BIRCH. magical properties. Love plot on a birch twig Ritual with birch buds from evil spirits

Birch in Russia has always been a revered tree. The Russian name for birch is associated with the word "protect". This is due to the fact that the Slavs considered this tree a gift from the gods, which protected man.

In a number of cultures and traditions birch is a symbol of light, purity and purity. Many magical and healing properties have been attributed to this tree since ancient times, it was used in rituals and ceremonies. How can birch be used in our time? And what can its beneficial properties give us?

Birch for beauty and health

There are a large number of beauty and health recipes based on birch. The simplest and most effective of them is birch infusion. Pluck a few branches without the help of a knife and put them in a vase at home. Let the birch scent spread throughout the living space. From this bouquet, take a couple of branches, finely break them, put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. The infusion should stand for at least three hours. You can add orange or lemon zest if you like. Before using the infusion, you need to wash. The steamed body should be wiped with a towel soaked in this infusion. Do not forget about the face - there is nothing more useful and effective for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin than natural remedies.

Birch to get rid of negative emotions, fatigue and stress

Was it a difficult day? Or are you overcome by anxiety and negative emotions? Go for a walk in the birch grove. If a birch grows near the house, then stay next to it for a few minutes. Touch her, talk about your problems. The tree will take away all your negative emotions. It is believed that the peak of birch energy activity falls from 6 to 9 in the morning.

Birch for protection from the evil eye, spoilage and disease

Birch was widely used as a talisman against the surrounding negativity. For this, houses were decorated with birch branches, in the summer there were always bouquets of birch twigs in the house, and birch brooms were certainly used in the baths. They were whipped not only for bodily cleansing, but also for energy. And if you plant a birch near the house, then it will become your amulet for a long time and will not allow evil and failure to knock on the house.

Birch branches to attract abundance, happiness and prosperity

Before our ancestors stuck birch twigs in the garden when the sowing time came, as it was believed that this tree endows the land with fertility. The newlyweds were whipped with birch branches so that they lived in harmony and harmony. At the first pasture of livestock, it was precisely the branches of this tree that were taken, the animals were whipped so that they were healthy and brought good offspring.

Birch attracts good luck and grants wishes

One of the well-known rituals associated with birch is to burning the branches of this tree. Cut off a couple of branches, be sure to thank the birch for its generosity. Throw branches into the fire. Scatter the resulting ashes in the wind with the words of the conspiracy: “As birch dust is light, so my life will be easy.”

There is another famous ritual for the fulfillment of desire. As a rule, it is held on Trinity, but it can be done on any other day, as long as the tree is young, with green leaves. Take a red patch or ribbon. You can take a piece from your clothes (this is how your personal energy will be involved in the ritual). Go to the most beautiful and even birch and tie a red patch on one of its branches, while making a wish.

Use the power of nature to your advantage! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.05.2015 09:04

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Many ancient beliefs and traditions are passed down from generation to generation, some legends have been known since pagan times. Worshiping trees and natural phenomena, our ancestors believed in the miraculous power and power of their idols. They identified trees with something majestically alive and giving life to many earthly creatures.

From the depths of centuries, legends and songs about the white birch, so loved by the Slavs, and so often remembered by those who had to leave for foreign lands, have come down to us. A symbol of natural generosity and white magic, its branches were used to give fertile properties to land, livestock and people. Cradles for a newborn child were made exclusively from birch.

Talismans from young branches of a birch tree were brought as a gift to the gods. It was believed that they have great magical power to heal from physical and mental ailments, as well as to protect against the tricks of evil spirits. Donated birch seedlings were planted in the most honorable places, protected and idolized.

And wealth will bring, and disease will take away

Healing properties were attributed to the birch, which led to this tree whole crowds of the sick and suffering. It was believed that she would restore strength and cure illness, help children grow up and educate. In a state of depression, you need to talk with a birch and ask her to restore harmony in life. The Slavs believed that birch products placed in the bedroom,. Birch buds, miraculous tree sap and brooms made from it are appreciated and loved by many people.

One of the very ancient scriptures says “if on a moonlit night you pick three birch branches with sprouting buds, tie them with a red ribbon and hang them above the front door from the inside, then prosperity and wealth will come to the house. Breaking branches, ask the birch for forgiveness and give her a couple of coins. You can hang such branches not only at home, but also in the house of friends and relatives with the wish of their enrichment.

For a happy marriage

Also closely intertwined with the "birch" signs. A wedding on Krasnaya Gorka, which most often happens in May, is called "birch" - it is believed that it brings the newlyweds eternal youth in a relationship. And so that the young were faithful to each other, they were symbolically whipped with birch brooms and birch coals were thrown under their feet.

Brooms symbolized fidelity, and coals - possible hobbies on the side. It was supposed to trample on all the coals, and take the brooms into the house and store them there as long as possible. The wedding cake was decorated with a branch with buds, this symbol originated from birch shoots.

Slender as a birch, kind as birch sap, generous as leaves on birch branches. Birches knew how to sing songs and whisper the right words. Poet writers and composers devoted thousands of songs to these slender trees, and the settlers who left forever tried to plant a birch - to remind them of their home and homeland.

Benefit for health

Recipes with birch buds and tree bark heal people to this day, because this plant contains a large amount of silver ions that have an antibacterial effect.

Cleansing face masks are made on the basis of decoctions of birch buds, and birch lotion, which must be added to the bath when bathing, will help eliminate diathesis from the child's skin. Tea, which is based on young shoots of birch, will help cure a cold. And the therapeutic phytoncides released from the broom in the steam room will permanently get rid of skin diseases.

Birch is a mystical tree of Russia, one of the most revered by the Slavs, in the folk tradition acting as a happy tree that protects from evil forces, and is also associated with the female forces of the coastline and souls that are obliged to keep living relatives. Beliefs about the beneficial properties of birch existed among almost all Slavic peoples and in almost all regions. She was revered as a tree that brings happiness, health and goodness. The idea that a birch is a tree that is unkind and brings misfortune existed extremely rarely and only if the birch, when it was planted next to the house, outlived the one who was planted. In this case, the birch was treated with caution, because the ancestors believed that such a birch, planted in honor of the birth, should be cut down at the moment when the deceased was escorted to another world. For they were afraid that the soul of the deceased could settle in a birch and never find an exit to the heavenly Svargi. But in most cases, birch was revered as a tree that brings good luck, it was specially planted in the yard or next to the house for the well-being of the whole family on the occasion of the birth of a child, as well as to protect against lightning and to scare away evil forces. Even about the dark spots on the trunk of a birch, there was a belief that in this way the birch pulls back slander, curses and unkind promises sent by enemies to the family near whose house it lives. That is why the birch - a symbol of take care - was universally considered a tree involved in the world of the supernatural. She was associated not only with the healer and Vedic health resort, but also with various magical rituals for enrichment, for preservation and protection. An old legend has been preserved that the roots of this tree are always in the underworld and snakes and other reptiles stay near them. And the birch tree holds them with its roots, entangles them so that they cannot climb up. The trunk of a birch protects living people from all kinds of curses, evil eye and damage, pulling black promises upon itself. The crown and branches of the tree are in heaven, in Svarga, where birds live, the souls of deceased great-ancestors who help the living, and the Gods. In many old conspiracies, there are such words: “On the island of Buyan there is a white birch with its branches down, its roots up, and on that birch the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos sits, weaving and weaving prophetic fate, a better fate.” This definition itself suggests that a birch can wrap or turn a person's fate from worse to better. Birch has often been used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. Among all Slavic peoples, walking to a growing birch to “transmit” a disease to it was considered a very effective method of healing magic. Diseases were “transmitted” in different ways: they poured the water left after bathing a sick person or child under a birch tree, carried the patient’s things to the birch and hung them on the branches for the night, and in the morning, at dawn, they took off the cleaned, “whitened” and dressed on the patient. Such actions were often accompanied by conspiracies containing the motive of a threat in relation to the disease, for example: I will throw a hula-gula under a birch bush, So that the tree will get sick, so that the body will be cured. Often, a birch was approached with a request for healing in the usual slanderous genre. At the same time, birch branches were twisted over the sick person, threatening the resin living in them not to let go until the disease receded from the person. Birch sap was also widely considered a remedy. He was treated like mother's milk. If a birch is a mother-bear, then its milk - birch sap - was used as a protective nectar. It was this drink that our ancestors preferred in the bath. Birch sap refreshed better than rowan and bread kvass, which were also often used in the bath, as they protected from carbon monoxide. It has long been believed that birch sap cleanses the blood, and if you drink it in a cup 3 times a day, it relieves various ailments, in particular, skin diseases, non-healing wounds, rashes, and others. Some doctors, for example, have come to the conclusion that this drink is useful for eczema, gout and rheumatism. In Bulgaria, they wash their hair with birch sap, believing that it eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair roots, which grow faster and thicker. In ancient chronicles, it is mentioned that in Ancient Russia, in the so-called green rows of bazaars, sorcerers offered various drugs, but birch ones were invariably in demand. For skin diseases, hair loss, aching joints, swelling, and in order to drive out bad ailments, for colds, birch medicines, herbal infusions on birch sap or birch ointments, or birch crumble from green leaves with honey with the addition of birch sap and other herbs.

This plot is made on a freshly cut birch branch (one twig). You can make a conspiracy absolutely at any time of the year, even in winter, even in summer. However, if you are making a conspiracy in the winter, then after you have cut it off, it is tedious to put the twig in water for three days so that it comes to life. The plot is quite effective, its action is very similar to a regular love spell, although this ritual is not a love spell.

In addition to the twig, you need to buy seven church candles (buy the longest candles of any color). You can only conspire when the moon is in the growing phase, cut the twig too. Conduct a conspiracy at midnight.

You can only conspire on baptized men. The marital status of a man is not important, you can do both married and single.

Carrying out a love spell

At midnight, put the candles on the table (in one line), put a birch twig in front of the candles, light the candles and say seven times:

"A branch of a birch, alive, but young. Give the servant of God (the name of the beloved) love for the servant of God (your name, but take away his love for others. Let him love me alone, and without me he cannot stand the day. In the name of all that is holy, Amen".

After that, do not extinguish the candles, do not touch the twig, the candles should burn themselves. Get up in the morning, read "Our Father" three times, then go and wash thoroughly. You can't have breakfast in the morning. And somewhere at 9-10 o’clock in the morning, take a twig and you need to put this twig under the rug in front of the door in the house where your loved one lives (when choosing a twig, be guided by the dimensions of the rug so that the twig does not stick out from under it). As you put the twig, seven days should pass and the conspiracy will begin to work. If you live with your loved one in the same apartment, then put a twig under your rug at the front door.

Possible rollback from a love plot

I want to reassure you, after this love conspiracy, there will be no rollback. And in general, love conspiracies carried out on trees (as well as branches, leaves, etc.) very rarely come with a rollback. Therefore, you can do it and not think about the bad consequences, they will definitely not happen. In terms of efficiency, this conspiracy works in 60%. I have tracked over 30 cases of it, it works very well.
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It has long been believed that birch has the greatest healing power in May. Therefore, in the period from May 1 to May 12, they collected its juice and gave it to the sick, sick and weak people to drink, so that they would soon recover and gain strength. To prevent the tree from becoming exhausted, no more than 1 liter of sap was collected from each birch, the wound was carefully covered up and the tree was thanked for its help.

This tree was not touched for more than a year, and branches were not cut from the donor tree during the year. It was believed that if a birch was asked too often for help, she could be offended and take revenge on the person who offended her, sending him "haze" and failure in her personal life.

Usually, trees growing in the forest at the age of 7 to 50 years were used to collect birch sap, since it was believed that in addition to health, a birch can give a person youth, and for this the tree itself should not be too old. In May, half-blown birch buds and young sticky leaves were collected for medicinal purposes.

In the old days they said: “Birch is a wayward and capricious tree. It does not welcome every person, it does not help everyone. But if she falls in love with someone - to be happy and successful in everything. Knowing the “capriciousness” of the tree, they tried not to plant a birch near the house itself, so they placed the birch at the gate so that trouble would not enter the yard, and put a bench near it so that at the right time you could talk to the tree, ask him for strength and help.

Birch especially favors children, innocent girls and pregnant women. For children, a swing was set up near the birches, the girls decorated the birches with their ribbons, taken out of the braid, for the holiday of Lada and Lelya, for Ivan Kupala, in order to successfully marry. Until now, in the villages they resort to such love magic. A birch twig is placed on Friday on the threshold, over which the one they want to act on must step over. Having done this, the rod, which no one should see, is placed in a dry and hot place, saying three times: “May you dry (name) from love for (name), how this rod dries.” When the person they are talking about has passed through the threshold, the twig is removed to a secret place, then the bath is heated, they put this rod on the top shelf, give more steam and, turning to the side where the twig lies, they say: - “Sweat, twig, and be soft as fluff, may the heart of the servant of God (name) be to me, the servant of God (name), as soft as you. After that, the bath is locked, and after a while they take a twig, carry it to the water at dawn and let it go with the flow.

Pregnant women before giving birth asked the birch for strength and help so that the birth would be easy and successful, and the child would grow up healthy and happy. Birch branches were also used to endow newlyweds with fertility, to heal from infertility.

Birch belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer. It broadcasts for us its power and the mobile unsteady energy of the Moon. Her energy is cold and refreshing, like pure water, and just like water after bathing, it plunges us into a dream that lifts people to the heights of heaven. It gives a person the support of his kind. Birch deals with new beginnings and acceptance or birth.

The birch has the power to give life. This life force gives birth to all things every year. The empowering and energizing aspect provides a cleansing effect. The birch has the power to exorcise harmful or malignant influences with the help of eternal life force.

Birch gives masculinity to men, and femininity to women and both gives confidence in themselves, in their strengths and capabilities, and also helps to maintain good physical shape,

All Slavs believed that birch branches plugged under the roof of the house, left in the attic, protect against lightning, thunder, hail; stuck in the middle of crops in the field, they drive away rodents and birds; abandoned on garden beds, protect cabbage from caterpillars. Birch branches were also stuck in the field in order to get a rich harvest.

With the help of birch branches and birch brooms, they tried to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Birch is a tree that stays awake all day. She falls asleep just before dawn. As the first roosters sing, having dispersed the evil spirits with their voice, the birch plunges into a sweet and deep sleep for 2 hours, so that, waking up at dawn, give the world its pure power. Her sleep period is approximately at 3-5 in the morning, and the peak of vigor is at 6-9 in the morning: at this time people went to a growing birch to “transmit” diseases to it (water left after bathing the patient was poured under the birch). In the text of the Russian conspiracy from angina pectoris, the motive of the threat in relation to the disease sounds: - "I will throw a bush under the birch trees so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache."

Birch branches (especially spring ones that have just blossomed) are rightly considered an excellent talisman that drives away sorrows and ailments, protects children from illness and many other troubles. Because of these properties, cradles for newborns were made from birch wood. During the rituals of exorcism, witches were flogged with birch rods, so lazy people and lunatics in some places are still fed with birch porridge.

Communication with a birch is useful for people with upset nerves who are in a state of depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, helps restore spiritual harmony.

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