When fish are caught and when not. At what pressure does fish bite better in winter - reality and fiction

Experienced fishermen know that the wind directly affects the activity of fish. Therefore, they constantly monitor the weather forecast for the coming days. But new feederists often do not do this and even doubt what to expect from the weather. Let's consider at what wind the fish pecks better, and at what it is worse, in order to know for sure when it is worth taking up the bait and going to the pond.

What is wind

To begin with, we will deal with the definition of this concept, so that everything becomes as clear as possible. Wind is the movement of air currents from one point on earth to another. It arises due to the difference in atmospheric pressure in different parts of the planet. By and large, this phenomenon is possible due to uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun. If too little heat is absorbed in one place, and too much in another, then air masses are formed, which redistribute the energy. They carry with them moisture or dryness, cooling or warming.

The wind has an impact on water bodies, and therefore on their inhabitants. At the same time, air flows have a number of characteristics, on which the intensity of the impact on the water area depends. Therefore, it is important to understand in which wind the fish bite better.

Cyclones and anticyclones

During a cyclone, air flows move along a circular path, following the center, into a low pressure zone. With anticyclones, everything happens the other way around. There is high pressure in the center, so the wind drives the air out, also in a circular path.

Cyclones are characterized by the condensation of water vapor, which spoils the weather, increases eddy currents, causes rains, thunderstorms and a drop in temperature in summer, and in winter leads to blizzards, snowfalls, thaws and increased cloudiness. The air moves mainly to the east from the western side at a speed of 20-80 kilometers per hour. Therefore, the streams first become south, southeast, and then - north and northeast winds. At the same time, the atmospheric pressure drops.

The anticyclone acts in the opposite way. It moves from west to east mainly at speeds up to 30 kilometers per hour. When the wind stops in an area, a drought begins in the summer months. Anticyclones manifest themselves as subsiding northern ones and after that many days of cloudless weather sets in, which ends with intensifying southwestern and southern winds.

Anglers Secret

Experienced anglers know how the wind affects the bite of the fish, and they can always determine the weather for the next few hours. There is a very simple way to do this.

If you turn your back to the air currents, then the high pressure zone will be diagonally behind and slightly to the right. In this case, the low pressure area will be located slightly to the left in front. If the sky is cloudless and clear, then there will be an anticyclone, that is, good weather. If the horizon is darkening ahead to the left and clouds are approaching, then a cyclone is approaching (coolness and bad weather).

Factors affecting bite

There are several characteristics of air masses that directly affect the activity of aquatic life.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the biting of the fish and the direction of the wind. The movement of air flows depends on it, and consequently, the heating of the reservoir, as well as the deterioration or improvement of fishing conditions. The force of the wind acts on (and therefore on the fish) in a mechanical way. With an increase in this characteristic, the pressure of the water flow also increases.

It is also important what the air masses bring with them. It refers to the degree of moisture and heat that the wind moves from one place to another. These characteristics directly change the air temperature, the state of all levels and layers of the water area, both for the better and for the worse.

All of these factors are largely due to the geographical conditions of the regions. The sun unevenly warms up parts of the planet, so different areas have their own wind. So, in temperate latitudes, western and southern directions are considered favorable, and in Siberia - northern ones. It makes sense to consider whether the fish are biting in the wind in the middle lane.

Wind - enemy or helper?

Fishing literature describes many signs that are associated with the wind. Some of them are based on his direction. For example, with southern gusts there will be good weather, and with northern gusts it will be bad, and you can not wait for biting.

However, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. First of all, anglers should pay attention to the general changes in the weather. Any sharp jumps in atmospheric pressure or temperature changes are negative factors that reduce the bite.

Any light breeze in the summer can increase the activity of the fish. But sharp gusts before sunset or in the morning, on the contrary, significantly reduce it. Therefore, the air masses for the angler can become both an enemy and an assistant, you need to look at the circumstances. However, it is possible to trace certain patterns by which they determine at what wind the fish does not bite.

Wind that adversely affects the bite

One of the reasons that can cause fish to lay low is the direction of the wind. This, in turn, is related to air temperature. It is known that the southern streams are much warmer than the northern ones. If cold masses are present for a long time, then the fish begins to hide in search of a more comfortable place. The same rule applies to prolonged heat. That is, fishing will not succeed if the wind is too cold or warm for a long time.

Also, aquatic life is adversely affected by excessively strong currents that raise large waves. We are talking about wind with a speed of fourteen meters per second. Squall gusts from twenty meters per second act even worse. They definitely won't be able to catch anything.

Thus, it is possible to sum up under what wind the fish do not bite.

  • The presence of air masses in the morning or evening dawn.
  • Sunset with cloudy and windy weather (foreshadows major changes).
  • Constantly changing direction of air currents.
  • Strong wind, especially with gusts.
  • The complete absence of air flow in the heat.

Good wind for a bite

The direction of the air masses has a strong influence on the final result of fishing. Experienced anglers have long noticed that there will be an active bite with a northwest wind, west, southwest and south. Cold currents, as already mentioned, reduce the activity of fish, but this is an ambiguous situation. When the north wind appears, some predatory individuals, on the contrary, begin to peck well. And you need to understand this when you go to catch a certain species. Sometimes the biting slightly decreases with streams of the northeast, east and southeast directions.

The most favorable speed of air masses is considered to be 8-12 meters per second. But a calm is also considered suitable if it occurs in the evening or in the morning. During the day in warm weather, for a good bite, there should be a light breeze, especially if there is no current.

You can also fish well in long cold or hot weather. In the first case, you should immediately take the chance when the south wind appears, as the fish will immediately begin to look for bait. And with prolonged heat, a cool southeast and east wind will positively affect the catch.

season and wind

Winter is not the best season for fishing, as cold northerly winds begin to prevail. Therefore, almost all fish go into shelter, only burbot is active.

Spring is the best time for fishing. During this period, the wind practically does not affect the quality of fishing. After prolonged cold weather, warm southerly winds come, which warm up the surrounding air and water bodies. During the winter, the inhabitants gain an appetite and rise to the surface to bask and find food. At this time, it is not standing. Water after thawing is almost transparent, so a fishing line of the minimum diameter is best suited.

In autumn, easterly streams are considered the most favorable, but a good biting of fish is also noticed with a western wind. The fact is that all living creatures begin to anticipate the cold, so it becomes very active.

Wind in the summer

Separately, you should consider the subtleties of fishing in the summer season. Absolutely all fish like the changes taking place at this time. After a protracted coolness, the bite is most active during southerly winds. And after a long heat, aquatic inhabitants are active in the western and eastern streams.

Additionally, the chances of a rich catch are increased by rains, which saturate the surrounding rivers and lakes with oxygen, as well as a light breeze in the heat of summer. In such weather, ripples appear on the surface, and the fisherman becomes almost invisible to underwater inhabitants. Therefore, you can behave more relaxed on the shore, but you still shouldn’t make a loud noise.

Wind from the pond

All anglers know what the wind must be like for a good bite. This is the one that blows towards the coast, so to speak, right in the face. However, it is extremely difficult to throw a float against the wind, and the waves constantly nail it to the shore. In this case, it is recommended to use bottom gear. They will give the best result even without long casts.

The fact is that the wind raises the wave, and it seems to knock out food from the coastal areas: underwater worms and various crustaceans. For the sake of such food, even such a lover of the depths as a bream will come out of the pit.

Food from the shores

Very often, the waves that the wind raises wash more clay and sand from the banks than in calm weather. In this case, turbidity occurs, especially near sandy-clay and clay shores. It does not frighten, on the contrary, it even attracts cautious cyprinids (bream, roach, silver bream and other fish). They swim close to the shore to feast on bottom insects, which is what fishermen use. With a rocky and sandy bottom in windy weather, small fish immediately move away from the coast. Behind her rush to the depths and predators. In this case, we can talk about the negative effect of wind on the biting of pike and perch.

wind with insects

The wind that blows from the shore often brings flying insects to the pond. They attract some fish: dace, bleak, ide, chub and medium-sized asp. Gusts of wind can throw moths, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers and other insects from meadow grasses and coastal vegetation directly into the water. Experienced anglers do not miss this opportunity, quickly re-equip the rod and get a rich catch. That is why it is important to know in what wind the fish bites best, and to be able to use the chance that nature itself provides.

Fishing in coastal bushes

In coastal bushes it is very good to fish in windy weather, especially if it is combined with rain. Bad weather at this time blows and knocks down a lot of insects, so they get into the water much more often.

In coastal bushes, as you know, there are more chances to find a caddisfly, caterpillar, bloodworm, maggot or worm. In wind and rain, they can literally be lifted from the ground. According to the observations of fishermen, it would be best to sit with a fishing rod on some hill near the shore.


Given all of the above, we can safely answer the question of which wind is better for fish to bite, and which is worse.

The best time for fishing is the first day after the change of weather: from frost to heat or from heat to cool. The most favorable wind directions are south and west. Northern gusts significantly reduce the activity of fish. Also considered optimal is the wind, which with its force creates only light ripples on the water.

There are other nuances associated with the bite. They also need to be considered before you go fishing.

There is no such angler who would not think about why in some cases the fish bite well, and in others badly. In this regard, one experienced angler once said that when he began to master the basics of recreational fishing, he received such information from the mouths of other anglers. Fish are caught badly or not at all when the first phase of the moon, the second, third, fourth. When is the new moon and full moon. Not caught when the wind is northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast. When just western, southern, northern, eastern. Not caught when it's cloudy and when the sky is clear; when it rains and when it doesn't, and so on. Then this angler gained his own experience and learned that fish are caught and even very well when the first phase of the moon, second, third, fourth; when is the new moon and full moon; when the wind is from that, from the other and from the third side; when the sun shines and when it doesn't, in a word, it can always be caught. And there is a lot of truth in this joke. Indeed, how many times did it happen that on the same day on the same reservoir, some fishermen's cages were overflowing with fish, while others did not even see bites. And about different reservoirs - and there is nothing to say. So figure out what's the matter here. And yet we must believe in success. But to believe not blindly, but on the basis of knowledge of nature, the life of fish, various factors influencing their behavior. All this will help to accurately determine that in the same inclement weather on one side, the fish will not bite, but on the other - just have time to pull it out! Anglers have noticed that the nature of biting depends on many different factors and conditions. Here, for example, during winter ice fishing, one angler has a good bite, while the other, located nearby, does not have a single bite. The reasons may be different. Knowing big and small "secrets" will always help improve the bite. So, if the hole is sprinkled with snow so that bright light does not pass to the bottom and scare away the fish, the bite will be better. When drilling holes, it is impossible to scatter ice crumbs around the holes. Pieces of ice freeze and, strongly crunch underfoot, scare away the fish. The ice roof over the fish does not delay, but on the contrary, it transmits noise well. Therefore, it is not necessary to rattle hard on the ice, throw a pick or an ice screw, and beat the frozen ice off them.

Or, as we have already said, the bite will be good if a bunch of weeds, hemp or other odorous vegetation, and sometimes just one or two branches of a bush, is lowered onto a clean and even bottom with a load. The fish will always stay near them. To improve the bite, the choice of bait, nozzles, the ability to own a mormyshka or lure is also important. It also matters whether the hook is hidden in the nozzle or not. The hook sticking out of the nozzle scares away the fish. That is, the bite depends on everything: on the fishing rod and its equipment, on the size and shape of the nozzle, on the thickness of the fishing line and leash. The bite is affected by the degree of satiety of the fish, the time of year and day, the state of the weather and the nature of the terrain, the coast and the bottom of the reservoir. The intensity of the bite is affected by the ebb or flow of water - the more water, the worse the bite. And vice versa; wind and, to a certain extent, cold always favor biting, especially for bottom fishing rods, calm and heat interfere. Reducing the transparency of water adversely affects the bite. In clean reservoirs, fish bite well when it rains, but the bite stops or worsens when rainwater saturated with pesticides and fertilizers, etc., begins to flow from fields and ravines.

With the onset of autumn, slushy, dank weather sets in, the dull autumn wind ripples the water. But, in spite of everything, a real fisherman is drawn to fishing. At this time, carp stop pecking or rarely pecking. But on the other hand, predators continue to fatten, although most predatory fish in the fall in bad weather are also in the pits. The most suitable fishing gear in such a situation is mugs and donks with long casts, as well as donks with an elastic band.

But here calm cold autumn days with clear and frosty nights were established. On such days and even nights, carp, carp, large silver carp and, of course, predators - on live bait are especially good for pecking.

And how good is winter fishing during the powder season! There is a slight frost. Perch and roach bite well. In sluggish cold weather and sluggish bite. Even the ever-hungry perch and he "refuses" the appetizing bloodworm. With the advent of thaws and bright spring days, everything comes to life, the bite becomes intense. In hot, cloudless and windless weather from early morning, when the heat sets in, the fish stops biting. On such days, the fish usually bite well in the evening, at night and in the early morning. Fishing is most successful during periods of long-term cool, calm weather, occasionally interrupted by short-term rains, or during prolonged cloudy weather.

Some amateur anglers and even experts say that in sunny weather, the fish bite better, as they see the food better. Then how to explain the fact that during the day, during the brightest sun, the fish stops biting at all, but in the evening, at night and at dawn, they bite perfectly? The intensity of biting also increases after a summer rain, at the time of a storm wind. There are many factors that have a positive or negative effect on the intensity of the bite.

Fish see well and hear well. Therefore, every angler will benefit from the experience of camouflage on the shore. The fish sees objects if the rays reflected from them make an angle of no more than 48.5 °. Therefore, when fishing with a fishing rod or other gear with a not very long line, you need to hide behind bushes or any ledges on the shore. Some anglers make themselves a portable ambush. It has been established by practice and many experiments that fish are the worst at distinguishing between gray-green and light brown colors. Therefore, it is best to paint the fishing line, especially the leashes, while taking into account the shades of the water and the bottom of the reservoir. The color of the fisherman's clothing is also important. Fishing is not allowed to wear bright clothes, especially white. It is best to take clothes of a protective color, with green or brown shades. When fishing from a boat, although the fish is not very afraid of it, you still need to be careful: the fish sees the movements of the angler. When fishing from transparent ice, it is also necessary to mask. To do this, they take some kind of matting or an armful of straw, last year's grass and put it on ice. On a frosty day, the ice can be "darkened" by splashing water from a hole on it. The water freezes quickly and the ice becomes frosted. The hole is not only lightly covered with snow, but sometimes covered with a specially cut plywood circle with a slot for fishing line. Plywood protects the hole from heavy snow drift and rapid freezing. When biting, the plywood is moved aside.

Don't make too much noise while fishing. It is necessary to approach the place of fishing quietly, do not rattle tackle, buckets and other things, do not talk loudly, do not turn on receivers, tape recorders, do not jump at the place of fishing and do not throw noise-producing objects on the shore or on the ice.

These are factors that entirely depend on the angler himself. But there are also factors that are beyond the control of the angler. This is the weather, the state of atmospheric pressure. Biologists have long established that atmospheric pressure, especially if it jumps sharply, significantly affects the behavior of fish. In such cases, they feel bad and peck badly. You can not wait for a good bite and immediately after the normalization of pressure. It needs some time to pass. When the pressure decreases, the fish sinks into the lower layers of the water, when it rises, it rises. With a drop in pressure, the intensity of the bite usually increases, an increase in pressure leads to a decrease in the bite. In winter, sharp pressure drops are more difficult for fish to tolerate, since at this time the temperature and oxygen water conditions are worse, and there is less food. Of course, normal pressure is not a guarantee of a good bite, since many other factors influence the behavior of fish, such as rising or falling water levels, the state of phytoplankton, etc.

The question arises: what pressure can be considered normal? So, for the sea or water bodies at sea level, the normal pressure is 760 mm Hg. In other cases, the pressure is determined by subtracting from 760 mm the height at which the reservoir is located. In this case, every 10 m is equated to 1 mm of mercury. So, if we are going to fish in a reservoir, the location of which is 100 m above sea level, then for this reservoir the normal pressure will be 750 mm. (760 minus 10).

To have information about the weather, the angler must have a barometer at home. Before fishing, you should listen to the weather forecast on the radio, although it must be borne in mind that it is given for vast areas. Weather information can be obtained by mobile phone.

At the same time, it is useful for every angler to know many folk signs related to the weather. They contain folk wisdom, they are the result of long-term observations.

Experienced anglers are well aware, for example, of such a sign: "The sun is red in the evening - the fisherman has nothing to fear, the sun is red in the morning - the fisherman is not to his liking." That is, if the sun sets red over the horizon with a clear cloudless sky, then the weather the next day will be sunny. If the sun hides behind the horizon covered with clouds, expect windy or bad weather tomorrow. In the morning, the rising red sun, barely appearing and hiding in a cloudy haze, is a harbinger of bad weather.

However, it also happens that signs say - do not wait for the bite, but the fish are caught. But this, as they say, is an exception to the rule. It is useful for every angler to memorize signs, write down, check, analyze. This is very useful for fishing or in the process of preparing for it. Let's take a look at some of the typical features.

Very often you can find a situation where some fishermen catch fish, while others do not, and they are not able to change the situation in the opposite direction. Simple tips can help you avoid a number of mistakes that affect the entire fishing process. What is this advice?

Understanding how active the fish is at the moment is quite simple. You just need to go to the fisherman and find out if the fish are biting today. Fishermen are happy to share various information with other fishermen, including on the activity of biting. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to:

  • The presence of fishermen near the reservoir. If there are none or very few, then there is either no bite at all, or it is not very significant. At the time of spawning, the fish stops eating, so you should not count on biting. If there is a spawning period on the calendar, then it is better to stay at home and wait until the fish spawn.
  • If the weather has deteriorated outside and it is raining, and the wind is raging, then it is better not to go fishing.

The use of various nozzles and baits

The fish can be wormed (especially when warm or hot), so you need to resort to another option and try plant bait on the hook. From baits of animal origin, you can bait:

  • Worm.
  • Maggot.
  • Motyl.
  • Fly pupae.
  • Various insects.
  • When catching predatory fish, you can plant live bait.

As herbal baits you can use:

  • Grains of various crops, such as wheat, peas, corn, barley, etc.
  • Dough (mamalyga, etc.).

In summer, the fish eats more plant foods, and in spring and autumn - animals. But these rules can be violated by the fish itself, and you need to try to bait both baits.

If there is no bite, then such a technique as changing the place of fishing can help, especially if something is caught by other fishermen. This may be due to the type of bottom topography: after all, fish can be either at a depth or in a shallow, depending on weather conditions.

Lure diving depth adjustment

The depth is chosen depending on the type of fish that is supposed to be caught. Many fish are bottom-dwelling, which means that the bait should be closer to the surface, but these are usually small fish species and fishermen do not hunt them much. There are times when bottom fish come out to the shallows to bask.

Groundbait use

For fishing to be successful, the fish must be fed or baited to the place of fishing. You can bait the fish if you feed it every day, for several days before fishing. The effect is more pronounced in stagnant water, but on the current, the effect decreases, since the bait is carried by the current over a large area. But this does not mean that the fish will not come to the place of fishing. In this case, you should not get carried away and throw a lot of food into the water. If the fish is overfed, then it will cease to be interested in various nozzles.

  • Traper;
  • Dunaev;
  • Pelican;
  • sensas.

Fish are more effectively lured if the bait is introduced into the bait, which are mounted on the hook. After adding the mixture must be thoroughly mixed.

It can be:

  • Chopped worms.
  • Bloodworm.
  • White or red maggot.
  • Grains of corn or peas.
  • Pearl barley.

This approach gives good results in the spring, when the water begins to cool gradually and the fish begin to feed more efficiently, giving preference to baits, which include animal components.

Learn from fishermen

If fishermen were found upon arrival at the reservoir, then it is better, without wasting time, to come up and ask what the fish are interested in today. There will be no problems if the reservoir is familiar, and if the reservoir is not familiar, then you will have to lose some of the time to find a promising place, and then feed the fish and, finally, catch something. If the anglers do not make contact, then you can stand near them for a while and see what bait they are fishing for. An experienced fisherman will immediately understand everything, but a beginner will suffer a little more in search of the best option.

Summing up

Upon arrival at the reservoir, you can immediately determine whether there will be a catch today. In the presence of a bite, especially an active one, the shore will be simply “strewn” with fishermen and all that remains is to squeeze between them, which is not so easy. But the absence of them on the shore suggests that fishing can be very difficult and success will depend only on the personal skills and personal experience of the angler. If you make the right approach and prepare well for fishing, then you can always catch fish. The main thing is to hook on the hook that nozzle, which it will be difficult for her to refuse. Going fishing, you need to calculate all the options and stock up on all the accessories, as well as bait and various baits.

Why fish bite badly - Video

The tactics of fishing with spinning is a non-standard approach with a bad bite. Chapters from Viktor Andreev's book "Techniques and Tactics in Spinning": optimal tackle, catchy baits, effective leads, spinning technique and tactics - transition to atypical actions in no bite.

Not caught at all - move on to non-standard spinning fishing

There are days when the fish is caught badly - but at least somehow bites, and you can try to "extort" it. But sometimes, despite all our tricks, it doesn't bite at all! Then the last thing remains - a non-standard approach up to the rule "everything is vice versa".

Everyone knows that there are no rules without exceptions. Especially in such an unpredictable business as fishing - where at certain moments the exceptions can work even better than the rules. This means that we must always be ready, if necessary, to move to non-standard actions.

This in no way means that you need to forget all the basic patterns and rethink the whole approach to fishing. No, in the "base" everything remains the same. But if at some particular moment all the “correct” efforts do not bring results, it means that right now they are erroneous. So which ones are right now? Probably the opposite of those that are now erroneous, although they are generally considered correct. So let's try to catch non-standard and even clearly against the rules - the "wrong fish" and you have to catch it wrong! At least we won't lose anything.

Non-standard lures for spinning

If half a day has passed, and there are no bites even at proven "points", it's time to change tactics. The easiest way is to change the "correct" bait to the "wrong" one. This can be done in two ways.

The first way is to radically change any individual parameter of the lure: size, color, play, acoustics. For example, it is believed that with a bad bite, you need to reduce the size - and we will try, on the contrary, to increase it almost to the maximum. I had cases when perch and small pike began to emerge from the grass only behind the "turntables" of the fourth or fifth numbers. By the way, this is quite typical for the southern rivers. Another significant example: before the end of fishing, I finally decided to just “rinse” (test) a very large wobbler in a grassy bay - as a result, I took a “crocodile” on the last cast, which outweighed the rest of the day's catch.

Sometimes, with the same size, it is enough to change only the color of the bait to start confident bites. For example, in gray rainy weather, dark copper spinners often “shot” at me, and in bright sunshine, orange-red and lemon-green wobblers. Unusual - but true.

Another important point is the lure game. It happens that with complete lack of bite, the seemingly illogical replacement of a “lazy” minnow wobbler with an extremely active “fatty” suddenly brings success. What is a popper? This is the same wobbler with a fundamentally new game, including sound. At first, he seemed to many to be “wrong”. And now?

There is no complete clarity with acoustic lures. Sometimes they work better than usual, sometimes they work worse. By the way, this is confirmed by my friend - a fan of trolling. For a long time now, he has been constantly catching in two spinning rods for two wobblers: acoustic and regular. And I still haven’t understood the system - either it’s better to bite on the “noise” option, then on the “quiet” one.

The second way is to radically change the bait. For example, a jig - on a "heady" turntable, or a wobbler - on a "wobbler". Sometimes just such a non-standard replacement gives a good result.

What is a spinnerbait? Another example of a seemingly illogical and overly "fancy" combination (already with two petals!), Which, nevertheless, has become one of our most popular pike baits.

Non-standard wiring for spinning fishing

In addition to the bait, you can try to change the wiring with the same model. Moreover, we are talking here just about an illogical, non-standard change "from the contrary" - when, with a bad bite, they do not slow down, but, on the contrary, noticeably accelerate the winding of the fishing line. It's a paradox, but in the Krasnodar Territory this technique has long been known and even perceived as standard - after all, the local pike often reacts only to the accelerated wiring of the "turntable".

Non-standard depth and direction of fishing with spinning

If it does not bite (and even if it bites) it is always useful to check other depths, especially the middle and upper layers of the water. The most striking confirming example is the thermocline on the reservoir. Here, almost all the fish are above the temperature stratification boundary, where a bite is very likely. And if you lower the bait only half a meter lower, all tricks will become useless.

But even in unstratified water, most fish on certain days for some reason adhere to certain depth intervals. Spinners often say that today pike caught at 3-4 meters, and pike perch - at 5-6 meters. But there are some changes, and the fish suddenly changes the "vertical" - tomorrow the catch will be the one who quickly finds a new comfortable depth range.

Many predators are "attached" to clusters of fry, and the fry lives its own life: either it "in sight" actively frolics on the surface or along the coast, or it suddenly disappears somewhere, goes to the lower or middle layers - it seems that it does not exist. But predators are still around. In such cases, casting along the coast itself or posting in the "necessary" layer can become our "lifesaver".

Non-standard places for fishing with spinning

It often happens that even in their own, well-known reservoir, where many catchable "points" are known, they still do not bite. And for others, too.

In this case, there is only one choice: if it doesn’t bite in “standard” places, you should try to catch it in “non-standard” ones. And what is interesting - during periods of total bitelessness, such tactics often work. Here are just two typical examples.

Summer, heat, competitions at the Ruza reservoir. The catches of all are very modest, but the winner managed to catch some good pikes. It turned out that while everyone else was “tapping” the edges and the channel, he was fishing in the middle of a shallow, even “irrigation”, where for some reason active fish were concentrated that day.

Another example is pike fishing in the thick of seaweed. Often in the summer or early autumn, the “toothy” for some reason climbs into the most herbal “supports”. On such days, it is almost not caught either in the “windows”, or in the “gaps” and “corridors”, or in general along the border of algae - however, sometimes it “turns out” in their very middle. What can be done on the thickest grassy "carpet"? 2 bait options worked best for me: a “sliding” non-hooking oscillator with a twister or rubber fringe (MEPPS Timber Doodle, RAPALA Minnow Spoon, HEDDON Moss Boss), or a rubber frog on a large single non-hooking hook. Wiring is similar to "popper" - periodic short jerks and stops. But the bite is incomparable with anything - breaking through the algae, the “toothy” literally jumps out from under the “carpet” and “on the fly” grabs the bait, sometimes even with grass!

From all this one can draw a simple conclusion. Yes, there are general patterns that are true in the vast majority of cases - but there are exceptions that often still help out during periods of no pecking. Therefore, just at such moments, a non-standard choice of fishing spot can be the key to your success.

Predicting the behavior of a particular breed of fish is often simply unrealistic. However, experienced fishermen with a certain amount of luck can do it. Here it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors, the influence of each of which is very important. These factors include not only gear, bait and nozzles, but also various weather conditions.

Factors affecting the bite, or when does the fish bite?

The reasons that affect good or bad fishing, ichthyologists usually include:

  1. Ambient temperature;
  2. Cloudy or clear weather;
  3. The presence or absence of wind and precipitation;
  4. The strength of the current;
  5. How clear is the water and its level;
  6. Air pressure.

Of course, the fishing process itself cannot but be influenced by the approach of the angler, in particular, the fishing technique he has chosen and the nozzle or bait used. At the same time, many fish species are quite picky in terms of nutrition, which is why their mood in this area can change completely unpredictably.

If we consider the issue of atmospheric pressure, then the fish bite reliably either at a stable level or at a slow decrease. Decrease in pressure is the main sign that the weather will worsen in the near future. The fish feel it and try to eat for the future. In addition, a decrease in pressure means an increase in the density of water, which cannot but affect the well-being of the fish, as well as the presence of oxygen in the water.

The complete absence of wind makes the fish very lethargic. However, the wind is different from the wind. If it is too strong, because of which there are big waves, then it will simply scare away the fish. In addition, the fish is a rather cautious creature, therefore, too actively fluttering bait in the bottom layers of water can make it suspicious.

If the wind is too strong, you can not go fishing, but after it subsides, you can safely go for crucian carp or bream. During this period, they are easiest to catch in shallow water, as they will absorb nutrients in the shore area that the waves have washed from the coastline. The presence of light ripples on the surface of the reservoir will allow active fishing, because because of it, the fish will not be able to see very well what exactly is happening on the shore.

List of reasons why fish may not bite

Beginning anglers often have this situation: yesterday the fish pecked literally one after another, and today there is not a single bite.

Experienced fishermen will immediately be able to determine what this may be due to:

wind and fish

As already noted, weather conditions have a very strong effect on fish, so it is undesirable to neglect the absence of wind or its certain direction.

What wind is best for fish to bite?

The direction of the wind while fishing can have a very strong influence on the final result, so it should always be taken into account. However, this factor will not be decisive in every case. Many experienced anglers have long noticed that the western, southwestern, northwestern, southern winds are reflected very positively on the biting.

The situation with biting is much worse when the north wind is blowing, but this does not always happen. In some cases, it happens that with a northerly wind, predatory fish take very actively. It has also been observed that when the northeast, east and southeast wind blows, the fish become much less active, and the wind can be very weak.

In winter, the fish is active in complete calm, but here some points should also be taken into account. The fact is that such weather is not always established, therefore it is better choose weather with minimal wind and not too much frost to keep the atmospheric pressure as stable as possible.

It happens a little differently: when a slight frost has set in, it is best that the low pressure last for the last few days. Together with light winds, these weather conditions will give the fish a fairly good appetite, and many breeds will quite actively grab any food that gets in their way.

In the spring, the fish bite very actively, regardless of the wind, the main thing is that there is no hurricane. At this time, she begins to recuperate after the winter, prepare for spawning or move away from it, moreover, after the ice melts, a significant amount of oxygen enters the water. Thanks to all these moments, the fish becomes very voracious, so any fish can be caught during this period, unless a ban is established.

With the advent of autumn, the fish begins to actively prepare for wintering: they fatten up, eating very actively. Best of all during this period, it will peck on relatively warm days, when there will be a slight wind. Pike in September will almost regularly take in cloudy and cool weather, when there is no wind at all.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

What wind is best for fish to bite in summer?

Fish in the summer do not always bite. For example, if the weather is rather hot, then, as already mentioned, regardless of the wind, it practically stops eating. This is due to the fact that there is less and less oxygen in the water.

However, even this rule has an exception. In particular, if a thunderstorm gathers, then in front of it the temperature and pressure become somewhat lower, due to which the fish have a fairly good appetite. This will be the perfect time for active fishing. Some fish species will be fairly well caught after the storm has passed. In particular, they include crucian carp and carp.

Answers on questions

Question: I fed crucian carp a few days before fishing, and did it daily until the moment of fishing. The reservoir was very transparent, so it was perfectly visible that fish were walking around the bait, but in a couple of hours we managed to catch only a couple of small individuals. With what can be connected?

Answer: It is possible that the bait was chosen incorrectly. The fact is that crucian carp is a very capricious fish that can change its eating habits in just a few hours. It is possible that it was necessary to try several types of bait.

Question: In April I went for pike - I decided to spend the whole weekend on it. As a result, one day there was not a single bite, but on the second day we managed to catch four specimens at once, the smallest weighed three kilograms. What could have caused this?

Answer: During this period, the pike usually moves away from spawning, so it eats practically nothing. Most likely, it was just lucky that about two weeks passed in the reservoir after pike spawning, and the fish began to actively restore their strength, undermined both by a long winter and a very tiring spawning.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

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