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"Spark" presents short biographies of the most devoted associates of the President of Chechnya

Alkhanov Ruslan Shakhayevich, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya

Born on April 27, 1962 in the village of Tsentoroy (Chechnya). Since September 1991, he has been serving in the internal affairs bodies in Grozny and Gudermes. In 1999, he headed the security service of Akhmad Kadyrov. According to Ramzan Kadyrov, at the same time he, Ruslan Alkhanov and several other "closest ones" swore on the Koran that "they would be together all their lives." Later, Mr. Alkhanov commanded the Republican OMON. On May 9, 2004, he was wounded in a terrorist attack that killed Akhmad Kadyrov. Since June 2004 he has been the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. Police Lieutenant General.

Baisarov Ruslan Sulimovich, businessman

Born on August 9, 1968 in the village of Veduchi (Chechnya). In the early 1990s, he went into business, opened a casino in Moscow, several restaurants, a sports complex and a beauty salon. In 1994-2002, he was Vice President of the Moscow Fuel Association. In 2003, together with Shalva Chigirinsky, he created Bennfield, which later became a major shareholder of Sibir Energy. In 2003-2010, he was Vice President of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company. Recently, he has been busy restoring roads, mosques and enterprises in Chechnya, for which his mother received a medal from Ramzan Kadyrov "for exemplary upbringing of children." In 2007, together with Mr. Kadyrov, he made a hajj to Mecca. Also known as the former son-in-law of Alla Pugacheva.

Daudov Magomed Khozhakhmedovich, First Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya

Born on February 26, 1980 in the village of Shpakovskoye, Stavropol Territory. Was a militant, then went over to the side of the feds. He commanded a special police company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, then a battalion. Since December 2006 - Chief of Staff of the Republican OMON. In April 2007, he headed the Shali District Department of Internal Affairs. On March 10, 2010, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya, responsible for the power bloc. Hero of Russia.

Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich, Deputy of the State Duma

Born on September 25, 1969 in the village of Benoy (Chechnya). He worked as a mechanic, supplier, traded cars. A number of media outlets reported that during the first war, Mr. Delimkhanov was Salman Raduev's driver. During the second campaign, he went over to the side of the federals, worked in the security service of Akhmad Kadyrov. Since August 2003 - in the internal affairs bodies of Chechnya. Since July 2006 - Deputy, and since April 2007 - First Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. He was elected to the State Duma from United Russia. Since April 27, 2009, he has been wanted by Interpol on suspicion of involvement in the murder of Hero of Russia Sulim Yamadayev in the UAE. Ramzan Kadyrov repeatedly called Mr. Delimkhanov his successor, "right hand" and "closest friend."

Khuchiev Muslim Magomedovich, Mayor of Grozny

Born on August 5, 1971 in the village of Zakan-Yurt (Chechnya). He graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, worked on the RTR television channel. In the late 1990s, he was engaged in the restaurant business in Moscow. In 2004, he returned to Chechnya to the post of presidential press secretary Alu Alkhanov. In 2005-2007, he was responsible for Ramzan Kadyrov's communications with the media. In March 2007, he was appointed head of the administration of Grozny.

Material prepared information center of the publishing house "Kommersant"

Over the past week, several relatives and fellow villagers of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, have taken responsible positions in the leadership of the republic and Russia. The appointments became the reason for the Russian Air Force Service to draw up a detailed map of the Chechen authorities.

As the article says, the distinctive features of the republic are the high subsidization of the region, conservatism and a management system tied personally to Kadyrov and people close to him. Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, head of the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention, explained that "Kadyrov's inner circle" is "people who can be trusted not only because you know them, but because you are connected with them by something more."

The BBC Russian service revealed the balance of power in the region by examining photographs and media reports of public events in which Kadyrov took part. Journalists also interviewed Caucasian experts, residents of Chechnya working in government, and human rights activists. As a result, it turned out that out of 158 officials in Chechnya, 30% are relatives of the head of the region, 23% are his fellow villagers, people from the village of Tsentaroy, another 12% are friends of Kadyrov and their relatives.

One of the most important recent appointments of relatives and fellow villagers of Kadyrov was the appointment of the Prime Minister of Chechnya, Abubakar Edelgeriev, a fellow villager of Kadyrov, to the post of adviser to the President of the Russian Federation. The vacant post of prime minister was taken by the mayor of Grozny, Muslim Khuchiev, and the chair of the mayor of the capital was given to Kadyrov's nephew, Ibragim Zakriev. Isa Tumkhadzhiev, who is also a distant relative of the Kadyrovs, was nominated by the head of the region to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. In addition, last week, the son of Ramzan's brother, Khamzat Kadyrov, became the head of the Kurchaloevsky district of Chechnya.

The BBC study singled out 18 people whom BBC interlocutors called the most influential in the region. It is they who make up the "inner circle", the "circle of trust" of Kadyrov.

Among them are State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, commander of the Terek SOBR Abuzayd Vismuradov, chairman of parliament Magomed Daudov, secretary of the council of economic and public security Vakhit Usmaev, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ruslan Alkhanov, head of the Grozny linear department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on transport Ali Tagirov, commander of the regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs N1 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chechnya Imran Kutrashev, OMON Commander of the RF SVNG for the Chechen Republic Alikhan Tsakaev, Assistant to the Head of Chechnya for law enforcement agencies Daniil Martynov, Advisor to the President Abubakar Edelgeriev, Deputy Commander of the National Guard Troops in the North Caucasus Federal District Alibek Delimkhanov, Head of the Shali District Administration Turpal-Ali Ibragimov, Deputy Prime Minister Abubakar Tumkhadzhiev , Senator from the Chechen Republic Ziyad Sabsabi, First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Odes Baysultanov, head of the Chechen government Muslim Khuchiev, Mufti of Chechnya Salakh Mezhiev, Kadyrov's adviser on religious issues Adam Shahidov. Most of them come from the Kadyrov village of Tsentoroy.

The first in the inner circle of Kadyrov

The top three leaders in the inner circle of the head of the region are Adam Delimkhanov, Magomed Daudov and Abuzaid Vismuradov. According to BBC journalists, from October 2017 to April 2018, Delimkhanov appeared in the frames of Chechen television about 60 times, Daudov - about 70 times. At most events with Kadyrov, they both stand next to him, but do not take direct part in the event. The head of the region often puts them in charge of the construction of a new facility. Vismuradov has appeared alongside Kadyrov at almost every meeting and event over the past six months.

Adam Delimkhanov is not related to Kadyrov. The head of Chechnya calls the deputy a brother, like all people dear to him. The name of the parliamentarian was mentioned in the media when describing the story of the "golden gun" that fell out of his pocket in the State Duma building during a fight with his parliamentary colleague Alexei Zhuravlev, and also in connection with the murder of Hero of Russia Sulim Yamadayev in Dubai in 2009.

Magomed Daudov, known in Chechnya as Lord, has been the chairman of the region's parliament since 2012. For many years he worked in senior positions in the power structures of Chechnya. In 2012, Ramzan Kadyrov appointed Daudov to the post of head of the administration of the head and government of the region. Since 2015, Magomed Daudov has been the head of the main legislative body of Chechnya. The speaker's sphere of influence does not go beyond Chechnya. At the same time, people complaining about the authorities are brought to Daudov for preventive conversations or public apologies, the Air Force Russian Service recalls.

Abuzaid Vismuradov (nickname Patriot) is a classmate and childhood friend of Kadyrov. Vismuradov is the commander of the Terek SOBR, one of the special paramilitary units of the Federal National Guard Service in Chechnya, but in fact he is Kadyrov's head of security.

According to Igor Kalyapin, Chairman of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture, the positions held by Delimkhanov, Daudov and Vismuradov are not so important, the main thing is what status they have. "Lord is the chief security officer in Chechnya, Delimkhanov is the chief Kadyrovite of Moscow, Patriot is Ramzan's personal bodyguard. Everyone knows this," he specified.

Distribution by branches of government

Of the 18 members of Kadyrov's "circle of trust", eight are security officials, three work outside the region, the rest work in the sphere of legislative and executive power in Chechnya, the Air Force calculated. The head of the Chechen Ministry of Press, Umarov, calls the security forces surrounded by Kadyrov a brotherhood, sealed by attacks with cries of "Allah Akbar" against international terror.

Among the leaders of the power structures of Chechnya are four close friends of Ramzan Kadyrov, two nephews, two associates of his father Akhmat Kadyrov, three relatives, nine fellow villagers of the current head of Chechnya and five relatives of Adam Delimkhanov.

Of the 73 people in the government and parliament of Chechnya, 19 relatives and 14 fellow villagers of Kadyrov occupy leading positions. Of the 31 people in the Cabinet of Ministers and subordinate organizations, about 58% are relatives and fellow villagers of Kadyrov.

The minister of transport and communications is the son-in-law of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Cherkhigov, and the post of minister of culture is also held by a relative of the head of the region, Khozh-Baudi Daaev. The newly appointed first deputy chairman of the government of Chechnya, Isa Tumkhadzhiev, is the son of the vice-premier of the government, the minister of highways of Chechnya. Among the seven assistants to the head of the region are two Kadyrovs, one Daudov - the brother of the speaker of parliament - and one Geremeev - a relative of Adam Delimkhanov.

The cousin of the head of the republic, Amruddi Edilgiriev, is known in Chechnya as the main builder of new mosques. Among the representatives of the municipalities, one can distinguish another cousin of Kadyrov, Turpal-Ali Ibragimov, who heads the Shali district of Chechnya, the BBC notes.

Mostly the older generation of relatives and fellow villagers of the head of Chechnya work in the parliament. The first deputy speaker is Ramzan Kadyrov's son-in-law Salman Zakriev.

In Chechnya itself, they see nothing surprising in Kadyrov's predilection for the appointments of people from his entourage. Kadyrov has surrounded himself with people of his generation, people from his village, for the reason that they owe him everything they have, and this is the guarantor of their loyalty, former Chechen opposition leader Akhmed Zakayev told the Air Force. "He has a small category of people on whom he can rely, and, of course, knowing that there are few of them, he values ​​them," he said.

However, Kadyrov himself is changing his approach to appointing personnel. If earlier the positions were occupied mainly by people connected with the past of the Kadyrov family, then recently the head of the republic has surrounded himself with young people from among his relatives. But, one way or another, the head of the republic still relies on his relatives, fellow villagers and friends.

Apartments, lands and palaces of relatives of the head of Chechnya in Moscow and in his native republic

If you look at satellite images of Chechnya, you can see luxurious mansions - in Tsentoroy, the native village of Ramzan Kadyrov, and in Gudermes, where the head of the republic hosted his first inauguration in 2007. The mansion in Tsentoroy was registered with Kadyrov's mother, a pensioner, wrote Sobesednik, while the publication called the Gudermes Palace the "unofficial residence" of the Chechen leader. But Rosreestr does not allow to establish the current owners of real estate: the site in Gudermes has not yet been marked on the cadastral map, and Kadyrov's family nest in Tsentoroy, apparently, has disappeared from the cadastral map. However, other data is still available in Rosreestr, which allows us to say with confidence that the owners of expensive real estate are Kadyrov and his inner circle.


In Moscow, relatives of Ramzan Kadyrov and his associates prefer the neighborhood of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Medni Musaevna Kadyrova - the same name as Kadyrov's wife - owns an apartment in the prestigious Vorobyovy Gory residential complex on Mosfilmovskaya Street, the Sobesednik wrote. According to his income statement, Kadyrov's wife actually has an apartment of exactly this size. According to Rosreestr, the owner of the apartment on Mosfilmovskaya is registered in the village of Tsentoroi, the same place where Medni and Ramzan Kadyrovs are from.

Residential complex "Vorobyovy Gory" in Moscow

Sparrow Hills is one of the tallest skyscrapers in Moscow, 188 meters high. Description from the realtor's website: Vorobyovy Gory is an ultra-modern, stylish, newfangled residential real estate complex. The apartments are designed for buyers whose income is much higher than the average. "The residential complex has a shopping and entertainment complex, restaurants, a fitness center with a swimming pool, a kindergarten, a car service. The area of ​​​​Medni Kadyrova's apartment, according to Rosreestr, is 210 square meters, Kadyrova has become her husband was not even the head of the republic back in 2006. An apartment of the same area in this house now costs 130 million rubles.

At the same time, until 2014, Medni Kadyrova, according to her husband's anti-corruption declaration, did not receive any income. Kadyrov's declarations have been available since 2008, his annual income is 4-6 million rubles a year, this year Kadyrov declared an income of 11 million rubles.

Relatives of Kadyrov's closest associate, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, may also have real estate in Moscow. Maryam Yusupovna Delimkhanova - the same name is Delimkhanov's mother - has an apartment on Davydkovskaya Street in Moscow, Rain found out. This is the Edelweiss residential complex - another prestigious high-rise building in Moscow in pseudo-Gothic style, a 10-minute drive from Medni Kadyrova's apartment. Maryam Yusupovna has an apartment with an area of ​​187 square meters, the price of an apartment in this house of a similar area can reach 100 million rubles.

A certain Razita Zaurbekovna Delimkhanova owns an apartment in the same house on Davydkovskaya with an area of ​​406 square meters. Penthouses have such areas in this LCD, the approximate price of this is about 500 million rubles. An apartment of exactly the same area was indicated to Delimkhanov's wife in his anti-corruption declaration (as well as another apartment with an area of ​​148 square meters and a house with an area of ​​120 square meters shared with Delimkhanov).

According to Rosreestr, Razita Delimkhanova acquired an apartment on Davydkovskaya at the end of 2011. In that year, the income of Delimkhanov's wife, according to his anti-corruption declaration, amounted to 187.5 thousand rubles, and Delimkhanov - a little less than 2 million rubles.

But in 2014, the wife disappeared from Delimkhanov's declaration. Now Kadyrov on his Instagram calls a woman named Makka as Delimkhanov's wife.

In the declaration of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya Ruslan Alkhanov for 2015, it is indicated that he himself does not own any real estate. However, shares in a quarter of an apartment with an area of ​​70.3 square meters and a quarter of an apartment with an area of ​​109.3 square meters are owned by his minor child (alkhanov has seven children in total).

Two apartments of a similar area are registered in Moscow for just four Alkhanovs - a certain Tamara Borisovna, Adam Ruslanovich, Lira Ruslanovna and Renata Ruslanovna.

The Alkhanovs' apartments are located in the Blizhnaya Dacha elite residential complex on Starovolynskaya Street, not far from Kutuzovsky Prospekt and the Setun River Valley, the largest nature reserve in Moscow.

According to the developer's website, “the unique elite residential quarter embodies only the best ideas about what a high quality of life is. After all, it is he who is the only alternative in Moscow to such prestigious and respectable areas as Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, Ostozhenka and Patriarch's Ponds. Until now, there has been no equal in the elite housing market to these places of compact residence of the Russian elite.” An apartment with an area of ​​just under 70 square meters in this building, according to, costs 30 million rubles, and an area of ​​108 square meters costs 45 million rubles.

The developer puts special emphasis on the "adequacy of the environment." As it became known earlier, the apartment in the same residential complex, but in the neighboring, third, much more expensive building, belongs to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. An apartment with an area of ​​346 square meters was found by Transparency International - Russia, it, according to the organization, should have cost at least 500 million rubles. Rogozin then admitted that he had this apartment, specifying that "these apartments do not have a market value, these are apartments of the Presidential Administration."

As stated in the extract from Rosreestr for the Alkhanovs' apartments, this property was indeed owned by Russia and was managed by the Presidential Administration. From him, the Alkhanovs received apartments under a “transfer agreement”.

In addition, Tamara Borisovna Alkhanova owns a land plot in Grozny - 1000 square meters directly opposite the residential residence of Ramzan Kadyrov.


Almost every resident of Grozny knows which of the Chechen leaders owns this or that palace in the center of the city.

In particular, Ramzan Kadyrov owns a huge plot of land opposite his working residence, across the Sunzha River, the Interlocutor also wrote about this.

According to Rosreestr, the plot area is 3.7 thousand square meters, and Kadyrov purchased it from the Grozny City company in December 2014, using a mortgage, for which he is still paying. At the same time, according to Google Earth images, a house began to be built on this land. The mansion with an area of ​​2.3 thousand square meters also belongs to Kadyrov himself, and it was also purchased with a mortgage.

The Grozny-City company is now a co-owner of the Leader-auto company, previously established by the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation, chaired by the mother of the head of Chechnya.

A landscape park has been laid out around Kadyrov's house - but the plots do not belong to Kadyrov, but to the same Grozny-City company. There is a fence along the perimeter of the park, it encloses the residence of Kadyrov. “There is no mention of this house in open sources, much less photographs. In Grozny, they advise not even to point the camera in that direction, ”the Interlocutor wrote. The rain took this building off the outside.

Kadyrov's house and plot, according to Rosreestr, are located on Proletarskaya Street. But the street itself, although it is on Google maps, judging by the photo, no longer exists - there is Kadyrov's land.

Both the plot and the house are in Kadyrov's declaration, but the landscape park, which is actually in his use, is not.

Near the residences of Ramzan Kadyrov there is the property of relatives of his close associates. Directly across the Sunzha River there are land plots belonging to Aset Movlaevna Daudova. A woman with that name in 2015 was listed as an assistant to the head of the administration of the head and government of Chechnya. Her earnings in 2014 are 848,760 rubles, and her husband’s is 3,062,400 rubles. The last figure coincides with the amount of earnings of the head of the administration of the head and government of the republic Magomed Daudov in 2014. It turns out that Aset Daudova worked as an assistant to her husband in the government.

According to the anti-corruption declaration of Magomed Daudov, his wife owns three land plots of exactly the same area as Aset Daudova from Laboratorynaya Street - an area of ​​1235, 1550 and 969 square meters.

According to Rosreestr, the plots of such an area belonged to Aset Daudova until July 2016. Then this territory was re-marked on the cadastral map - now in the same place there is one plot of four thousand square meters and a house of 700 square meters, the owner of which is the same Asset Daudova.

Close to the plot and the house of Daudova there are several plots belonging to the same Grozny City company with a total area of ​​3.3 thousand square meters. Another 8.5 thousand square meters of land in the same Leninsky district of Grozny belong to Patimat Sultanovna Delimkhanova, the alleged sister of Adam Delimkhanov.

In the very heart of Grozny, there is only one major landlord who is not directly related to Kadyrov by kinship or service. Directly opposite the working residence of the head of Chechnya, there is a complex of four houses with a swimming pool and landscaped park. One of these houses now belongs to a certain Fatima Khazueva, who, until 2015, owned several plots around the house. The same name is the former "Miss Caucasus" and vice-miss of the "Beauty of Chechnya" contest (both contests were held in 2006).


In the village of Dzhalka, Gudermes region, the relatives of Adam Delimkhanov own several blocks at once, including the street named after him - A. S. Delimkhanov - and in honor of Sharip's brother - Sh. S. Delimkhanov.

The huge palace can be seen from a satellite image. He was previously photographed - only from the side of the fence - by the correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to Rosreestr, the plot is huge - 20.5 thousand square meters, and it belongs to Maryam Delimkhanova, the deputy's mother. It is not possible to establish who owns the house itself through Rosreestr. Taking into account this plot, Maryam Delimkhanova owns at least 24.8 thousand square meters of land in Dzhalka.

Only one land plot in Dzhalka is recorded directly on Delimkhanov - an area of ​​​​1.4 thousand square meters, it is in his anti-corruption declaration. At the same time, the total area owned or used by the supposed relatives of Delimkhanov around is 60,000 square meters, more than six hectares.

Near the palace of Maryam Delimkhanova there is also a whole scattering of plots owned or used by Khedi Adamovna Soltakhanova (the same name is Adam Delimkhanov's daughter) - a total of 17.6 thousand square meters, and all on A. S. Delimkhanov Street. The owner of the plots that are in use by Khedi Adamovna is not registered with Rosreestr.

She also owns a 500-meter mansion nearby - it is one ensemble with a house of a similar area, registered to Delimkhanova Elina Lechievna. Next to them is a large mansion, exactly the same as the house of Maryam Delimkhanova, only with a roof of a different color. It is not possible to establish its owner, but one of the plots on which this palace number two is located belongs to Khedi Soltakhanova.

Delimkhanova Elina Lechievna also owns or uses 8.5 thousand square meters of land.

Delimkhanova Yakhita Zubairaevna also owns a land plot with an area of ​​4.2 thousand square meters and a house with an area of ​​700 meters near the palace of Maryam Delimkhanova. She, according to the lists of Grozny-TV, made a hajj to Saudi Arabia in the fall of 2015 together with Patimat Delimkhanova.

Ramzan Kadyrov is a bright and controversial personality. In a way, this is why his life and political path are so interesting to many people who are far from politics. As president of the Chechen Republic, Kadyrov actively contributed to maintaining peace in the country, and also made a significant contribution to the restoration of the city of Grozny.

However, his reign, according to many analysts, was not without dark spots. Critics accuse the politician of establishing a dictatorial regime in Chechnya, as well as maintaining a shadow economy and corruption. So who is he - a national hero or a tough dictator? We will try to find the answer to this question.

Early years of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov was born in 1976 in the family of a prominent figure in Chechnya, Akhmat Kadyrov. His family belonged to the Benoy family, one of the largest clans in the Chechen Republic. Loyalty to the family and tribal traditions - Ramzan literally absorbed these principles with his mother's milk. The future politician studied at a comprehensive school in the village of Tsentaroy, but his home was a real school for him. Here he comprehended the peculiarities of Chechen culture, learned to ride a horse and wield edged weapons.

In 1992 he graduated from high school. Almost immediately after that, Ramzan, along with his father, joined the ranks of the Chechen troops, who opposed the army of the federal government. In the period from 1994 to 1996, the future leader of Chechnya fought against the Russian armed forces and was an active supporter of the independence of the Chechen state.

After the end of the first military campaign in Ichkeria, Ramzan Kadyrov took over as head of the security committee of Akhmat Kadyrov. In addition, the future politician took an active part in the discussion of many political decisions, remaining the personal assistant of his father.

In 1999, a split occurred in the ranks of supporters of the independence of the Chechen state. The Wahhabism movement, which preached radical Islam, began to gain strength in the country. During this period, Ramzan, like his father, began to fight with his former associates, and later went over to the side of the pro-Russian forces.

Public service of Ramzan Kadyrov

In 2000, Ramzan Kadyrov joined a special police company, in which he ensured the security of the top leadership of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, the future leader of Chechnya became the head of this company.

During this period, the influence of Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya grew steadily. He was responsible for conducting most of the special operations, and also led negotiations with members of the separatist armed groups about their transition to the side of the pro-Russian government. Most of the militants, who have revised their views, have joined the security service of the President of Chechnya. In the end, the vast majority of Kadyrov's company were former separatists.

Together with his people, Kadyrov personally fought against the remnants of the separatist military formations. During this period, the young politician survived at least five assassination attempts.

After Akhmat Kadyrov was elected president of the Chechen Republic, his son officially took the post of head of the security service of the first person of the state. In the coming years, Ramzan Kadyrov held a number of other important government positions (assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs, head of the committee for compensation payments).

In 2004, after the death of his father, Kadyrov was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. A year later - acting chairman of the government of the republic.

In 2006, a conflict broke out between the then President of Chechnya, Alu Alkhanov, and Ramzan Kadyrov. Federal divisions took the side of the Chechen leader; behind Kadyrov's back were his loyal fighters from his personal company.

In early 2007, Alkhanov submitted his resignation, which was accepted by Vladimir Putin. The post of head of the Caucasian republic passed to Ramzan Akhmatovich, whose candidacy was soon approved by the Chechen parliament.

Kadyrov's presidency: dark and white spots

One of the first decisions of the politician in his new position was the signing of a number of decrees aimed at combating terrorism. As a result, in the next few years, the number of terrorist attacks on the territory of Chechnya has halved. The situation in the Czech Republic has stabilized. The long-awaited peace reigned on the territory of the country.

Another achievement of the new president was the intensification of the process of restoring the Chechen Republic. New infrastructure facilities began to appear in Grozny and other large cities of the country, and a number of landmark architectural projects were implemented in the capital of the Chechen Republic.

Ramzan Akhmatovich was awarded a number of government awards, becoming the "Hero of the Russian Federation", as well as the owner of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of Courage and a number of other distinctions.

However, Kadyrov's presidency also had a downside. The military, personally close to the president, were repeatedly accused of kidnappings, as well as the murders of Chechen citizens. Thus, according to the human rights organization "Memorial", in the period from 2006 to 2008, more than 250 cases of kidnappings were recorded in Chechnya, 15 of them ended in the death of the victims.

In addition, according to Human Rights Watch, the practice of "collective punishment" has become stronger in Chechnya. For leaving "in the forest" of one of the family members, the houses of all his relatives could be burned. Journalists working in the Chechen Republic were also attacked.

Ramzan Kadyrov walks around Grozny

Personal life of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is married. His legal wife is his former fellow villager - Medni Musaevna Kadyrova (nee Aidamirova), born in 1978. The acquaintance of the future spouses happened during their studies at school. Since then, they have not parted.

Currently, Medni Kadyrova works as a fashion designer and specializes in the production of Muslim clothing. Since 2009, the Firdaws fashion house has been operating in the capital of Chechnya, owned by the first lady of the republic.

The Kadyrovs have ten common children - six daughters and four sons. The tenth child, a boy named Abdullah, was born on October 10, 2016. It is noteworthy that the couple are raising two more adopted children, whom Ramzan Kadyrov adopted at the request of his wife in 2007.

Ramzan Kadyrov now

In 2016, Ramzan Kadyrov is the current president of the Chechen Republic. According to the results of a survey conducted in early 2015, more than 55% of Russians trust Ramzan Kadyrov, noting his role in establishing a peaceful life in the North Caucasus.

The popularity of the president is connected, among other things, with an active life position. Ramzan Akhmatovich is a candidate of economic sciences, a master of sports in boxing, loves football, uses Instagram and acts in films. So, in 2015, he played a major role in the action-packed film "Who did not understand, he will understand."

"Connections / Partners"


"Spy" in a cassock?

Orthodox security agent

Former employee of the Moscow Patriarchate Yevgeny Petrin arrested for treason

He will remain under arrest until April. This was reported to TASS by the press secretary of the Lefortovo court Yulia Skotnikova.

Yevgeny Petrin, an employee of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, was arrested in Moscow on charges of treason

State treason has become a popular article in Russia. Cleric who worked for US intelligence arrested in Moscow

A servant of the Moscow Patriarchate was accused of treason

The Lefortovo Court of Moscow arrested Yevgeny Petrin, an employee of external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, who is accused of treason and espionage. FSB investigators believe that Petrin worked for US intelligence, to which he passed secret information, Life News reports on Monday, February 9

Yevgeny Petrin worked in the department for external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate in Kyiv, relatives of the arrested man told the publication. According to representatives of the Petrin family, while working in Ukraine, he had to communicate with foreigners.

The arrested man himself told the investigators that in Kyiv he contacted agents who collaborated with the United States. In order to expose them, Petrin ingratiated themselves with them and began to pass on information about Russia that he received from open sources. FSB investigators believe that Petrin passed classified information to American intelligence officers.

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