Vacation topic in English. Topic: My summer vacation - My summer vacation. My summer holidays

After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vacation.

I was dreaming about far South countries I always wanted to visit but I had to go to the Azov seaside with my relatives. The water was very warm there because you know Azove Sea isn't deep. What I liked there - a lot of different kinds of entertainment there: "water mountains", water scooters and discos.

There was nothing to do all day except lying in the sun and getting a wonderful tan. I was playing with my little sister on the sand and in the waves teaching her to swim. Later I returned to Kherson and spent some time in town going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games. After that I went to the sports camp where I spent seven days.

It was very useful experience because I had to get up very early, to train a lot, and to rest very little. But it made me stronger and healthier.

I was very happy to return home and I spent several days in my summer cottage, I helped my grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables. I was fishing with my grandpa and we were cooking fish together. Only insects were spoiling my good mood. I enjoyed floating by boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents.

During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school.

I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.

After a difficult and busy school year, my summer holidays began. I was happy and began to plan what can be done during the summer holidays.
I dreamed of distant southern countries, which I always wanted to go to, but I had to go to the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov with relatives. The water there was very warm, because, as you know, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is shallow. What I really liked was the variety of entertainment - "water slides", scooters and discos.
For days on end there was nothing to do but lie on the beach and sunbathe. I played with my younger sister in the sand and in the sea, taught her how to swim. Then I returned to Kherson and walked in the city with friends, read, listened to music, watched TV, played computer games. After that, I went to a sports camp for a week.
It was a very rewarding experience as I had to get up very early, train a lot and rest little. But it made me stronger and healthier.
I was very happy to return home and spend a few days in the country, I helped my grandfather dig the garden, water the seedlings and pick fruits and vegetables. I went fishing with my grandfather and we cooked fish together. Only insects spoiled my good mood. I enjoyed boating, swimming in the river, and helping my grandparents.
During the summer holidays I found many new friends, read many interesting books, learned many useful things. Now I feel ready to go back to school.
I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.

My summer vacations abroad (new topic)

Different people prefer to spend their summer holidays differently. Somebody likes to go to the South to swim and laze at the sun the whole summer long, The others would better visit their grandparents living in the country and they would play football and go fishing with friends. But I am fond of traveling. I believe that such a hobby is one of the most useful for a pupil. While traveling I study foreign languages, find out many interesting information about customs of different peoples and meet new friends.

I visited Germany and England last summer. These countries aren't alike at all but I enjoyed staying here very much. I don't speak German so I had to communicate there using the English language. It wasn't too difficult. My friends in Berlin shown me Camera Work where I spent five hours and the Potsdam-Museum which I didn't like so much. The most ridiculous thing was that I understood Germans without any troubles but had some difficulties with my acquaintances in the UK.

London I was very impressed. It is a very beautiful and ancient city. Of course I went sightseeing at the moment I arrived. I visited the famous Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster abbey, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. I tried the national English meal - fish and chips - and made many pictures of the city. My favorite photo is the one where I'm standing near the real beefeaters. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen the Queen of Great Britain. Anyway, it didn't spoil my vacations.

I can't decide what country I liked more but I am sure that the most pleasant point of my trip was when I returned home. East or West - home is best. I know it for sure now. I have brought many gifts for my classmates and relatives.

I would like to travel abroad next summer again.


Different people prefer to spend their summer holidays in different ways. Some people like to travel south to swim and sunbathe all summer long. Others would rather go with their grandparents to the countryside and play football and go fishing with their friends. I also love to travel. I think this hobby is one of the most rewarding for a student. When I travel, I study foreign languages, learn the customs of different nations and meet new people.

I visited Germany and England last summer. These countries are generally unlike each other, but I liked it here very much. I don't speak German, so I had to communicate using English there. It wasn't difficult. My friends in Berlin showed me the Kamera Works gallery, where I stayed for five hours straight, and the Postsdam Museum, which I didn't really like. The funny thing was that I understood the Germans without difficulty, and with my acquaintances in Britain there were some difficulties.

London impressed me very much. It is a very beautiful and ancient city. Of course, I went sightseeing as soon as I arrived. I visited the famous Tower of London, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. I tried the national English dish - fish and chips - and took many pictures of the city. My favorite photo is the one of me next to the real royal guards. Unfortunately, I did not see the Queen of Britain. In any case, it didn't spoil my vacation.

I can't decide which country I liked more, but I'm sure that the most enjoyable part of my trip was the moment I came home. Away is good, but home is better. This I know for sure now. I brought many gifts for my classmates and relatives.

18 Sep

Topic in English: Summer holidays

Topic in English: Summer holidays (My summer holidays). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on the topic.

Favorite time of year

Summer is my favorite time of the year, because at this time the hard and stressful school days are left behind and long holidays await us. I always plan a lot of interesting things for the summer holidays.

Where do I usually go

Almost every year I spend my holidays in the countryside at my grandparents' house. I love this place because it is very beautiful there. There is a river and a forest where my friends and I go to pick mushrooms and berries. In good weather, we also like to swim in the river and sunbathe. In addition, I am always happy to help my grandparents around the house or in the garden - water the plants or pick fruits and vegetables. I like to go fishing with my grandfather and then fry the fish on a fire. And what is important, I have the opportunity to breathe fresh country air and forget about city dust and smog for a while. I really do have a great time with my grandparents. If only I could visit them more often.

How I spent last summer

Last summer, my parents and I went to the sea. It was my first vacation on the sea coast, and I could not even imagine that everything would be so wonderful. We went in August and we were lucky that the weather was sunny and the sea was warm all the time. It was so nice to do nothing but sunbathe and swim. There was a lot of entertainment there, but most of all I liked riding jet skis and discos. I also built sand castles with my little sister and taught her how to swim. I also managed to make new friends and we had fun together. We also went on excursions. Most of all I remember the trip in jeeps through the rivers and mountains. Unfortunately, time passed very quickly and we had to return home. However, school was still a few weeks away, and I spent that time reading books, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games, and going out with friends.


In conclusion, I would like to say that I am usually happy to go back to school because I can meet my teacher friends, but then I start looking forward to the summer holidays again.

Download Topic in English: Summer holidays

Summer Holidays

my favorite season

Summer is my favorite season of the year because hard and busy school time is over and long holidays are waiting for me. I always plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vacation.

my holidays

Almost every year I spent my holidays in the country at my grandparents’. I adore that place for its landscape. There is a nice river and the woods where my friends and I can gather berries and mushrooms. We also enjoy swimming in the river and sunbathing when the weather is fine. Apart from this, I’m always ready to help my grannies around the house or in the garden watering plants and gathering fruit and vegetables. I like going fishing with my grandpa and cooking the fish over the fire. And one more thing which is worth saying is that I have a chance to breathe fresh country air and forget about the dust and the smokes of the city. Indeed I have a great time in the country with my lovely grandparents. I wish I could visit them more often.

last summer

Last summer I spent my holidays at the seaside with my family. It was for the first time and I couldn't even imagine such excellent holidays. We were there in August and were lucky to have sunny weather and warm sea all the time. It was so pleasant to have a rest doing nothing except taking sunbaths and swimming. There were different kinds of entertainment but best of all I liked water scooters and discos. I was also playing with my little sister on the sand and taught her to swim. Besides, I made some new friends and we had a lot of fun together. We went on several field trips. The one I will never forget was riding a jeep across numerous rivers in the mountains. Unfortunately the time passed very quickly and we had to return back home. However, there were still two more weeks left before school. I spent that time reading books, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games and going out with my friends.

Summertime is my favorite season because it means freedom from my school and hard studies. I usually go to bed after midnight in summer and I can sleep as late as I can. It's a big deal for me because I get really tired of waking up early during the school year.

The most important thing for me is to spend exciting and fantastic summer holidays loaded with activity and adventure. During our long summer holidays I have much fun meeting my friends, going to a summer camp, swimming in the river and eating plenty of fruits, berries and ice-cream. Sometimes my family travels somewhere to a warm and beautiful place near the sea. We spend much time swimming, diving, sunbathing and building sandcastles and sculptures, we also go sightseeing and try the national cuisine in new places. And we take a lot of funny pictures there.

In July or August I often go to hiking expeditions along the river with my elder brother and our friends. As a rule our hiking trips last for about 4 or 5 days. It depends on the weather. Hiking is really arduous and thrilling. You have no mobile phones or the Internet there. You just relax, enjoy the nature and fresh air of the countryside, sunbathe at the beach, play volleyball, go fishing and boating, live in a tent and cook on the fire. Hiking is worth going because you also learn to live and help each other in a team.

My summer holidays are always full of unforgettable impressions. I long for the next holidays I am sure I'll have a great time again.


Summer is my favorite time of the year, because it means freedom from school and difficult studies. I usually go to bed after midnight in the summer and can sleep until late. This is very important to me because I get very tired of waking up early throughout the school year.

The most important thing for me is to have an interesting and fantastic summer vacation filled with activities and adventures. During our long vacations, I have fun with friends, go to summer camp, swim in the river and eat a lot of fruits, berries and ice cream. Sometimes my family and I travel to some warm, beautiful place by the sea. We spend a lot of time swimming, diving, sunbathing and building sand castles and sculptures. We also explore local attractions and try national cuisine in new places. And we take a lot of funny pictures.

In July or August I often go hiking along the river with my older brother and our friends. As a rule, our trips last 4-5 days. Everything depends on the weather. Hiking is very hard and exciting. You don't have cell phones or internet there. You just relax, enjoy nature and the fresh air of the countryside, sunbathe on the beach, play volleyball, go fishing, go boating, live in a tent and cook on a fire. Hiking is worth going because you also learn how to live and help each other as a team.

My summer holidays are always full of unforgettable experiences. I'm looking forward to the next holidays as I'm sure I'll have a great time again.

Topic: My Summer Holidays

Subject: My summer vacation

What student does not like vacation? Especially the summer holidays - the longest, the most long-awaited and usually the most exciting! Almost 100 days of pure pleasure even if you are not able to, which you have long dreamed of. You can read a lot of interesting books, wake up , go to bed at any time, walk and play with your friends and go to the sea. What is just not offered by summer!

What student doesn't love holidays? Especially summer - the longest, most long-awaited and, as usual, the most exciting! Almost 100 days of pure pleasure, even if you don't get to go on some trip that you have long dreamed of. You can read a lot of interesting books, wake up later than usual, go to bed at any time, play with friends and go to the sea. What summer doesn't offer!

If you are lucky to go somewhere and visit a different environment, you are lucky! But, in any case, summer holidays are always a great way to take a break from busy school and extracurricular work, tight schedules and heavy workloads.

I always use summer holidays that I need for my future studies. I improve my English, read literature and some historical materials. This work brings benefit and pleasure: reading books and listening to English songs, watching documentaries and training your memory while memorizing some verses, English phrases or dates. I am glad that my mother has taught me to do it easily and without any nervous tension. If you treat this work as a game or an amusement you can enjoy a part of the summer and facilitate for your future busy learning season.

I always use the summer to work on the subjects that I need for my future studies. I study English, read literature and history. Such work brings both benefit and pleasure: read books and listen to English songs, watch documentaries and train your memory by memorizing some verses, English phrases or dates. I am glad that my mother taught me how to do it easily and without nervous tension. If you treat such work as a game or entertainment, then you can perfectly and usefully spend part of the summer and ease the next busy study season.

This year my family and I spent ten days at the seaside in Odessa. It is a beautiful city on the coast of the Black Sea and there"s always plenty of entertainment and wonderful beaches. our relatives or in a hotel. This time we did not only beached, but also went on boat trips, visited a water park and went fishing. The weather in late June was hot and most of the time we spent near the water. In the evenings we went to a restaurant and walked along the famous promenade. Odessa is gorgeous in the evening.

This year my family and I spent 10 days in Odessa, on the sea. This is a beautiful city on the Black Sea coast and there is always a lot of entertainment and magnificent beaches. We stay with relatives or at a hotel. This time we not only spent on the beach, but also went on boat rides, visited the water park, and went fishing. The weather at the end of June was hot and we spent most of the time near the water. In the evening we went to restaurants and walked along the famous embankment. Odessa is magnificent in the evening.

In July I was in the country house with my grandparents. The terrain is very beautiful here: the lake, the fields, a lot of trees. The garden is planted with fruit trees, and there are a lot of vegetables. In the nearby village one can buy fresh milk and eggs. If there were the Internet and TV, it would be possible to spend the entire summer in the village. Unfortunately, the summer house is far from the city and we have to get there by train or a shuttle bus. To my shame, I could not do without all modern conveniences for a long time and my visit lasted not more than a week.

In July, I was at the dacha with my grandparents. The area here is very beautiful: lake, fields, many trees. Fruit trees, raspberry bushes and many vegetables grow in the garden. In the neighboring village you can buy fresh milk and eggs. If there was Internet and TV, then it would be possible to spend the whole summer, as in the countryside. Unfortunately, the dacha is far from the city and you have to get there by train or shuttle bus. To my shame, I cannot go long without all modern conveniences and my visit lasted no more than a week.

In late August our friends and the family made a trip to Bulgaria. It was a wonderful time. Several excursions to the small towns on the coast, a lot of delicious food and, of course, a beach holiday. We stayed in a magnificent hotel with its beautiful grounds, excellent cuisine and entertainment. I met a few guys from other countries and we had fun on the beach and in the evening. With some of them now I correspond and we plan to meet next year.


My summer holidays

Summer is so beautiful; this is the most attractive part of the year. I also love winter because I can skate and ski. I enjoy spring with its romance. I appreciate autumn filled with poetry and colorful leaves. All seasons have something amazing. But summer is the queen of all seasons. Summer is a carefree time. You can get up whenever you like, spend all your free time with your peers, watch cartoons and movies. Summer is a fairy tale for students.

Summer this year was filled with great events. First of all, I spent 10 days with my family at sea. It was so cool that I didn't want to leave that magical land. Where I was)? This is my secret. Then I spent a few days in the village where my grandmother lives. She lives in a cute little house and has many pets. Animals are my passion. I also watched a lot of great films in the summer. For example, the historical film "Sissy".

Thus, my summer holidays were quite eventful. I am looking forward to next summer.

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