Opening the third eye: an ancient way. Opening the Third Eye - Techniques and Methods Exercise for Opening the 3rd Eye

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and the occult, authors of 15 books.

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Opening the third eye

accelerated method

third eye the mystics of India call the point between the eyebrows the point of perception, the point of sensitivity. When the third eye opens, the perception of the world changes.

In order to raise energy into the third eye and stimulate its opening, there is the following technique.

Opening the third eye to another person...

Opening your third eye...

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I work hard development of clairvoyance. I work as a pendulum, a frame, I study diagnostics based on the materials of your club. If the answers to questions go like "YES" and "NO" with almost 99% accuracy - is it intuition or clairvoyance?


This is clairvoyance, not just intuition.

Intuition in bursts gives a maximum of 70% hit. More often it gives 55-65% hit. And 70% is already super-intuition on the verge of clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance is when there is confidence in what a person feels.


I remembered about the diagnosis for the presence of paranormal abilities, which you did to me. You saw a slight coolness in all my energy centers. But when I do prayer practice (in the morning and in the evening), as soon as I start reading the Lord's Prayer, everything inside me is enveloped in coolness (as if with menthol) and an extraordinary lightness appears, it seems a little more and would take off. Is this condition normal during prayer practice?


Yes, some people who are engaged in prayer practice feel cool. Is it possible. During prayer practice, not only subtle structures, but also the physical body of a person are saturated with pure energy. And the better the prayer practice goes, the lighter his body becomes, and the feeling of strength is added.

Coolness during diagnostics and coolness during prayer practice do not intersect in any way - they are completely different things.


Hello Oleg and Valentina Svetovid. I found your article on the internet. I am interested in information about the opening of the third eye. You offer to purchase an article for 25 rubles. How effective is the third eye opening technique described in this article?

I ask because there are many articles on the Internet on this topic, and this is comparable to describing the external beauty of an internal combustion engine, but not describing how it works.

Doubts, of course, always arise after being deceived several times. That's why I asked you: "How effective is the third eye opening technique described in this article?" Maybe you will dispel my doubts and your technique really gives a result.

Yours faithfully, Igor.


None of the existing even very good techniques gives a 100% guarantee that a person will get what he wants. This largely depends on the person, on his spiritual developments, worldview, character, abilities, on how much effort he will invest in his development, etc.

Therefore, if in doubt, it is better not to buy this material so that there are no complaints in the future. Look for free sources of information, study.


Hello, dear Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

Thank you for your hard work and wonderful, informative material presented on your site.

Could you give me your time and help me sort out some issues, because. Somehow I can't do it on my own.

I went to an occult school 5 years ago. We didn't really have much practice. The only thing I remember from practice is that we were put in pairs, and we tried to look at each other. Somehow, abilities gradually opened up for many, many saw organs, skillfully visualized, saw the future in pictures, like a film, someone became a healer, someone became an astral warrior, someone saved lost dead souls.

And I didn’t have any new or general abilities. The only thing is that I mastered the technique of working with the pendulum well and then I came to this myself. I read the necessary literature, chose the right pendulum for myself and established contact with it.

But want more. In winter, in our city, the shooting of the “Battle of Psychics” with Uri Geller took place, and I managed to chat with girls from Belarus and Poland for a couple of minutes. They told me that I closed my third eye that I was afraid of something. Although in conscious life my nerves are in order. They tested me, they said that I am clairvoyant, but my brain guides me and does not allow me to feel intuition correctly, it knocks me down all the time. And I have difficulty with visualization.

Tell me, please, as professionals in this field, how to develop clairvoyance, how to turn off the brain, how to learn to see the aura?

With thanks. Victoria.


The answers to these and other questions can be found in the materials of our esoteric club.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Opening of the third eye. accelerated method

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Most esotericists are sure that all people without exception have a third eye, but in most cases it is closed and practically does not work. This invisible organ is responsible for the enlightened state of human consciousness, with the help of which it is possible to perceive the world in a special, supernatural way. The use of the third eye does not entail cardinal changes in the psyche or the discovery of magical abilities. Astral vision allows you to exercise clear control over your emotions, mind and more clearly feel what is happening in the world around you.

What is the third eye and what does it give a person?

The existence of the third eye has been known for a very long time, the manuscripts of the ancient Egyptian period serve as a direct indication of this. The Egyptians drew this organ in such a way that in the central part of the picture there was a thalamus responsible for processing information coming to the brain from the senses (excluding smell). So the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt considered the third eye an organ that is responsible for spiritual vision and intuition. Unlike modern people, they thought that not only the pineal gland was responsible for its work, but a whole group of organs, among which the thalamus was assigned the main role.

Where is the third eye located in humans? The organ of clairvoyance is a complex system of channels, which is located in the frontal region between the eyes. The principle of its operation is similar to a kaleidoscope, which contains 108 sections, which experts call mirrors. When a person turns a kaleidoscope, a certain picture (pattern) is created. Then it turns again and the next image becomes available. Something like this is the case with clairvoyance, mirrors can turn in different ways, each time revealing new information to a person.

The sixth sense or the third eye suggests perceiving information not as a physical, but as an energy-informational phenomenon. This means that the human senses can perceive not only the material reality, but also the energy one. Both types of signals take the form of a chemical reaction or electrical impulses transmitted first to the thalamus and then to the central nervous system. The third eye itself adds to a person the ability to perceive information or energy directly, bypassing the senses.

Techniques for opening the third eye: practicing clairvoyance online

How to open the third eye in a person, which is the main organ for clairvoyance. Esotericists, healers and yogis are sure that the organ of astral vision has a certain physical form and is an integral part of our anatomical body. The immediate proximity of the thalamus and the pineal gland proves that human clairvoyance can work at maximum power if this skill is properly developed.

If a person believes in his supernatural abilities and is not subject to doubt, then his pineal gland functions freely, and the practitioner can receive information through the third eye. The idea that it is impossible or difficult to open clairvoyance, distrust leads to the fact that the pineal gland is blocked and does not work at full strength. Gradually, it calcifies, and the substance that makes up the organ loses its ability to read information.

Candle exercise

  • Turn off the lights and electrical appliances in the room, put a lit candle in front of you.
  • Peer into the flame, trying to blink less often. Try to focus your eyes on one object.
  • If you feel like closing your eyes, do so and open your eyes again.
  • Look at the colors that make up the light. You will be able to see bright yellow, red, blue, green, purple or any other tones.
  • Then close your eyes again and through the lowered eyelids try to see the flame imprinted on the retina.


Starting the meditative practice of opening astral vision, you should completely relax:

  • Take a comfortable position of the body, close your eyes - you should be absolutely comfortable.
  • Try to completely relax the body and defocus the mind, move away from any problems, feel every cell of your body. Allow thoughts to pass freely through your consciousness.
  • To help you relax, turn on suitable pleasant music or mantras.
  • The state should be similar to a lucid dream. In time, you will be able to learn not to close your eyes while meditating.

The key point of this state is concentration on oneself. To develop clairvoyance, one should focus on one's own gradual expansion. That is, at first just concentrate on your body at this moment in time. Before moving on to the next level, there will be a lot of practice aimed at expanding consciousness. Each meditation helps to develop an energy body that will lead to the opening of the third eye.

Independent work with intuition

Information comes to a person not only through the visual organs, it is also possible to perceive it with the help of sensations, through dreams or intuitively. What a person feels, his sensations and reactions are also information. The whole world around us is one huge source of information, you just need to learn how to capture this flow with the help of the sixth sense organ, correctly extract the necessary data, compare them and draw conclusions.

Express methods: how to open the third eye quickly, in 1 day, 60 seconds

The first way to open the third eye:

  • Stop thinking, close your eyes.
  • Concentrate your gaze on a point in the area between the eyebrows (without opening your eyes).
  • After a couple of minutes, defocus your gaze, continuing to look slightly above eye level.

A person should feel a slight pressure, and then a tingling sensation between the eyebrows, but nothing will be visible except darkness. After a couple of months of daily practices for the development of clairvoyance, strange images will begin to appear before your eyes. At first, the pictures obtained with the help of the third eye will be black and white, and later they will begin to become more and more realistic. After a year of training to open astral vision, the incoming images will be similar to real life, and a person will be able to shape his own future.

The second method of opening astral vision:

  • Get in a comfortable position, but keep your back straight. Relax, breathe deeply.
  • Close your eyes, focusing on the top of the bridge of your nose. Try to find a state of inner harmony.
  • Imagine that there is a blue rotating ball in the area between the eyebrows. It doesn't matter the direction of travel - choose it intuitively.
  • Take a deep breath, mentally imagining how the ball begins to absorb blue radiant energy. So you tune in to the frequencies of the desired chakra.
  • Exhale slowly, imagining how the energy fills the ball and crystallizes in it.
  • Repeat inhales and exhales for 10-15 minutes. Don't be afraid if you feel some tension between your eyebrows. This is a normal phenomenon, which confirms the correctness of the exercise.

ancient ways

There are many types of practices through which you can open your astral vision. Some of these methods are based on visualization techniques, others are based on the practice of pranayama (breathing techniques). The ancient traditions of qigong and yoga are based on the activation of ajna, which Boris Sakharov wrote about in his book. Another author specializing in eniology, Lobsang Rampa, describes the practice of opening a mystical sense organ used in Tibetan monasteries. Let's look at some ways.

Breathing and concentration

The main point for every ancient technique for opening astral vision is the breath of a person. Strive for smooth, concentrated, uninterrupted breathing. This practice not only helps to open the sixth sense, but also gives healing to the internal organs. Experienced yogis advise to focus on the area of ​​the third eye, then the breath itself becomes continuous.

Remaining in this state, one should completely relax the body. This condition stimulates the natural flow of blood to the head, so the person will feel a pulsation in the back of the head (chakra region). Next comes a feeling of tension under the earlobes and between the eyebrows. These three points create a triangle on which to focus attention.

Ethereal Vision

This is the definition of the initial stage of the opening of astral vision. Those people who can see the ether, but do not know other techniques of astral collection of information, can also do this exercise, since it trains clairvoyance. Practicing the technique is in the twilight:

  • Lie down and relax, clearing your mind of unnecessary thoughts.
  • Extend your hand in front of you, fingers slightly apart, for several minutes look as if through it, trying to see the glow around the fingers.
  • Do not focus on a specific point, try to blink less than usual. This is how you adjust the third eye, bringing it into focus. Some people can only focus on one finger, while others can see the whole hand at once.
  • The optimal distance from the face to the hand should be about 40 cm.
  • Such training helps to see the ethereal energy (aura), after which clairvoyance should be further developed.

crystal sword

  • Sit comfortably, calm your breath and close your eyes.
  • Imagine a crystal sword with a thin but strong blade and hilt.
  • Mentally fill the sword with energy, compacting it. A person should not only see the sword, but also feel its density as clearly as possible. Unlike the real thing, this crystal should be stronger than steel.
  • Spin the sword in your mind. You don't need to imagine your hands, just twist the weapon in different directions, swing it as if your hands are invisible.
  • Open your eyes and continue your meditation, you should see the sword in space with your inner vision.

Energizing the Pineal Gland

  • Turn off the lights, light a candle, and make yourself comfortable next to it.
  • Focus on the flame.
  • Imagine that a golden ray of energy flows out of the flame and enters your pituitary gland, clearing everything in its path. This beam from within illuminates the invisible sense organ - the third eye - with a strong golden light.
  • Meditate in this mode for at least 15 minutes.
  • This practice of opening the astral vision helps clear the energy channels of the soul and nourishes the pineal gland.

Boris Sakharov's technique - video

The author of this practice of opening the sixth sense studied with the famous yoga teacher Swami Shivanda. Boris Sakharov is a respected practitioner of Raja and Hatha Yoga, worked on creating an effective way to open astral vision (third eye) - ajna chakra. In his book, the author describes how to activate the invisible sense organ and awaken the hidden power of man. As a result of many years of practice and training, Sakharov developed a clear method for opening the third eye, which serves as an organ of intuition and clairvoyance. Check out an excerpt from his book:

Signs of an open eye

In people who have discovered astral vision, the organ is developed in different ways. Clear clairvoyance is not available to every yogi or deeply religious person - it depends on the degree of opening of the sixth sense. Tradition divides human abilities into four stages:

  • The first (lower) - provides the opportunity to see people or objects surrounded by an aura that changes shape and color depending on the emotional state of a person.
  • On the second, clairvoyance shows events from an unusual perspective, for example, from the height of a bird's flight. Often a person with an open third eye sees pictures that happened recently or are happening at the moment. At the second stage of opening the organ of clairvoyance, powerful thought forms sometimes become available to a person: religious or other symbols are the result of people's collective meditation. At first, these visions are barely distinguishable, but with practice they become clearer.
  • The third - gives a person with developed clairvoyance the opportunity to receive information that is not inferior in quality to the pictures that we see with ordinary vision. Such images are short-lived, but even a moment is enough to see important details.
  • The fourth is available only to a few. To achieve this development of the sixth sense, a person must devote himself entirely to spiritual practices. With the help of astral vision, masters can see almost anything they want, regardless of time or space.
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The concept of the third eye is closely related to the sixth chakra of a person - ajna. And the opening of the third eye - with the activation of Ajna.

Ajna - 2-petalled lotus, "third eye". The physical organ of the chakra is the pineal gland, located in the third ventricle of the brain. Governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental images. The opening of the chakra gives clairvoyance and clairaudience.

The opening of the third eye in the East, in particular in Tibet, is described in the book The Third Eye by Rampa T. Lobsang. The author of the book tells in detail how he, an eight-year-old boy, had his third eye surgically opened by high-ranking lamas in a mountain monastery. Here is an excerpt from this wonderful book.

« I was taken to a room from which it was no longer allowed to leave. Three high-ranking lamas entered the room. They put an herbal compress on my forehead and tied it with a bandage. They then left and returned late in the evening. The compress was removed, the forehead was thoroughly washed and wiped dry. One lama sat behind me and held my head in his lap. Another opened the box and pulled out a shiny steel tool. If it were not for its shape and small teeth at the sharp end, the tool would have looked like an awl. Before the operation, the lama sterilized him on fire.

“The operation will be painful,” my teacher said, taking my hands. “Besides, it is imperative that you be fully conscious. It won't be long. So try to stay calm...

The lama holding the instrument looked at the others and asked:

- Ready? Let's start, the sun has just set. He put the serrated end of the instrument to the middle of his forehead and began to turn the handle. A minute has passed. I felt like I was being pierced with needles. Time stopped. The instrument passed through the skin and entered the soft tissues without causing much pain. But when the end touched the bone, I felt a slight shock. The monk increased the pressure, rotating the tool so that its teeth bit into the frontal part. The pain was not acute. I just felt pressure, accompanied by a dull pain ... Suddenly, a crack was heard - the tip of the instrument went through the bone. Instantly, the lama surgeon stopped working, continuing to hold the instrument firmly by the handle. My teacher gave him a cork made of hard wood, carefully fired to give it the strength of steel. The lama surgeon inserted this cork into the groove of the instrument and began to move it down the groove until it entered the hole drilled in the forehead.

Then he began to plant this piece of wood deeper and deeper into my head. Suddenly a strange feeling took possession of me: it seemed as if I were being pricked and tickled in the nose. I began to distinguish smells, until now unknown to me. Then the smells disappeared and a new feeling seized me, as if a light veil envelops my whole body. Suddenly I was blinded by a bright flash. A sharp pain pierced me. It seemed that I was burning, engulfed in a white flame. The flame began to subside, went out, but was replaced by instantaneous flashes and clouds of smoke. The lama surgeon carefully removed the instrument. A wooden cork remained in the forehead. With this cork, I will be here for about three weeks, almost in absolute darkness. No one dares to visit me, except for three lamas, who will in turn talk to me and instruct me. As long as the cork is in my head, I will be given a limited amount of food and drink - just so as not to starve to death.

During the first week after the operation, the room was kept completely dark. Starting from the eighth day, they began to gradually increase the illumination. On the 17th day, the light was already normal, and again three lamas visited me to remove the plug. Everything was simple. The day before, my forehead was steamed with an infusion of herbs. As during the operation, one lama held my head between his knees. With a special tool, another lama who operated on me grabbed the tip of the cork. A sharp jerk - and it was all over: the cork was removed from the head. The third lama applied an herbal compress to my forehead. Thus ended the first cycle of my initiation.

“Now you are ours, Lobsang,” said my teacher. “Until the end of your days, you will see people as they really are, and not as they try to appear.

It was rather strange to see three lamas bathed in golden flames. Later I realized that the golden aura was the result of the purity and holiness of their lives and that most people have a very different color aura.

Subsequently, I learned to diagnose the state of human health by the color and intensity of the aura. In the same way - by changing the colors in the aura - I could accurately determine whether a person was telling the truth or lying.

Opening of the third eye. Ajna activation

There is a test to check the sensitivity of the third eye zone (zone between the eyebrows). To do this, the tester puts his thumbs to the test subject above the eyebrows. to the third eye area so that both fingers form, as it were, the second row of eyebrows. The remaining fingers are held splayed at the sides so that the little fingers lie behind the openings of the ears. The forehead is stroked with fingers from the middle along the eyebrows. After some time, visions may appear, which will indicate that the subject is ready for the successful opening of the third eye, if this effect does not follow, then you will have to work on the next technique for a longer time.

The most favorable time for working with the third eye is at night or, if it is difficult, in the evening, and early morning, on the contrary, is the most inopportune time.

Working time: 20 minutes (optimal).

Third eye area

Rub the center of the forehead (third eye) between the eyebrows with the bone of the second joint of the thumb of the right hand up and down.

The position of the body facing north or east. Take a meditative posture that is comfortable for you (head, neck, back - on the same line). The back is straight, the body is relaxed. If this is the lotus position, great. If you are sitting in a chair, be sure to cross your legs at the ankles. The palms should be folded, like two bowls nested in each other, so that the thumbs lightly touch, as if closing an electrical circuit. This position of the legs and arms ensures the closure of energy flows in the legs and arms.

Breathing technique in the practice of opening the third eye

Breathing during the entire exercise is a very important factor. Success depends on the ability to release one's tension and maintain a high intensity of concentration. This is facilitated primarily by the breathing technique given below.

Opening the third eye - breathing practice

Rhythmic breathing exercise. It is necessary to breathe with equally long breaths, i.e. the duration of the breathing phases (exhalation and inhalation) must be the same. In solving this problem, the visual representation of respiratory movements, such as, for example, the swinging of a pendulum, greatly helps. Imagine that the pendulum passes through a certain point, for example, in the center of your crown, back and forth.

The very duration of the respiratory movements, in fact, does not play a role (for each it is individual), only the regularity of the swing is important (i.e., the same duration of the exhalation and inhalation phases). Even this preliminary exercise contributes to the creation of images "without the help of physical eyes." When this exercise becomes tiring for you, you should move on to the next one.

Continuous breathing. You should try to smooth out the transitions from inhalation to exhalation and vice versa so that you practically get a continuous way of breathing, which then turns into imperceptible breathing. Remember: a high degree of concentration always goes hand in hand with continuous breathing (one causes the other). This breathing exercise has another great advantage: it has a positive effect on the heart.

If you focus on the desire to see with your inner eye the zone of the third eye (the place between the eyebrows), breathing becomes continuous by itself.

By carefully observing your breathing, you will discover that the breath always flows freely through only one side of the nose, while the other at this time is more or less "tight", and this position changes regularly every 2 hours. One (left) side takes life energy from everything (environment, Cosmos), and the other (right) distributes this energy throughout the body. As long as both life currents are in balance, a person is healthy, but if disharmony sets in, he becomes ill.

Relax. Relax your face, relax your eyes. Feel relaxed. Lower your eyelids and let your eyes close, don't force them.

When the body is relaxed, blood flow to the head increases. Feel the soft pulsating back of the head, feel the pulsating area under the earlobes, feel the pulsation between the eyebrows, in the region of the third eye.

Pulsation in the region of the third eye and pulsation in the area under the earlobes create a kind of triangle, the height of which passes through the tip of the nose. Feel this triangle. Watch this state. The wise man observes himself and knows himself. Be aware of this state. Awareness and attention go together. Attention is the act of looking and listening.

Eye position

The eyes are closed. Raise your eyes (your inner eye) up, as if you want to see your skull in the area between the eyebrows from the inside. Look up at your inner sky, at your space between the eyebrows from the inside, look without looking for anything, with an absent look. Feel like a creator, creator of your state and at the same time a guest, observe. Gently, steadily pulsating area of ​​the third eye.

When you direct your inner gaze upwards, you may experience a feeling of warmth in the area of ​​the third eye. The energy rises and begins to knock persistently, as it were. You will hear, you will feel it. It can appear as golden-yellow, green-blue, or blue-violet in front of your inner eye in the area of ​​the third eye. Watch the play of colors, be a witness, just watch. Then the darkness will disappear and the inner light will appear - light without any source. When your energy starts moving through the third eye, you will see light without a source; it just is, not coming from anywhere.

A sign of the possibility of visions may be the appearance in the area of ​​​​the third eye, as it were, fog (white moving clouds of fog) or gray smoke; indistinct shadows that appear in the dark in front of closed eyes are the beginning of visions, which, when the necessary concentration is achieved, begin to take shape, as single objects in low light of the area gradually emerge from the darkness. Don't identify with what you see, just watch.

If you feel the need to get out of this state, open your legs, put your feet parallel (if you are sitting in a chair), open your hands, put them palms up on your knees - the visions will disappear. Take a soft calm breath and exhale slowly, gradually open your eyes. Relax, breathe calmly.

If a strong burning sensation appears in the area between the eyebrows (although this is extremely rare), then it is recommended. lubricate this area with some kind of oil or cream for prevention, as you usually do if you suddenly burn yourself with something.

In India, it is believed that as soon as the third eye opens, a burning sensation is felt in it and it needs to be cooled. There, for this, sandalwood paste is used, which is applied to the third eye area in the form of a dot with a diameter of about 8 mm. This paste not only cools, it has a characteristic smell. The coolness and aroma of the paste and the special place of its application become a reminder of the third eye, attracting inner attention to it. Completing the description of the third eye activation technology, we can distinguish four steps (stages) of its opening.

Stages of opening the third eye

I. The play of light reflections in the area of ​​the third eye.

II. Lots of visions with movements, although not clear, for example, with a cursory thought of a wall clock, you can see them, the time that they show.

III. The vision of people, landscapes is as sharp as with normal vision with physical eyes, but this is possible only after it is possible to achieve the appearance in the region of the third eye of a bright, flickering, like a real flame.

IV. Seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling at any distance, seeing past, present and future events.

Success in self-discovery

Safety when opening the third eye (note by moderator)

It is important to understand that the opening of the "third eye" is not something that you need to strive for with every fiber of your soul. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are given to a person in the name of serving people, and not as a means for enrichment or elevation of pride. This gift is given from above to pure people, to those who are ready. Often through difficult moments in their lives, sometimes through clinical death.

But such a gift from above may also be the fact that you will find somewhere on the Internet a practice described in understandable language for opening the third eye and want to try (your desire will be great, you will be persistent and consistent in your studies in order to achieve a result). Those. decide to develop clairvoyance on your own. It is for you that this addition to the above material is written.

Before receiving clairvoyance and clairaudience, you must be prepared. This is, first of all, the absence of ego, greed and base motives, a comprehensive, unconditional Love that will move you in using those superpowers that the opening of the third eye gives.

included ajna as a result of the practice of opening the third eye, these are not only the bright colors of the luminous auras of "enlightened" people. This is also all the dirt and pain of the modern world, which you can only guess about, but which you can still safely ignore. When you open your third eye, it will burst into your consciousness with all its might, and if you are not ready to see it, such hypersensitivity will destroy you.

Think about what has been said. And only then - act ...

Proper activation of the brow chakra allows you to master unique abilities and immerse yourself in the mystery of visions of the future or the past.

Esotericists are interested in how to open the third eye, most often hoping for instant and positive results, but in reality the all-seeing eye requires many years of practice. Do not forget about the large amount of responsibility that falls on a person after practices, because a person can change the whole world.

  1. Work with the energy flows of the Universe. Ideally, you need to pay attention to this twice a day, so that the body is permeated with light, washed by it and freed from dark clots of negativity. For this practice, exercises from the Chinese Qigong system are perfect, which teaches how to turn the body into a real conductor of energy for the chakras. You can read more on our website.
  2. Focus on your intention and say it as often as possible. Opening the third eye requires automatic recognition of oneself as an instrument of spiritual growth. Therefore, strive for high energies and find the factors of true motivation for improvement. Feel the fullness of life and stretch this feeling for as long as possible.
  3. Remember to breathe properly during any practice.. Deep inhalations and exhalations at the same intervals ensure the correct circulation of energy in the body, its rise through the channels and concentration in Ajna. You can learn traditional breathing practices such as Pranayama.
  4. Listen to your inner voice. If you are interested in how to open the third eye, the practice of awakening intuition should not be something new and unknown to you. In addition, at the time of any difficult situation, it is useful to focus on the brow chakra and send intimate questions there. Watch out for higher signs that may come in the form of divination results, unexpected visions, or just the right book.
  5. Constantly improve your skills not only in practice, but also in theory. Knowledge in the realm of clairvoyance, telepathy, and other manifestations of third eye activity must be accumulated to prepare you for the activation of any supernatural skills. You can study esoteric literature yourself or sign up for lectures.
  6. Don't expect extraordinary results from the first day. The work of the third eye is arranged in such a way that visions are constantly improved as a person trains. To wait for unique pictures from the future or the past, you will have to work for several years, or even decades, on your brow chakra.
    Over time, the process of expanding consciousness will occur much faster, and you will be able to learn how to pierce the third eye, i.e. lift the veil to a higher informational and energy level. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the cleaning of the sixth chakra will periodically be required.
    These practices are described in detail in our article.
  7. Try to sleep at the same time. Compliance with daily rhythms is useful for maintaining performance. In addition, timely rest will ensure the appearance of high-quality and vivid dreams, which in a short time (with sufficient work with the third eye) can become quite conscious and even prophetic.
  8. Take care of the pineal gland. Surprisingly, the opening of the third eye is felt not only at the mental level, because the source of many changes is the pineal gland - the brain process that produces hormones. In order for this gland of the endocrine system to be active and even begin to grow, it is necessary to follow a plant-based diet, which is based on foods high in melatonin: rice, bananas, barley, tomatoes, oats.
    In addition, pay attention to the B vitamins. Fatty foods should be avoided in the same way as any bad habits that worsen the human aura and the state of the chakras. But it is very useful to consume a lot of water every day, since it is this component that helps to increase energy production.
  9. Practice yoga. Following the appropriate asanas, i.e. postures of the body in space, ensures the work of consciousness in harmony with the body, and also saves a person from rough thinking patterns. The activation of the third eye is actually very closely related to our physical shell.
    From the point of view of the impact on the pineal gland, the position of the hare or Shashaungasana can be considered the best, which stimulates the gland by pressing on the top of the head. In addition, most asanas make a person calmer, develop concentration and memory skills in him.
  10. Meditate. It is not necessary to focus on practices directly related to the third eye. You can concentrate on the sixth chakra, visualize the all-seeing eye, but this is not at all necessary in the first stages. It is enough just to meditate in your favorite way, preferably between midnight and three in the morning, as well as during the new moon.
    Each relaxing technique is able to balance the energy flows of the human cerebral hemispheres, improve control over emotions and, therefore, help make the right decisions. How to open the third eye through meditation? You can learn about this from the article on our website “Meditation on Ajna”.
  11. Don't forget to ground yourself while practicing.. Working with the ethereal shell often poses a threat of separation from the physical body, especially if the third eye is opened for the first time and the person is too keen on entering the astral plane. At first, it is not worth trying to get away from the world by the violent method of accelerating training. Continue to pay attention to the mundane chores of being so as not to create problems for yourself in this reality.

Simple exercises

The first lessons on activating the brow chakra should be as simple and straightforward as possible. First you need to learn to focus on Ajna and the energy in it, and only then move on to the skills of mental vision, clairvoyance, telepathy.

You can learn more about such practices in the article on our portal. Below are the most basic workouts.

Exercise #1

Many esotericists are interested in how to awaken the third eye through contact with higher energies and at the same time bring the entire chakra system into overall balance. To do this, it is enough to carry out the so-called rotations.

  • Simply stand in the center of the room and rotate clockwise at least 33 times. Repeat the exercise daily, focusing not on objects, but on a finger extended with a hand in front of you. Otherwise, you will quickly lose control of your body and fall.

Exercise #2

To harmonize breathing and energy speed, take the correct meditative position: legs are crossed at the ankles in a sitting position, the head looks to the north or east, the palms form a bowl between them, while the thumbs are connected. Then focus on your breathing: the inhalation and exhalation should last the same number of seconds.

The peculiarity of the exercise is that it is necessary to smooth out the phases of breathing. After practicing several times, you can make the movement of air completely invisible, but at the same time as free as possible.

Exercise #3

To establish contact with the all-seeing eye, sometimes it is enough just to concentrate on the brow chakra. How does the third eye open through this practice?

You collect all the energy in the forehead, send the necessary request to the Cosmos and tune in to the wave of mental vision. At the same time, the eyelids should be closed, using the abilities of only the internal look. Look at the third eye until a clear pulsation begins in the forehead.

With enough experience during this exercise, you can begin to see colors. The main thing is to maintain maximum detachment from the process and be a calm observer of your own feelings.

Exercise #4

Looking at objects is also useful, because it is on immovable objects that one can first train in studying the aura and ethereal shells.

One should not only consider the object unfocused, but also hold the gaze on it unexpectedly, so that the energy channel leading to the third eye begins its activity.

Exercise #5

Eastern practices rarely do without images, so a person’s third eye also has its own specific symbol. How to open the brow chakra using visualization? This simple exercise will help.

  • Start focusing on the middle of your forehead. Imagine a large lotus blooming at this point or, if such a detailed representation is still difficult, just visualize a dynamic funnel.
  • Keep these images that arise, achieving real physical sensations in the third eye. You may feel pressure, itching, stinging, or burning.

Over time, after the disappearance of the presented pictures, visions will emerge in the place of Ajna, reflecting different people or events.

Exercise #6

To develop the skill of the inner gaze, use the practice of imagining the astral sun.

  • It is necessary to sit down one and a half meters from the wall, which is not protected from you by furniture, and relax. For 5 minutes, just look in front of you, keeping calm.
  • Then raise your eyes higher without changing the position of your head. Look as high as you can, but don't make yourself uncomfortable.
  • Fix your gaze at this point and imagine that a huge golden sun is shining along the trajectory of your gaze. Imagine that the wall is transparent and you are watching a bright star in the sky.

After a few minutes, you will feel pressure in the area of ​​the third eye. Focus on the forehead for a while and then finish the exercise.

Exercise number 7

The method of opening the third eye often includes self-hypnosis. In particular, it is useful to organize a training in which the vision of the aura will be imitated.

  • First, look at people with a normal gaze, and then turn on the gaze with an all-seeing eye, convincing yourself that you already see the aura.
  • Give yourself a powerful command that you want to consider this shell around a person and make efforts.

Such imitation of experience helps in removing various blocks on Ajna. You can explore other self-persuasion techniques in our article “How to open the third eye with self-hypnosis”.

Exercise #8

  • Position yourself near the mirror so that the distance to it is 20-30 cm at the level of the pupils. Look at your reflection exactly between the eyebrows. Try to penetrate a couple of centimeters deep to visualize a small sphere behind the frontal bone.
  • Focus on this one point completely, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. With this view, peripheral vision will capture the reflection of your real eyes, so about 30% of all concentration will go to these images.

Repeat the practice regularly if you find it difficult to work with visualized focus on the all-seeing eye.

Exercise #9

How to activate the third eye through simple work with light? It is enough to go to the window during the day, move the curtains and stand as close to the glass as possible. Look at the sky with open eyes without sudden movements of the head.

Try to focus on the area behind your eyes. As you do this, keep an eye out for any streaks or points of light that come into view. Focus on these visions, and when the concentration reaches a maximum, you will be able to notice how bright lines and circles are already moving in front of your inner eye.

For a moment you won't be able to see anything but these corpuscles of light. This is a normal reaction and should not be feared. You can refer to this exercise even at the time of being on the street.

In order for all methods of opening the third eye to be effective, try to combine them with work on special symbols that activate energy in the brow chakra.

Complicated practices

Experienced esotericists who have already learned how to work with the visualization of different images and concentration on individual objects also pay special attention to exercises in which the third eye is open. What means to apply for a more advanced level of Ajna development? Most practices also deal with the inner gaze, as well as the all-seeing eye massage.

You can get acquainted with the very first techniques in the article of our website “”. More modern and popular techniques are presented below.

Osho meditation practice

It is used in any position in a relaxed state of the body. Sit comfortably, but do not cross your legs, and for three minutes massage the area between the eyebrows with the bottom of your hand.

Make movements from the bottom up, without accelerating and without pressing on the third eye area. Imagine at the same time that you are trying to open a window to another world. After three minutes, you should feel a change in the movement of your energy, if this does not happen, massage the eye clockwise in a circular motion.

The ways to open the third eye with this technique can be different, so you can also try to drive first with your palm not from the bottom up, but from the top down. Then you need to imagine a point of light in the forehead. Close your eyelids, look with your inner gaze at your all-seeing eye, feel it. It looks like a burning star.

Look up with your eyes, while not raising your head, so that complete peace comes in the body. Stay in this state for at least an hour.

Exercise to destroy the protective inner screen

How to open the third eye completely and get access to the most secret information of the Cosmos? Try the exercise of breaking the protective inner screen with the help of the astral tool. This technique is very effective, but it requires a lot of dedication, so headaches can occur as a result.

  • Assume a comfortable posture with a straight back and restore peaceful, deep breathing. Close your eyes, focus on Ajna. Imagine that a drill is growing inside the head. It gradually drills the bones of the skull from the inside, just in the zone of the all-seeing eye. The tool penetrates the bone tissue and destroys the protection, forming a hole in it.
  • Feel how the third eye is instantly activated and gives you special vision. Focus on the internal state of the open chakra. Feel that you are already seeing everything with the third eye. Formulate your intention as precisely as possible, do not be afraid to get ahead of events.

Repeat the practice a couple more times. In the next session, imagine a laser beam, not a drill.

Multi-stage practice

Most esotericists are especially interested in knowing how to learn to see high-quality and voluminous pictures of reliable reality with the third eye. This multi-stage practice will help you reach a new stage of clairvoyance.

  • At the beginning, with your eyes closed, you need to imagine a white space with a black dot in the middle.
  • When you can imagine the smooth movement of this spot, add two more to it and visualize a triangle. Rotate it first as a flat object, and then as a 3D object. The main thing is to clearly draw with your mind's eye all the movements and at the same time maintain the shape of the figure.
  • Next, turn the triangle into a pyramid. After rotations, create a four-sided object from a three-sided object. Work in space and with it too. Add one square and make a cube.
  • Then you need to imagine two pyramids with 3 faces at once, which must rotate not only in a plane, but also in volume, and at the same time. The same must be repeated with the cube.
  • Gradually connect pyramids with 3 and 4 faces with a cube, increase the number of items to 4-6. Also try to imagine one of the figures moving around your body.

The complicated stage of this practice involves the representation of all figures - both flat and voluminous - colored, and in different colors sequentially. You need to learn how to rotate and multiply multi-colored objects in your imagination.

When you manage to work with a palette, you can move on to materials, imagining a pyramid, a cube, a sphere made of plastic, wood, stone, fire, water, metal, paper, energy. Feel the material first, then blow the figurine up and watch it shatter into pieces. At the very end of the exercise, compile all the objects and change the material and color one by one, not forgetting the movement of the figures.

Technique for opening the third eye based on contraction and relaxation of the brain

The technique is also considered to be highly effective, although difficult to understand. Focus on the area in the center of your head. Relax this area and then sharply squeeze. Of course, tensing a place without real muscles may seem impossible, but it can be done. Just refer in your memory to a situation when you needed maximum responsibility and concentration on solving an important task.

Bring that tension back inside your head. Then relax and do it all over again. At first, you can help yourself a little by tensing the muscles of the neck or head.

This practice helps to stimulate the development and growth of the pineal gland, which leads to the activation of clairvoyance.

Practice for Opening the Ajna Channel

Often, psychics are interested in how to activate the third eye, using additional constructions for concentration and inner gaze. One of the practices, for example, works great for opening the Ajna channel.

  • Roll a sheet of white paper into a hollow cylinder. Glue the ends together so the tube doesn't unroll. The diameter should be approximately 5 cm.
  • Secure one end of the cylinder with a bandage or rubber band to secure it completely. Position the paper tube so that one side is pressed against the third eye and the other end is perpendicular to the forehead.
  • Attach the design to the head with the help of an elastic band.

Take a calm sitting posture and begin meditation, concentrating on the cylinder along its entire length.

Practicing Dealing with Darkness

How can one open the third eye without working with light or energy? In fact, interacting with complete darkness can also be effective.

  • Turn off the lights in the room, relax and close your eyes. Look ahead with an inner eye. Visualize the gaze as clearly as possible, study the darkness.
  • You can imagine that you are looking for a way home in the night forest or looking at the silhouettes of trees.
  • Place your right palm in front of you. Feel her presence, remembering exactly what she looks like.
  • Focus on this image, try to really see the hand, using the third eye as an x-ray. Then move your palm a little while maintaining concentration.

Finish your practice.

“How to open the third eye?” - this is the most difficult question, which psychics have been answering for thousands of years, accumulating invaluable experience of clairvoyance and telepathy. Of course, a specific technique must be selected based on the skills of a person and his energy field, possible blocks and plugs.

After repeated use of one or two exercises, you can always notice the first successes in mastering intuition and inner vision. True, over time, esotericists indulge in other thoughts: if the third eye is open, what to do next? In no case should you stop at activating Ajna, you should go further and master new workouts.

Believe in yourself, be persistent and constant, and then the all-seeing eye will be guaranteed to work throughout your life.

Third eye meditation is a worthy path to self-improvement. Obtaining hidden powers, replenishing life experience, realizing one's own hidden resources is often impossible without mastering this technique. You don't have to be elected to master this practice. To do this, it is enough to study the basics of technology.

What is this technique and what abilities does it unlock?

Each person has moments when intuition is connected and seems to suggest a further course of events. Sometimes we start thinking about a person from the past, and then we suddenly meet him. Or we dream about something for a long time, and the desire comes true by itself. Some see prophetic dreams.

In everyday life, we ourselves give birth, control our thoughts. But during meditation, thoughts will arise on their own, a person will only be a witness to this unusual phenomenon. It is important to remember and accept the results of observation.

The ancient Egyptians believed in the third eye. This is clearly seen in their drawings, which depict a person with a thalamus - the center of information processing, which, as they believed in Egypt, comes from the senses to the brain. The center is also responsible for spiritual vision.

From the point of view of yoga practitioners, our thoughts, dreams, actions are controlled by the "center of desires", or the ajna chakra, located between the eyebrows. In another way, it is called the "third eye" or God's eye. Translated from Sanskrit, "ajna" means "command" or "order.

Thanks to the opening of the third eye, you can get:

  • access to the vast information field of the Cosmos (or the Universe);
  • the ability to clairvoyance, communication with otherworldly forces;
  • the ability to manage your own life, program events, control emotions, achieve goals.

Esotericists, yogis, Buddhists believe that everyone has a divine eye. Most do not use it, but with some effort, you can access your own desire center, and then manage it effectively.

It is important to be able to listen to your body and then the opening of the third eye will be successful. One of the most popular activation techniques is 3 eye meditation. It is often used by followers of Reika yoga.

Features of meditation practice

Before starting the discovery process, it is important to understand what you personally want the most. The spiritual practices of yoga are built on the idea of ​​a person in the form of a vessel with energy inside. It becomes empty, refills over time, but the volume of this "capacity" remains the same. That is why, before starting meditation, it is important to prioritize, learn how to use your internal energy reserve wisely.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that the process of meditation will take more than one month: for some practicing yogis, the meditation period lasts several years. All this time they train astral vision, gradually approaching the goal. It is important to understand that nothing is impossible. It is important not to deviate from the path, to constantly work on yourself.

Principles of preparation

Meditation is not a matter of one day. Often years of preparation are required to open the "sixth sense".

Be sure to choose your own comfort seat. It is worth choosing a place that is comfortable for you personally, where you feel calm, relaxed and can completely immerse yourself in meditation.

Clothing should be comfortable, music should be calm, and lights should be subdued. Some people use audio with binaural beats, which helps to tune in with the help of noises.

Meditation instructions

The technique of opening the third eye requires a special attitude and separate preparation. The first thing to do is to completely calm down, find inner harmony and understanding. A few rules will help with this:

  1. The process of self-knowledge is a slow business, sometimes it lasts for hours, months and even years. Initially, you need to work with your breath, align it, slowly inhaling through your nose, and then exhaling it through your mouth.
  2. It is important to completely relax the body, including all the muscles of the face.
  3. Now it's time to focus on the area between the eyebrows. You must imagine that there is another eye in the center that you want to see with your inner vision.
  4. The meditator should feel a golden beam of light opening up, coming out, resembling a tiny sun. It is important that the mind be completely cleansed.
  5. Try to see the picture in detail: the golden ball goes to the center of the forehead, and the light illuminates a larger area.
  6. It is important to clearly feel how the weight is leaving, dissolving: you must imagine yourself as a fluff, through which luminous golden rays pass.
  7. It is necessary to allow yourself to open the divine eye. If the brain is relaxed, thoughts are clear, then the opening will happen.
  8. Before opening, it is important to mentally turn to your spiritual mentors, give them permission to intervene.
  9. The golden glow will continue to flow, will pass through the whole body. It is important to be open, to clearly visualize how the upper body fills with a glow.
  10. If the third eye has been successfully opened, a person will definitely feel it: unusual visions will appear, new thoughts, images will visit. In this case, the ceremony can be considered completed.

What are the benefits of astral vision?

Not everyone becomes great seers and clairvoyants after the discovery of astral vision. Sometimes nothing happens. Meditation has to be repeated, asking for help from higher powers and spiritual mentors. It all depends on the internal forces of a person, the degree of development of his "third eye". But most people say that the world is miraculously changing, filled with new colors.

There are four levels of "advanced":

  1. At the first stage, the ability to see the aura of people of objects appears, to see how it changes its color.
  2. The second step makes it possible to demonstrate events from unusual angles (to see everything from a bird's eye view). Also, a person sees the results of collective meditation, religious symbols.
  3. The third step allows you to receive information from the Cosmos, moreover, to see it in bright colors.
  4. The fourth is available only to the elite who have dedicated themselves to spiritual practices. Only true masters manage to get information from the past, the future, that is, to live outside of time and space.

Even experienced yogis, Buddhist monks are sometimes in no hurry to master this complex and very deep technique. The secrets, the possibilities that the third eye gives, can only be perceived by people with a strong spirit, since not everyone is able to correctly apply the new gift. But if you are sure that you are ready for a long and difficult path, you should take note of the rules for meditation and periodically devote time to it.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to start meditation and how to do it correctly.

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