Redness around a mole in a child. Redness around the mole: what is caused, what to do? Skin care after mole removal. The main differences between benign and malignant moles

Moles (nevi) on the human body are quite normal. In places of accumulation in the skin cells of the pigment formed under the influence of melanin, the formation of pigmented spots occurs. Nevi are not dangerous, as they are benign formations. You need to worry if the mole is inflamed.

Moles are benign formations, but they can also bring us a lot of anxiety.

The main cause for concern is their modification, including redness.

You will learn about what to do if the mole turns red and what can be the cause of these and other pathological changes in our article.

The reasons

The main causes of redness of the mole itself or the skin around it are its mechanical damage or malignancy.

You can damage a mole with tight clothes with rough seams, when washing your body with a hard washcloth, when combing, etc.

Moles are harmless formations that give a person a unique charm.

Have you noticed that a mole is peeling off?

This means that there are some reasons for this.

If the mole is peeling and itching, then this is a real reason to see a doctor.

Consider the hypothetical causes of discomfort in the neoplasm zone.

The causes of discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mole can be different:

  • mechanical damage;
  • the influence of ultraviolet;
  • cosmetic impact;
  • hormonal changes;
  • climate change

Let's take a closer look at each of the reasons.

Mechanical damage

The most common reason why a mole peels off and even changes color is mechanical damage. Most often, the mole brightens or darkens.

The causes of postoperative hyperemia can be:

  • transient inflammation due to the formation of a wound on the skin;
  • incomplete removal (without root);
  • contamination of the wound with bacteria.

In these cases, the mole can not only turn red, but also fester, darken.

Skin care after mole removal

The healing process lasts 2-4 weeks in the absence of complications. With an interval of several days, the doctor examines the wound, the nurse makes dressings.

Ways to relieve redness and inflammation

Severe hyperemia of the operated area and hardening of the inflammatory nature require qualified medical care. In ordinary situations, according to the doctor's prescription, the following measures are taken:

  • treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate after laser removal;
  • applying Actovegin ointment to the young skin freed from the crust, which will accelerate the restoration of the epidermis and protect against infection;
  • the use of Fukortsin to soothe itching so that scratching does not cause inflammation;
  • the use of absorbable ointments, therapeutic silicone patches in the formation of a scar.

Even people far from medicine know that any mole can be the beginning of such a formidable disease as melanoma (a malignant tumor that develops on the basis of reborn melanocytes - skin cells that produce pigment).

Redness around the mole can be an alarming signal that some negative changes are taking place in the body. Don't ignore it! But also redness of the skin can occur due to damage or other factors.

You should know that a healthy mole has smooth edges, a uniform color and a dry surface. The skin should be without redness, rashes, should not itch or hurt. Also, the mole should not increase in size, ichor or other secretions indicate a serious threat to life and health. In general, an ordinary mole does not bring any discomfort.

ICD-10 code

D22 Melanoform nevus

Causes of redness around the mole

The causes of redness around the mole can be divided into three groups:

  1. Mechanical damage. Reddening of the skin around the mole is caused by the fact that it was simply pinched with nails, jewelry or other objects. Very often, moles are located in areas where there is a high risk of injuring them. For example, those located in the neck area can be pinched with fingers, jewelry, a very stiff collar or even a label on clothes can damage the delicate surface of the mole.
  2. Chemicals. A mole is one of the most sensitive and most vulnerable areas on the human body. Therefore, it may react negatively to cosmetic or medicinal preparations with aggressive components. It is necessary to immediately stop using the product or carefully monitor that it does not fall on moles and the skin around them.
  3. The transformation of a mole into a malignant tumor. There are many varieties of melanomas, ranging from passive to fast growing. In half the cases, the skin around the mole turns red. This means that some inflammatory processes are taking place inside it, while not completely visible from the outside.

A mole can respond to any of these factors, regardless of its size, location on the body, or age of formation. Some mistakenly believe that only larger moles have a risk of rebirth. This can be explained by the fact that changes are more noticeable on large moles.

Symptoms of redness around the mole

What diseases are preceded by reddening of the skin around the mole? These can be symptoms of not only diseases, but also adverse effects on the skin. Redness may occur because:

  • You have been in the sun for too long. The sun can cause slight inflammation of the skin around the mole. Basically, this can happen if you ignore the warnings of doctors and are in the open sun from 11 am to 6 pm. At this time, the rays are most harmful and carry a lot of solar radiation. Since moles are very sensitive, they can immediately react. In some cases, the mole itself can change color, because ultraviolet light affects the color of the pigment.
  • A benign tumor becomes malignant. This can happen again due to excessive solar exposure. Of great importance is heredity. If the mole is reborn and is in an intermediate stage, it is easy to decide on your own. The skin around it will turn red, the mole itself will increase in size. Flat moles become more convex. Also, the outlines of the mole become not even and clear, but blurry with “torn” edges.

In any case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor for later or self-medicate without an accurate diagnosis. With the wrong approach, you can only harm the neoplasm, accelerating the course of the disease.

Redness around the mole and swelling

Redness around the mole and swelling can occur in several cases. If you hit a mole with a sharp object or otherwise injured it, it will certainly react that way. Swelling appears because the body immediately reacts to damage and local hyperemia occurs in that place. Redness is a natural skin reaction. The skin can turn red even with slight friction.

The second reason for redness and swelling is the changes that take place under the skin at the location of the mole. Most often these are negative changes. It takes some time to observe the mole. If you notice the slightest change in color or size, contact your oncologist immediately.

Gradually, after redness and swelling, pain, itching and a constant feeling of discomfort may be added. The sooner you contact the specialists, the easier and more painless it will be to perform the operation (if necessary).

A few simple and harmless ways to relieve redness and swelling: sprinkle with Streptocid, wipe with alcohol or calendula tincture, anoint with antibacterial ointment with zinc or salicylic acid. If the redness has not gone away, and the feeling of discomfort has become even stronger, the mole cannot be treated on its own.

Complications and consequences

The consequences of redness around the mole can be very different. If she blushed from excessive exposure to the sun, this will lead to an excessive accumulation of melanin. A benign mole can degenerate into a malignant one. Also, on the reddened area around the mole, a rash sometimes appears or the inflammation spreads to neighboring areas.

If doctors diagnosed the first stage of melanoma, then the consequences are surgical and non-surgical treatment. If the formation is detected at the first stage, it can be treated with ultrasound waves, chemotherapy and radiation. If the patient turned to an oncologist, then in most cases the treatment consists of a whole range of procedures, including surgery. You will definitely need to make a tissue cut near the mole.

The consequences of redness around the mole can also be such lifestyle changes: minimal sun exposure, a ban on visiting tanning salons, and so on, which can provoke the re-formation of inflammation or a malignant tumor.


Complications of redness of the skin around the mole include all atypical changes:

  • Enlargement of the mole, burning sensation or itching.
  • Pain sensations. They only intensify if you try to process the mole yourself.
  • The mole becomes darker in color.
  • The edges lose their correct outlines, the borders become indistinct.
  • The appearance of redness of the skin around the mole and not only around it, but also in neighboring areas of the skin. Such redness spreads quickly and is very noticeable.
  • Blood, ichor, or a clear yellow liquid mixed with blood may ooze from a mole.
  • The hair around the mole may disappear or, on the contrary, appear if it was not there before.

One of the most dangerous complications is a kind of abscess of a mole. It increases in size, fluid accumulates under the skin. At the slightest touch to the abscess, the skin can burst and the liquid is sprayed onto the skin. This can lead to infection of large areas of skin, mucous tissues (if a dangerous mole is located near the nose, eyes or mouth).

Diagnosis of redness around the mole

Diagnosis of redness around the mole consists of a general examination and instrumental diagnostics. A general examination is carried out by an oncologist. He will immediately be able to determine whether a mole is dangerous. You can also conduct an examination at home, you need to check it according to the points in the "Complications" section.

Instrumental diagnostics consists of procedures such as biopsy, histological examination and dermatoscope. With the help of such modern methods, it is possible to accurately diagnose whether a mole is malignant.

Biopsy is a procedure that is carried out in order to identify cancer cells in the tissues under the mole. A small cut is made. This procedure is safe, because if the mole is not dangerous, it can be cured without surgery.

Dermatoscope- a medical microscope that can make the surface of the mole transparent. The doctor will be able to see what is happening inside the mole, what processes develop there and how the disease proceeds. Thanks to this, it is possible to more accurately prescribe a treatment or operation.

Histological examination- a part of the inflamed mole is taken for analysis. If there are cancer cells there, it becomes immediately visible. This method was one of the first to be trusted by oncologists.

Treatment of redness around the mole

Redness around the mole can be removed with drugs that are sold in a pharmacy or folk remedies. It is better to choose a method that does not have side effects or negative reviews. When choosing an ointment or any other medicine in a pharmacy, it is advisable to look at the instructions and composition. Choose herbal preparations or those with components that you are definitely not allergic to. In folk recipes, harmless herbs and ingredients are used. Only a weak effect and a longer course of treatment can become a minus.

Treatment must be carried out as indicated in the prescription or instructions. A stronger dose can only cause complications. It is best to consult a doctor who will help you choose the right dosage.

If a mole degenerates into a malignant tumor, treatment can be carried out with the help of radiation and chemotherapy, electric current, biopsy. In more complex cases, surgery cannot be avoided. When choosing a method of treatment, start with a safer and more harmless to the body. Otherwise, you risk curing the inflammation of the mole and getting another complication.

Why does redness appear around the mole after removal?

If you removed a mole by surgery, there will certainly be a small mark and redness in this place. This is a natural reaction of the body to interference in its well-coordinated work. Redness at the site of removal of the mole can last 2-3 weeks. Also, in most cases, after a mole, a small wound remains with a crust above it.

After removal of the mole, redness indicates that an active healing process and the formation of young skin are taking place. When the crust falls off, a small light spot will remain in its place, which will gradually become the same color as the skin. Depending on the recovery abilities, the size of the mole and the type of removal, a scar remains. In some cases, it is very noticeable and requires additional processing.

Also, redness after the removal of a mole may indicate that an infection has been introduced or the operation has been performed poorly. When removing a mole, you need to completely remove the root itself, otherwise it may grow back. Redness that does not go away for a long time may indicate this.

What to do if redness appears around the mole?

The main thing is not to start self-medicating without establishing the exact cause of redness. Redness indicates that the mole has been damaged mechanically, chemically or by ultraviolet light. Now it is undergoing restoration or rebirth processes.

  • Perform self-diagnosis. Basically, you need to determine whether the mole has changed in appearance or not.
  • Observe the condition of the mole for 1-2 days.
  • Be sure to see a doctor.
  • If the redness does not go away after 3-4 days, get a diagnosis in a medical facility.

If redness appears, and the mole does not hurt, and does not look like it has changed in any way, you can try treating it with celandine, calendula or an inflammation-relieving cream without chemical additives. With simple irritation from mechanical and chemical effects, redness will quickly pass. If these measures do not help, do not try other methods - seek help from specialists. A mole can turn into melanoma, which is considered one of the most aggressive types of cancer.


For self-treatment of redness around the mole at home, only a couple of drugs are allowed. They are guaranteed not to cause harm.

  • streptocide. The simplest, most affordable and effective pills. You can buy them at any pharmacy, and they are quite inexpensive. Take a few tablets of Streptocid, grind into powder, and then sprinkle on the inflammation. Hold it like that for a while. It is impossible to wrap or close a mole. It is also not recommended to pour Streptocide on top of another drug or ointment if you have treated inflammation with them before.
  • Medical alcohol. If it is not in the pharmacy, you can buy an alternative remedy - Septil. Treat redness with alcohol, do not bandage or stick with adhesive tape. Rub several times a day until the redness is completely gone.
  • Tincture of calendula. It will relieve inflammation or irritation, if any. It should be used in the same way as medical alcohol.
  • Triple antibiotic ointment. Barthel Drugs (Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Bacitracin). An analogue can be Levomekol. The drug is absolutely harmless, but after several applications on redness, the result will be noticeable. Zinc and salicylic acid quickly relieve inflammation and redness, as well as swelling.

In the event that you have injured a mole and bleeding has begun, you can only use hydrogen peroxide for treatment.

Redness around the mole - treatment with folk remedies

  1. Lubricate the mole with potassium permanganate. You can do this 2 times a day until the redness subsides.
  2. Cucumber compress. It is done very simply - grate the cucumber, put the resulting slurry in a gauze bag and apply to the redness. Hold like this for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Fresh or sauerkraut is applied to inflammation. Leave for 20 minutes. It is necessary to make at least 2 compresses, they should bring a visible result. Otherwise, this method should be replaced with another one.
  4. Pomegranate and honey. Take a sour pomegranate, squeeze the juice out of it and cook over low heat for half an hour. Then cool a little and mix with honey 1:1. Store in a cool place, lubricate redness several times a day, until complete recovery.
  5. Potato. You can use raw or boiled potatoes. Grate it and apply it to the redness for 20 minutes or until the potato is dry (in the case of raw raw materials).

Any redness on the skin must be moisturized and completely removed. All ingredients that contain a lot of moisture are suitable for this. Aloe is also a great option. Cut the leaf of the plant along and attach to the redness with a cut inward. You can attach aloe with adhesive tape or a bandage. You can even leave it overnight.

Herbal treatment

  • Celandine. Celandine has always been considered one of the best remedies for any kind of irritation and inflammation on the skin. To relieve redness around the mole, you can use it in its pure form, as a tincture or as a decoction. Take a stem of celandine and attach a cut to the redness. Make a decoction and wipe the mole. You can also make a simple tincture. Apply cotton wool with infusion for 10 minutes.
  • Chamomile. Chamomile will relieve irritation and disinfect the mole. You can make a decoction and apply cotton wool with it to the mole. You can also do a bath and keep an inflamed mole there.
  • yarrow. This herb has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an ointment from it for redness, inflammation and swelling. Collect fresh leaves of the plant, squeeze out the juice from them, but without pieces of the plant. Mix juice with vaseline in a ratio of 1:4. You will get a healing ointment that can be used for any kind of inflammation on the skin.

  • Do not visit solariums. Artificial sun is very dangerous for the skin. It is this that causes many melanoma formations. Frequent visits to the solarium and excessive stay there have a detrimental effect on moles, they can become inflamed and gradually degenerate into melanomas.
  • Periodically examine moles on your body.
  • Do not ignore any discomfort or discomfort in the area of ​​the mole, especially if you have previously had or suspected melanomas.

The best way to prevent reddening of the skin is good protection from direct sunlight. To do this, avoid harmful ultraviolet radiation, wear long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, dark-colored sunglasses, and apply sunscreen with a high solar filter rating to your skin.

Moles, or nevi, are considered benign neoplasms, as a rule, they do not cause any special problems. But in some cases, nevi require increased attention. Redness around the mole may be a cause for concern. The inflammatory process can begin for various reasons, so it is better to eliminate all provoking factors in advance.

Causes of inflammation of the mole

There are not so many factors that provoke redness of the nevus or the skin around it, among them are:

  1. Any mechanical damage can cause reddening of the mole. Often the nevus becomes inflamed due to wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes with rough seams. When washing, do not rub the moles with a hard washcloth, this can lead not only to redness, but also to the fact that slight bleeding may open.
  2. Often the reddening of the nevus causes excessive exposure to the sun. Particular attention should be paid to moles that are located on the face or neck, because they are always open and constantly exposed to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Sometimes redness and changes in the mole appear against the background of hormonal changes. Pregnancy and taking any hormonal drugs can cause discomfort in the nevus area.
  4. The most dangerous cause of reddening of a nevus can be the process of degeneration of a mole from a benign formation into a malignant tumor. But you should not panic, if the cell pathology is detected on time, then this oncology is quickly and successfully treated.

How to prevent inflammation

Moles are most susceptible to mechanical damage, which are located on the neck, shoulders, chest, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and in the intergluteal region. In women, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body where the bra straps are constantly located is considered a risk zone. You should be careful about nevi that can be injured when shaving, this is especially true for men.

A reddened and enlarged mole differs markedly from a malignant neoplasm in clear, not blurry boundaries, which are colored with uniform intensity, as is the central part of the nevus.

There are simple preventive measures that must be observed:

  • regularly inspect moles for changes in shape, color and size;
  • do not wear tight clothing and refuse accessories that cause friction or put pressure on the nevus;
  • Limit your exposure to the sun and use UV protection that matches your phototype.
  • do not self-medicate, this can cause more serious problems.

Ways to relieve redness and inflammation

If the mole turns red and hurts, then you should immediately contact a dermatologist or other competent specialist. It is necessary to carry out an urgent diagnosis in order to objectively assess the condition of the nevus and select an adequate treatment. It is possible that the redness will disappear by itself and will not cause any harm to health. But you should not neglect this symptom, you need to immediately find out whether it is dangerous.

Often, when a mole is reborn, doctors advise removing it. There are several methods that are successfully used at the moment:

  • cryodestruction - the formation is removed with liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is -180 degrees;
  • electrocoagulation - for removal, short electrical impulses of high voltage are used;
  • laser coagulation - the procedure is performed using a laser beam.

If you notice redness and damage to the mole, then it is advisable to immediately treat it with calendula tincture or medical alcohol to prevent inflammation. An ointment based on antibiotics, zinc, salicylic acid helps well. Quickly removes redness flaxseed oil. But all these are temporary measures that can be used if it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist.

It is worth noting that a timely visit to a doctor will help prevent the development of malignant tumors. The specialist must accurately determine the cause of the inflammatory process, it is very difficult to find out on your own. It is not advisable to immediately remove the inflamed mole, first you need to conduct a complete diagnosis and only then choose the most optimal method of treatment. Be attentive to your health and promptly respond to all alarm signals of the body.

What to do if the mole turns red and inflamed

Most birthmarks, or nevi, are of a benign nature and do not cause any trouble or discomfort to their owner. In some cases, special attention should be paid to the pigmented spot if it has begun to change, as this may indicate pathological processes occurring in the body. If the mole turns red, then this is one of those cases when you need to find out the cause in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences and understand what to do next.

Why did the redness occur

A mole is a consequence of a malfunction in the work of melanocytes - cells that produce melanin pigment, the accumulation of which forms a nevus. It can be congenital or acquired, but in any case, with the normal development of a neoplasm, it should not change throughout a person's life. In some cases, when certain types of growths appear, a change in shape or size is acceptable if it goes slowly and consistently, but a change in color should always be alarming. If the mole is itchy, red, swollen, inflamed, or enlarged, this can happen for the following reasons.

First, there may be mechanical damage. There can be more than a hundred moles on the human body, and most of them are not dangerous, as they are small in size, flat in shape and located in places that are not exposed to aggressive influences. However, there are also such nevi that are located on those parts of the body that a person constantly affects during regular procedures, these can be neoplasms on the neck, scalp, armpits, etc. Moles react painfully to any aggressive influences, and even if you have already forgotten about the damage, the growth may turn red after a while.

Secondly, chemical damage could have occurred. In addition to the physical impact, chemicals also have a negative effect on nevi. This can be low-quality cosmetics with an abundance of harmful synthetic substances, hygiene products with an aggressive composition, household chemicals, etc.

Thirdly, ultraviolet radiation could negatively affect. Despite the fact that sunburn makes the skin beautiful, it can also negatively affect a person’s health. Due to systematic sunburn, new moles can appear and old ones change, so it is not recommended to stay on the beach or in the solarium for too long without the protection of special means.

Fourthly, self-removal of a mole or hair that grew from it could provoke redness. Doctors do not recommend trying to remove a nevus on their own with the help of pharmaceutical preparations or traditional medicine. You will not be able to do this properly, since only the superficial manifestation of the neoplasm will be removed, and its base will still remain in the deep layers of the skin. It is also not recommended to pull out the hairs from the mole, because in this case it will be damaged, and you will not have to be surprised that it is inflamed, reddened or itchy.

Fifth, hormonal changes can manifest themselves in this way. In some cases, a change in the shade of a mole may indicate an imbalance in hormones in the body. This can happen during puberty, during pregnancy, or with the onset of menopause in women. If your case does not fit the listed ones, you may have a hormonal disease, which you need to see a doctor in the near future.

Finally, the reason that the mole is inflamed, reddened or itchy may be degeneration into melanoma. This is the most dangerous reason for changing the shade of the nevus, the ongoing process of malignancy, that is, the transformation of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one (melanoma), can be fatal. In this case, it is necessary to contact the oncology hospital for tests and consultation with a surgeon.

Nevus itches and turns red

If the mole turns red and itches at the same time, this is already a more serious reason for going to the hospital if single symptoms do not cause you anxiety. A competent specialist will conduct the necessary tests and tell you what to do next. It is impossible to start such a situation, since such manifestations may indicate the appearance of melanoma.

It happens that a mole itches due to damage, such as a scratch or cut while shaving. This means that an infection was introduced into the wound, and the redness of the nevus only confirms this assumption. Many people notice that after itching and redness, inflammation and pain begin in the area of ​​​​the neoplasm. If the cause lies only in the trauma of the mole, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs, and the problem can be quickly eliminated.

Some notice that the mole itches during pregnancy, in this case, you can only relieve the itching with drugs prescribed by your doctor.

When the nevus is very itchy, you should not be tempted, you can only lightly move the pad of your finger along this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to slightly reduce the itching. In extreme cases, you can make a compress, for this you need to moisten a cotton wool or bandage in a weak solution of water and table vinegar and apply a compress to the neoplasm for several minutes.

The nevus is red and sore

If the mole turns red and hurts, you need to remember if you have damaged it recently - with a comb if the nevus is localized on the scalp, with clothes if it is located on the neck, with a razor if it is in the armpits or groin. Usually, painful sensations arise precisely because of the aggressive impact, and after a while they pass without any intervention. To prevent infection, you can treat the damaged neoplasm with hydrogen peroxide, and walk along its edge with brilliant green or iodine.

If the pain does not go away for a long time, and at the same time the mole is inflamed and red, you need to see a doctor to make a diagnosis. In most cases, prolonged changes that occur with a nevus indicate its malignancy, so it is undesirable to delay.

Medical tactics

When you go to the hospital, the doctor will conduct a visual examination of the neoplasm, ask you about the time the mole appeared, the features of its development and the details of the changes. If no diagnosis is made during the initial examination, hardware diagnostic methods will be prescribed - dermatoscopy and siascopy. These analyzes allow you to examine the neoplasm without damaging it, and the results are usually quite accurate. If the diagnosis is not made even after that, the doctor may advise you to do a biopsy - taking material for further research.

In the case of melanoma formation, specialists prescribe a traditional operation using a scalpel. It allows you to remove a malignant tumor with a high probability of the absence of complications and relapses. The operation is characterized by a long rehabilitation period and the presence of scars in most cases. If the nevus is not dangerous, it can still be removed as a preventive measure, this can be done both with the help of traditional excision and with the help of hardware procedures. These include:

  • laser therapy;
  • cryodestruction (exposure to liquid nitrogen);
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave therapy (radio knife).

What to do if the mole is swollen

If the mole on the body is swollen and sore, this can be a dangerous sign.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor to dispel doubts.

It is rare that a person does not have moles on his body (scientifically, nevi). Usually we rarely pay attention to them, especially if they are located in places that are closed to the eye (for example, on the back) or are small in size.

But sometimes the nevus declares itself. You may notice that the mole is swollen, and sometimes experience discomfort in it.

What could be the reason for this, and most importantly, is it dangerous and what to do in such a situation? Let's try to answer these important questions.

Types of nevi

A nevus is a collection of skin pigment cells (melanocytes).

Photo: vascular moles (hemangiomas)

Depending on where it is localized, these types of moles are distinguished:

  • epidermal - an accumulation of melanocytes is formed in the epidermis, a mole rises above the skin, can have a different color and size;
  • intradermal - located in the deep layers of the dermis, can rise above the skin, has a bumpy surface, over time, a hanging mole forms in its place;
  • borderline - appears in the form of a spot that can slightly stand out above the surface, has clear contours.

Nevi can appear on any part of the body, with the exception of intradermal nevi, which are more often formed on the head.

According to the structure, nevi are:

  • vascular - are formed from the accumulation of blood vessels, and therefore their color is from pink to brown, the shape and size are different;
  • non-vascular - they are based only on melanocytes, which manifests itself in color (from light brown to black).

Vascular nevi often appear on the face, neck and trunk, less often on the extremities.

Why is the mole swollen and sore

If a mole is swollen, this symptom should not be ignored by the owner.

The reasons for this condition of the nevus can be very different.

Here is some of them:

  • injury - any mechanical effect on an existing mole is implied, but cuts most often occur;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body is a common cause of changes in nevi - they can swell, itch, hurt;
  • the onset of the malignant process can be manifested by such symptoms.

Regardless of the cause, a changed mole requires consultation with a specialist.

After injury

  • Moles located on the cheek, legs, in the armpits are often injured. This happens while shaving these areas. In this case, the mole can be cut off completely, incised or cut. At the site of the cut, bleeding can be quite strong (if the location of the mole was the cheek or armpit, where the skin is thinner), but do not be surprised if it was not there at all.
  • Scratching can lead to injury to a mole, for this it is not at all necessary to be the owner of long nails. This happens especially easily after a bath, when all the skin is steamed. If the mole itches, touching it is not recommended at all.
  • Friction and squeezing of the mole with tight underwear also acts as a factor that the mole has become inflamed. Injury can occur by accident, in the course of any activity, for example, if the location of the mole is the hand.

It is better to treat a damaged mole with an antiseptic (for example, chlorhexidine solution) and cover it with a sterile bandage.

After an injury, a mole must be shown to a dermatologist. Only he will be able to correctly assess the situation and give further recommendations.

If there was no injury

If the mole was not injured, then the cause of its swelling and pain can be either hormonal disruptions or the onset of rebirth.

During hormonal changes in the body, you can often notice a slight increase in the size of nevi on the body. During adolescence and during pregnancy, this should be especially carefully monitored. At the same time, the mole can remain benign, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

If the mole turns red, hurts or itches, then this is not yet a sign of its rebirth.

But the formation of malignant processes always occurs with these symptoms.

The development of a tumor can occur in a nevus for the above reasons, and for others. For example, with an excess of exposure to the skin of ultraviolet (solar) rays. In this case, pain or other sensations will be obligatory companions of visible inflammation.

Of course, the pain will not be as strong as when a tooth hurts. , but it will be impossible not to notice it. You can compare it with how the gum hurts: tedious constant pain of medium or low intensity.

Changes in a mole for no apparent reason (injury) are the most dangerous. Don't put off your visit to the doctor.

Video: “Dangerous moles! Is it worth removing and how to recognize melanoma in time?

What is the danger

Why, having noticed the inflammation of the mole and discomfort in it, it is necessary to urgently schedule a consultation with a specialist dermatologist? The fact is that in this case there is always the possibility of a beginning degeneration of a nevus into a malignant formation.

It doesn't matter how healthy you lead and how healthy you are. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this.

But, if you take control of the situation at the very beginning, the risk of unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Therefore, for the sake of your own peace of mind, health and beauty, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe diagnostic measures and determine the status of the changed mole.

Reasons for rebirth

Several factors can start the process of transforming a mole into a malignant formation.

But scientists call exposure to ultraviolet radiation the main one.

In pursuit of a beautiful tan, we often forget about it, especially in the hot season on the seashore. But the abuse of solarium leads to similar consequences.

What to do if the mole began to dry.

What is the importance of moles in intimate places? Find out here.

You are at risk if you have:

  • fair skin and hair;
  • a large number of nevi on the body;
  • many moles larger than 5 mm in diameter;
  • new moles appear regularly.

Be sure to limit your time in the sun and protect your skin with sunscreen.

Other reasons for rebirth:

  • moles are constantly in contact with clothing and experience pressure and friction (ankles, belt, chest, neck);
  • the mole is injured (cut, scratched, thermal burn);
  • removal of hair from the surface of the nevus;
  • removal of nevi in ​​non-medical institutions (as a result of the work of unskilled specialists in this field);
  • attempts to self-remove the nevus.


You can suspect the beginning of the degeneration of a mole by some signs:

  • the nevus becomes asymmetrical;
  • there is pain, tingling, itching in the mole;
  • bulges, bumps appear on the edges of the mole;
  • nevus is bleeding;
  • the color changes, which may be uneven inside and along the edges of the mole;
  • the skin around the mole turned white;
  • the nevus swells, significantly increases in size;
  • the mole exudes fluid.

These symptoms do not necessarily indicate the transition of a mole into a malignant state.

But if any sign is found, it is urgent to see a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist.

The doctor will be able to more accurately diagnose the condition of the nevus. So, if a mole is festering, this may be a sign of an infection, and timely prescribed treatment will quickly get rid of this problem.


If inflammation is found in a mole, in no case should you self-medicate. The doctor should diagnose the problem, he will give appropriate recommendations.

If diagnostic measures have shown the malignancy of the nevus, then there is only one method of treatment - the removal of the mole as quickly as possible.

It should be removed only in a medical facility with a qualified surgeon.

In modern medicine, several methods are used:

  • surgical removal;
  • cryodestruction - exposure to liquid nitrogen;
  • electrocoagulation - the use of high frequency current;
  • radioknife

The choice of removal method depends on the location of the problematic nevus. A mole on the face or torso is swollen - different approaches can be chosen.
Why does a mole grow in the groin?

Can you get a tattoo on a mole? Details here.

Photos of malignant and benign moles can be viewed here.

But depending on the actual problem, the doctor may also prescribe medication, for example, in case of infection.

Precautionary measures

Preventive measures include the following:

  • carefully monitor the moles on the body;
  • with any dynamics in the state of nevi, it is necessary to consult a doctor;
  • do not solve problems with moles in beauty parlors, contact only qualified specialists;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation (moles can be sealed or covered with products with a high level of protection);
  • protect moles as far as possible from injury, especially if they are located on those parts of the body where there is a high probability of this ( neck, arm, waist, ankle);
  • regularly conduct a self-examination to identify newly formed nevi.

If you notice any change in the condition of the mole, do not brush it off. The problem will not disappear by itself, but, remaining unresolved, will entail new troubles. Feel free to contact your doctor. Let him better dispel doubts, preserving your health.

A photo

Video: "Moles - spots of fate"

A mole (medical definition - nevus) is a special neoplasm on the skin. Such a mark appears as a result of disturbances in the synthesis of melanin substance (as a rule, with an excess of this element). Fortunately, in most cases, moles are just a cosmetic skin defect that does no harm. However, there are times when changes that occur with a nevus lead to the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, monitoring the condition of your skin is an important task for every person. At the first suspicious changes (the mole itches, hurts or has changed its color), you should consult a doctor.

Dermatologists often encounter patient complaints of itching and redness around the mole. At the same time, it can peel off and increase. Doctors identify several reasons that cause these symptoms on the skin. Let's determine the reasons why moles itch.

Main reasons

  • The first and most harmless - the mole is irritated by close contact with clothing. It can be tight jeans or a shirt collar that rubs a nevus. The solution here is quite simple: wear looser or body-appropriate clothing;
  • The second reason is more serious. As a rule, if a mole itches and grows, it means that its internal cells are dividing too actively. This phenomenon is quite dangerous. The consequences of a rapid increase in the birthmark in size can be malignant formations, the so-called melanomas (or simply skin cancer). In such cases, doctors remove moles.

If everything is clear with the first cause of itching around the mole, then the second must be considered in more detail, since there are certain factors that cause an excessive increase in the rate of cell division.

The main factors affecting active cell division

  • Microtrauma or physical impact on the skin. Moles are fairly easy to damage. This can cause bleeding, which must be stopped immediately. This is done with a cotton swab. Preferably soak it in hydrogen peroxide. After that, the wound is treated with brilliant green or iodine;
  • Taking hormonal drugs or hormonal instability, which is typical for pregnant women. Adolescents also face this problem during adolescence;
  • Strong massage. A prolonged force effect, which, even if it does not tear the tissues of the mole, can also affect cell division in it. As a rule, the client of the massage therapist does not notice anything at first. Only after a certain period of force on the nevus will lead to one of the possible symptoms of melanoma - itching. But you should not immediately run in a panic to the hospital screaming for your mole to be removed. Itching is not necessarily a bad sign. But visiting a doctor just in case will not be superfluous;
  • Ultraviolet radiation. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons causing an increase in the rate of cell division in humans. But don't panic. You can sunbathe in the sun, but in moderation. For each person, this “measure” is different. You simply need to know it and not lie on the beach to the state of boiled cancer. Especially to be wary of ultraviolet radiation should be people with fair skin. Even in the solarium you need to know when to stop and not stay there for too long.

What to do when a mole itches?

Well, now, perhaps, it's time to talk about what to do at the first modification of a mole or when unpleasant sensations appear. For starters, the simplest case - a mole causes itching. An ordinary sterile bandage can save here, which must be moistened in advance with a weak solution of vinegar. It must be applied to the site of inflammation. If this does not help, then you have a direct road to a dermatologist. He will find the reasons, prescribe how to smear the mole and other treatment.

Moles are special formations on the human body. On the one hand, everyone has long been accustomed to their harmlessness. On the other hand, cases of their degeneration into a malignant form are quite common. How to detect this in time and prevent the process from moving to an irreversible stage?

It is necessary to regularly inspect all places of their formation. Any change in structure, shape or color should alert.

What can cause redness?

In itself, a change in the color of the skin area indicates a violation of the blood supply in this place. It may be accompanied by:

  • slight swelling
  • soreness
  • light pulsation,
  • burning sensation.

It can appear for reasons of an external nature and as a result of changes in the internal environment of the body.

External factors include:

  • Mechanical damage (as a result of impact, scratching and other actions);
  • Ultraviolet radiation;
  • Negative air temperature (frostbite);
  • Burn;
  • electric current;
  • Chemical damage.

As a result of the action of these factors, the integrity of the walls of blood vessels lying under the skin is violated, and blood elements sweat out into the free space. Such redness will gradually disappear as the action of the damaging factor stops.

Internal factors require more serious attention. It can be:

  1. Hormonal disorders;
  2. Failures in the physiological metabolism;
  3. Avitaminosis;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. stressful conditions;
  6. Immunodeficiency states;
  7. Infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, incl. fungal nature;
  8. Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

In this case, an independent decision can lead to a worsening of the situation. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is required.

What moles are most dangerous with redness?

Not all moles are the same. Among them are distinguished: flat, convex, pedunculated, hanging; small and large in size; with coloring from light brown to black.

The most dangerous moles are connected to the skin through a thin skin outgrowth called a leg. This, as if hanging, position endangers the integrity of education and requires increased attention from the owner. Any careless action can lead to rupture of the leg and an uncontrolled recovery period. Complications can range from redness to massive bleeding. If redness appears around such a mole, you should understand its causes. Perhaps there was a slight traumatic effect. If redness persists for more than three days, it is necessary to go to an oncologist (dermatologist).

Redness around flat moles may be due to:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene,
  • use of low-quality perfumes and cosmetics,
  • skin dermatitis,
  • insect bites;
  • fungal infections;
  • radiation exposure;
  • ultraviolet rays;
  • allergic reactions.

The reddening caused by such factors is, rather, a signal of trouble in the body and can disappear without a trace.

Another problem is that often small moles, especially those that have recently appeared, are confused with insect bites, scratched and treated with alcohol-containing agents that reduce itching. That's when the mole can begin to blush, become inflamed and aggravate its normal harmless existence.

If the redness periodically repeats and disappears?

Periodically appearing redness around the mole indicates a dysfunctional situation. Perhaps this is due to:

  1. Exacerbation of internal chronic diseases;
  2. Seasonal dermatitis;
  3. Slow infectious diseases;
  4. Exposure to the same adverse factor (care products, cosmetic procedure);
  5. Improper care of this mole.

It should be carefully analyzed, as a result of what influences does hyperemia appear and after which it disappears?

Why is redness dangerous?

A change in the color of the skin may indicate defects in the blood vessels (an increase in their fragility indicates structural changes in the tissues). Suddenly occurring petechial rashes testify to this.

If such a pathology is excluded, a histological examination of the tissues of the mole should be carried out in order to determine its possible malignancy. Such a study is carried out by microscopy of cells for the appearance of atypicality of their structure.

Hyperemia of moles can be the initial stage of skin diseases. Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, degeneration of epidermal cells, disorders of innervation and blood supply - this is a far from complete list of possible problems. For their differentiation, only visual inspection is not enough. The doctor may need additional instrumental examination or laboratory tests.

Is it worth it to treat redness of moles?

There is a theory that moles should not be touched. To a certain extent, this position is objective. But only in those cases when they do not bother, do not blush, do not change in size and color.

If a problem has arisen, it should not be delayed.

Primarily occurring redness can be tried to remove with:

  • Compresses from decoctions of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, linden, coltsfoot, celandine, succession);
  • Diluted in half with water juice of aloe, Kalanchoe, plantain;
  • Baby cream with additives of regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Cream-balm "Rescuer";
  • Light cauterization with iodine;
  • Ointments "Levomikol", "Fenistil", "Hydrocortisone" and others with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects (depending on the accompanying dominant symptom: itching, pain, swelling);
  • Freshly brewed black tea without artificial additives.

Redness around the mole due to a permanent factor (for example, close contact with clothing, shoes, headgear) will not disappear until the effect of this factor has ended. Then you should choose a more convenient option that does not touch the moles.

What are the ways to prevent deterioration?

If the mole turns red, you need to try:

  1. Do not injure her until the normal state is fully restored;
  2. It is better not to wet or rub with a washcloth;
  3. Do not swim in salt water;
  4. Analyze your diet and exclude synthetic products and additives;
  5. Take any sorbent to precipitate the possible allergens that have entered the body;
  6. Try not to use cosmetics and perfumes in this place, especially newly purchased ones;
  7. Do not smoke;
  8. Do not take alcohol;
  9. Talk to your doctor about taking permanent medications;
  10. Do not sunbathe in the sun and in the solarium;
  11. Exclude physical work associated with overheating or hypothermia of the body, exposure to x-rays, radiation;
  12. Dose mental and physical stress, reasonably combining it with intervals for rest and eating;
  13. Drink quality water
  14. Observe the regime of personal hygiene, do not use other people's personal items.

If redness is combined with itching, you should take antihistamines, after discussing their choice with your doctor.

Especially many problems with moles appear with age. In older people, changes in the nature of moles and birthmarks can often be observed. But here there are a number of physiological features of a middle-aged organism. As for younger people who have noticed changes in the behavior of moles, incl. their redness, it is better not to self-medicate and seek professional advice.

Each person on the body has birthmarks of different types, textures, colors, shapes. These harmless formations arise in the epidermis from melanocytes and grow in clusters. The scientific name for a mole is a nevus. This medical term applies to all skin abnormalities. However, these so-called "flies" can hide the most aggressive malignant tumor - melanoma.

Therefore, you should know what they are and be able to recognize the main differences between benign and malignant. Cancer transformations most often occur on the basis of pigmented skin tissues.

What moles are dangerous?

Cancer moles, like normal ones, are made up of melanocytes. But this is an aggressive form of the tumor, prone to rapid spread and damage to other organs. In this regard, it is recommended to be careful with such pigmented skin formations as:

Atypical nevi:

This appearance from the very beginning does not look like an ordinary birthmark, since its size is larger than a pencil eraser, the shape is fuzzy, and the color is uneven. Moreover, the potential danger is borne by congenital formations, and not acquired ones. Most of them are inherited and have a size of over 1 cm.

Hutchinson's melanotic freckles(lentigo):

Appear as a flat spot containing two or more shades of darkening. They are quite common after the age of 50 and are localized in particular on the face. Gradually become larger and darker, transforming into.

Skin neoplasms of unknown etiology:

Neoplasms that appear suddenly, develop very quickly, are outwardly aggressive and are not at all like the usual “fly”. In 60% of all cases of melanoma, this type of pigmentation functions.

Dangerous moles: signs

Color changes:

Potentially oncological is a mole that has begun a color change. For example, one-color pigmentation has acquired some other spots around or in the middle.

Altitude change:

An important feature is a change in the height of a previously flat spot, density (thickening).

Consistency changes:

For example, a mole softens, breaks into small pieces that break off easily, or resemble scratches that do not heal.

What moles are potentially dangerous?

There are certain categories of birthmarks that tend to transform into a malignant form. All of them relate to abnormal skin seals:

  1. Nodular pigmented nevi: usually brown or round and flat.
  2. Cutaneous pigmented nevi: have an elevated appearance, a pale color, sometimes a hairy surface.
  3. Connecting nevi combine elements of different formations.
  4. A halo nevus is a pigmented area of ​​skin surrounded by a discolored white ring.
  5. Dysplastic nevus (other name Clark) is a specific neoplasm.
  6. Spitz nevus: looks like a tumor-like neoplasm on the skin. This spot is pink (but it is possible to combine different colors), domed, prone to bleeding. It may have a hole through which liquid seeps through.
  7. The blue nevus has one of the shades of blue, shows well-defined borders, any size (but more often does not exceed 1 cm), looks like a seal under the skin.

The main differences between benign and malignant moles

A number of characteristics allow you to accurately determine which moles are dangerous:

A benign formation is not asymmetric. If you draw a line through the middle, then both sides will correspond to each other. Cancer seal does not meet these requirements.

Unlike, the usual pigmented spot has smooth, not jagged borders.

The presence of color and brightness is another exciting symptom.

Education changes size over time and becomes larger than 6 mm. Noncancerous nevi look the same. You need to be on the lookout if or gives other unusual signals regarding her general condition.

The only way to accurately establish the diagnosis and confirm or refute is to conduct a histological examination of the cells using a biopsy.

Dangerous moles: symptoms of melanoma

Cancer pigmentation can vary greatly in its symptoms. Sometimes a person is able to adequately assess only some of the features. You should pay attention to how a dangerous mole looks like:

Irregular edges, but a fairly clear border with healthy tissue. Diameter - 10 mm.

A blue-black, newly formed melanoma that has irregular borders. It originated from a dysplastic nevus (pink-brown area in the upper left corner). The size is about 12 mm.

Oncological dysplastic nevus with a black distant malignant extension that was previously absent. It is only about 3 mm.

Malignant skin tumor consisting of three parts: dark brown delimitation on the left, red on the right, and a light area on top. The size is about 15 mm.

Photos of dangerous moles on the body

Melanoma in a dysplastic nevus: irregular contours, bright color, relatively small size (1/3 inch).

Transformation of solitary atypical pigmentation with black, brown and pink (1/2 inch).

Oncoformation on the lower back demonstrates asymmetry, color saturation and changes in the zone bordering on healthy skin.

Each person should be attentive to the condition of their skin in order to diagnose and prevent possible consequences that are detrimental to health and life. Remember that if detected early, skin cancer can be successfully treated.

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