Fir cream-balm “Massage” with a warming effect: description, reviews. Artro Needles, fir cream-balsam - instructions for use and analogues Fir cream balsam


Cocoa butter, honey, beeswax, fir oil, fir oleoresin, badger fat, marsh cinquefoil extract, white willow bark extract, bee venom, dead bee, stone oil, water.


Improves motor activity of the musculoskeletal system, eliminates rheumatic and gouty pain, joint pain, muscle pain, pain in the back and neck, has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic effect, and is a natural analgesic. Improves blood circulation, helps relieve swelling, bruises, eliminates numbness of the extremities, restores sensitivity and mobility, and has a calming effect.

Mode of application:

Take the cream onto the fingertip and apply it with rotating movements to the problem or painful area of ​​the body. For severe pain, it is recommended to apply the cream and wrap it in a warm cloth and leave for 15 minutes. Do not wash off the cream.

The Dobrodeya series creams are very dense - for better absorption, you must first warm them in your hands. The smell of the cream is natural, without fragrances, determined by its key component.


Individual intolerance to components.

general description

Cosmetic cream “Fir” is a natural cream based on fir oil, fir oleoresin, honey, stone oil, badger fat, cinquefoil extract, white willow bark extract, bee venom, and dead bee. The cream does not contain synthetic emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers and other structure formers, is highly active and intensively penetrates the upper layers of the skin.

Questions and feedback:
Cream “Fir” for pain in the back, joints and muscles, 30 g.

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Latin name: Arthro acus
Active substance: Plant ether
bornyl acetate
Manufacturer: Don LLC, Russia, etc.
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter
Price: from 200 to 295 rub.

“Artro Khvoya” fir cream-balm for topical use. The drug has strong analgesic and sedative effects. Used to treat the musculoskeletal, nervous and respiratory systems. It can also be used as a warming agent before physical activity.

Indications for use

Due to its warming, antiseptic, restorative, analgesic properties, fir balsam is used in complex therapy and prevention of the following ailments:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system:
    • Arthrosis
    • Rheumatism
    • Gout
    • Osteochondrosis
    • Radiculitis
    • Myositis
    • Neuritis
    • Crick
    • Dislocations and bruises.
  1. Diseases of the respiratory system, ENT organs:
    • Tracheitis
    • Sinusitis
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
    • Pleurisy
  1. For massage and warming up muscles during physical activity
  2. For colds and runny nose, for prevention
  3. To strengthen hair follicles.


Cream “Arthro Pine” is represented by a combination of components that are unique in their properties. The components of the drug have an active effect on the process of cell restoration, relieve inflammation and pain. Its composition:

  • Fir oil

The main, valuable component. Consists of thirty-five types of biologically active substances. Some of them have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, similar to antibiotics, but without the harmful effects. Contains the important ester bornyl acetate, thanks to which the cream-balm has a deep effect on the affected area. Saturated with vitamin E, microelements, carotene, flavonoids, phytoncides.

  • Sabelnik oil

An effective remedy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, containing anthocyanins, essential oils, resinous substances, organic acids, flavonoids, saponoids.

  • CO 2 fir extract

A storehouse of ascorbic acid, a concentration of microelements, phospholipids, carotenoids, and other substances that stimulate peripheral circulation. The extract has an antioxidant and wound-healing effect.

  • CO 2 burdock extract

Restores metabolic processes in joints, normalizes neuromuscular functions. Contains a highly active substance - the polysaccharide inulin, as well as vitamin B, ascorbic acid, protein, organic acids, and other components with antibacterial properties.

  • CO 2 capsicum extract

Known for its pronounced warming effect. The active substance capsicin has vasodilating properties.

  • Glycerol

Softens and protects the outer skin from negative factors. Helps deliver active substances to the site of pain. The gel base makes it easy to apply the balm, consumption is minimal.

Cream “Arthro Pine” contains a high concentration of vitamins and vital microelements.

Medicinal properties

Under the influence of bornyl acetate, a component of fir oil, vasodilation occurs at the site of pathology. An increase in the supply of oxygen to injured tissue stimulates blood circulation, which entails the normalization of metabolic processes in cells, cleansing of waste and toxins.

Anti-inflammatory compounds actively act on the source of inflammation: relieve pain, reduce swelling of muscle tissue. Cream-balm “Arthro Pine” activates the body’s own regenerative processes. With its soft, warming effect, it relieves all unpleasant symptoms and relaxes tissues. These properties make it possible to use it for bruises, sprains, in preparing muscles for stress, in order to prevent injuries.

The components of the cream, which have antibacterial compounds, penetrate to the source of inflammation and neutralize it. Such activity gives results in the treatment of colds. It is easily excreted from the body, as it consists of natural elements.

The average price is from 200 to 300 rubles.

Release form

Colorless, homogeneous texture with a pleasant pine scent, packaged in a soft plastic tube. Squeezes out with slight pressure and does not leak. Package volume 30 or 50 ml.

Mode of application

Squeeze the balm onto the area of ​​inflammation and massage vigorously until light redness occurs. Use once or twice a day. For intense pain as needed. For older people suffering from chronic joint diseases, long-term use is indicated to reduce discomfort in the area of ​​pathology.

To prevent ARVI, when you have a runny nose, rub the balm around the wings of your nose. It is important to take preventive measures during epidemics. Preventive measures are not limited. Can be used for children as a means of warming up (mustard plaster effect), in the absence of allergies to the components.

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system are treated by warming up: rub an area of ​​the chest until you feel warm, without touching the heart area. There should be no burning sensation. Wrap up the heated area. Repeat two to three times a day.

Cosmetic procedure to strengthen hair:

  • Apply the balm to the skin and rub vigorously into the hair roots for five to ten minutes.
  • Put on the cap and keep it on for fifteen minutes.
  • Wash off with shampoo and warm water.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cream “Arthro Pine” is approved for use by women during these periods. It will gently relieve pain symptoms and reduce the risk of infection during ARVI. Its use will not affect the health of the fetus and the quality of milk. Follow the recommended cycle of use, do not overuse.


The balm is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to fir oil.

Side effects and overdose

The natural composition of the cream is safe, has no side effects, and is not addictive. An overdose does not lead to serious negative consequences. There is no skin irritation.

Storage conditions and periods

Store for two years in a cool place out of reach of children.


There are no drugs completely similar in their spectrum of action. Plant-based analogues include:

Massage cream “Mummy”

Biolit LLC, Russia
Price from 200 to 300 rub.

The main active component is mumiyo, a well-known natural substance with versatile effects. Auxiliary ingredients: glycerin, esobel, germaben 2E, vegetable oils, vaseline, water. Packaging: soft tube of 50 ml.


  • Can be used by pregnant and lactating women
  • Affordable price
  • Non-toxic, harmless


  • “Mumiyo” is sensitive to storage conditions, failure to comply with which its quality deteriorates.
  • To obtain lasting results, use for a long time
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

Massage cream “Esobel” with cinquefoil

Biolit LLC, Russia.
Price from 200 to 260 rub.

The main active ingredient is esobel. This is a dry extract of sulfide medicinal mud. Its powerful anti-inflammatory effect is not inferior to indomethacin. It has an analgesic, decongestant, absorbable effect on inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, stabilizes the functions of nerve cells. Rejuvenates, restores problematic tissues. Has anti-cellulite properties.


  • Low toxicity
  • Affordable price
  • The anti-cellulite effect is noticeable after the first use


  • Use with caution in pregnant women
  • Allergy to the components of the drug.

Fir Massage warming cream-balm is intended for restorative and healing massage. Successfully fights joint and muscle pain, activates metabolism, improves blood circulation in the area of ​​application.


Contains: medical petroleum jelly, Siberian fir oil, gum turpentine, lanolin, CO2 extract of red pepper.

Component Properties

Fir oil has vasodilating properties. The fir oil component stimulates blood supply to the painful area of ​​the body, improves oxygen supply, increases local immunity, enhances metabolic processes, and removes waste and toxins. As a result, pain subsides and disappears, inflammation decreases.

Fir oil tones and restores the body. It is a source of provitamins and phytoncides, has an immunostimulating effect, and has anesthetic and decongestant properties.

Red pepper provides and enhances the warming effect of the cream-balm.

Instructions for use

  • with general fatigue;
  • for problems in the joints (pain, limited movement, swelling);
  • for muscle discomfort;
  • in the treatment of colds;
  • for preparing muscles, joints, skin before active muscle loading, not only for athletes, but also in everyday life, when increased physical activity is expected;
  • to reduce the risk of sprain or injury;
  • to increase blood circulation.

Mode of application: Apply the cream with massage movements until completely absorbed.

Contraindication: individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

Where can I buy Fir cream-balm Massage with a warming effect, 50 ml by price 350 rub.? In Argo. You can: place an order on the website, call 88002003224 (free for Russia) or +74997044028 , come to the store. Delivery, pickup.

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: This medicinal product contains natural fir oil and fir resin, which are obtained from Abies sibirica (Siberian fir). The ointment contains borneol, bornyl acetate, α-pinene, santhene, carotene, camphor, vitamins K and C, as well as monocyclic terpenes - phellandrene and dipentene. Fir ointment has pronounced antimicrobial activity. It has a detrimental effect on streptococci, pneumococci and yeast microflora, and also has an analgesic effect.

Camphor, which is part of the ointment, stimulates the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the animal. It also has a tonic effect on cardiac activity, promotes the resorption of the inflammatory process, reduces the phenomena of hyperemia and edema, and improves sputum discharge. Carotene and vitamins promote wound healing and have a general strengthening effect.

Veterinarians prescribe fir ointment to animals suffering from inflammatory joint diseases (osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc.), myositis, tendovaginitis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This ointment also has a therapeutic effect for plexitis (a disease of the peripheral nervous system), dermatitis of various types and origins, including diaper rash and eczema. In surgery, this drug is used in the treatment of abrasions, burns, cuts and sluggish purulent wound processes. It is indicated for animals with tracheobronchitis and mastitis (sero-catarrhal and catarrhal).

For whom: for any mammals.

Leave form: The ointment is sold packaged in 200 ml plastic jars.

Dosage: the drug is used externally. For the treatment of dermatological diseases, veterinarians most often recommend applying the drug twice a day to the affected areas for 12-24 days. For more effective treatment, bandages are used.

To treat mastitis, massage the mammary glands with ointment for 10-15 minutes (usually 15-20 procedures are required). For diseases of the respiratory system, massage the animal's back, chest and neck using ointment. In order to treat chronic pathologies of the spine, joints and peripheral nervous system, the medicine is rubbed into the skin after preliminary steaming of the animal’s body.

Restrictions: In very rare cases, the use of this drug may cause skin irritation. There are no contraindications for use of this drug (other than the increased sensitivity of the animal to this medicine).

Reviews about “Fir ointment 10% for veterinary use for animals”:

After a long course of antibiotic treatment, our dog developed a very severe allergy; his entire body was covered with bald spots and dry crusts. We tried various remedies, but the situation only worsened; their use further dried out the already dry skin. I went to a veterinary pharmacy and the salesperson offered to try fir ointment, which was completely simple in appearance and composition. And no longer hoping that this would improve the situation, she took the jar and wandered home. I applied this ointment to the dog in a thin layer at night, and the night passed more or less calmly, before that the dog was itching and whining all night. In the morning we looked and it was clear that the crusts had softened and the dog felt better. Well, we decided to continue the treatment, the dog began to come up on its own in the evenings, apparently she liked this procedure, after all, she endured so much torment, and then there was a life-saving miracle ointment. We applied fir ointment for two weeks, the skin became completely healthy, and after about two or three months the fur was restored and grown. I smeared the remaining ointment on my feet, it softens the skin perfectly. So I ran and bought another jar!

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And our veterinarian is an old man, experienced. He says that this ointment is truly magical. From ancient times to the present day in Siberia, in God-forsaken villages where civilization has not yet reached, people use natural springs to restore the health and health of their animals. They use only natural medicines to improve their health and the health of their pets. Fir copes well with problems in the musculoskeletal system, perfectly restores tissue of cartilage, muscles, and tendons. According to his advice, more than one animal in our village was corrected and put back on its feet, and he always has such a miracle ointment at hand, and even in large quantities, so we bought it from him and began to use it, I don’t know what happened, but our dog couldn’t stand on its hind legs, we have a highway nearby, maybe a car hit it, the old man examined it, there didn’t seem to be any fractures, and he began to come to us every day, do a massage with fir ointment. A week later the dog got up, but of course he was still limping, but she got up, I couldn’t believe my eyes, it’s just a miracle! This ointment relieves pain, muscle spasms, and tumors.

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This is a very good and effective remedy, tested from my own experience. Our cow's joint was very swollen, the animal was limping and had difficulty moving. I went to the city, to the veterinarian and brought fir ointment. I warmed it up a little (it has a very pleasant smell) and rubbed it for about 5 minutes, you can see that there is pain in the leg, but thank God there is no fracture. Then she wrapped it well with a woolen scarf and left it overnight. In the morning I turned it around, there was no longer any swelling, but the lameness was still present. When she returned in the evening, she repeated this procedure. After about 5 days, the joint completely returned to normal and the cow was completely healthy. It is a very good product and is harmless because it contains natural ingredients. You can also massage the cow’s sac at least once a month, for 10-15 minutes, together with this ointment, to prevent mastitis, they really like this process, and most importantly, it is very useful for them. I always keep this ointment on hand, it heals any wounds very well, both in animals and humans.

Fir is a plant belonging to the genus of gymnosperms, the Pine family. About 50 species of it grow in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in the temperate zone. Siberian fir is most widely used for pharmaceutical purposes. Essential oil obtained from plant paws (the ends of young branches and needles) is considered a biologically valuable product, a raw material for the production of medicinal camphor - the main component of various medicines. In addition, its medicinal properties have long been used in traditional medicine to treat colds, pulmonary, skin and rheumatic lesions. For this, fir balsam is often used, reviews of which are given in the article below.

Chemical composition

This coniferous tree, which reaches 30-40 meters in height, has a round trunk and a narrow pyramidal crown. The plant has drooping and thin branches, smooth bark of a rich gray color. Thickenings of various sizes that appear as the bark shifts and the trunk grows are called nodules. They are filled with resin, also called “fir balsam”. The needles (leaves) are flat, fragrant and non-thorny, slightly curved or straight, dark green in color. The tree blooms in May-June, with the seeds ripening by September.

Young branches, bark, buds and needles of the tree are used for medicinal purposes. Fir cream, balm, decoctions and infusions are prepared from them. The bark is harvested all year round, the buds are harvested in March, while it is advisable to stock up on fir paws in the winter, storing it on the flooring along with layers of snow - this way the valuable essential oil is preserved in the raw material.

It is worth noting that the following were found in the needles:

  • phytoncides;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins E and C;
  • trace elements: cobalt, iron, manganese, zinc, copper.

In addition, in an amount of more than 3% essential oil, the composition of which is:

  • camphene;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • apinene;
  • borneol;
  • santen;
  • dipentene;
  • bisabolene;
  • A-phellandrene;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C.

Carmine, oleic and vitamin E are included in the seeds. The components of resin are essential oil and resins, while the bark is rich in tannins and fir balsam.

Beneficial features

Explained by its composition. It is widely used for medicinal purposes (for example, fir balsam “Siberian Health”). In official medicine, synthetic camphor is used, which is produced from the oil of the plant; all kinds of drugs from it are prescribed for the treatment of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, rheumatism, and infectious lesions. The use of fir in the form of camphor is recommended as a mild analeptic to activate breathing and blood circulation in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, strokes, bronchospasms, and poisoning with narcotic and hypnotic drugs or carbon monoxide.

Antibacterial, expectorant, tonic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties of the plant are used when using plant oil in the fight against infectious and colds, stress, increased fatigue and neuroses. When used externally, they treat sprains, bruises, and reduce pain in muscles and joints due to rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

In folk medicine, the use of fir in the form of aqueous infusions of pine needles and buds, which have diuretic and antibacterial properties, is recommended for colds, scurvy, cystitis, and kidney damage. Preparations from pine needles are prescribed locally for rinsing the mouth and throat for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and larynx, and compresses are applied for frostbite of the skin and dilated veins. It is also worth noting that the evaporation of pine needles, due to the phytoncides included in its composition, strengthens the body, disinfecting the air.

Fir balsam

Fir balsam has been used in a variety of cases. It has excellent wound-healing properties and is good for treating abscesses and festering wounds. Taking it internally helps strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism.

Fir balsam is sold in pharmacies today. You just need to remember that it is extremely important to adhere to the dosage for internal use. A teaspoon of the product per glass of water is more than enough. The drug also has a number of interesting features. For example, it refracts light at the same angle as glass. Due to this, lenses in glasses are glued together in optics.


The balm contains the following substances:

  • tannins;
  • fir resin.

It is produced by extraction from the shoots of Siberian fir, which grows in ecologically clean parts of the Siberian taiga of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Fir balsam is a substance of rich brown color with light shades from dark brown to greenish, thick, bitter in taste, and having a pasty, uniform consistency. It is worth noting that upon further storage in an open container or technological evaporation, it turns into a thick, dense, black substance with a bitter pine aftertaste. It resembles mumiyo in appearance, but its shelf life increases several times.

Positive Impact

Fir balsam is used in the following cases:

  • helps rapid tissue restoration;
  • this is a potent antiseptic mild agent that has the effect of rapid rejection and localization of necrotic tissue;
  • relieves the body of vitamin hunger;
  • cleanses and heals abscesses, purulent wounds, inflammatory internal and external processes;
  • removes poisons and waste from the body;
  • suppresses dysentery, putrefactive bacilli;
  • recommended for low blood pressure;
  • for diabetes mellitus, reduces sugar levels;
  • improves metabolic processes, due to which body weight is normalized;
  • improves lymph flow in the body, while inflammation of the lymph nodes decreases;
  • helps retain vital microelements in the body, including iron, magnesium, calcium;
  • reduces the risk of liver and heart diseases;
  • helps the rapid fusion of bones;
  • has a filtering effect on the intestinal absorption of all kinds of harmful components that enter the body due to an imbalance in the ecological balance;
  • reduces the percentage of colds;
  • ensures healthy skin;
  • the intestinal-alkaline balance is restored, rapid healing of stomach ulcers, as well as all stages of gastritis, occurs;
  • actively used for disinfection of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the form of ointments for diaper rash, burns, fungal diseases, purulent wounds, weeping and dry eczema;
  • eliminates the possibility of suppuration on postoperative sutures, accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces pain effects;
  • eliminates inflammation of the oral mucosa in the prevention and treatment of stomatitis, sore throat;
  • can replace the best toothpastes, while saturating the tissues of the gums and teeth with essential microelements and eliminating the putrid bad odor;
  • metabolic disorders, salt deposition, slagging in the body;
  • heals calluses, cracks, small wounds of skin tissue;
  • eliminates polyps in the intestines, restoring the natural intestinal microflora inherent in humans;
  • with a high content of mucus in the bronchi, nasopharynx, intestines, lungs, cures pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis.


A teaspoon of balm must be diluted in a glass of clean drinking water. It can also be used as an additive to medicinal formulations and ointments. If you want to provide precious help to your weakened immune system, then systematically use the balm with honey, boiling water, and milk. It is worth noting separately that it is recommended for use by lactating and pregnant women.

The use of the product should be careful, since due to its ability to actively expel toxins and stones from the body, exacerbation of the disease can occur due to overload of the excretory system, therefore, the initial dose of use should not exceed 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach . For ulcers, drink balm with honey in a 1:1 ratio.


The use of the balm is contraindicated for:

  • tendency to seizures;
  • hypersensitivity to the plant;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • epilepsy.

Fir balsam: application, reviews

Having studied the reviews about the use of the balm, you can understand that it is actually capable of coping with a variety of problems that arise with the human body. Some in their positive comments also note its accessibility. But there are also skeptical statements from people who trust exclusively drug treatment. We have nothing to answer to this - this is everyone’s personal choice.

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