of a more severe nature. It is localized near the vulva and is formed from adipose tissue. A lipoma is a nodule or several small overgrown formations. The tumor is located on the leg, has a small size, but is able to grow. You can see such a tumor with a simple examination by a gynecologist without any additional research, as well as at home by palpation of the genital organs. The disease is treated surgically with further supportive therapy. In the absence of timely treatment, complications may occur: infection, hemorrhage, tissue necrosis.
  • Oncology of the vagina and vulva. The formations are nodes and dense tubercles in the genital area. In malignant tumors, the following symptoms are noted: abundant purulent or mucous compartments that have a pungent odor; bleeding; diffuse infiltrates. Even when starting treatment in the early stages, there is no guarantee for a complete cure for the disease.

If any changes are found on the genitals, you need to be examined by a gynecologist and surgeon as soon as possible. This will help to diagnose the disease in the early stages and eliminate its cause.

There can be many reasons why women have a seal on the labia, from the simplest to quite serious. Therefore, if you find any education, then you should not delay a visit to the gynecologist. Only an experienced specialist can determine which disease is the result of a seal and prescribe the correct and adequate treatment.

A seal on the labia minora can turn out to be both a simple pimple and a manifestation of a more complex disease, such as bartholinitis.

What is bartholinitis

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process caused by special microorganisms, in which there is a seal, which is responsible for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the genital organs. In the normal state, the size of the gland is from 1.5 to 2 centimeters. When infected, small seals form in its tissues or ducts, which increase over time and cause very unpleasant sensations.

Signs of the disease

With a 100% guarantee, only a gynecologist can, of course, be able to reveal that the seal in the labia is exactly bartholinitis. But the presence of the main obvious symptoms will help you correctly assess the condition and not delay contacting the doctor. The onset of the course of the disease is quite easy to miss, since most often it is not accompanied by a deterioration in well-being and is completely asymptomatic. In the future, on the labia, more often still one, a small seal appears, resembling a pimple in appearance. Over time, painful sensations arise at the site of the neoplasm, a slight tingling appears, or a rather high temperature may rise, a feeling of weakness or chills appear. Due to blockage of the duct, pus begins to accumulate in its cavity, which first forms a small, then noticeably increasing seal on the labia, and in the absence of proper treatment, it can also provoke the appearance of a cyst.

The main causes of the disease

The causes of bartholinitis can be many. This is the lack of proper hygiene, as a result of which various bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply on the genitals of a woman, and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, the presence of sexually transmitted infections, and a special susceptibility of the body to microbes due to reduced immunity.

Treatment methods for bartholinitis

A seal on the labia resulting from bartholinitis can cause either the formation of an abscess if pus accumulates in the area of ​​​​the tissues of the labia minora, or the occurrence of a cystic formation in cases where there is a blockage of the excretory duct. In both cases, surgical intervention is indispensable. The abscess is opened, allowing the pus accumulated inside to come out, and within a few hours, periodic drainage of the wound is performed to avoid re-suppuration. After complete cleaning of the tissues, it is mandatory to carry out antibiotic therapy, which kills those remaining in the body and prevents the further development of the disease.

The seal on the labia, which arose as a result of the formation of a cyst, reaches a much larger size than an abscess, and may even make it difficult for a woman to correct herself. After the surgical removal of the formation, the patient needs to follow a strict diet and undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment based on taking anti-inflammatory drugs and undergoing physiological procedures prescribed by the gynecologist.

Having found a seal on the labia of any kind, you must immediately contact a medical institution. It is impossible to independently understand whether this education is benign or not.

Reasons for the appearance of seals

Sometimes dense tubercles localized on the labia are found in children, being congenital. In such situations, parents are advised to take blood tests to check for syphilis, since it is this disease that can cause such changes in infants.

There are other reasons for the formation of pathological seals located on the labia.

  • birth defects;
  • abnormal development;
  • tumor processes;
  • development of the human papillomavirus.

Often the root cause of the formation of bumps directly on the labia is bartholinitis. This inflammatory process is caused by blockage of the excretory ducts of the Bartholin gland, located in the area of ​​​​the vestibule of the vagina. The main functional purpose of the gland is the production of a mucous secretion that serves as a lubricant during intercourse. Pathogenic pathogens most often penetrate the gland from a nearby vagina, and the urethra often serves as a source of infection.

Inflammation occurs due to insufficiently thorough personal hygiene of the labia in women. Included in the list of root causes is weakened immunity, thrush, as well as pathogenic microbes - gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, which provoke diseases such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

Analyzing the compaction on the labia minora in conjunction with similar formations on the large lips, several more types of tumors can be distinguished.

Mostly on the labia majora, a fibroma is detected, located in the structure of the connective tissue, or fibromyoma, the material for which is muscle fibers.

From adipose tissue in the form of a nodule, a lipoma can form in close proximity to the vulva. It is single or in the form of multiple tubercles and is attached with a leg.

Sometimes indurations are found due to hydradenoma, which occurs as a result of individual pathological abnormalities, in particular, excessive activation of the functioning of the sweat glands.

Development of symptoms

Symptoms of bartholinitis begin to appear in the form of a dense nodule in about one and a half to two weeks from the primary formation of an inflammatory focus. Gradually, there are sensations of discomfort, soreness,. Of particular concern is the suppuration of seals, accompanied by weakness. During pregnancy, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

This process can develop from two sides at once, which is typical for gonorrheal infection, or it can remain one-sided. In medical practice, three varieties are distinguished in accordance with the clinical picture: subacute and chronic inflammatory process on the labia.

Acute development occurs in case of inflammation inside the excretory duct, as a result of which the released secret provokes reddening of the superficial integuments of the small liplocated next to the opening of the ducts. On palpation, there is a thickening, rather painful.

It arises, blocking the exit to the secret, which gradually acquires a purulent character. At this stage, fatigue, weakness appear, the temperature rises. The pain is aggravated by walking and sitting. On examination, the doctor usually reveals swelling of the large lip, spreading towards the entrance to the vagina.

Subacute bartholinitis becomes the next stage in the development of the disease with less pronounced symptoms, ending with the appearance of a chronic form of inflammation. In this case, the woman experiences periodic exacerbations under the influence of adverse external factors. The usual outcome is the formation of a cyst with the occurrence of pain and discomfort during walking and sexual intercourse. The doctor detects swelling of the large lip with little or no change in color. On palpation, a slightly painful formation is felt, and a secret is taken to clarify the diagnosis.

Lipoma is dangerous complications. If it is not properly treated, then there is hemorrhage, swelling. Education is easily exposed to infection. Hydradenoma is palpable as a single solid nodule. It is also able to spread over the entire surface of the labia. It has a tendency to degenerate into a malignant formation.

The most dangerous are malignant tumors. When localized on the labia, they give a characteristic symptomatology with a pungent smell of discharge.


If the doctor has determined the presence of bartholinitis, then the decision is made strictly according to the indications, prescribing the necessary drugs. An outbreak of acute bartholinitis becomes the basis for hospitalization. The patient is prescribed mandatory bed rest. The therapeutic complex includes cold on the area of ​​​​the inflamed gland, antibiotics after determining their tolerance, painkillers. The usual treatment course does not exceed ten days.

The most problematic situation is with frequent recurrences of inflammation on the labia, which become provocateurs for the development of Bartholin gland cysts. Surgery will be required to remove the seal, followed by strict adherence to the doctor's instructions for dieting, taking anti-inflammatory drugs and undergoing the necessary physiological treatment.

If there was an abscess, then the main measure will be opening the abscess, cleansing the cavity from pus, followed by drainage of the wound. Only after a few hours, when a complete cleansing of the integument will be carried out, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, the task of which is to prevent recurrent phenomena. At home, after the hospital, you will need to carefully choose personal hygiene measures, following medical recommendations, and avoid hypothermia.

In parallel, treatment of urethritis or identified colpitis will be carried out in order to prevent re-infection. Chronic bartholinitis in the attenuation stage allows for sitz baths with a temperature three degrees higher than normal human, dissolving a 2% solution of medical potassium permanganate (a tablespoon) in a liter of water. You can make a bath with an infusion of pharmacy chamomile, it will allow you to get rid of seals on the labia. The average duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Physiotherapeutic treatment in the form of inductothermy or UHF therapy may be prescribed.

Fibroma, fibromyoma or lipoma require surgical care and further restorative and supportive therapy. Hydradenoma should be treated immediately before it becomes malignant.

Any seal on the labia is a reason to consult a specialist. In some cases, the fair sex find seals on the labia, and sometimes tubercles and even nodules. All this happens for a reason, and the reason in most cases is serious. Most often, the presence of seals of a different nature on the female genital organs requires emergency qualified assistance. This applies even to those cases when the tubercles do not cause discomfort and pain. In such situations, a woman may decide that the neoplasm is benign and ignore it. This does not make it possible to make a correct diagnosis in time and begin treatment of the disease.

Often, a neoplasm appears in childhood and is congenital. If the doctor finds something like this when examining an infant, this may serve as a clear signal for parents to be tested for syphilis. In most cases, seals on the labia of little girls are a consequence of this particular disease.

Much less often, seals in the genital area appear due to improper development of the labia. There may also be congenital defects of the urethra and other developmental features that have absolutely nothing to do with infectious diseases and viral infections of the body. However, this is quite rare.

If a woman has a seal on the labia minora, it is urgent to contact a specialist. This is very important, since such a symptom can be a sign of the development of a tumor, both benign and malignant.

In the presence of nodular fragments on the labia, there is a high probability of a disease such as the papillomavirus, that is, HPV. This disease must be diagnosed and treated early. Otherwise, papilloma can cause cervical cancer.

In any case, you can not do without the advice of an experienced specialist. Some women do not value their health enough, others are embarrassed to go to the doctor for such reasons, but in vain, because sometimes even one day plays a huge role in the treatment of the disease. The sooner the doctor makes the correct diagnosis, the sooner the disease will recede, and the woman will be able to begin to lead her usual lifestyle.

When contacting a medical institution, a specialist examines the patient, and then takes tests. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Bartholinitis and its symptoms

Often the reason that a seal appears on the labia majora is an inflammatory process in the region of the Bartholin glands. The place of their localization is the subcutaneous fat of the labia majora. The task of the Bartholin gland is the formation of a mucous secretion, which comes out before sexual intercourse. If the ducts of the glands become blocked for any reason, this can lead to the appearance of neoplasms that look like bumps under the skin. Often, those women who do not pay enough attention to personal hygiene procedures face a similar problem.

This disease is characterized by rather specific manifestations. Its symptoms are obvious, but they do not appear immediately. First, an inflammatory process is formed inside the glands. This can take quite a long time. After about 2 weeks, it will be possible to notice that changes have occurred in the fatty tissue of the labia. At this time, small lumps under the skin can be felt.

These innovations bring a lot of trouble. They are quite painful, and especially when wearing tight underwear made of artificial fabric. If you do not pay attention to the problem, then over time the labia will begin to swell, and severe pain and burning will be felt in the perineum. At this stage, in most cases, a woman turns to a doctor. The specialist conducts an examination and makes a diagnosis, after which treatment is prescribed. If you do not follow the doctor's instructions, you can get such an unpleasant complication as suppuration.

Treatment of bartholinitis

In most cases, complex treatment is not prescribed to get rid of this ailment. It is enough to use an anesthetic cream and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Specific treatment for bartholinitis is not prescribed, but completely ignoring the disease can lead to its frequent relapses and the formation of a cyst.

In such a situation, it is no longer possible to do without surgical intervention, since any alternative technique in this case is powerless.

If the treatment was not used on time, this can lead to suppuration of the neoplasm. In this case, a woman will feel severe pain and weakness during sexual intercourse, her temperature may rise to 40 ° C and her general state of health will significantly worsen.

Bartholinitis is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause spontaneous abortion.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and use contraceptives. Bartholinitis is often the result of chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.

Tumor formations

Seals on the labia may be evidence of the development of a benign or malignant tumor, the safest types include fibroma and fibromyoma.

They are of good quality.

Lipoma and hydradenoma can also appear as seals on the labia. These types of tumors are also benign, but can develop into a malignant form over time.

Cannot be ruled out and the development of a cancerous tumor. Oncology of the vulva manifests itself in the form of dense tubercles on the genitals. Other suspicious symptoms may not be present.

Nodules and tubercles in the vulva of a woman are a serious reason to visit a gynecologist. If a seal appears on the floor of the lips, then in most cases such a neoplasm is benign. Most often, the change is caused by inflammation of the Bartholin's glands or an allergic reaction. Treatment can be carried out at home - eliminate the irritant, use disinfectant solutions and antibacterial ointments.

Causes of seals on the labia

Inflammation of the external organs of the genital area of ​​a woman occurs for various reasons. Typical symptoms are redness, swelling, pain. A woman can feel not only a seal on the outer sex lips, but also notice unusual discharge. The pain is aggravated by physical exertion, sexual intercourse.

Swelling of the labia occurs in the following cases:

Seals may occur simultaneously with swelling of the labia or without connection with this symptom. Swelling and itching appear with vulvovaginitis, sometimes accompanied by purulent discharge. A painful seal is formed on the small half lips with bartholinitis. The disease is associated with blockage of the ducts of the Bartholin glands located on the labia. Lymph nodes in the vulva may be enlarged.

Treatment of edema and induration in the vulva

A woman in case of detection of changes in the genitals and unusual discharge should make an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor examines and takes a smear, prescribes treatment after determining the factor due to which there was a seal on the labia or swelling of the external genitalia. If the cause is thrush, then the woman is prescribed vaginal tablets or suppositories with antifungal agents, antibiotics. At the same time, treatment of the sexual partner, taking immunomodulators may be required.

Drug therapy at home is supplemented, in agreement with the doctor, with folk remedies, in particular, infusions and extraction ointments from herbs. Help reduce inflammation and swelling baths with the addition of warm infusions of chamomile, calendula, mint, nettle and other anti-inflammatory herbs.

If a seal on the floor of the lips or swelling has arisen as a result of a change in the hormonal background, therapy should be aimed at normalizing the functions of the ovaries and adrenal glands. The work of the endocrine glands in a woman's body is associated with the monthly cycle, and during pregnancy it changes in connection with the bearing of the child and preparation for childbirth. The content of some hormones constantly increases and the production of others is suppressed.

Any "experiments" with the hormonal background are dangerous! The result may be a violation of the functions of internal organs, seals, dryness, swelling of the labia.

Treatment of candidiasis is carried out with local and systemic antifungal agents. If the seal on the floor of the lips is associated with allergies, then it is important to eliminate irritants in your environment, take antihistamines, adsorbents and prebiotics. It is recommended to follow the rules of intimate hygiene, to choose gels for the care of the external genital organs that preserve the acid-base balance of the vestibule of the vagina. It is very important to choose the right underwear, preferably products made from natural fabrics, without coarse seams and hard details.

Treatment of bartholinitis - seals in the area of ​​the labia

Paired glands, located in the thickness of the labia, got their name in honor of the doctor K. Bartholin. The dimensions of each gland are about 2.5 cm, and their ducts, about 2 cm long, open at the base of the labia minora. Bartholin's glands produce a thick secret that moisturizes the external genitalia.

When the excretory ducts are colonized by a large number of pathogenic bacteria, fungi or viruses, a seal occurs on the labia (small). The cause of acute inflammation and cyst formation are staphylococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas or mixed microflora. The woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy, local anti-inflammatory and regenerating agents. It is preferable to use broad-spectrum antibiotics from the second to the fourth generation. These include cephalosporins - ceftriaxone, cefotaxime and other drugs. The duration of the course of therapy is 7-10 days.

Bartholinitis often occurs as a complication of various diseases. If the inflammation is associated with a sexually transmitted infection, then the doctor prescribes ornidazole or trichopolum. Prevention of candidiasis is helped by taking the antimycotic drugs fluconazole or ketoconazole. Locally used tampons with anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents. Treat the affected area with a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. Apply gauze swabs with balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky.

Acute bartholinitis may be accompanied by the appearance of a cavity filled with pus inside the tissues. In this case, the disease is treated in the surgical department of the hospital. The doctor makes an incision in the area of ​​the abscess, then drains it. To avoid inflammation and suppuration of the Bartholin gland, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, properly care for the external genitalia.

Every woman, having discovered a seal on her labia, begins to worry very much. And in the first place immediately turns to a specialist. And this is the right decision.

The induration may be painful. In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary, since the cause of this phenomenon may be different. Most often, a seal on the labia can be a symptom of bartholinitis.

Treatment most often consists of surgical removal. After removal, without fail, antibiotic therapy is carried out, thereby stopping the further development of the disease.

Sometimes it happens that a woman quite unexpectedly notices a subcutaneous seal on her large or small labia, most often painful.

It can be a sign of various gynecological diseases, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of discomfort and extraneous neoplasms, you should consult a doctor.

In some cases, the appearance of a seal on the labia may be a common pimple as a local reaction to an extraneous irritant. Over time, this seal goes away on its own.

The main causes of compaction of the labia

Approximately 8 out of 10 women who visit a gynecologist complaining of a lump inside the labia are diagnosed with bartholinitis.

Expert opinion

Knyazev Igor Vladimirovich

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In addition, such a formation may be a malignant or benign tumor. We will discuss these diseases in more detail a little later.

However, these are not the only reasons due to which a seal may appear on the small or large labia. Also, a similar symptom often occurs in the following cases:

  1. in some situations, nodular fragments indicate the development of the human papillomavirus in a woman's body. HPV itself quite often passes without consequences, but in certain cases it can provoke cervical cancer, so such changes in the body should be treated very carefully;
  2. if you have such a defect with enviable regularity before menstruation, most likely we are talking about an enlarged sebaceous gland, which, upon palpation, is very often mistaken for a dense pimple. Such a violation in the female body is a consequence of a surge of sex hormones. If after a few days, when the hormonal background returns to normal, the bumps and bumps disappear as suddenly as they appeared, there is nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, some women in this situation note a certain discomfort in the genital area. To get rid of discomfort, try wiping the affected skin with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with a soothing and antiseptic tonic. In addition, 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation, it is useful to refuse sweet and fatty foods;
  3. in rare cases, when small seals on the labia are present for a very long time and do not bother their owner in any way, they may be the result of abnormal development of the genital organs and, in particular, the labia majora and labia minora, urethra and other internal organs and systems. Such formations are not viral or infectious in nature and do not pose any danger to a woman;
  4. finally, even more rarely, a seal in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese organs can be seen in a newborn girl. Almost always, such modifications in a baby indicate that both of her parents, or at least one of them, have such a serious disease as syphilis.


It should be excluded that a woman has such a serious gynecological disease as bartholinitis.

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in a special Bartholin duct as a result of an infectious disease, sexually transmitted, less often - in the case of an infection in the tonsils or dental diseases.

If a woman has a seal on her labia, then a frequent cause of such formation is insufficient observance of the rules of personal hygiene, as a result of which pathogenic pathogens invade the body.

Symptoms of bartholinitis

If the disease is advanced, then a solid formation on the labia can be quite painful, and there is also a tingling, burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification.

As a rule, when you press the seal, the pain intensifies.

In addition, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • the seal grows to the size of a chicken egg;
  • at the site of compaction, the skin is red, more often has a bluish tint;
  • there is a high body temperature and fever, which antipyretics cannot cope with;
  • chills;
  • there is a general breakdown, lethargy, apathy.

In especially severe cases, the pain reaches such an extent that the woman cannot walk normally.

If the seal on the labia does not encourage a woman to start treatment and see a doctor, then over time the abscess may open spontaneously. In this case, the woman temporarily experiences relief. However, the disease itself remained, as a result of which relapses may occur in the future.

The disease itself can become chronic, which is more difficult to treat due to its neglect. If the disease progresses, then the formation of a cyst in the region of the small and large labia is possible, which already requires surgical intervention.

Often the presence of a cyst can make it difficult to perform physiological functions (urination, defecation).

Diagnosis of a pathological condition

A seal in the labia can often be detected by a woman on her own, but in order to find out the nature of such a formation, it is still necessary to contact the appropriate specialist, that is, a gynecologist.

During the collection of anamnesis, the doctor should conduct a gynecological examination of the external genitalia using a special chair and a magnifying mirror.

In the process of performing this procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the pubis, anus, small and large labia. In addition, the gynecologist pays special attention to the presence of any neoplasms and the structural integrity of the skin in the intimate area.

Expert opinion

Knyazev Igor Vladimirovich

Ask a question to the doctor

Inspection is based on palpation (palpation) of the following anatomical structures: the clitoris, the external opening of the urethra, the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina, the anus and the large glands of the vestibule.

If the patient has leucorrhoea (liquid discharge), their sample is additionally taken, after which it is examined under a microscope (cytological examination). If necessary, the uterus and its appendages are examined.

Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental diagnostic methods are also used to diagnose a pathological formation in the vagina. The main ones are:

  1. lymphography (study of the state of the nodes of the lymphatic system in order to possibly detect cancer cells in their structure - metastases that can, together with the bloodstream, enter the lymphatic tissue from other internal organs). The procedure is done with the help of intravenous injection of a contrast agent into the lymphatic vessel. After that, its movement is tracked through the use of x-ray images;
  2. ultrasound examination of the pelvis. To date, ultrasound is considered the safest diagnostic technique. In the course of its implementation, the state of the organs of the human genitourinary system is assessed. This procedure has practically no contraindications and therefore can be used under any circumstances. However, ultrasound scanning is not recommended during menstruation, since at this time the indicators are somewhat distorted, which will greatly complicate further diagnosis;
  3. computed or magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. Such diagnostic techniques are layer-by-layer scanning of anatomical structures and are non-invasive (that is, they do not require direct penetration into the body of the subject through the skin or mucous membranes) high-precision procedures.
    In addition, if the seal on the labia has a malignant nature of origin, then the patient will be assigned an additional consultation with an oncologist.

Ways to deal with the disease

The tactics of treating compaction in the vagina completely depends on the factors that provoked the development of the pathological condition.

To establish its etiology, a sick woman needs to seek help from a qualified specialist who, after studying all the results of instrumental and laboratory studies, will prescribe the most effective treatment regimen.

If the cause that caused the formation of a neoplasm in an intimate place lies in the course of various infectious or fungal diseases, then the patient will be prescribed antibacterial and antifungal drugs. In this case, the use of antipyretic, immunomodulatory and pain medications is allowed.

To relieve inflammation in the perineum will help traditional medicine with anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects (for example, ointments, infusions, baths prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs).

If the factor that provoked the occurrence of compaction is a violation of the hormonal background, then hormone therapy will be used as a treatment for the disease, the main task of which is to normalize the activity of the adrenal glands and ovaries.

To eliminate a neoplasm of allergic origin, a sick woman just needs to exclude contact with the corresponding allergen from her daily life. This can be wearing underwear made from synthetic materials, using low-quality personal care products, and so on.

If the main reasons for the development of a tumor on the labia lie in the course of malignant processes, then chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery will be used, that is, the surgical removal of a malignant formation.

Compaction of any etiology in the reproductive organs of a woman cannot be left without due attention, it is important to start treating it as soon as possible!


Hello, Elena.

Noticing any seals and rashes in the vulva, you need to urgently consult a gynecologist. Despite the fact that you had your first suspicions 2 weeks ago, you still have not gone to the gynecologist. By the way, you can urgently visit a specialist with menstruation, sometimes they appoint visits to their patients on "these" days, for example, if they conduct a comparative examination at different stages of the cycle.

The main problem of providing effective assistance in your case is that it is impossible to talk about such things in absentia, and a visual examination by a doctor is a prerequisite for making a correct diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment (if necessary).

It is quite possible that the seal you found is an internal pimple or abscess, because the tissue of the labia (especially small ones) is very delicate and banal hypothermia or non-compliance with personal hygiene, which you mention in your question, can lead to the appearance of such inflammatory formations. If this is true, then there will be no cause for concern, and the problem will be fixed at home. Gradually, such pimples "ripen", and the contents come out. It is only necessary to treat the wound with a disinfectant and monitor tissue regeneration.

However, everything can be much more serious, and the seal that appears will not cause any discomfort only at first. Subsequently, subcutaneous formation can become a very dangerous problem, so it is necessary to diagnose it in any case.

Possible causes of seals

  • Blockage of the sebaceous gland may well be the cause of formations on the labia. Subcutaneous fat, which should freely go outside, due to the use of inappropriate intimate hygiene products that dry out the skin, remains in the gland, clogging it. Due to the inability to exit the contents of the gland, a certain seal appears. As a rule, such seals do not hurt and do not cause any concern at all. Some "craftsmen" manage to squeeze out wen even in such tender places, however, I strongly do not recommend that you repeat such "feats". If the doctor confirms that this is indeed a blockage of the sebaceous gland, then he will take all the necessary therapeutic measures to eliminate the seal (prescription of absorbable drugs or surgery).
  • Seals that do not hurt, do not increase in size and do not bring any discomfort, can cause local irritation of the delicate skin of the labia. On small lips, they can appear due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, synthetic underwear, uncomfortable squeezing clothing, hypothermia, prolonged mechanical stress (for example, cycling).
  • The most common cause of these problems is inflammation of the hair follicle. Moreover, characteristic inflammations can appear not only on the labia majora, but also on the small ones. A woman first notices a small induration, which is quite noticeable on palpation. The code is "ripening" inflammation, it begins to increase in size, filling the content - pus. It is important to ask for help in time, because. the abscess can burst inside, infecting nearby tissues.

Therapy will depend on what kind of violation the doctor identifies. Perhaps the recommendations will be reduced to the obligatory observance of personal hygiene and wearing underwear made from natural fabrics. It may be necessary to use local antiseptics or even undergo a course of antibiotic therapy.

Sincerely, Natalia.

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