Medicinal properties of pine cones and contraindications. Ripe cones in decoctions and tinctures. Other recipes from the folk treasury

Pine trees are one of the most common types of trees in the world. Walking in a coniferous forest has a beneficial effect on a person, improves mood and well-being. People use all parts of this plant: wood, needles, shoots, pine tar. Useful pine cones are also widely used - medicinal properties and contraindications to their use are described in detail in many traditional medicine recipes.

What are the benefits of pine cones

Botanists divide the fruits of Scotch pine into male and female. Yellow-green, concentrated in small groups, male cones are at the base of the shoots, and reddish female ones are at the tops. Both varieties contain vitamins B, C, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, trace elements, organic acids, tannins, and also have the richest amino acid composition:


Green pine cones have a beneficial effect on the immune system, have phytoncidal properties, products based on them have a tonic and tonic effect. They stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, enrich with calcium, fortify, and benefit the digestive system. In addition, green pine cones - their medicinal properties and contraindications are well studied - are used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals: they are added to toothpastes, face masks, creams, lotions, bath salts.

Tinctures from red cones are indispensable in the treatment of the consequences of a stroke. Due to the high content of tannins and tannins, they are able to stop the process of dying of brain cells. In folk medicine, a decoction of red cones is used as a means of raising low hemoglobin, cleaning blood vessels, and preventing heart attacks. Infusion on red cones with the addition of pine pollen is used as a remedy for the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancerous tumors.

Medicinal properties of pine cones

It is better to collect pine fruits in the forest zone, away from cities and major roads, so they can reveal the whole bouquet of their healing properties, including:

  • Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral.
  • Soothing (due to the high content of potassium and essential oils).
  • Blood purifying properties - the ability to remove toxins, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals from the body.
  • Cholagogue (reduce the level of lipid compounds in the blood) and hepatoprotective (protect and restore liver cells).
  • Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic (for the treatment of polyarthritis and arthritis).
  • Diuretic (at the same time, preparations of pine cones not only get rid of excess fluid, but also maintain electrolyte balance).
  • Expectorants (thinn sputum with bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis).
  • Antiscorbutic (a high content of vitamin C allows them to be used as a cure for a specific beriberi - scurvy).


Alcohol infusion on pine cones combines the antibacterial properties of alcohol with the entire spectrum of the healing properties of the plant. The tincture is used orally for ulcers and gastritis, as it heals the damaged gastric mucosa; with thyroid diseases, thrombophlebitis, recovery after a stroke. The drug is considered an effective antiseptic, immunostimulating agent, used for anemia and respiratory diseases. You can use tincture for inhalation in the treatment of respiratory diseases.


When the use of alcohol tincture is undesirable (for example, in the treatment of children), you can use a cone decoction. It helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, strengthens the immune system, removes toxic compounds from the body. The decoction is used as a sedative, diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, it is used for cosmetic purposes - for baths, rubbing the skin of the face, rinsing the hair.


The benefits of pine cones boiled with sugar are widely known in folk medicine. For example, in Bulgaria, such a syrup is called "hog honey" and is widely used to treat colds. In addition to fighting acute respiratory infections, this remedy can be used to restore immunity, relieve pain in rheumatism, gout, to speed up metabolism, and even to increase potency. Sweet medicine has no contraindications and children like it, so it can be used to prevent viral infections in the children's team.

Treatment with pine cones

You can experience the healing effect already at the stage of collecting raw materials. The air of a coniferous forest contains a large amount of phytoncides, the concentration is 5 times greater than that of a deciduous one. Such an atmosphere kills bacteria and makes breathing easier, while essential oils create the effect of aromatherapy: they dispel bad thoughts. In folk medicine, green pine cones are recommended to be collected until mid-July, mature ones - in late summer, early autumn. Sometimes pine buds are used in recipes called cones, they are harvested in April-May.

From a stroke

The ability to purify the blood, thinning blood clots, makes pine fruits useful in post-stroke conditions. The complex of vitamins and bioflavonoids helps to restore tissues, including damaged cells of the brain and nervous system. It is important to remember that a stroke is an acute medical emergency. Tincture of pine cones from a stroke is good only at the recovery stage, after the professional actions of doctors.

To prepare an alcoholic infusion, you will need open cones that have ripened two or three years ago, which fall off the tree in early spring, the ideal time to collect is March, when such cones fall on the snow. A 0.5-liter jar is filled with 6-7 cones, filled with vodka to the brim and sent to infuse in the dark under a closed lid for two weeks. The resulting medicine is drunk one teaspoon three times a day until the tincture is over. The course should be carried out every 6 months.

From cough

As a remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchial asthma, sore throat, cone jam is used. Soft green cones collected no later than mid-July are suitable for him. For 1 kg of raw materials, you will need 1 kg of sugar and a little water, it is necessary that it only slightly covers the fruits. All three ingredients must be mixed, put on fire and cook, stirring, for at least one and a half hours. Then the jam is poured into clean jars.

If desired, you can prepare jam for the winter, then the container will need to be sterilized and screw caps used. If you strain the product after cooking, you get a cone syrup. Opening such a jar in winter, you can feel the aroma of pine forest warmed by the sun. Pine cones for coughing for children in the form of syrup are added to warm tea one tbsp. spoon per glass, drink three times a day, as often as possible. The tool dilutes sputum, relieves inflammation, facilitates breathing and strengthens the immune system.

For vessels

Traditional healers recommend prophylactic cleaning of vessels with the help of green pine cones, because they contain a lot of tannins. 5-6 soft fruits should be crushed, pour 250 ml of medical alcohol (can be replaced with high-quality vodka), keep in a dark room for 2-3 weeks. For prophylactic purposes, an infusion of pine cones for vessels is applied in a teaspoon in the morning, before breakfast. If the task is to destroy cholesterol plaques, you need to drink the remedy three times a day, also one spoonful.

From pressure

For an alcohol tincture for hypertension, you will need red (female) cones collected at the beginning of summer, these are the so-called pine buds. A liter jar is loosely filled with the collected raw materials, topped up with vodka to the top, insisted for three weeks. The resulting solution should be brown-red. When the pressure rises, it is necessary to dilute warm tea with one teaspoon of this medicine. Pine cones on vodka from pressure can be used in a course until a general improvement in the condition.

For the thyroid gland

Pine male (light green) buds are harvested in May, crushed, poured with medical alcohol in an amount equal to the volume of the collected buds. The medicine should be infused for 30 days, away from sunlight. Treatment takes three weeks: the first three days, one drop 3 times a day after meals, from day 4 until the end of treatment, the dose increases to 5 drops. This remedy is advised to treat goiter, other pathologies of the thyroid gland, however, nodes are a contraindication for its use.

With gastritis

Soft green cones must be finely chopped, then fill a three-liter jar with layers of one and a half centimeters thick, alternating with the same layers of sugar. When the jar is full to the top, put it in a dark, cool place so that the cones release the juice. Stir the contents of the jar periodically. When all the sugar is dissolved, pour the syrup containing resins and enzymes into a separate container and add a tablespoon to a glass of water. Take the medicine three times a day after meals until the gastritis subsides.

For headaches

There can be many reasons for a headache, one of them is fluid stagnation. A decoction of pine cones has a decongestant, diuretic effect. For 6-7 pieces you will need half a liter of water. In the evening, you need to pour the crushed material with water, and in the morning turn on the fire, cook for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain the solution. Half a glass of pine broth twice a day will improve kidney function and relieve headaches.


So that the treatment does not cause harm, before collecting pine cones, their medicinal properties and contraindications should be discussed with a doctor. Forest gifts will not benefit if a person has one of these conditions:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding in women;
  • children's age (up to 12 years old, and alcohol tinctures are not suitable for a child under 18 years old);
  • individual intolerance to pine monoterpene compounds;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and alcoholism.


The beneficial properties of pine have been known since time immemorial. Its needles can purify the air, because it is rich in phytoncides (substances produced by plants to protect themselves from pests). Pine phytoncides are so strong that they kill Koch's bacillus, the causative agent of tuberculosis, as well as E. coli.

A walk along the forest will cheer up, fill you with strength, help get rid of stress, forget about irritability.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of the plant are concentrated in the seeds. Pine accumulates in reserve biologically active substances, keeping them from spring to winter in cones.

Phytoncides, tannins, vitamins, essential oils, selenium and magnesium, iron - these are the "treasures" of these small coniferous pantries.

Traditional medicine experts say that pine cones can be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, diseases of the joints, to cleanse the body.

Since ancient times, green pine cones have been used as a remedy for scurvy.

The components contained in this natural medicine help to increase immunity, help to avoid infection with tuberculosis. These properties of cones are most widely known.

If you are going to use folk remedies for treatment, do not forget about the general rules:

  • consult with your doctor;
  • learn about the benefits and contraindications;
  • do not use folk remedies in acute periods of the disease;
  • use with caution in the treatment of children and people over 60 years of age;
  • start with small doses, gradually increasing the amount and carefully observing the reaction of the body;
  • do not take the same herbal preparations for a long time;
  • take breaks;
  • be aware of the dangerous consequences of self-medication.

Decoctions, tinctures, syrups and jam from pine cones have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, immunomodulatory healing properties. They can be used for various diseases:

  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • joint diseases.

Gathering Secrets

In folk medicine, both old and young cones are used for medicinal purposes - the latter remain green, unopened all summer.

Usually they collect young specimens from 1 to 4 cm long in May-June (the optimal time for the middle lane). They should be easy to cut with a knife, be soft. In "field" conditions, to check such cones, they scratch with a fingernail or try to bite through.

Give preference to dense, resinous and sticky buds. These are females. They are easy to identify by ribbed scales.

Healers advise to collect formed, but not yet aged pine fruits on the day of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that at this time their healing properties are maximum.

Solid green specimens can be used to make tinctures. If you are going to use the tincture for stroke prevention or in the recovery period after a stroke, go to the forest from June to September. The buds will already be ripe, have accumulated tannins (they play a key role in the fight against brain cell death), but will not open and lose their seeds.

Cones age a year after formation: they darken, change color and open. By this time, you will no longer find seeds in their hard cavities.

Pay attention to the tree itself. Sometimes pines are affected by pests. It is better not to use medicinal raw materials from such trees.

You can use the beneficial properties of pine cones in different ways. You will be surprised how many options there are for their use in traditional medicine.

Mature cones in decoctions and tinctures

Tinctures are prepared with alcohol or vodka. Decoctions are recommended for use if alcohol is contraindicated. You can cook them with water or milk. Used for bronchitis and pneumonia, colds, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis.

In the East, decoctions of green pine cones are considered a good way to cleanse the skin. If within 10-14 days you drink a glass of decoction daily, irregularities and rashes on the face will disappear, a blush will appear, small mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out.

To cleanse the skin, you can prepare a decoction with flower honey (only 1 tsp per glass is enough).

Alcohol tincture is taken for the prevention and treatment of strokes, but not in the initial stage of the disease.


Like other herbal medicines, decoctions and infusions from green and mature pine cones have contraindications. The main ones are kidney diseases, as well as:

  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • age (under 7 and over 60).

Individual intolerance will add to the contraindications listed above.

Large doses should be avoided. Otherwise, you may experience a headache or symptoms due to inflammation of the stomach.

Attention! The benefits of medicinal decoctions will not replace the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Use natural remedies with caution. Don't forget to consult a specialist. Self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Traditional medicine recipes

Healing decoction

Rinse 4-5 green cones well, chop, add 1/2 liter of water, wait until the water boils, hold the broth for 5 minutes on low heat.

Drink a quarter cup every morning after meals. Take up to 3 times a day.


  1. To prepare the tincture, you will need 5 mature cones. Wash them and cut them up.
  2. Pour one glass of medical alcohol or good vodka.
  3. Be sure to put the dishes in a dark place for at least 2 weeks. Do not forget to shake the infusion every day. It is advisable to do this several times a day.
  4. After two weeks, the resulting tincture must be filtered.

For the prevention of stroke, take 1 tsp. every morning after meals. In the post-stroke period, it is recommended to take it three times a day. The benefits of using this infusion will be only with prolonged use: at least six months.

I would like to warn against the thoughtless use of tincture. Remember that only a doctor can confirm the medicinal properties of the tincture.

Alcohol tincture with homemade vinegar

  1. For this remedy, fill 5 ripe cones with a glass of medical alcohol or vodka. Vodka must be of good quality.
  2. It is recommended to insist 10 days in a dark place at a temperature of about 20 degrees.
  3. Then strain, pour in 1 tsp. apple cider or grape vinegar, prepared at home.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of tea with honey and a teaspoon of this tincture.

Infusion for joint pain

  1. To improve joint mobility, it is recommended to take an infusion prepared according to the following recipe: fill a three-liter jar with 1/2 chopped young cones, add 400 g of granulated sugar, pour cooled boiled water. Until the fermentation stops, you need to shake the jar several times a day. Take one tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.
  2. An infusion of opened old cones can be prepared overnight. Pour boiling water over no more than two large cones so that the water covers them a little, wrap them up and leave them overnight. Drink the drug 20-30 minutes before breakfast. Drinking infusion with joint disease is necessary for about 2 months.

syrup for cough

Jam and syrup made from green pine cones, although pleasant in taste, are a remedy. Therefore, it is recommended not to feast on them, but to take them for colds, coughs, pneumonia and bronchitis. These natural sweets have excellent expectorant properties.

Making syrup is easy. Young cones collected in the spring, cut, put in a jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar. It is better to store the syrup in the refrigerator.

For children with a cold, give 1 tsp, but it is better to start with small doses. Do not forget about contraindications for children under 7 years of age.


Jam from pine cones is prepared in the same way as from fruit. Just don't try to cook as much as possible. 2-3 liters per family is enough for the winter-autumn period, when there is a risk of contracting the flu or a cold. Using 1 tsp. with a glass of tea, you will strengthen the immune system.

The healing properties of pine cones can work wonders. They slow down destructive processes in brain cells, restore vascular patency, improve motor performance during the rehabilitation period after a stroke.

Using amazing "coniferous pantries" in the form of a sweet honey or jam, the infusion can activate the immune system, lower the level of "bad" cholesterol, and alleviate the course of colds, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

The composition of the "coniferous doctor"

Resinous green cones are coniferous shoots, which fully mature in two years.. The smelly gifts of nature are characterized by a powerful healing power, since they are a receptacle for:

  • lipids;
  • Gland;
  • Linolenic and oleic acids;
  • monoterpene hydrocarbons;
  • mineral salts;
  • Pinicicrin with a characteristic taste of bitterness.

Young specimens are rich in tannin, bioflavonoids and other nutrients. They also contain vitamins B and C, K and P, carotene and essential oils. Note that even in the XVIII century it was known about their balsamic and antiscorbutic properties. Pine cones (green, young!) in folk medicine take a leading place in getting rid of the consequences of a stroke.

Official medicine has confirmed that infusions and balms, decoctions and honey from cones help in the treatment and prevention of:

  • bronchopulmonary anomalies;
  • stroke;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Colds and viral diseases;
  • Arthritis.

Young dried (using a special technology!) cones are especially highly valued. Traditional healers often call them pine buds. Various medicinal formulations are prepared from them, which are valuable:

  • Natural mineral-vitamin complex;
  • Diuretic manifestations;
  • Pain-relieving, antiseptic and expectorant characteristics.

Pine cones, having amazing healing properties and rich aroma, are successfully used for inhalations, healing fonts, foot and hand baths.

When to start collecting cones

Traditional healers to get rid of various ailments, including cell death during a stroke, use both old and young specimens. Young cones throughout the summer period remain green in color, their scales are tightly fastened to each other.

When to collect? It is better to “hunt” for them in May-June. Which ones to choose? The most popular are shoots 1-4 cm long.

And especially valuable, the most suitable for treatment are not aged cones collected on the day of Ivan Kupala. Please note that the shoots of the first year should be soft, easily cut with a knife, and have a pleasant coniferous aroma. If you don’t have a knife with you, but you want to make sure that the cones are suitable, then you can try to bite them, scratch them with your fingernail.

Since coniferous gifts have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, they are often interested in when it is most optimal to collect and harvest pine cones from a stroke. Take a bucket and go to the forest in June-September. At this time, the cones are rich in tannins (it is these substances that prevent the death of brain cells), but still remain closed, full of seeds.

When collecting pine gifts, we advise you to look closely at the trees - if the pine is sick, damaged by pests, then it is better not to collect medicinal fruits from it. Also keep in mind that there are female and male pine shoots. It is the reddish female seedlings that have healing qualities - they are located on the tops of the branches.

Medicines from cones for the prevention of stroke

"Forest healers" are able to protect against a stroke - a "quick illness" characterized by a pathogenic circulatory disorder in the brain, which is manifested by neurological changes. Various alcohol preparations are especially valuable, since alcohol contributes to the "disclosure" of the properties of tannins.

Also, preparations using alcohol strengthen the heart muscle, eliminate arrhythmias in its work, improve memory, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate hum (ringing) in the ears, and improve the functioning of the visual organs. It is not difficult to prepare healing tinctures from pine cones from an insidious stroke on your own.

So, we protect ourselves from a stroke with tinctures:

In hospitals, there is also such a recipe for infusion of pine cones after a stroke: grind 10 greenish hearths (female) with a meat grinder to a puree state, pour alcohol (vodka) and leave the composition to “ripen” in a dark place. After 10 days, filter, add an alcohol tincture of verbena or sweet clover (1: 1), take a teaspoon three times / day.

Medicines from cones for stroke

There are many recipes for the use of "coniferous pantries" that enjoy great popular fame in stroke. It is known that with such a serious illness, the process of cell destruction does not stop during the recovery period. The tannins present in the cones perfectly solve this problem, reduce the number of destroyed cells at times. Medicinal preparations prepared on the basis of cones are used in rehabilitation therapy, contribute to the return of speech, improve impaired coordination of movements, and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. We wrote about tinctures for alcohol above. It is no less easy to prepare an infusion on water, honey and even jam.

Cooking water infusion and honey

  • Infusion of pine shoots on the water. Rinse 5-7 coniferous shoots in running water, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add 1 liter of cool water and put on fire. Wait until it boils and then simmer on a minimum flame for another quarter of an hour. Insist in a warm place, consume 100-150 ml three times / day.
  • "Medoc" from pine cones. Pour a liter of slightly warm water 80 pcs. green cones, boil for 20 minutes, insist 24 hours. Pour 1 kg of sugar into the future treat and cook for another 1.5 hours - until the mixture becomes thick. Add 5-7 drops of lemon juice, pour into prepared (preferably sterilized) jars. Store (permanently!) in a cool dark place.

Making healing jam

Method 1. For a 0.5 liter jar of young cones, you will need 2 cups of water and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Rinse the cones, pour water (preferably spring or bottled) and boil for 15-20 minutes. The apical shoots should become softer, but not lose their shape. Use a slotted spoon to remove the bumps from the boiling syrup. Add sugar to it and continue to cook for another 25 minutes. Pour hot fragrant emerald composition into glass containers, seal tightly.

Method 2. For this recipe, the buds should be more ripe, but not yet opened. Cook sugar syrup from 10 cups of water and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Put 2.1 kg of green raw materials into boiling syrup and cook until the cones begin to open and the composition becomes thick. The foam that forms during cooking does not need to be removed. This jam can be cooked in 3-4 doses: bring to a boil, boil for 4-5 minutes, set aside for 5-6 hours, repeat the process again.

It is important not to forget that although the cooked pine product has a pleasant aftertaste, amazing aroma, it is not a delicacy, but a rather strong medicinal composition. It is important to adhere to the dosage: to improve the condition for any ailments - 2 tbsp. spoons / day, for prevention - 1 tbsp. spoons / day. For children, the dose is halved.

Other recipes from the folk treasury

Do you know that with the help of tinctures from pine apical shoots, you can cure a whole "greenhouse" of diseases?

For the treatment of goiter

Grind the cones, put them in a suitable glass container and completely fill them with alcohol (vodka). Infuse for 90 days, not forgetting to constantly shake, filter. Take, adhering to the scheme:

  • 1-3 days - 1 drop three times / day;
  • 4-21 days - 5 drops three times / day.

To overcome bronchitis

Mix crushed pine cones and needles, taken in a tablespoon. Pour 350 ml of ordinary (spring, bottled) water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Filter, add the same amount of boiled chilled water and drink three times / day after meals.

An infusion that eliminates joint pain can be prepared in just one night.

In an enamel saucepan, pour two large old cones with boiling water (so that the liquid covers a little), cover with a lid.

Wrap up well and leave until the morning. 25-30 minutes before breakfast, drink prepared pine potion. The course of treatment lasts 45-60 days.

For thyroid nodules

Grind 15 pine buds with a knife, pour 50 ml of high-quality vodka, stand for 10 days. Take 5 drops three times/day.

With gastritis

0.1 kg of green specimens pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, insist 12-14 days. Take 1 tablespoon three times/day.

For frequent headaches

Rinse the cones well, cut into slices, dip in sugar. Place the slices in jars in layers (about 1.5 cm), crushing with sugar. Cover with a napkin, put in a sunny place, shake well 1-2 rubles / day. The jam will be ready when there is no sugar left, the cones will float in the syrup.

When are cones banned?

Note that pine cones, famous for their unique healing properties, unfortunately, have contraindications. They should not be used:

  • With kidney dysfunction;
  • With chronic hepatitis;

Pine is a majestic tree of our forests and a famous healer. Resin, needles, buds and cones have useful properties. Moreover, in the last days, pine accumulates active substances for the future, thanks to which they become valuable for the treatment of diseases. There are few contraindications for this type of medication.

Useful properties of pine cones

Green pine cone is the most healing

The cones contain phytoncides with antimicrobial and immuno-strengthening properties. Tannins are healing substances that improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of thrombosis. In addition, the complex of substances Pycnogenol contained in the cones is effective in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol. Also, the fruits are rich in vitamins important for humans: A, B, E, C, K, oleic and lenolic acids, iron, essential oils and lipids. Sometimes treatment with pine fruits is more effective than the use of expensive drugs.

For medicinal purposes, both young and mature pine cones are usually used, it is important that they are not opened. They are effective in such diseases:

  • cold and flu
  • bronchitis, asthma
  • pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis
  • gum and throat diseases
  • polyarthritis
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension
  • stroke prevention
  • low hemoglobin, beriberi
  • Healers use pine fruits in recipes for healing balms that are effective in combating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bones, and respiratory organs. According to some reports, the cones have an antitumor effect, and more recently, Italian scientists have discovered amazing possibilities in the treatment of retinopathy.

    It is interesting

    Moldovan girls use pine pollen to preserve youth and beauty. In the spring, they collect young pine cones, dry them in the sun to open the scales, and pour out the pollen. Take the drug at the tip of a knife 3 times a day before meals.

    When and how to collect

    The collection of cones is carried out away from the city, roads and enterprises. Young cones, up to 4 cm in size, are harvested in the middle lane in May and June. Softness is checked with a knife or bitten or scratched, you need to take those that are easy to cut. It is better to choose females, they have ribbed scales and a stickier surface. Healers also collect more mature fruits for Ivan Kupala, you can make tinctures from them. Choose pines that are not damaged by pests.

    Recipes for health

    There are many recipes using this natural medicine. Alcohol tinctures, decoctions, syrups, jams and honey are prepared from them.

    A decoction of cones

    Medicinal decoction of cones

    Take 5 pieces of green cones, wash thoroughly, grind and pour 0.5 liters of clean water. Bring the mass to a boil, then simmer for 5 minutes over low heat and turn off. Drink three times a day for ¼ cup after meals. The decoction has an anti-inflammatory effect, they treat colds, coughs, tuberculosis. You can store the finished broth in a cold place for no more than 3 days.

    Decoction for inhalation

    To soften the nasopharynx, relieve swelling and thin sputum, inhalations are made with a decoction of pine cones.

    Cut soft cones into 2 parts, pour water in a saucepan and bring to a boil under a lid. Boil on low heat, do not open the lid. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and sit over the pan, covered with a blanket. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

    Alcohol tincture

    Used for the prevention of stroke, post-stroke conditions, therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

    Mature cones will be required, with seeds, but not yet opened, they are collected after the day of Ivan Kupala and until September. Such fruits contain more medicinal tannins.

    For tincture, you need to take 5 cones. They need to be washed, cut and poured with 1 glass of good 70% alcohol or high-quality vodka. Then the vessel with the tincture is placed in a dark, cool place, not forgetting to shake it several times a day. After 14 days, the resulting tincture must be filtered.

    In order to prevent stroke, take a teaspoon per day after meals. In the period after a stroke and with cardiovascular diseases, the intake is increased up to 3 times a day. The effect is observed with long-term treatment, after 6 months of admission. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to obtain the approval of the attending physician before use.

    Infusion for the treatment of joints

  • A three-liter jar is half filled with crushed young cones, 400 g of sugar are added on top and poured with cool boiled water. The jar is put on fermentation and shaken repeatedly all this time. When the fermentation process is over (bubbles stop appearing), the medicine is ready for use. To improve joint mobility, take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.
  • It is very easy to prepare an infusion for sore joints from the opened cones. A couple of large fruits are completely filled with boiling water, well wrapped and left until morning. Drink the infusion half an hour before breakfast. The course of admission is 2 months.
  • Raw materials for medicinal drugs

    Infusion for bronchitis or asthma

    Rinse the green cones, put them in a thermos, add a small piece (no more than 2 cm) of resin to them, pour all this into 0.5 liters of boiling milk. Mix well and let stand. After 4 hours, strain the infusion through cheesecloth, folded in 4 layers.

    Take a tablespoon 2 times a day for 1-2 months. In asthma, it is recommended to repeat the course after a break.

    Foot baths

    Put 20 cones in a large saucepan, pour 3 liters of water over them, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum and cook for 20-25 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature, pour into a basin and soar legs, to keep warm, you can wrap yourself in a blanket.

    syrup for children

    It is difficult to get children to take medicine when they have a cold. Try the unusual sweet pine cone syrup, which strengthens the immune system and has an expectorant effect on coughs.

    Spring green cones are washed, cut and put in a jar, alternating layers with sugar. After some time, the juice will stand out, and then we need it. You need to store the syrup in a cold place and give children 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Can be added to a small amount of tea or warm water. Pieces of sweet cones can also be eaten. If the child is still young, try new prescriptions with caution.

    Pine cone jam

    Cut the washed young cones into rings, sprinkle with sugar (1: 1), leave to extract the juice. Cook over low heat. If there is little juice, you can add water (no more than 0.5 l). Boil for 1.5-2 hours, removing the foam during the cooking process. For prevention during the cold season, take a teaspoon three times a day with a warm drink. Or added to tea.

    Unusual jam from pine cones

    Pine honey

    1. Take 1 kg of green cones that need to be washed and pour cold water for a day. Then the syrup is boiled from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 10 glasses of water. Drain the water from the cones and dip them into boiling syrup, boil, stirring, until the fruits open. Do not remove scale. In too thick a mass, you can add a little boiled water. Honey is dark brown in color. Keep refrigerated.
    2. Pour a half-liter jar of small cones with water and cook until soft (but do not boil completely) for about 20 minutes. Cook separately syrup from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 2 glasses of water. Remove soft cones with a slotted spoon, lower them into boiling syrup and cook for another 25 minutes.
    3. Cut prepared young green cones and cover with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Insist for a day until juice appears, then boil honey for 40 minutes. It should be rolled up in jars.

    Honey is effective for strengthening immunity, for colds, coughs and polyarthritis. Children are given a teaspoon 3 times a day, adults - in the dining room.

    The most delicious pine honey

    Contraindications for treatment with cones

    Pine cone treatment is not for everyone. For internal use should be more careful

  • people prone to allergies;
  • children, especially under 7 years old;
  • elderly people aged 60 and over.
  • Avoid using medicinal products in large quantities, abuse is fraught with headaches, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Stop taking in case of unpleasant symptoms. It is contraindicated to use cones

  • during pregnancy and lactating women;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis;
  • in acute kidney disease.
  • In addition, there may be individual intolerance to drugs. In any case, follow the reaction of your body, take breaks between courses of receptions. Before starting treatment, seek the advice of a specialist to avoid the unpleasant consequences of self-treatment.

    With the external use of tinctures from pine fruits, no contraindications have been identified.

    About the benefits and uses of pine cones on video

    It can be concluded that treatment with pine cones is an effective, inexpensive and safe method. Try, heal and be healthy!

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