Pythagorean square by date of birth - how to calculate the Psychomatrix of your future. Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth - online calculation with decoding Psychomatrix by date of birth Pythagorean square

The term "Psychomatrix" was first introduced by Alexandrov A.F., mathematician and scientist, founder of the school of numerology. Once, a five-page brochure on numerology fell into his hands, which dealt with the teachings of Pythagoras and the secret knowledge of the ancient Egyptian priests. She prompted him to search for the lost knowledge of numerology. Alexandrov has developed a whole system for digital personality analysis, which is successfully practiced by many numerologists.

Walking through the expanses of the Internet, I was convinced that this system is “alive”. It is constantly updated with new developments of its practitioners. The purpose of writing this article was the desire to collect interesting things related to the psychomatrix. How well I did it and how it all works is up to you.

Calculation of the Psychomatrix by date of birth

At the moment, there are a lot of online services for calculating the psychomatrix. If you do not want to do calculations, you can use a simple

But the purpose of writing this article was to teach you how to calculate and interpret the psychomatrix on your own.

Let's start with the calculations. First, write down the date of birth in a line, as in the figure. Next, we need to calculate the working numbers.

1 working number calculated by adding all the digits of the date of birth.
Consider the example of the date 19. 6. 1978
1st row: 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 41;

2 working number is the sum of the numbers of the first working number.
2nd 4 + 1 = 5;

3 working number - we calculate as follows: from the first working number we subtract the first digit of the date of birth, multiplied by two (if we assume a person was born on the 28th, we take the first digit, that is, 2 and multiply by 2. Subtract the product from the first working number.)

Let's return to our example (date 19. 6. 1978) and calculate the third working number:
3rd r.h.: 41 - (1 * 2) \u003d 39;

4 working number is the sum of the digits of the third working number.
4th 3 + 9 = 12;

We write the calculated working numbers in the second row under the date of birth, as shown in the figure.

The meaning of working numbers in the psychomatrix

First working number- shows what qualities a person must develop in himself in order to achieve his goal;

Second working number- this is the purpose of the incarnation, as well as its leading quality;

Third extra number- these are qualities given to a person from birth (they are largely determined by parents).

Fourth extra number- this is the main quality received by a person from birth.

Numbers in date of birth- this is the set of tools that will be used by a person throughout his life to develop leading qualities.

Non-breakable numbers in the working number

When calculating the second and fourth numbers, non-separable numbers (which cannot be reduced to a single digit) may form. There are only three of them: 10, 11 and 12. Let me remind you that in the second working number this is a personal task of a person, in the fourth - an unrealized task of the ancestors. What value can such a number take?

Number 10 - your way of realization is leadership. Sooner or later, you have to lead people or lead something.

Number 11 - you are a good organizer, designed to organize teams.

Number 12 - you should organize a society aimed at spirituality (volunteering, church ...)

Deciphering the psychomatrix

The first line of the psychomatrix

The first (1,4,7) line of the psychomatrix is ​​the volitional qualities, the purposefulness of a person. Shows how a person knows how to set a task and achieve the goal. Just as far as he is able to defend his views - he will follow the intended path or succumb to someone else's influence.

no numbers- such a person is very easy to convince. He does not set himself tasks, hopes for others and goes with the flow;
1 digit
- a person places his hopes on friends and chance. Weak purposefulness in a person. He can enter into an argument, but not for the sake of the result, but to win the discussion.

2 digits- Purposefulness is normal. First, a person evaluates his capabilities and, based on this, plans the future. According to the principle "quieter you go - you will continue."

3 digits The person is prone to impulsiveness. Often, he changes his goals unreasonably and unpredictably.

4 digits- a strong sense of purpose in a person. He first sets goals for himself, and only then thinks how realistic they are. Such people are able to achieve their goals, even if the task at first glance is not commensurate with the possibilities and does not correspond to the interests.

5 digits- high level of purposefulness. Man, no matter what, goes to his goal. He is able to "go over the heads", he can lose a lot, but he will achieve his goal.

6 digits or more- Purposefulness skyrockets. A person sets several goals at once or goals that are incommensurable with the possibilities. This slows it down significantly.

The second line of the psychomatrix

The second (2,5,8) line of the psychomatrix will tell about the qualities of a family man, how much a person expresses a desire to create a family, to be in a circle of close and dear people.

no numbers- In the system of human values, the family is in last place. He is in no hurry to bind himself with the bonds of Hymen, to take responsibility in relation to relatives, to have children. Most likely, he is busy with work, career advancement, or devotes himself and his free time to friends.

1-2 digits- a person is aware of the fact that sooner or later it will be necessary to start a family. But it does not take any targeted steps in this direction. Waiting for everything to resolve itself, by chance.

3 digits- at one moment such a person may be visited by a strong desire to start a family, linking his life with the second half. But after a while, he can be overcome by exactly the opposite desire not to create a family hearth at all costs.

4 digits- a person does not delay the creation of a family, strives for a strong relationship and rarely becomes the culprit of a divorce.

5 digits- a person cannot imagine himself without a family. The quality of a family man is strongly developed. Often he makes extremely high demands on family members, "customizing" their qualities to some of his ideals.

6 digits or more- the quality of a family man rolls over. A person cannot find his ideal for a long time, from which the creation of a family is postponed indefinitely.

The third line of the psychomatrix

The third (3, 6, 9) line of the psychomatrix shows how constant a person is in his habits and attachments. Whether it is easy to agree to change, or is afraid of the slightest change that destroys the usual way.

no numbers1 digit- such a person seeks to change everything and everyone around him. A revolutionary in spirit, he easily changes his environment, place of work and easily agrees to change.

2 digits- a person is still easy-going, but already restrains his revolutionary impulses.

3 digits- such a person is unstable. He is able to surround himself with habits and attachments, but with the same ease and refuse them. All this happens spontaneously, unexpectedly and for no good reason.

4 and 5 digits are very stable people. Often heavy to lift. They try to keep everything going according to the usual way, it is difficult to experience changes.

6 digits or more— Stability rolls over. Such a person creates so many habits for himself that, weighed down by their burden, he begins to cancel them himself. That is, he is fighting with his own stability.

The first column of the psychomatrix

The first (1, 2, 3) column of the psychomatrix will tell you how developed a person's self-esteem is.

no digits - 3 digits- self-esteem is poorly developed, a person does not believe in himself and his own strengths. He underestimates his abilities. With three digits, a person is very unsure of himself, but glimpses still happen when he realizes that after all he is very nothing and he is capable of something in life.

4 digits- A person is confident in himself and his own abilities. We spend a lot of energy to show ourselves, to stand out from the gray mass.

5 digits- very strong self-esteem. Sometimes it leads to the fact that a person evaluates his potential, without improving them, without turning them into real qualities.

6 digits or more- self-esteem skyrockets. The main problem of such people is that they are obsessed with the presentation of the external form, forgetting about the content. They flicker before the crowd, admiring their appearance, but there is not enough ardor to achieve their goals.

The second column of the psychomatrix

We will consider the second (4, 5, 6) column as an indicator of how much a person is aimed at financial independence, home improvement. His need for money.

no numbers- this does not mean that a person is inattentive to money, he simply strives more for information than for prosperity.

1 digit - 2 digits- A person is more interested in status than pay. More motivation from the management, the possibility of career growth and he will give it his all.

3-4 digits - the person is in need of money. Not having a certain amount of money available, he feels uncomfortable.

5 digits- sometimes, the life of such people is aimed at making money. A person with 5 digits is depressed in the absence of a certain amount of money. It gets to the point where he can't build a relationship with anyone.

6 digits or more- the quality is on the rise. This leads to the fact that a person is an adventurer in making money.

The third column of the psychomatrix

The third (7, 8, 9) column of the psychomatrix will tell you how talented a person is. The strength of a person's talent is determined by the number of numbers in the column. But 6 or more digits lead to quality overload, which is not good. Whether a person will reveal his talent depends only on him.

Ascending diagonal psychomatrix

The ascending (3, 5, 7) diagonal of the psychomatrix is ​​an indicator of the carnal interests of a person, the desire to eat tasty food and dress with taste, it is also his temperament and needs for physical intimacy.

no numbers1 digit- the person is cold. Often, this leads to betrayal, since he does not care with whom and how - the main thing is to prove his worth in closeness.

2-3 digits- Normal temperament. A person is able to have intimacy every day. But if there is no such possibility, he will survive it quite calmly.

4 digits- a rather strong temperament, which indicates the need for a person in physical intimacy.

5 digits- a very temperamental person. He perceives the act of intimacy as an art. He cares with whom and how, the boring performance of marital duty is not for him. He needs the real passion of a partner.

6 digits or more- Temperament rises. Bust, increased desire for diversity leads to cooling and complete dissatisfaction.

Descending Diagonal of the Psychomatrix

The descending (1, 5, 9) diagonal of the psychomatrix will tell about a person’s desire for spirituality and a higher beginning, his divine mission. Such an assessment should be given to the quality of 0 digits - complete lack of spirituality, 5 digits - the quality is maximally developed. Six or more digits - spirituality goes off scale, which leads to fanaticism, sectarianism, which is more reminiscent of lack of spirituality. According to another version, if the diagonal contains 7-10 digits, the person has a high mission that goes beyond personal purpose.

Will, spirit or mind - which prevails?

!!! This technique does not apply to the Alexandrov system, it is a refinement of other authors.

Now let's return to the lines of the psychomatrix and consider them in a slightly different way. Which line contains more numbers?

1 line- this is the predominance of volitional qualities in a person;

2 line- the spirit prevails;

3 line- a very sharp mind.

In our example, the largest number of digits in 1 line is 6 (four units, four and seven). This indicates that the person is very strong-willed. But intellectual abilities are almost as good as will (there are 5 digits in line 3).

Where does a person get energy from?

!!! This technique does not apply to the Alexandrov system, it is a refinement of other authors.

Where does a person draw energy to fulfill his mission and daily tasks? The more numbers in any cell of the psychomatrix, the stronger the energy. Consider the value of each cell:

1 cell- this is a person's own psychic energy;

2 cell is a source of obtaining information from the external environment;

3 cell is a source of energy from the Universe;

4 cell- the source of energy can be love, friendship, inspiration. Energy is able to transform into the energy of creation and creation;

5 cell- this type of energy can be obtained as a result of changes and changes, thanks to a sense of inner freedom;

6 cell- a source of energy obtained from nature;

7 cell- a source of talents, spirituality and truth;

8 cell— a source of debt, obligations and responsibilities;

9 cell— source of energy received from the creator.

Transitions of numbers in the psychomatrix

Every person has freedom of choice. Everyone is free to choose how to live, to choose the position of "victim" or "master of life." It is the right of choice that makes the numbers of the psychomatrix mobile. That is, even people born on the same day can have different psychomatrices. Let's take a closer look at the transitions of numbers:

The transition of numbers 22-4 in the psychomatrix

Health and energy are interconnected, thus the transition of numbers is carried out:
22 → 4
4 → 22

"In a healthy body healthy mind". Strengthening your health, you will receive additional vitality. Avoiding conflicts, despotism, negative outburst of emotions will save your energy and improve your health.

The transition of numbers 8-11 in the psychomatrix

Transition 8 (tolerance) → 11 (power) -22 or -4
This transition is carried out in the case when a person suppresses the will of another. This transition is quite energy-intensive. As a result of the transition, a person loses 22 (energy) or 4 (health).

Reverse transition 11 (power) → 8 (tolerance) +22 or +4
occurs when instead of power, a person shows tolerance, kindness, gentleness and understanding. As a result of such a transition, a person receives additional energy or improves health.

The transition of numbers 6 - 7 in the psychomatrix

Six (groundedness, interest in power) as opposed to 7 (desire to reveal abilities and talents). How does the transition take place?
6 → 7, resulting in 11 → 8 +22 or +4
7 → 6, resulting in 8 → 11 -22 or -4

This is such a difficult transition. Striving to reveal his abilities, a person acquires additional resources in the form of health or energy. Grounding, striving for manipulation and destruction (6 is not considered in this case as physical labor) - a person loses health or energy, but if they are not there, he is threatened with death.

Numbers 5 and 9 in the psychomatrix

In this case, there is no transition of numbers, but there is mutual reinforcement:
55 9
99 and more create additional 5
A person, having strong 9 and weak 5, does not make any logical calculations when solving a logical problem. He relies on a strong memory, comparing the task with the accumulated experience, remembers the decision, which he subsequently accepts as logically sound.
A person with a strong 5 and a weak 9 has a "logical memory". Building a logical chain, he "remembers" the events of the past.

Creating an extra digit with a strong line

The subtitle speaks for itself. If a person improves his abilities, it is possible to create an additional figure due to the strong line of the psychomatrix. However, the opposite is also true - a strong line can weaken the number and other lines. To restore a weakened digit, first you need to weaken the strong line that captured the digit.
In order to “turn on” a strong line, to create an additional figure, it is necessary to develop the qualities for which this line is responsible. The line is able to create only one of the three numbers that make it up. There is one but: if you follow the path of destruction, power and degradation, there can be no question of any additional figure.

For example, what number can the first column of the above psychomatrix create? This is the number 1 or 2 or 3. Only one number created by one strong line!!!

Is it possible to transfer digits without loss?

Many transitions of numbers into psychomatrices are associated with loss of energy (22) or health (4). Can these losses be avoided? This is possible if there is a zero in the matrix. For example, a person with 10 does not need to lose energy to become a leader. It is only necessary to always remember that by sliding into despotism, a person is “reset to zero” (that is, he will not be able to realize the potential inherent in him).

Psychomatrix after 2000

What about the psychomatrices of children born in 2000 and later? Upon examination, it turns out that there are very few numbers in them. Alexandrov proposed the following rule, which is valid for the time period from 2000 to 2199: “To create an additional digit in a line, it is enough that there is at least one digit in this line. One line can only create one number."

Let's look at the example of a child born on March 21, 2015.

1 line can create a number: either 1 or 4 or 7.

Line 2 can create a number: either 2 or 5 or 8.

Line 3 can create a number: either 3 or 6 or 9.

1 column can create a number: either 1 or 2 or 3.

2 column can create a number: either 4 or 5 or 6.

3 column will not generate a number because it does not meet the given requirements - it does not contain numbers. This means that we can get the number 7 only by means of the 1st line and the ascending diagonal. The number 8 can only be given to us by the second line. The number 9 can be obtained by means of the 3rd line or a descending diagonal.

1,5,9(diagonal) can create a number: either 1 or 5 or 9.

3,5,7 (diagonal) can create a number: either 3 or 5 or 7.

To create the necessary figure, parents must educate in the child those qualities for which the line that creates the figure is responsible.

The dynamics of human development

!!! This technique does not apply to the Alexandrov system, it is a refinement of other authors

In what direction will human development go? In order to find out, it is necessary to calculate 2 more additional working numbers - 5 and 6. We mark them with ticks in our psychomatrix. 5 working number is the sum of the numbers of the first working number and the third working number.
5th row: 41 + 39 = 80;
6 working number is the sum of the numbers of the second and fourth working numbers.
6th row: 5 + 12 = 17;

Health according to the psychomatrix

!!! This technique does not apply to the Alexandrov system, it is a refinement of other authors. O

To begin with, consider the relationship of numbers with body parts (including 5 and 6 working numbers, indicating currently acquired diseases).

0 - if found in the numerological series - any or all parts of the body;
1 - head, brain, mouth, teeth, nose, eyes. high blood pressure, headaches;
2 - organs of the body associated with speech (throat, tongue ...);
3 - nervous system, solar plexus, diaphragm;
4 - gallbladder, lungs, spleen, liver;
5 - pancreas, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
6 - immune system. chronic disorders;
7 - kidneys and urinary system;
8 - organs of reproduction;
9 - muscles, tendons, bones. There may be injuries, bruises, hard-to-diagnose disorders, sprains, electric shocks.

How to interpret? Let's count the number of digits in each cell of the psychomatrix:
no numbers- the person is not predisposed to this disease. But if suddenly the disease manifests itself and repeats, an operation is possible;

1 digit- the disease is possible, but the person will recover quickly;

2 digits- serious changes, long-term treatment;

3 digits- a long illness with serious consequences;

4 digits or more- a serious long-term illness, flowing into a chronic one.

The value of the combination of psychomatrix cells

!!! This technique does not apply to the Alexandrov system, it is a refinement of other authors.

Additional information about the positive and negative qualities of character can be obtained from a combination of cells. Which cells of the psychomatrix are the most filled?

1-2 Mentally balanced person, with stable health, able to follow the rules.
1-3 Reliable companion. An active person, showing fortitude, courage in extreme situations.
1-4 Well developed mental abilities, intellect
1-5 Exaggerated conceit, irrepressible optimism, generosity beyond measure.
1-6 The person is kind, sensual, optimistic. Also eccentricity and capriciousness.
1-7 Responsibility, self-discipline, tolerance.
1-8 A person has an independent character, he is original and intuitive.
1-9 The path of evolution. Development of oneself and the world around.
2-3 The person is reckless and impulsive. A sense of profit.
2-4 Man of mood, difficulties of adaptation in large groups.
2-5 Compassion, honesty, decency, ability to love and empathize. Predisposition to white magic.
2-6 Extravagance, gullibility, promiscuity in contacts.
2-7 Sanity, responsibility, tact, self-respect or fruitful solitude.
2-8 The person is dynamic, open to emotional contacts.
2-9 A person subtly perceives the world, endowed with rich imagination and strong intuition. He is impressionable. Brilliant. Sometimes he speaks of passivity.
3-4 Enterprising person, always ready to learn, with a quick reaction. Sometimes causticity and fussiness.
3-5 Sociable and courageous. Sometimes he talks about the inability to relax, dishonesty in actions and unreliability.
3-6 Personal passions, dreams of love, faith in the best. This is the path and life experience that a person must go through.
3-7 Individual development path.
3-8 The person is very frank and bold. It is also an unexpected short-term success.
3-9 A person is able to control his feelings without suppressing them. It has a personal appeal, a powerful harmonizing energy.
4-5 The person has abstract thinking. Optimistic. Perfectly controls his emotions. Provides assistance to those who need it.
4-6 This is the target line. The man is diplomatic.
4-7 The person has an excellent sense of form and structure, endowed with logical thinking. Interacting with others, he develops his own internal system.
4-8 The person is perceptive, with a mobile mind. It can also talk about nervousness, unwillingness to take the advice of others, stubbornness and haste in making decisions.
4-9 This is the ability of a strategist, a wonderful visual memory. The gift of the prophet. Just depression, anxiety, unwillingness to live.
5-6 Can talk about popularity, sociability, generosity, fastidiousness, harmonious relations with the opposite sex. Also luck in the financial sector.
5-7 A person makes mistakes in planning, incorrectly evaluates them.
5-8 The person is hospitable, he has a very wide circle of friends. Abilities in the field of astrology and occultism. Natural Mage.
5-9 The person is affable, charming, noble and capable of empathy. There may be abilities for religion, mysticism and magic. Love for travel. Just chaos and excess of feelings.
6-7 Very reliable, moral and practical person, with a love of order. Can talk about late marriage. Also lack of spirituality, deceit, restraint.
6-8 A person with a changeable mood. Can talk about marriage for love, love at first sight.
6-9 The person is soft, amiable, courteous, emotional, prone to empathy. So is religiosity and mysticism.
7-8 A person is inclined to systematize knowledge and ideas, endowed with abilities for science, highly disciplined. It can also speak of reliable, sincere friends.
7-9 A person has a high ability to concentrate, he is obligatory and demanding. Interest in the occult sciences is possible. Foresight in the affairs of life.
8-9 Man idealizes reality. He has spiritual abilities that he realizes in life. It is also occult knowledge, mysticism of consciousness. Possibly sectarianism.

The predominance of numbers in the first (1, 2, 3) column- strong past experience;

The predominance of numbers in the second (4, 5, 6) column- a person lives in the present;

The predominance of numbers in the third (7, 8, 9) column- a person lives in the future;

The meaning of the numbers in the psychomatrix

The value of zero in the psychomatrix

Zero is a special number. And if it appears in the psychomatrix, special attention should be paid to it.

What is zero? Zero is emptiness, nothing. But it is also the absence of lies, misunderstanding and deceit. That is, zero can take on the value of true.

If zero is present in a person's date of birth, this means that he will need to use ready-made laws of nature or truth in performing his tasks. It is necessary to pay special attention to the zero, which is at the end of the date of birth (year 1990, 1980 ...). In this position, zero can mean the loss of the foundation, what is laid down from birth (3 and 4 working numbers). Zero at the beginning of the date (birth number 10, 20, 30) can lead a person to lose what he has accumulated during the day.

Zero in the first and second working number indicates that a person must discover something new, new patterns. Zero in the third and fourth working numbers means that a person must restore and use the ready-made achievements of their ancestors.

For example, consider the value of zero. Suppose he is in the third working number, which determines the qualities given from birth:

10 - true leadership. But only by developing and self-improving can a person achieve superiority. A dozen in this position may indicate that a person in the family had a man of power, a manager and a true leader;

20 - such a person has been given knowledge of energy from birth. Perhaps he will have to continue the work of one of the masters who develops the doctrine of energy. It can be qigong, reiki, yoga, etc. He can also develop the abilities of a healer;

30 - a person must restore, master and put into practice some ancient, true knowledge;

40 - can mean dancing, sports, health systems, improving your body;

50 - engaging in exact sciences, intuition, logic, planning, engaging in politics and diplomacy;

60 - craft, needlework;

70 - science, knowledge of the world, nature and the universe;

80 - true kindness and tolerance;

90 - accumulation of experience, memory, clairvoyance.

Units in the psychomatrix

The unit in the psychomatrix takes on a variety of meanings - this is character, strong-willed qualities, the ability to defend one's views, uniqueness, leadership, authority, pride, loneliness, as well as the divine principle.

"1" - "11" in the psychomatrix

It is difficult for such a person to make decisions on his own. He is not ambitious, he does not have a special desire to build a career or achieve some heights. Listens to the opinions of others. Likely to be looking for a mentor or leader.

"111" in the psychomatrix

Such a person is able to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. They make good leaders who are able to listen to the opinion of the team. The presence of 77 makes them overly focused.

"1111" in the psychomatrix

This is a "beginning despot". A person has leadership qualities, but ineptly distributes authority. It seems to him that no one is better than him who is able to cope with the work, accumulates all the work in his hands.

"11111" in the psychomatrix

Such a person does not tolerate the opinions of others. This is a despot. He listens only to himself and seeks confirmation of his words in a dialogue with others. Due to the overload in the psychomatrix, he just needs confirmation of the correctness of his actions from others. Therefore, such people give themselves "favorites" who constantly assent.

"111111" and more in psychomatrix

Often, such people are concerned about the opinions of others, constantly worrying about what their neighbors will say about them. They try to assert themselves, to show their personal qualities - sometimes even to the detriment of themselves. Easily suggestible, endlessly looking for confirmation of the correctness of their actions.

Twos in the psychomatrix

The two in the psychomatrix is ​​the energy of communication and self-development, the duality of behavior and the duality in decision-making. Human activity and progress towards the goal.

"no 2" - "2" in the psychomatrix

Such people have low energy levels. They are fussy, have excessive physical activity, often lazy in their studies. Basically, they get energy from others using flattery.

"22" in the psychomatrix

A person has stable, good energy. 22 is the norm that every person needs. He is not prone to fuss, if necessary, is able to engage in monotonous work. Such people are not lazy, and if a person with 22 is lazy, it is necessary to look for reasons elsewhere (the lines that included the deuce). If necessary, to defend their interests are able to go into conflict.

"222" in the psychomatrix

222 is a special sign in the psychomatrix. The so-called sign of a psychic. But do not flatter yourself) Only the presence of unexpected, emergency situations can turn such a person into a psychic. In other cases, 222 = 2. That is, a person with three deuces is mobile, fussy and lazy. Plus, such qualities as: the ability to help others, unwillingness to share their problems, isolation, an explosion of emotions under pressure from the outside will be added to everything.

"2222" - "22222" in the psychomatrix

donor energy. Such a person has powerful energy and is able to share it with others. It is better for him to engage in activities that require large energy costs: physical labor, medicine, sports, teaching. It suits him to work with people and it is preferable to have a wide circle of contacts. For "detente" such a person can go to conflicts.

"222222" and more in psychomatrix

Such a person tends to fall into a depressed state. At such moments, he is practically unable to control his emotions. With tears, tantrums, in every possible way attracting attention to himself, he unconsciously “pumps out” energy from others.

Threes in the psychomatrix

Three in the psychomatrix is ​​a person's interest. His thirst for knowledge, whatever it was, love for technology and science. Originality, creativity. It is also a generic potential. If a person has the first working number 33, this may indicate the presence of a generic program, he is also given a generic potential to eliminate the program.

"no 3" in psychomatrix

The absence of triples can indicate difficulties in creative implementation. The exceptions are people born on the 12th and 21st (which adds up to 3). These are very creative, creative individuals. A person without triples is not predisposed to the exact sciences. But this does not mean that he will not be able to realize himself in the field of exact sciences at all. He knows how to systematize other people's knowledge, copy, and also act as a follower. But still, in the absence of triples, it is better to look for yourself in the humanities.

"3" - "33" in the psychomatrix

Such a person is predisposed to the exact sciences, he may even become a scientist. How capable he is of working with technology can only be judged by analyzing additionally 5 (logic), 6 (ability for physical labor), 2 (energy).

"333" and more in psychomatrix

This is a very capable person. He is creative, there is a predisposition to engage in the exact sciences. The presence of 333 or more may also indicate that a person has a birth problem. In this case, you need to pay attention to the number of birth. If its sum is 9 (9, 18, 27) - the problem is in male energy: weak men and masculine women (especially if there are 33 in the working number).

Fours in the psychomatrix

The four in the psychomatrix is ​​human health and the physical body, physical strength; in the same way, all the sciences that study man and humanity as a whole have grown. When analyzing events, it can mean people, a crowd, a physical body.

"no 4" in psychomatrix

A person is not born with good health. However, his health is in his own hands - it should be protected and strengthened in every possible way. The absence of fours does not allow such a person to professionally play sports. But if he has 22.2222 or more, he can try his hand at mind sports.

Such a person is not inclined to notice the little things and details. Thinks globally. He loves the cleanliness created by others, but he himself does not really keep order.

"4" in the psychomatrix

Such a person has good physical health and stamina. He can play sports (but you should be careful at 111 and 1111, ambition can kill a person). Such people are good strategists. They are attentive to small things. In everyday life, they are not able to keep order every day.

"44" in the psychomatrix

Such people are born with excellent health. They make good team players. These are tactics, pedants, requiring others to follow the system. They know how to organize. In everyday life, they are neat, able to put things in order and adhere to it daily.

"444" - "44444" in the psychomatrix

People in excellent health. Overly pedantic. They just need to go in for power sports, otherwise all their energy will go to terrorizing loved ones. Such people are meticulous to the smallest detail, striving for perfection. They are able to notice what others do not see. Always careful. Learned to take care of themselves.

"444444" and more in psychomatrix

An excess of fours can give 2 extremes: a person is maniacally meticulous and a mess can lead to a mental breakdown, or a person is sloppy to the point of impossibility.

Fives in the psychomatrix

The five in the psychomatrix can take on the following meanings: planning, logic, intuition, a natural result, survival, earth, the center of the situation and the universe. It's also about human sexuality.

"no 5" - "5" in the psychomatrix

Such a person has no standard logic. When solving problems, he uses memory and intuition. They are not inherently sexual.

"55" or more in the psychomatrix

Fives increase logic and sexuality in a person. The more fives, the more developed these qualities.

Sixes in the psychomatrix

The six in the psychomatrix has the following meanings: physical labor, money, skill, the ability to provide for oneself, the ability to work with one's hands. manipulation, nlp. In the negative, this is a desire to subjugate oneself for selfish purposes, failure, death, destruction.

The presence of 6 in the date of birth indicates external obstacles on the way to the goal. Depending on whether the six is ​​at the beginning or end of the date, you can foresee where a person will encounter obstacles. Let me remind you that the first digits of the date are responsible for the results of the day. The end of the date is the moment when you have already shown your activity and created the basis.

The six in the first and second working numbers can have the following meanings: the development of new mastery skills; a person has to work out negative qualities - hereditary "defects"; will have to overcome the negative influence of money and power.

Six in the third working number - may mean that there were “craftsmen of all trades” in the family or parents are overly concerned about money and other material benefits. In the third and fourth working numbers, the six indicates that a person will achieve mastery using the experience of his ancestors.

"no 6" in psychomatrix

Such people are very suggestible. They are strongly encouraged to gain faith in themselves, otherwise they will be pushed around and manipulated. The absence of sixes makes people not predisposed to physical labor. Physical work takes energy (22) or health (4). They should minimize the work with their hands, no needlework, look for realization in creativity and science.

"6" in the psychomatrix

One six says that a person can occasionally work with his hands. However, it is not recommended to choose a profession where it will be necessary to work physically every day. In this case, a person’s entire energy will go to work and health may be shaken.

"66" in the psychomatrix

This is the case when they say that "the work of a person ennobles." A person with a high level of skill. He just needs to do some kind of mechanical work. He is even able to recover from work. Products made by his hands will fill others with energy.

"666" and more in psychomatrix

Such people are skilled manipulators. Especially effectively they manipulate the feeling of fear. They are encouraged to engage in self-development so that the sixes turn into sevens.

Sevens in the psychomatrix

The seven in the psychomatrix is ​​the world, the universe, understanding the laws of nature, luck and luck, the ability to change the world around you. It has nothing to do with financial luck (7 is the most non-monetary number). When trying to get rich at the expense of sevens, a person will fail: money debt, prison, illness, death.

"no 7" in psychomatrix

A person with no sevens cannot count on luck. He is one of those who are able to achieve "not thanks to, but in spite of." From the category of not lucky, but successful.

"7" - "77" in the psychomatrix

One seven gives a person some luck, and two makes really lucky.

"777" and more in psychomatrix

Such a person is like a lucky talisman. He may not be a darling of fate, but he definitely brings good luck to those around him.

Eights in the psychomatrix

Eight in the psychomatrix is ​​tolerance, resistance to life's adversities; justice, knowledge of the truth, justice; sense of duty towards parents and relatives; it is also life, blackmail and the desire for suffering.

"no 8" in psychomatrix

A person with the absence of eights is easy to piss off, he falls into anger more easily than others. He does not tolerate pressure from others. Such people from birth are not endowed with a sense of duty towards relatives and friends; kindness and tolerance are not inherent.

"8" in the psychomatrix

A person begins to have some sense of duty to his relatives. Nevertheless, he treats them rather coolly and is able not to see for years.

"88" - "888" in the psychomatrix

A person is very attached to his family, especially to his mother. For him, the opinion of his parents is important. A person with 888 is able to build his life to please his mother. He definitely needs to start a family, otherwise, after the death of his parents, his life will lose its meaning.

"8888" in psychomatrix

A child from 8888 seeks to control his parents, strive for dominance in the family. He cannot live without the energy of the family, but even so, it is necessary to direct his ambitions to society.

"88888" in psychomatrix

88888 are similar to 11111, despotism is turned on. Such a person can be completely absorbed in controlling his parents, to the detriment of his personal life. Can reach tyranny and manipulation.

Nines in the psychomatrix

The nine in the psychomatrix is ​​the development of the world and nature; memory; the ability to look into the future, the gift of foresight; inevitability, rock.

"no 9" in psychomatrix

One way or another, the nine is present in everyone, even those born after 2000.

"9" in the psychomatrix

A person with one nine special memory is no different. He should try his best to strengthen his memory. Avoid a sudden change of interests (strengthen neural networks), do not litter the memory with resentment towards others and other unnecessary things.

"99" in psychomatrix

A person with two nines has a good memory. If a person is forgetful, the reason may be in the capture of the nine by lines or in insults that haunt a person.

"999" in psychomatrix

Memory at the level of intuition. Man has clairvoyance.

"9999" and more in psychomatrix

A person with a high level of intuition and an excellent memory.

Literature used:

A. Alexandrov “The Big Book of Numerology. From numerology to digital analysis. Full version of Alexandrov's system"

Natalya Maslova "Slavic Karmic Numerology"

T. Shchepkina “Practical numerology. Numbers and name in your destiny"

From ancient times to the present day, people are interested in the question: can a number be a secret code for a person’s fate. Astrologers say that there is no place for accidents in life. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the date of the birth of a person has an impact on his entire subsequent life.

The Pythagorean formula and its meaning in astrology

The scientist Pythagoras, who lived before our era in distant Greece, argued that all the events that take place in a person's life can be represented as a certain series of numbers. Pythagoras was looking for evidence of his innocence in the habitats of the Egyptian sages. His numerous studies proved that numbers are used as a specific coded system that is used to convey spiritual truths.

Pythagoras was sure that some secret was hidden behind each number. He believed that only through the ability to correctly work with numbers can people decipher the wisdom of everything that exists on the planet. They must do this in order to convey the meaning of life to their descendants.

Numbers determine the frequency of processes occurring in people's lives, and sometimes determine the character traits of a person. Knowing how to calculate the square of Pythagoras, you can spend no more than half an hour to learn a lot about a person, from his hobbies in life to the state of health.

In astrology, too, many concepts are based on numerical values. Often, experienced astrologers calculate fateful changes based on the date of birth of a particular person. Among the numbers that influence people, there are harmonious and disharmonious numerical values, as well as numbers that cause tension in the solution of some vital issue, or, conversely, have a beneficial effect on it.

What a Pythagorean square will tell a person

To make it easier to work with numbers, Pythagoras decided to simplify their language. He reduced multi-digit numbers to single-digit finite addition method. So, for example, the year of birth of a person in 1981 is a multi-digit number, but if you add all the numbers together, you will first get a two-digit number, and then, as a result of adding its components, you can get a single-digit number.

First you need to add: 1+9+8+1=19

Then add up: 1+9=10

10 is a two-digit number that can also be simplified by adding single-digit numbers together: 1+0=1

Astrologers claim that the essence of the Pythagorean theory is to simplify complex numbers and reduce them to single digits. The ancient Greek scientist said: "To fully understand the world in which we live, you need to study the numbers that govern it." And he turned out to be right. Scientists have long proved the fact that everything that happens in the world can be investigated and brought to mathematical formulas. Arithmetic underlies astrology, physical and chemical processes, as well as mechanics.

Any event that occurs daily on the planet lends itself to simple calculations. Interrelated incidents in the life of each person are also amenable to mathematical analysis. A correctly drawn up square of Pythagoras will reveal the hidden possibilities of a person. With it, you will learn:

  • about the strength of a person's character;
  • about energy opportunities;
  • about the strong or weakened health of the body;
  • about the logical abilities of the individual;
  • about success in business;
  • about strong or weak personal qualities;
  • about good or bad memory that is given to a person at birth;
  • about his aptitudes for various activities.

Numerology will help you find out if spouses or business partners are compatible with each other, which will help you find the right points of contact that will become a guarantor of mutual understanding for many years.

Business people can calculate the best time to open a new profitable company. People who are fond of tourism, having spent a little time, can choose the best time for their trips. Relatives of people in need of major surgery, by paying attention to their date of birth, can calculate the best date for surgery.

The purpose of the square of Pythagoras

A compiled table with numbers based on the date of birth of a person is called the psychomatrix or Pythagorean square by astrologers. This table does not give a person the opportunity to somehow change what was laid down when he was born. But it will help to reveal everything hidden for oneself, and with its help a person will be able to fully express himself as a person.

The formation of a certain character warehouse is influenced by the signs of the zodiac, the planets and stars under which a person was born. The planets are constantly changing their position in the starry sky in relation to each other. With even a slight shift, a new angle is formed at which the planet is located relative to a certain star. Regular change of positions has a strong influence on the life of a person born under this star.

No person can choose for himself the date of his birth in advance. Otherwise, each of us was born only on the most favorable dates and at the best time in terms of the position of the planets in the sky. But with careful planning of pregnancy, you can compile a numerological table, which will include successful dates for the birth of a baby in a certain period of time.

Application of the Pythagorean square

A correctly drawn Pythagorean square is a table with 3 vertical columns and 3 horizontal rows, into which numbers will fit that determine the specific characteristics of a given person.





Each cell of this table must be filled with certain numbers. Two numbers will be entered into the cell, one of which will be working, and the second will show how many digits it consists of. For example, the working number is 11, and the auxiliary: 2, because the number 11 consists of two digits.

To compile a numerological matrix for a specific person, you need to know the exact date of his birth and a prepared preparation for the future table. For example, a person was born on September 2, 1981. The numerical format of this date will be the following number series: 02091981. You just need to rewrite this series in the table blank.

The second part of the table will be compiled from exact calculations. Numerology does not tolerate errors, therefore, when filling out the table, it is important to be patient and attentive.

How to calculate working numbers

  1. First you need to find the sum of the day and month of birth. For this: 2+9=11. Then it is important to simplify the resulting value by adding the numbers that make it up: 1+1=2. This number must be written down somewhere or remembered in the mind.
  2. Add up the numbers that make up the year of birth. For this: 1+9+8+1=19. This number does not need to be simplified. It must be left as is.
  3. Add the results obtained from the first and second points. Namely: 2+19=21, 21 will be the first working number.
  4. Now we need to simplify the working value obtained in the previous paragraph. For this: 2+1=3, where 3 is the second working number.
  5. The first digit of the date of birth must be doubled. In our case, it turns out: 0 * 2 = 0 (date of birth September 02, the first digit is 0). To calculate the third working number, you need to subtract the resulting value from the first working number. It turns out: 21-0=21, 21 is the third working number.
  6. Add together the numbers of the third working number. 2+1=3, resulting in the fourth working number.

Nothing more needs to be calculated. Let's start filling in the table. The resulting working numbers must be carefully entered in the second row of our matrix.

To compile a matrix, you need to look at the workpiece and write in a certain column how many times the numbers are repeated in each line. If there is no digit in the blank, then a dash or 0 is put.

The result is:

How to correctly decrypt the received data

An important value for decoding the resulting table will be the number of repetitions of each digit. If in some cells there is 0, then this sign in a person is very weakly expressed.

The first cell speaks of the strength of the character of the individual. Let's look at repetitions:

  1. 1 - egoism is at a very high level. The personality is tuned only to achieve its own goals and solve its problems. A very purposeful person, he always achieves what he wants, but it is almost impossible to get along with him.
  2. 11 - the egoism of the individual is weaker than in the first case, but nevertheless this feature is quite striking. With great reluctance, a person decides to help others, all human actions are mainly aimed at himself.
  3. 111 - a person is open to communication with new people, always happy to help a friend or relative in need of support.
  4. 1111 - a person who knows how to influence his environment, there are certain abilities to manipulate others.
  5. 11111 - a person is distinguished by a special rigidity of character, he is sometimes called rude and sometimes despotic. Loves to rule, always strives for control.
  6. 111111 - a very complex and despotic character who does not accept relationships without the complete submission of a partner.

The second cell indicates the energy level of the individual.

  1. 2 - a person is an energy vampire living off the energy of other people. It is extremely difficult to be in contact with such people for more than 10 minutes.
  2. 22 - such a person readily shares his positive energy with others, it is easy and pleasant to deal with a person.
  3. 222 - a person has a powerful energy reserve, there is a tendency to engage in extrasensory perception, there are magical abilities.
  4. 2222 - a person is naturally gifted with super-powerful energy, easily subjugates other people, knows about his abilities and is pleased with them.

The third cell characterizes the individual's interest in knowing himself and the world around him.

  1. 3 - the person is punctual and always very accurate in everything. From birth, it does not tolerate any disorder at all.
  2. 33 - the person is well versed in the exact sciences, she has excellent learning abilities. A person has every chance to become a great scientist.
  3. 333 - by nature, a person is gifted with a willingness to learn and easily learn everything new. Such people always look to the very core of the problem. The fate of a person may not always be happy from the point of view of numerology.
  4. 3333 - a person has no desire for constant self-development. Children do not like to go to school, they usually study very poorly.
  5. 33333 - too expression of unwillingness to develop. Such a person is not interested in anything, from childhood he reacts quite aggressively to any questions that relate to the teachings.

The fourth cell characterizes the embedded data that relate to human health.

  1. 4 - a person has good health, the main diseases begin to manifest themselves in the 7th decade.
  2. 44 - a person has good health. He has an athletic body structure, even if he has never played sports. These people have excellent metabolism.

In the absence of fours in a cell, a person is prone to acquiring serious diseases.

The fifth cell is responsible for logical thinking.

  1. 5 - a person's thinking is clear, logically correctly directed.
  2. 55 - a person has a well-developed intuitive sense, with which he can surprise others.
  3. 555 - a person with such a set of numbers in the square of Pythagoras has a strong clairvoyant gift.
  4. 5555 - this indicator is found only in people who are very gifted with magical abilities.

The sixth cell is responsible for the love of work.

  1. 6 - a person with one 6 squared simply needs to constantly engage in physical labor. Most often, such people live like personal plots, they make excellent builders.
  2. 66 - a person has a great desire to work physically, but due to certain life circumstances, he cannot or does not have time to do this.
  3. 666 is not a good combination in terms of numerology. People do not like to create something with their hands, they only want to destroy what others have created.
  4. 6666 - a person is not at all inclined to work physically, prefers intellectual work.

The seventh cell of the square is responsible for the talents given by nature.

  1. 7 - a person does not have clearly expressed talents, but he has the opportunity to develop them in himself, and therefore, he must constantly be in search.
  2. 77 - a person is talented enough in one direction.
  3. 777 is a very gifted person, he can combine talents in a variety of unrelated directions.
  4. 7777 is a very disturbing and bad sign. The life of such people is short, most often they die in childhood. At the same time, these people are very talented.

The eighth cell testifies to the expressed spiritual qualities and is responsible for kindness.

  1. 8 - people are very trusting, easily deceived.
  2. 88 - you can rely on such people in any situation, they are practically trouble-free.
  3. 888 - a man, forgetting about himself, serves his people.
  4. 8888 - strong and capable individuals. They can make incredible discoveries in their lives.

The ninth cell speaks of the predispositions given by nature for the development of memory.

  1. 9 - average ability to memorize new information.
  2. 99 - good learning abilities in different directions.
  3. 999 - learning is so easy for a child that sometimes he gets bored.
  4. 9999 - the number of brilliant personalities who have outstanding abilities.

Numbers help to recognize not only the past of a person, but also his future. Thus, in order to manage your present, it is important to master the language of numbers in time.

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The multiplication table is a basic concept in mathematics, which we get acquainted with in elementary school and which we then use all our lives, regardless of profession. But the children are in no hurry to memorize the endless columns by heart, especially if the task was on vacation.

website will give tips on how to easily learn the table with children and make this process fun.

Pythagorean table

Despite the fact that the task is to learn, that is, memorize, the table by heart, it is first of all important to understand the essence of the action itself. To do this, you can replace multiplication with addition: the same numbers are added as many times as we multiply. For example, 6×8 is 8 times 6.

Highlight the same values

A great helper for learning multiplication is the Pythagorean table, which also demonstrates some patterns. For example, what about t changing the places of the factors, the product does not change: 4 × 6 \u003d 6 × 4. Mark such “mirror” answers with a certain color - this will help you remember and not get confused when repeating.

It is better to start studying the Pythagorean table with the simplest and most understandable parts: multiplication by 1, 2, 5 and 10. When multiplied by one, the number remains unchanged, while multiplying by 2 gives us twice the value. All answers multiplied by 5 end either in 0 or 5. But multiplying by 10, in the answer we get a two-digit number from the digit that we multiplied and zero.

Table for fixing the result

To consolidate the results, draw an empty Pythagorean table with your child and invite him to fill in the cells with the correct answers. To do this, you only need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. You need to draw a square and divide it into 10 parts vertically and horizontally. And then fill in the top line and the leftmost column with numbers from 1 to 9, skipping the first cell.

Of course, all children are individual and there is no universal recipe. The main task of a parent is to find an approach and support his child, because we all once started with such simple and complex steps at the same time.

By date of birth. Let's figure out how to correctly calculate your Pythagorean square and what the numbers in this table mean.

Online calculation of the Pythagorean Square with decoding

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January March April June July August September November 1950 1951 1953 1955 1956 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

For example, you were born on October 16, 1991. Start counting, adhering to the following algorithm:

  1. Write down the numbers of the day and month of birth: 1610. Add the numbers, you get the first number: 1+6+1+0 = 8.
  2. In the same way, calculate the sum of the digits of the year of birth: 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 20. We got the second number.
  3. Calculate the sum of the first two numbers resulting from the calculation: 8 + 20 \u003d 28. This is first working number.
  4. Next, find the sum of the digits of the first working number: 2 + 8 = 10. This is second working number.
  5. From the first working number, subtract the first digit of the date of birth multiplied by half: 28-2 * 1 \u003d 26. This is third working number.
  6. And, finally, add up the numbers of the third working number: 2 + 6 = 8. As a result, we get fourth working day.
6 1 0 1 9 9 1
2 8 1 0 2 6 0

Please note that if the working number consists of one digit, we write it with a zero at the beginning: not 8, but 08.

The initial data has been obtained, now you can make a Pythagorean square. To do this, you need to calculate how many times each digit occurs in the table:

  • unit - 11111;
  • deuce - 22;
  • three - absent;
  • four - absent;
  • five - absent;
  • six - 66;
  • seven - absent;
  • eight - 88;
  • nine - 99.

And draw a square:

1 2 3
2 22
3 66

Each number in the square of Pythagoras by date of birth, which we managed to calculate, is responsible for certain personality traits. Next, we will analyze for which ones.

How to read the Pythagorean Square

In the Pythagorean square, compiled by the date of your birth, there is room for nine numbers. Each of them is responsible for the presence or absence in the personality of certain qualities, character traits:

  • the unit is character and willpower;
  • deuce - charisma and energy, natural magnetism;
  • three - creativity, craving for knowledge;
  • four - external beauty and internal health;
  • five - "sixth sense": intuition, as well as logical abilities;
  • six - professional skills and diligence;
  • seven - luck, shows how lucky a person is in life;
  • eight is responsibility, a sense of duty;
  • nine - the development of the mind, memory, the ability to concentrate.

Also, the square of Pythagoras by date of birth is deciphered by columns:

  • the first column is responsible for self-assessment;
  • the second - for the ability to earn money, attitude to material things;
  • the third is an indicator of talent, the presence of special abilities.
  • the first is an indicator of purposefulness;
  • the second is readiness for family life and serious relationships;
  • the third is stability and a stable position in life.


  • diagonal 1-5-9 is responsible for the spiritual potential of the individual;
  • the second diagonal shows how developed the sexual temperament is.

Depending on the number of digits, everyone can determine how much one or another quality is developed in him.

Deciphering numbers

So, look at the number of units in your square:

  • 111111 - this value happens to people who are very tough, with a difficult character. But despite the tendency to dictatorship, for close people a person is ready to do anything;
  • 11111 - dictatorial qualities are well developed. Such a person can be called a tyrant. Dictates his own rules to everyone;
  • 1111 - already closer to the golden mean. A person with a very strong willpower, with a hardened character;
  • 111 - the golden mean. The person is accommodating, it is easy to agree with him, he quickly makes contact;
  • 11 - almost selfish, but there is a chance that he will be fixated not only on himself. He likes to engage in self-praise, constantly presents himself from the best side;
  • 1 - an absolute egoist, own interests always come first, even if they harm others.
  • absent - a person is deprived of his own energy, but he, like an empty vessel, is ready to be filled with energy from the outside, well-mannered, treats others well;
  • 2 - bioenergy is present, but additional sources are required. It is desirable for such a person to go in for sports;
  • 22 - a sufficient amount of bioenergy, able not only to receive it, but also to share;
  • 222 - developed extrasensory abilities, capable of energizing any person;
  • 2222 - a person has powerful natural magnetism, is incredibly attractive to the opposite sex.
  • absent - a person with highly developed punctuality. Perfectionist, order must be in everything;
  • 3 - not obsessed with order, the orderliness of their lives depends on other character traits;
  • 33 - natural sciences are good, logic is developed;
  • 333 - a person has strong abilities for science, he is incredibly pedantic, he can make discoveries.


  • absence - poor health, easily picks up any infection, you need to constantly strengthen your immune system;
  • 4 - during his life he gets sick no more often than other people, and in old age he catches up with many ailments;
  • 44 - he has a bright sexual temperament, good health;
  • 444 - stormy temperament, health is almost iron.
  • absent - a person is deprived of intuition, he does not have a "sixth sense", therefore he makes all decisions, guided by logic and common sense;
  • 5 - there is intuition, but it is poorly developed. Rarely makes mistakes in life;
  • 55 - intuition is well developed. Such a person is close to the professions of the legal sphere - a judge, a lawyer, an investigator;
  • 555 - intuition is excellently developed, the person is practically a psychic. Makes decisions based on premonitions, but almost never makes mistakes;
  • 5555 - this is extremely rare. Many fives - a person is clairvoyant. Able to realize and understand the causes of all occurring events, predict the future;


  • absent - a craftsman, does not need education, does not like to engage in physical labor;
  • 6 - work related to physical activity is necessary;
  • 66 - a grounded person, he does not need physical labor, but he loves to play sports and outdoor activities;
  • 666 - brightly developed temperament, gives a lot of energy to a partner;
  • 6666 is a workaholic, rest for him is a waste of time.
  • missing - life is hard for a person, he works hard to ensure a decent standard of living. There is a possibility that he will go into religion;
  • 7 - has a talent that is not too pronounced, needs to be developed;
  • 77 - a person with pronounced creative abilities. These are musicians, artists;
  • 777 is a dangerous sign. Such people are “kissed by God” and, as a rule, come to the earthly world for a short time. They fulfill their destiny and go to another world;
  • 7777 - angel sign. Either he dies at an early age, or he lives under some kind of mortal danger all his life.


  • absent: human consumer, prefers to take and never gives;
  • 8 - a sense of duty is well developed, able to take responsibility for someone;
  • 88 - human assistant. Ready to help others, a sense of duty is well developed;
  • 888 - man was created to serve the people. He will make a good politician, a soldier;
  • 8888 is an extremely rare occurrence. A person with strong parapsychological abilities, a genius in the exact sciences.
  • 9 - mental abilities must be developed with hard efforts;
  • 99 - a smart person, but he needs to study a lot in order to succeed;
  • 999 - highly developed intellect, excellent mental abilities. The dangerous thing is that because everything comes easily, it does not make any effort and as a result can degrade;

A person often tries to find patterns in everything that surrounds him, so it is convenient to study multiplication using a special table. This table has a beautiful name - the Pythagorean table. It is also often called the Pythagorean multiplication table or simply the multiplication table. So it is called not only in Russia, but also in some other countries, in France, Italy, etc. Many are convinced that it is named after the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras of Samos. Information about this is contradictory, moreover, the prototypes of multiplication tables were found during excavations at the site of ancient Japan, China, Mesopotamia. One way or another, it is this name that is most common today. The Pythagorean multiplication table is in some way unique, it has a number of undeniable advantages over a table with simple columns of examples, which has recently been increasingly found on the back of mathematics notebooks, which also has some of its own advantages.

The classic Pythagorean multiplication table looks like this (below is a picture, if you need a file in .doc format for Word, then it is at the beginning of the article)

Here, in the first column and the first row, the multipliers are indicated, in the squares - the products. Since multiplying by 10 is very simple, for convenience, there is no multiplication by 10 in this version. A more complete version with multiplication by 10 can be found at the very beginning of the article, with multiplication by 12 - at the end of the article. Let's look at an example of how to work with a table. Let's say you need to multiply 8 by 9 (8 x 9). We select the number 8 in the first row, the number 9 in the first column. Mentally draw the lines to the place where they intersect. This will be the result of multiplying two numbers. As you can see from the example, everything is extremely simple.

In addition to simplicity, the table has a number of positive aspects, it is interesting in itself. Looking at it, you can easily find patterns that simplify the process of memorization. The table is symmetrical. That is, it is not necessary to learn it all by heart. It is enough to mentally draw a diagonal and learn what is either above or below the drawn line. Then everything is quite easy. For example, we learned what is above the diagonal line, but we need to multiply 5x4. Then we change places 5 and 4 and remember the already learned value.

One more feature deserves special mention. If you choose a number and draw a line up and to the side to the multipliers, you get a rectangle. Moreover, the number of cells in this rectangle will be equal to the number that will be obtained by multiplying the corresponding factors. In order for everything to be correct, you need to take into account the following rule when building a table: the height and width of all cells must be the same (and the height must be equal to the width, otherwise the same area will not be obtained when changing the places of factors). Let's look at an example. Choose the number 20. Draw a line up and to the side. We count the number of received cells. Exactly 20.

From this follows the geometric meaning of the area of ​​a rectangle. The area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of the lengths of its sides. If you disassemble it on your fingers, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectangle is the number of cells enclosed in a rectangle with sides with certain single values. Summing up, we can say that the Pythagorean table is very convenient when studying multiplication and is to some extent the foundation of mathematics.

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