Which doctor treats hemorrhoids or which doctor to go to. Doctor who looks at the ass. What to expect from a visit to the doctor. Medical treatment of hemorrhoids The doctor who checks the buttocks

Understandably, the problem is so delicate that many of us would rather endure pain and discomfort while moving or at rest than go to see a doctor who has a specialty. proctologist or coloproctologist. Yes, this is the name of a specialist who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, including hemorrhoids.

Let's start from the very beginning. First, let's determine whether the symptoms that you feel are actually the initial stage of hemorrhoids.

Why you need to see a doctor

In our age of rapid speeds, in fact, only technologies are rapid, and a person has practically completely stopped moving, leading a sedentary passive lifestyle in an office or car. Namely, this is one of the main causes of this disease. To its initial signs, upon the appearance of which one should ask oneself the question of the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids, are:

  • the appearance of pain in the anus;
  • after emptying, droplets of blood are visible in the stool, blood can remain on the underwear;
  • the nodes are small, palpable in the anus;
  • feeling of discomfort and pain during rapid movement or at the moment when a person tries to sit down, coughs or sneezes;
  • mucous;
  • , sensation of a foreign object in the rectum;
  • manifestations of swelling and inflammation in the perineum.

When even the most of the above appear, you should immediately contact a proctologist. Only he, during a careful professional examination, will be able to identify the disease in its initial stages, prescribe the necessary conservative treatment and determine the causes of its occurrence. And there may be several.

The main experts include:

  • varicose veins of various localization throughout the body;
  • the presence of bad habits, such as drinking and smoking;
  • work related to sitting in the office or mental work, low physical activity;
  • congenital or acquired vascular pathologies, genetic predisposition.

In women, this may also be due to:

  • the period of bearing a child, childbirth, their complications;
  • frequent diets and fasting;
  • weight lifting;
  • artificial emptying of the intestine during weight loss.

And for men:

  • with power sports;
  • obesity;
  • love for junk food - semi-finished products, spicy, salty, fatty foods, marinades and smoked meats.

When several factors are combined, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly.

So, who treats hemorrhoids, which doctor does this, who to go to, we have already found out - This is a coloproctologist. And if you suddenly began to be bothered by pain and bloody discharge from the anus, then you should quickly pay him a visit.

You should not self-diagnose and even more so self-medicate.

Hemorrhoids is a rather insidious disease, and its main symptoms are similar to those of oncology of the rectum or any of the sections of the large intestine, anus fissures and other very serious pathologies. And only a professional, after an interview, an anamnesis and a thorough diagnosis, if necessary, can determine which disease has overtaken you. And this is very important for the patient, since the therapy in this case will be aimed specifically at getting rid of hemorrhoids. And if another diagnosis is made, for example, bowel cancer, you will even save your life, as you will not lose precious time.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women and men, is there a difference?

No, in any case, you should consult a proctologist or coloproctologist, even if the hemorrhoids were diagnosed by a gynecologist or urologist. The attending physician must give a referral to his patient for further examination by a specialist.

When should you visit a proctologist?

Often the disease provokes one or another physiological state of a person at different stages of his life. Therefore, it is imperative to contact a proctologist:

  • in the last three months of pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. Almost 70% of women during pregnancy or after childbirth experience symptoms similar to hemorrhoids, such as prolapsed hemorrhoids;
  • shortly before the onset of a woman's menopause, during its course;
  • in the presence of a large excess weight;
  • if you move little during the day, you are forced to sit a lot due to certain circumstances;
  • during the rehabilitation period of postoperative intervention concerning hemorrhoids;
  • after forty years, if your close relatives suffered from bowel cancer.

Since the disease at the initial stage is almost asymptomatic, at least once a year, each person should take care of their health to undergo a preventive examination by a proctologist.

Do not forget that even small children are susceptible to the disease. Therefore, if you notice that he cries when he goes to the toilet, then he is in pain. And this is the reason for going to the doctor.

Responsibilities of a Coloproctologist. What does a coloproctologist treat?

Officially, the branch of medicine that diagnoses, treats and deals with preventive measures of intestinal pathologies, including the colon and rectum, anus, as well as adjacent tissues, is called coloproctology. Although often out of habit such a doctor is called a proctologist.

The fact is that at the very end of the last century, in 1997, proctology, according to European standards of medicine, was renamed coloproctology.

A proctologist is, rather, a surgical proctologist. Unlike therapeutic proctology, it deals with emergency care in emergency situations. For example, with acute intestinal obstruction or rupture of hemorrhoids, causing severe bleeding.

The proctologist deals with the following pathologies:

  • polyps and anal fissures;
  • colitis and proctitis;
  • paraproctitis;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • injuries of the organ, perineum and mucous membranes;
  • prolapse of the intestines;
  • helminthiases;
  • the presence of a foreign body;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • itching in the anus, its irritation and inflammation.

What other doctor can cure hemorrhoids?

Which doctor, surgeon or other specialist should I go to with hemorrhoids if there is no proctologist in the clinic or district hospital, and consultation and examination is urgent?

Of course, the ideal option is a coloproctologist. But, unfortunately, there are not as many specialists in this narrow profession as we would like.

Therefore, for emergency assistance, you can contact:

  • therapist especially in chronic disease. He will be able to conduct an initial examination, prescribe drugs to alleviate the condition, advise where to find a specialist. But he can not conduct a full diagnosis.
  • surgeon if the condition is acute and requires immediate intervention by a specialist in this field.
  • Nutritionist to adjust your diet.
  • Phlebologist or another vascular doctor – angiologist. After all, hemorrhoids are pathologies that occur in the veins of the intestine.
  • girl to the gynecologist, as the disease worsens during pregnancy and after childbirth. And it is the gynecologist who can prescribe a treatment that will be safe for a woman who is carrying a child or feeding him.

But to diagnose the disease is 100% correct, to advise how to treat it most effectively and with what drugs only a professional, a narrow specialist, a coloproctologist, can.

Why is it necessary to go to the doctor with hemorrhoids?

The delicacy of the problem always causes shame. In most cases, potential patients go to the doctor when they can no longer endure. The acute period of the course of hemorrhoids greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment. After all, during an exacerbation it is impossible to use instrumental methods due to the fact that the perineal area is quite inflamed, so there is a high risk of further trauma.

The doctor removes the acute inflammation, and the patient disappears. But again, it definitely comes back, only with even more pronounced and painful symptoms.

It is important to understand that persistent bleeding can cause anemia, an iron deficiency in the body. And open wounds are wide gates for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, intoxication of the body inevitably begins.

In addition, hemorrhoids at any stage of their development can cause:

  • thrombosis- a very dangerous condition in which there is a blockage of the veins by blood clots. This interferes with normal blood circulation, reduces blood flow, increases pressure in the vessels, causes a lack of oxygen in the body:
  • necrosis mucous tissues of the anus and nodes, their death and complete disintegration.

Hemorrhoids in the first and second stages can still be cured conservatively. But the next stages of such therapy are not amenable to such therapy. There remains the operation, which always has a high degree of risk and a difficult rehabilitation period.


Therefore, the sooner you see a doctor, discarding false shame, the sooner you will cope with the problem and avoid numerous serious complications, up to rectal cancer.

Necessary diagnostic procedures

First of all, the doctor draws up an anamnesis based on an interview, where he asks the necessary questions and receives answers to them. Then he conducts a visual examination of the condition of the anus and proceeds to a rectal examination of the rectum. To do this, he puts on a glove, lubricates his finger with petroleum jelly and gently inserts it into the anus, feeling the condition of the mucosa and lower rectum.

Usually after that, even if the doctor has already made a diagnosis, to clarify it, they are also prescribed for detection, a general blood test, and other instrumental research methods -,.

How to prepare for the reception?

It should be remembered that a preliminary appointment with narrow specialists is mandatory. Therefore, this should be taken care of in advance.

A visit to a proctologist is associated with a number of simple manipulations aimed primarily at cleansing the intestines. They are necessary in order to be able to immediately carry out instrumental diagnostics of the intestine, for example, irrigoscopy or colonoscopy.

The best way to do this is with cleansing enemas. They need to be done in the evening and in the morning. Use warm water, no more than two liters at a time.

You can use the drug Microlax (laxative). This procedure is carried out in the morning a few hours before the start of the examination.

A minimum of 48 hours should be followed, excluding from products those that can cause bloating and gas formation.

You should go to the doctor on an empty stomach. This is necessary in order to immediately pass a laboratory blood test as prescribed by the doctor.

What to take with you when you go to the doctor:

  • outpatient card of the patient;
  • the passport;
  • pension certificate, if any;
  • other documents for benefits;
  • insurance policy;
  • wet sanitary napkins;
  • towel and disposable sheet
  • replacement shoes or disposable shoe covers.

If you feel that you may be hospitalized, for example, when the disease has reached its last stage and surgery is required, then take care of the minimum collection of things that you will need at first.

What does the doctor do, how does he diagnose (finger examination)?

If the examination takes place in the clinic, then the doctor:

  • accepts a patient in an equipped room, takes an anamnesis, reads an outpatient card, conducts an initial visual and rectal examination, using special tools if necessary;
  • gives direction to and ;
  • after some time, based on the research data, confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis;
  • prescribes treatment individually in each case;
  • can carry out mini-operations to alleviate the condition and for the sake of prevention in the event that the patient does not go to the hospital;
  • monitors the course of the disease and the course of treatment, corrects it.

Rectal-manual, or digital, examination is the main component of diagnostics, which makes it possible to identify not only pathologies of the rectum and anus, but also other diseases of the abdominal cavity.

It is carried out on a special couch or in a gynecological chair, most often in the supine position on the left side after a visual examination and palpation of the tissues of the anus. A medical glove lubricated with a special solution allows you to do this painlessly and comfortably. Gently inserting a finger into the anus, the patient is asked to first tighten and then relax the sphincters. The presence of fistulas, hemorrhoids, their condition, the degree of damage to the skin, etc. are revealed.

Finger diagnostics is important not only as a method for determining the disease. It is also important for those who already have a diagnosis of hemorrhoids. Therefore, each visit to the proctologist is necessarily associated primarily with tissue pulping, visual and rectal examination.

How should hemorrhoids be treated?

Before drawing up a treatment plan, the doctor must own the whole picture of what is happening in the patient's life, identify his bad habits that provoked the occurrence of hemorrhoids, prescribe a number of preventive measures, change living conditions, and then select an individual course of therapy, in which he will provide for the presence of other diseases.

So, the fight against bad habits is the basis of proper treatment. If they are not eliminated, hemorrhoids will return again with renewed vigor. Therefore, taking medications should be accompanied by:

  • complete cessation of smoking and alcohol;
  • sports or at least daily walks;
  • proper nutrition;
  • parallel treatment of cardiovascular pathologies and infectious diseases, cleansing the body.

Many of the above measures are primarily aimed at restoring stools, eliminating constipation and normalizing the digestive process.

We need to restore blood flow. For these purposes, rectal suppositories, baths with the addition of medicinal plants and preparations, various ointments and gels are prescribed. They will relieve inflammation, pain, itching and irritation.

Treatment radical or conservative?

If the patient applied on time, then the treatment will be conservative (medicated), with the use of suppositories, ointments, tablets, massages and herbal medicine.

Well, if the disease is running, then minimally invasive surgical methods are used. Radical operations using a scalpel are performed much less frequently and under general anesthesia.

Modern methods of treatment are also represented by sclerotherapy, photocoagulation of hemorrhoids, ligation with latex rings.

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids only with folk remedies?

No, self-medication with the use of biological additives and folk methods is by no means possible. Hemorrhoids are an insidious disease, and its development is provoked by many factors on which a person does not depend. Loose stools or, conversely, constipation. And they are associated with malnutrition, obesity, disruption of the digestive tract.

Therefore, treatment must be carried out comprehensively and professionally, otherwise the case may end up with a radical, surgical method. And this is not a guarantee that the disease will completely disappear.

What is the danger of self-medication and untimely access to a doctor

Hemorrhoids are dangerous by recurrence. That is why it is important to determine a number of preventive measures and individual treatment. Only a proctologist can help with this. Otherwise, you will get the following complications:

  • anemia, which arose against the background of constant, loss of blood, and with it the iron so necessary for the body;
  • acute thrombosis or blockage of the veins of hemorrhoids;
  • acute inflammation of the internal tissues, accompanied by purulent discharge, the so-called paraproctitis;
  • the formation of fistulas and fissures of the anus, accompanied by constant inflammatory processes and edema;
  • fecal incontinence.

Of course, in order to cope with pain, you need to buy anesthetic ointments or suppositories at the pharmacy. But then immediately visit a specialist. Self-treatment may not be effective. This is at best. And at worst - aggravate the condition, cause dangerous complications.

This is especially true for young girls who have not yet given birth, and pregnant women. The use of medications alone can provoke subsequent complications in bearing a child, miscarriages, premature births.

Remember, you can not make a diagnosis yourself. You risk your life. You can not do enemas, drink laxatives, take antibiotics without consulting a doctor. You further damage the vessels, which are already under heavy load, cause a persistent manifestation of diarrhea, disrupting the natural process of defecation, and destroy the beneficial microflora.

If you find the first signs of hemorrhoids, you should not hesitate, you should consult a doctor - a proctologist or coloproctologist. This must be done quickly, in a timely manner, discarding embarrassment and remembering that the proctologist is a doctor who will help to avoid surgery and serious consequences.

City Clinical Hospital No. 100. Andrey Alexandrovich Richter, head of the diagnostic and treatment department, together with the team, investigates complex medical cases that other doctors could not cope with. Richter is a genius in his field. True, he is only interested in the most complex and confusing cases - medical puzzles. And routine work in a hospital clinic is boring and annoying.

25th series. The defendant is brought directly from the courtroom to Dr. Richter's department of hospital No. 100. The man has an asthma attack. Richter's subordinates believe that it is necessary to eliminate the attack as soon as possible and get rid of such a patient. A man is charged with the death of four people. But Richter has his own opinion. He fraudulently obtains for the patient a referral for treatment "according to indications of an immediate threat to life." What made Richter risk his position for such a patient?
26th series. Alexander Richter convenes a council of doctors in a very unusual place - in shower hospitals. He wants his colleagues to listen to audio recordings of his little patient's heartbeats. The girl has been successfully treated for oncology for a long time, but lately she has been getting worse. It is believed that the cause of the child's suffering lies in his heart, which means that there is less and less time for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Hemorrhoids are often seen in women (although men are also susceptible to this disease). In particular, the problem occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth. Now the disease is becoming more common, since many people move little, and work is most often sedentary. Yet let's find out which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women and men. We will try to explain in this article how to solve the problem with hemorrhoids.

What is the cause of hemorrhoids?

Almost any person is prone to the formation of hemorrhoids (the disease can manifest itself even in adolescence). The reason for this is some circumstances. These include:

  • constipation in a chronic form;
  • constant use of a cleansing enema or laxative;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • frequent use of diets, moreover, incorrectly compiled;
  • the state of pregnancy and the birth of a baby;
  • certain sports;
  • predisposition at the genetic level;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic products, as well as spicy and fatty foods;
  • failure in the functioning of the hormonal background;
  • frequent exposure to stress.

The risk group includes people of the following professions: driver, builder, accountant, programmer, salesperson, office worker. The most predisposed to the manifestation of hemorrhoids are female representatives - pregnant women or those who have given birth.

Why should you seek medical help?

Hemorrhoids are painful changes in the veins in the rectum that require treatment without fail. The initial stage of the formation of the disease is characterized by some unpleasant signs.

These include:

  • itching and irritation in the anus;
  • bleeding after bowel movements;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • the formation of abrasions and cracks in the anal area.

When the disease progresses, the patient's symptoms become more pronounced, namely: a strong pain syndrome appears, blood clots on the hemorrhoids, in addition, the bumps increase, become inflamed and can fall out.

If you do not start treatment of the disease on time, a complication is possible in the form of an abscess (purulent inflammatory process in the tissues), fistula or paraproctitis.

The disease is successfully cured with the help of medications. However, advanced cases are often treated only with minimally invasive or radical surgery. In addition, the presence of rectal bleeding can also be the cause of other rather complex diseases, for example, neoplasms in the rectum: a polyp, a diverticulum, etc. these problems.

So which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids? As soon as unpleasant signs appear in the anal canal, you should consult a doctor who treats hemorrhoids. It can be a proctologist or a colonoproctologist. These narrow specialists diagnose and treat diseases in the rectum and colon, anus and pararectal region.

You can learn more about and the reasons for the appearance of the pathological process in the fairer sex by reading the material of our author.

You may also be interested in detailed and structured information about from a qualified specialist.

Powers of a proctologist

Proctologist and coloproctologist are one and the same narrow specialization of specialists. Therefore, you can consult with any of them. Proctology (or, as it was renamed in 1997, coloproctology) deals with diseases of the colon.

The proctologist conducts an initial examination of patients who complain of discomfort in the anal area. Namely: cracks in the anus, pain, stools with blood, difficulty during bowel movements, etc.

A proctologist, if necessary, conducts an examination with the help of instruments (anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy), treats hemorrhoids with the help of medications and minimally invasive surgical interventions.

In addition, the doctor who treats the patient with hemorrhoids observes him during the entire period of therapy. Before drawing up a treatment plan, the proctologist establishes the factor that provoked the formation of the disease. This makes it possible to more accurately determine the method of treatment, as well as preventive measures that will alleviate the patient's condition, return him to his previous lifestyle and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

How is hemorrhoids diagnosed?

The proctologist begins the diagnosis by collecting and studying the patient's history. Namely: he listens to the patient (what he complains about), sets the timing of the manifestation of the initial symptoms and the methods by which the person was treated before going to the hospital. In addition, the doctor must determine what provoked the disease in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Although the disease in both men and women has the same symptoms, the source may be different factors. For example, in men, the cause of the manifestation of the disease is often alcohol abuse and weight lifting, while women are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after childbirth.

After the doctor examines the patient visually (such an examination helps if hemorrhoids appear in the external form). In addition, visual inspection reveals cavernous formations that have come out.

However, when a patient has internal hemorrhoids, the nodules are located inside the anus. Therefore, a routine examination can only help in case of prolapse of hemorrhoids from the rectum.

If it is impossible to diagnose the disease visually, the doctor uses the palpation method. A proctologist in gloves probes the walls of the rectum. If hemorrhoids are pronounced, then the nodules on it are dense, enlarged and easily detected by palpation.

To more accurately diagnose hemorrhoids, a deeper examination with the help of instruments is necessary. Instrumental research methods include:

  • anoscopy. The doctor, using an anoscope, examines the mucous membranes in the rectum at a depth of up to 10-12 cm from the beginning of the anus;
  • sigmoidoscopy. This method makes it possible to examine distant areas in the lower intestine (approximately 25 cm from the anal ring). This specialist is helped by a device called a proctoscope;
  • colonoscopy. A method that is a variation of endoscopy, which helps to study the lower parts of the digestive tract with a specialized probe;
  • irrigoscopy. A variation of the x-ray, which is done using a special contrast agent, makes it possible to obtain pictures of the mucous membranes in the rectal canal.

How to prepare for a doctor's examination if you suspect hemorrhoids?

Since we have decided which doctor to go to if hemorrhoids are suspected, you should find out what needs to be done before an appointment with a proctologist and what to bring with you.

To get started, take:

  • documents necessary for any examination in the clinic (insurance, medical card and identity document);
  • diaper for examination on the chair;
  • replacement shoes or shoe covers.

In the event of an exacerbation of the disease or advanced disease, you may be prepared for admission to the hospital. And for this, you should take some things necessary for staying in the department (change of clothes and personal hygiene items). Taking into account the above examinations, before going to the appointment with the proctologist, it is necessary to defecate. This can be done naturally, using an enema, or with laxative medicines. This procedure should be carried out twice: once at night and once in the morning. If you are not able to empty yourself or give an enema, you can use a microclyster, which is sold at any pharmacy.

What specialist can I contact besides a proctologist?

If a person lives in a small town and does not have a proctologist in the clinic, then which doctor should I go to with hemorrhoids? It is possible to apply for hemorrhoids to such narrow specialists as:

  • gynecologist. Consultation with such a specialist is relevant for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. The gynecologist helps to choose the right medicines during pregnancy and lactation, if the patient has hemorrhoids;
  • therapist. It has the ability to diagnose and prescribe therapy and methods for the prevention of diseases of internal organs. Has the right to diagnose hemorrhoids by the presence of signs for the appointment of medications that relieve pain and refer the patient to clarify the diagnosis to a specialist. However, a full examination by a therapist is impossible;
  • surgeon. Since these specialists study diseases of the internal organs, as well as the area of ​​the large intestine, he may well examine the patient for the presence of hemorrhoids and prescribe the medications necessary to treat the disease.

Summing up

We decided which doctor treats hemorrhoids. If you find at least some signs of hemorrhoids, you should not self-medicate. It is better to contact the clinic for a consultation with a proctologist, as a last resort, with a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon. To avoid complications, you should contact your doctor who treats hemorrhoids as soon as possible. A specialist can advise not only drug treatment of the disease, but also preventive measures to prevent relapse.

Keep in mind that during pregnancy you should not start taking medications without consulting a gynecologist, as this can cause premature birth, miscarriage, and in some cases, abnormal development of the child.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids? This question arises in every person who is faced with the symptoms of such a delicate and unpleasant disease.

At first, patients are embarrassed to contact a specialist, since it is not customary to talk about hemorrhoidal disease to either relatives or even professional doctors.

Meanwhile, delaying treatment can lead to deterioration, strengthening and development. That is why proctological patients need to know which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids and what awaits them in the process of therapy.

Why should you see a doctor?

Varicose veins of hemorrhoids practically do not bother patients, occasionally reminding themselves of themselves with drops of blood on toilet paper, itching, discomfort in the rectal canal.

Most often, those patients who experience pronounced symptoms of the disease come to the doctor for an appointment:

  • intolerable pain syndrome;
  • massive;

Moreover, before visiting the proctology room, patients themselves try to get rid of hemorrhoids by using suppositories and ointments. However, their choice is not always verified and corresponds to the peculiarities of the course of the pathological process.

Contacting a patient during an exacerbation makes it much more difficult to carry out diagnostic procedures, since most of the hardware examinations are prohibited due to:

  • delivering unpleasant and even painful sensations to the patient;
  • high risk of aggravation of the course of the abnormal process due to mechanical impact on the anus.

In such a situation, the doctor treating acute hemorrhoids initially relieves the symptoms of exacerbation, and only then prescribes the necessary therapeutic or surgical measures.

If hemorrhoids have ceased to manifest themselves with acute symptoms, this does not mean that he has passed on his own. The disease was chronic, therefore, with adverse factors, the next exacerbation is possible.

That is why it is necessary, at the first signs of varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins, not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist who will determine all the nuances of further treatment.

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?

So, it is necessary to treat hemorrhoidal disease in order to prevent a possible aggravation of the condition and the occurrence of various negative consequences. It remains only to understand who to contact in case of development of unpleasant symptoms.

A doctor who treats hemorrhoids professionally is called a proctologist, or coloproctologist. There is an opinion among patients that the latter is engaged in something else - for example, more serious conditions. However, this point of view is largely erroneous.

A proctologist and a coloproctologist are the names of the same medical profession. In the late 90s, the Russian Ministry of Health brought the name of the specialization "proctology" in line with international standards.

Since that time, it is customary to call the science and the field of medicine, which deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the large intestine, anal canal and pararectal zone, namely proctology.

Accordingly, a specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of these pathological conditions, including those specializing in hemorrhoids, can be called both a proctologist and a coloproctologist with equal probability.

In general, the duties of a proctologist, who can work both in a polyclinic and in a specialized medical institution, are the same. In accordance with the job descriptions, the physician must:

  • receive patients in the office and conducts consultations;
  • appoint and carry out special diagnostic procedures (manual examination, using tools), other additional examinations;
  • establish an accurate diagnosis after the diagnostic measures and the study of anamnestic data;
  • prescribe the patient conservative treatment of hemorrhoids (and other proctological diseases);
  • carry out a variety of surgical manipulations, determine the features of the rehabilitation period;
  • control the course of the disease, adjust (if necessary) the therapeutic course.

Medical practice shows that each case of hemorrhoidal disease is individual.

In any patient, the course of the disease differs by a provoking factor, the severity of symptoms, the presence / absence of contraindications. That's why you need to follow an individual approach.

Responsibilities of a Coloproctologist

A few words should be said about the proctologist who performs the duties of a surgeon. This is a more subtle specialization, making serious demands on the doctor.

Patients are usually referred to the surgical department only when conservative methods of therapy have not brought the desired results, and the person's health begins to deteriorate rapidly.

Thus, to the question of which doctor treats complicated hemorrhoids in the last stages of the pathological process, there is only one answer - a proctologist surgeon. The expert objectively assesses the patient's condition and chooses the most preferable surgical method of therapy.

The specialist, taking into account the complexity of the case and the stage of hemorrhoidal disease, can perform the following activities:

  • surgical interventions in an outpatient setting. In this case, the patient leaves the medical facility almost immediately after the procedure. This usually occurs with minimally invasive techniques for treating hemorrhoids;
  • classical in stationary conditions, when the patient needs to lie down in the ward for several days after the operation so that the wound surfaces are slightly tightened;
  • the appointment of special ones that will reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period and speed up the recovery of the patient.

Due to the deeper specificity and high requirements for the qualification of a doctor, proctologist surgeons are most often found only in regional and regional central medical institutions.

What other doctor can cure hemorrhoids in women and men?

Many patients living in the outback are worried that it is not always possible to turn to a proctologist, since such narrow specialists are not available in every clinic.

If hemorrhoids have developed, then which doctor should I contact? This will already depend on the staffing of the particular medical institution. The patient can use the services of the following doctors:

  • therapist. Naturally, this specialist is simply not able to conduct a high-quality medical examination of the rectal canal, however, based on the symptoms, he can prescribe medications that will relieve the exacerbation and alleviate the condition. Then the therapist will write a referral to the proctologist;
  • surgeon. The doctor can carry out certain diagnostic measures (non-specific), also determine the initial treatment regimen and give a referral to a specialized proctology room;
  • gynecologist. A "female" doctor regularly encounters signs of hemorrhoids, especially in expectant mothers. That is why the question of which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women in position can be answered as follows: including a gynecologist.

Of course, with hemorrhoidal disease, it is better to contact a specialized specialist - a coloproctologist. However, under certain conditions, you can make an appointment with the above medical professionals.

Necessary diagnostic procedures

The patient's admission should begin with the collection and study of anamnestic data.

A coloproctologist or other specialist needs to listen to the patient's complaints, understand when the initial signs were discovered and in what ways the person tried to eliminate the disease before contacting the doctor.

In addition, the physician needs to establish the factors provoking hemorrhoidal disease, in order to then, if possible, exclude them from the patient's life.

Hemorrhoids in men and women usually proceed in the same way, but the triggers may be different. So, it is more common for a man to abuse and lift weights, and for a woman, the disease threatens when carrying a child and giving birth.

Then the doctor conducts a visual examination, which is especially informative when. It is also possible to detect internal cavernous formations that have come out.

But with internal hemorrhoids, the nodules are located deep in the rectal canal, which is why they cannot be detected during a standard examination, unless, of course, they began to fall out of the rectum.

In such a situation, the doctor uses the method of palpation. Wearing gloves, the proctologist feels the walls of the rectal canal. With severe hemorrhoids, the nodules become dense, enlarged, so they are easy enough to detect with a finger examination.

To clarify the diagnosis (and anal varicose veins are not the only disease accompanied by pain and bleeding from the rectum), a more in-depth, instrumental, study is required.

These survey methods include:

  • anoscopy. The proctologist, "armed" with an anoscope, examines the mucosa of the rectal canal to a depth of 10-12 centimeters from the anal ring;
  • sigmoidoscopy. This method helps to examine more distant areas of the lower intestine (about 25 centimeters) using a device called a "rectoscope";
  • . This method is a variant of endoscopy, in which the doctor examines the features of the lower digestive tract using a special probe;
  • irrigoscopy. With this version of the x-ray, a special contrast solution is used, which allows you to take pictures of the mucous membrane of the rectal canal.

Which of the methods to choose to establish an accurate conclusion, the specialist decides, focusing on the features of the clinical picture of the pathological process.

How to prepare for the reception?

So, now it’s clear which doctor treats hemorrhoids. It remains to figure out what to take with you to the proctology office.

First of all, you need to capture:

  • a standard set of documents (policy, medical card, certificates);
  • a diaper (it must be laid on a chair during examination);
  • shoe covers.

With exacerbated hemorrhoids or at the last stage of the disease (when the process is running), you should prepare for a hospital. Therefore, the patient should take with him things (clothing, hygiene items) that may be needed in the ward.

Since the above studies are carried out when visiting a coloproctologist, you need to empty your intestines before the visit: naturally, with the help of, or a laxative medication.

It is best not to eat anything before taking, as the doctor may send you for a blood test.

Definition of the method of therapy

The choice of the preferred treatment regimen is influenced by several important conditions.

So, the doctor will be guided by certain factors, including:

  • the degree of the pathological process;
  • the form of the disease - acute or chronic;
  • localization of cavernous formations - external or internal;
  • the presence of complications and concomitant diseases;
  • patient's age;
  • individual characteristics of the body (allergies, weakness, etc.).

At the very beginning of the disease, only conservative therapy is used. The specialist prescribes venotonic agents that eliminate vascular weakness, local preparations - rectal suppositories, ointments and creams.

A qualified doctor will not base a therapeutic course on dubious drugs that have not been licensed. In addition, the doctor will try to avoid a referral for surgery.

If medical treatment does not help, the doctor prescribes minimally invasive surgical techniques, among which such methods as are especially popular:

Why does the disease not go away?

Sometimes patients, even turning to a proctologist, do not notice visible improvements. Varicose veins continue to bother, besides, signs of complications begin to appear.

This can happen for reasons such as:

  • low qualification of a specialist (therapy does not take into account the degree of illness, improperly selected drugs);
  • non-compliance by the patient with medical instructions (for example, the patient does not dare to do physical exercises, does not follow the mandatory course of treatment);
  • features of the body (chronic venous insufficiency does not completely get rid of negative symptoms).

In addition, some patients are addicted to non-traditional therapies, which are largely useless in severe cases of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

The question, what is the name of the doctor who helps with hemorrhoids, is really relevant. An experienced proctologist will determine the degree and type of the disease, detect complications and select the right methods of therapy.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids?

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in men and women, who to contact

Haemorrhoids. How to treat and how to diagnose, tells the proctologist Ph.D.

Self-medication is a dangerous and unproductive way. It is easier to trust the doctors and forget about negative symptoms than to deal with pain and bleeding from the rectum on your own.

Hemorrhoids - some people do not know much about this extremely unpleasant disease, have a misconception about its symptoms, about the doctor who treats hemorrhoids. This disease is becoming very common for a number of reasons, the main of which is a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle that almost all urban residents lead.

Why does hemorrhoids occur?

A person has an increased risk of developing hemorrhoids even at a young age in the presence of the following factors:

  • chronic constipation
  • passive lifestyle
  • professional risk - builders, drivers, office workers, accountants, programmers, salesmen
  • weight lifting
  • passion for various diets
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • some sports
  • genetic disposition
  • abuse of alcohol, fatty, spicy foods

Which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids?

When a person begins to worry about bleeding from the anus, the formation of any nodes in the anus, he wonders if this is hemorrhoids? And which doctor treats hemorrhoids? Today, in the age of a sedentary lifestyle, everyone should be aware of the most characteristic symptoms of this disease.

The main sign of incipient hemorrhoids is slight to intense bleeding from the anus, prolapse of hemorrhoids, discomfort when sitting and walking, and there may not be severe pain. If any bleeding from the anus, traces of blood on the stool, you should contact as soon as possible proctologist or coloproctologist.

Therefore, if the question arises - with hemorrhoids, which doctor should I go to? The unequivocal answer is to see a coloproctologist or a proctologist. Only a specialist during a thorough examination will be able to establish the true cause of bleeding. You should also know that hemorrhoids successfully disguise themselves as other diseases of the rectum, such as anal fissures, malignant tumors and other serious diseases.

What does a coloproctologist treat?

Until recently, a doctor who treated hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum was called a proctologist. In the modern nomenclature of specialties among doctors, diseases of the large intestine were included in the competence of the proctologist, so now the doctor who treats hemorrhoids is called a coloproctologist.

How to prepare for a doctor's examination?

Before a visit to the proctologist, you should clean the intestines 1 time in the evening, 1 time in the morning, it is most effective to put an enema. There are other options - microclyster with Microlax, it should be done on the day of the visit in the morning. Such preliminary preparation is required if the doctor deems it necessary to conduct a rectoscopy.

Can there be hemorrhoids without blood?

It happens in the initial stages, but bleeding is one of the signs of hemorrhoids, even if there may be heavy bleeding. But this is not the only symptom of the disease.

Can hemorrhoids go away on their own?

No. Hemorrhoids not only cannot disappear on their own, they tend to increase. Drug therapy slightly slows down the progression and relieves symptoms in an acute process.

Is pain after hemorrhoid surgery inevitable?

To date, there are modern methods of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids of a minimally invasive nature, which provide relief from this disease without pain and subsequent problems.

With pain in the anus - the diagnosis of hemorrhoids?

No. Hemorrhoids are not always painful, in the initial stage of the disease there may be no pain, only at an advanced stage, when inflammation occurs, nodes prolapse, and acute pain occurs. There can be many reasons for the appearance of various pains in the anus, so timely diagnosis by a proctologist, a doctor who treats hemorrhoids, is important.

Is a Coloproctologist's Exam Always Painful?

When examined by a proctologist, pain can occur only if there are associated problems - tears, cracks, loss of nodes. A standard examination by a proctologist is painless.

Hemorrhoids - a disease of the elderly?

No. In modern society, hemorrhoids occur in the younger generation under 30 as often as in those over 45. Often, the first signs of hemorrhoids appear in the majority at a fairly young age, progressing and intensifying in the future.

Are hemorrhoids treated with laxatives?

No, getting rid of constipation is not a cure for this disease, moreover, for diarrhea, intestinal irritation - the symptoms and progression of the disease only increase.

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids only with folk remedies?

In the initial stages, herbs and dietary supplements to some extent can alleviate the manifestations of the disease, but any treatment should be comprehensive. Hemorrhoids is a disease in which you cannot self-medicate, since hemorrhoids do not decrease with age, but, on the contrary, increase, with diet failures, constipation, constant relapses occur. And already in the later stages, a combined conservative-surgical treatment is indispensable.

How should hemorrhoids be treated?

We found out which doctor treats hemorrhoids, now we have to find out - how can this disease be cured today? Only a qualified doctor can prescribe adequate, timely, modern treatment. In practice, there are no absolutely identical cases, each patient has certain symptoms, aggravation by other proctological problems and chronic diseases, so the treatment is prescribed strictly individual, depending on the nature of the process and the stage of hemorrhoids. Today, in addition to traditional surgical and medical treatment, there are such modern methods of outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids as:

  • sclerotherapy,
  • photocoagulation of hemorrhoids,
  • imposition of latex rings - ligation
  • abroad, only a quarter of patients undergo surgical treatment, and the remaining 75% of patients undergo minimally invasive painless treatment of hemorrhoids.

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