What foods are rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid) and why does the body need it. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) Foods containing vitamin b9

Folic (pteroylglutamic) acid is another name for the water-soluble, vital compound B9 (BC) that scientists refer to as the “feel good vitamin.” This is due to the fact that folacin is necessary for the production of “happiness” hormones, which provide an excellent psycho-emotional state.

Given the fact that the substance is contained in a significant amount in the leaves of plants, it acquired its name from the word "folium", which means "leaf" in Latin.

The structural formula of vitamin B9 (M) is C19H19N7O6.

Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of DNA, hemoglobin, metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, maintaining immunity, affects conception.

The compound plays an important role for pregnant women, influencing the formation of the neural tube of the fetus and placenta, preventing the development of its defects.

The lack of a substance can lead to the appearance of serious abnormalities in the baby's nervous system from the second week of the "interesting" position. Often during this period, women are not yet aware of the conception of a child, while B9 deficiency in the mother's body negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Scientists have proven that pteroylglutamic acid is involved in DNA replication. Its lack in a growing body increases the risk of oncology, the occurrence of congenital abnormalities of mental activity. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a woman should regularly, half a year before conception, take 200 milligrams of a substance of natural (with food) or synthetic (in tablets) origin daily.

The systematic intake of folic acid for 9 months in the mother's body reduces the likelihood of preterm birth by 35%.

Healthy intestinal microflora is able to synthesize some amount of vitamin B5 on its own.

Historical information

The discovery of folic acid is associated with the search for a method for the treatment of megaloblastic anemia.

In 1931, scientists discovered that the addition of liver extracts to the patient's diet helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. In subsequent years of research, it was recorded that a condition similar to macrocytic anemia progresses in chimpanzees, chickens when they are fed refined food. At the same time, the pathological manifestations of the disease could be eradicated by adding alfalfa leaves, yeast, and liver extracts to the feed. It was clear that these products contain an unknown factor, the deficiency of which, in the body of experimental animals, leads to impaired hematopoiesis.

As a result of three years of numerous attempts to obtain the active principle in its pure form, in 1941, scientists isolated substances of the same nature from spinach leaves, yeast extract, liver, which they called: folic acid, vitamin bc, factor U. Over time, it turned out that the resulting compounds are identical to each other. friend.

The period from the discovery of folacin to its isolation in its pure form is characterized by intensive studies of the compound, starting with the study of its structure, synthesis, and ending with the determination of coenzyme functions, metabolic processes in which the substance takes part.

Chemical and physical properties

The composition of the vitamin compound molecule B9:

  • P-aminobenzoic acid;
  • a pteridine derivative;
  • L-glutamic acid.

Due to the fact that the concept of "pteroylglutamic acid" refers to an extensive group of compounds, this caused some inconvenience during research, since not all categories of substances were biologically active for living organisms, in particular for humans. Therefore, scientists decided to specify the concepts. So, the totality of compounds that contain the core of pteroic acid, the committee of the International Society assigned the name "folates", and the substances with the biological activity of tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid - the term "folacin".

Thus, the concepts of "folic" and "pteroylglutamine" group are synonyms. At the same time, folates are the chemical name of “related” compounds to vitamin B9.

Folic acid is a yellow crystalline powder, tasteless, odorless. When heated, the leaves of the compound slowly darken, but do not melt, a further increase in temperature to 250 degrees leads to their charring.

Vitamin B9 decomposes rapidly in the presence of light. At a temperature of 100 degrees, 50 milligrams of a substance dissolves in 100 milliliters of water, at zero - one unit. Folacin is easily cleaved in caustic alkalis, badly - in dilute hydrochloric, acetic acids, ether, chloroform, alcohol, acetone, benzene, organic solvents. Silver, zinc, lead salts of vitamin B9 are insoluble in water.

Folacin is well adsorbed by Fuller's earth and activated carbon.

The role of vitamin B9 in the human body

Consider the benefits of folic acid:

  1. Participates in the production of red blood cells, namely, in the export of carbon for protein synthesis in hemoglobin.
  2. Stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  3. Ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system (regulates the transmission of impulses, the processes of inhibition / excitation), the brain, spinal cord. Included in the liquor.
  4. Takes part in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, nucleic acids, as well as in the formation of purines, in particular, cell nuclei.
  5. Stabilizes the emotional background. Folic acid affects the production of norepinephrine and serotonin, reduces the negative effects of stress, improves mood, and helps get rid of postpartum depression.
  6. Smoothes climacteric disorders.
  7. Reduces the risk of preterm birth.
  8. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, liver health, the functionality of leukocytes.
  9. Reduces chromosomal defects in sperm, enhances the activity of male germ cells.
  10. Essential for women and men to improve fertility. The systematic intake of foods with a high content of the vitamin compound helps to avoid deterioration of the reproductive function.
  11. Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the heart, blood vessels, metabolic syndrome in a child. However, in the presence of heart pathologies, uncontrolled intake of vitamin B9 can lead to the onset of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris.
  12. Regulates the concentration of homocysteine, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. A daily intake of 5 milligrams of folacin, as a dietary supplement, has a preventive effect on the body.
  13. Reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. However, as a result of a large-scale screening of the disease, scientists have found that it is impossible to use the compound for the prevention of breast cancer, since folates have a negative effect on the development of modified breast cells. Vitamin B9 plays an important role for men, regular consumption of a beneficial compound reduces the risk by 4 times development of prostate cancer.
  14. Reduces "bad" cholesterol in blood serum.
  15. Normalizes blood pressure.
  16. Supports the immune system, increases the number of leukocytes.
  17. Improves memory, absorption of B vitamins.
  18. Increases performance.
  19. Delays the onset of menopause, which is especially important for women.
  20. Accelerates mental activity.

In addition, do not forget about the importance of folic acid for the conception and bearing of a healthy child. Regular intake of the nutrient at the planning stages (200 micrograms per day) and during pregnancy (300-400 micrograms per day) reduces the risk of developing congenital pathologies in the embryo by 70%.

Vitamin B9 is a real panacea in cosmetology. It helps with acne, hair loss, serves as a universal remedy for smoothing skin tone, eliminating pigmentation, red spots.

In the event of a lack of vitamin B9, the human body loses the ability to transfer the beneficial nutrient to the brain, which leads to problems with vision, movement, coordination, and convulsions begin. At the same time, in adults, the risk of anemia, glossitis, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, gingivitis, osteoporosis, neuritis, atherosclerosis, early menopause (in women), stroke, heart attack and even cancer increases 5 times.

Deficiency of the compound in pregnant women can harm the baby. In particular, there is a risk of giving birth to a premature baby with low birth weight with developmental disorders of the nervous system.

A chronic lack of a compound in the body of children leads to a slowdown in overall development, in adolescents to a delay in puberty.

Typical symptoms of vitamin B9 deficiency in the body:

  • forgetfulness;
  • irritability due to insufficient production of serotonin and norepinephrine;
  • headache;
  • confusion;
  • diarrhea;
  • depression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • labored breathing;
  • red tongue;
  • graying;
  • cognitive decline;
  • anxiety;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • memory problems;
  • digestive disorders due to insufficient production of hydrochloric acid;
  • hair loss;
  • lamination of the nail plate;
  • pallor, due to a decrease in hemoglobin, which "falls" as a result of insufficient oxygen transportation to peripheral tissues and organs;
  • weakness;
  • lack of muscle mass, occurs due to poor absorption of proteins, due to low acidity of the stomach.

Folic acid hypovitaminosis is often observed in people with intestinal diseases, in which the process of absorption of nutrients is difficult. In addition, during pregnancy, lactation, the need for a substance increases by 1.5 - 2 times.

The lack of vitamin B9 is exacerbated by alcohol, which interferes with the metabolism of folate, preventing the transport of the compound to its destination (to the tissues).

The level of folic acid in the human body is diagnosed by analysis. 3 micrograms of folate per liter of blood serum indicates a lack of a vitamin and the need to replenish the reserves of a useful compound.

Often the signs of vitamin B9 deficiency in the body are identical. To distinguish the lack of one compound from another, the level of methylmalonic acid (MMA) should be measured. An increased value indicates a lack of B12 in the body, a normal (within normal range) indicates a lack of folic acid.

How much vitamin B9 to drink to make up for the lack of a compound?

The therapeutic daily dose of folic acid depends on the severity of the symptoms and the presence of adverse diseases caused by a deficiency of the substance. To correctly establish the norm, you should undergo an examination and seek help from a doctor.

As a rule, the intake of vitamin B9 for medicinal purposes varies in the range of 400 - 1000 micrograms per day.

With megaloblastic anemia, treatment should also begin by checking the level of B9, B12 in the body. This is because, in cyanocobalamin deficiency, folic acid supplementation can not only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also worsen existing neurological problems.

In 80% of cases, a lack of a useful compound is experienced by people with an active lifestyle, sunbathers, patients with celiac disease and obesity, with a body mass index of over 50. In addition, B12 deficiency can lead to a lack of folate, which increases homocysteine ​​levels, creating fertile ground for development of heart and vascular diseases.

Folate deficiency contributes to changes in the bone marrow, peripheral blood.

Consider the process of development of these pathologies in detail.

Peripheral blood and bone marrow changes

A characteristic sign of the appearance of megaloblastic anemia at an early stage is the formation of hypersegmented multinuclear leukocytes in the blood: basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils.

As a result of the experiment, after transferring a person to a deficient diet with folate deficiency, after 7 weeks, the subject developed an anomaly of Pelger-ra-Huet. Namely, an increase in the number of strands (threads) connecting the segments of the nucleus. Normally, this indicator is equal to one, in megaloblastic neutrophils - two or three.

In addition, pernicious anemia is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, and macrocytosis appears in the later stages of the development of the disease.

There are cases when iron deficiency is combined with a lack of folate in the body, in this situation there may not be abnormally large red blood cells in the peripheral blood. The only characteristic indicators of combined anemia (iron deficiency and folate) are increased metamyelocytosis in the bone marrow, hypersegmentation. Severe stages of folate deficiency can lead to thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.

Typical forms of megaloblastic changes in the bone marrow are manifested in 3 sprouts: megakaryocytic, myeloid, erythrocyte. Often in patients, deviations affect all degrees of maturation. At the same time, the main change in the nuclear forms of the erythrocyte series is a clearer detection of chromatin.

A typical sign of megaloblastic anemia is a relatively low number of megaloblasts. With a combination of folic deficiency and a violation of hemoglobin synthesis, bone marrow cells may not have changes characteristic of megaloblasts.

Folic acid overdose

Vitamin B9 has a low risk of toxicity, with excess excreted in the urine. However, the systematic intake of high doses of the substance (1000 or more micrograms per day) masks the effects of anemia, which, like any disease, is best detected in the early stages of formation.

Consider what side effects causes hypervitaminosis in adults:

  1. Hyperplasia of epithelial cells of the kidneys, hypertrophy.
  2. Increased excitability of the CNS.
  3. Decrease in the concentration of cyanocobalamin in the blood (in case of long-term use of large doses of pteroylglutamic acid).
  4. Dispersion.
  5. Sleep disorder.
  6. Anorexia.
  7. Disorders of the digestive system (intestinal disorders).

An overdose of vitamin B9 in pregnant women can lead to asthma in the newborn.

Long-term use of folic acid above 500 micrograms per day reduces the concentration of B12 in the blood, so an excess of one compound causes a deficiency of another.

Indications for use and contraindications

Consider why to drink vitamin B9:

  1. For the prevention of anemia.
  2. In the case of taking bactericidal, contraceptive, diuretic, anticonvulsants, analgesics, erythropoietin, sulfasalazine, estrogens.
  3. For weight loss.
  4. To stimulate the growth of red blood cells.
  5. In case of poisoning with methyl alcohol, alcohol.
  6. During lactation.
  7. With depression, Crohn's disease, mental disorders.
  8. During pregnancy. Often among women the question arises: how long to drink folic acid. Doctors recommend using the compound throughout the entire period of pregnancy, in order to prevent the development of neural tube defects in the baby.
  9. With psoriasis.
  10. Newborns with low weight (up to two kilograms).
  11. In the case of the development of hypo- and avitaminosis B9, hemodialysis, gastrectomy, intermittent fever of gastrointestinal diseases (liver failure, persistent diarrhea, celiac enteropathy, alcoholic cirrhosis, malabsorption syndrome, tropical sprue).
  12. During intense training (especially in bodybuilding).
  13. With an unbalanced diet.
  14. To strengthen hair.

Contraindications to the use of pteroylglutamic acid:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cobalamin deficiency;
  • hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis;
  • hypersensitivity (allergy) to the drug;
  • pernicious anemia.

How much vitamin B9 should be consumed per day?

If it is necessary to include folic acid in the diet of children under 3 years old, the compound should be administered carefully in small doses. According to the conclusion of the FAO / WHO expert group, the daily norm for a child from birth to 6 months is 40 micrograms, 7 to 12 months - 50 units, from 1 to 3 years - 70, from 4 to 12 years - 100. From 13 years old, the dose for adolescent and adult equals 200 micrograms per day.

However, it should be borne in mind that the daily intake of folic acid is purely individual. The minimum dose for an adult is 200 milligrams, the maximum is 500. During pregnancy, this figure increases to 400 units, while breastfeeding - up to 300.

Folic acid can be included in a complex of multivitamin preparations or produced separately. Synthetic forms of vitamin B9 are 2 times more active than natural ones.

What is the difference between "medicated" and "natural" food folates?

Interestingly, higher plants and most microorganisms are capable of synthesizing folates, while these compounds are not formed in the tissues of birds and mammals. An insignificant part of pteroylmonoglutamic acid is found in plant and animal cells. The main amount of folate in them is part of the conjugates (di-, tri-, polyglutamates), which have additional glutamic acid molecules. They, in turn, are united by a strong amide bond, like a peptide.

In bacteria, the predominant form of folate is pteroyltriglutamic acid, which contains 3 molecules of glutamate; in yeast, it is a complex with 6 particles called heptaglutamate.

Often, the “bound” folacin included in food products is represented by polyglutamates, while the “free” group (casei mono-, di- and triglutamates) is no more than 30%.

What foods contain folic acid
Product name Vitamin B9 content in micrograms (per 100 grams)
mung beans 625
Cranberry beans 604
Dried agar 580
chickpeas 557
Yeast 550
Dried curly mint 530
Pink beans 463
Dried soybeans 375
dried basil 310
wheat germ 281
Peas 274
Coriander (cilantro) dried 274
Dried marjoram 274
Thyme (thyme) dried 274
ground sage 274
Tarragon (tarragon) dried 274
green asparagus 262
Beef liver 253
Peanut 240
Chicken liver 240
Oregano (oregano) dried 237
sunflower seeds 227
pork liver 225
soy protein 200
Spinach 194
turnip leaves 194
mustard leaves 187
Bay leaf 180
dried parsley 180
Laminaria (seaweed) 180
Wheat bread with bran 161
Rye toast 148
Chicken yolk 146
Frozen artichoke 126
Oat bran bread 120
Parsley (fresh) 117
hazelnut / hazelnut 113
Cod liver 110
Beets (raw) 109
Sesame 105
Walnut 98
Wild Rice (Clicking) 95
Dried Spirulina 94
Flax seeds 87
cow kidneys 83
Avocado 81
Beets (boiled) 80
rice bran 63
cocoa powder 45
Boiled chicken egg 44
Oyster mushroom 38
Pomegranate 38
Brynza 35
Watermelon 35
Chees Feta 32
Powdered milk 30
Orange 30
Buckwheat 28
Salmon 27
Champignons 25
Blackberry 25
Pomegranate juice 25
Kiwi 25
Strawberry 25
Pearl barley 24
Corn 24
Cauliflower 23
Raspberry 21
Banana 20
Jerusalem artichoke 18,5
eggplant 18,5
A pineapple 18
Honey 15
tomatoes 11
Lemon 9
Onion 9
Potato 8
Milk 5

A list of foods that contain vitamin B9 is useful for compiling a balanced daily diet that provides the body with the necessary amount of nutrients.

There are some important things to keep in mind when designing a menu:

  • when cooking vegetables, meat, 80 - 90% of folates are destroyed;
  • when grinding grains - 60 - 80%;
  • when roasting offal, meat - 95%;
  • when freezing fruits, vegetables - 20 - 70%;
  • when boiling eggs - 50%;
  • when canning vegetables - 60 - 85%;
  • when pasteurizing, boiling fresh milk - 100%.

Thus, cooking foods high in folic acid results in partial or complete loss of the beneficial compound. To enrich the diet with vitamin B9, greens, vegetables, fruits should be eaten raw. In addition, in the winter season it is recommended to feed the body with food supplements, vitamin complexes, which include a daily dose of folates.

In order for the intestinal flora to better synthesize B9, it is recommended to consume yogurt, biokefir, preparations with bifidobacteria daily.

Let us consider in detail the description of the absorption of folates.

In observations of people and experiments on animals, it has been established that vitamin B9 taken per os (orally) is almost completely absorbed in the body as quickly as possible. With the introduction of 40 micrograms of labeled pteroylglutamic acid per kilogram of body weight, the level of assimilation of the substance in 5 hours reaches 98.5% of the administered dose. 50% of the absorbed amount is excreted in the urine one day after the drug is received.

Folic acid is absorbed in the proximal small intestine and duodenum.

Of particular interest is the process of absorption of dietary folates, which are predominantly contained in the form of polyglutamates produced by them (methyl, formyl).

Monoglutamates are easily absorbed in the body. At the same time, polyglutamates are absorbed by those produced in the intestine (conjugas, gamma-glutamylcarboxypeptidase) only after the elimination of excess glutamic acid.

In the intestine, B9 is first reduced to tetrahydrofolic acid (THFA) under the influence of dihydrofolate reductase, then methylated. In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (malabsorption syndrome, childhood non-infectious diarrhea, sprue, idiopathic steatorrhea), folate absorption is impaired. This leads to non-absorption of the substance, the development of folate deficiency, which can subsequently lead to a decrease in enzyme-forming, juice-secreting functions, destruction of the intestinal epithelium.

In the process of studying the absorption of derivatives of tetrahydrofolic acid (formyl and methyl), the following was established: N-methyl-THPA is absorbed by simple diffusion without changing during absorption. When N-formyl-THPA (folinic) acid enters the human body, during absorption, it is almost completely converted into methyltetrahydrofolate in the intestine.

After absorption, folates enter the external secretion gland - the liver, where they gradually accumulate, transform into active forms. In the human body is about 7 - 12 milligrams of this compound. At the same time, 5-7 units of them are concentrated directly in the liver. Some of the folates are polyglutamates, of which more than 50% of folic acid derivatives are in the form of methyltetrahydrofolic acid. Scientists refer to it as a reserve form of B9 of the liver.

Studies have shown that when pteroylglutamic acid is added to the diet of animals, the amount of folate in the gland increases significantly. Liver folacin, unlike derivatives of other tissues, is very labile. The accumulated reserves of folates in the gland are able to compensate for the lack of a useful compound in the body for 4 months, preventing the development of anemia. In addition, the human body (intestinal mucosa, kidneys) contains a certain reserve of vitamin B9.

The amount of folate in the liver is 4 times greater than in the urinary organs. However, its ability to accumulate and consume a useful compound directly depends on providing the body with vitamins, amino acids, and proteins. For example, as a result of an experiment conducted on rats, scientists found that a deficiency of cyanocobalamin (B12), methionine, biotin in the diet leads to a decrease in folates, especially polyglutamates, as well as the ability to convert them into THFA.

Do not underestimate the important properties of the liver in the metabolism of folic acid derivatives. The functional state of the organ affects the level of folate absorption, the course of reactions involving vitamin B9 coenzymes. Fatty infiltration, cirrhosis of the liver impair its ability to accumulate, consume the compound. Often, as a result of such lesions, a serious disease develops - megaloblastic anemia.

From the human body, the processed remains of folic acid are excreted with urine and feces. At the same time, the amount of folate in the urine, in most cases, does not correspond to their intake with food. In other words, more output than input.

The best means of preventing folate deficiency is nutrition with the inclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu. With a lack of folate in the diet, it is recommended to additionally consume 150 - 200 micrograms of the vitamin daily.

If the deficiency of pteroylglutamic acid is caused by malabsorption of the vitamin due to gastrointestinal disease, the amount of the compound should be increased to 500 - 1000 units per day. Often, this dose guarantees the absorption of the required level of the drug. An example of this kind of shortage is a severe disease of the sprue (non-tropical, tropical), in which the absorption of nutrients deteriorates sharply, and atrophy of the mucous membrane of the small intestine develops. The introduction of folic acid into the patient's diet has a positive therapeutic effect, which helps to improve the clinical picture, alleviate the human condition.

With total gastrectomy and atrophy of the gastric mucosa, megaloblastic anemia is observed, due to a deficiency of cyanocobalamin rather than folate. Daily intake of 200 - 500 micrograms of B9, in combination with a single intramuscular injection of 300 - 500 micrograms of B12, has a beneficial therapeutic effect. To eliminate megaloblastic anemia that has arisen against the background of alcohol intoxication, pregnancy, infection, the patient is prescribed an increased dose of folic acid - from 500 to 1000 micrograms per day.

During the treatment of leukemia with vitamin B9 antagonists, folate malabsorption is observed. These substances block the conversion of a useful compound into an active tetrahydroform. As a result, prolonged use of drugs causes severe complications, poses a potential threat to human life. For the treatment of patients, active forms of folate are used: injections of N5-formyl-THFA (300 micrograms per day). In case of violation of the formation of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, it is recommended to use folinic acid.

Consider how to drink folic acid for specific diseases (indications for use):

  1. Aphthous stomatitis. Deficiency in the body of micronutrients, vitamins (iron, B9, B12), involved in hematopoiesis, leads to the formation of cracks on the lips and ulcers on the oral mucosa (aphthae). To eliminate the disease, it is recommended to take 500 micrograms of folic acid and 1000 units of iron glycinate 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and varies from 120 to 180 days. During this period, once a month, the patient should be injected with 100 micrograms of cyanocobalamin. During treatment, it is important to monitor the level of vitamin B12 in the blood.
  2. Atherosclerosis. Daily intake of 500 micrograms of folic acid for 14 days (with a further transition to 100 units) binds "bad" cholesterol in the intestines, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, converts homocysteine, which is part of homocysteine, into methionine, preventing the hardening of the body's arteries. Compliance with the diet, refusal to take alcoholic beverages, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular use of folates, as part of the vitamin complex of group B, leads to an improvement in the patient's well-being and complete recovery.
  3. Gingivitis and periodontitis. To relieve gum inflammation, folic acid should be consumed orally at 100 micrograms per day. At the same time, it is necessary to supplement the treatment with daily rinsing of the oral cavity with a 1% solution of the vitamin in the morning and evening. The course of therapy is 2 months.
  4. Viral hepatitis. Vitamin M (B9), in the treatment of inflammation of the liver tissue, is used as an adjunct drug. The recommended maintenance dose for the first 10 days of therapy is 1500 micrograms per day (500 units in the morning, afternoon, evening), then it is reduced to a single dose of 500 units in the afternoon.
  5. Osteochondrosis. Folates take part in the formation of a collagen scaffold, on which, in turn, calcium salts accumulate. Without a "gluing" substance, the bone does not gain the required strength. The use of vitamin B9 enhances the effectiveness of the main active ingredients (muscle relaxants of central action, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics). Folates affect the generative processes occurring in the joints, creating favorable conditions for accelerated tissue regeneration. Due to this, the formed inflammatory process between the vertebrae is suppressed. How to take it: before or after meals? B9 is taken immediately after a meal with a small amount of water (100 milliliters).
  6. Spasm of the colon. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are bloating, colic, alternating constipation and diarrhea. To suppress spasms, the patient is given 1000 micrograms of folic acid per day. If after 2 - 3 weeks no progress is observed, for therapeutic purposes, the dose is increased to 2000 - 6000, until the patient's condition improves. After the onset of a positive effect (remission of the disease), vitamin intake is gradually reduced to 500 micrograms. Simultaneously with the intake of B9, B-complex vitamins should be consumed at 10,000 micrograms per day. During therapy, it is necessary to systematically check the level of cyanocobalamin.
  7. Epilepsy. After a seizure occurs, the amount of folate in the brain drops to a critical value. In addition, its concentration in blood plasma is reduced by anticonvulsants. As a result, B9 deficiency causes side effects - an increase in seizures. To reduce the risk of frequent seizures, experts recommend consuming 500 micrograms of folate per day.

Remember, regardless of the type of disease, the therapeutic dose of vitamin B9 depends on the patient's condition and is selected individually by the attending physician.

In the course of research on the beneficial properties of vitamin B9, it was found that the compound prevents the development of oncology. However, if the disease has already begun, it is forbidden to take the drug. Otherwise, folates spur the process of cancer cell division.

Instructions for use of the drug in the treatment of malignant tumors

First of all, medicines that inhibit the activity of folic acid, in particular, methotrexate, are used. The benefit of this drug is that it inhibits the process of tumor growth.

To eliminate and prevent metabolic disorders, patients are prescribed folinic acid, an analogue of vitamin B9.

Where is it kept?

The drug leucovorin is successfully used by specialists in the chemotherapy of oncological diseases. The drug eliminates the severity of intoxication (damage to the bone marrow tissue, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperthermia), which manifests itself after taking cytotoxic drugs.

Given the fact that the risk of developing cancer in the elderly is 2 to 3 times higher than in young people, it is not recommended to use folates for pensioners without a doctor's recommendation.

At the end of the 20th century, scientists in the United States conducted a series of studies to identify the relationship between the progression of a colon tumor and the intake of vitamin B9. As a result of the collected information, experts came to the conclusion that in 75% of cases, cancer of the digestive organs can be prevented if systematic use of prophylactic doses of folic acid (200-400 micrograms per day) throughout life.

Least of all, the tumor occurred in people who regularly took vitamin complexes for 10 years.

Vitamin B9 and men's health

Folic acid is needed not only for children under one year old, for women to become pregnant and bear a child, but also for men. Chronic nutrient deficiency in the body of the stronger sex increases the risk of developing megaloblastic anemia, as well as pathologies from the reproductive system, up to infertility. Daily intake of vitamin B9 in a therapeutic dose completely eliminates these complications.

The main indicator of men's health is the state of spermatozoa. So, for the synthesis of germ cells, nucleic acids and protein are needed. Lack of folate leads to a violation of the production, deterioration, a decrease in the concentration and motility of spermatozoa. In addition, a deficiency of a vitamin compound can cause the formation of an incorrect number of chromosomes in the seminal fluid, which can lead to the appearance of hereditary diseases in a child (for example, Down syndrome).

Why is folic acid needed in the male body?

The hormone testosterone, vitamin B9 determine the proper development of spermatozoa. Folate plays a particularly important role in the puberty period, when an intensive process of development of sexual characteristics begins (appearance of hair on the face, body, coarsening of the voice, intensive growth).

Interactions between folic acid and medications

Consider the compatibility of vitamin B9 with other nutrients, drugs:

  1. Corticosteroid hormones flush folate from the body. It is not recommended to take these drugs at the same time.
  2. , B12 enhance the effect of folic acid.
  3. Nitrofuran preparations disrupt the metabolism of the pteroylglutamine compound.
  4. High doses of aspirin lower folate levels in the body.
  5. Antimetabolites, sulfonamides, alcohol-containing drugs, antihyperlipidemic agents impair the absorption of vitamin B9.
  6. Estrogen replacement therapy, anti-tuberculosis, anti-epileptic drugs (hydantoin derivatives, barbiturates) cause severe folate deficiency.

Thus, folic acid is a vital nutrient that acts as a starter, controller of the synthesis of amino acids DNA, RNA and proteins, and participates in the construction of cells. The human body does not produce enough vitamin B9. Therefore, in order to satisfy the need for a connection, he obtains it from food.

Given the fact that folates have a fast metabolism, they practically do not accumulate in the body, but are quickly excreted with sweat and urine.

Normally, the concentration of pteroylglutamic acid in blood plasma is 7.0 - 39.7 nanomoles per liter. For normal intrauterine development of the fetus, the minimum level of the substance in the mother's body must be at least 10 nanomoles per liter.

To satisfy the body's daily need for a vitamin, you need to saturate the diet with foods rich in B9 or additionally use folic acid preparations with a prophylactic dose of the compound. These include: Folacin, Folio, Vitrum prenatal, Materna, Elevit, Pregnavit, Multi-tabs perinatal. In the absence of folate deficiency in the body, additional intake of the compound is not required.

Folic acid is vitamin B9, necessary for the renewal processes of all types of cells that are part of the body. Vitamin B9 is something without which the synthesis of purines necessary for the assembly of DNA is impossible - the matrices on which the hereditary material of each cell is recorded.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin found in leafy greens and vegetables. Common names for vitamin B9 are bc, growth vitamin, folic acid.

Folic acid derivatives - polyglutamates, diglutamates, are also involved in metabolism, they are combined under the general name "folates". The availability of folate for absorption depends on the form of the compound in which the substance enters the body.

In the body, the active form is tetrahydrofolic acid. The function of the compound is to transfer carbohydrate fragments necessary for the synthesis of purine bases, which are used to build DNA.


Sources of folic acid are most represented in plant foods. When eating plant foods, the compound is supplied in sufficient quantities, and in a healthy person its deficiency is extremely rare.

Folate deficiency can occur in a young healthy person during periods of rapid growth of the body, the need for them increases 6 times during pregnancy. The reader can learn about it on a separate page of the site.

To reduce the risk of having a baby with defects in the nervous system, folates are included in all vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.

For the birth of a healthy child, vitamins with folic acid begin to be taken even at the stage of pregnancy planning. The need for vitamin B9 when planning pregnancy is described on the website in the article.

To calculate how much folate you need, use the "folate equivalent" or coefficient, which is different for different types of products. Thus, the folate equivalent of a plant food is 0.6, which means that only 0.6 mg of 1 mg of folate is absorbed.

The food folic equivalent from synthetic vitamin preparations is lower than from leafy greens, in which vitamin B9 is contained in large quantities, and is 0.5.

Functions of folate in the body

The need for folic acid increases with all processes that are accompanied by active cell division, the formation of organs and tissues. This explains why deficiency occurs in young active people, and middle-aged people. In this case, deficiency can occur even with sufficient intake of vitamin B9 from food.

With a lack of B9, DNA synthesis is disrupted, and the cell does not enter the division stage. This phenomenon is observed in the bone marrow with megaloblastic anemia, a disease in which the maturation of red blood cells is disrupted, and overgrown megaloblasts are found in the blood.

Megaloblasts are an immature original form, unable to perform the functions of red blood cells. Similar transformations occur with leukocytes, cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, causing gastritis, enteritis, conjunctivitis.

With a lack of vitamin B9 in the body, the content of homocysteine ​​increases, which destroys the endothelium of blood vessels and causes homocysteinemia. One of the products of the destruction of homocysteine ​​is the amino acid methionine, which is necessary for the formation of serotonin, norepinephrine.

For the production of serotonin and norepinephrine, as the main neurotransmitters of the brain, the synthesis of purines, the maturation of red blood cells, activation of vitamin B9 in the body is required, which requires cobalamin ().

Reasons for the deficiency

Cooking at high temperatures reduces the content of vitamin B9 in foods by 70-90%, and a person does not receive the required amount from food.

The reasons for the lack of vitamin B 9 can be:

  • malabsorption in the small intestine;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • taking barbiturates, anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives, methotrexate;
  • high need during pregnancy, hemodialysis.

Deficiency symptoms

Folic acid deficiency negatively affects the puberty of adolescents, leads to early menopause in women, impaired spermogram, infertility in men, accompanied by:

  • anemia
  • early gray hair;
  • irritability;
  • loss of strength;
  • depression
  • the appearance of phobias, feelings of fear.

Hypervitaminosis B9

An excessive amount of folate negatively affects the cellular immunity system, reducing the activity of NK cells - natural killers.

An overabundance is difficult to cause by eating foods rich in folates, as they are excreted by the kidneys in the urine. But when using overdose of folic acid in tablets, it can lead to the appearance of an excess of this compound in the blood.

The danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that folate stimulates cell division, which is dangerous for oncological diseases or a high risk of cancerous tumors.

In light of recent data, the WHO has revised down the required daily allowances for folic acid and now recommends that adult non-pregnant women take 170 micrograms of folic acid per day, up to 470 micrograms during pregnancy.

How much folate to drink, how to take it correctly, the role of folic acid for men and women can be found in the articles.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. This article will be of particular interest to girls, I think. Very often, “female doctors” told me that there is a very useful and harmless supplement. And I have to drink it. Guess what I mean? If not, I will not torment you with guesses. This is folic acid or it is also called vitamin B9. When studying materials about this vitamin, it turned out that everything is not so clear with its safety. But read about it below 🙂

In the people it is called "female vitamin" or "leaf vitamin". The latter name is given because this element is isolated from the leaves of spinach (in Latin "folicum"). And the first, because it is often prescribed to women. Especially when planning a pregnancy.

This water-soluble B vitamin is naturally present in foods. It is also added to pharmaceuticals and foods as a food additive. Studies show that by eating foods high in B9, various diseases can be prevented.

Here are some of the benefits of folic acid:

  • normalizes digestive processes and takes part in the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats, protein and DNA;
  • supports the functioning of the liver and the defense system;
  • important for a woman when planning pregnancy and during it, since it participates in the formation of fetal cells and prevents spontaneous miscarriage of the fetus;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain (brain and spinal);
  • normalizes blood pressure, prevents the development of strokes, heart attacks and other problems in the cardiovascular system;
  • participates in the production of serotonin, so it is prescribed for depression and neuroses;
  • prevents the development of gingivitis and periodontitis;
  • is a prophylactic against breast cancer;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins from the body;
  • participates in the formation of blood cells;
  • useful in adolescence - contributes to the normal course of puberty.

To conceive a healthy baby, you need to take this element for 3 months in a row. This will reduce the likelihood of a gene mutation in a child.

For men, vitamin B9 is no less important than for women. For example, the benefit for the stronger sex is to protect against baldness.

Difference Between Folate and Folic Acid

The two words are often used interchangeably, but they have some significant differences. Folic acid is a synthetic vitamin found in tablets or ampoules. It is also added to fortify food. In its natural (natural) form, B9 is called folate. Most people think they are one and the same.

Natural folates are directly involved in metabolic processes in the small intestine. Folic acid requires the help of a specific enzyme called dihydrofolate reductase, which is relatively rare in the body.

If people (especially women of childbearing age) consume large amounts of folic acid in vitamins, this is bad. The body cannot break down so many elements. One of the dangers associated with consuming large amounts of synthetic folic acid is the risk of developing cancer.

An example of research on this topic is given in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2007 ( 1 ). 1,000 people were followed up over a three-year period. Folic acid supplementation (1 mg/day) has been found to increase the risk of cancer (especially adenomas).

Cornelius M. Ulrich (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle) commented:

“The results suggest that the role of folic acid in promoting the growth of precancerous cells is a real issue. This applies to people who additionally consume B9-fortified foods or supplements daily.

Therefore, do not eat pharmacy B9 for how much in vain without a doctor's recommendation. Maybe your body will have enough of a vitamin that comes naturally from food.

Vitamin B9 deficiency

The deficiency can be a serious problem. Although in most countries this is not so common. An adult needs 200-400 mcg per day, and children need 40-100 mcg

Here are twelve signs that you may be suffering from a folate deficiency:

  • weak immune function, frequent colds;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep problems;
  • poor digestion (problems such as constipation, flatulence);
  • loss of appetite and anorexia;
  • development of problems during pregnancy and infancy (including short stature);
  • anemia;
  • premature graying of hair;
  • skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc.);
  • frequent headaches.

Of course, some have a higher risk of folic acid deficiency than others. Here are the groups that should be especially careful.

  • lactating, pregnant (especially in the early stages) and women who want to get pregnant;
  • people with liver disease;
  • taking medications to treat diabetes, as well as diuretics or laxatives;
  • people with alcohol addiction;
  • those on dialysis;
  • with malnutrition.

If you classify yourself as one of this group, then you need to include vitamin supplements. It is important to note that the daily rate in pregnant women is based on the prevention of fetal defects. This dosage is not designed to improve the health and well-being of the mother herself. This rate is based on the assumption that 50% of the folate in the mother's body is not completely absorbed.

What foods contain B9

This vitamin has firmly entered the list of mandatory supplements for pregnant women. Because folic acid has been shown to help prevent the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. But there are many natural foods rich in this element.

B9 is highest in the following foods: citrus fruits and juices, dark green leafy vegetables, liver, beans, and sprouted grains.

To address a possible folate deficiency, be sure to supplement your diet with foods from the table below. These are the "leaders" in the content of B9. In the table, the level of 400 mcg is taken as the norm.

Just remember, friends, that there are factors that are detrimental to vitamin B9. These include light and heat treatment. Therefore, try not to expose products containing B9 to prolonged heat treatment.

Also, folic acid can be destroyed even at room temperature. This happens when food is stored for too long. Therefore, if you want to keep the maximum amount of this element, eat fruits and vegetables fresh. Try to cook vitamin salads more often - it is both tasty and healthy.

Instructions for use

In Russia, the following dosage of vitamin B9 per day has been established:

For kids:

For adults:

To determine if you have a B9 deficiency, your doctor may do a serum folate concentration test. However, a more reliable approach is to test the erythrocyte concentration of folic acid. Based on the results of this analysis, the doctor will determine whether pharmacy supplements can be prescribed.

But as I wrote above, in most cases this is not a natural vitamin. Therefore, when buying supplements, make sure that “folate” is indicated in the ingredients.

I confess that so far I have not been able to find such vitamin complexes in pharmacies. Could only find iherb. And even there it was not easy to choose a good option. I bought these vitamins:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

2 883 rub.

To the store

The bank indicates how to take and the composition is detailed. It contains this vitamin in its natural form. Plus, it is represented by a full complex of tocopherols, which is also very important.

Vitamin B9 overdose

Although this element is water-soluble, its intake in the body in large quantities can be very harmful. As I said before, excessive consumption of synthetic B9 provokes cancer. And the harm doesn't end there. An overdose during pregnancy increases the risk that the child will have bronchial asthma. Also, such a baby will have a weak immune system, so he will often suffer from colds.

Consumption of folic acid supplements in large quantities provokes problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Most often, it becomes an impetus to coronary insufficiency, and eventually leads to a heart attack.

For those with megaloblastic anemia, large amounts of B9 can also cause serious harm. An overdose of this element hides the clinical picture that is observed in anemia. As a result, the first symptoms remain unrecognized and the disease progresses.

You can judge an overdose of vitamin B9 by certain signs:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • the presence of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • irritability and anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive system.

Benefits of Vitamin B9

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B9 should be taken in combination with and B12. The dosage of all these elements must be balanced. Otherwise, too much of one vitamin will neutralize the action of others. Folic acid also aids in absorption.

The "enemies" of vitamin B9 include aspirin, nitrofuran, anti-tuberculosis, contraceptives and analgesics. With their regular intake, there is a lack of folic acid in the body.

In addition, the absorption of vitamin B9 and other pharmaceutical preparations worsen. These include estrogenic, antiulcer and antihyperlipidemic agents. Anticides, sulfonamines, and also antimetabolites differ in a similar action. And they also reduce the absorption of folic acid by the body triamterene, methotrexate and pyrimethamine.

Corticosteroid hormones enhance the excretion of vitamin B9 from the body. Therefore, patients who take them are prescribed additional supplements.

Alcohol is considered a terrible "enemy" of folic acid. By the way, alcohol-containing preparations also have a negative effect on this vitamin. And bifidobacteria, on the contrary, catalyze the production of this element. Therefore, I advise you to abandon alcoholic cocktails in favor of bio-kefir. So, drunkenness fight 🙂

I discovered an interesting fact for myself. It turns out that hard cheeses and meat also affect the absorption of folic acid by the body. These products contain methionine. This is a substance that helps to ensure that vitamin B9 is spent in an unnecessary direction.

Here's what you learned today! I'm sure your friends will find this information useful as well. So share a link to the article with them. And also. Well, I tell you: until we meet again.

For the proper functioning of our body, naturally, we need all the vitamins. Some vitamins require more, some a little less, but it is clear that each vitamin fulfills its role for our health and beauty, and no other vitamin, at times, can replace its unique action. That is why all nutritionists constantly repeat - every day we need a complete and varied diet, rich in all vitamins and minerals.

Doctors say that vitamin B9 is the vitamin most often lacking in humans, and our body needs it from “head to toe”, as it is responsible for the quality of our blood. Vitamin B9 is involved in hematopoiesis, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. With a lack of B9 vitamins in food, anemia develops.

Why is vitamin B9 needed?

We often forget that our blood (red blood cells) requires not only copper, but also vitamins. Without folic acid, new cells, including red blood cells, will not form, or they will grow abnormally large.

It must be remembered that in order to create magnificent blood, in addition to iron, copper and folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamins B12, B2, A and, of course, vitamin C are also needed.

Who especially needs

It is believed that a healthy person needs 400 micrograms (a thousandth of a milligram) of folic acid (vitamin B9). During pregnancy, women need twice as much - 800 micrograms, a nursing mother - 600 micrograms. A drinker, even if he takes alcohol from time to time (aperitif, cocktail, beer or wine), most likely does not have enough folic acid (vitamin B9). Especially it is lacking suffering from alcoholism.

An increased dose of folic acid is necessary when taking birth control pills, with excessive use of diuretic herbs and bactericidal drugs.

Signs of Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) Deficiency

Depression, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, forgetfulness, weakness, pallor, inflammation of the gums, sometimes neuralgic pain (especially in older people).

Vitamin B9 is essential for the proper functioning of vitamin B12 in the production of red blood cells and the processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Good sources of this water-soluble vitamin include liver, kidneys, green vegetables, yeast, fruits, dried beans and lentils, whole grains, and wheat germ.

How to identify a deficiency in the body

Folic acid deficiency is quite common and causes anemic fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness and irritability. Sufficient folic acid intake is important for women who want to become pregnant and for a healthy pregnancy.

Folic acid deficiency is common in women with cervical dysplasia (an abnormality in the cells of the cervix that can be a precancerous condition) and in those who take oral contraceptives. (If you're on the pill, be sure to take vitamin B.) In addition, a lack of this vitamin is often found in people suffering from some forms of mental disorders, depression, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Vitamin B9 is involved as a coenzyme in various enzymatic reactions, it plays an important role in the metabolism of amino acids, the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases - a component of nucleic acids - this determines the importance of vitamin B9 for the normal course of tissue growth and development. Vitamin B9 is important for the processes of hematopoiesis and embryogenesis, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Folic acid is used to stimulate erythropoiesis (the process of formation of red blood cells, which usually occurs in the hematopoietic tissue of the bone marrow) with anemia to normalize hematopoiesis.

What foods contain vitamin B9?

Vitamin B9 is found in so many foods that we eat. Unfortunately, we often almost completely destroy it due to improper preparation.

The fact is that the name of this vitamin comes from the Latin word "folium", which means "leaf", because folic acid is found in large quantities in leaves, but fresh, green, raw. Therefore, infusions from green leaves of raspberries, black currants, wild roses, date palms, persimmons help so much. The green leaves of birch, linden, plantain, dandelion, needles, nettle, goutweed, yarrow, mint, etc. have healing properties.

A lot of folic acid (vitamin B9) is found in foods: parsley, lettuce, various types of cabbage, beets, cucumbers, peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, fruits - in oranges.

It contains enough vitamin B9 - folic acid - in black bread made from wholemeal flour, meat, eggs.

A rich source of vitamin B9 is the liver, which also contains other vitamins necessary for creating full-fledged blood - B12, B2, A, and iron from trace elements.

However, during cooking, folic acid (vitamin B9) decomposes. And the longer the food is cooked, the less vitamin B9 remains in it. Cooking foods typically destroys more than half of the folic acid they contain. Hence it follows - eat everything raw! If you really need to boil or fry something, then you need to do it quickly, over high heat and, if possible, in a sealed container.

If fresh unboiled milk contains a lot of folic acid (vitamin B9), then neither pasteurized nor sterilized milk has this vitamin. Folic acid is the main antidote for alcohol poisoning and methyl alcohol poisoning. It flushes out poisons from the body. In this case, it is necessary to take folic acid tablets sold in pharmacies.


product, measure Vitamin B9
(folic acid),
Poultry liver, 100 g 647
Brewer's yeast, 1 tablet 313
Veal liver, 100 g 269
Orange juice, glass 136
Spinach, fresh, glass 106
Boiled broccoli, one medium 101
Brussels sprouts, 4 pcs. 74
Salad, glass 98
Endive salad, glass 71
Soy (dry), 1/4 cup 90
Sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup 85
Soy flour, 1/4 cup 80

As you can see for yourself, there are really a lot of foods rich in vitamin B9. And they are not some rare and exotic, but our most ordinary products, which are sold in every good supermarket. Eat right, take care of your health and the health of your entire family.

How does vitamin B9 work in the body and interact with medications? What foods contain folic acid? Why should it be taken during pregnancy? Daily dose, hypo- and hypervitaminosis, indications.

Discovery of vitamin B9

In 1931, scientists were able to identify the ability of a certain substance in yeast to positively influence the symptoms of anemia in pregnant women. After 10 years, this compound was found to be found in the leaves of spinach and parsley. That is why from the word "folium", which means from lat. “leaf”, they began to call the discovered biologically active substance “folic acid”. It is also called folacin or vitamin B9. It was first synthesized in the laboratory in 1945.

Scientific experiments have shown that this substance provides the synthesis of nucleic acids responsible for cell growth and division.

Action of vitamin B9

Folic acid is involved in the activity of the blood-forming organs, has a beneficial effect on the liver and intestines, acts on macrocytic anemia, increases the amount of choline in the liver and prevents its fatty infiltration.

Everyone knows that during pregnancy it must be taken. It forms the nerve cells of the embryo and affects its normal development. If the right amount is taken daily in the early stages, then defects in the nerve trunk of the fetus, such as anencephaly and spina bifida, can be prevented.

Vitamin B9 prevents the birth of premature babies, premature birth and rupture of the amniotic membrane. This is simply an indispensable tool for relieving postpartum depression. Therefore, he really justified his name "female vitamin". The immune system, the normal formation and activity of white blood cells are also impossible without the direct participation of vitamin B9.

In high doses, it has an estrogen-like effect: it slows down the onset of menopause and weakens its manifestations, in adolescent girls it corrects delayed sexual development.

Folate deficiency is more common in people with psoriasis. When taken together with cobalamin, it evens out the loss of pigmentation and helps with acne.

Vitamin B9 Interaction

It is best to take folic acid along with cyanocobalamin and vitamin C. Its absorption disrupts the intake of antimetabolites, antihyperlipidemic agents, sulfonamides and alcohol-containing drugs.

Washout is facilitated by corticosteroid hormones, and high doses of aspirin contribute to a decrease in the level.

Estrogen replacement therapy, antiepileptic drugs (hydantoin derivatives, barbiturates), anti-tuberculosis drugs lead to a strong deficiency.

The use of nitrofuran preparations leads to metabolic disorders.

Those beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines and produce vitamin B9 cannot fully meet the body's daily need for this substance. Plant sources where it is found most include sprouted wheat grains, leeks (read about), spinach, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, legumes, oatmeal and buckwheat, carrots, beets, nuts, pumpkin, tomatoes, dates , mushrooms.

Food of animal origin includes chicken, beef and pork liver, beef, lamb, pork, egg yolk, fish (flounder, herring, tuna, sardine), milk and dairy products.

It is important to know that vegetables and meat lose up to 90% of folic acid when cooked, and as much as 95% when fried. A hard-boiled egg loses up to 50% of vitamin B9!

To prevent the vitamin from being destroyed by heating, you should cook foods quickly and with the lid closed. If vegetables and herbs can be eaten raw, then it is better not to heat them at all.

In order for the intestinal flora to be healthy and synthesize folic acid better, you need to often use biokefir and live yogurts (better), take complexes with bifidobacteria. All of them restore the microflora, especially after taking antibiotics. Fresh milk (with a high content of folic acid) can bring great benefits, which cannot be said about boiled and pasteurized milk.

Daily requirement for vitamin B9

For an adult, it is only 200 mcg per day, provided that it is taken regularly. Pregnant women need it 2-3 times more - it all depends on pregnancy and health status.

An additional amount is required for those who lead an active lifestyle, as well as children and adolescents to ensure normal growth and development.

Indications for the use of vitamin B9

  • hypo- and avitaminosis B9;
  • macrocytic, hemolytic, megaloblastic anemia;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • alcoholism;
  • glossitis;
  • intermittent fever;
  • hemodialysis;
  • gastrectomy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary zone (gluten enteropathy, tropical sprue, malabsorption syndrome, persistent diarrhea, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure);
  • pregnancy (with drug, alcohol or nicotine addiction, multiple pregnancy);
  • prolonged stress;
  • lactation period;
  • simultaneous use of analgesics, anticonvulsants, estrogens, erythropoietin, sulfasalazine;
  • newborns with low body weight.

Consequences of deficiency and excess of folic acid


  • Anemia, "red tongue"
  • Fatigue, apathy
  • Anxiety, insomnia
  • graying
  • Indigestion
  • Labored breathing
  • Growth retardation
  • Birth defects in offspring
  • Memory problems


  • Increased excitability
  • Dyspepsia
  • Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of renal epithelial cells
  • Decrease in the blood concentration of cyanocobalamin (with prolonged use of large doses)

Video about the benefits and harms of vitamin B9:

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